Why you can’t change

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there's this quote that I absolutely love it's insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results it basically means your habits is what you are going to create your life with so if you constantly do the same thing over and over again and you're waiting for something to change honey nothing is going to change you have to change certain things about your lifestyle about the things you approach about the people you allow in your life all these things you have to change otherwise nothing is going to change a few years
ago when I was really really depressed I was watching this video of one of this YouTuber girl whatever and she basically was talking about this is her third relationship and that for the third time she had uploaded a YouTube video saying that yeah again this guy um like abused her physically in the relationship and this was the third guy the third relationship that did the same thing to her right and I was like watching it and I felt bad for her and then one comment and it was a top comment and it was most like
it was like you know what I don't even feel sorry for you anymore because you keep attracting those guys it's literally your own fault and I was thinking that's so rude to say and so harsh right but that also gave me a reality check because it is I was starting to think about it but is it her fault though you know because why is this thing happening over and over again why is it constantly the same person over and over again and when do we really see the red flags and see them as like oh
maybe I should watch out now or maybe I should not continue when do we really stop ourselves so then I really start to look at my own situation and then I was looking at myself and I was like hmm Liz you're constantly complaining about that your life is not changing yet you're not doing anything different than what you're doing every single day which is basically locking yourself up in your room like are you going outside even to have a little walk no um are you like engaging with other people being social no are you even
eating properly no none of that so how can I expect something else to happen if I do not do different things hi guys my name is this and welcome back to my channel okay in this video I am going to tell you some of the reasons why your life might not be changing or nothing is evolving nothing's happening okay first things first it might be your environment okay the the the country that you live in or whatever why do I say this in the beginning when I was starting my social media Journey when I was
starting off I grew up in a country that is very nine to five minded um if you look at uh the country where I grew up we don't even have big artists like it's not a thing right we don't have big YouTubers we don't have it so I felt really suffocated in that country because I wanted something really big like I wanted it but I couldn't have it and even uh when I was trying to open a business the the way they tax you for your business is insane like 50 to 70 percent for business
owners which is insane you know you will you will never get rich that way in that country because it was not designed for you to be rich or to to be successful whatever so I really had to look at myself and be like okay listen I probably will not be able to achieve what I want to achieve in this country because the mind is too small for me I want bigger things so I moved to a bigger con like a bigger city that where you have people that do social media where uh a lot of
entrepreneurs are here um even if you look like down the street you see really expensive cars you see all these expensive things and you start to open up your mind to like oh wow this is really possible and it's really actually very easy to attract money and to make money but once you start to see that that's when your mindset also involves but when you are stuck in a country where you don't see these things on on a regular basis or it's very weird to have it you start to believe that it's not possible for
you that's why there's this analogy that says if you put a fish in a tank it will only become this big but put the fish in an ocean and it will flourish and maybe you know become a shark let's say um so that's why it's very important what can you do in this case start looking for a job in a different country okay you can apply to different jobs uh like whatever job it is you know whatever the job is it does not matter as long as you can like expand your mind when you see
different things when you surround yourself with different people right um as well you can date someone that is from the country that you want to live in which is what I did like I literally met my partner he was living in this country and he was like Liz uh I want to get to know you better let's move you here you know and that's what I did you are surrounded by toxic people like constantly listen toxicity and family is very hard why you might be too young to move out you have no choice but to
stay there whatever I get it I was in that situation it's not nice but honestly like if it keeps being toxic and you cannot survive there anymore and you are of an age that you can move out and get your financial in orders get a job then do that and move out you know because being constantly surrounded by toxic people and environment you will become so depressed to a point that you don't even recognize yourself anymore and I am telling you when I got out of like um that whole like bad vibe I could look
back and I was like how did I survive all of that because in the moment you don't realize any of it you do not realize you're just in survival mode you constantly keep going keep going but then you put yourself completely out of the situation and you think like oh finally I have peace now that way it comes down on you you're like oh my God what did I just go through for past years that's family right so sometimes you might not get out whatever in that case surround yourself with people that support you surround
yourself with create a family outside of your home uh start to look for people that support you that are like come on like you can do better you know um that try to help you in any way that can Elevate you like just if they even cannot Elevate you or do anything just someone that supports you and say says hey you know what I believe in you and I don't think that your dreams are too big or too crazy that's enough for you to evolve honestly well you are too focused on other people listen maybe
