My ENTIRE dropshipping strategy (REVEALED)

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Andrew Yu
Open Description for all tools/softwares & links mentioned 👇 This is my full shopify dropshipping ...
Video Transcript:
so today I am showing you guys my fa Drop Shipping strategy that I've been using for myself and my students a proven winning strategy that a lot of people have been using and how do I know it's proven obviously I have a really strong Discord Community with a bunch of results with these guys implementing a lot of these strategies into their own drop shipping stores as you can see right here we have Gustav at 13k in 1 day we have con admin at almost a million Globe 12K in 1 day Bo Choy at 64k in
a single month we have smaller guys so don't get intimidated by these big numbers we have Jay at 1K a day we have Bentley at 1.6 chud at 1K a day and even more now I can go on and on about the results but obviously if you want results like this make sure to watch this entire blueprint guide or whatever I named the title of this video because these strategies have been proven to win for multiple people this is not just luck it's not a coincidence now if you want to go ahead and join my
Discord cuz it's exactly where the screenshots came from go to the link down below I'm always active on my Discord every single day so if you need help I will go ahead and answer your questions but anyways let's go ahead and scroll down cuz when I was making this Drop Shipping guide for you guys I literally scaled my own store from 0 to 1K a day using the exact same strategy so there's no reason for any of you guys to watch this course right here and not be able to apply the same tactics and make
it work for you anyway scrolling down another reason why is because this information comes directly from my paid course yes my paid course that cost $997 I'm taking a lot of crucial and valuable information from that course and putting it on to here for free now obviously what does that mean why would I buy a course if you already have a free one on YouTube obviously my paid course goes more in depth it goes into every single setting it basically goes through the strategies and I go through them way further and more in depth and
there's going to be examples and extra footage like in the paid course I have 100 70k Revenue store where I show you everything I show you how I found the products uh the website for it ads creatives ads manager everything and there's live trainings like 0 to 1K Day live training 0 to 10K day live training and these live trainings show actual ads manager data off the live trainings I'm not just telling you theoreticals I'm literally showing you a store that did 0 to 10K a day 0 to 1K a day product research live trainings
and it comes with a live mentorship chat where you get to talk to me directly every single day so if you're interested in the paid course go to Andrew anyway scrolling down if you are interested in a one-on-one with me where I help you basically find your first winner I help you launch your store testing campaign creatives I help you with everything if you want a one-on-one mentorship with me go ahead and book a call me down below to see if we're the right fit cuz I've helped complete beginners scale out their stores to
1K A Day 5K A Day 8K day and even more so if you are interested go to the link down below and Brook a call with me but all right let's go ahead and start this free course course and show you exactly what it's about all right so the first step and arguably the most important step is going to be product research I'm going to show you how to do product research correctly because a lot of people actually do product research wrong or they do it in a really inefficient way where it leads to them
testing a lot of products that shouldn't have been tested in the first place so for example step number one is apparently a lot of people's only step when it comes to finding Drop Shipping products and it's finding Drop Shipping products currently being sold now a lot of people do this and they go ahead and run the product right they find a currently being sold they look at it the product solves the problem it has a wild factor and I don't know it does a lot of cool stuff let me go ahead and sell it too
cuz someone else is selling it the issue with that is that the person currently selling it may not even be profitable so you're copying somebody that's not even profitable that's the issue that's why we have step number two over here we want to validate that the product itself is actually profitable before we go ahead and continue selling it that's why as you can see right here a lot of these products they can seem like winning products cuz they have characteristics of a winning product it doesn't make them a winner currently though right like this one
right here it may have a characteristic because it has a wow factor it solves a problem any of these prods right here has all those characteristics that doesn't make it a winner though right so that's what we have step number one is actually finding it and number two is validating make sure it's currently selling profitably now the product is not doing good currently you go back into step number one a lot of people don't make sure to do step number two which is why a lot of these tests are failing a lot of these tests
are not profitable and they can't go ahead and continue scaling onto their stores so let me go ahead and teach you exactly how number one you want to find products currently selling so goad and's go down here step number one we actually use a website called Facebook ads library now Facebook ads library is strictly from Facebook it's basically Facebook telling the world what is currently being advertised on their platform and we're going to go ahead and use that to our advantage because we're going to find drop shippers on the Facebook ads Library by the way
