hello Facebook ad people I'm costantinos and today I'm coming to you with a theory video on why one trick Ponies are dead why you should not follow Blueprints and what is the most efficient way for you to test your different products your different landing pages your different offers just with the minimum risk since I opened my mentorship programs there are more and more people that are coming from other mentorship programs and they're telling me that they used to follow just the blueprint and all of that and you know it's it's really difficult for me because
I'm trying to fix their whole mindset all over again retraining them and recalibrating them on how they should think about Facebook ads and I just don't understand how some people maybe it's convenient for them and for their programs but I just don't understand how some people are teaching that Facebook ads is the same thing across all of our accounts no matter if you run something which sells for $1,000 or $10,000 or $10 no matter if you're doing lead generation no matter if you're doing uh straight sales no matter if you're doing this or that or
that if you advertise for example in a very small country or in a very big country I just believe that in order for you to understand how to run proper Facebook ads you need to understand each simple setting and uh you need to understand how the platform is working and then you just need to adjust to each ad account and to each business and whoever doesn't understand that because they're lazy or whatever they are and they just want to find a blueprint this is not a video for you guys and you can go away and
you can go to the next person that's going to promise you a blueprint that's going to work everywhere and when you're going to lose all of your money trying that I declare bankruptcy then it's up to you but some of you you're going to be lucky and it's going to work for you or you're going to be intelligent enough to just follow something that someone told you and just do something else tweak it a little bit and make it work for you and then this is going to be used by the people that they are
running the program to prove that their system is working while the other 90% of the people inside the program they're going to be failing because blueprints are not working on Facebook ads the only thing that is working is you understanding Facebook ads and making your own blueprint for your own business and for your own numbers hi guys I would like to interrupt this video in order to talk to you about my new mentorship programs and uh I would love if you go to the website you're going to find the link in the description or you
can find it in the menu of my website and over there you're going to be able to see the different mentorship programs that I have you can find the one that going to fit better your needs and I will hope to see you there there are still today agencies prestigious agencies that they're out there and they are running ads with traffic campaigns and they're retargeting or doing link clicks so many different things now what's my difference I do believe that this can work somewhere I don't know where but but I do believe that it can
work somewhere okay uh to do traffic cards and then work it fine I do believe that it can work but I'm not going to just use it in every single ad account that I go without caring if it's going to succeed or not just because I have a full pipeline of new clients coming the problem is that in good at accounts guys whatever you're going to do I have a saying for example I'm saying that I'm saying this for uh the ads before iOS that before iOS even if you go out to out of a
brain surgery room and you take a guy that just did a lobotomy and you just uh put their face into the keyboard to roll the face roll face on the keyboard and they do one campaign most probably it was going to do well because it was much better before iOS with all the tracking and all of that now we're missing a lot of data so a lot of people are struggling and they don't have the same numbers the point is that in in a good account in another account that is working really well and I'm
going to prepare also a video I think to today in the video shooting uh I'm going to prepare a video that I'm showing you that there is one account that's getting instantly 10 Ras with a new pixel okay but this is just a product that we knew that it was working and we had a new account a new pixel we're just advertising on Facebook not even on uh Instagram so all of these theories the crazy method if you want all the other theories they are useless if your product is good so there are good at
accounts that if you do this or that or something else or a blueprint it's going to work because everything is is going to work there and this is where you need to come and you need to understand that following blueprints is not going to help your business go to the next level but understanding how Facebook ads are working is what is going to make the difference now I know that it was a huge introduction to what we have to say about this video but guys nine out of the 10 people that came to the chosen
five program and now they're having major changes on their other accounts they were believing in Blueprints and this is crazy and it has to stop and also so the agencies that they're just doing ads with a specific way they have to stop and they need to just uh start adjusting to each ad account instead of behaving like a factory of doing ads without caring let's talk a little bit about what we have to discuss here we said about the blueprint why we should not follow it but let's go on another way of thinking which is
