be YOUR OWN dream girl [or else...]

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when a man wants to go 50/50 with you it's because you're not his dream girl and unfortunately that is true but you shouldn't take that as confirmation that you're not worthy of dream girl treatment this man that you're with he doesn't recognize that you are the dream girl he doesn't recognize that he's lucky to even be with you and that's okay just replace him become your own dream girl and agree with yourself that you are the dream girl and pick only the man who agrees with you that you are also his dream girl hey bestie
welcome to the spoiled girly support group podcast where we talk about how to get that bag while also securing your own bag I'm your host L and let's get into it on today's episode we are talking about how you need to be your own dream girl and only accept men for whom you are also his dream girl okay that's the Nuance there you become your own dream girl and then you choose someone who agrees with you that you are also their dream girl we will cover examples of when you are not his dream girl and
how painful that can be but now you know okay we are going to arm ourselves with the knowledge so that we can leave situations people things and opportunities that do not serve us we have a lot to cover but before we get into it I need you to hit the like subscribe and the notification Bell so you never miss a spoiled girly episode with that being said let's get into it let's watch what happens when you are not his dream girl all right serious question y for people in a relationship me and my boyfriend always
going to fight over money bro okay mind you I'm not broke like I first sentence me and my boyfriend always fight over money boyfriend not husband boyfriend the relationship pre-marriage dating stage that is an observation stage okay that is not rehab if you are fighting over a very important part of a relationship which is money you shouldn't be together okay that's why you need to be eyes wide open at all times especially during the relationship stage like he's a boyfriend replace him like whenever people ask me my boyfriend this my boyfriend that we fight a
lot like what do I do he's already showing you a preview of how miserable you'll be in a marriage with him okay if you are suffering now in a relationship without legal bonds I 100% guarantee you that it'll get worse when you do get legally bonded together when it is harder for you to leave when you are legally trapped with him okay this is why I tell you that that marriage is sacred and marriage is permanent theoretically okay and it is not to pedestalize marriage and hold it as the Pinnacle of your achievements in life
as a woman no me telling you that marriage is sacred and permanent theoretically it's a warning okay marriage is a serious business decision it is one of the most important decisions you will ever make in your life it can literally make or break your life trajectory and in practice I am so glad that it's not permanent because to be honest men use marriage as a trap for women and they sell this trap to us as something desirable as a measure of our worthiness as women and they teach us to weaponize marriage against other women who
choose not to get married or who want to get married but are not there yet to pressure them into falling for the scam the scam of being in marriage with malicious below bare minolo effort men who make you suffer like do you see the scop here okay if you want to learn more about that concept watch this class like this topic gets me so heated to be honest like speaking of getting heated let's talk about today's sponsor Aura Aura I have been listening to meditations on the Aura app for months now and it has helped
me stay in my bag and act out of logic and wholeness and alignment with myself Aura is a new mindfulness and sleep app that won the best of Apple award and is used by over 7 million people I set up my aura app to notify me in the morning of meditation that are recommended to me and I have been doing it for months okay we started with aura months ago and the calmness okay so whenever situations arise that try to ruffle me I get into my aura app and ground myself I also do the sleep
meditations before bed to wind down and it has helped regulate my sleep schedule it's like Spotify for your mind and soul get started for completely free on Ora's website using my special link in the description the first 500 people will get a free trial and an exclusive 25% off so get it now while it lasts now back to the topic and before the no Nuance Nellies say that I'm bitter I'm this I'm that I believe in marriage okay marriage can be such a beautiful thing and if you want to have children you want to have
all these things in life marriage is a requirement okay marry before you carry so marriage is a beautiful thing actually marriage can be a beautiful thing with the right person and to get there you need to understand that you are the one gatekeeping marriage and everything behind it you are the source of all men's desires and you need to start acting like it okay I'm watching you just keep watching I'm I'm not broke I am broke right now you feel what I'm saying but I make good money is what I'm trying to say and all
my money goes into my bills it's just after all my money goes into my bills I usually have nothing left so I picked up three jobs right okay let's talk about this inflation is kicking a lot of people's butts right now so getting new jobs side hustles this and that it's the reality for a lot of people right now but my boyfriend didn't like that I was working a three jobs because he fell okay no no no no no if you're working three jobs you're tired you don't have enough money left over after paying your