like I said every single website that I mentioned in this guide is going to be in the description down below also Facebook ads library is free so go ahead and check it out now with Facebook ads Library there's only so many things you can do but number one you want to select United States number two select all ads and then you want to go ahead and choose a keyword such as shop now because obviously if somebody is selling a product they usually will write shop now or shop here or shop somewhere and shop now is
a good word to go ahead and put to find a plethora of JW shipping products now that's not going to be the only thing you're going to do because shop now is so broad as you can see right here somebody's like literally selling like a Windows key um because you're trying to sell that you want to go ahead and hit other niches and other keywords and how you would do that is something that I went ahead and released on YouTube about a year ago called The Rabbit Hole method now I also have a video on
my Discord as you can see Prim cord if you're interested in the full in-depth video on how the rabbit hole method works but as you can see what you want to do is search up a broad term like shop now and then maybe in shop now you find a term called like cozy right you go ahead and open up another tab search up cozy and then inside the Cozy keyword you might see products such as Christmas gift fidget spinner lovely space and then you search those up and it leads into other keywords other keywords
and that's basically what the rabbit hole method is like because obviously if you go ahead and find like fur friend and daycare these ads or these drop shiing products in these keywords may not have shown up if you go ahead and just did shop now because somebody selling a Drop Shipping product might use the word f friend to talk about dog owners they don't necessarily have to put shop now in their ad copy so you definitely want to go ahead and use the rabbit hole method to find your first products and then you want to
go ahead and validate it now if you want a easy tool to use to find your first winning products I recommend a tool called adcal the link is in the description or if you want 50% off go ahead and use Andrew 15 but ad Scout is really good cuz it's basically like Facebook ads Library except that it has a bunch of filters you can use to make sure you're only looking at Drop Shipping products because a whole bunch of different people use Faceook ads Library hair salons taco shops you know stuff like that the tool
like adout is going to help you a lot because they have these settings right here here that guarantees you're going to get drop shipping stores number one the platform you're going to choose Shopify right usually a taco truck a hair salon they're not going to be on Shopify so go ahead and choose Shopify the second thing I want to go ahead is choose video I'm not saying the image ads don't work but a lot of drop shippers will use video ads in order to go ahead and scale the drop shipping stores and then another recommended
setting I have is make sure to choose at least eight total ads now this number is not going to be a static number you can change it to 8 10 12 15 100 whatever you like but from as far as I know my own stores and my student stores we have at least eight active ads especially if you're scaling it's very unlikely that you have less than eight active ads on your Facebook page when you are scaling up so these are the recommended settings but there's also other settings in ad Scout that I recommend so
for example they have a niche category I like to go ahead and check off Beauty and personal care I check off children I check out pets and I go ahead and check out like toys and games obviously they have more niches than this one you can check off multiple of them as well those are the highest success rates for me I'm not saying that there's no like winning products Outdoors or shoes it's just not as much as the ones I just said before so go ahead and play around these settings to get different products and
different niches and another thing is for the calendar I never go past more than 30 days because it's going to be really hard for you to launch a product a winning product if the guy has been scaling and launching their ads for more than 30 days it's going to be hard for you to catch up because they're beating you in terms of time since launch they have had more time with the audience so it's going to be hard for you to catch up I usually choose the last 30 days or the last 7 days but
like I said feel free to do the last 14 15 8 whatever just play around with it but you usually don't want to go more than 30 days the next thing I recommend you to do is go ahead and search up their keywords like I said same thing for Faceook as Library you can go ahead and search up like little ones copy that and paste it into ad Scout it's going to show you a lot of keywords and filter out all the spam unlike Facebook ads Library so go ahead and do that and then the
total ads play around with it if you want a higher Echelon of drop shipping stores or like really high quality jop shipping stores move the total ads from the minimum from 8 to like 50 or 100 obviously those are going to be harder to run run but you can take inspiration from them and see what's working well nobody's launching 50 ads or 100 ads if their Drop Shipping Store is not working so those are recommended settings off the tool ascop you don't have to use this tool but if you are having trouble with Facebook ads
library and finding products with key terms I definitely recommend you to use this tool cuz it's going to help you save a lot of time and basically it's more job shipping Centric so a lot of the products on ascab are actually related Drop Shipping at least that's what I've noticed whereas the ads on Facebook ads Library they could be selling you Windows keys but obviously this is a free method so go ahead and try out Facebook ad Library first before you go ahead and move on to the paid softwares anyways once you find your Drop
Shipping product now you're going to want to go ahead and validate it right step number two right step number one is finding the actual products now we have a bunch of these products that we found now what you want to go ahead and start filtering them to see which ones you actually want to run so step number two and this is the part that a lot of people actually don't do which leads to them running products that aren't successful currently so you want to do this number one you want to make sure that they have