you are in a relationship that's toxic and you're completely like trying to pull the person up like come on let's get there let's get it and they don't want or your friends are are like that and you're constantly trying to pull them up and they don't want and you keep like focusing yourself on other people and healing them and helping them honey like it's not working like this okay you cannot help other people when you cannot even help yourself it's a really harsh lesson that I had to learn because ever since I was young I
was always trying to help everyone like literally everyone I could see I would want to help right but I had to learn like hey Liz enough is enough and you are helpless yourself and nobody is offering you a hand so you should offer yourself a hand and you get yourself out of the [ __ ] you put yourself in because you know what sometimes it's not even other people sometimes it's you and you need to take accountability for how your life is going you can look yourself in the mirror and be like you know what
like I don't want to be like this anymore I don't want to hurt like this anymore I don't want to be treated like this anymore that's when things change and that's when things shifts for you why because you shift it it is very normal that your life is gonna go like this up down up down like after you decide that you want to change because you are stepping out of your comfort zone you are stepping out to do new things but new things lead you to a different life are you gonna fall back into Old
Habits yeah probably you are that's very normal you know the habits that you have created you probably had them for years and years and maybe your parents had them it it goes a long way but then when you can say Hey listen this ends with me and I am gonna change now I'm gonna be the cycle breaker it's very hard and you'll fall back and then you'll pick yourself up you'll fall back you'll pick yourself up again but that's a journey and you have to appreciate the journey because at least even if you're crawling you're
getting there you're doing something and you're not being stagnant and you're not settling for a life that you do not want if you are too focused on the goal and of the habits okay what do I mean by this basically it is all about what you do every single day right imagine you want to lose weight and in your mind you think like oh this is my goal I want to wait this much okay what do you what do you need to do to get there you need to eat healthy most of the time right
do not focus on oh no I'm not there yet focus on okay today did I eat healthy did was most of my food healthy did I move today did I drink enough water like whatever you know if that's a yes then okay perfect you know and you keep going like that consistently every single day and like that you will reach your goal but if you're too focused on oh no I need to get there and I need to get there in this month and whatever and this fast slow down slow down and just focus on
what you need to do every single day to accomplish that and every single day it's not going to be like oh perfect you're not a perfect human being you're probably gonna fall back but then the next day do it again and do it again and do it again you stop trying when things get tough uh this is how losers are created honestly I'm just being honest with you when things get tough they're like you know what that's it enough I'm not gonna I'm not gonna do anything anymore if I had stopped trying when things get
tough I would not be here at all like at all I would just not be doing anything maybe I would not even be alive literally why is life worth living for me if I should stop trying when things get tough that's not how Warriors are made maybe I have an advantage of this because I came from a very traumatic place but that's why when you put me in a stressful situation I drive the best I do not thrive in peace I try when you give me stress because that's how I I literally I feel at
home which is not nice it's not good but that's one of my biggest reasons that I can also be successful the thing is with me I cannot quit okay I have goals for myself and I owe it to myself to get those goals why because I have abused myself enough literally I have let myself get abused and I have abused myself because sometimes honestly it's also you that's the problem it's not always other people you know I have did I did things to my body that really hurt me I did things to my mentality to
hurt myself I need to take accountability for that as well that's why I have this hunger and I have to win because I know what what it is to have nothing and now that that I do have big things oh you best believe I will be appreciative of them I will count my blessings and I will get as far you know what my mentality is how good can this get how far can I take this how amazing am I really I like to test myself how far can you go Liz how far another thing is
you cannot accept help listen this is the biggest lie I've ever heard that people say oh my God I am self-made I did it all by myself no you did not like humans never did anything by themselves ever you know because even imagine you go to a job interview right um dude you don't have a car to get to that job interview you take the bus that bus driver helped you to get there that uh that employer hired you so he helped you to get a job everything in life is constantly people are helping each
other it is the way it is so you can't be like oh I never accept help from anyone you do you do even if you travel you literally trust the pilots with your whole life you accept help from him right he has to get you to A to B right safely stop creating this line in your head you can't accept help so instead if people offer you something or or they offer you a job or something or they know someone and they want to help you in some way accept the help you know you want
your life to change accept help from other people and that's it you stop learning this is a big issue because if your mind is not evolving you're not involving I really thrive on knowledge I I seek knowledge in my partner I really really every single person I've ever dated has been extremely highly intelligent because I really like to even learn from my partner I need them to be intelligent so I am constantly challenging myself I constantly read new books I I listen to new things I listen to different subjects I even listen to people's other
opinions that I do not agree with because I want to understand where what are their standpoints where are they coming from right so I I'm really open to receive information I'm open to receive different opinions right but if you're sitting and you're watching so many stupid things like the amount of stupidity on the internet right now what they're posting and what people are watching is insane and you're just literally wasting your life on this start actually listening to things that can evolve your mind that can make you smarter start going into subjects that you maybe