bills and you have a boyfriend I'm so sorry but you do not have a boyfriend if you were exhausting yourself like this you don't have a boyfriend no good man will sit around and watch you work three jobs pay the bills and have nothing left over and get this the boyfriend didn't like that she was working three jobs but he didn't like it enough to financially support her so that she wouldn't have to work the three jobs he didn't like it enough to lighten the load okay so he's creating this environment where she has to
work three jobs and then gets mad at her for solving a problem because now she cannot keep up with her duties in the home which is child care like make it make sense like what is a woman to do so she's not going to be able to pay the bills but she can spend more time with her kid like do you see it like malicious men will put you in impossible situations where you will never win you will always feel like you are not enough with the wrong man okay keep that in mind and I
get it that not all men can 100% provide for the women that they're with and we already talked about this too you don't need a rich man you need a generous man you need a man who will give you the world okay you need a man who will work work the second job the third job so you wouldn't have to you need a man who is generous relative to the level of his finances okay men who say I can't give this to you right now but I'm working on it but in the meantime this is
all I can give please take it okay and it's totally up to you what you tolerate it's totally up to you if you're okay with him giving whatever x% but you need to feel the generosity emanating from him okay that's the vibe you don't need a rich man you need a generous man and for a lot the spoiled girlies you do need a rich man and you're going to get your rich man okay so can we just be in discernment okay all those people who say well not all men can afford that not all man
not all man okay not all men can afford to provide which means not all men can access women okay this is what happens when you are with a selfish man you're going to have to work three jobs and you're still not going to have enough money left over and you're still the primary caretaker of your children and you're going to be overextended and then you're going to be punished for working a lot because you're missing out on taking care of your children like it's an impossible situation and it's sad it is so sad because when
you're in that situation you feel like you're not worthy of rest you're not worthy of being taken care of and we're going to keep watching this video and you're going to see how she doesn't even feel like she deserves the bare minimum okay this is not okay and I want to tell you this if you take anything away from this video men love struggle they constantly seek it so don't think that you are doing men a favor by lightening the load for them you are disrespecting them when you assume that you should be doing what
they should be doing okay it's disrespectful and the malicious below bar effort men who want to make you suffer they will enjoy it they will enjoy you lightning the load for them but if you have ever met a good provider man who really loves women it's offensive okay try pulling out your credit card at dinner with a provider man it's offensive and it's embarrassing okay so if a man sits back and his divine feminine receiving energy he's going to Eno enjoy it he's going to feel like oh my gosh I'm the priz she's paying for
me okay so that's a sign if this man enjoys you paying for him enjoys you exhausting yourself so that he can relax in his divine feminine receiving energy so beware of men who don't love struggle and they want you to struggle instead asking for help is giving someone the gift of purpose you need to internalize this because it is truly a gift to be of service to you once you step into your power as a woman you glow different you walk different you speak different like you are just glowing because you are now embodying who
you have always been you literally show up different and when you go out into the world people just want to help you because they want to be around you they want to have an extra 10 20 seconds of talking to you people literally just want to be in your presence and to them that is already a gift it is a big favor to them to help you in any way like they just want to bask in your presence by helping you and by giving them that gift gift to be of service to you you are
allowing them access to the divine feminine okay so I know if you are not living out your divine feminine you don't feel like you are worthy of this positive treatment this seems so unreachable and so unrelatable but trust me okay once you step into this like it will feel so good to give people the gift of helping you okay let's keep watching I wasn't around my kid as much which doesn't make any sense but anyways nevertheless um also um I had to quit a third job because getting a sitter was becoming a little bit difficult
because everybody started working um in the evenings so anyways me and him always get an argument over cash and mind you I'm only ever asking for cash on my off days like if I'm paid I'm good right on my off days though I do be asking him for cash and I'm not talking about like hundreds of dollars I'm talking about 10 20 you know maybe 50 and it majority of the time it's to be put back into the house right or it's to be put to good use like I'm not this man is training her
to not ask for money plain and simple he starts a fight every time she asks for money he's conditioning her to recoil whenever she even thinks about asking for money if you cannot ask your life partner for 10 20 $50 I'm sorry but that's not your life partner that's not your boyfriend that's not even a friend that's not even your roommate that's a hater and he hates you he really does but you're convenient and you are useful to him right now and that's the only reason he's staying I'm not asking him to get my hair
done I'm not asking him to get my nails done he doesn't even get any of that stuff done for me like he does none of that for me like if he does something for me I have to ask for it you feel what I'm saying but one thing I want you to know right now is that your hair your skin your nails your beauty treatments your therapy your massage massages your workout classes these are not Superfluous expenses okay if these are important to you they are important period if you require them they require a place
