5 AI Apps Making Millions (With Zero Code)

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Riley Brown
Explore the most profitable AI apps of 2024, from simple study tools to advanced companions. Learn h...
Video Transcript:
it is truly amazing as someone who's not coded you literally could create this app if you tried in a weekend if you had like all weekend it was your first time trying to build an app with AI you could figure this out anyway for the first time in the history of humanity you can create software apps with just natural language using tools like cursor like repet like VZ like Claude and many other tools that are coming out right now it is probably the most exciting category you can just create apps with natural language and this
is only accelerating and if you are a follower of this channel you know that we love to make apps and love to make tutorials on these apps we've done it countless times but many people are asking what should you build what are what are we supposed to build what are valuable tools right what are the things that people want in the market right now and that is the question that we're going to attack in this episode we're going to take a look at like what are the top five most interesting tools right now and we're
going to look at more than five in this episode but we're going to talk about the major categories especially on the App Store where is the money flowing and apps that you would never believe it I didn't believe it when an showed me one of the tools that we're going to talk about today I was doing over a million dollars a month and I was mind blown and I hope that by the end of this episode it gives you a better sense of where the value is in terms of apps and I think you'll be
surprised at how simple some of these apps [Music] are let's get into it an you were the one who originally told me about this app it's seems simple it's called dot what is dot best way C it is just like a AI companion that's somewhere between a therapist and a friend um you just talk to it about and the journal I guess and you just talk to it about how your day was and it'll proactively send you notifications prompting you to talk to it about like activities that were on your calendar or in your reminders
that kind of stuff and yeah it's just a it's a great app to kind of talk to in Ai and just like event about your thoughts and I know a lot of people do that with chat GPT but the good part about do dot is it s of keeps this memory or how they like to call it a living history of everything that you've done and it's it's it's very interesting you can like collapse all your conversations and see it in in a chronological order I tried Dot and I think that this was one of
the first tools that I Ed where I first realized that there's going to be a lot of apps that are just more more interesting to use than chat GPT chat GPT has a way of speaking to you where it's almost like not fun to speak to it and do was one of the first apps where I'm like oh this is this app has a different vibe and it has a memory that's more based around remembering fun facts or remembering what you did last week whereas the memory within chat GPT is not that useful in my
opinion from what I've noticed and so yeah I I would agree that that this is actually one of the harder tools to build if you wanted to get started but um let's move on to one that's probably uh at least actually I don't know if it's harder to build I'm curious on uh what what you think so this is goth which is an AI study companion and I'm further removed from college than you are and so I you're probably closer with people who are both building and using AI study tools and um yeah I'm curious
what is goth and then like your overall opinion on AI study companions it seems like the largest use case of AI right now is in education related areas and we can really see that with where the money is going so goth is just the number one app right now and the reason they're number one is because they have the most money behind them I think they're made by the same parent company as Tik Tok so there are a lot of people who are using goth um because they're just spending a lot of AD money but
like if you pull up the the the top app store rankings we can see that there are a lot of apps like how do I do that so just scroll down uh scroll scroll down and you'll see like top app um keep scrolling keep scrolling keep scrolling um yeah do free app do free app and then change the category on the top right to education and now here like pretty much every other app here is like the same where it's like us using GPT behind the scenes to take a photo of your homework and give
you the answer or generate flashcards or generate notes so like you know we looked at golf which is number one one if you look at question AI math calculator it's the exact same one you just click on it you can see findan AI memorize anything same thing answer AI same thing scan and ask ai coate ai quis you know company has been around for a really long time but they've also pivoted into this so AI you know AI in the top 15 half of them are basically the exact same product it's kind of crazy how
simple this product is to build and how simple it is for people to Market I personally know multiple people who' built this exact product and scaled it up to hundreds of thousands of dollars in Revenue they've built web versions theyve buil like Chrome extensions iOS apps like each market has a different way and like you might be thinking why don't people just use chat GPD people are like super super lazy so they want the easiest solution and if they see a Tik Tok ad about it they see an Instagram add about it they'll download that
one and so now the space has gone like really really competitive clearly there is enough money in the space for 10 15 competitors to exist and all be profitable so it is actually crazy how much how how lucrative the space is in this I would say one of the first use cases that has really like completely blown up I know that education apps are really good because you usually get them on college campuses or in high school where when one person finds out about it it's just super natural for it to spread really quickly yeah
but I'm sure that every for every you know one success story of your friends there's you know 30 of these apps that have been buried in the graveyard because it is very easy to build we could probably build the first version of this app you know in like a three-hour session using cursor it's literally all you have to do on chat GPT is open the chat GPT app and then I don't even think you would need to add a prompt you could just say like solve as the text take a photo of it add it
on your chat gbt and it will literally solve it as good as any of these apps and it is insane to me how few people realize that you can just pay 20 bucks a month and and get these simple cogs like this is a like a one a one use case very simple quick answer and yeah it is truly amazing because you as someone who's not coded you literally could create this app if you tried in a weekend if you had like all weekend it was your first time trying to build an app with AI