good creative it's very unlikely that A Drop Shipping Store is scaling if their ad creatives aren't that good have you ever seen a really bad ad creative in the store scaling it's very unlikely right so the first thing is first you want to make sure they're running really good creatives for example for this creative right here I'm going to go ahead and show you guys on the screen how this creative looks like exposing the truth about cat scratchers and why you need to avoid them okay cats love to scratch but if your scratchers look like
this I have bad news for you first you need to know that while cardboard are recyclable they require tons of harsh chemicals to recycle one of them is daal phalate which has been proven to affect animals development and reproduction cardboard should only be used for packaging and shouldn't be consumed by animals if the scratchers are leaving a mess everywhere chances are your cat has already eaten some the worst thing is it seemed just fine at first but over time constantly ingesting cardboard may lead to serious health issues for cats that's why millions of Americans have
been avoiding them but this this changed everything it's safe cats love it and it's incredibly durable over 100,000 cat parents have already made the switch introducing the catosaurus peekaboo cave and no it's not just a scratcher it offers so much more and super easy to use just zip it up sit back and watch your cat enjoy it without any downside it's convenient for both you and your cat because we made it indestructible doesn't shed tiny bits yet very appealing for cats to scratch which can help save your furniture from their cute claws cats can play
in the tunnel and have a blast peeking through the peep hole for hours before taking a nap on the cozy bed up top plus we also have the premium version with two comfy leak proof covers making maintenance of Breeze and we understand that not every cat is the same so if your cat disagrees you get your money back tap on shop now to try it for yourself by the way all materials are eco-friendly now once you verified that the Drop Shipping product has a good creative then you're going to go ahead and move on to
how many active ads they have and what's their runtime because unfortunately sometimes just having a good creative isn't going to be enough to deter determine whether or not the product is a winning product at this current time so for example if they've been running for longer than like 7 days you know that the product is going to be a winning product cuz nobody has ads on for longer than 7 Days losing like $100 every single day for 7 days straight I'm sure there may be a small percentage people out there that losing money every single
day and waiting for optimization but it's very unlikely that that's going to happen and you want to look at the ad amount right like 81 results that means they have like 81 ads who's really making 81 ads if they're not profitable or at least breaking even it's very unlikely for to happen so make sure to check out how long they've been running for and how many active ads do they have my recommendation make sure it's between 1 week and one month and make sure their active ads is between 8 plus 8 to like 60 50
40 whatever now if that's going to be hard for you to decide and you want like a really 100% straight answer I do recommend the tool called shop Hunter they've literally been like the first tool that ever recommended on this channel by the way the link is in the description or use promo code Andrew for 25% off but shop Hunter estimates what Revenue the store is currently doing so as you can see this store right here they're estimating that they're doing 40K Revenue a single day now my saying it's 100% accurate that they're definitely doing
40K no they could be doing 60 dir but at least you know that they're doing some sort of Revenue like this right they're not going to be doing like 2K a day when it shows like 40 it's very unlikely so you want to go ahead and use shop on to find like one of these two charts number one a rising chart or a cruising chart the reason why I say that is because obviously you don't want to copy a product that's not currently selling well and these like are the only kind of two charts you
want to look at to make sure our product is currently selling well it's self-explanatory now one thing that people get wrong about shop Hunter is they think that shop Hunter is like super super accurate so they track their own store and then they go like oh I never made a sale today but shop Hunter says I have like two sales shop Hunter is more accurate when there's more users on the store so unfortunately if a store doesn't really have that many users you are going to get a wonky looking chart especially if you track your
own stores and not doing any sales you're going to have some weird looking charts now does that really matter not really cuz if you get a weird chart you're not going to run it anyway so the good thing is that shop Hunter is super accurate when it comes to stores that have a lot of customers a lot of data and those are the stores that you want to be copying anyways right you don't want to be copying these stores that are not making money and have wonky charts so that is basically how you validate if
a product is currently selling well or not and if it's not validated guess what go back into searching for more products to be validated so don't go on to the next step until you have a validated product that's basically shown to do numbers like a cruising or a rising chart so you've now basically validated and found a winning product what do you do next you want to go ahead and build your website now the building website process can be really long and tedious so I do recommend you use this tool right here called launch your
