My 2020 Goals REVEALED

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Iman Gadzhi
Hey guys - check out my 2020 goals. *** Hey! If you’re new to the channel, my name is Iman Gadzhi...
Video Transcript:
so 2019 was one hell of a year from having my first hundred thousand dollar month profit with my agency to really taking what was a course business in 2018 and making it a proper education company in 2019 and I'm referring to GRU agency comm to building and financing multiple schools in Nepal there's hundreds and hundreds of students who get to wake up and go learn at the world-class facilities that I financed this year because of you guys the incredible community every one that purchases a program from great in Co comm to even launching a clothing line you know it's been a crazy crazy year but now as we kind of wrap up the year we're in q4 I've been thinking a long time about my goals in 2020 I'm not gonna lie there is not one goal that I set for myself in 2019 which I accomplished or that I can at least hole hardly say that I accomplished it and I'm actually gonna touch on that a little bit later about some of the mistakes I made in 2019 when it came to goal-setting but for now it's time to look forward to 2020 and it's time for me to reveal my 2020 goals to you just before we do that I want you to go ahead and pause this video go ahead and smash that like button it really really does have the channel I'm trying to roll the channel a ton which we're gonna get on to as well in 2020 and I want you to go ahead and leave a comment down below let me know what are your 2020 goals because I swear there is something about just putting it out there and making your goals known to the general public to your friends to your family they're really just a hundred X's the likeliness of you achieving those goals so go ahead pause the video do those two things and I'll see in a second now that you've done that I want to discuss where I went wrong in 2019 now I actually made a video called my 2019 goals revealed if you guys want to check the head video out I shot that actually last year I'm in Bali at the moment I was in Bali last year around the same time when I made that video and my three goals for 2019 were this number one 4 million pounds profit between the agency and education company number to an average of 1 hour and a half of screen time so mobile screen time will that be checking slack email watching a YouTube video Instagram whatever that may be and number three was 15 minutes on average a day of meditation and obviously some days I'll be doing zero some days I'll be doing 30 minutes but an average of 15 minutes throughout the 365 days so let me break down the issue or the mistake I made with that first goal which is 4 million pounds profit now in 2018 I had my first ever year making a million dollars and that's another thing 4 million pounds equates to roughly around 5 million Earthling 5. 2 5. 3 million dollars a lot of people in the past have asked me why do you also lay between talking and pounds and dollars in like 78 if I do a breakdown first of all of my actual customers for glory agency as well as my YouTube audience 78 percent of my audience is based in the US so that's why people are like oh why do you like to live in London and obviously you do all your accounting and everything in pounds but you charge your programs in dollars but then you charge your clients and pounds and you speak in dollars are past it's because most of time when I speak in dollars it's because I'm literally just trying to like serve you guys so you don't have to do like the mental currency conversion so anyways just from my own personal sake I set it to 4 million pounds profit in 2018 I hit a million dollars profit for the first time and that was incredible 2018 was really one of those years where I was like I can literally do anything you know at the end of that 2018 period so I was like okay I did a million dollars in 2018 so I'm gonna do five million dollars profit in 2019 and that's just not realistic it happens it happens but it's just it was a rate of growth that was unrealistic especially because I had so many expenses and you know we still did multi 7 figures in 2019 revenue but my expenses were 9 at the moment I haven't done my December PNL because obviously it's still third week of December but it'll come over to just over a million pounds so I think that's 1.
