Michael Singer - Working at the Root to Release Your Inner Problems

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Seats of Contemplation
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Video Transcript:
G [Music] GS there is a basic turning point in life basic Crossroads that's not where you think it is but it's the most important decision Crossroad you will ever pass and very few people even know it's there as a human people like to say I'm only human you'll find out eventually it's not true but there is certainly humanness and what we mean when we say I'm only human is I'm not okay I got issues I got problems I'm human humans have problems be that as it may you have a choice you either allow those problems
those weaknesses those issues to guide your life I'm lonely I need to find somebody I'm insecure I need to build finances I don't feel loved I need people's respect that means I'm not okay I'm only human and what I need to do is to find a way to feel okay about it a way to either distract myself from it a way to hold on to something so that it supports me in the face of my issues I need something outside myself that will let me live with what's going on inside myself and that is where
almost every single human being lives our lives we all have different issues therefore we do different things outside even if we had the same issues we would choose different things to do different types of people different types of jobs different types of vacations different types of whatever in order to try and compensate for give us support about call it whatever you want the fact that I'm not okay inside it doesn't matter in my opinion how you do it it doesn't matter what you choose to do I mean it matters ultimately one could send you to
jail and the other be a little nicer to your neighbors but in terms of you being human and you being okay it doesn't matter if you're going to start building your house upon the weakest part of your being which is what it is it's the part of my being that's not okay that is the weakest part of my being if you have decided that you are lacking and you have issues and problems and you need to get something outside in order to put on top of those problems so that you feel better about yourself so
you feel more tolerable that you can live with things it's all the same when it's all said and done you have made the weakest part of your being the foundation of your life every single thing you say every single thing you do all the clothes that you wear everything you buy everything is about I'm not okay what needs to happen to make me be okay and then how do I make that happen that's one path there is another path the Paradigm Shift yoga spirituality is when you wake up and you realize not I'm not okay
what do I do about it I'm not okay why that's a whole another direction if I'm not okay what do I do about it I'm going outside I need support I need help I need to get things if I'm not okay why am I not okay you're going inside that's it I'm telling you that's the entire difference between what would be called a worldly path and a spiritual path I don't like those terms because worldly sounds NE negative it's not negative it's just you are looking into the world to try to get and find things
that will make you feel better inside spiritually you're not doing that you're not renouncing it's not renunciation you're not sitting there saying that's what I need but I'm not going to do it because I want to go to heaven and or say no you're not renouncing anything you're questioning the foundation of why you're acting that way you're literally getting to the point where you are beginning to question why am I not okay so the question becomes coming inside and saying not I'm going to renounce what I think will make me be okay I don't believe
in that at all it's not about renunciation it's not about deciding what you think oh my God if I could have that I'd be okay oh my God if I could switch Partners if I could get a better job that would may be okay but it's not right I committed myself to this person so I'm going to renounce being okay no that's just absurd that's suppression that's ridiculous it is about changing how you look at things you come back Buddhist talk about working at the root the root is that you're not okay that's the root
everything else Springs off of that well why not question why you're not okay that's what a great being does that's what's the difference is you come inside and you see yes I'm not denying that I feel loneliness but I'm not asking what do I need to get or who do I need to get so that maybe I'll feel better and won't feel as lonely why don't I just ask why do I feel lonely it's like getting right down to the Simplicity of the simple root all right what's going on in here because it's not my
natural state your natural state is not the weakest part of your being that is just something that needs to be evolved and worked with if you're sick your starting position is not to sit there and say oh well I guess that's how I am sick I better start adjusting my life to being sick don't do that you sit there and say why am I sick how do I fix it you go to a doctor you do something all right you try to repair the thing that is damaged all of these what you call human emotions
they are not natural it is not true the reason they don't teach you that is they don't know it mainstream psychology maslo taught that you can transcend the hierarchy of needs that there is a higher state than needing this needing this needing that now he said he at the time said you need to work your way through the needs by satisfying them etc etc it is not true it's not true that the only way you can get rid of a need is by satisfying it I feel insecure okay so oh if she or he liked