in your budget in a world where Women's attractive appearance is made a requirement in society for us to access ease and lightness in our lives to access better and more opportunities or opportunities period and the opposite of that is true as well when you lack a certain conforming appearance in society you do not get the opportunities period or you get a more limited offerings of opportunities period And in the same world we are penalized shamed and policed for waking up to the existence of this requirement and because we are now woken up wide awake to
what is required of us so much so that we now start requiring time space and funds from the people who make these requirements and benefit from these requirements all of a sudden we are the bad people like let that sink in they make it a requirement for us to be beautiful but in the same breath don't want us to know that we are beautiful and that we can use our Beauty for our own benefit and that anyone who has access to us and our Beauty must therefore maintain the beauty because they're the ones who benefit
from it they absolutely despise that we are not waking up we now make it a requirement for those who enjoy our Beauty to give us the time space and funds to maintain it if it is required of us to be beautiful to make our partners the object of Envy of other men to confer the halo effect on businesses that we engage with then we will be compliant maliciously compliant we're no longer pretending that we woke up like this no we did not wake up like this this is 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night
plus afternoon naps this is a regimented skincare routine supplemented with probiotics and sugar balancing this is fresh produce homecooked meals walking 1 to 2 hours a day this is low impact workouts weekly massages nightly flower scented baths this is daily meditation frequent prayer low stress lifestyle always on do not disturb okay we did not wake up like this the theme is malicious compliance okay you are high maintenance you are entitled you are spoiled you are a gold digger and there's absolutely nothing wrong with any of that in a world where everyone else is trying to
take advantage of you it is a requirement it is necessary that you are that all the people who get mad at you for being all of that they are the ones who are mad that they can no longer take advantage of you okay you are the source of all their desires so they were so happy when you didn't have standards and boundaries because they were harvesting from you okay and here's the thing don't feel like you're going to be a bad person once you Embrace being an entitled spoiled gold digger because it is actually easier
to lean into being the generous kind-hearted servant mindset woman that you've always wanted to be once you Embrace being an entitled spoiled Gold Digger and you may think it's counterintuitive but you cannot pour from an empty cup how are you supposed to give as the source of everything how are you supposed to give when you yourself are empty that's why you make it a requirement for people to pour into you because you are the magnifier okay whatever little they give you you magnify it okay if a man cannot maintain or enhance your beauty when you
are with him that is not your man your man your man man okay that is a hater I don't feel like that's right and I get mad because every time I ask him for money he wants to explode or have some type of reaction that just triggers me and I just want to know like do you females ask your man for money and how is that transaction like is it a fight is it normal to ask your man for money like how much money does he give you you know what I'm saying does he treat
you to get your hair and nails done like my man literally literally does nothing but keep his money to himself like and it's annoying and he's very a Mr Krabs and I don't like that to answer the question no it is not normal to fight whenever you ask a man for money especially your man for money the fact that you are asking for money in the first place the fact that he is not offering money in the first place as a regular agreement a man getting mad whenever you ask him for money especially for household
expenses that's not normal okay and that's household expenses let's say yes that is a higher priority than your beauty expenses but let's get into this so she brings up that she's not even asking for hair and nails expenses because that's frivolous okay that's not necessary but let's get into this hair and nails are a regular expense like there's a schedule okay they're not a surprise expense like oh I'm just going to do my nails this one time no you have to do it every couple weeks two to three weeks right it's not a surprise you're
always going to have to get your nails done done and obviously this varies with every woman and your priorities but you know just translate hair and nails to whatever expense you find necessary that makes you feel good and you want to do for yourself as a form of self-care okay no no one selly annoying so these types of expenses are routine and so him giving you money for all those expenses also has to be routine and I know the urge to say well I can afford my own Beauty expenses I don't need a man to
pay for that if you believe that good for you this is not the place for you though thank you for joining us but for all the spoiled girlies who agree that whenever a man accesses you whenever a man is enjoying the benefits of your beautification via ego boost and Via increased respect and admiration from both men and women of the public the man who is using you as a tool as a trophy in their games with other men deriving more respect more money and more admiration and more opportunities from other men and more attention from
