Asking Millionaires How they Got Rich? (Beverly Hills)

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Sharif Mohsin
Asking Millionaires How they Got Rich? (Beverly Hills) $1 Custom Store Ecom Program: https://www....
Video Transcript:
today we are in one of the most wealthiest cities Beverly Hills at Rodeo Drive and we're going to find out what people do for a living let's get into it I'm interviewing people what they do for work on rodo just to inspire other people watching if you guys are down for a short 20 second interview I'll no we don't have the time I'm sorry we're recording a video for what people do for a living all right it's cool it's cool we keep going rejections don't mean anything we're going to go on to the next person
and get successful interview now this was actually way harder than I thought I kept asking more people and just kept on getting more and more knows until we stumbled across this guy right here we're recording a video and showing different type of careers people do I was wondering if you guys are down YouTube yeah what's up all right let's go so we're just interviewing people asking them what they do for work and what type of money that career can make I'm in the restaurant business restaurant business Las Vegas yeah okay how long have you been
doing that uh about 5 years how would you say it's going and how much can one make in that business uh it's doing really well you could probably clear about like 20 to 30,000 a month this all depends on like foot traffic and stuff is that how much you're about doing or you're trying to get there or more or less would you say I'm in the ballpark of that the ballpark yeah and what would you say to anyone who's trying to get into that business how they would get started location and it's I mean it's
expensive to start it up but I mean if you can find the perfect location it's there the money is there yeah okay cool thank you interview appreciate it my name is s SAR Sansa and I'm a product manager how much can a project manager make and what would you say you're in the ballpark of doing right now a product manager it depends on what company you work for kind like the big corporates will be willing to pay you more than 150k plus yeah a year plus stock and stuff like that so yeah around okay that's
cool for someone looking into getting into that position uh any tips for them to get started or anything like that to get into product management I'll say uh most important thing is I think get an internship you know start doing some product cours works and stuff like that and you just got to build your way through a lot of people go into soft engineering and pivot into product management so that's the way yeah is that what you did uh no I I I got lucky so I got into I got an internship that I loved
a lot and then I kind of switched out into a fulltime role so yeah okay okay that's cool uh any words of inspiration to people who want to get started in that just love the product that you work for and you know what it's going to take you places okay advice appreciate it man that's a pretty unique job right there you guys can see he's pretty much a videographer on a boosted board just simply recording that Mercedes McLaren it's crazy [Music] down to record a quick video I'm trying to inspire people into different careers I
was wondering what you do for work I'm a detective a detective yeah okay that's cool are you out here detecting right now looking for someone yeah detecting the more overtime needed to pay for stuff okay got it got it how much would you say someone can make in that field oh uh detectives yeah detectives if you go to the right City like Beverly Hills or Santa Monica you can make4 million dollars a year or more okay would you say say that's how much you're making more or less could be could be okay you don't want
you're a detective you got to keep yourself private anyone who's getting into that field do you have any recommendations for them go to cities that have money uh if you go to any cities that don't have money um they they can't pay you LAPD they have no money Beverly Hills has money santaa has money and do you think money buys happiness uh no but it sure uh it can solve a lot of problems not all the problems I can solve a lot of problems do you think you need college to succeed in life no did
you go to college yes it only helps with uh your resume appreciate your time thank you my name is Leia and I'm a social media coordinator how long would you say that took to get to the position you're currently at and how much can one make in that position about 2 years um and well like I made like 65k so okay yeah okay do you think college is important or necessary to be successful in life she said now I see her head no I don't think so I know I know many people who didn't go
to college and who are now very very successful and do you have any words of inspiration for anyone trying to get into doing what you do just keep going at it who wants to go first uh you go first you go no no you go first Ro paper scissors all right what's your name and what do you do for work my name is Kareem I own a actually hookah company I design manufacture hookas and we uh we sell them all over the US okay how did you get started in that business uh it was just
an idea that I had and then I just brought it to life I've never heard of that yet so far today so it's pretty unique how much would you say someone can make in that business you mean MoneyWise yeah MoneyWise Millions I mean you can make sky the limit yeah and would you say you're doing somewhere in the millions less more that's your goal are you trying to get there yeah Millions I mean High Millions is the goal do you think you need college to be successful in life no I don't have any college uh
I mean I have a graphic design degree but I wouldn't call that college okay do you think money buys happiness absolutely not I don't I don't think it does at all my name is Ray and I juggle four businesses four businesses yeah wow that's crazy how would you say you got started and uh if you could name one of the businesses and sort of give a word on how someone would get started in that business I don't I don't know if I I should do that what would you say for someone trying to get into
business or entrepreneurship would you say any advice stay organized organized and don't give up and do you think someone needs College to succeed with business I didn't does she disagree she looks like she's disagreeing no no I don't disagree but I have a few college degrees Yeah do you guys both do the same thing or is yours different okay can I hop over interview you real quick my name is Mimi and I own a day spa how would you say you got started in that business I had really bad skin so you you solved your
own problem pretty much that's right that's what I did okay yeah you want to shout it out on the channel beautify your skin beautify your skin any words of inspiration for any woman out there even men who want to start a business be prepared to work really hard and don't give up like you said okay and how much can one make in the day spa business uh a lot the six figures six figures yeah doing more less would you say more more okay solid and uh does money buy happiness uh it just makes it easier
but it doesn't buy happiness it doesn't buy happiness uh do you agree uh totally agree yeah if you're happy money is going to be just a bonus I'm David I'm an architect you're a what architect architect okay how did you get into that and what would you recommend for people trying to get into that study get a college degree and some practice in an office do you think a college degree is necessary to be successful in life yes yes doesn't have to be a highy league degree but some uh some college is helpful yes okay