me I think it'd be nicer because he's very popular and so if he liked me I'm in high school right he liked me then I would feel more secure so you go and you put out the efforts to try to get this person to like you now what happens when they start talking to somebody else you get jealous get insecure again what happens if they're not interested in you anymore oh my God you fall apart you did not get rid of your insecurity you put something on top of it so that you didn't have to
feel it while that was going on it distracted you from it it supported you through that you know darn well get everyone you've experienced it the moment that support structure goes away where are you right back down into the mess you have not solved anything you do not get rid of a need or a desire by satisfying it you just distract yourself from it or put things on top of it or have hope I hope that if I have you it will be like that for me okay that's that's what you do you get rid
of it in a whole another way and most people don't know this but someone who's gone through it does know this you come to it and you see I have a problem my problem is not that I don't have a relationship my problem is not that I don't earn enough in my job the problem is that I don't have a big enough house my problem is not that people don't respect me that's not my problem those are my attempts to put a solution over my problem my problem is that I feel insecure I don't feel
whole I don't feel love Etc that's my problem okay why is that that way now you're ready that's what meditation does for you let you look inside why is that there don't believe it's your natural state because it's not your natural state your natural state is Health both the natural state of your body is Health the natural state of your inner state is Health let me Define health of your body you know a healthier body is you never to think about it when you have a healthy body you have to go to the doctor you
don't have to do this you don't have to worry about your body do you it behaves as it should so that you can live your life guess what your inner State your emotions and your mental personal mental state is healthy you wake up in the morning you're filled with love and I mean you are so filled with love every single morning you wake up it's literally just waving through you the most love you've ever felt just pouring through your being that is the natural state of an open heart that is what you're supposed to be
feeling all the time that is what it means to be healthy in your emotional body or your mental body when you are healthy you are free to live your life you are free to be inspired by everything that comes in front of you you're free to enjoy every single moment that unfolds in front of you how would you like to be that high where every single moment of your life was an exploration enjoying experience it's a challenge fun and then you go to bed at night and you lay down your head they tell you review
how you did and what you did don't you dare just put your head down say wow that was fun and go to bed and wake up in the morning to have another exciting Adventure on the planet Earth that's what it means to live your life that's a beautiful life so a yogi I use Yogi it really means any spiritual being has awakened to the point where they realize look call spade a spade I'm sick or something wrong inside of me I need to fix it not you need to fix it for me nobody can fix
it for you you're the only one in there you're the only one in there this is your Abode if your house is a mess and you don't have any roommates guess who did it and guess who responsibility is to clean it up that's what you start catching on the truth is your inner bodies yoga call them kous your inner bodies are easier to deal with than your outer body your outer body has has to adhere to physiological laws plus there are all these outside forces that affect your outer body pollution and this and that and
all kinds of things go on there is nothing affecting your inner State except you been doing this for 45 years very diligently there is nothing at any time affecting your inner State except you what do you mean how could I say such a thing an event happens outside let's talk real well what's that got to do with you you just told me it happened outside happened outside you live inside you don't live out here do you you live in there don't you but it's disturbing why the reason you're going to catch on is as follows
in here where I live I have instruments I have a mind I have a heart they're mind I can express myself through them before I express myself through the body but they're M this state of your emotions and the state of your heart is 100% yours so how come what happened outside affects my mental and emotional state I'm telling you you did it what do you mean I did it this is so important I'm going to go slowly with you and prove it to you in here you have to begin by let's be Buddhist will
be Zen there's this thing called The Empty mind the empty Bell it's not so weird I want you to imagine that there's nothing in there I mean you're I'm not saying you're stupid your mind is not full of Impressions that you stored from the past okay there's just Clarity presence of being Consciousness is present with what's going on outside in that state what is going to happen is events are going to unfold in front of you they're going to come in and you're going to experience them there not going to be any commotion not going
