This Is How Chosen Ones Break Through to Prosperity—Don't Miss Out!

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A Word of Wisdom
This Is How Chosen Ones Break Through to Prosperity—Don't Miss Out! Are you ready to step into the ...
Video Transcript:
[Music] you might be surprised by what I'm about to share but it's crucial to stay silent and focused about what's coming your way you're watching another video exclusively for the chosen ones if you are not one of the chosen ones it is likely that you will not watch this video to the end feel free to turn it off as the content may not resonate or vibrate with your soul or Spirit however if you are a true chosen one you will fully understand everything I'm about to explain I stand before you today with a word that
will pierce through the darkness that has clouded your vision and reignite the fire of Hope in your soul you've been wrestling with obstacles that seem unmovable Financial struggles spiritual dryness and The Haunting question of whether your best days are behind you but let me tell you the enemy has been trying to keep you from hearing what I'm about to say because this message holds the key to your breakthrough the barriers before you are about to fall and the chains that have bound you are about to be broken what you hear today will not only speak
to your mind but it will set your spirit Ablaze and guide you into the prosperous life God has destined for you to the chosen ones listening today I want you to imagine something with me imagine that you're standing on the edge of a vast and glorious land land flowing with milk and honey where every need is met every desire fulfilled and where abundance is not just a concept but a living reality this land is your inheritance the prosperity that God has promised you but between you and this land there stands a wall a wall of
fear doubt unbelief and past failures it's thick it's high and it's been there for as long as you can remember this wall represents the obstacles that have kept you from experiencing the fullness of God's blessings it's the fear that paralyzes you the doubt that makes you question God's promises the unbelief that hardens your heart and the past failures that weigh you down it's the mindset that tells you there's never enough that you're not enough and that Prosperity is for everyone else but you but I'm here today to tell you that this wall no matter how
formidable it may seem is not your final destination it's not the end of your story The God Who has called you who has chosen you is the god who breaks down walls who shatters chains and who makes a way where there seems to be no way he has already given you the tools the power and the authority to overcome every obstacle and step into the prosperous life that he has prepared for you this message is not just another sermon it's a Divine appointment it's a word of fire that will set your mind Ablaze that will
penetrate the deepest corners of your heart and that will ignite a passion within you to break free from every barrier that has held you back you are not meant to live in lack in fear in doubt you are called to thrive to prosper and to live in the Overflow of God's blessings so as we embark on this journey together I urge you to open your heart to let go of the lies that have kept you bound and to embrace the truth that will set you free let this be the day that you break through the
barriers that you step into your god-given prosperity and that you live the Abundant Life that Jesus died to give you welcome to a Word of Wisdom if you're not already subscribed go ahead and subscribe like the video and turn on notifications to keep up to date with the word of God fear is the enemy's most effective Weapon It's a tool he uses to keep you in bondage to prevent you from stepping into the fullness of what God has for you fear Whispers lies distorts reality and magnifies your weaknesses it tells you that you're not capable
that you're not worthy that failure is inevitable but let me speak truth into your life today fear is not your portion the Bible says in second Timothy 1: 7 for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind fear is not from God it's a tactic of the enemy designed to keep you from your destiny but the moment you recognize that fear is a lie you strip it of its power you have been given a spirit of power love and a sound mind these are
your weapons to combat fear when fear threatens to overwhelm you stand firm on the Promises of God his word is your sword your shield and your Fortress the Bible is filled with promises that counteract fear Isaiah 41:10 says fear not for I am with you be not dismayed for I am your God I will strengthen you yes I will help you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand every time fear tries to creep in speak God's word over your life declare that fear has no place in your heart that you are a child
of God and that his power love and peace are your inheritance let the word of God fill your mind and your heart until there is no room for fear to take root fear paralyzes but Faith moves James 2:1 17 tells us that Faith by itself if it does not have works is dead faith is not passive it's active it requires you to step out even when you're afraid it's easy to talk about faith when everything is going well but true faith is demonstrated in the face of fear take that first step even if it's small
whether it's making a phone call applying for a job starting a new project or stepping out of your comfort zone do it in faith trust that God is with you that he will guide your steps and that he will make a way where there seems to be no way number two the barrier of doubt doubt is like a seed if you allow it to take root in your mind it will grow into a tree that overshadows your faith casting a shadow over everything God has promised you down is the enemy's way of making you question
