The True Stories of the Warren Hauntings: The Conjuring, Annabelle, Amityville, and Other Encounters

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hello everybody today we are going to be talking about what is potentially the most famous paranormal and occult couple in the world ed and lorraine warren now ed and lorraine have become very famous especially recently due to the movies that are based off their exploits such as the conjuring annabelle and however many sequels they've made however not a lot of people are familiar with the true stories that inspire them or at least the details of what happened within those stories and while it's not as bombastic or over the top is the movies because that whole
based on a true story phrase gets you a really long way in hollywood i think the true accounts of events and what led up to them are far more interesting so i want to share them with you today so to start let's get some background on ed and lorraine themselves ed and lorraine met each other in the early 1940s when they were both 16 years old whenever lorraine visited a theater that ed was working at the two began to date shortly before ed went off to fight in world war ii and as soon as he
came back on leave the two of them were married and then had their daughter a year later after the war ed became a painter with a specific fascination with painting things like landscape and scenery however he always had a very profound interest in the supernatural ever since ed was three years old he would tell stories of how he talked to a ghost woman who lived in his bedroom and at a young age firmly believing his house to be haunted that inspired this interest that would carry out for the rest of his life meanwhile lorraine identified
herself as a clairvoyant or in more basic terms someone who's able to sense and pick up on supernatural or spiritual energies she first began to notice this when she was nine years old when she noticed all the teachers at her school had a specific aura or glow around them to the point it became weird to her that not everyone else could see it until she realized that she had certain capabilities so as a sort of way to take a interest in this hobby ed would go to houses that he knew to be haunted and he
would paint it and the scenery around it before him and lorraine would go to the front door knock on it show the homeowner that he painted the house and the homeowner be like oh that's very cool why don't you come in and i'll tell you some stories about it because i guess the way it worked in the 1950s is if two random people you never met show up at your house with like a painting of your house that they had to stand across the street and paint for a while you're like oh that's cool why
don't you come in and i'll tell you everything about myself people who did this with the warren said that they were so unbelievably pleasant they began recommending them to people that they knew as friends and then around town and it eventually got to the point where this became the reputation for the warrens eventually in the 1950s the warrens founded the new england society for psychic research also known as nesper the purpose of this organization was to look into and find out secrets regarding the supernatural and the occult through nesper and the web of people who
joined and began doing the same thing the warrens are doing if at smaller degrees nespro boasts that to this day they have investigated up to 10 000 supernatural cases now ed and lorraine themselves were both devout catholics so the majority of their beliefs were pretty rooted in catholic ideology whenever i talk about some of the specific cases we'll get to places where they devolve from the basic or core belief standards but anytime they considered a haunting to be legitimate they would always bring in a priest or a spiritual expert within the church i believe it's
in one of the conjuring movies i'm not sure where it says it but there is a line to the effect that ed is the only non-priest or member of the church who was given the ability to exercise demons and while that didn't happen because every time there's an exorcism ed would bring a priest in to do it he was one of the only non-members of the official church or body of the church who was called in by the church to do supernatural excursions or in other words they got to such a point of notoriety that
if someone contacted the catholic church or the vatican about a supernatural situation they would send the warrens first to get their opinion on it regarding their beliefs and their ideas around things like possession and exorcism they are noted as having said the quote the fairy tale is true the devil exists god exists and for us as people our very destiny hinges upon which we elect to follow while initially their goal was to simply find demons and spooky occurrences before logging them and then inviting the church in in 1965 they believed to meet a ghost by
the name of cynthia who was lost and looking for her mother this was such a profound moment for them specifically with lorraine that instead of just continuing to catalog phenomena they then decided to try to help people and potentially these ghost or spirit entities also during this time and this is one of the few things that the movie did kind of get right the warrens began amassing a collection of these supernatural entities most of them from haunts or places that they visited and began stockpiling them in their basement they felt that if all these harmful
things exist in the world it would be better for them to relocate them to a place that they can be guarded by spiritual practices which led to the creation of the war and occult museum which once again is pretty much just their basement that was existing in monroe connecticut although it's currently shut down because of relocation stuff and will be opened at a new location in the supposed near future but it is quite possibly the most diverse and intensive collection of supernatural elements in the world and in their basement they had everything from possessed dolls
to demonic statues that were used in satanic rituals and instruments that play themselves and all that's in their basement to just give you an idea of the kind of people we're talking about so with people who have so many experiences with ghosts and demons and everything in between you would imagine that these people's lives would be pretty interesting and that's exactly what hollywood thought their lives were used to inspire stories of the conjuring the amityville annabelle and a ton of other stuff so today we are going to be looking at seven of what is arguably
their most famous cases that have been converted into film and i'm going to tell you about the true or at least accepted recollection of what happened now obviously your opinion of how true you believe it to be or otherwise all hinges on if you think all this spiritual demonic stuff is malarkey or not and while especially near the end i'm going to talk about some of their more famous detractors or opinions against them i also want this to be a show of the true telling of events or at least the original telling of events before
