Hey Soul family welcome back to the channel this is the white feather tarot and in today's reading we're taking a look at an important M message from Khali ma to you um pertaining to a Divine secret that you are ready to receive now can't wait to get into your reading and by the way if you prefer to pick your pals using your zodiac signs you will find a Tim stamp for that down um below I mean but if you prefer to pick your Pils using your intuition today you will be picking one of kma's forms
that you're the most drawn to let me show you each form for pile one this is your ca form for pile number two this is your CMA form and for pile number three this is your ca form if you prefer to pick your piles using your crystals then let me add these right now there we go so for p number one you've got the blue agot for pile number two you've got the hematite and for pile number three you've got the gold stone so take a look at which one of these three piles you're the
most drawn to and this will be the pile for you here today I'm just going to put my hands because the colors change that's more realistic so uh yeah if you feel drawn to more than one pile maybe even all of the piles trust your intuition they're meant to take you to the readings you're meant to hear today and once you're ready you'll find the time stamps below click on your times and I will see you in your readings please note that in a moment I will be assigning different zodiac signs to each pile and
so if this is something that you do not prefer please pause the video and take as much time as you need but as mentioned if you prefer to pick your pile or piles using your signs then my dear Soul family as you know this part of the introduction whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that's the second time what's up these days wow so let me get it and find out in which direction it fell there we go there's something chaotic in the energy these days the crystal the Zodiac crystals just keep falling and it's interesting it
was from Capricorn that kept falling to Aquarius just like I mentioned going from Pluto and Capricorn moving to Pluto and Aquarius these it's like the crystals are talking it's like there is a shift guys can you see that all right so yeah pile number one aquarious let me pull out the rest of the crystals one two three yep so that is pile number [Music] one one two three and four ah pile number two only has three crystals I will actually one is is has F fallen from my hands just now so I guess that's supposed
to be here and these are what's this and these are the crystals the sorry the zodiac signs for each pile let's explore them for pile one the signs are Aquarius cancer Pisces as well as Sagittarius for pile number two the signs are Leo Taurus Virgo as well as Libra and the signs for pile number three are Gemini Aries Capricorn as well as Scorpio so my dear Soul family these are the zodiac signs and their Association to each of the piles in today's reading please feel free to pick your pile or piles using your sun moon
or Rising I highly recommend you check out the three alternatively if you prefer to pick your pile or piles using other placements in your chart please feel free to do that and once you're ready you'll find the time stamps below click on your times which will take you straight to your readings also please note that there is a new way of picking the pile based on um your um based on your Fe feedback on in the comment section I find that a lot of you sometimes say hey re would you kindly pick my pile today
so I thought of creating this section in the intro what we do is we bring out the magician The High Priestess which is one the number two number three is empress I shuffle them and this way Spirit gets to pick out your pile either one two or three for today's reading if you're feeling like you are confused today or you just want Spirit to pick your today uh that section has been created for you um let me now shuffle them there we go magician High Priestess the empress let's shuffle them around several times and ask
spirit for those who prefer to pick their piles using your choice today what is their pile please pile number two would be your pile so my dear Soul family I hope you enjoy today's reading and I will see you there high pile number one one welcome to your reading today we're taking a look at an important message from khma specifically to you about a Divine secret that she feels you are ready to receive now so these are the Decks that I'll be using as always if you are interested in knowing the names of any of
them do know that I always list them below but very quickly let me introduce your pile To You O look at that your crystal is the beautiful blue AIT your significator card is uh the form of Kali uh kapali and if you're interested sorry and if you've picked your pile using your zodiac signs then in that case the signs for this pile are Aquarius cancer Pisces and Sagittarius welcome to your reading if these are not your signs please don't worry about it it's just another way for others to pick their piles as well okay I
think we're all ready your deck is shuffled let me just take out the zodiac signs to create space here and let's get straight into it so you have oh wow the Naga Story the Naga basuki story and that's really interesting actually I know the story and I see great um similarities in them and we'll talk about it in due time but also depending on where your reading is going you've got uh the 70th uh anagram with predation actually we got to be careful with the pictures here and I'm going to place this like this so
we've got bre uh uh predation and some of the key words here there are abduction capture trap theft obligation and constraint okay you've got the animony H with the keyword anticipation and the quote here by AB shefford is I felt like an arrow pulled back and ready to be launched into something big wow okay and you've got attachment all right let's take a look at your tarot cards so you've got the eight of Wands the Queen of Swords that's interesting you've got the Ace of Pentacles the king of Wands now that's interesting for real okay
you've got the 10 of Cups the death and rebirth okay let's pull out two more I feel like they're coming out in pairs just did it intuitively you've got the Judgment card release your judgment I heard when I looked at that and you've got the Five of Swords so what is your important message from kala and what is your Divine secret that you're ready to receive there is two energies that I'm seeing I see the main message and I see the two energies especially with this Queen of Swords okay let me introduce what I'm saying
to you and then we can talk about it first off let's begin with k kapali k kapali is a beautiful form of uh Kali she is the wearer of scul calls as you can see and these calls they represent the demons that she has captured in order to save the universe from their atrocities now the Cali um Kali um or to say um to say it more specifically H the Kapa Lama are the beads the Mala not the Llama the the Kappa Mala the malas the beads the prayer beads um and it represents you know
using the skulls as a prayer to Cali and here's the thing since we're talking about Divine secret that you're ready to receive first of all she's represented in that form to show you that she will be there to take out the atrocities and you see you can see here abduction capture trap she's here loyal making sure she takes you out of any hardships that you're going through if you shall call for her in prayer she will be there even lifetime after one life after the other she will follow you making sure she makes that wish
come true now there you might be wondering why from one lifetime to another because here's the thing the this form of Khali is very wise and is there to also show you some hard truth if it could be like a hard pill to swallow but if you but if you do decide to swallow that pill she will make sure that she takes you out of this difficulty so think of it this way there is some seed that you're requested to plant along with the power of prayer because power of prayer absolutely Works um that's why