store it's completely free go to the description down below they basically help you launch a store within a few minutes and as you can see some of these stores they build look really really nice so I recommend you to go ahead and use launch your store once you have your store built you're going to want to go ahead and launch your Drop Shipping Store before you can launch it you're going to need a domain name and that's where the sponsor of today's video comes into play do store domains so when you start your Shopify store
you're going to need a domain name because Shopify gives you a domain name that ends in my and unfortunately no customer is going to remember that it doesn't help when trying to sell to customers so instead of that what if it's a short simple domain name like pup brush. store and it'll be fairly obvious to convey to your customers that you're a store and it's exactly what do store domains does for you and makes it clear that you're an online store that is selling something so a doc store domain acts like a big neon
sign that says store so customers know they fre online store and they can expect to go ahead and buy something even Mr Beast Ronaldo Michelle Obama and a millions are on board in fact Mr Beast changed his Doom domain to a store domain because it just helps him stand out as an online store but that's not it the word store is simple and people love using it when they're trying to buy stuff on Google in a year-long independent study data clearly shows that online stores on D domains have seen increases up to 87% more customers
visiting their stores organically and even up to 12% less than CPA on ads it's pretty clear to say that it pays to be on a do store domain and you can literally grab this deal anywhere you want Shopify name cheap gold Daddy but they're running a special offer for my viewers and my audience so if you use the link down below or use a promo code Andrew store you actually go ahead and get your first year for just 99 so yeah all you need to do is go ahead and go to the link down below
and use my promo code and you get your first year of doore domains for just 99 and thank you doore for sponsoring today's video all right so when buying your first domain name you're going to ask what kind of domain do I buy there's two types of domains that you could buy the first one is like a general brandable name such as bleam as you can see this product right here is called Crystal Hair Eraser but their store name is called bleam the name bleam doesn't really mean anything right so like if this product fails
for them they can go ahead and add another product and just put the name bleam in front of it and basically reuse the Shopify store just a different product page or number two you can go ahead and use the name of your product such as blendjet as you can see right here this product they named it blend and their domain name is called blendjet if you're having issues coming up with the product name or a domain name go ahead and use this website called Nam the link is going to be down below Nam link
is really good cuz you can basically put in a word or a keyword and help you generate or basically help you create more names Associated to that I would say don't spend too much time on the domain name if you get a domain name make sure to use do store domains to launch the Shopify store all right before I continue to show you how you can build really good-looking Shopify stores like this and the science behind them you want to go ahead and have these softwares installed or shopy apps installed on your store number one
I have required apps I really recommend you to have these apps before launching and the cool thing is that it pays for itself majority of these apps if not all of them are going to pay for itself so you don't have to worry about wasting money and all the links are in the description down below number one we have something called Prime bundles now if you've been dropping for a while I'm sure you've seen all these bundle offers being shown on everyone's website they're there for a reason they're not there to look pretty they actually
make you more money I have a video on my channel that literally shows how a store that was unprofitable was made profitable because I introduced bundles to my store the reason why that works is because it basically entices the customer to buy more stuff because they get discounts along the way for my stores right now half or more of my orders are literally made by Prime bundles if Prime bundles wasn't there I'd be losing out on a bunch of Revenue so make sure to go ahead and check out Prime bundles and add bundles to your
store it doesn't make sense not to offer it especially if your product can be bundled up such as this koala right here the second thing is you want an upsell app I recommend Prime upsell basically what an upsell app is is that after a customer completes their purchase it asks them if they want to go ahead and buy another item at a discount so for example you're buying a pizza after you buy that pizza it's going to ask you hey do you want extra cheese or do you want a soda with that or do you
want garlic knots and I recommend it cuz like I said it pays for itself actually all these apps I recommend they have free trials so if it doesn't work out for you you should be fine cuz it's free but you're going to want to keep it because you're going to see that it generates money for you and for upsells I recommend you to go ahead and put a product that makes sense with your current products so for example if you're selling this koala right here you might want to sell another variant of that maybe you
want to sell a bear maybe you want to go ahead and sell a nightlight I don't know just something that makes sense or another thing is you can go ahead and sell the same item you just sold at a higher discount like 30% off or 40% off and in the upsell offer you could be like hey buy another one for 40% off or give it to a friend or whatever and they already purchased so even if they say no you still got paid for the original order so there's literally no risk in having an up
