Watch Me Build A Video Generator With Bannerbear & Google Sheets

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Nick Saraev
Video Transcript:
hey everybody Nick here have you ever wanted to procedurally generate hundreds of videos in maybe a few minutes uh well in this video I'm going to show you exactly how to do that I'm going to use one of my favorite apis in the world Banner bear and I'm going to connect it to uh to essentially allow you to procedurally generate whatever content you want just using a spreadsheet if that sounds like something you guys want to learn then fantastic this is the video for you stay tuned and let's procceed you generate some video first
up really really want to thank everybody that's joined the community so far uh when I recorded the video yesterday we're about 150 or so members today we're at 246 so little over 24 hours about 100 people in um capping the community strictly at 400 just to let everybody here know and the reason why is I want to ensure the the communication and the the discussions are consistently high quality I also want to ensure that it's manageable for me and that I don't have to degrade the quality of I'm providing people just because of all of
the people inside of the group so that's my goal I firmly believe this is going to be one of the best automation communities on planet Earth if not the best automation community on planet Earth uh you know I really appreciate everybody's help in in making that so this video was suggested by this user here comicazi ub9 KZ who asked I would be really interested in seeing you artificially generate videos based on columns please and thank you and not only am I going to show you how to artificially generate videos based on columns I'm going to
show you how to generate essentially any type of Av content well except for just strictly audio but you'll be able to generate like static images you'll be able to generate gifts and we'll also be able ble to generate MP4s um the way that we're going to be doing this is using one of the coolest apis on the planet called Banner bear you may or may not be familiar with these guys but I follow their founder on Twitter and I just really like their their product um these guys are extremely simple most other software platforms or
apis that allow you to manipulate images videos templates that sort of thing tend to be really crappy and out of the 15 or 20 that I could have picked I picked Banner bear just because it's basically like one module the great news is they integrate with make so we don't even have to do a bunch of API Shenanigans although I am also going to walk you through that just in case you want to do maybe some more advanced features that sort of thing what we're going to be doing is you know as the video um
suggestion requests they say artificially generate videos based on columns so what we're going to be doing is we're going to be um feeding in just a bunch of data to a Google sheet we're going to pretend uh I don't know we can pretend anything maybe I'll do like real estate listings or something we're going to pretend that we have some real estate listings here and then we're going to pull from these real estate listings to populate a template the template's going to I don't know include the price probably of the listing um maybe some brief
words about the listing maybe like the address or something like that and then we're actually going to include an image of the the background as well uh so we'll generate a bunch of photos that way um if I can find like some videos of houses or that sort of thing I'll do that as well um and then yeah I'll show you how to generate like actual full length videos too benar also has a transcription feature which is pretty cool so if you guys are doing some type of reals or Tik toks or shorts or something
like that you can also just feed in like a video of you talking like literally me talking to you right now I can feed that into Banner bear and it can automatically transcribe it and then do like a cool subtitle overlay so honestly the the um opportunities here are Limitless and I'm just going to give you a broad overview of what you can do I'll make sure to keep it simple um but detailed enough that anybody can take any of the stems that I'm going to build out today and then use them to create their
own content production machine okay sweet so without further Ado um let's actually get into it got the banner bear website right over here and I've actually already signed in in another tab I believe it's this one here so I'm just going to close that up um they offer a free trial I think you get like 30 free API calls or something certainly more than enough to test although note that if you do want to do anything substantial with this you are obviously going to have to um you know you're going to have to make an
account and pay I think their prices are like 30 40 or 50 bucks a month okay so a little bit more than that as of right now it's 49 USD a month uh but you know you can produce uh with like a th videos with that which is pretty neat any who this is the essentially dashboard of manner bear what I'm going to do here is the way the man works is it's all based off templates and so essentially they have a bunch of templates that you can choose from and they also have templates that
you can create um but you have to you know use I think some special playground or something like that that they have uh what I'm going to do is I'm just going to use one of their default templates just to get up and running quickly make sure this is a 4our video and then uh we'll populate it with photos and then uh I'll choose a video template and then we'll we'll populate with video so in order to do so obviously it's very simple you just click create a project and there are a bunch of templates