it was adapted into the movies that have become so famous so if at any point during this you're thinking to yourself i don't believe that that's too far-fetched just wait for the end we'll get there but for now let's dive into the real world accounts of poltergeist possessions and everything in between starting with annabelle and we'll get right into the spooky stuff but you know it's even spookier than that smelling bad smell like you smell bad especially during this time of the year imagine you're all cuddled up on the couch watching a scary movie fall
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it but as always thank you for watching i'm gonna do these in chronological order so we're gonna start with the first most notable story in the warren's history and that is the story of annabelle in 1970 a woman gave a gift to her 28 year old daughter named donna donna liked to collect dolls and her mother had bought her a rackety and doll donna brought the raggedy and all back to her apartment that she shared with her roommate named angie and the two of them placed it in the middle of the living room it's from
there that things began to get weird initially it was small details like for example the raggedy and randomly falling off the couch it's showing up in a different chair from where they left it from there the movement got progressively worse like for example it went from just simply falling in the floor to whenever the two of them would get home it would have gone from the couch to lane on one of their beds behind a locked door donna's boyfriend began to come over and had these really weird off-putting vibes with the doll this was only
exhilarated whenever they began to find parchment paper laying around the house mind you a kind of paper they didn't keep in their house having writing on it such as phrases like help me written in a child's handwriting donna's aforementioned boyfriend began to have nightmares about the doll of it just standing there watching him from the other side of the room until one night he had a particularly extreme dream in which the raggedy and all crawled up his legs tried to choke him to death before he woke up freaking out that morning while telling dawn to
the story of what he had dreamed they heard a rumbling coming from one of the rooms whenever they go and open the door the raggedy ann is lying there face down on the floor the boyfriend begins to walk over to it before he gets an extremely sharp pain in his chest and blood begins seeping through his shirt he opens up his shirt to reveal very deep scratch marks that are bleeding everywhere and in the panic to try to get something to stop the bleeding the scratch marks disappear this was concerning so from there they decided
to hire a psychic to come in and perform a seance during the seance the psychic identified that a ghost of a seven-year-old girl by the name of annabelle higgins was possessing that raggedy ann doll hence where the name annabelle comes from the medium told the two people living in the apartment that this little girl is lost and finds comfort in the two of them and would like to stay because she makes them feel safe donna and angie feeling bad for annabelle decide to just leave her in the apartment which is probably the dumbest move i've
ever heard after a couple more weeks of getting creeped out because you know the doll's like teleporting they decided to contact the warrens who were beginning to make a name for themselves in the supernatural realm the warrens come over and give them the very alarming information this is in fact not the ghost of a lost seven-year-old girl but in fact a demon see according to the warrens and again a lot of these specific ideas just because they're catholic it doesn't mean all catholics believe this this is like their philosophy their idea was that ghosts do
not possess items they can exist on their own but they do not have the ability to take over things such as just objects or places however what absolutely does have the power to do that is demons however demons do not want a final destination of just messing with you with a doll they eventually want to possess you so this demon line about it being a seven-year-old girl in order to gain their trust is a really bad thing the warrens brought a priest in they performed an exorcism on the apartment and then at the behest of
the two girls took annabelle with them on the drive home from the apartment they had annabelle strapped in the back seat i imagine like buckled in with like her little floppy arms laying down the car began to swerve uncontrollably and the brakes continuously went out eventually ed pulled over got out a bunch of holy water splashed it all over annabelle and then the car started working after that and then after they got it back to their place this was before the whole like basement devil pit was really set up at their home so they just
kind of had annabelle laying around and they would do things like perform prayers over it however it was still doing the whole teleport from room to room thing even to the point where one time ed locked it in the shed outside of his house and sure enough they just find it laying in the living room during this time a priest come over to do business with ed one day before he saw the doll picked it up and said this is just a doll it's not gonna hurt you ed said that he would warn him about
doing that before the priest just laughed and said annabelle back down and later that day the priest called ed after he had left and said that as soon as he left the house he was in a major car accident and nearly died ed then constructed a case for annabelle that was made out of wood that was treated with holy water before locking it up with the sign beneath it that says do not open under any conditions not long after it's set up one day a boyfriend and girlfriend came in after the museum was set up
and people could tour it to which the guy walked up to the case and started tapping on it saying that annabelle was stupid and should try to scratch him ed told him to get out if he's going to be disrespectful and as soon as that guy left he began driving down the road he was in a motor accident and was tragically killed the girlfriend who narrowly survived the accident had said at the time of the wreck they were laughing about the ridiculousness of the doll and from there it's just sat there in the basement of
the warren's house to this day supposedly i don't know where it's at i hope it's still there lorraine warren even years later in interviews says it's the most dangerous thing they have in their collection and she won't even make eye contact with it also weird side note i saw when researching all this there is a tarot card of the devil stapled to the case next to annabelle and ed did that one day and ed's passed away now so no one knows why he did it and it's just the worst thing this story was the inspiration
for the movie annabelle which i mean as you can tell from the way the doll looks and absolutely every other detail about the movie outside of its name took several civil liberties with changing the story which funny enough there was an interview in which someone asked lorraine warren you know obviously every time someone makes a movie about your life the details are drastically changed to make it look cool in hollywood and all that and she said she doesn't mind the changes and in fact she likes them because anything that can scare people out of talking