sell order on your website all right the third app we have is judge. me product reviews they have a free plan available but basically it puts reviews on your website now be careful with this because it can actually backfire if you don't have good reviews on your website a lot of people will visit your website and look for reviews of the product and if you don't have reviews they may actually hop off or if you have bad reviews they're going to hop off as well so this is an app I recommend if you're going to
have good reviews on your website helps those extra customers that visits your website and wants to buy based off of reviews another app that I have here it's called lucky orange lucky orange is basically an app that basically shows you what your customers are doing on your website so for example when I use lucky orange I was able to figure out some typos that I had on my website I was able to figure out sometimes reviews weren't that great so customer is actually like reading a review and after they read the review they hop off
so I'm like okay I need remove that review off a website because obviously it wasn't a good review and stuff like that so if you want to know if your website is functional or what's wrong with your website if you want to see why customers are leaving your website I recommend you go ahead and use luy orange the last two apps I have right here actually do the same thing but it's basically emails for your store you basically want to set up three emails when a customer abandons their checkout so when a customer goes to
checkout puts in their information and they don't really want to buy it anymore you will send out an email going hey reminder you still have this in your cart make sure to buy it the second email goes out the next day going like hey here's 20% off your cart and then the customer will be more prone to buy it and then the third email is going to be another day after saying hey reminder your promo code is going to expire soon it creates urgency and it basically reminds the customer to go ahead and purchase the
product cuz a lot of people want to buy your product either they forget or they didn't want to buy at that current time and you kind of want to remind them hey purchase the product emails are important cuz sometimes they go up to like 10 to 20% of my total revenue for my store so my store did 100K Revenue sometimes 10% of the revenue like 10k of it is from emails alone so without emails I may have been missing out on 10k of my Revenue so shy email is free so is sen make sure to
check these apps the only difference is that they have different uis they both do the same functions so just go ahead and check it out Shopify email should be pre-installed on your store already so if you don't like their UI I recommend send view now before you go ahead and launch your store you're probably wondering what happens when you start getting orders and how do you get those orders to your customer's door and it's actually where our sponsor of today's video comes into play autod DS Auto DS is an all-in-one platform where you can go
ahead and import a products and they start helping fulfill as soon as orders start coming in so there's actually something called fulfilled by autod DS and with this feature all you have to do is go ahead and go to your store settings go into orders and check off fulfilled by autod DS and once you load up some credits all you have to do is go ahead and sit back and relax because autods will be fulfilling Auto orders for you automatically and you don't have to worry about returns because all returns are handled with one simple
click on their platform now not only do they go ahead and import to fulfill orders for you they have their own sourcing and private suppliers that'll help you fulfill with cheaper and faster rates and all all you have to do is go ahead and request a source request from any of your importer products and auto DS will get back to you with the pricing within like 24 to 48 hours they have an entire system where you go ahead and track all of your orders so you know which ones are running on time and which ones
you don't want to fulfill they also have a winning products tab so you can always go ahead and check that out to see inspiration for your next winning products so if you want to go ahead and start getting your orders fulfilled automatically by autods make sure to use my unique link down below to get a free trial autod DS and thank you for sponsoring today's video anyways these are extra optional apps that you don't really need unless you scale right here three of the same apps is basically profit tracking the only reason why they're optional
is because like when you first start out you don't have to track it that closely anyways I do have a free Excel sheet that I personally use to track my stores in my Discord so go to the link down below it should be in free pdf it's a fullblown Excel sheet basically you plug in the numbers and it tell you if you're profitable that day or not but these are apps I recommend number one is lifetim Le B profit and true profit I haven't really used that much I've used lifetime Le before which is great
cuz they have a manual refresh option whereas I believe true profit and B profit work on the schedule but they have free plans all of them all free trials so check them out and choose the one that you like now the next thing I actually recommend is actually not a app but it's actually a software it's called brand croud it basically makes a better looking logo for you if you don't already have a goodlooking logo you could use brand croud right here the link is going to be in the description and another software that I
forgot to add to the guide is something called place it the link is in the description down below but basically it puts your logo on a packaging it makes your Drop Shipping Store see more branded more legit so people have a higher conviction rate when buying from their store knowing that they're not buying from some random guy doing a Drop Shipping Store from their bedroom so place it that that but like I said these are optional and you should really only do it when you scale because the effort you put into these things in the
