MrBeast’s Realization To His YouTube Grind

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Income Infinity
Dhar and Jay Podcast With MrBeast #mrbeast #youtubegrind #school
Video Transcript:
I graduated and it almost makes me tear up I remember like crying one night because I wasn't making enough to do YouTube and like was literally considering going and getting a job at Hardies to like make a little bit extra money to buy more equipment and the thought of like having to do anything besides YouTube made me so depressed cuz I just wanted to sit around and just make videos it might take 10 20 years just let me keep going was like well no either go to college or move out I'm not just going to
pay for you to sit in the room and chase this fairy tale dream so that's when things like clicked I was like oh my gosh I'm 18 I'm only making like 200 bucks a month something's got to happen now so then you have like 3 months summer not even sleeping like every hour of the day I'm like it's or die cuz I had horrible grades in high school so it's like I'm going like 15 hours every day and college comes around still not making enough but it's like up to like, 2,000 so it's getting much
better a month and then I went to college for like 2 weeks and I remember sitting there one day and the teacher was literally just reading out of the book I'm like why am I here what is this I hate this and I just got up and left I just didn't go but I still wasn't making up to move out so then I just every day I would act like I was going and I just sit in my car edit videos and then thankfully I had a month where I made 20 grand that's when I
told my mom I was like yeah I just made $20,000 and I moved out
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