to demons is a good thing continuing on from that we have what is potentially the most famous case the warren's worked on the parent family case in 1970 the parent family moved into a farmhouse in new england which was constructed in 1736. as they were taking the keys from the previous owner the previous owner said you should be good to go but for the sake of your family leave the lights on at night which like what immediately after living there the children began to experience different forms of supernatural connection the young boys said there was
a ghost that seemed to be a motherly figure that would tuck them in at night and kiss them on the forehead and the girl said there was a ghost by the name of manny who would play with them and whenever they were outside in the yard plane would watch them from the window which i don't know as a parent how you can hear your kids say that and be like oh those imaginations the family was like really chill about this too supposedly and like they tell all their neighbors and their neighbors would talk about it
like there was this one ghost they called the sweeping ghost because they'd randomly hear the brew moving and whenever they walk into the room the broom would be laying there next to a pile of dirt and there were several one-off occurrences that happened like for example them walking into a room and then they would see like two men in the room and they would look at like the homeowner like say the wife just walked in the kitchen there'd be two guys in the kitchen talking they'd turn to her then disappear when she blinked and again
they were just fine with this for some reason that was until they began encountering what was some definite malevolent spirits for example the family said that after living there for a while at 5 15 am like clockwork every morning spirits would come that would smell of rotting flesh and began shaking their beds the kids started saying there would be the spirits that would cry and try to pull them across the beds as well as one that whispered to the boy saying there's seven dead soldiers buried in their walls there was also one spirit that to
this day none of the family has gone a description of they said was particularly the most evil and the only thing that the oldest daughter has ever said about it is that it was a very evil mean man in a house with five young girls however the most famous spirit was that of bathsheba way way back in the house is history there was someone who lived on a nearby adjoining property by the name of bathsheba who encountered some controversy when people in the village believed that she had murdered her baby basically what happened is she
was taking care of her baby and then the baby died and the reason it died is because it was stabbed in the back of the head um which isn't exactly you know like just an accident that happens and people began calling her a witch which was again a thing that people did at the time however she was never executed for it but she was shunned by the community until her eventual death the family believed this ghost to be one of the primary specters within the house itself particularly it seemed to be very loving towards the
father of the home doing things like caressing him and appearing as a beautiful woman but to the mom it was none of those things for example the supposed spirit of bathsheba would do things like pull the mom's hair torment her yell at her randomly which imagine walking through your house at night and then just a ghost screams at you and you're like ah not again until one night she was laying on her couch and then felt a quick stab in her leg only to see a pool of blood and this was the point when she
decided she should probably do something about it after this the warrens arrived and after staying for the day decided to attempt a seance in the basement during the course of this seance things got way way worse with all the children testifying that from watching behind the cover of the staircase they could see their mom be picked up float in the air before being flung violently into the wall the father got furious at the warrens and immediately kicked them out however according to the family after the warrens left bathsheba didn't mess with him after that however
everyone else still did and that story was the inspiration for the conjuring now if that sounds weird to you it's probably because in the movie the warrens show up and they exercise the demons and everyone goes home and it's a good day but as we're gonna see that's not really what happened with a lot of these like the cases are still interesting but there is a lot especially in hindsight of people kind of boisterous position like at this point in the parent family haunting or you know the conjuring haunting they had had a bunch of
different like psychics and mediums coming everything like that and if anything the warrens were one of the worst ones i mean the father kicked them out afterwards and there was still hauntings afterwards but because of things like the movie they're famed with like oh they got the demons out of there which no they didn't they just made him angry maybe one ghost demon lady but that doesn't count if you've got 50 ghosts in your home and someone shows up and you get thrown into a wall and now there's only 49 ghosts in your home you've
still got 49 ghosts in your home eventually the family was able to move and the haunting seemed to stop which leads us into our next situation the amityville case which you can guess which movie came off of that now before i get into the whole like supernatural side of it i need to give you the actual background for the house itself in 1974 a man named ronald defeo woke up one morning and decided to murder his family he woke up one day at 3 15 a.m and using a rifle murdered his four siblings and two
parents he then went to work and did his day as normal before going home and pretending that he had just come across an entire murder scene although it wasn't long after being questioned by the police that he folded and confessed saying that there were voices in his head telling him to commit the murders now in research for this a lot of people really like to push the whole oh he was possessed that's why i did the killings thing but and i'm not trying to speak ill of the dead but it was kind of commonly known
that there was a chance he was like maybe not necessarily abused but that he had some untreated mental conditions and he kind of self-medicated with drugs which you know definitely isn't good for your psyche so while a lot of people really love the whole demon possession route it was probably more along the lines of a sadly untreated mental disease regardless however one detail about the case that was really weird to me is that the neighborhood where the amityville house is is pretty tightly packed and he murdered them using a 35 caliber rifle which is a
pretty big round and it's very loud however no one heard any shots there was no report of shots fired and granted it was at 3 15 in the morning but you'd imagine in all the quiet it would have woke someone up however he was arrested and given a life sentence and it was the next year after the lutz family moved in that the supernatural occurrences happened the lutz family moved in and then moved out after only 28 days for the reasons i'm about to explain they said as soon as they moved in things were immediately