to be any melodrama there's just oh a car ran a stop light and I ran on my brakes and skitted around and this event came in through me it carried energy with it I'm not saying it doesn't carry energy it carried intense energy with it I told you rattlesnakes coiled up rattling feel different than butterflies landing on your arm that's real the Buddhists call that the nature of things every single thing has its nature but I'm telling you in the empty state where you're clear what you experience is the nature of what's actually happening it
then passes right through you learn from it it has an impact on you there's not a single thing that ever happened to you that you didn't learn from the very fact that it happened to you meant you had an experience experience in and of itself is your teacher every single experience that your Consciousness experiences is like water pouring into your Consciousness you're now holer than you were before because you had that experience that's what it means to be clear that's true mindful fulness true openness The Experience takes place it comes in it passes through here
you are present for the next experience I didn't see any commotion that is not what built your emotional or mental bodies that's just Clarity passing right through like it's supposed to what caus the commotion is as follows the event took place it came in and you in there didn't want to have the experience that's all it's called free will you have free will that doesn't mean that you get to determine what experience happens no when he said you're the king of the universe the free will you have is in here the event took place it
came in and you out of your great wisdom of Free Will decided I don't want to have that experience now I want you to admit to me have you ever had that thought and reaction I don't want to have that experience or it was a very nice experience I don't want it to end anybody guilty okay that's how it happens sounds innocent it's not you just developed a concept inside your mind that this event is a no no and this event's a yes yes all right therefore the event took place you didn't want it to
you resisted it you used your will your power of will to push it away not outside you can't push it away outside it actually happened you actually saw a rattlesnake your boy boyfriend actually left somebody actually died you got fired these things actually happened I don't want them to have happened well you can't make them not have happened outside even if you go in and tell the boss you're wrong you shouldn't have fired me you didn't see he said oh you're right you got your job back you didn't change the fact that you got fired
for that moment and that experience took place you can't ever change what actually happened but inside I told you you're the only one in there I don't want to have had that experience I I don't want it to touch me I don't want to remember I don't want to have anything to do with it didn't happen it's called Denial in Psychology terms right so what does denial mean it means I use my will to keep it at a distance from me I push it away push it out of my mind push it out of my
emotions where do you think that went it actually got stored inside of you you didn't let it pass through you didn't get stored outside the event is not happening outside anymore it's gone all the atoms of creation did their thing and they're gone they're busy doing something else but not inside of you you kept it inside of you so now what you've done is push this thing away therefore it stayed in there well you know this you all have the experience what does it mean it's stayed in there it means that the next time anything
happens that's even closely associated even abstractly associated with it it's coming back up isn't it you were married to a guy named Ben and that wasn't a good experience and that was 20 years ago and somebody just asked you to go out on a blind date and his name is Ben no we're not going I've had enough Ben to last a lifetime that's what happens isn't it the stuff comes back up you're not clear anymore you're not able to experience the experience that's taking place because what comes in through your senses now doesn't make it
straight to your Consciousness it has to pass through your stored mind your conceptual mind your ego mind quot it whatever you want your personal mind so it comes in and it hits all this stuff you stored in there and if what you stored in there wasn't a good experience then what happens now comes in it hits it and the next thing you know this reaction is happening inside of you again so you are now not dealing with what's happening outside you're dealing with the reaction inside based upon the stuff you stored and the same exact
thing happens when you store nice things oh he said he loved me oh this is so nice where's he going no he to come back I wait to see him again I don't want to see anybody else I only have eyes for you what about everything else no no no I only want to see her again and so the next thing you know you're missing life do you understand that that's where disappointment that's where all your human is what you call I'm only human no you're not only human you're only blocked that's a totally different
thing you're not human you are the indwelling being having to live with the results of the fact that you pushed all these events down in there and now when life is taking place it hits them and you either feel good about something or bad about something you feel jealous about something all this junk this reactiveness that's going on in what you call your emotions and your mental thoughts your opinions your preferences your views not your knowledge not your wisdom but your personal preferences that's the personal mind so you get to the point where you understand