here um looks like they automatically populated with a welcome template which is pretty easy it says this example template has one text and one image container change the data in the API console to try it out the API console is down here essentially we have uh some Json that it is pretending that we are sending to their API and it allows us just to see how the modifications to this Json reflect as modifications to the template at the end of it so for instance it says this example template has one text and one image container
change a data in the API console to try it out this is the text container right here this object so you can change this text I'll do um I don't know welcome to make money withm um the thriving automation Community this is just going to be a giant advertisement and then uh we need a face H I don't actually know if I have a picture of my face let's jump on LinkedIn here LinkedIn to the rescue I want this cheesy photo the way I made this photo the very first time was really interesting I
um had a photo of myself oh where am I I had a photo of myself doing the same pose and then I put it through like an AI um filter to make it look like it was drawn and then after I had it drawn I pass it through some other AI filter uh so and it ended up being like 3 a filters and then I pumped it into Photoshop and made it nice and green but you know you can you can see that uh we just sent a request to their API essentially using this mock
API tool and then it filled in the text here so now it says welcome to make money withm the thriving automation Community it's got my my face down in the bottom right hand corner the really cool part about Banner bear that a lot of other platforms don't do is these guys do like uh almost like responsive text sizing so if you add way more text in here they'll just make the text smaller to accommodate and they try very hard to make sure that the text fits and everything like that like this is a little
bit bigger font than uh than this for instance um so yeah that's pretty neat uh you can change a lot of other things too obviously we can change the background if we wanted to we can change the color of the text we could probably change the font of the text I believe um not super clear on exactly where to edit that but I'm not going to use this in welcome template so I'm just going to throw that away we're going to go back here I'm going to delete this and then we're going to create a
template and um actually let me go back here I think there's a quicker and easier way there go browse template library and that's what I'm going to do oh perfect and so there are tons of templates for Real Estate tons of templates for products and everything which is fantastic looks like here is one for some e-commerce product you can imagine how this is going to have some category up here then a title a price and then maybe a list of features with like a logo and a brand um with the image in the background you
could procedurally generate these in like 5 milliseconds using Banner barar andm you could probably uh I don't know generate an entire product line of images whether for some type of social media advertisement PPC anything like that but I really like this one here I think which is just a price and then the wow it's really windy outside and then the name of the property and then like marketed bu and that seems pretty simple so I'm going to I'm going to do this uh just so that we can see what this might look like in
in practice obviously this is an image of a house you know I know that this is an image of a like a real house um sorry it's a stock image of a house because I've actually used a stock image of a house before that's funny um and then we have a price up here so what I'll do then is just to sort of demonstrate how you can do this procedurally I will um create like my my thing here will be real estate listings actually let's just call this listings and then uh what I'm going to
want is I'll want like an image URL I'll want a price and let's just do dollars instead of pounds let's do the title and then and let's do the um realtor maybe we'll do like brokerage is that what that's called real estate brokerage real estate brokerage yeah okay uh great so this is just going to be my data and I'm just going to feed in a bunch of like example data here and then I'll show you how to manipulate this um obviously we should test this before I go much further than that uh so we
have um let me see here okay it looks like they've actually added uh sample data feature so I could just add some sample data in here um let's just pretend we're doing like Barcelona and it looks like we can't actually pick like a price okay well that's sort of annoying okay let's do this let's do that let let me just see uh exactly how the tax is laid out on the page okay um so that nullum Vera was marketed by that's what that means so we can actually change what this is we could uh potentially
make this like a feature or something but I'm probably just going to use the same phrase like marketed by uh but yeah that looks pretty neat to me um you could probably change the colors too right yeah color null background null I'm just going to keep the same colors CU this looks pretty good to me I mean looks reasonably professional I like it and then uh I'm just going to add a bunch of sample data so I like this sample data like the fact that this is um Barcelona's pretty cool but but actually why don't
I just go into I don't know unsplash or something and do this manually that'll be better I'm just going to type in house um orientation I'm just going to say uh probably portrait no that's a little too big we'll just do landscape this looks like a nice house but the plus means that it is licensed so I can't do that there you go these all look nice houses these look like nice houses let's do these three these are going to be my house images and then I believe I can just open these in new tabs
and then feed the URL in uh if I can't then I'm dumb and a but I think that this is going to work um I'll do this one as well and then I'll do this one third we're going to say that this is um I don't know $1 [Music] million it's probably way more than a million dollars realistically this one's $2 million and this is $3 million um the name of this house is is I don't know what does this look like to me this looks like an estate I'll call this like Greenwood estate this