beginning is not going to matter too too much until like I said when you scale all right now that we have the apps out of the way I'm going to go ahead and tell you how you should set up your Shopify Drop Shipping Store or your product page we're going to go ahead and learn from three websites right here number one is going to be bleam number two is going to be the Stitch pad and number three is going to be a calming otter but here are the websites for all these brand in these drop
shipping stores as you can see everything looks really good I'm going to go ahead and break it down for you everything here is made to convert so all right let's go ahead and break it down so building a website you want to go ahead and do it exactly like d cuz it's proven to work right first thing is first you want a product image a transparent picture of your product with a simple background and a text above that shows like an offer or a feature right like every single one of them have it right let's
go ahead and look they have it right here just a regular background with an offer or a feature on top scroll up right here same thing simple background I featured the product on top this right here simple background features all around so the product image is important because that's the first thing the customers are going to see is a product image so make it clean make it look nice and then we have a preview of the reviews so you're using you can go ahead and add that to the top the second thing is you
always have a compare at Price Right it says save 48% from $94 as you can see every single one of these sites has a compare at Price they're basically telling you that the customer is going to save 50% off now are these claims exaggerated I'm pretty sure they are but it's just what works so we're going to go ahead and do the exact same thing the next thing they have is a description of list of features and benefits so make sure to do that as well and then they always have a bundle offer I'm telling
you it literally changed the game for majority of my stores so make sure to have a bundle offer use prime bundles in the description down below and Prime bundles able to go ahead and mimic any of these bundle offers as you can see right here this one this one this one we already have everything so if you only have one app make sure to have the bundles app because there the reason why everyone's using bundles right now anyway scrolling down that's going to be the first thing the customer see but obviously a lot of customers
are going to go ahead and scroll so the next thing you want to do is introduce a video that relates to the feature and then you're going to have text to the right or the left explaining exactly why this feature is important to the product now if you're going to go ahead and show me this product right here I'm going to tell you I I don't even know what it does right but these people are trying to convince customers that it helps relieve anxiety and panic and showing them all this information right here that could
have been written by Chad gbt so go ahead and do that that's the first thing you want to do have videos and text about the products and then under that you're going to have stuff like features of the product right notice how the features of the product actually come after the product problem and solution right and when Apple goes ahead and sells a new iPhone are they geeking out about all the specs and everything yes but usually after they show you what it solves right like they're talking about the new iPhone they're trying to take
a picture and they're saying that the picture is really nice they're going to show you how nice the picture looks and what problem it solves first like low light or whatever and then they geek out about all the features of the iPhone like the mega pixels or whatever right so you want to go ahead and show a problem and a solution and then you could go ahead and geek out at the features of your product a lot of people make this mistake where they only show off features of the product but doesn't show why the
features actually help to solve a problem and then usually after the features you're going to go ahead and have testimonials and reviews of the products basically the thing that closes everything up and helps customers understand that other people are using it and other people have good things to say about it and they already have the full brief of the products so they can go ahead and buy the products now if you use launcher store they're going to had to give you a template anyway that includes all of these things so all you got to do
is fill it out but as you can see bundles are going to be important every single one of these people have bundles as you can see from my store alone I have Prime bundles in a lot of these orders if I didn't have a bundle offer I'd be missing out on a lot of extra money that I could have made that I wouldn't have made if bundles weren't present on my website right so go ahead and go to the link down below and make sure you use the bundles app use prime bundles and use the
code Andrew for 15% off now for upsells as you can see bleam right here has an upsell right they go ahead and sell you the magic hair Crystal eraser and then after you purchase they're like hey how about this facial set it's just a product that makes sense with the original product that they're selling cuz people who are buying the Hair Eraser probably cares about their skin care Beauty Etc so you want to have an upsell and literally has no risk to you they already purchased the products it's just asking them they want an extra
product and that's why I recommend Prime upsell go to the link down below all right so you already have your winning products you already have your Shopify store the next thing you're going to want to do is create a winning ad creative for your products because obviously the product is not going to sell us self you need to convince customers with an ad creative in order for them to click into your website and then purchase your product first things first you want to increase your chances of success by creating a better creative than your competitor