God's goodness his love and his faithfulness but today we're going to uproot that seed of doubt and replace it with the truth of God's word the Bible says in James 1: 6 to8 but let him ask in faith with no doubting for He Who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind for let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord he is a a double-minded man unstable in all his ways doubt creates instability in your life it causes you to waver to be tossed back
and forth unable to stand firm in faith but God's desire for you is to be rooted and grounded in his truth to be steadfast and unmovable in your faith Romans 12 verse 2 tells us do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind the world is full of Doubt negativity and fear but as a child of God you are called to be transformed to think differently to see things from a kingdom perspective to overcome doubt you must renew your mind with the truth of God's word immerse yourself in
scripture meditate on God's promises let his word wash over you cleansing your mind of every doubt every fear and every lie of the enemy when doubt tries to creep in combat it with the truth declare that you are more than a conqueror through Christ that God's plans for you are good and that his promises are true the people you surround yourself with can either strengthen your faith or feed your doubt Proverbs 27:1 17 says as iron sharpens iron so one person sharpens another surround yourself with people who will speak life into you who will encourage
you pray for you and remind you of God's faithfulness join a community of believers who will lift you up when you're feeling weak who will stand with you in faith and who will help you keep your eyes on Jesus don't isolate yourself when you're struggling with doubt instead reach out to those who can help you stay strong in your faith number three barrier of unbelief unbelief is a dangerous thing it's more than just doubt it's a refusal to believe it's a hardened heart that says I know what God's word says but I just don't believe
it unbelief is what kept the Israelites wandering in the wilderness for 40 years even though God had promised them a land flowing with milk and honey they saw the Miracles they experienced God's provision but when it came time to step into the promised land their unbelief kept them out the Bible warns us in Hebrews 3:12 beware Brethren lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the Living God unbelief is not just a lack of faith it's a departure from God it's a rejection of his promises his goodness and
his faithfulness but even in the face of unbelief there is hope in Mark 9:4 a father brought his son to Jesus for healing the boy had been tormented by an evil spirit and the disciples had been unable to cast it out the father desperate for his son to be healed cried out to Jesus Lord I believe help my unbelief Jesus didn't reject the father for his unbelief instead he met him where he was and healed his son faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God Romans 10:1 17 if you're struggling with unbelief
the best thing you can do is immerse yourself in God's word read it meditate on it speak it out loud let the truth of God's word fill your heart and your mind until there is no room for unbelief the more you immerse yourself in God's word the more your faith will grow the more your faith Fai grows the more you will begin to see God's promises come to pass in your life and as you see his faithfulness in action your unbelief will begin to melt away in Ezekiel 36: 26 God promises I will give you
a new heart and put a new spirit within you I will take the Heart of Stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of Flesh if you're struggling with unbelief pray and ask God to give you a heart heart of Faith ask him to soften your heart to remove the hardness and to fill you with a spirit of faith God is faithful and he will answer your prayer he desires for you to believe in him to trust in his promises and to walk in faith as you pray ask the Holy Spirit to help
you believe to help you trust and to help you stand firm in your faith number four the barrier of past failures past failures can be a heavy burden to carry they can weigh you down fill you with regret and make you feel Unworthy of God's blessings but let me remind you today that God is a god of redemption he is a God who takes your past failures and turns them into something beautiful the Bible says in Romans 8:28 and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God to those who
are the called according to to his purpose God can take your failures your mistakes and your regrets and use them for your good and His glory your past does not define you God's grace does one of the hardest things to do is to forgive yourself for past failures but holding on to regret and guilt will only keep you stuck in the past Philippians chter 3: 13-4 says forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in
Christ Jesus forgiving yourself is an Act of Faith it's trusting that God's grace is greater than your mistakes that his Mercy is new every morning and that his love for you is unconditional let go of the past forgive yourself and move forward in the grace and mercy of God Isaiah 61:3 says that God will give you Beauty for Ashes the oil of joy for mourning the Garment of Praise for the spirit of heaviness God Specializes in turning ashes into Beauty in bringing joy out of sorrow and in replacing heaviness with praise Embrace God's redemption in
your life believe that he can and will bring something beautiful out of your past failures trust that he is working all things together for your good and that he has a plan and a purpose for your life that is greater than anything you could imagine number five the barrier of a poverty mindset a poverty mindset is one of the most subtle and dangerous barriers to prosperity it's a mindset that tells you there's never enough that you have to hold on to what you have that you can't afford to be generous it's a mindset that keeps