weird at night whenever they'd all be gathered together they could see quick glimpses of what looked like someone looking in from outside their windows the father said that he could see this sort of green slime eeking from out of the floorboards there was a constant foul odor in the house something that he compared to rotting flesh and the kids said they would randomly wake up at night levitating just a little bit off their beds another interesting occurrence is that every day the father began to wake up at 3 15 a.m and be unable to fall
back asleep which if you'll remember is the time in which the original killings took place he then said one night by walking by his daughter's room he saw her laying on the bed and a red-eyed pig face standing over her not long after this his daughter said that she made a new friend which was a pig named joey again that's the point that you leave but whatever furthermore he said that randomly he would wake up at night and look at his wife kathy and it seemed that she was aged to 80 or 90 years old
and then just even more progressively weird stuff happened like randomly at night they'd hear your instruments playing downstairs but whenever they went downstairs there'd be no instruments but the floor would be cleared out like all the furniture pushed to the side to make room for like a band in the middle in the snow outside of the house they saw cloven footprints which uh no as well as a secret blood red room in the basement that was not on the house's floor plan it was a very small room that only like two people could fit in
and what was even weirder about the room well i mean it's all weird but another weird thing about the room was that whenever they tried to bring the dog down to it the dog began freaking out and barking and trying to get away from it so one day thank god the family packed up one morning and left and never came back and then the weirdness doesn't stop there so afterwards there was a guy who decided to like get their accounts and then put together a book that later became the amityville so whenever he got the
original manuscript printed he put it in his car and then his car exploded and caught on fire to which whenever they crawled through the wreckage of the fire the only thing that wasn't destroyed was the manuscript he then gave it to his friend to transfer to which the car's steering broke and he drove off a bridge into a lake which when they pulled the car out of the lake guess what was the only thing that wasn't wet and then he gave the manuscript to another friend at least i hope it was another friend i hope
the guy whose car ran off the bridge wasn't like yeah no that was a freak accident here i'll put that in my house he gives it to his other friend who reads it and then that night his house caught on fire and that guy died in the house fire so yeah bad juju all around with this story so you may be asking yourself well where do the warrens come in on this and they don't at least not until all this is over see while a lot of people credit them with being there with the family
during the whole like d possession of the house or whatever they showed up after the house was empty because remember the family was only there for 28 days but when they did show up oh boy did they show up as soon as they got there lorraine was having panic attacks saying that the presence was so strong in there she said she could still feel the energy of the children who had been killed in their beds and then come to find out no one ever replaced the beds in which the original family was murdered in in
other words this dude murdered his family in the beds and whenever this lutz family comes in it was the same beds i don't even know if they changed the pillows which like go stuff aside supernatural whatever that's just a bad idea i mean even if you don't believe in anything religious at all you've got to be like yeah i'm probably cursing myself or something at this point while walking through the house ed went down to the basement and was immediately out of breath like something was pushing on his chest to which he just started getting
out holy water and throwing it everywhere which i mean why not and keep in mind they were in there with a film crew of people from duke university who whenever they were standing in the living room lorraine said something to the effect of they're trying to contact me and two guys passed out immediately they ended up only staying in the house till 1am they had originally planned to stay there for about a week and left however famously ed did get this image from the second story of the home many people believe that young boy to
be one of the spirits of the siblings that were originally murdered in the house which this was enough fuel to fuel the 28 amityville horror movies and no that's not exaggeration there's 28 of them look it up at this point because amityville horror became such a huge thing and the warren's testimony was a part of it the warrens kind of became a household name at least four people who were interested in the paranormal and by this point it was getting to the level where the warrens were visiting two or three different cases every week even
outside of the united states which leads us to our next case the infield poltergeist in 1977 weird things began happening for the hogston family in enfield north london see with a lot of these like houses like the situation that happens in them is really really old like oh yeah it used to be a murder castle 200 years ago or whatever but what was weird about the infield case initially is it was just an apartment or like a flat in the middle of london there shouldn't have been anything weird about it however things began to get
weird when in this house of seven within the daughter's room a chest began to move across the floor on its own initially the hogstone mother just thought that her daughters were playing a prank on her until while witnessing it she watched the chest scuttle on its own across the floor also this isn't like a box you can tie a string to this thing's like a massive wooden chest so the mom begins panicking and screaming and runs to her neighbor's house to which the neighbors call the police when the police come over with the neighbors in
tow everyone witnessed a large chair begin rattling and shake across the floor followed by several knocks coming from within the walls to which the police were like wow that's weird anyway gotta go arrest people for not having their television license british comedy anyway from there one of the daughters by the name of jeannette began to act very strange she began speaking in different voices and snarling periodically and began adopting various different personalities and speaking through them the most interesting of which being a man by the name of bill who she said died of a hemorrhage
within the home a few years ago which sure enough it turns out that a man named bill had died in the living room of that house of a hemorrhage there's a bunch of other you know your standard weird chairs floating and other creepy paranormal stuff really with any of these you can assume there's some like moving furniture and like creepy whispers at night the initial news crews who came to document this situation got a lot of footage of jeanette in her possessed or sporadic states which is where images like this come from of her like
touching the ceiling in her room and once again you may be asking yourself where are the warrens well they came in for one day said yep you got demons have a good one really they were so busy at this point they just show up for one day and they're like yep that's demons you should probably call someone about that and then got out of there despite the warren's low influence in this case overall this is the inspiration for the conjuring 2. eventually they just stopped and at the end of the video i'll get into some