you could figure this out it's not super difficult so the next app is the app that we are basically just got done creating version zero of this app so me an and keihan have been building this app Yap thread and we to wanted to make an app that you could just Yap to which is why we call it Yap thread and it allows you to just Yap all of your thoughts don't worry about being messy and then we're going to use AI to allow you to search for things and use AI to actually find common
threads the interesting thing about this app compared to other voice apps is we're allowing for web clipping I've noticed amongst content creators specifically because I'm a content creator and I've always wanted an app that allows me to take notes or write and web clip in the same app so I can combine all the things that I save from the internet to an app and that's kind of the central premise of this app is like be disorganized when you throw your ideas in and then use AI to organize everything and I know that you've actually said
that you think it's like super powerful people really want to organize their thoughts I'm curious have you seen any other apps do this well yeah there a lot of apps that have been doing this for like a business use case that we've seen we've seen a lot of apps that allow people to take voice notes and record meetings one of the best ones that I think is this one called Kola which is like a Mac app that runs on your computer while you're in a zoom meeting or a Google meet meeting and takes notes for
you that's been that's done really well they've raised uh a bunch of money and people love the product I I used it a lot when I had a lot of meetings to take but yeah stuff like that has been been really popular you know there've been uh app versions of that as well uh field hasn't been as competitive as education it is definitely a space where people have been building a lot of apps and a lot of people have built apps that like died I think that's an important part that you mentioned previously is that
very very easy to build these apps hard part is like so growing them adding features and like building an actual business around it coding's kind of been solved by AI for for most of the uh use cases that we're going to see I feel like it's it's moved from just like creating the functionality the functionality is different than the experience and so not only do you have to Market it but you have to create like an experience that's fun and this is the challenge that we have with that as we're building Yap thread we're we're
looking at this app and we're like we really like the functionality but it's like how do we really nail the experience when the user comes to the app what is the first thing that they see it should be painfully obvious what you should do which is like record a voice note or save a web clip and web clipping which is you have to use the share intent feature where you like share it with the native share feature which means you have to add Yap thread to the list of apps that you can share with um
which is just another way of saying like there is that is I think going to be one of the most important parts for our onboarding as more and more users sign up we need to make sure that it's painfully obvious to know exactly how you share something with the app how exactly you connect your ideas once you've put in a lot of your ideas and so I think that is one of the most eye openening things for me is it's not just about uh creating functionality and not just about marketing it's about creating an experience
and then marketing the EXP experience like the key experience it's all cohesive and one thing that we we're learning as we build out this product Cal AI so I actually just tested this right before this episode this one's interesting do you know the founder of this company yeah yeah um you know they built this app in in January of this year and it was very simple they just connected it to the GPD API you take a photo of your food and gives you your calories that's it that's product and they made the experience really really
seamless for people who wanted attract calories for workout reasons and they approach this problem space with a really great um perspective which was there's so many cal tracking apps so hard for them to to use them and they make a lot of money so it's obviously big paino that has a low customer satisfaction and they just made a product that had a much easier like of use and used AI to do that and so it it's really really smart how they did it and when they came out I saw a lot of people building similar
product they posted on Twitter they're like look I made the scal tracking app in a day when you know sort of the vision API came out for GPT last November and a lot of people even published the apps just no one sort of took it all the way no one took the business aspect seriously or the marketing seriously and took it to a point where they were able to gr and make money from this product except these the founders are two 19 year olds and one 23 year old so they're they're all like super young
and they were just able to do that marketing this space is also another space that hasn't been super explored as much as education has and that could be something here it's pretty similar to those education apps where it just like relies on the photo feature and it takes something that is annoying that people want to have done right whether it's homework or counting your calories and it makes it nearly immediate and I'm excited for this to be extrapolated out of just images maybe move to photos it's interesting to think about the next iteration of this
and I personally think it's going to be voice I think voice is a very natural um especially if it can talk to you in a way that like like a normal human would and I think that many people are having these eye openening experiences talking to the new Advanced chat gbt model where it sounds like you're actually talking to a friend and so I'm super just like bullish on voice apps and I'm really excited especially when you add like the Hume capabilities where it like can understand your emotion just based on the way that you
sound I think that's going to be really interesting as well so I'm excited for kind of The Voice version of these apps and then I also wanted to talk about where to find these apps so obviously we showed you at the beginning of this episode we showed how to find it on the App Store and you go to the top charts and so you can do free or paid and then you can um uh you can look at all these different categories I hadn't done this in a while I need to do this more frequently
but you said that there was another site you can use I'm Cur what was that called so uh it's called sensor Tower whenever I used this I thought the interface was kind of funky on this website you can see apps the rankings and the revenue so you can see Instagram made $1 million from inapp purchases last week you can see K made 800k you can look up goth um they probably made over a million um yeah well 11 yeah 50 50 million Revenue last month 11 million downloads so clearly not monetizing as much 50K wait