in ancient times they used to repeat like a mantra a prayer over and over but here's the thing doing one without the other is not capturing the full energy full complete energy of this whole power that needs to come together just like Yin and yank so in today's reading kala has a specific message to you talking to about a difficulty that you are currently going through or something that maybe repeats itself since we have Aquarius here I just got reminded of something that keeps repeating itself in your life not necessarily it could be a difficulty
that you're current that you're currently going through in any case kala K ma is here to teach you today on how to fully overcome a difficulty no matter how much it repeats itself or how much um difficult it looks in your life no matter what type of energy she will hunt it down for you if you're feeling like strong energy that seems chaotic or out of control you don't know what to do here is what she believes you are ready to hear to receive this secret Divine message because it requires the wisdom to put together
something properly in order for it to fully work in order for it to fully come into fruition uh you know some people are ready to take the strong action and take a good look at themselves and change things not believing in energy or the power of prayer and how it can help them instantly and other people understand that magic but are not willing to face headon with strength what they need to face uh about themselves the hard truths that they need to go through and khma feels you are absolutely ready to release that part of
you release this head and release this pain in fact seeing death and rebirth it looks like it actually took you lifetimes to get to the point of where you are today 10 of Cups kala saying we've been in this journey together for long and now it's time for you to see this very prayer fulfilled I could be right about now things repeating itself seeing the Aquarius since you have death and rebirth which means me that this is a lesson that you consistently have to go through but now you're ready this story shows that you were
entrapped by the same here it talks about lack of discipline I don't know what uh difficulty you're going through or what you're not looking at but here it talks about how the Naga this huge snake Divine snake and how it helped someone over and over and over until um this person was so undisciplined to their own detriment and disrespected the kind help that was given and as you can see entrapping themselves let me read a like a short description of the story like a few lines I think you will love the story Naga basuki page
17 so the key wordss here are addiction boundaries and enablement so the story is begawan sought out Naga basuki a guardian Dragon to help pay off the debt of his gambling addicted son yes it was the gambling addicted son manik manic manik the unre repentant son kept reverting to his old habits and begawan eventually stopped helping him out of embarrassment manik manik bypassed his father and summoned the dragon to demand for more gold enraged Naga basuki incinerated him in response begawan begged for mercy and Naga basuki revived his son on the condition that he would
be condemned to live in the mountains forever to atone for his actions you know this this um summary really cuts out a lot of the repetition in the original story so he was helped by his father many times to come out of the debts and then the Naga helped him many times to come out of the debts and he would still be undisciplined until the Naga eventually decided as as you saw in the story condemned him to live in the mountains forever so paid off his death but condemned him so see you've got a snake
here and you've got a snake here wow or a dragon snake so my understanding is that you've gone through a lesson the repetitiveness the same mistake over and over perhaps it could be like um an action that you weren't taking due to an addiction or some form of healing that you were going through that you uh contined to repeat the same pattern yeah repetition of pattern over and over and you weren't allowing yourself to come out of this lesson there was something with addiction that you were highly reliant on it doesn't have to be actual
like the usual things we see as addiction sometimes addiction could be like coping mechanism using the same coping mechanism over and over and not really going through the pain or facing that which hurts your mind that which is beating you leading to consist to that consistent experience of of whatever this capture or trap or abduction or whatever this is the constraint that you go through so here kie wants to show you that sometimes you need to go a few steps like an arrow feel that pain in order to rise and come out of it it
could look momentarily as difficult to say oh no I can't go without this addiction or coping mechanism I can't do that but this is really what you need to face this is the seed you need to plant KH here is showing you that the combination of Simply planting that seed it's not maybe your mind's like oh no but if I plant this seed I'm going to lose this I'm going to lose that I'm going to lose this I'm going to lose that that's going to happen to me this that and the other and khi here
is showing you that the prayer does work the especially the combination of the two there is this I ancient understanding that if you call upon a if you call upon Khali and you repeat a prayer repeat your prayer repeat your prayer while holding true to your promise of planting that seed that's it that's all you need to do you will see the magic instantly happen in your life and completely change and I believe cie is seeing for you that this is the lifetime where you're going to release this attachment this is the lifetime you're going
to grow and move forward this is the lifetime you're going to feel very happy it's the lifetime that you will release this coping mechanism and it's the lifetime that you will start enjoying for real what is it is that you are seeking the prayers work and you see attachment here we've got uh addictions and attachment it looks like it is a release of a huge attachment that you have towards something and you can even see it here in the queen of cups to not follow your emotions queen of uh swords sorry not the queen of
Cups the Queen of Swords to not be influenced by your emotions because they are it seems pushing you to go towards a A coping mechanism um and she is inviting you to get into your discipline which you have with the Queen of Swords which you have that strength with the king of Wands so I'm seeing be disciplined don't follow this emotion just plant the seed and use the power of uh prayer I will be there use your power of use these two and you will see how in this lifetime right away things completely transform for
you everything in your life 10 of cups is Ultimate happiness you will see as if you're watching it happen right in front of your eyes how you're taken from one existence to another and that's the reality of things from one time frame one reality to another from one univer universe from another almost like you see that taken from one world to another you transcend your current world and your experience instantly changes you go you choose on your own to go few steps backwards and to move forward and these happen with these two not one without
the other plant the seeds and instantly stay disciplined with your mind with the power of praying pray with strength repeat this Mantra repeat this Mantra with your strength there it's not H this one is my observation it's not with your emotions it's with your mind repeat the Mantra repeat the Mantra with with Clarity and power repeat the Mantra as you take a few steps to do the very thing you haven't been doing which is not following this specific coping mechanism because you won't believe how this specific coping mechanism has been holding you back lifetimes kala
believes that it you are ready in this lifetime to release it and end the suffering and the pain that is is causing you it's become your best friend controlling you telling you to go right to go left and although your intuition has been with the crow here loud and clear about being free and setting yourself free I think you have been allowing it to beat you and now it's time to release yourself from this pain it is the completion in this lifetime and you will see so many so much abundance once you just have a