of my theories about like what these mean or what the connections are between different cases i don't want to spoil or talk about anything too consequentially right now but we'll get to it but eventually the poltergeist just quit meanwhile the warrens were off to bigger and better things which led them to the snetaker house in 1986 the snedekers moved to a new house in southington connecticut this house was originally a mortuary in the 1920s which is a fantastic place to raise a family and what i mean like mortuary i mean like in the basement there
were blood drains for whenever they did the whole corpse dissection stuff and whenever they cleared out the basement they found a bunch of like old surgery tools and like embalming equipment also upon further inspection of the house once they got in there within the basement they found several drawers full of pictures of various corpses and then later figured out there was a cemetery for unmarked graves in the backyard so as you can imagine place was haunted it started off with like i guess relatively chill stuff like they would just see dead bodies out of the
corner there well i mean that's not chill in your house but it wasn't anything attacking them it was just like real quick they'd glimpse like you know someone in a suit laying on a table or whatever along with hearing whispers and noises in the night until there was a couple apparitions they began seeing around the house one of them mean a man with quote pale skin high cheek bones no eyes and long black hair and another man who had white hair wore a pinstripe suit and his feet were always moving i can't that brings the
worst conjurings to my conjuring that brings the worst thoughts to my mind i could possibly imagine like like you mean he's running at you all the time or like are they vibrate like both of those are terrifying and then various weird things around the house started to happen like for example they had a very sick son who was battling a form of cancer and one day they brought him into the house on i believe it's like a bed gurney and then the gurney just started like spinning in the dining room that same son began to
beg to go back to sleep at the hospital because he began hearing voices and seeing those previously mentioned figures within his room now i think the sun was the first one to see the figures which gives the parents a little bit of leeway but i still feel like even if you haven't seen them yet if your son comes up to you and describes the things i just described as being in the corner of his room you don't be like grow up be a man go find him this is your house eventually the sun's demeanor began
to change until one day he just violently attacked his cousin after this the son began staying at the hospital in which he was being treated and whatever was within the house got a lot more violent there's a specific idea within ideas of demonology of something known as a succubus and alternatively an incubus so a succubus is a female demon or entity that tries to seduce men and incubus is a male demon entity that tries to seduce women or at least that's how they're originally described in literature i guess they could go either way but you
get the point the women of the house specifically the mother and oldest daughter began saying that they were constantly being harassed by whatever the spirit was in the most inappropriate sense to the point that one night and i got demonetized in my last video because i said i thankfully i got it back from youtube but because i said the word for uh committing not living i said that word and they took my monetization away so i'm not even going to begin to describe what this woman just said on tv but the mother was in an
interview on television she was like well you know my daughter was in the house and the demons started just like bleep bleep no filter whatsoever but according to her one night her and her daughter just sprinted out of the house and began running down the road as these spirits were still touching them it was at this point and again they should have done this on day one like the moment i see anything that even remotely resembles a dead body in my house i'm either burning it or getting a priest but they at this point call
in the warrens who spent nine weeks with the family according to the warrens on a scale of one to ten for like how bad a possession can be this was a nine and there's a story around this time which i couldn't like certify where it came from but that when it was a mortuary um the people who ran it were using bodies for affilia of the necro variety which would explain you know the the things that were going on really evil bad spirits want them out so after a series of exorcisms these spirits were kicked
out and the family went on to a life of luxury after this was adapted into the haunting in connecticut now there's a lot of like i don't want to say holes but there's a lot of things i'm gonna bring up with this one at the end but i'll hold off for now so we'll just move on to our next case which is that of the smirl family in 1974 the smurl family moved into their new home in west pittson pennsylvania they said that there was always a sort of creepy vibe in the house like you
know things creaking randomly or people misplacing objects but wasn't until several years of living in the home that things got to the point that they began hearing random voices specifically the mother who would say that whenever she was going to bed at night she would hear someone trying to talk to her these voices got louder and eventually began to go around to everyone else in the household before weird acts of violence began happening in the house like one day their dog just simply floated off of the ground and then was thrown directly into a wall
and around the same time their daughter had a ceiling fan just randomly fall out of the middle of nowhere and nearly kill her only slightly injuring her by cutting her face remember the whole succubus incubus thing i mentioned a second ago well that was happening to the mother and father as well during this time which i'm not making light of it i i don't necessarily know how much of this i believe but i definitely know that i believe in demonic presence however i have to mention this the father's story was that his encounter which again
not funny not making light of it but that it occurred while he was in the living room watching a baseball game so i just want to know did he finish watching after this it was determined that things are not okay so the warrens were invited in the warrens described that there were four entities within the house three of them being wayward spirits and one being a demon that was directing them to carry out these actions which led to the aforementioned most interesting seventh inning in baseball history also around this time like it got big in
the media that this was going on and there were reporters there all the time and cameras everywhere and it became a whole deal eventually four exorcisms were performed one for each of the spirits and every time there was like chairs flying everywhere and stuff floating and levitating and again your standard hocus pocus and then after the fourth exorcism everything seemed to be good to go and the warrens had another one in the books to which this story was adapted into the movie the haunted now we've got one more to talk about and if you are