I have made a mess in here by resisting and pushing away and storing all these past experiences because I couldn't handle them what does it to be able to handle something it goes right through I'll give you an example there are white lines on the road did you know that most of you handle them quite well you how many white lines you've driven by in your life how many of them come back up and haunt you they go right through they're just experiences going right through most of life makes it right through you all the
stars and the cars on the road and people who walk by and clothes that people wear and store my God there's 80 billion things you experience every day they don't screw up there's this tiny little handful really small things that if they show themselves or you hear about them even think about you get weird don't you you get all scared all desirous or whatever the heck it is it gets weird in there however I call it weird all right there's a handful of them and every one of you it's a different handful and you can
trace them back to stuff you stored inside of you and Freud agrees with me totally it's not even weird what I'm saying but this is the core of yoga this is the essence of all of spirituality because it basically says this okay now you see where the stuff came from now you have a choice either yep that's how I am always been this way take to leave it all right this is it now go out and try to make the life in front of you be what matches the stuff you got inside of you have
fun make sure people treat you the way and be treated make sure that you go to a party that they're wearing the right thing based on what you wore make sure your hair comes out exactly the way you say when you to the hairdress well try something new it's like can you handle reality the answer is are you kidding of course not I've stored all this junk of every single thing that ever happened to me I didn't like I'm a Sensi and you sensitive how many years can it be in there has anyone ever even
heard of something that when somebody's 53 years old that would happen when they were five is still in there and causes some trouble I mean that's the base of all psychology isn't it what's it doing in there ruining your life it's both run your life and ruining your life so your choice which I just backtracked to show you the foundation your choice is you either sit there and say this is my handicap this is my problem these are my issues I can't handle this stuff don't tread on me every single thing I need to manipulate
and control the world around me so that it doesn't touch my stuff and I need to manipulate and control the world around me so it does touch the good stuff so I remember when I was 12 I had this beautiful relationship and oh my God God it was I want to find that again it was so you're 62 years old what are you doing there's different relationships at different stages in your life you're supposed to be having new experiences and learning you're not supposed to be clinging Buddhist call it clinging you're supposed to be clinging
to these old things and hoping they'll happen again it's just every experience is a gift that's what you get every single experience in your life is a gift a gift from nature a gift from God a gift from the Quantum feel I don't care you want to look at it it's manifesting out of nothing presenting itself to you and you are honored to see it you're honor to experience nothing is better or worse than anything else they're all different they're all beautiful there's no reason to try and recreate something there's just this appreciation for the
openness and the experience you're having so this is your decision in life do I want the stuff I have stored inside of me because I didn't let it go when it happened learn from it and let it process I didn't do that I stored it inside of me now everything has to be exactly the way I needed to be for me not to get weird or you want to straighten it up because I am telling you you can straighten it up I don't care how long it's been in there I don't care how strong it
is I don't care how scared you are of it I don't care how much of a mess has made of your life it is only in there right now because you are keeping it in there it's not even that you kept it in there before it will not stay in in there it requires your constant attention is subconsciously or consciously it requires your constant resistance to push it back down it does come back up doesn't it what do you do when it comes back up push it right back down I don't want to deal with
this I'm done with this really I'm done with that I'm done with him I like that one I'm done with him I don't care if I ever see him again I hope he marry somebody worse than the worst person I'm just completely done with him we are a weird species that's not what it means to be done with something you're done with the white lines you drove by the other day I'm done with those they not having any impact on my life I am done I handle them they're gone they ain't stored inside of me
I want every single thing that ever happened to you to be like that and I want every single thing that happens you from now on to be like that but don't tell me that means you're going to be stupid when you learn is when you're open when you learn is when this thing comes all the way in it becomes part of your being I see it like the world is like Rivers pouring into your Consciousness feeding them merging them and every experience you have you become a holer being you don't need to think about it