other women this man who harvests all these benefits from you and your beauty the least he can do is pay if you are single no man is using you as a trophy so obviously you're going to pay for it on your own because you are maintaining it okay absolutely spend your own money but the moment a man is seen with you the moment a man boosts his ego from knowing that he can access you even if he is not seen with you your beauty treatments are now a business expense so expense it remember malicious compliance
when you are with a man everything about you all that you're wearing is attributed to him okay it's human psychology you can either get mad about it or get paid for it okay let's get back to the main video and I don't know if that makes me sound shallow or whatever the case may be but no I I want a marry provider and I feel like providers you know will help out no you are not shallow you are making a perfectly reasonable request and I would say you're not asking for enough you're not even asking
for the bare minimum the below bare minimum is already too much of him and that's all you need to know you are with a below bare minow effort man leave we need more kindness whenever we talk about these things because being raised by a good man and having positive male models it is a privilege and for a lot of women they don't have that privilege so I will tell you this now this is not what a provider looks like okay you want a married provider but you're not with one that's all you need to know
and I truly hope that you meet a kind-hearted provider man in the future because even if you don't end up with him long term just you being exposed to that it is mind rewiring okay he will set the standard he will reframe how you think about the world he will show you that you are worthy of provision and you only need one you only need to experience this once and it'll forever change your life okay but you will never meet him if you're allowing this below bare midle eff man to take up space in your
life okay what good man will come into your life as number two okay make space so that you can receive the man that you've always wanted you're already doing everything anyway so you'll probably actually have more time and money when you get rid of the Dead weight so make some space so you can receive what you desire in life okay and it doesn't apply just to Partners it applies to everything that you want make space be the type of person to receive what you want to receive and also he doesn't like to talk about his
finances bro how are we supposed to be getting married in the future if you can't even have a simple conversation about finances with me it's always turning into I'm being money hungry but it's like I'm realistic bro we need to know our budget how much are we able to spend am I wrong you're not wrong he's gaslighting you into thinking that you're being unreasonable that you're being money hungry when he's the one being unreasonable he's the one being Mone hungry it's projection and it is very clear that this woman is not her man's dream girl
and her not being his dream girl is not her fault okay allowing him to take up space in her life knowing that she is not his dream girl that's her fault okay like do you get the Nuance there so if you find that you are not your partner's dream girl or this man that you're dating he's not acting like you're his dream girl don't feel bad that oh my gosh I'm not his dream girl like that's a dunk on me be for real okay you are your own dream girl so you need to find someone
who agrees with you that you are also their dream girl so stop being with people who don't think that you are the dream girl and then you feel bad about yourself for that no your mistake is picking the wrong person for the wrong person you will never be enough okay you can do everything and you will still never be enough for the wrong person okay but for the right person you can do no wrong okay so get with the program and one thing that I'm seeing here is is that she's with a man for whom
she is not his dream girl and from how she talks about her desires disregarding her desires for having a man who pays for your nails and your hair and your beauty treatments and having a man who doesn't make you work three jobs and then get mad at you for working the three jobs because then you're slacking in your other responsibilities he is creating an environment for you to suffer and then when you try to ease the suffering via working three jobs and and easing the financial load all of a sudden you're still a bad person
like she's never enough she will never be enough for this man okay and then she thinks to herself like Am I Wrong literally she's asking that am I wrong for wanting the below bare minimum girl you are not your own dream girl and it shows okay I think that's the reason also why a lot of women get with men who don't treat them well is because they haven't taken that step to cultivate in themselves that they are their own dream girl so they don't get the ick whenever people treat them subpar whenever people treat them
like their disposable whenever people disrespect them they are not their own dream girl so it is predictable that they will be with someone for whom they're also not their dream girl because the agreements that you make with yourself you attract people who agree with you okay so she agrees with herself that nails hair and not having to work three jobs is not what she deserves not what she is due in this world so she attracts men who agrees with her yeah you don't need that you don't need ease and softness and rest in your life
she thinks she's built for struggle so she attracts men who agrees with her yeah you are built for struggle let me bring struggle into your life okay like do you see it now you need to make these agreements with yourself that you are your own dream girl you are worthy you are the source and people need to act accordingly if they want to access you okay they need to agree with you that you are the dream girl you are the source you are creation and they need to act with respect adoration admiration if they want