little faith of planting that seed by withdrawing fully from that attachment coping mechanism also the number seven is bold and strong so I don't know is this like repeating it seven times let's inquire about that what is the n number seven that I'm noticing saying please three of Cups ace of cups Knight of Cups it's crazy look at that it gives the number seven 3 + 1 and the Knights are 12 that's another three so this makes number seven again but it's divided we see a pattern of three one three is this talking about the
Mala how you're supposed to do the prayer 3 1 3 it's crazy you know I actually read something about the number three when it comes to manifestation that you're supposed to do it in threes like for example when you want uh to manifest something put three intentions on how it can benefit you three intentions on how it can benefit others but here we're seeing also a focus one on how you will enjoy it so look at this guys she is showing you how to make your prayer when you're making your prayer divide them into seven
so yeah divide them into seven first of all start off with how this prayer wish three things pertaining to this prayer in terms of how it's going to benefit your loved ones or others that you care about and then make a prayer and focus on in that prayer how you're going to enjoy it and then make three prayers on how it's going to benefit you okay let me give you an example and this looks so surreal So Divine let's say your prayer in getting out of a difficult situation is um let's say you are married
to an abusive person for example may I hope this never happens to anyone I just want to show you an example and you've got children but the thing is you must this you you you're not working right and so your prayer surrounds finding the right job so that you can be financially free you and your children let's say this person is attached to the false sense of safety that this person quote in quote out is providing obviously they're not but the false sense of safety that this person is feeling and not going out in the
world and seeing what their potential is and so here it's not about hey go out and find a job and do this and do that and then pray to me this is like just start this is just start and pray make your prayers just start as in apply for example your CV you might or just look around in what jobs you can do that you would enjoy and can bring you a lot of money enough to support you and your family if you're outside of it it seems crazy but you haven't tried in that case
and so following that example you would uh start looking you you would start doing taking action just planting the seeds looking for jobs applying for several that's planting the seeds and you never know you might find that job that would free you and totally eliminate that specific limiting belief that safety lies there in this Predator like uh or um in this abusive maybe relationship this toxic relationship for you and your children and here is just looking out there looking out there and applying your CV as well as the power of prayer together they do magic
so this person would start taking that a action like adjusting her CV for example for the first time being bold and asking around and applying uh their CV and different places uh after research taking a look at things making these limiting beliefs fall as they apply in one place after the other and wait for emails to come in that in conjunction to the rep repetition of prayer with strength as this person refrains from the old ways of doing things and so here she would make the prayer in this way way three for others one for
something that she loves and three for things that would benefit her so three for others um I pray that I find this job that is abundant so that I can take care of my children well make sure that they have a safe home to be in and even be able to provide them the education that I Envision for them I wish to get this job so that I achieve my biggest dream and have enough money to be the business owner of this specific thing that I always imagined myself to be to be able to find
the right connections save the right money and one day do this beautiful business that I Envision for myself to be able to reach that type of success that revives my heart that I would love to see for myself three benefits that this job would would give this person I wish for this job so that it allows me to be an independent person I wish for this job so that it benefits Me by being able to to get the things that I need for myself including things like personal care and things that I love seeing I
wish to get this job so that I am able to stand strong in front of the people that are creating this abuse are entrapping me these different people so that I'm able to stand strong and nobody uh is able to twist my arm in that way again so you see how K is advising you to make this Divine prayer three starting with three benefits for others one how a prayer in specifically how it speaks to your heart and what you desire and three in in terms of how it can benefit you and this is why
I wanted to make the example to show you um what I mean by the difference between these two and how to do it here as I see in your cards the number seven once you have them written down repeat repeat repeat believing and knowing that prayer absolutely Works place the seed and do the prayer and you will see your whole world shift you will be released from this headache you will never have to go through this coping mechanism ever again you will be absolutely liberated and that is what I see khima wants to show you
as your Divine secret that you're ready to receive because she's showing you here that you're absolutely ready to release it not in this lifetime not just in this year right now this is your time release it kala is showing you it's like an arrow it will sting a little bit but boy are you moving forward should we get like a quick peek on how your life will look like right away as you release it plant that seed and make that prayer Temperance card is the card of manifestation right away things will shift I see with
the wings just as this judgment card something about you Rising transcending this experience you will not be going through that experience again your life instantly changes to another reality I forgot that part you're instantly taken to another life yes that other life has everything completely different than the one you're living in now trust this process you're ready to believe it you're ready to take it in you're ready to follow it oh look at this card sliding and The Wheel of Fortune This is the wheels of Fate turning to your favor you're going to be very
lucky is what I'm seeing so yeah trust the process you're ready to receive this you're ready to apply this Divine advice this Divine Secret in this manner explained exactly in this process and you will see magic in your life just apply it and see for yourself yourself and this is exactly what I see in your reading my dear pile number one I truly hope you've enjoyed it and if you have please give me a thumbs up subscribe to the channel so that you never miss a reading that I upload and my dear pile number one
I'll catch you in the next reading [Music] bye hi pile number two welcome to your read reading today we're taking a look at an important message from K specifically to you uh regarding a secret that she feels you are ready to now receive a Divine secret that you are ready to receive and ready to fully grasp so these are the Decks that I'll be using for your reading today if you're interested in knowing the names of any of them you'll find that I always list them for you guys below but very quickly let me introduce
your pile to you your crystal is the beautiful hematite your significator card is the form of Kali the dakina khima dakshina and if you've picked your pile using your zodiac signs then in that case the signs for this pile are Leo Taurus Virgo and Libra welcome to your reading if these are not your signs please don't worry about it it's just another way for others to pick their Pils as well all right so let's get straight into it and see see what your message is what is this Divine secret that you are ready to receive