when you learn a sport you know tennis or something like that and you actually learn it you don't think before you act if you do you're you're not going to be any good you literally become one with the experience the person moves you move you you're just you know what I'm talking about right you're a complete instrument better one if you're sitting there playing instrument think about with your fingers are going instead of merged your you and the instrument are one you don't even you don't even know you're playing it's supposed to be a complete
lost that the music the player of the music and the instrument have merged into Oneness which happens to be a yogic state but in music people know about that you can imge into music Can't You Lose Yourself completely that is when you have learned you don't need to be there you actually learned it you practiced enough to where you don't need to be there mentally you're there spiritually and that's what's happening you're just expressing the core of your being and it all becomes natural they call it being in the zone engulf they say in the
zone or in sports right you're in this Zone you are supposed to be in that zone all the time how would you like that every moment that's what it's like you're just dancing with creation and you're one with it interacting with it and so the events that you're experiencing every time you experience something you learn from it every time you play a sport you become better you have to think about it it's the very fact that you did it makes you better but what if I make a mistake then you get even better because you
learned how to deal with what you did wrong so if you do it right you get better if you did it wrong you get better experience is the best teacher you've heard that that's very very deep experience is the real teacher so a wise being does not devote their life to this garbage that they have stored inside themselves because they can't handle the reactiveness that goes on inside and most humans cannot that's what it means I started I'm only human what does that mean I can't handle things I can't handle things I'm I very limited
as my my safety zone is my comfort zone you have a comfort zone that comfort zone is defined by avoiding the junk that you stored inside of you and now you get this little thing you got to live in one place with one person totally they closed up all right spirituality means take arms against a sea of troubles and opposing in them those were Hamlet's words right you come into this and you say this is my house this my house there's nobody else in here this is mine I'm not leaving this junk in here there's
no way in the world I'm going to spend my life avoiding the junk that I kept inside of me I'm going to get it out I'm going to clean house so you work on yourself you work on yourself how do you do that sit there and say I don't want this inside of me okay now you'll raise your hand and say but there's a lot in there you don't understand a lot I put a lot down there how would I know which one to take up next I swear to you you listen to me you
don't need to do one single thing not one single thing they will come up by themselves they do not sit naturally in there the only reason they're in there is because you holding them in there so therefore the only thing you have to do ever ever in the entire path is not hold them in there it's not about doing or getting it's about ceasing always it's about ceasing to do so what happens somebody says something to you you get all emotional good no you're not good why it hits something well I don't like it too
bad you want to stop smoking right but some sometimes I feel the urge too bad too bad you feel the urge eventually you won't but for now you do so don't pick up the cigarette something hits something I feel insecure I feel scared I feel they might not love me it's just I don't know I feel weird it gets weird in there good can you handle it now what you want to say is no but I'm not going to let you say no right because when I asked you can you handle it I didn't say
do you want to I want to know whether potentially if it really really really matter to you could you handle the fact that that disturbance is going on on in you for a short period of time I'll give you a million dollars I'll give you the most beautiful relationship you'd ever have for the rest of your life if you can handle insecurity for 15 seconds don't you know anything about it don't anything about it can you do it which one you can't do it and you realize you can do it you're not willing to pay
attention to that I could teach you meditation I don't want to could teach your Mantra I don't want to I want to teach you this CU if you learn this you learned everything you are pure conscious you can do anything you want and what's even funnier is it's not that you have to do it you have to stop doing it you have to stop what you're doing I understand that if I told you to pick pick up that rock that weighs 5,000 lb you say I can't do it but if I tell you stop picking
up the kleenex box of course you can do it just I'm telling you to stop doing something you're already doing it shouldn't even be a challenge that's what's happening here you are holding that stuff down there I'm just saying there are times don't worry things going to hit your stuff how often pretty much all the time stuff's going to come in there and you're going to get sensitive you're going to get weird your mind's going to start thinking you need to defend yourself or what you going to blah blah blah blah personal stuff's going to
go on emotionally and mentally right all right let it go let it go don't push it back down and I'm telling you that's all you need to learn now if you need to meditate in order to be able to do that that's your business you want to do Mantra so you have something to hold on to instead of hanging out with your personal self F there all kinds of techniques Yogo works really good calms you out but when it's said and done is the highest technique you will ever use and the only one that actually