one here looks like a I don't know like a like a mountain Villa we'll call this mountain height and that last one will be um H Sunset Lane that's nice and then all three of these brokerages will be Nick let's call it left click Brokers there we go okay great got our sample data set up here and we're going to essentially hook this up to make now and then pump a bunch of image data in and I don't know if that link is going to work uh you do have to provide like an external link
as you see here they have an https CDN bner bear instead of you having to like deal with uploading an image downloading image um they just do it really simply like this but uh yeah let's see where we go from here okay so uh we do need to connect our Banner bear account obviously so I'm just going to jump in here and see if there's so they use some API key verification I think we'll we'll just be able to jump in without that I'm just going to go to Banner bear first um you just type
in Banner bear and you'll see a listing here and then what we want is we want to um create an image I imagine using a template we'll call this Banner bear test build May 28 2024 and I have to plug in my computer so give me a second here sometimes this screws up my video recording so if that happens I'm just going to cut out okay I give it like a 50% chance that that video cut out no I'm still good okay so now I'm going to okay so now I'm going to pump in an
API key um where do I get this API key from I need to probably go back here oh there we go settings API key in the top right um project API key is probably the one that I want may be mistaken here but it's probably project API key going to paste that put me in and see what happens great looks good now we just have a template uid it's this blue gold modern elegant real estate listing thing um we can add some modifications in here if you wanted to change layers this is a little bit
beyond the purposes of this um video but you could like change where the text aligns you could change whether it's on the left or if it's up at the top or if it's up on the bottom they have a list of preset effects that you can add um you can anchor things I don't know exactly what that does but I think it's uh I think it's relatively straightforward when you look through their documentation essentially you have a lot of freedom here and you can do a lot more than what I uh what I'm showing you
I just wanted to keep this as simple as possible anywh who um okay great and then yeah so let's pick this and then uh we could basically say whether it's transparent or not we could say whether we're rendering a PDF of the image or not and then uh we could also store some metadata which is interesting so essentially if you wanted to store this data elsewhere you could create a unique identifier here and then pass it to Banner bear to create the image Banner bear would create the image and then it would send it back
to this web hook URL you put up here um I'm realizing actually we we do need to add an image here so image URL is the one that I want um what I'm going to do now that I've set up the Manar module is I'm going to add that Google sheet module from before and I'm just going to say like search rows that should be sufficient let me attach the search row module and then what I'm going to do is I'm just going to list all three of these or search through them essentially and then
I'm going to feed the results of that data into the banner bear module so I need to pick the right account I'm using this one here and then this one's called AI something AI video content calendar there we go sheet name is going to be listings that's what I'm using for this if you remember I changed the name there because I know we're going to use several and then let's just return one row for now make sure that everything's hunky door it looks like there's an error in here let me just verify uh where that
is okay no looks good I'm going to give this a run looks like I got the data from the sheet specifically I got the very first one from Greenwood estate which is nice and then uh I'm going to do this like test data so I'm going to feed in just one entry initially um to this looks like the name is required I don't know exactly why name is required um you I'm not 100% sure so let me just jump over here and see um um oh I got it the name of the layer we want
to change is this one here image uncore container so I'm going to go over here call this image uncore container I'm going to feed in um this image URL here from my Google sheet unfortunately this is not allowing me to because um I need to cancel out of this and I believe I need to reconnect this let me just make sure yeah okay now I have access to it sometimes you have to do that it's unfortunate um but make doesn't automatically update the variables in previous modules unless you force it yourself so I got the
image URL there that's nice um anyway now I need to add a couple of other modifications essentially the way that this API works is you go through your template which is I don't know over here now okay uh you go through your template which is over here and then every modification has a name and then it has a couple of other variables here like color and all so the name of the modification here is um image uncore container and it has a property called image URL which is what we are editing in that modifications tab
so I'm doing all I'm doing is I'm adding the URL of the image here and that's going to modify this um but there's another thing that I want to change as well I want to change the price and then I want to change the text right then I want to change a few other layers so I'm just going to go through these sequentially the second modification I want to make is going to be to price and the replacement text I want to use to this price is uh this dollar Figure 1 million I'm also just