so you've got the Sweet William gallantry Grant me a single smile uh so the quote here is by Abraham cowy and it says Sweet William small has form and aspect bright like that sweet flower that yields great joy Delight uh sorry yields great Jo Delight okay okay you've got community it's like the ecosystem in this card all right you've got the inag oh we got to be careful with the nudity here so I'm going to use these two zodiac signs right a collective plague we were just talking about Community right interesting so amorality bad inclination
crushing other pretending lack of values money extortion immediate profit H maybe you live in a corrupt Society or corrupt Community that's acting a bit primitively or maybe they're not maybe the stress level is at an alltime high for everyone at the moment and so it's pushing everyone in the community or in the group of people maybe around you to try to snatch whatever they can get from each other something like that but I'm not sure we'll find out and see what the secret here is and what Khali Ma wants to share with you but let's
wait you've got here a story about the care uh the careless princesses so here we see overindulgence rivalry and balance yeah the idea of rivalry or community harming in general each other or something is pretty strong in your pile here for one reason or the other uh we'll find out in a moment but one thing I will do is that I'll read a very short description about the story here of the rivalry or the careless princesses okay o oh look at that uh uh between appearance and authenticity H maybe you are in a community that's
competing with each other or looking at appearances or the facade at least of something not looking at the core of things and the importance of interpersonal relationships or something I'm not sure I think I've got to wait let me pull out your Tarot deck let's pull out the first row and if we need more we can always expand but I am seeing an emphasis in your community card about the interconnectedness of the trees through the roots it's like the third of this card there's a huge emphasis here we're meant to see that everything is interconnected
you know how one tree can communicate with another tree at the far end of the forest so there's something about inter interconnectedness between all of you or interconnectedness maybe in communication not sure we'll find out it's another thing I've observed so you've got the Knight of Pentacles with roots of stones yeah the roots right what are the odds seeing two cards speaking about Roots wow you've got the Queen of Pentacles yeah the matriarchal bear you've got the 10 of Cups Now The Matriarch matriarchal bear is known to pamper herself very well she takes care of
herself very well 10 of cups is it focus on your happiness I don't know I don't know just like we got to wait you've got the two of Cups ooh the interconnectedness I feed you you Fe feed me this uh reading keeps taking us in different directions you've got the Chariots another bear you've got the flower of Cups that's the queen of Cups and you've got the ace of cups this card moved as I was taking it so I'm going to take it out the ace another Ace wow the Ace of Swords let's keep it
right there and see what the reading is saying here what's the secret what's the important message I think the story here is going to tie everything in let's take a look at the story The careless princesses uh the careless princesses page 26 the princesses and the giant spider of [Music] pindia so seven princesses slipped out of the castle to have time off from their duties they lost track of time and found themselves trapped in the web of a giant spider fortunately a heroic Prince was close by and managed to slay the giant spider and save
them this card is asking you to find a balance between Leisure and Duty it reminds us that while taking a break is crucial for our well-being we must not overindulge and lose sight of our environment the princess's perilous encounter with the giant spider mirrors the potential consequences of neglect oh that's not rivalry that's rry right I didn't see it properly the small font rry so this could mean that maybe there's loud noise that your community is making at the moment and it could perhaps be scaring you and I talk about fear of course because we've
got kala in the form of D which is the form that protects you from the things that you are afraid of she can conquer even the most extreme uh fears and you can see here um her fore arms represent how she can give you what you need you don't need to be afraid and she wields the Divine weapon to make sure she conquers the things that you are afraid of so this is why I'm mentioning fear and also we've seen something about high levels of stress in the [Music] community spider Roots everything's connected somehow so
what's the secret before I begin to show the observation or maybe I'll reach the secret once we put it together and speaking of which the prince here freeing the princesses represents the form of Khali dakha that maybe there is something that your community is afraid of and you not you don't need to worry because you will be saved so that's first of all before we get into the secret itself there's something about the stress levels being high there's something scary at the moment with the community everyone's trying to snatch something or do something because out
of fear your important message from KH is be authentic and don't be so afraid don't join in the chaos I will be there saving you and even saving everyone else and it's important that everyone else is saved because everything is interconnected it's important for you to know that whatever is creating the chaos the fear will be conquered and that this will yield yield great Jo Delight great joy for you and others it will eventually calm down everyone's going to be happy here 10 of Cups Community Family everybody's going to be happy here and so this
is going to resonate differently for everyone listening lack of values maybe this chaos is due to everyone wreaking havoc because of um an inclination towards lack of values maybe this is something about pretentiousness with pretending here the appearance versus authenticity maybe your community uh is wreaking havoc because of the amount of showing off maybe with pretentiousness or the uh extreme focus on appearance rather than authenticity something here within your community is obviously not going right it's wreaking havoc and it's instilling fear upon you and everyone it's causing everyone to act in such a careless way
forgetting everyone's looking out for themselves forgetting that everyone and everything is interconnected I have no idea still why H you're hearing this but maybe you understand but I'm just going to make sure I read the cards and we'll understand as we go along speaking of fear I just noticed that these are in conjunction to each other and we just read gallantry grant me a single smile oh my God now this is actually a personal secret this is a personal secret meant to be delivered to you you won't believe this I like every time I uh
think of a reading and a thought hits me and I just write it down and do it I think of it in one way and then I open the reading and find a totally different thing this is a secret meant to be given specifically to you pile number two it's not yeah it's specifically to I when I explain it you'll understand what I mean so it seems to me that KH will be using you and in such an easy way because you are ready to play that grand role in your Society to alleviate that amount
of stress level because when it alleviates when this stel stel this stress level is alleviated it's going to put EV the ecosystem back in order and it might be crazy to hear this but with a single smile or I'll show you what it means in a moment grant me a single smile with a simple application of the advice I'm about to show you an easy guidance that kala is will show you in your you're reading today that will put the whole ecosystem or the community back to grounded level and you will be doing that favor
for them or that act for them but it will be giving back to you so it's not just a role a grand role that you will be playing and an easy one mind you but your effect will be pouring back to you and how the ecosystem comes back together here is what kala is guiding you to do while everyone is acting careless only thinking about themselves kala is guiding you to take very good care of yourself at the moment and this is her message specific this is why your reading started out with don't worry I