works the world is going to hit your stuff good change your attitude around here thank you I don't want this stuff I don't know about you I started when I was 22 years old moved out here you know why I don't want this stuff in me ain't no way I'm going through my life with this stuff in here because I already know what it's going to do it's going to run my life all right so you just decide I don't want this in here you don't need to drop out you don't need to move through
the woods you don't need to leave your husband you don't need to do anything all you need to do is the next time something happens that does something and makes you get weird inside makes your mind start thinking what do I want what do I not want what do I do about it what do I not do about it oh my God what if this and your emotions start getting weird relax that's the highest technique you'll ever learn you relax that's your Technique you but no no butts no and if or butts don't convince your
mind that you're right oh M you shouldn't be bothered by this I'm sure everything's oh no no no rationalization no anything just relax just literally it's in they demanding that you pay attention to this commotion that's going on there you just relax and then you'll get good enough to You'll relax you'll see the commotion still going on lean away from it cuz normally you lean into it and get involved in it and then it sucks you in become it you become the commotion you in there the Consciousness relax and lean away for how long just
relax and lean away don't even think about I don't want mind involved has nothing to do with mind what you're doing is letting go of that part of your mind but the only way to let go of it is to disengage you disengage by letting go the example I used to use is you're in a tug of-war you know pain to scene little tug of-war you got one of those ropes big ropes you're on one end and the entire Gator football team's on the other end and there's this big mud Pile in between you want
to go home you had enough of this you've studied every single technique of how to get your legs at a certain angle you build a tripod of yourself and oh my God this is so hard but every time you pull and you get a little oh they're strong the whole football team you know and they pull you through the mud and you're dirty and you oh my you had so much and all of a sudden let go let go they won't come with me I'm trying open your hands release your hands relax your how can
relaxing be the answer to this tug-of-war see there Z isn't it what happens if you relax your hands go home it's over isn't it who said you had to hold on to that rope who said you need to win that game who said you have to play the game that's what I'm talking about inside this commotions going on so what what do mean so what so what was it it's just something you're noticing you relax don't fight with it don't rationalize it don't try to stop it don't try to do anything about it just relax
relax your hands relax the grip it has on you relax the hold that your emotions and your personal mind have on you you are just the Consciousness noticing this it has no hold on you except that you're unwilling to let it exist if you're watching a TV show and it's freaking you out get up nobody's making you watch the show nobody's making you watch those emotions nobody's making you pay attention to those thoughts you are the Consciousness that is aware of what's going on in there just relax and all of a sudden you'll realize there's
all this space that didn't used to be there room to breathe because you were locked in this little box of staring at your emotions and your thoughts and as you relax behind them two things happen one is because you're not pushing them away they pass not all at once it may take a few times it doesn't matter the point is You' changed the entire direction of your life you are now releasing this stuff instead of pushing it back down and insisting that the world not touch it so all of a sudden the world's your best
friend because I guarantee the world knows how to touch your stuff doesn't it now it's a good thing I want you to get to that point every single day is an opportunity for Liberation every single day every minute every second it's hitting your stuff but instead of hanging out with it you let another piece go and let another piece go let another piece go so one thing that happens is you unburden yourself you Lally I'm not carrying this whole burden of worrying what everybody's doing it doesn't matter there's just White Lines passing in front of
me if I'm willing to let go of the part of me that needed all this stuff all right so the first thing that's going to happen is your load gets lighter second thing is going to happen and I assure you is because you're not not hanging out with your lower self with your personal junk that you stored in here your Consciousness centers back into its own self because you're not watching the TV you find yourself back on the couch because you're not holding on to the rope and fighting you find yourself completely unburdened and go
go home and have a nice dinner now that your Consciousness is not Tethered to the emotions and the mind it starts to realize its own nature you've been staring at the mind and the emotion so you know their nature but you don't know your nature and as you let go this thing happens and I guarantee you it will happen you will start to feel this Joy this love this amazingly uplifting energy feeding you from inside not in front of you where you used to get your emotions in mind but from behind you literally you're sitting