you focused on lack on scarcity and on limitation but this is not the mindset of the kingdom of God Jesus said in John 10:10 I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly God's desire for you is to live in abundance to have more than enough to be a blessing to others but in order to step into this abundance you must break free from the poverty mindset Philippians 4: 19 declares and my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in Glory by Christ Jesus God's provision
is not limited by your circumstances by your bank account or by the economy he is the god of abundance and he has more than enough to meet your every need renew your mind with the truth of God's abundance meditate on his promises of provision of blessing and of prosperity begin to see yourself as a child of the king an heir to his kingdom and a recipient of his Abundant Blessings one of the most powerful ways to break free from a poverty mindset is to practice generosity Proverbs 11:25 says a generous person will prosper whoever refreshes
others will be refreshed when you give you are sewing seeds into the kingdom of God and those seeds will produce a harvest of abundance in your life don't be afraid to give even when it seems like you have little to give trust that God will multiply your seed that he will provide for your every need and that he will bless you abundantly as you give you are breaking free from the poverty mindset and stepping into the Abundant Life that God has for you Beloved the obstacles to Prosperity that you face are not insurmountable they are
opportunities for God to demonstrate at his power his faithfulness and his love in your life as you confront and overcome these barriers you will begin to experience the Abundant Life that God has promised you remember you are a chosen one you are called to live in the fullness of God's blessings you are not meant to live in lack or limitation you are called to prosper to thrive and to be a blessing to others so rise up in faith break through the barri that have held you back and step into the prosperous life that God has
planned for you let this message ignite a fire in your heart a fire that burns away fear doubt unbelief and every other obstacle to your Prosperity let it Propel you into the Abundant Life that God has promised you and let it inspire you to live as a testimony of his goodness his faithfulness and his love as you go forth may you experience the fullness of God's blessings in every area of your life financially spiritually relationally and in every other way may you walk in the Overflow of his abundance and may you be a light to
others shining the truth of his prosperity to a world in need let close our eyes and pray this prayer together as one family Heavenly Father we come before you with hearts full of gratitude and expectation we acknowled you as the source of all true Prosperity spiritual emotional and material you are The God Who Delights in the prosperity of your servants the one who blesses us abundantly so that we may be a blessing to others Lord we lift up every person who Encounters this message you know their struggles their fears and the obstacles they face you
see the barriers that have held them back from experiencing the fullness of your blessings today we ask you to move mightily in their lives Break Every Chain of fear doubt and unbelief that has kept them from stepping into the prosperity you have prepared for them Father we pray that you would renew their minds with the truth of your word let every lie of the enemy be exposed and cast down replace the poverty mindset with a mindset of abundance grounded in your promises teach them to see themselves as you see them beloved Chosen and destined for
greatness we ask for a fresh outpouring of your Holy Spirit to fill their hearts with faith hope and courage ignite a Fire Within them that burns away every hindrance every distraction and every limitation let your spirit Empower them to take bold Steps of Faith trusting in your provision and your unfailing love Lord we declare that every past failure every regret and every disappointment is now being Redeemed by your grace you are turning ashes into Beauty sorrow into joy and lack into abundance we thank you Lord that you are working all things together for their good
and that you have a divine plan and purpose for their lives that is far greater than they could ever imagine father for those who are struggling financially we pray for Supernatural provision open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings so great that they won't have room enough to receive them as they practice generosity as they seow seeds into your kingdom let them see a miraculous Harvest let them experience the Overflow of your abundance in every area of their lives we also pray for those who will share this message who will like comment and subscribe
Lord bless them abundantly for their support let them be touched by Your Word in a powerful way and may their act of sharing be a seed swn into the lives of others bringing forth a harvest of blessing healing and breakthrough Lord we thank you in advance for the testimonies that will come forth as a result of this message we thank you for the lives that will be transformed the hearts that will be healed and the faith that will be strengthened we we give you all the glory honor and praise for you alone are worthy in
the mighty and matchless name of Jesus we pray amen if this message has touched your heart and you'd like to support our mission of spreading God's word there's a link pinned in the comments below no gift is too small your generosity even just a penny can bring hope and joy to someone's life thank you for partnering with God in this important work
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