got this I'm going to take care of this what I want you to do is to take very good care of yourself firstly in the knowing that the sort of chaos and stress that you're seeing now is not going to continue on the way it is and it might be crazy to learn that you will be the reason just like a domino effect through your energy Your Grace with the queen of Cups the The Way You Walk The Way You exude that loving energy through you taking good care of yourself will have a ripple effect
on your community it's kind of like when there's stress and you watch your parents when you were little and as they go through this situation that you thought was scary and you they look fine they look happy everything's good you're like oh okay it uh looks good so there's something about take very good care of yourself and take life slowly with the Knight of Pentacles at this time uh indulge in so much self-care enjoy your life bring your energy levels down enjoy your inner world as much as you can you know cook for yourself have
walks make the best out of what you have to have a great life now and that's very important in fact 10 of Cups and the queen of Pentacles shows that because you have this important role that you have no idea about and just how much you can create a ripple effect maybe you're a leader with the Queen of Pentacles um just because you have that great effect just like the flowers that sweet energy to you or that sweetness or that en um or that effect in how when you take care of yourself others take care
of the themselves or something one way or the other there's this sweet flowery energy to you and so as you take care of yourself you create that ripple effect in your community and they take care of themselves and the whole Community adjusts it's crazy but just like it is crazy to know that one tree communicates from one end of the forest to another at the very far end of the forest there's more to the unknown than you know so you will be blessed with so many blessings with the Queen of Pentacles 10 of Cups and
so much happiness take care of yourself because that energy that you exude out of you with a chariot will reach everyone else in your community and that's why it's so important to take care of your heart to take care of your vibration because that vibration will be strong enough to clear C out the fears and the worries and the thoughts and the to bring back Clarity to that Community how don't ask me but what I'm seeing is that energetically is true it's all connected maybe in a way that I don't personally understand everything is connected
through the web oh sorry there we go so sorry everything is interconnected and everyone is part of it everyone plays a role one way or another uh in either wreaking havoc or bringing it back and everyone one shall play a role do you see a cup pouring into the other pouring into the other something to the effect of you taking care of yourself will have an effect on someone that will have an effect on someone that will it's like a domino effect of some form and so you feeding yourself will be akin to you feeding
others and it's going to work like that from one cup to the other to the other until that vibration has an positive effect on everyone it will be like a ripple effect emotionally specifically and somehow the vibration of people's hearts the people around you it's going to sound good it's going to feel good everybody's going to change whether the way they deal with money the lack of values the pretentiousness the crushing others in order to to benefit from others whether it's one thing or the other or all of the above slowly but surely with the
Knight of Pentacles you play that vibrational role and this is why it's important for you to hear kala's message to you and that secret about how you're you're being used in that sweet way and so gallantry grant me a single smile what you're guided to do is to have faith first this is why it's so important for you to have faith in the knowing that it's all going to be okay don't be too bothered by it or consumed by it or be even afraid of IT stand strong in the knowing that you will be protected
first but everybody's going to be protected and it starts with you being so blessed in life so so that it helps you even with that great Mission and so what you're guided to do other than take care of yourself in the inner World obviously in the outer World be at peace and add Zen because a single smile from you a single energy of everything being okay when observed from the outside will have that ripple effect of going oh it's actually okay oh it's all good oh I I want to take care of myself like that
oh there's other ways of doing things lead by example through your tranquility and that will have a ripple effect on your whole Community what an amazing message to get wow yields great Jo delight and through you and many other things of obviously you will be saved and the community will be saved and you're being used in that way to change the vibration of the people around you from the one end of the forest to the very end you never know maybe talking about the whole world even I don't know but it's a community take care
of your heart and it and your heart although it looks small it's going to be so potent and it will take care of everybody else and obviously you're ready for that role since you're hearing the message let's expand on the reading see The Chariot is movement finally movement you take care of yourself you move and spread that energy to everyone else everyone shall receive it okay read really lovely let's um continue you've got the seed of speaking of roots place the seed so the seed of Thunder you know everything is thoughts and it might not
make sense on the outside but that's one of the secrets here everything is thoughts and when you vibrate right that's why I've got the ace of cups and the Ace of Swords you clear your thoughts your heart clears enjoy your life take it easy with the Knight of Pentacles and that's the seed for everyone else it's a leap to humanity remember when that leap uh when Armstrong first landed on the moon the infamous words were it's one small step it's one small step for a man one giant leap for mankind right you take one small
step for a man for yourself and it's a giant leap for mankind crazy but that's the Divine secret that I'm seeing for you so you've got the page of Swords the four of Pentacles and look the seed led to to full Harvest Right the sun card healing the Judgment card and you've got rubus a complete cycle it's like the collective rise of everyone the Judgment card right it's like the collective Transcendence of everyone wow wow and you've got the Ace of Pentacles it's like you change your world and you pass that learning on to others
to change their world wow so just like um I'm showing you here trust with your mind with the page of swords that it's one small step for you it's a leap for everyone else and that seed that you plant today in your mind for yourself just this the little things you do in this community you know the smile the gentleness the emotional balance your energy exudes as you take care of yourself will lead very soon into Great Harvest and in which you yourself will benefit from because when you are happy when the your community is
happy that has a ripple effect on you too so it's like a collective healing here a collective rise Transcendence wow it's like you're passing on pass on this great knowledge that I'm giving to you to others uh but with the Pentacles through not through information but more like through your action presenting something solidified something that they can see admire and take on and learn on from you my God the Judgment card this is uh like I said Enlightenment Transcendence look something in the sky here it's the time of arise for everyone and you're leading it
in that way wow what a secret you are ready to hear that that's a big one um something about the sky the heavens 66 there's alignment it's the time for this to happen so yeah my dear pile number two something about it's the time not to get into the energy of fear when when you're in the energy of fear remember it's written for you to live a great life and remember that khima gave a message specifically to you promising you that she will conquer the fear help you that's the role of khima D help conquer