3 1. 4 million dollars in expenses granted in that is you know the amount that I gave away to charity or building all the schools in Nepal etc etc my team and that's expensive for the agency and education company and then also the clothing line in terms of buying stock but nonetheless is that a lot of expenses in a more expenses than I had had in 2018 so yeah that was my mistake in terms of my first goal for 2019 which was I kind of I had unrealistic expectations of how I could scale I think I could have done easily done four million pounds of Revenue and said very easily could have done four million pounds of Revenue although I didn't quite hit it I was getting up there the main issue was the expenses as I said so that was mistake number one now mistake number two and goal number two was an hour and a half screen time so you can use on Apple and on iPhones you can check your screen time at the end the day but the issue is a long time I might be out for dinner or maybe that day I might just like it might be a Friday or Saturday I might be out with friends I'm not gonna clock in my screen time every day and you know it was just way too hard to check in my screen time now the first three four five six months ago I was pretty good with it and I think February was my all-time low screen time I got it down to 42 or NOAA's March I got out to 42 minutes screen time in March of 2019 which I was super super happy with you know to be having a agency and an education company and only spend 42 minutes a day on your phone between uber slack email Instagram etc etc was very very proud of but that was just something where it's just too hard to quantify because every single day I would have to punch in that data and that was really what I say was the biggest mistake about that now getting it to my third mistake which is the 15 minutes of average meditation it was kind of the same thing with the screen time where like over a week I could obviously see how much I was meditating and stuff like that but there were periods in 2019 for example November or mid-october to mid-november where I'm literally in that time I launched agency incubator had the brewery agency party which literally would put a Gatsby party to shame it was so so much time and effort went into that party literally just first celebration for some of me and my students I said you know agency compare the amount of most you guys saw the marketing campaign for that offline and online it was the amount of preparation that went into that and then also dealing with the flywheel effect that happened where people like didn't even know why they were spreading the campaign they just kind of jumped on board dealing with that dealing with a huge product launch for agency ink layer and the whiplash effect that that had on customer support etc etc and then from there the clothing line launching the clothing line with all the final preparations for that in terms of assets having the gallery for the clothing line and then going to Nepal for two weeks to visit our school base AC from mid-october all the way until this point I've been so out of routine engine my meditation my morning routine nighttime routine etc etc that I've been so over the place I've even forgotten to meditate which has been shocking for me but my point is there have been days like for example in Nepal where I'm just so tired for ten days on in a row and I can't even remember whether I meditate or I didn't meditate seven days prior that is the issue I didn't have that data readily available to me and obviously I thought was more diligent which I was the first nine months a year I was punching in that data every single day so I did magic accumulate that but nonetheless I think that is the main pitfall with goal number three for 2019 so the next portion this video I really just want to talk about some of the philosophies around goal-setting there are people out there that will literally set twenty different goals for themselves in a year and I'm just not a fan of that at all I like to have three goals per year I feel so if you have more than three goals per year it's not gonna get engrained into your mind and for those of you guys who have agency Incubator who do the SBA we retreat every single morning as I still do to this day I like to have just three goals top of mind for me to have 5 10 15 20 bowls it's just I think people are being unrealistic when they set goals like that instead I just want three and that is going to be burned in ingrained into my mind so the way that I set goals I have three goals per year and what I did in 2019 was I actually use an app called strides and every single day I would punch in my progressions that goal and what I love about strides is it actually gives you a curb you can see how your goal has improved over the year and you can also see where your estimated to go so based on your current data and your current rate of growth it'll give you an estimation and I found that really motivating in 29 18 when I diligently used it because like for example I could check my company's profit I would punch that in on a monthly basis on a daily basis because obviously you know in a month I do my P&L you know remove expenses etc etc but it gives me an estimation based on my current career growth sounds like oh I've got oh damn I'm not hitting this goal or am hitting the school and same thing with kind of the other goals I had set for 2018 so I used strides that set in 2019 after to two months of the year I fell off and I think that is one of the reasons that I actually didn't hit my goals for 2019 is the fact that I wasn't as diligent with tracking and just my and making sure that I was up to date with my program so in 2020 I'm going to resume this habit I'm gonna be checking in daily long strides and punching in updates for the goals that I can do on a daily basis so that brings us into what you guys have all been waiting for it is time to reveal my 2020 goals to you so goal number one is two million pounds profit I believe that's around 2. 5 million dollars profit now for me that is a very I wouldn't say moderate I'd say it's a very reasonable goal I'm really off trying to stretch and go for five six seven million pound profit the reason I'm doing two million pound profit is because I know just from the get-go there are a lot of expenses and a lot of things I'm investing in next year then I won't get an ROI for for a long long time I know there's three new hires that I need to make within the first quarter of next year and these aren't just some random people from and I mean no disrespect in saying this you know a country like Philippines in India where obviously you can get talent for a lot cheaper these are people who are going to be based in England and based in London and even just three of their salaries combined adds an extra adds an extra hundred fifty two quarter million a year in expenses so there's expenses like that there's expenses and once again in that two million pound profit obviously all the money that I'd donate to charity and I'm continuing to go from strength to strength and build even more schools than I already did in Nepal next year and we're also looking at building schools in Colombia and there's some other stuff that if you guys come to know my backstory is near and dear to my heart like domestic abuse that those are issues and problems that I won't tackle in 2020 as well so my point is 2 million pound profit is a number I am confident I'm gonna hit and if you told me last year that that