there letting this go and you start to realize oh there's a behind me I never knew there was a behind me if you're staring at the TV you don't know there's anything else the room do you what happens if you stop staring at the TV one you get liberated from the mess the TV was doing to you and two you get to see the rest of the room I'm telling you there's a rest of the room and it's really big you are sitting there staring at this tiny little set of thoughts and emotions called you
your humanness but you're not human your Consciousness your spirit and so when you stop staring at that you start to feel the cess of your being and you feel love and joy and in the East they have a name for God Called satand satand It means Eternal conscious Bliss sad is eternal chit is conscious and Anand is bliss Eternal conscious Bliss not only is it a name for God it's a name for the self that's the great ones who' have got that state came back that is the nature of who's in there Eternal conscious ecstasy
so you start to feel that you start to feel Joy welling up inside of you you are what they call self-effulgent you are selfe forent you don't need someone for love there's nothing wrong with sharing your love once you have it but you don't get love from somebody else love is inside of you and when you're not conditioning it by having things to be exactly the way you want you're going to find out you're made of love when they say God is love that's what they're talking about as you come back here it's just oceans
and waves of joy and light and love now come and enjoy your life by all means give serve participate but not because you need but because you want to express the beauty you're feeling inside of you that's a whole another reason to get up in the morning you can't wait to get out of bed now why I got to make some money I got to find out what my girlfriend's doing maybe talking to somebody else no it's not fear it's not desire it's wow why did Beethoven write music because it was playing inside of him
and he had to express himself that's why you live your life every second of your life you've got this Welling of joy and love and beauty and it wants to Express itself so you go to work and express it so you take care of the kids and you take care of the husband whatever it is your normal life now becomes spiritual all of it becomes beautiful and that's just the beginning of your journey at some point the joy becomes so great inside that you lose interest in your personal self plus once you realize world does
better without you does better I mean literally you can still do your intellectual stuff just not your personal stuff and all of a sudden you're the person you'll get all the raises you'll be best in business because you're actually doing what's in front of you instead of trying to make what's in front of you match you you're not using it to try and protect yourself so you grow and then at some point you will feel this tremendous pull the energy is so strong inside that instead of your personal self pulling you down it's like this
vacuum pulling you up and you keep letting go and letting go and that's where you your whole life becomes a dance with Spirit you will get to the point where the world absolutely means nothing it's just a movie that's passing before you you're getting nothing from it you need nothing from it it's just this beautiful thing that's been created somehow and it's like going to an art museum you get to see shapes and forms and colors it's nothing you don't need anything from it you're being fed completely inside and you bring that beauty and you
share outside but you can't lose anything because you're not getting anything from outside that's a whole being it's a liberated being it's a Liberation being and eventually you become so free that you get pulled up in that energy and that's where the great Masters went yoga means Union you get pulled back to the source of Consciousness and those who have returned to the source Christ Buddha yoganand the great Masters have all said the same thing that I expanded into the entire universe Christ said my father and I are one he meant it so basically this
is your journey out so you have a choice yes there is humanness there but it is not true that I'm only human it is true that I watch a human that's what's true and it's difficult it's a tough show basically you learn to let it go you learn to let it go and I'm telling you everything becomes beautiful everything it all has its place it all has its beauty since you have no need you're not afraid of getting old or people won't like you anymore you don't need anything you're whole and complete within yourself you
just have fun every step of every second of your life that's what you should be like that's what it means to be healthy all right so you contemplate these things and like I said there's a crossroad you decide which life do you want to live it's going to take some time to let go of your stuff it will take forever to get the world around you to be exactly the way you want so it doesn't bother you change you and everything changes it all becomes beautiful and I'm telling you when it's said and done you
look out at that world and all you ever say is thank you thank you to the four forces that are causing this to manifest in front of me because it's really awesome that there are trees and there are people and that there's roads and buildings I don't have I don't even want to think about it it's unbelievable where they come from and you just respect that life becomes beautiful all right follow this path devote your life to something greater than your little self Che
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