the fear no matter how big so don't be afraid it's not the time for you to be afraid of anything really even if it's from the community itself she's got it she's leading with her right foot it's symbolic of taking the right actions to um create that order H during times of chaos yeah just focus on you um she is telling you that she will conquer your fears no matter how big so don't be afraid it's a time for you to genuinely take care of yourself that type of vibration needs to be exuded from your
heart to everyone around you perhaps your heart has high frequency uh and you will benefit just like everyone else there's Collective healing going on here as I can see in your reading what a message wow and in a weird way in a weird strange way although we have been looking at oh it wasn't in this card the selfishness was in that card selfish depending on how you tune into that energy can either be a good frequency or a bad one taking very good care of yourself so that you take care of others is a good
form of what we call selfishness but um taking care of yourself by harming others that's a low vibration of that energy the yin and the everything just like a knife has two sides and it's how you approach it and so here you need to be very selfish in the good way take very good care of your life enjoy your life you must um Personal Care Queen of Pentacles the matriarchal bear really knows how to pamper herself so pamper yourself take care of yourself in a balanced way obviously with the Queen of Pentacles be balanced in
your approach to life take good care of your yourself and that shall vibrate and Inspire others leading them into leading Society your community to take a huge leap Collective healing this manifestation of what you can do that is what will be passed on and so you it's not about talking about it it's about genuinely indulging in that energy to show others and lead by example um that will be passed on uh from one energy to another perhaps it will be the new example perhaps Your Balanced energy will show others how to do it in a
balanced way I'm not sure it perhaps it's the vibration and the frequency that will be passed on healing the collective all in all my dear pile number two this is exactly what I see in your reading as your important message from Cali specifically to you about a Divine secret that you are now um able to receive I truly hope you've enjoyed your reading if you have please give me a thumbs up subscribe to the channel so that you never miss a reading that I upload and my dear pile number two I'll catch you in the
next reading bye hi pile number three welcome to reading today we're taking a look at your important message from kie specifically to you letting you in on a secret that she feels you are ready to receive can't wait to get into your reading these are the Decks that I'll be using oh if you're interest oh we've got two if you're interested in knowing the names of any of them you'll find that I always list them for you guys below but very quickly let me introduce your pile to you your crystal is the beautiful gold stone
your form of Kali to today is the buvan iswari and if you've picked your pile using your zodiac signs then in that case the signs for this pile are Gemini Aries Capricorn and Scorpio welcome to your reading guys if these are not your signs please don't worry about it it's just another way for others to pick their piles as well okay so let's see what cards you've got this is a story about The Rock on the road um the key wordss here are honesty honor and integrity I've read this story before uh but I'll read
the short description of the story for you guys in a moment this way we get to look at the details of your message the idea of your message you've got the two Bros with dangerous pleasure right so this is a quote by Frederick nck I hope I pronounced his name correctly Frederick Fredick night sick and the quote is the secret of reaping the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment from life is to live dangerously oo nice okay very interesting you've got uh will all the Wisp is that will of the Wisp we'll check in a
moment let's wait for now you've got ah we got to be careful with the nudity I'm going to place this here so we've got sin oh all right so the keywords here are luxury that's the main keyword but other keywords are [Music] libertinism dep uh deprive depravity excess seduction without respect exploiting others okay and the other card is mental tendency the keyword mainly here it's a card of mental tendency the main keyword is paranoia suspicion of conspiracy mistrust fear trouble psychosis uh persecution delirium right Thinking Center between mistrust and Trust I just had a conversation
yesterday an interesting conversation with someone new that I just met and we were um going back and forth about trust and mistrust and our ideas of trust whether we should trust people or not it's um very interesting that that comes up here if our conversation somehow fits into your reading I will share a little bit of our different uh point of views because my point of view I thought was very logical but then the person I was talking to was very convinced of theirs and I just noticed how yeah we we we as human beings
tend to hold completely different ideologies and we absolutely believe that we are right and we are right and that's absolutely all right it's interesting to listen to the different point of views okay so let me check your tarot cards to see what khima wants to show you specifically to you and what secret she wants to reveal to you that you're ready to receive so you've got the seven of Wands the emperor ooh the empress now that's interesting okay you've got the two of Cups wow Emperor Empress two of cups for some of you this could
be pertaining to your romantic relationships not necessarily of course but it's there you've got the 10 of Pentacles the King of Swords the five of Wands gosh I mean is is it like either love abundance or struggle and fight my God which mimics the energy that I felt here in the paranoia card looking between trust and mistrust either good or bad five of Wands anyways and you've got the Two of Pentacles you got a lot of twos suggesting a balance that is needed ah okay a balance that is needed so whether this has to do
with there's some form of uh a message that pertains to Partnerships for sure whether this talks about you and your spouse you and your girlfriend or boyfriend you and your business partner you and your relationship with others in general it's there the two of Cups the emperor and the empress and there seems to be a balance that is needed king the kings and the Queens are balanced energies of their element here we've got the balance of the mind with the King of Swords there needs to be a balance of the mind that will leads to
Great abundance because obviously the situation we reading about which again we'll find out more about requires balance especially in the mind mind to be able to reach abundance oh yeah I was going to say your situation holds a lot of potential for great abundance in whatever abundance means for you in this case uh yeah it needs a lot of balance balance in many mainly in the mind right but also that will lead to balance emotionally and balance in the way you perform things the the actual steps solid steps that you take oh my God doesn't
this look like the DEA dance and I bring it up oh my God I'm sorry I just reached I just saw a synchronicity that is crazy you know going back to your form of Kali the buvaneswari is um a goddess that is very much associated with the creation process not just the sustenance Khali right but also the creation because um it is known that in the in the Deva dance of creation of the world of the universe in that with the daa dance of creation KH would hold time and buva iswari would hold space thus