50k yeah um interesting oh you were looking at the Android version so to sear got it search it again you'll find the iOS s how do you tell oh it has an apple yeah they made 200k last month you this is a bite this is bite dance or yeah I think it's the same company behind it's like a subsidi bite dance or something like that um don't quote me on that but I I believe I believe that's true let's say you're new to creating apps like how would we use this to like look up marketing
like Market opportunities just go look at top charts and change the category to like something that you know about or you'd want to use absent let's say education right like that's a productivity yeah and so we can see here which products there are and if you have experience with them you can tell like what are the kind of products that people use these are popular ones like what can you make better with AI is just like one way to look at this right so okay there's a ringtone maker here it's ranked number 14 in productivity
maybe you could add an AI ring maker with some of the tools scks to to yeah music generation like that could definitely be an app that can reach a million dollars in Revenue what if you're ring that is customized to you like people who want to use that app people are using similar apps for making ringtone what can you do to you know capture that nich it's like a really easy way to find ideas see what all Bs there how can you make it better with AI and then build it it should be fairly easy
like basically calling an API making a simple interface and can all be done with see the ringtone maker app um where is that do you see it on here number 14 yeah number 14 bottom left ah oh yeah 700k downlo less than 5K Revenue they're clearly not monetizing well and um most of the downloads are probably from China because if the top count is being China but the second is us which means they have good monetization potential it just means that they aren't charging people they're operting a pay wall up and you know look at
all these other AI apps look at how they do it they all work the pay all um but yeah you could have like an AI link T maker and people would use it you know you can also search up for intone maker in the App Store see how many apps there are and see like okay what do people like about it what do people not like about it read through the reviews you can read the reviews in censor Tower as well there apps like this that can be it's insane to me how many just chat
GPT knockoffs there are and like some of them have like 100,000 like it's insane like this one has 300,000 reviews and this is just like chat ask AI this one's doing a million dollars a month and it's probably just worse than chat gbt in every way they just found marketing cuz so many people don't follow the mainstream AI space whether it's chat gbt or chat and ask AI by code way it doesn't really matter to them because they're just using chat gpt's API anyway um yeah so I I it's so interesting if you click on
the search bar on the top and search just like type in chat you'll be able to see like other apps that have been like sort of targeting this you know AI jackbot Nova right that's uh doing $4 million in Revenue you can see on the right um that's crazy you'll see like there are a lot of these apps um that are doing uh similar like numbers so million dollars 500k 20K 700k 100K 400k like like how many are there they're like dozens and so you know they not even showing me all of them yeah they're
not going to show you all of them so like I can you know I can ass show you they're over like 20 they're doing more than 100K Rue a month and all they do is called the chat API and they're RSE version to the chat eventually chat open AI will probably tackle these apps they'll probably like um put some copyright notice and stuff but clearly they don't it's not a priority for them right now um but yeah there there's a lot of opportunity I would say that's probably like the first kind of opportunity that came
up you see like the top grossing charts that's like apps that make the most money like on the it's on this page on the right the right column the are the top five two of them are just chat GP clones yeah that's crazy like there's yeah sorry it's just crazy that like there like if you add up all of those chat GPT apps it's probably close to how much revenue chat gbt is doing itself on the App Store yeah we can see the the next one is chat on taton um which makes five million 18
um which is not that's like a lot of money like and this is probably just some like some couple dudes who are just like yeah let's throw it together and they just made an app and they marketed it well and they probably started right before chat gbt's app came out it was probably out before it yeah they're made by ab ab is a pretty big company but like there are others that are doing like 100k Plus that are made by like just a couple of random dudes you can view by publisher too okay yeah that's
another uh interesting thing to note where if you click on the publisher um so like some of your favorite apps might have also created other apps that's uh really good market research so yeah this is a really cool tool a Ab is a big publisher that's doing like a bunch of these a apps you can see they have a homework solver Matt solver AI app that's like just like God they have a cal tracker AI app that's just like Cal they have a bunch of um like they have a photo generating app like they have
so many of these apps um that are just AI powered ones and you know they they're big company that's doing this but like there are like individuals who are running the same Playbook as well has been pretty crazy that's so fascinating anyway this is called sensor Tower and so homework for this episode is to check out sensor Tower come up with an idea for an app maybe make it build an exact one of these apps like I honestly think that would be good practice to build a an app that's on here and then maybe add
a few of your own little features because it's really good practice to uh copy and I'm not saying you need to go out and sell it but it's really fun to just build your own app and like figure out how to throw together a logo and we're going to be making video tutorials very soon on how to create your own iPhone app using react native and so that's hopefully within the next month or two we're trying to figure out the best way to teach that and allow people to get everything set up so that you
can literally build a full app that works for iPhone and Android we want to make that as easy as possible so thank you guys for watching and go out and uh down below let us know what apps you either working on or some ideas you have and we'll let you know if we think those are good ideas and we'll see you here for the next episode of the software composer podcast I'm Riley Brown here with Anand peace
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