going to help you a lot my way of thinking always on Facebook ad is that I like to do things with the least possible risk how can we you achieve that so for example A lot of people might tell you that in order for you to test efficiently products you need to do an then you have a $20 uh budget there and then if you take this $20 budget you just scale it to another campaign and do this and that and that I don't know some others are proposing that you do one campaign if it's
working you duplicate this campaign three times with triple the budget whatever anyone can think of or has seen in another account working they just make it a blueprint uh thing to work for instance for the crazy method I never said that it's it should work in all of our accounts okay what I said is that this is a tool that I'm using go use it I'm having another 10 different um things that I'm using go and use them in your other accounts and see if they're working for you how did I find all of these
I find them by just testing things on my own and the only thing that I did since day one is that I had in my mind that I always need to have only one variable and let me explain so let's say that I'm going in another account which is having data I'm noticing that for the past I can see that there are some advanc plus campaigns working really well and they have seven adsets I'm not going to run it with 10 adets I'm going to run it with seven assets and with the same budet that
it had so let's say that it's $300 Advance Plus campaigns with seven assets so I'm seeing there that something is working I'm having a structure a campaign which is actually working so what am I doing I'm just going there and I'm just saying okay I just need one variable so over here I'm going to test different products so $300 Advantage plus it's going to have uh 7 ads so I'm having my structure which is secure and I know that it's working so if something is not going to work in this campaign I can blame the
new variable which is the new product that I'm testing the new creatives the new landing pages whatever that may be so by just doing that and by just thinking like that then you can do the opposite for example I want to test if I can do one campaign of uh instead of 200 and uh five adsets uh CBO I want to do 500 with uh 10 adsets for example okay how can I test it I'm going to take the same creatives the best creatives that I have the ones that I know that they're working and
I'm just going to use them inside the setup if I do that I'm having again one variable because the creatives are working now I'm testing the structure is it good for me can I optimize it is it within my comfort zone does it go fast or slow do I have to add another adset or remove an adset in order for me to slow the process all of these things are things that you can do in another account by just having one thing that is working and one thing that you want to test by just doing
that you're going to find your own blueprint on the Hol at account and then you're not going to have the need of following another blueprint of someone else who's telling you that do this is going to work and do that I do know that it's appealing for you to follow a blueprint because it's easier for people to just follow something which is ready you have to understand that if you want to be successful or go to the next level on Facebook ads you just need to uh go away from blueprints not not necess saying that
they're not working test them if you find a blueprint that makes sense for your business test it just don't just don't put all of your uh hopes in a blueprint that it's going to work just because a guru says it or someone else uh says it never forget this that most of the people out there that they are teaching Facebook ads doesn't necessarily mean that they have big gut accounts okay whoever is not showing that accounts um or they're saying they're talking talking about ndas and all of that because I have also ndas with my
clients but I do tell them that I'm going to share but all of your information is going to be hidden so when I'm doing that nobody can tell me that I cannot share or I cannot teach other people Facebook ads with their ad accounts because nobody knows the companies that we are talking with okay so be careful a little bit of who you are listening to but even if you don't do that just go into your ad account and just do whatever it makes sense for your ad account if you want to follow a blueprint
test it maybe it's going to work for you just don't believe that a blueprint from another account it has to necessarily work for you the same thing goes for the crazy method it doesn't mean that necessarily has to work with you maybe it doesn't work very well with your mentality and the way that you like to run ads maybe it's too aggressive for you maybe it's not uh ideal for your business okay all of these things so start learning Facebook ads by just learning each as each single button of what it does and why you
use it instead of following blueprints okay guys I hope that is clear the more you think like this the more you fail and yes there are going to be one or two people watching this video that are going to succeed with a blueprint but here we're talking about the majority the majority is going to fail the majority is going to fail anyway on Facebook ads because your ideas might not work or whatever but just don't make it even more difficult it's already difficult to find success in an idea a product or an offer that you
have don't make your life more difficult by just introducing inside things that are working for others which might not uh be a good fit for you don't forget that if you want to learn more you can check my book my course on my website and of course my mentorship programs and below my mentorship programs you can see also the reviews from the people that they have been inside the mentorship programs especially the chosen 5 and until we meet again guys be creative and be consistent [Music]