familiar with the warrens or even more specifically a critic of them you may realize there's a story that i skipped over and that's because i wanted to save it for now and that is the case of arnie johnson cheyenne before i get into the reason this is such a controversial case for the warrens and the number one thing that their detractors cite i've got to give some background to why this was such a spicy topic to begin with johnson was 19 years old and living with his fiancee debbie also living with him was debbie's at
the time 11 year old brother david one day whenever they were about to go to a new apartment david said that there was a man there who was very old had gray hair and was wearing a flannel shirt that was scaring him initially they didn't really believe david and just thought that it was his imagination playing with him until after they left that apartment david said that he could still see the old man but now he's appearing to him as a beast not only that but a beast that's speaking latin which is almost definitely a
bad thing and it was threatening them that if they live in that apartment bad things would happen to david's family it was around this time that david would wake up covered in scratches and deep bruises as well as he quit telling them of what was happening and just became kind of distant and quiet with doctors having no explanation for how this was happening to him the family called the church who then sent the warrens as soon as i got there lorraine said that she could see a black mist surrounding david and constantly trying to choke
him which again almost definitely a bad thing so getting confirmation to the church a priest comes and they perform an exorcism during the exorcism david began to levitate off the bed and begin saying stuff in latin it didn't work and subsequent exorcisms had to be performed one day johnson who was the 19 year old soon-to-be brother-in-law to david was so desperate watching david cry out and scream during an exorcism saying that it's inside of him and can't come out that johnson grabbed david looked him in the face and said get out of my little buddy
why don't you just take me instead immediately after this everyone testified that johnson had a massive mood shift before this johnson was as everyone accounted even the warrens a very kind and sympathetic man who was nice to everyone he met but the moment that he said that he immediately became retracted and quiet it was the next day that johnson went back to that original property where david had said he saw the man to which johnson said he felt a calling from a well at the back of the property later johnson would recount that he goes
there he went to the well looked down and the beast was in the bottom of it and when the two made eye contact he had no memory from that moment until the moment i'm about to describe during this period of time where johnson was supposedly possessed debbie said that he would begin to growl and hallucinate and say random words and then not remember that he did so the warrants were keeping a close eye on this specifically lorraine who you know if during an exorcism someone looks at the demon it's like why don't you possess me
and then they start acting weird that's probably you know something to keep on your radar until one day johnson was at debbie's place of work to which her boss was a friend of johnson so this man who i'm just gonna call the boss was the boss of his fiance and his close friend for whatever reason an altercation broke out between this boss and johnson and everywhere i've read it seems that the boss had grabbed johnson's little sister and i don't think in an appropriate way from all the reading i did it seems like his little
sister was just being a ruckus and he was kind of drunk so he's like hey quit that out and johnson just went off on him and then during this altercation he began to growl scream pull the pocketknife and johnson stabbed his friend to death and from there johnson came back to consciousness snapped out of it and began freaking out at what had just happened he turned himself in and for the first time in united states history argued not guilty by reason of possession with famously the warrens going to testify to the police on his behalf
saying he was not responsible as he was possessed by a demon this is the reason a lot of people who like don't believe in all the demonic stuff have an issue with this case because this is one of the few times that even someone who's religious could look at this and be like that may be a kind of slippery slope to go down but because of this the case immediately gained widespread media attention because a guy saying that the devil made him kill somebody needless to say as you can imagine the judge threw it out
however he did get his charge down to first degree manslaughter and ended up only serving five years so he pretty much got off for just you know stabbing a guy to death in public and johnson and debbie got married had children and lived perfectly happy lives from there on and this story is going on to be the inspiration for conjuring three the devil made me do it which i know these movies are kind of you know exploitive in the first place um however two things one i wonder how they're going to treat something in which
someone actually died probably not well and also i wonder if they're going to use what's probably the wildest story in an appropriate sense and not embellish it they probably won't but with that we have now concluded what is most likely the seven most popular stories within the warrens catalog as mentioned before with this the warrens are doing several other cases and they have several other famous ones later in life they became more dedicated to getting ghosts on footage or physical proof of them with ed doing several things like the union cemetery videos where he tried
to get videos and supposedly did get videos of the white lady who moves through the graves and then ed passed away in 2006 and lorraine later in 2019 both of natural causes and to this day their son-in-law tony spurra runs the aforementioned nesper group which is still operating at full capacity from what i understand and is also responsible for managing the occult artifacts that the warrens had put together so what i just presented to you is all of the unfiltered stories of the warren's account i left out some of the more embellished details like you
know every time there's a story like this there's one kid who's like oh i saw 400 demons in my room and like i'm not talking about that stuff this is the information that's considered true to the original cases so as you can imagine there's a lot of skepticism involved as a matter of fact there's an entire organization put together the new england skeptic society which has to be made of the funnest people ever who was founded and spent a lot of their time to disprove a lot of the warren's findings now obviously the line of
skepticism that you have to get over for all this is you just have to trust the accounts of a lot of people and with a lot of these there were several witnesses and different priests and things like that at the time but a lot of people go to the conclusion of they're all in on it or they all made up the story and honestly at the end of the day it's entirely down to your belief system like for example if you don't think demons or ghosts or any stuff like that's real then this is all