going to add a dollar sign in front of it so that should be suff I'm going to add another modification and this time I'm going to add the modification for uh location I believe right yes this one's going to be called location this time the text is going to be the title of the property so the name of it Greenwood Estates and then this one here is going to be U marketed by and marketed by I'm just going to keep as um marketed by so I'm basically hardcoding the text every time we run through the
scenario and then marketer is going to be the last one so marketer and then the text is going to be the name of the brokerage left click Brokers okay great I'm going to run this thing let's see how this goes okay it's generated oh I forgot a web hook URL that's what happened um essentially what happens is you know because these image Generations can take a while they're not instant these apis don't actually like Run in real time and then return the result at the end what they do is they send a web hook somewhere
or sorry they send a request to Banner Bear's API and then they tell Banner bear hey when you're done send a request to this web hook somewhere and so we're actually responsible for coming up with that web hook what we need to do is we need to supply that in this API call that's what the if I just make all these smaller here that's what that web hook URL column or uh um field is for essentially so this is going to have to be a minimum of two scenarios so what I'll do is is I'll
go to example builds I'll create a new scenario and I'm just going to call this catch web Hook from Banner bear and I'm going to create a web hook monitor here call this custom web hook I'll say new Banner bear um I don't know generation I'm going to copy this address of the clipboard and then I'm going to add it over here so now when this is done it's going to send the complete result to this web hook and I'm just testing this so I'm just going to run this on its own and then I'm
going to run this scenario one more time and I'm only using one um you know uh entry here so it's only going to run once but you'll see because this was an image it's done pretty quick you'll see that the output is image URL and there's also image URL PNG image URL jpg and if you remember you could also produce a PDF if you wanted to so I'm just going to copy this image URL and then open it up over here and then you'll see that nice we actually have everything that we wanted we have
that beautiful image we have $1,000 green wooden State marketed by left click Brokers so why don't we do a couple of other things just while we're here to show you the power of this you remember how there's like a metadata so I'm going to call this um row number and then I'm going to feed in this and so now I'm actually going to be feeding in the number of the row and then I also want to actually uh I don't know if this should be an integer or if there should just be a um like
you know how I'm not wrapping quotes around it I'm not sure if this should be an integer if this should be text but we'll give it a try and then I'm also going to feed in spreadsheet ID and if you're very keen you'll notice that I'm using a different um kind of capitalization uh variable naming convention previously I was using camel case and I'm using this under score case uh you can use whatever you want I'm just trying to be fancy and then I'm going to uh just test this once again same idea with this
web hook I'm going to run it I'm going to run this request Banner bear is processing it and it's going to send it back to this web hook and you'll also see that we now have some metadata and that includes the row number and the spreadsheet ID well the really cool thing about that metadata is now we can parse this and we could say parse Jason stick this puppy here what I'm parsing is I'm uh parsing this metadata row number whatever now just to save on me having to like Banner bear only gives you a
certain number of credits or whatever so I'm not going to actually generate this I'm actually just going to go into the output um and just like go and find the metadata and copy it and then I'll use it to like C code um into this parse Json module just to test this first you see that it comes with these new lines I don't actually know if these new lines are required let me see yeah yeah the I think that just happens when you present it like when I went and I clicked um you know look
at the output so this doesn't actually come through and the text is just an artifact so um when this runs you won't actually normally have to do that but anyway I'm just going to run this parse Json module and now we have access to row number and spreadsheet ID and that should be sufficient for me to go back into my Google sheet and then uh I should be able to update a cell right over or maybe even update a row I mean you can do it in a couple of other ways you could like specify
the exact sheet that you wanted and then the exact cell number that you wanted um yeah that's what I'll do okay great so anyway we have the spreadsheet ID from this variable here the sheet name in my case just going to be listings right now the cell is going to be interesting we have the row number so we know that it's however many down but we don't actually have a column here with the name of the generation so I'm going to call this um let's call this generated content and then notice how this is in
the E column right well if I know that all of my generated content um values are going to be in the E column and I know the row number 2 3 4 I have everything I need to automatically fill out this cell as part of my flow so I have the row number first or sorry um I have the E first and then I have the row number immediately after then it says enter the cell ID I D3 well this is going to be e you know two initially then E3 then E4 and the value
that I'm going to put in is just going to be this image URL and now I basically have like a two-step pretty like dynamic system honestly um that uh you know passes a minimal amount of information between the two um what scenarios and then still manages to do the job so I'm going to return all three of these rows now I'm going to save this and then I'm going to run it and then I you know because I'm running this multiple times I'm not actually going you're not actually going to see it all over here
