it's shocking neverbe seen video that led to the shooting of a notorious YouTube prankster joke do you understand me in a world where everyone's chasing the next viral sensation pranks have reached new extremes while harmless pranks can spread laughter some go well beyond the line in their quest for attention stirring up chaos just for a few clicks but every now and then they mess with the wrong person and get served a dose of reality they weren't expecting this dumb influencer went to Japan and did thisa Nagasaki you know why we do to hirosima Nagasaki that's
unacceptable anywhere but especially in Japan where respect and politeness are highly valued he then went to Israel and harassed a female cop you a bad that's swe you a bad take you to dinner I swear to God I swear to God I'll change your life I'll change your life baby baby I'll change your life I promise you I'm in the sidewalk I'm in the sidewalk okay okay go okay I'll go I'll go I'm from America I'm from America USA getting arrested was nothing compared to what awaited him in Korea the locals in Korea were far
less forgiving than in Japan he ended up being tracked down by streamers and even an MMA fighter who beat him till the police showed up now he could be facing a possible 10-year prison sentence in South Korea for his horrendous actions all around me are familiar faces pranking people in a country where carrying firearms is legal is a risk I'd never take here's a perfect example why it's shocking neverbe seen video that led to the shooting of a notorious YouTube prankster you can see the prankster he's the 6'5 dude in the white baseball cap his
Target is a guy named Alan kohley about now obviously we can't show the rest of the footage but after going to the guy was acquitted of any charges most would expect the prankster's parents to talk some sense into him but here's what his mom had to say instead I support Tanner and whatever he decides to do and I'm going to continue supporting him there are wholesome pranks where rich YouTubers hand out money to random people however if you're going to make a promise make sure you actually follow through basically we're just going up to people
and we're encouraging them to do the max if you can hit your max will give you $1,000 yeah oh [ __ ] BR if you hit your max bro on yeah yeah if if we're there bro like we got you we'll be here spotting you the whole time $1,000 on the line get it get it up come on up up up [Music] up I'm not going to lie I'm not going to lie you're not getting that $1,000 hey so it's a prank it's a prank it's a prank after watching this it's hard not to think
that today's generation of influencers has completely lost the plot this right here is for everybody they got me up you hear me a few moments later I just busted tvia turn around turn around it game over when influencer sneo was turned away from a club he whipped out his camera and started harassing the bouncer who refused him entry the moment he tipped his cap it was Game Over got this busted up too smile for me man this was the security guard at at this thing at this event right up here usually we show clips of
Bradley Martin making a fool of himself you can you beat me in a street fight you're you're a podcaster brother I love it I love it but this time he's the one delivering Karma got M [Music] [Applause] my my damn actually oh [ __ ] imagine spending $20,000 on a car only for some YouTuber to come along and spray paint it for clicks and Views he did this to multiple dealerships but he really regretted doing it to this one let's just say they didn't take it lightly you man you out here spray painting our stuff
bro I I tried to say it tell you guys it was a joke joke do you understand me do you understand me you're not sorry T I'm not touching him I'm not touching him you think it's a joke Ain sorry you're doing it again hey hey hey guys don't let I'm not leaving I'm not leaving St right over there ass you start with me bro start with me it was just a joke guys I told can up your ass is that a joke I'm going to lay you down pranking unsuspecting strangers anywhere in the world
can lead to trouble but doing it in the hood almost makes disaster inevitable what's the nearest subway around here Subway Subway is that way man why you giving me attitude boy you trying to get smoked or what what do you mean attitude the way you're walking and [ __ ] is my block bro you trying to trying to get smoked or what 12 seconds later the you mean smoke who the you think I am what's up my boy what are you doing chilling chilling can I chill with you no hey the way the way he
standing over here looks like you're trying to get pop or what but the boldest prank in the hood trying to flirt with someone's girlfriend right in front of her boyfriend hey are y'all together yeah okay I I just wanted to know if they wanted these nuts in their mouth what the you say bro no I mean it's two of them and I got two nuts and I'm trying to figure out if they want them I'm just trying to oh it was at this moment that he knew he up this guy pulled the infamous Oreo prank
swapping the filling with toothpaste but instead of targeting a friend he chose an unsuspecting homeless man the victim became ill and after the influencer posted the prank video on YouTube he faced Court charges receiving a 15-month prison sentence and a $22,000 fine in compensation to the victim when you're so focused on filming a prank that you forget to check your rearview mirror y'all got them b b or milkshakes uh no we got an Oreo e no you just like the infamous and hated prankster mzy from our previous video canel's stunts tread dangerously close to the
line that separates pranks from harassment from eating people's door Dash orders to shopping out of strangers carts this guy is asking for it his much needed dose of karma came swiftly when he swiped the wrong person's luggage at the airport I watched you with the camera bro chill out for the next 30 seconds the victim kept dragging canel around the airport by his hair you stop buing me CAM I was just wondering do you want do you want to see my balls quick your what my balls what do you mean your balls you want to
see my balls what you mean my balls your balls balls what kind of BS manly balls mate there's no need for that is there a Tik Tok prankster thought it'd be hilarious to dangle Donuts in front of some cops but then a dog at that first hey any of you from my face hey come on I thought what the oh yeah you got that I got I got got thank you sir you let me get all those badge numbers badge numbers names badge numbers names thank you sir hey don't touch me I'm the what am
I getting for I think it's time for you to go oh what he what's he getting arrested for what's he getting arrested for please back off back off please don't tou me he assaulted Lieutenant you back off or you'll go to jail he I recorded the whole thing in the end shouting it's a prank doesn't make harassment or disrespect acceptable it's unfortunate that clout chasing has convinced some of the younger generation that mocking others is all in good fun like Mike Tyson said social media has made people way too comfortable with disrespecting others and not
getting punched in the face for it if you enjoyed this consider liking the video video and subscribing to the channel your support means a lot to me as always thanks for sticking till the end and see you in the next one