just going to be hogwash to you whereas if you believe in things like supernatural encounters and the more abstract than you may think all of these are real however i believe the true answer as we're going to see lies somewhere in the middle also if you've had fun with this and you want to plug your ears and just believe everything and go tell your friends about how cool it is there's absolutely no shame in clicking off this video right now thank you so much for watching but i'm going to explain a couple of nuances with
these cases because i have to defend my credibility at least somewhat with cases like the parent family and annabelle that is a group of people who had a story that everyone in the family attest to that neighbors attest you and to the people that came to the house later attested to and with situations like that it's pretty much face value either you take it or you leave it however with cases like the amityville horror i'd be amiss if i didn't talk about some of the more interesting debunkings for example the family's lawyer had said that
him and the father got drunk one night and came up with the entire story of the haunting and decided to sell her money now while it was absolutely profitable to the family to do that no one else has ever come forward saying it was a hoax including several of the other people who were involved like the person who wrote the book and you know the person who like ran his car off a bridge and all that and several neighbors have reported things like foul odors and sounds and other sort of secondary evidence you could say
of an occurrence happening even though they never profited from it and just kind of lived nearby so that one could just be a lawyer trying to save his reputation and not seeming like a conspiracy or supernatural nut not there's anything wrong with that with cases like that where people will point at it and say oh look this guy says it was a lie so it was definitely a lie that's still everyone else's word against his and with several of these situations i'm not saying this necessarily applies to any of these just with possessions in supernatural
cases in general just because someone thinks that they saw something that wasn't there it doesn't necessarily mean that they're lying or being dishonest someone could legitimately believe that they are experiencing the phenomena or sensations that they think they are and that doesn't necessarily mean it's a conspiracy or something that everyone's in on however there's a couple that i think might be for example the snedger house the one i mentioned is being the haunting in connecticut the mother who was the main proponent of these stories going forward very frequently changed her story like for example you
heard the whole thing i said about how her and her daughter were constantly being attacked by these inappropriate demons well in another interview she did whenever someone was drilling her about well why did you let your children stay in a home where they were being abused by demons which is a legitimate question she said oh well i didn't know what was happening the the same person who said she was running out of her house every night being assaulted like i didn't know what was going on also she had said several times in the news that
she didn't know it was haunted or was a morgue or funeral home or anything like that before they bought it however other people looked at the house said that's impossible because it was advertised as an old funeral home and there was a sign when they bought it that said like old historic funeral home in the front yard and especially watching interviews with her it really feels like she's loving that limelight so i don't want to like i don't like debunking stuff i want to keep the magic alive right but sometimes one comes along that's so
bad if you don't debunk it it makes all the others look bad because like i believe in demons and possessions and stuff like that but if we just let everyone in then we're all gonna look stupid so i've gotta kick a couple out so i'm kicking the haunting in connecticut out there's also and i kind of have to mention this if i'm making this video several accusations against specifically ed warren's character and i'm not here to speak ill of the dead but specifically when it came to ideas of being greedy later in life i think
that the warrens absolutely started out with good intentions but when it came to ones like i mentioned the haunting in connecticut in every interview i watched he was very brash with people asking questions about it like for example whenever they're like oh well there's no evidence that a priest came in and approved this or did an exorcism or whatever and he'd be like oh it's pretty so-and-so and they're like we can't find that guy he would just get angry and be like well i don't have to tell you who they are because i'm ed warren
and i can blah blah and that's not the only example of ed embellishing stuff to try to make it more profitable and from all the stuff i saw i feel like and again i don't want to speak all the dad but i feel like lorraine was such like an excellent and sweet person and ed was for most of his life but there is a lot of bad vibes i got later on like for example the guy who wrote the amd bill said that whenever he talked to the warrens whenever he was originally writing the book
that every time the warrants like there was a gap in information like they didn't understand like oh well what happened for these few nights or whatever ed told the writer i don't know make it up and make it scary which isn't i mean it's not like he lied in the reports because his story matched up with everyone else's and it is like a based on a true story book so it's not like you know illegal to do it but but if you're like a near exorcist going in with the idea of uh we can make
it more creepy that's probably a bad vibe and i don't want to like make everyone sad like if you like the conjuring movies and all that like absolutely go for it that doesn't change your film i'm not saying you have to feel this way i highly encourage you to do your own research and see how you feel about him but it just seems that at least in ed's case he kind of got sour with it as time went on and in trying to figure out how i feel about the warns and how i wanted to
tackle describing them in this video i feel the exact same way about them that i feel about the enfield poltergeist so if you remember the infill poltergeist is that one i mentioned where the girls started growling and all that and the dr the chest moved across the floor and the police saw the chair move and all that real creepy stuff right well something that i didn't mention is throughout the course of this supernatural encounter that went on over the course of months things started happening in the house like there was bent spoons found lying in
the drawer everywhere as if metals twisting and there was these weird tappings happening on the ceiling and with hidden cameras that they had set up in order to catch supernatural phenomena they saw the daughter janet go through the house at night and bend all the spoons and then take a broom and tap on the ceiling and what it seems happened is there may have been a legitimate form of possession or haunting or whatever but then janet liked the attention so she kept amping it up and that's where all the jumping and the screaming and the