never found interesting or start to learn something new even start to learn a new language go to different uh go meet different cultures go travel a little bit see different people so you can open up your mind so you can see different things because if you're constantly watching one thing you're surrounded by one type of people um you're never going out or anything you you your mind is very close-minded right but then you meet lots of people you meet different opinions you see uh you see different cultures all these things your mind really starts to
open up and then you also become less judgmental towards people because you understand how how people are dealing with different things you know you start to understand people on a different level another thing is you do not care about your health listen your gut right where all your food food everything comes it's so important like they even called your gut the second brain that's how important it is because what you eat 100 affects how you feel your mood everything if you're gonna eat constantly processed foods that are filled with chemicals that are they're not going
to benefit you because believe me these foods are not mates to benefit you I know it's a cliche eat healthy walk outside drink water whatever but you know why it's a cliche because it actually works and it's actually true you know how you will feel even worse about yourself if you eat constantly fast food you're sluggish whatever you drink constantly you wake up the next day you have a headache you you feel literally bloated constantly these things will make you feel even worse about yourself and less motivated to actually do something in your life or
to actually change something about your life this is really really important you know how even I don't want to even go deeper into the brain but the brain chemicals change because of what you eat really look up how food affects your brain another thing is you are not patient so basically you want what you want and you want it now and that's it you want to change like this overnight it does not work that way how long have you been this person probably years maybe your whole life you have been this person and you expect
to change tomorrow it doesn't work that way it simply does not work that way okay you need to start understanding this it will take time for you to change I even I am constantly changing every single day and constantly every single day I realize new things about myself I realize toxic behaviors of my own self because of uh things that I haven't dealt with in the past you know I ignored certain things certain traumas and I like put them away in a box but then you will have certain people in your life that will come
into your life to trigger those traumas so you learn from them because you were not willing to learn before you will have to learn now it is just the way it is because we are on this Earth to constantly learn and to constantly evolve that's it you have to be patient it will not happen tomorrow maybe it will not happen next month maybe it will not happen in a year you will constantly go up down up down but I promise you that if you do if you create new habits for yourself even in six months
your whole life will look different literally you create a new mindset you you watch what you eat you you go you you care about you be mindful about walking around about moving your body about what you watch about what you learn about what you eat every single thing what you listen to your life will change if you do this consistently there is no other way but you have to be willing to do it and you have to be willing to be patient with it as well look at your life and think is this what I
want or is this what other people told me that I have to be you know because sometimes our parents they tell us oh I want you to be this I want you to be a lord I want you to be a doctor so constantly you're like striving for this you're studying you're studying but then you're unhappy because maybe that's not what you wanted you know so really sit back even Journal about it and be like what did I want and what was taken from me and start to honor what you want stop listening to other
people's wants and needs because at the end of the day they do not have to live your life okay they do not have to live your life they're not in your shoes why would you be miserable and suffering for other people why because you made them happy maybe and they're fulfilled but what about you are you fulfilled are you happy who are you and stop looking at people on social media with their whole lifestyle and everything and think like oh my God like I'm not I'm too old now I'm not doing enough I cannot change
anymore we also realize that maybe just normal life is good for you maybe you don't need like a mansion maybe you don't need these things maybe you don't even need like lots of money maybe enough is enough for you so don't look at like these people and think like oh I have to be where they are at their age you don't and they're not even there like you guys don't get it you know how much it also costs to sustain the life they're living because as much money you think they have they also have to
pay for lots of things it's expensive so realize that maybe enough is enough for you and that's okay like stop striving for crazy things if that's not what you want I forgot to mention maybe you do not believe that you deserve a good life maybe you do not believe unconsciously that you deserve to change maybe you believe that this state of your living is what you deserve because maybe you made mistakes before maybe um you you you don't think you're of yourself as a good person or maybe you think like oh other people deserve you
more than I do right you should really change this mentality because it doesn't matter whether other people deserve it more than you do whether you made mistakes or whatever if something is for you and and if something is meant to happen for you and you can feel it and it's actually meant to be then it will happen regardless God gave that thing to you and not to that other person so stop being so ungrateful for this feeling you thinking that you don't don't deserve something is you not being grateful because he gives you that idea
he gives you that that feeling in order for you to accomplish something big and you being like no other people deserve it more who are you to even question that who are you just go with what you feel and go what with what's meant for you thank you so much for watching guys I hope you guys learned something and yeah I see you guys in the next video I love you guys
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