the space and time needed for creation so that is something I've noticed I'm sure I'll be able to tie it in with uh with the rest of the message but I just I I just noticed that synchronicity so we have that in hand and we'll uncover this me message together and its Secrets together during the reading right so we've got another element here of the story as well let's take a look at the element of this story and then when we know our puzzle pieces we'll put them together the rock on the road The Rock
on the road story is Page 27 let's see the short description of that story The Rock on the road honesty honor integrity in a small village a stubborn Rock obr obstructed the road and impeded Travelers a determined farmer decided to remove the rock for the sake of all who used the road this revealed a hidden treasure under the rock which he promptly presented to The King The King revealed that it was his plan all along to reward the one who helped the community and the farmer left with both the treasure and the King's blessings I
mean I've read the story before but I absolutely forgot the details here I knew it was about a farmer removing a rock so there's something about everyone not taking that specific action and it's like everything is tried except that one thing but in actually finally figuring it out and doing that one thing a great treasure is revealed right so that's another piece we've got another piece about aure for example I know it's a a quote that talks about living dangerously I will definitely um take that into consideration but I know the tub Rose the tube
Rose is associated with a lure in fact uh Marie antoanet when this Rose was discovered from flower was discovered from as it smelled so good she ordered that a a perfume or a scent would be created specifically for her so that she would smell in that alluring way so there's this idea of Allure danger luxury something like that so why is it all here it's the dance of creation it's all a dance it's like it's not one thing or the other other it's about how you hold time and space for it to happen well I
guess we have all our pieces let's start putting it together so it looks with the seven of Wands and the five of Wands that you struggle greatly you're really challenged so the seven of Wands and the five of Wands with something pertaining to you know it's not just relationships Empress Emperor and luxury could also be part of that same dance it could also be business uh luxury money achieving the abundance that you want especially by the way that buvaneswari is associated with the um with abundance and fulfillment right so both aspects I see clearly in
the reading and they usually come together you know venutian energy after all but in any case yeah whatever resonates with you please hear it from that aspect what do I see I see that you're greatly challenged in this area what whichever one of these two resonates with you greatly challenged you see a lot of things standing in your way are you up for it absolutely you're definitely up for it but you're really struggling struggling through it with the five of Wands and there's something about taking a risk there's some some form of risk that is
needed we'll find out what it is in a moment together some form of choosing a form of risk that will be very alluring but the balance of how you do it this risk how you treat in terms of space and time the space that you hold and the time that you allow ow it to manifest will be the one thing that everyone's not doing in that situation nobody I mean many people could be successful in it or the few people that do it are the ones that find the treasure and it's designed this way for
people to eventually whether in business or in love or connections with others to finally reveal that balance in order to get the treasure yes between mistrust and Trust like there's always something about not one side is right not one side is wrong like for example our discussion yesterday was pertaining to what we believe is right when it comes to trusting people so my opinion was that trust is I was I was telling her trust was is is supposed to be granted and you shouldn't just give it for free uh because that leads to you being
vulnerable to others using that kind of uh kindness which is a great form of kindness to give your trust for others to use it from her point of view is that no you got to be more open and because being overly un like not trusting towards others will allow will make you miss the fact that you can meet um people lovely people in life and we went back and forth oh but it's not like cancelled you got to take your time to like fully trust in that it's not like being closed no you got to
be open for that to happen and you get the idea we went back and forth about our point of views towards that so there is something about not one person being entirely right or one person being entirely wrong in whatever the challenge here is and maybe within you maybe you're holding two point of views and you don't know what to do when it comes to work when it comes to your connections with others something about not one thing don't refute one thing for the other hold both energies like the yin and the Yang create space
for both energies and time for it to come together in balance so examples of holding two things together in work for example oh no I mean uh the workforce must be fair it must give us time it it might it might must give us the proper compensation uh for our work and that's absolutely correct oh my God this is an absolutely correct argument the other argument is you know you got to give a lot of your work in the time in the beginning and that's a fair fair deal for the company that is training you
so that you are able to learn and get compensated in the right way so is one of them entirely right and the other entirely wrong do people must people be properly compensated and given the right time to live to have a balanced life absolutely um but is it absolutely wrong for people to trade in the beginning their time for to order to learn there could be a right aspect uh for it if people should choose to absolutely if people should choose to make that trade so I'm not here to open discussions and my opinions could
be wrong other people's could be right I'm just um giving these as examples to try to explain the balance that I'm looking at of whether it's about trust whether it's about time versus money and proper compensation uh whether it's about doing what you love versus getting the money for it I don't know it could be many things I will never know um many people are listening to One Reading at a time and so it's just my job to read the energy and as I'm seeing here you must hold sometimes you can have the right idea
about a balance but it will not be fully fulfilled and come to form until you give it the space in order for it to evolve just like a womb and grow and the time for it to grow to manifest into its proper balance you see what I mean so where do you fall where is the challenge that you have with work or other people and I'll tell you the secret in a moment as we are working towards it so where is your challenge there where do you usually fall or find Challenge and what are the
two different opinions about especially the one that you absolutely disagree with and where can you find the balance between the two so that you can hold the space for it to show you how it's meant to come together because you can have an idea of how it comes together but maybe it can show you how it come it actually comes together by time and if you give it the space to adjust and readjust and show you how they fit in together like a puzzle how they unite together by giving it time and the space to
continue to experiment with it for example the space to continue to work in it and not avoid it because it could be very challenging for sure here then you will be able to find the mental balance and right understanding of how to manifest it fully and enjoy the luxury of it the Liberty the um great energy the luxury of being able to live that reality that maybe so many others aren't able to experience and so there is something about taking the risk while some people are in one energy over the other each one is benefiting
in one way over the other that this is why there is a difference in point of view this is why each one is convinced about the way they do things whether it's the person who believes they should manipulate others to get what they want and we should never hold the energy of manipulation of course I'll tell you what I mean or the person who never wants anything from anyone and just wants to give there is a middle ground here you shouldn't be like a pushover or a manipulator but there's something that you want to take