now if you can't create a better creative than your competitor it's going to be kind of tough for you to outbe your competitor especially because you guys are basically targeting the same type of people on Facebook so in order to make it better creative you're going to want to go ahead and write the script first a lot of people actually collect the content for their ad creative first but I recommend writing the script first because then you know what content to look for after the script is done now if you're lazy you could go ahead
and just put the competitor script into chat gbt and tell chat gbt to rewrite it and then make your own edits because chat gbt sometimes sounds a little bit too robotic but generally this is how the script goes it's usually a hook it usually introduces a problem a solution and then the offer CTA basically like go ahead and go to the link down below shop now Etc stuff like that so you want to follow this guideline for the script for your videos now if you don't want to go ahead and create your own videos band
off ads is actually a service you can go ahead and hire for them to create videos for you so all you got to do is send them AliExpress link of the product that you want to sell and they will actually go ahead and make the videos for you and we have three examples from bands off ads on basically ugc basically user generated content somebody recording in front of an iPhone recommending them a product number two is AI voice with Clips basically clips of the products being shown being used from different people and and then AI
voice with the script in the background and then a combination of both where it shows a person using the product but not actually talking it's just a voice over with the AI voice um so let's go ahead and show you all three types of content from Bandz off ads what's up Andrew here so the first time I recorded it I just watched all the videos and I really talk so it seemed kind of boring so let me go ahead and redo this but I'm going to go ahead and show you one of the clips I
really like it's basically the concept of AI voice with clips and by Clips I mean that they just gather a bunch of different content of the products being used and then they use AI voice with their own script to go ahead and convince the customer and their script basically follows this the hook introduces a problem solution and then the offer in CTA so I'm going to break down one of the clips they gave me or one of the videos that they gave me in order to show you guys as you can see right here I
basically just took an AliExpress link and I gave it to Bandz off ads I was like here make an advertisement out of this so they're the ones that came with the script and everything and here is the final result so let me go ahead and go back to the beginning and show you exactly what I mean first things first you're going to have to hook and then they're going to introduce a problem so right here's the hook try to breathing be baby soothing otter plush doll so that was basically the hook it's replying to a
comment right here any tips on calming a fussy baby that was the hook anybody that has a fussy baby or a baby that can't sleep they're going to continue watching cuz they're like okay how can this basically help me and my baby with its soft glowing light and soothing sounds it effortlessly eases bedtime anxieties creating a Serene environment for sleep this plush toy is a perfect sleep buddy for my little angel as you can see right here now introducing a problem and then they're trying to solve that problem by telling you what the product does
that's exactly how it should be perfectly executed and that's what Bandz off ads made with this video is actually AI voice and it's a script so they did the whole thing for me and it's also coming along really well together providing comfort and security throughout the night the gentle heartbeat sound mimics the mother's heartbeat helping my baby drift off to sleep peacefully and stay asleep longer and now we have product features which basically means it's trying to convince the customer that these features actually solve that problem and for this one they're trying to say that
the product has a heartbeat and it mimics the heartbeat of a mother so it helps the baby sleep faster and peacefully and stays asleep longer crafted from incredibly soft and cuddly materials it's perfect for Endless snbl and Huds basically another feature that is very soft so it's perfect for Endless snuggles and hugs helps the baby sleep don't miss out click the link to get yours and that is the CTA at the end or call to action is basically remind the customer hey you're watching an advertisement so if you want this product go to the link
down below but as you can see they sent me a few variations they have variations 1 two and three every single variation has a different hook different story different content so let's go ahead and watch a little bit the second one as well see this it's not just a plush toy It's a sleep miracle for babies check out the breathing bear baby soothing Oto all right basically the same thing they have to hook they try to introduce a problem and at the end they have a c and give your baby so yeah when it comes
to making creatives you want to make it similar to that and if you don't want the hassle making the creatives and doing it yourself go ahead and use Bandz off as they should be in the description down below and use the promo code Andrew 15 for 15% off but let's just say you don't want to go ahead and do that you want to make it yourself here's what you want to do number one write the script if you're not going to tell chat gbt to rewrite your competitor script you want to make a better one
yourself go to asop or go to Facebook ads library and find a creative that looks really really good and has a really good script and base your inspiration of your creative and script off of that now after you have your script you want to go ahead and use a software called 11 Labs the link is also down below but you want to go ahead and put your script into 11 Labs it's going to use AI to generate a voice over for you now one tip I do have is make sure you clone your own voice