would be my goal for 2020 I would have been like why is it so low as I said that's because I have to take into consideration all the money that we're donating to charity and all of our philanthropic projects the new hires as well as like hires as well as just some other stuff that I'm investing in that as I know it won't reap the rewards off for another two to four years so that wraps up goal number one two million pounds profit between the agency between the education company as well as the clothing line now goal number two is 300 thousand YouTube subscribers in 2019 I pretty much didn't grow on YouTube at all and a lot of you guys are subscribers here because of that 17 euro high school dropout video now I pretty much use that video to grow the entirety of 2018 I think I ended up spending around a hundred fifty thousand pounds using that as a pre-roll ad to get subscribers in 2018 and at one point I think in November of 2018 I'm spending around five hundred pounds a day on that ad getting around 500 to 650 new subscribers every single day and those are relevant subscribers in primary US UK Canada Australia New Zealand for some reason I stopped using that campaign in 2019 as we start to scale ad spend for the education company earlier this year I'm like there's no clear ROI on this pre-roll campaign so that's why I turned it off and I regret turning it off because now it just doesn't perform as well as it used to and it's not even worth running anymore so in 2020 my focus is this YouTube channel again because the issue is I'm so used to just paying and knowing what sort of KPIs and what sort of growth I'm gonna get based on different levels of daily spend would that be my education company or for all of our agency clients I'm not someone who likes to do SEO and think about different thumbnails and titles and plan and structure video like even this video is my attempt to start editing better to start respecting your time in terms of like cuts and actually doing proper a cut usually what happens is and you can look at most of my videos is I will literally sometimes don't even be with a videographer and nobody likes so what do you want me to record this I'm just like roll the camera what are you gonna talk about I'm like I don't really know I would literally just roll the camera and start talking about what is on my mind what problems I'm facing on my business in my health relationships etc there's a lot of golden nuggets to come from that but it's not great for YouTube growth it's great for my you know my og people the people who just love to kind of just hear me spitfire different content but it's not good for attracting new audience as I said I'm really not good at the whole the whole SEO making videos the rank etc etc so in 2020 I'm gonna be leveraging pre-roll ads once again marrying that with really good SEO and making sure that I'm on top of the YouTube algorithm and outcome of that hopefully is 300,000 YouTube subscribers by the end of the year so goal number three is one book a week now and you guys know me you guys know that in 2014 15 16 and 17 I read one book a week religiously by the time 2018 rolled around I read a decent amount of books this year I read I think in total maybe 12 books keep in mind I did reread probably another 10 books on top of that but my point is reading is a habit that is so near and dear to my heart and meditation reading and exercises just and waking up on time is are such important things to me waking up at 6:30 which is the time I wake up and go to gym is just no problem for me anymore so I don't need to set that as a goal meditating is something that is something that I did fall in and out of in 2019 because I had so much going on but one thing that I learned with meditation in 2019 as I said it as one of my goals is I don't think in terms of attribution it wasn't as easy to attribute as something like reading a book a week which is very easy to do so that is my third goal reading a book week because also it'll mean that I'll have to be disciplined and set aside 3045 minutes a day just to read you know when I might have tons of other stuff I can do them the business tons of other stuff I can do socially I will have to maintain that discipline so that is that and the other reason I'm doing it is because I know how much all the students in agency incubator if you're an agency incubator you know that whenever I read a book and I make cliff notes from it where it's basically a book review it's my best snippets from the book it's what I took away from the book people love that and me reading a book a week in 2020 will make sure that there are an additional 50 plus book notes that you can print out and as I said if you're in the program you know that I have throughout my entire house in London I have printouts of different books I've read and I've skim read them ISM you know drinking a coffee or maybe I'm waiting for my uber the goobers to be four minutes away instead of looking my phone I read my printouts of my book cliff notes had tons of you guys in the program send me photos of you guys doing the same thing around the house now the last thing that I want to touch on in this video is while I have set three goals for myself I do not obsess over them okay the way that I look at goals is kind of just it's somewhat of a rudder to kind of point me in the right direction and just to keep me to keep me systems and processes orientated because a long time you can just kind of lose yourself in a bunch of stuff so my three 2020 goals is really just a reminder okay this is what is important and here's and this is sort of a barometer of how well you're doing but before I go to bed I'm not visualizing me achieving my three goals instead I focus always is to be systems and processes orientated so if I look at like let's say I'm trying to hit three hundred thousand YouTube subscribers and I'm and based on the information that I get from strides because I can punch in my daily growth how far I am to hitting that goal obviously by just doing my daily amount of subscribers if I'm not on track to hit that goal then I'm thinking in terms of systems and processes I'm thinking what systems can I set up for YouTube what processes can I set up for YouTube how can I improve my SEO how can i how can I and this is something I'm doing later in 2020 that's one of the full-time hires I'm getting a full-time videographer an editor because I love editing videos I'm trying a new editing style now I'm switching over from Premiere Pro to Final Cut Pro but as someone who's a multi seven-figure business owner should not be editing their own videos so even just setting up systems and processes like that same thing with if I'm meant to be reading a book a week and I'm only reading two books a month then I'm not trying to visualize like okay I will read a book a week I will read a book a week instead I'm thinking about what systems can I set at the end day what system can I set for myself to give you an example I could get one of those timed power charger things basically what it does you can get on Amazon is you plug in your router to this thing and you can set and you can set it so it turns off the power at a certain time so let's say for example if I'm not on track to hit my goal of reading a book a week I can set it so that between 5:00 and 6:00 p.
m. in my house there is no Wi-Fi connection because the router automatically turns off the power cuts it off for between 5 and 6 p. m.
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