cuz I'm not going to test the run I just turned this on instead but if I go back here you'll see that it's already dumped in the first U result which is pretty cool and let me see if there is an issue with the second result CU it should have dumped in like basically immediately yeah know it just dumped oh right I'm hard coding the data like I'm more on my bad I've she feeding all this on let me um go back to web hook uh no metad data over here my bad I fed the
the data in for the same row so let's delete that and then let's give that a another try this is now running I'm going to give this one final run let's see if I ran out of tokens or credits or whatever okay there we go so we have the first we have the second we have the Third first was this green wooden State second was this mountain Heights estate and this third one was Sunset Lane very very nice very very beautiful you'll see just how quickly and easy it is to generate this now what if
instead you wanted to weave this into a blog post generator like one of the ones that I showed you guys before and instead of just generating these one-off real estate images you just have a template where you feed in maybe the title of the post and then like an image that you can Source randomly if you want or maybe you Source um manually I don't know but then uh you use that to generate this very nice templated image which will always have the dimensions you want it'll always have the sort of style that you want
and then maybe put that somewhere in your blog post you can use this to automatically generate infographics based off like data or statistics like honestly the use cases for even just this simple image generator are pretty crazy and you know I think that's one of the reasons why a lot of people like using Banner bear it's like a oneclick sort of integration okay but how exactly do we start creating video now that we know how to create images well fortunately for us the Bedrock of our knowledge is already all good to go all we need
to do is change um the image part to a video part and that's just one module and a couple of Minor stylistic Adjustments um which you know was just going to take us a couple minutes so I'm just going to create a new scenario here called list Google sheet rows and then create video using Banner bear instead of image it's going to do the same thing we're going to search through the rows I'm just doing this manually but you could have just copied the previous scenario if you wanted to um what I'm doing here is
AI video content calendar right over there sheet name is oh great we need to create another sheet my bad let's do video content um let's just do Vacations or something uh yeah let's do vacation videos that'll be straightforward uh because I just added this in I have to refresh this so oops that's annoying um we're going to click that little refresh icon it's just going to go and pull new sheets so we have vacations instead of listings and then we're not going to do any of this uh maximum return R is going to do one
and and then Banner bear has a create an image module which is what we used before but also has create a video module and that's what we're going to be using now the create a video module is very similar there are a couple of differences U the main one being that instead of choosing an image template uid we're going to choose a video template uid and then we actually need to add an input media URL so I'll explain all that right now basically um if I go to this myu project here Banner bear separates all
of your work in a project so my new project which is the first one that I created um I've gone through and I've created a video example here I just did that a couple minutes ago when my recording broke but essentially we have this video example if I give this a click you'll see that um there is basically this green bar in the background and this green just represents whatever your video will be and then there's a dark overlay and that overlay includes some text so the way to get to that is if you go
to my new project and then you press um create video template I just went to test this out with Sample video template and that's what it created um there are a bunch of different options for you you can do an overlay and an overlay is what I just showed you it's where you have like a background video it's some green bar and then you have like an overlay on top uh you can do transcribe and transcribe is what I was alluding to earlier where I was saying you know you can essentially have a talking head
video just like me and then you can slam a bunch of cool captions down there if you've ever seen these YouTube shorts or you know Tik Tok reels or whatnot a lot of the time they're either using Banner bear or they're just using like Premier Pros built-in captioner and then you can also do multi overlay multi overlay is where you're trying to weave together three or four Clips instead of just one uh so if you want have like a 30 second video with three clips of 10 seconds each you can kind of finagle that there
but because I'm trying to keep this as simple as possible we're just going to be doing a sample video template which includes just the overlay so that's what I'm doing here back uh at this video template here once you create the video template um you know mine's just called video example it'll populate underneath the video template section and then you can just do all the same stuff that we were doing previously there's an API console where you take an input media URL bunch of text and and that sort of thing and what I'm going to
do right now is I'm I'm going to show you what a couple of these Generations looks like I went through you know about 20 minutes ago and I was recording the second half of this before my mic uh bugged out on me and I generated a couple and this was sort of what I what I came up with essentially we have a video in the background and then this overlay section is slightly darker which allows us to see white text on a little bit better and then there's an array for you to put like a