or clone like your girlfriend or your mom's voice if obviously the product you're selling is to women because you want a more like natural iPhone sounding like user generated voice a lot of these AI voices sound a little bit too professional too AI like and just in general doesn't sound as natural as if you cloned your own voice but basically you want to do that and it makes it sound way better it's basically like this ad from bands off ads where the voice over sound like a person talking to their microphone but it's actually AI
voice so you want to do that and then you want to go ahead and gather your content on Tik Tok so what you want to do is go to Tik Tok search up your products and this should be a lot of content available before you go ahead and borrow and then you can download it without a watermark using snap tick and then you want to go ahead and edit your Clips together on cap cut cap cut is made by Tik Tok but it's a video editor now if this part is confusing to you you want
a step-by-step tutorial go to my YouTube channel I do have a video titled how to make good ad creators for for any products where I go through step by step on how to actually make ad videos but this is just like a general guide so basically that's exactly what you do and go ahead and make creativ for your winning products anyways once you have your creativ available you're going to go ahead and put them to the test and how you put them to the test is actually using advertising right so we're going to go ahead
and launch our products now I have a couple of launch strategies when it comes to Facebook ads and we're going go ahead and go do the diagram right now but first things first does Facebook have audiences for it so for example if you're selling like skincare Facebook has audiences for skincare right they have interest for it like skincare Beauty Sephora whatever they have interest for that specific audience but let's just say you're selling a product that solves anxiety Facebook is not going to have an interest that says anxiety on it so you're going to go
ahead and choose a different launch strategy so let's just say Facebook does have audiences for it you want to go ahead and do the interest testing campaign and I'll explain later on exactly what that is and in the middle sort of but not exactly then you can go ahead and do an as/ Brad testing campaign I'll also explain what that is later on but then if Facebook does not have any audience for it at all then you want to go ahead and do ASC broadcasting campaign strategy so first things first let's pretend that Facebook does
have an audience for it right let's say you're doing skincare you're going go ahead and set it up like this it may seem confusing right now but it's pretty simple you have one campaign make sure is optimizing for sales and then you have 10 ad sets at $10 and each single one is going to be a different audience so it could be Sephora it could be skincare it could be Beauty Etc all you got to do is Click suggestions and Facebook should suggest you more interest for for you to go ahead and put into it
now you want to go ahead and upload at least three to six creatives that's why I have these three creatives right here from Bandz off ads you want to go ahead and upload at least 3 to six give Facebook at least some creatives go ahead and push to the users cuz you don't want to go ahead and put all your luck on one single creative cuz that creative may not be the best one so that's exactly how you're going to go ahead and launch and now let's just say you're targeting like anxiety and there is
no interest for it then you're going to go ahead and do this campaign right here $100 a day campaign audience is going to be Broad and then put your three creates in there or $ $100 a day with ASC and then for ASC you can't choose the audiences at all so all you really do is choose countries so choose the top four countries and then put your creatives in here now the difference for this one's going to be for the AO campaign you're trying to find out what's the best audience and then for these campaigns
right here since the audience is already taken care of and you don't really have to go ahead and do anything for that you're trying to figure out what's the best creative so that's exactly how these two launch campaigns differ so unfortunately for the AO interest scaling campaigns or killing camp it's going to be too long for me to go ahead and explain in this video alone cuz there's a lot of situations and nuances I can't go through every single one so I suggest you to watch my video on my channel 0 to 100K Facebook ad
tutorial go ahead and give that a watch it should be in the link down below but the second campaign is actually really easy to scale I actually have this chart right here just follow this chart every day at 12:00 a.m. for example the row as if it's above Break Even increase the budget if it's at break even leave it alone if it's below break even go ahead and kill it that's literally all you got to do in terms of scaling the broad CBO and a campaigns that's literally it if you've ever watched any scaling video
on YouTube or even my own scaling videos all we do is increase the budget when it works right so that's pretty much it and you want to go ahead and kill it if it's below your break even row as and that's pretty much it this was my entire guide for Drop Shipping that's helped a bunch of people scale their first drop shipping stores now if you found this guide helpful and you want to reach out make sure to go to the link down below to go ahead and join my Discord or if you want a
one-on-one mentorship with me book a call down below to see where the right fit the one-on-one mentorship help you La your store help you with the testing campaign scaling campaigns basically the whole nine yards or if you want to join a Discord group where all these amazing people have reached really good results go ahead and join it down below cuz I answer questions in there every single day but for now I'll see you guys next time peace out
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