and how much would you say someone being an architect can make there are top Architects and there are normal Architects like me I just designed the stores that you see here oh really yes and uh some of them not all of them okay okay and can you name any any ones that you designed uh yes uh Von Dior uh and the couple of other doors around here so you're walking around your own Creations correct sick okay I'm part of a bigger team though do you think um money buys happiness uh nobody tells especially in LA
or uh New York City where I'm come from pretty expensive places yes all right thank you appreciate your time what's your name and what do you do for work I'm jeie and I do social media social media what type of social media we talking um a little bit of everything maybe some only fans maybe some Instagram Tik Tok okay and how much would you say one can make doing what you do a lot a lot they can make a lot would you say yours is up there I'm comfortable yeah comfortable doing well I'm comfortable do
you have any words for anyone who wants to start doing what you do um just go for it don't be afraid you have to literally not give a [ __ ] you have to give not anything like don't don't care about what people think right yeah I'm over here shaking my butt in front of Dior on rodo drive you think I care no you don't work all right oh cool have a good night I like your hoodie all right guys it's getting more tough it's getting dark we got to get a few more interviews for
this video drop a like if you haven't already liked And subscribe grind I respect it bro thank you thank you this guy understands my name is lav I'm a producer and we're part of the YouTube collection doe Brothers I got my brother Steve here I make music Platinum producer um yeah and we Vlog and make video content just like this hey let's go how long have you been doing what you're currently doing wa man it's been years uh seven years for music and then when it comes to social media he's been in the game way
longer than me about eight years yeah eight years but for me three all right getting closer a little here yeah all right how would you tell someone that wants to get started doing what you're doing any words of inspiration advice yeah my biggest my biggest thing that I can really say is that really you truly have to believe in yourself and what it takes is dedication just like this coming outside on days where you may not want to and doing the thing and treating it like a job because then it becomes a job so just
stay you know stay focused believe in yourself and the hard days are normal you know just stay positive and stay focused and you can accomplish it anything's possible bro like literally strong words are that and how much would you say someone in your career can make bro you can make Rags bro you can run it yeah I mean yeah from from I started on a laptop in the basement with my cousin right here like my cousins like we started from nothing like and he knows like we come from nothing you know yeah you like in
social media honestly like there's no excuse if you really if you really want to make it and succeed you can get on live on Tik Tok and start getting Tik Tok battles you can do anything you can you can sell your merch you can do so much it's just like you got to believe in yourself more first and foremost like you have to have blind belief I would I would say like delusional belief because like you got to take those barriers out in front of you in order for you to achieve that goal and I
would say like just just be honest be real to yourself and like who are you it's a big part of everything like what's your brand like what do you stand for like are you like a motivational speaker are you trying to be like a mo like you know doing that type of aspect of content um just find your Niche definitely find your like group of community and stay true to them I definitely say that's very important and yeah I mean like the sky like more further than the sky anything's a limit you guys can do
anything income streams revenue streams multiple income streams is the key to wealth you know what I'm saying two more things would you say you need college to succeed in life well I went to college I graduated I studied law honestly what it did for me was it taught me more about like organizations and it showed me exactly what the [ __ ] I didn't want to do exactly but College was good though it was a great experience like I learned a lot of stuff that I use to this day so I don't say you would
need it like the internet's your best resource bro like go to YouTube that's how I learned how to make beats off YouTube so like you know like you can learn yeah and I would say like no I mean he went to college I dropped out because I went to the you know the YouTube space thankfully um but I would say like you yeah YouTube is your best friend you can learn it it's free college free education so go and if you're passionate about anything you really can learn it it don't matter if you need a
degree or not I would say hell yeah man and uh just curious did you drop off of High School College I drop off of college my first semester so yeah and then my my oldest brother Dar he dropped out his last semester of his before college so yeah we we have to you know you have to take some risk in life but if you do take that risk in life it can pay off so just stay focused and if you're really believe in yourself you can do anything in life for real don't want to take
too much of your time but would you say money buys happiness no no happiness is a state of mind okay yeah I would say I would say to an extent it buys you a certain level of distress like say for example like you can like it can it materials make you happy sure but like say for example if your mother is working 99 to 5 and she's like 6 years old old if you get a retired that's happiness you know so I would say like there are certain things that you can like remove stress and
bring your family up but I would say like no I would say happiness really comes from within from the circle you have from the community you have so that's probably the most important relationships okay 100% all right I like your guys' outfits thank you appreciate my name is Enrique uh I'm from New Hampshire I have like a construction company how did you get started in the construction business um I I work for somebody else then I learning then I decide to open my own business okay how long have you been doing this uh since 2006
okay a while now it's pretty long time pretty long time do you have any advice for someone looking to get started in the construction business uh just believe in yourself and work hard and how much can one make doing what you do uh all depends year by year but between like 200,000 to 500 1 million depends do you think money buys happiness no they help but doesn't buy happiness okay and uh do you need college to do what you do no your life 100% like do yourself and paying attention what other people do you learn
okay thank you appreciate it all right guys so as you can see it's getting dark out now we're at rodo Drive Beverly Hills we got a pretty cool Insight on what people do for a living how much they make if you guys want more content like this that I don't usually post remember to comment down below and if you're not already subscribed drop a subscribe like if you haven't already and I'll see you guys in the next next one peace I'm recording a YouTube video and I was wondering what you guys do for work if
you guys are down oh yeah um I serve food for a livit nothing fancy someone get a nice car like this would you say um grind work your ass off okay sell fake nfts fake nfts rug PS I'm [ __ ] all right cool thank you guys app love the car [Music]
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