logo or something so what I did was I was like hm I'm going to pretend that I'm a vacation company and I'm selling Vacations or something you know I'm company name Logo down here I didn't want to use real vacation company just because uh I heard that that affects your monetization potential and that sort of thing so I am now using example logos uh the death of creativity um and then you know maybe I'm just trying to advertise these vacations based off a big database of like new deals that come up for like a flight
or something you you can visit Portland Oregon for just. 199 I don't know if this is Portland OR again now that I'm looking at it looks more like Europe to me but uh why don't I change that in my in my new um generation here any who uh what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to listings and then this looks pretty good the image you I'm just going to change a video URL price I'm going to change an image URL we're going to need this for like the logo let's call this logo
URL um and then we'll just have a text section and then we'll just have a generated content link same as before and we're just going to go through this in more or less the the same fashion um you know I'm going to populate this sheet with some content here uh what I need is a video now previously I used these were images uh previously I used pixels for this and I got a video from Alexander Bob um before my mic bugged out on me so I'm just going to get a different one and maybe instead
of I don't know Portland Oregon or something now we're doing Niagra Falls I don't know I don't actually know where this is this almost looks like the Great Wall of China or some crazy crap like that but that looks pretty nice um what I've done here is I've gone to and um pexels is just like a free video and photo stock site you know they do both and then I'm going to download this here now unfortunately because of some quirks and how like MP4s are hosted a lot of the time it's very difficult to
do this so I've created a Google drive here called Banner bear test content and I'm just going to upload this video here and essentially what we have to do is cuz we're providing a URL of the content we're not actually providing like uh the you know um oh jeez which one was it two two 26 uh we're providing a URL to the content we're not actually like uploading the content we just have to make a couple of tweaks the way that we're hosting stuff on our own Google Drive uh but you know as long as
you get the content in a downloadable format it's fine uh it just doesn't work from pixels directly they probably have some rate limiting or something going on so anyway I've generated a Google Drive Link here and then um you know I have to do some uh I have to convert this link to a direct download link the reason why is cuz if you're trying to use Google Drive to do this um notice how this generates like a preview but it's not actually like to download the image if I want to download the image I have
to click another button which is this one here and then this URL up here this is my actual like download so um you know another hack to do that is just to use this Google Docs um to direct download link visibility uh you know website so I'm just giving this a right click I'm going to share copy link and then I'm pumping this in here and you'll see that it just like moved the the IDS around a little bit and this is just you know Google dries Syntax for direct downloads so you know I wouldn't
worry too much about that the vast majority of URLs are going to work um but you know in our case because I'm using this Google Drive I sort of have to do it this way any who we're going to use this video example and then uh the video URL I'm just going to paste in here and I'm just going to hard code one row here instead of like 20 rows like like I was doing before or three rows um just because I want to make sure that I'm being cognizant of how many manner bear API
credits I have I think I'm probably like one or two more uh I'm just going to type in example logo for the image I just want something that looks kind of hotell that previous one did not look hotell at all definitely no use Starbucks um this example logo looks reasonable right click open a new tab I have a JPG which is good and then I can just copy this URL and paste it in my logo URL column the text I'm going to say visit um oh man I have no idea uh where would that possibly
be let me do a shout out to my people this this could be some Bulgarian River somewhere visit Bulgaria from just let's do 599 and because we're talking Europe here why don't we slap a euro in there how do I do a Euro like this oops let's not do that O Beautiful yeah that looks kind of like Bulgaria I want on a few hikes I know what I'm talking about surely um and then yeah we we should have everything we need we have the video URL which is going to be that green background replace with
this we have a logo URL which is going to be that bottom left hand corner image and then the text is going to be white so it should be good um input media URL uh oh what I have to do here is I have to first of all I have to cancel this and I have to unlink that this and then you'll notice that there are some red circles around things so I'm going to redo that I'm going to run this module and the reason why I'm going to run it is because I want to
get the actual data and then I'm going to connect this Banner bear module and it still has a red circle around it because you need to cancel this out and then uh open it up again and now we should have access to the Google Sheets data which we now do the input Med URL is going to be this video URL and then we're going to need to make a few changes in our modifications if you guys remember what we did previously with Banner bear we basically just looked to see what the variables were so there