to access you okay that's why I always tell you you have so much inherent value and worth because everything that you attract into your life starts from within you need to sensitize your ick meter so that you will get literally the physical ick like you will feel literally sick to your stomach whenever people disrespect you whenever people act out of line whenever people try to test your boundaries and see how much they can get away with okay and this thing about her bringing up hair and nails like I don't know why why it's really like
signaling to me that she doesn't think that she's worthy of the bare minimum okay and I think this video went viral like I always say like these things may or may not be real but it resonated with a lot of women I think it also went viral because she brought up those things that hair and nails because a lot of women you know you want a man to pay for your hair and nails but you don't feel like you deserve it and other women tell you that you don't deserve it but it's literally the bare
minimum your desire is to be beautiful to feel feel beautiful to look beautiful to be perceived as beautiful they're valid point blank period because that is what the world requires of us women okay and then they penalize us for wanting to be beautiful when that is a requirement okay so make it make sense just like how this man is creating an impossible situation for her the world does it to us women okay they make it a requirement for us to be beautiful they don't want us to claim that we are beautiful by perceiving ourselves as
beautiful they want to have the power to say it to us okay so whenever a woman says oh I'm beautiful I'm this I'm that people will say no you're not because they want to have the power to tell you that because they want to have the power to take it away okay and then when you require it of them to maintain your beauty that they profit from all of a sudden you're the gold digger you're this and that you know why it's because our Beauty and the positive effects of our beauty that we confer on
these people it's not as quantifiable as money okay if you're going to get your nails done done that's $100 $120 that's a number that's quantifiable but the ego boost that this man is getting whenever other people see him with a well manicured woman a soft woman a woman in softness there's no number to that okay so just because there are no metrics that you can track with what percentage did you boost this man's ego like it's not quantifiable but just because it's not quantifiable doesn't mean that it doesn't exist okay just because it's not quantifiable
doesn't mean that it didn't benefit him directly okay so can we be for real anyway I want to drive it home that the concept of being a dream girl is to be your own dream girl first and then go out into the world and find someone who agrees with you that you are also their dream girl okay I know the No No One Nellies will get it twisted in the comments so there you go okay sit in the front and develop some new on okay let's get into the comments we minding our business cuz you
probably ain't leaving before I chime in are you going to leave him or Nah Nah whenever I see videos like this number one is probably not real real and number two we're better off looking at these situations as study cases to make better choices for ourselves because you know sometimes people are in struggle because of things outside of their control but also sometimes people are in struggle because they keep choosing struggle over and over again at every opportunity at every point in turn they will choose the struggle because they think that's what they deserve so
you know what we just have to leave them be but for you watching these videos is a case study okay I refus to struggle with a man next to me if I have to get three jobs I ain't got no man absolutely he doesn't like you sweetheart a man who cares for you will work hard to take care of you and make you as comfy as he can he isn't a provider if you are suffering with a man that's not your man that's a hater my husband makes less than me if I ask for it
he gives it to me no questions asked he will pay for my hair and nails sometimes what do we say you don't need a rich man you need a generous man having a stingy man is like having no man at all he is using you to stack cash and then he is going to leave and invest in someone else this is one of those hard-hitting truths that a lot of the girlies in their Pik me era absolutely hate and I hated it too when I was in my pikney era like I didn't want to believe
it but it's true okay and if you don't believe me let us hear it from the male H's mouth what's your opinion on splitting finances with your partner D American 50/50 so I guess it depends this is this is a different if you know ah back then when we were on the come up I could not imagine money was something that you we always want like it was something that was like needed to go forward so it was just like whenever I find somebody I want someone to contribute to the Empire or help me improve
or help me get there or you know cuz you were looking for something that you lacked of course so that's what you wanted you wanted some cuz since you lacked it yourself you're looking for it from somebody else but alhamdulillah as I grew up that's not something that I like lacked as like it wasn't something that I was lacking anymore cuz I wasn't I didn't need someone else to provide it alhamd I got to the point where it's like I can feel it so then I didn't care anymore cuz I'm like once you have it
it's not like if you told me this like 5 six years ago I'm be like hell this guy I remember get into debates him and our other friend would get into debates and I was the only one I'm like they made me feel dumb they made me feel like man am I a sh but they literally would say what the like 5050 like I was cuz I was lacking in myself yeah yeah you yeah we were young and I was always about that mindset of like I was like no bro like you know like it's