from each aspect of the idea of making sure you have your boundaries for example make sure that you are um kind to yourself too taking also so it's that middle ground between giving and taking right that balance between the two in any case when it comes to your specific situation your specific message there is a risk a type of risk that needs to be taken that is the space needed that risk is the space needed for the creation process of these two energies to come together by time and so if you don't take the risk
continue ously this two these two energies won't show you how they're supposed to come together and so you must be patient and give it the time to be created in the right way which makes me think actually not all of the puzzle pieces have been revealed I forgot to look at this will of the Wisp maybe this adds an element here that we're not seeing yet sin also there's something about you refusing the other side between mistrust and Trust whatever the two sides are there's something about you being fully convinced of one side and seeing
the other side as sinful as bad but within the sin card there's luxury so there is something beneficial there that you might want to consider so will of the Wisp maybe it gives us an idea will is the w will of the Wisp it says you may be saying to yourself This illustration looks a little muddy it's hard to see what is going on here H um and all that stands out are these blue glowing creatures yeah that is by Design because you see the will of the Wisp also known as Fus oh there's actually
something called the will of the Wisp Willow whis Willow the Wisp okay um also known as ignis Fus Latin for foolish fire arrives when you find yourself tempted to follow a path that is not only unclear but holds the potential to take you far a field from your goals ah so perhap perhaps you see do you see how this is a crossroad actually One path you don't want to take you obviously don't want to take because or that's the path you want to take this glowing path because you feel that's the right one and you're
not wrong but the other path you feel like it's like a sin or something and maybe where you are going at the moment the way if you decide not to look at the other path and hold it at the same time consider it at the same time you might just find yourself going far from your goals very interesting and so the secret here that kala wants to show show you is that you will be one of the only one or one of the few because you're already so good at something the emperor and the empress
the feminine energy the feminine energy the masculine energy or to put it better the yin and the Yang so the yin and the Yang so if you are able to bring these two energies together give it just the space and time for it to be created to grow to show you how it's supposed to come together just like a mother a mother provides the womb is the mother doesn't put the baby together right it just creates the nurturing environment and the space for the baby to naturally grow it's that kind of the same thing if
you take a risk and consider as well the other side that you're refusing to see or um labeling as a sin or wrong and work with these two energies allowing them by time to form naturally together just because you're constantly taking the risk and being patient they will form together and you will be amongst the few or the only one maybe that figures it out and gets the treasure and the luxury that nobody else gets to enjoy very interesting so kala believes you are ready to receive that very secret it's been planted there by the
universe it seems as part of the creation uh and the evolution maybe of maybe human beings and their relationship together and you holding the space for these two energies is going to obviously make you very alluring but a risk must be taken for that Allure to happen and initially it with paranoia initially it might be super confusing to the human mind to grasp the idea of how can these two come together like what but you don't need to necessarily make it happen you just need to hold the space for it to show you how it
happens and that is by creating the space AKA in your case the risk that you will continuously take for it to form and while you might be highly suspicious in the beginning of this idea of this Theory uh the stress level could be high the fear you might feel like it's going to cre TR create trouble you know uh that's the thing allow it to happen what yes allow it to happen because um it may look like chaos in the beginning but it is the space needed for it to form you know just like when
we're cooking sometimes th things can look absolutely wrong before they look absolutely right like a kid watching or a child watching their mom cook in their early years watching the mother crush the apples and going no Mom you're ruining it you're ruining it only to form only to realize that it has created a delicious apple pie that you always want to have so or a milkshake that is yummy or anything like that so yeah it's just allow this process to happen and it seems with the dangerous here the most people don't want to allow this
process to happen in this path or that path each one thinks that the other path is dangerous uh like if we look at the conversation for example between me and my friend friend I'm looking at her point of view and thinking oh my God that's dangerous right and she's looking at my point of view and going oh my God that's dangerous right so it's the um it's the idea of getting into that danger whatever that opposite danger in whatever your situation is putting yourself out there in the other path stay safe of course what I
don't know what I'm reading about but of course stay safe you must uh do it with discernment of course always be mindful and Discerning but somehow put yourself out there in a safe way for you absolutely uh but put yourself out there and sometimes it's a little dipping and then sometimes is putting in the feet and then sometimes it's getting into the water yeah ease yourself into it be Discerning but get into it and through that process while you know how when you jump into the pool initially it's cold and you go oh I made
a big mistake and then two minutes in you're like oh my God that's so good and you start telling your friends the water is great come in right it's kind of like that ease yourself into the process once you're in just um be comfortable with the uncomfortable that's the space needed and then it's just going to come together it's exactly what I am seeing as your secret from the goddess that is involved in the process of creation herself you know by the way buvan iswari is the fourth um of the mavas goddesses mavia by the
way means expansive knowledge wisdom so this is like real wisdom that she is giving you in your specific situation letting you know that she planted it this way it was created intended to be this way and for you to take that risk for your higher good for your higher understanding of something to fully grasp something because obviously on one side you fully grasped it and on the other side in order to grasp it and then learn how they form and work together it just needs space and time AKA risk and patience in sitting with the
uncomfortable energy until the uncomfortable energy becomes comfortable and then it becomes luxurious something that you absolutely enjoy and my dear pile number three this is exactly what I see as your specific message and information that you are ready to receive that secret of the universe that you were ready to receive from khma in your reading today I truly hope you've enjoyed it and if you have please give me a thumbs up subscribe to the channel so that you never miss a reading that I upload remember this is going to lead to great luxury great manifestation
great abundance as is the energy of buvan iswari all the best of luck with what you are trying to achieve you will achieve it I'm just letting you know you will achieve it you're ready to receive this knowledge for a reason and my dear pile number three I'll catch you in the next reading bye