speaking in tongues and the bent spoons and all that come from there's even a hidden video they got of her trying to bend an iron bar because she thought that would be creepy and as she grew up janet admitted that the majority of the things she did was in order for the fame and popularity i feel that and again i know this is really assumptive about someone um but it would be a myth to just stand here and be like wow the warren's really cool um without talking about some of the issues they caused because
there is a legitimate argument and point to be made with not only cases like the johnson cheyenne devil made me do it but also with general ideas of exorcism in general i feel like the infield poltergeist is kind of a microcosm of them like it may have started out as something legit and i do believe it started out as something legit uh potentially with the poulter guys too at least i know the warren started out with good intentions at least from the way they talked in the way they behaved but as time went on and
this happens with all different kinds of people in different forms of media you can see that success kind of builds this idea of direction and where to follow and that's when oh we can help these people out became i don't know make it creepy see because the issue with this stuff is whenever we're talking about something as serious as potentially you know a demonic possession it's not just in the realm of church and religion anymore it's in the realm of mental health and do we lock people up for committing crimes and what's the best treatment
for someone going through this and it goes from like opinions into we really need to nail down what we're talking about so to have someone within that line tell an author i don't know just make it scary kind of rubs me the wrong way but i love lorraine if that's any consolation lorraine's such a sweet person everything i've seen and i don't know how much i believe in things like clairvoyance and all at least to the degree that she used it but she was such a kind soul and ed was for the majority of his
life i just got some bad vibes near the end but both of them i know they did a lot of great work in people's lives and there's a lot of people that appreciated what they did if nothing else in a soulful sense but as i personally dive into stuff like this that i want to research and learn more about i kind of have to remind myself not to dive in all at once because everyone's got an agenda and when it comes to like beliefs with all of this um there was this interesting allegory i read
whenever i was reading about this someone was talking about annabelle and i forget where it was said but they said that they're pretty sure annabelle isn't real like a five out of six chance they believe annabelle there's nothing supernatural about it or whatever however whenever you go to play russian roulette there's also a 5 out of 6 chance that nothing bad will happen to you or alternatively you could just not play russian roulette and i feel with a lot of this stuff i definitely believe in some of it but i don't know how much i
do believe but i know when it comes to doing things like provoking demons or playing with ouija boards and all of that i think i'm just not gonna play russian roulette which is the reason this is so interesting to me and the reason that i love reading about the real cases or quote-unquote real cases to kind of establish a headway for it and to me these aren't even the scariest ones uh i've i know a bunch that freak me out way more than this that may be a video in itself one day because they have
more unexplainable characteristics to them or at least can't be explained easily away with reason um but this is very interesting to me because as someone who has as someone who's got that one in six chance that it might be real um i really like to dive into it and not only that but to absorb it and hopefully you all enjoy listening to it and i hope that you enjoyed and thank you for watching this is the spooky season and what better spooky topic to go through with horror movies and the supernatural and creepy ghost spooky
and all that stuff than the warrens and i hope near the end i didn't seem too harsh to everything they did i just think near the end maybe their heart was in the wrong place or at least ed's was um like reading about it was kind of sad because reading about their early stuff they were so into it and so many people and even near the end of life so many people found them beneficial but near the end it got much more about you know the book deals and the movie deals uh and it it
it felt kind of murky again especially as someone who thinks at least partly legitimate in it but it but i love still reading about these cases like even without the warrens like hearing the true story of the conjuring so much more interesting to me than the story pervade that a screenwriter wrote because this is what people experience and again even if it's not real and you don't think it's real um at least for some of the people involved it was probably a very legitimate emotion that they uh experienced and i enjoy reading about that so
thank you all so much for watching uh if it's if i'm like jumbling my words or not as carefully charismatic as i normally am i've been up all night researching because i want to get this video out um soon and then get another one out like on halloween or the day before so i've been up all night it's currently uh 9 a.m and i've that's the reason my speech be blah blah blah if you're still watching thank you so much for watching it really does mean a lot and i appreciate it um we thank you
like honestly yeah i don't post about on twitter stuff all the time anymore because i'm sure gets annoyed but 700 000 subs that's an impossible number uh and i'm trying not to freak out about it because i'm because i'm trying to just shelter it and put it in a box and not process it because i'll get nervous and be like i don't deserve this and everything but really you guys are so kind and it really does mean a lot so thank you all so much for subscribing thank you for being a part of this thank
you to my patrons thank you to my top tier patrons that you can see here um you guys are fantastic i couldn't do it without you i love you all so much and uh i really appreciate it you allowed me to do things like stay up all night reading about creepy demon cases and then talking them through the sunrise and that means a lot so thank you all so much for watching i hope that you enjoyed there will be another spooky video with halloween oh uh people were asking about the conspiracy theory iceberg and the
serial killer iceberg i wanted this month to be exclusively spooky stuff um and then like finishing out the icebergs in november you may be wondering why i didn't do the serial killer iceberg in halloween because that would line up but like during talking about spooky and supernatural i don't want to be like oh and actual stories of people dying isn't that spooky too and it was a bad vibe so i'll do it early in november thank you all for being patient on that but there'll be another creepy video out and then we'll get back on
those um but for now i hope that you enjoyed thank you for watching and i will see you in the next one bye
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