not you know this right back I'm going pay for I'm I said I'll pay for like as a man you're supposed to provide like I don't care I don't want to do this 50/50 thing and I've been saying that for like I felt like they were trying to you know some guys even I was in Fall of this like they're going to take advantage or gold dig but bro we didn't have anything to gold dig so what are they going to gold dig I feel like the guys that are worried about the gold digging part
are the ones that don't have anything to gold dig and the guys that are worried about the gold digging part are the ones that don't have anything to gold dig and I mean we've been talking about this it's always the men with no gold complaining about gold diggers like they're worried about problems they don't currently have and then when they do get their gold who do they date they date and marry gold diggers the selfish women the highness women the entitled women the spoiled women like make it make sense by the way if you're new
here those are not bad words those are things that you need to be as a woman if you want to profit in this capitalist patriarchal society okay these are not bad words we need to be these things and for you as a woman once you embody being an entitled spoiled gold digger you repel all these broke men who fear gold diggers when they have no gold like they are safe from us yet they always have to complain about us you know what it is like I just figured out why broke men love to complain about
gold diggers like they're really manifesting they're in their dulu era pretending like they have these problems of gold diggers when they have no gold because they're living in their desired reality before it even comes that's what it's giving okay they are manifesting broke men are manifesting whenever they complain about gold diggers when they are absolutely safe from gold diggers and they haven't realized that the rich men the men with resources that they're pedestalize big bro and protecting from us gold diggers these rich men with resources they absolutely love the gold diggers okay the men with
resources pick the gold diggers every single time and the below baral effort men and the pikm they never pick each other like the world would be such a better place if the pikm and the below bare Minal effort men with no gold if they just dated each other okay like y'all occupy each other so that we can clean up the dating pool but no they all have to spread their hate and their misery out into the world so they don't have to suffer alone like we're over it y all date each other and suffer together
annoying back to the topic you don't need a rich man you need a generous man you know why when a man is selfish when a man wants you to financially contribute to build with him to give more than you're already giving him simply by existing with him he doesn't see a future with you that's why it's an ick for the spoiled girlies whenever you have a man who wants you to chip in and build with him this man is telling you with his actions that he doesn't see a future with you and that's okay that's
that's your cue to leave you can never change a man but you can change the man okay replace him and let's get into this you know when people say that when a man wants to go 50/50 with you it's because you're not his dream girl and unfortunately that is true but you shouldn't take that as confirmation that you're not worthy of dream girl treatment this man that you're with he doesn't recognize that you are the dream girl he doesn't recognize that he's lucky to even be with you and that's okay just replace him become your
own dream girl and agree with yourself that you are the dream girl and pick only the man who agrees with you that you are also his dream girl okay let's watch what happens when you are not your husband's dream girl question if you could leave me for your dream girl would you leave me who's the dream girl who whoever your dream girl would be would you leave me if like the dream girl was presented in front of you do I still get my kids or or do they disappear yeah you can have your kids it's
just me that you lose are you going to be nice to me or mean to me Theory line the wrong answer dude you're supposed to say I'm your dream girl oh am I a dream girl I guess not huh I mean I was thinking about it no I'm not your dream girl oh yeah you are are am I your dream girl yes or no wow the long pause obviously L I'm not Logan's dream girl H I'm just kidding I'm so sure you're my dream girl I'm actually not a fan of these trends of women testing
their Partners there's just something about it like the self humiliating aspect of it or the fact that when the men do fail these tests the women now have to deliver the knowledge and the confirmation that their Partners don't really like them that much or lowkey or highkey hate them and are fantasizing about a life that doesn't even include them okay girl you should should be his dream girl any man that you allow into your life you need to be his dream girl okay there's no ifs and butts no further explanation okay and it's not about
contorting yourself into his desires it's about knowing agreeing with yourself that you are your own dream girl and then choosing a man who agrees with you that you are also his dream girl okay that's like the fifth time I've said that but I just want to drill it into your head it just shows that you can be an absolute babe and them a piece of soggy bread and they are still never satisfied for the wrong person you are never enough so find the right person for you someone for whom you will always be enough be
your own dream girl and find someone who agrees with you that you are also their dream girl that's all I have for you today I just wanted to let you know that you have so much inherent worth and value in a world that is held bent on devaluing you now get that bag [Music] bestie [Music]
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