are three variables here input media URL which we've already filled out text and then Avatar so I'm going to do one called text I'm going replace it with this text then I'll do one other modification and I'll call it Avatar and I'll replace the image URL with this logo URL and uh the only thing we need to do now is we just need to create another web hook flow so I'm going to just copy this URL yeah so um let's do so yeah this was the video one so I'm going to um copy this uh
web hook and I'm just going to use it in the flow here and now uh Banner bear is going to send the completed result after this is done to this web hook URL if you guys remember previously we also had some metadata so I think there was spreadsheet ID so I'm going to add in this spreadsheet ID then I'm also going to do row number and then I'm just going to feed in this variable or this number here and then there's one final variable called trim to length and seconds I'm just going to do six
seconds if you think about the generation time that Banner bear will use versus uh when you're doing a video versus an image it's going to be a lot more because an image is one frame and then a video is 24 frames per second so I don't really want to spend an hour testing this but obvious so you can make the length whever you want okay should have everything done here let's go back to this web hook catcher just verify that everything's good so we have parsing Json from the metadata then we're going to update a
cell um the cell that we need to is if I go to the sheet name it's Vacations so we're going to call this vacations and then the row that I want is whatever the row number will be so we're going to add that in and then we'll do column D so um it'll be D and then row number and then the value of that is going to be something called video URL here okay that looks good to me all right so I'm going to run this now and then I'm going to go back to this
initial trigger module and then I'm just going to give it a run I'm going to click on this Banner bear button here and then um you'll see the status has changed to rendering that means that it's actually working right now and so instead of it doing a photo request we're doing a video request but as I imagine you know it's going to take a lot longer because we're doing 24 frames a second time 6 seconds my math Ain't So Good 144 um it's not going to take 144 times the length they're a lot more optimal
than that but it's still going to take a lot longer and then it'll go through and it'll update the cell and so now we have a generated piece of content right over here and just to be safe I'm going to um pause this immediately okay great and then I'll run it again yeah that to me looks awesome now imagine you could procedurally generate 50 of these if you wanted to doesn't just have to be one right you could run the search rows um Or List yeah search sheet module every day you could also if you
wanted to be fancy about it you know how I call this a Content calendar you can have a date field um what month 3 we5 and you could have a bunch of different post scheduled for different days I don't know if there's um another day in May probably not and then what you could do is you know when you do the the search you could for instance set it so that you know the date has to be equal to whatever the current date is and the way that you do that is uh you just do
like format date now and then you just pump in whatever the format here which I think was DayDay uh month month and then what year year year you know hypothetically and then this way uh if you run it on a schedule so that it runs once a day every day that this runs it will only filter entries that have the date equal to the current date so assuming you're doing one post per day then youd get those you generate the content then maybe you could have like a posted column for like project management maybe a
virtual assistant or somebody else in your team is going through this once a day and just like taking the generate content and posting you know you can do so much with these sorts of flows it's mind-boggling but yeah that's how you generate a video um aside from that yeah no real nuances uh you need to know there there are a couple of other modules here too like um update a video where you could take a video that you have created previously and then change it and then Banner bear also has its own project management where
you can approve a video and do a couple other things um and then you know you can also create an animated gif down here which is basically the exact same flow as what I mentioned in the video uh it's just now you're setting a frame rate essentially in addition to uh what we were doing previously then you also have the opportunity to add individual frames which is pretty neat as well I really like Banner bear as I mentioned extraordinarily simple uh and there's just so much you can do with it okay thanks so much for
watching this video I really appreciate everybody that's either joined the community or even given me a small slice to their attention today on YouTube uh the the growth over the course of the last couple of months has been honestly quite quite shocking um you know I knew that I was delivering value but I just didn't realize that it was uh impacting as many people as it has been so I feel very blessed and very grateful to be uh to have been given this opportunity and uh yeah I'm looking to make the most of it for
everybody in my community and everybody in my audience if you guys have any more questions about this flow just drop them down below as a comment I'm more than happy to help you if you guys have any uh comments or suggestions for future videos I'm also more than happy to do them I Source most of my video ideas at this point for my audience people just ask hey how do I do this or hey how do I do that and I'll literally just sit down record a 45 minute or 50 minute video uh and then
tag you with it so pretty cool stuff other than that please like subscribe do all that fun YouTube stuff I'll catch you on the next video thanks so much
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