How To Create VIRAL Conspiracy Theories Videos (New Viral Niche)

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Joe Sbiti
Inside of this video I give away a *viral niche* that is yet to be saturated, and I am also giving a...
Video Transcript:
this viral Niche is getting creators tens of millions of views and yet it is still not saturated in fact at the time of me recording this video this is the only YouTube tutorial on how to make videos like this so if you take action straight after watching this video you can get into this Niche early and therefore reap the rewards the niche I'm of course talking about is the conspiracy theories niche as this was largely requested by you guys on one of my last videos this Niche is going to enable us to one make money
with a Tik Tok creativity program without even showing our face and two is going to allow us to accumulate millions of views if done right inside of this video I'm going to be giving you a full step-by-step tutorial on how to create like these from your phone or your laptop so as long as you have access to a phone or a laptop as well as an internet connection which I'm going to assume you do if you're watching this video then you can create these videos for yourself and start making thousands online with the Tik Tok
creativity program so first things first you're going to have to go over to Google type up capcut you can even use your online editor or you can download it or if you're on your phone you're going to download it from the App Store and you can use the app itself once you have either downloaded cap cart or got it online what you're going to do is you're just going to press start new project as then we have a blank canvas to go and create our video on just to let you guys know all the tools
and websites I will be using in this video will be linked in the description so you can go and check them out for yourself so the next step is to go and find some conspiracy theories so that we can actually go and create videos about them this step I would suggest either going to blogs or websites such as Reddit and trying to find communities that share conspiracy theories or you can do what I done and I went to Tik Tok to find these conspiracy theories pages and I just scrolled through their videos and found some
ideas that I can go and then adapt and make in my own way but the main ways I would go about find these conspiracy theories would be forums such as Reddit Tik Tok Pages as reviews you can see which ones people enjoy and which ones people don't enjoy you've got Google you can Google some and then finally you can also use AI to help you come up with some ideas for conspiracy theories once you have found yourself an idea for a conspiracy theories video what you then going to go ahead and do is you're going
to follow this framework to create a really strong hook as this is a hook that has got these Pages loads of millions of views so the hook Works something like this as it is conspiracy theories they can State something outrageous that is going to catch people off guard straight away so the first thing you're going to need to do is to State something outrageous an example of this would be scientist just got caught hiding the last sabertooth tiger something like this this is something that is going to catch people off guard cuz they would think
why they hide in it and two everybody thinks saber-tooth tigers are extinct so this is going to catch people off guard and hopefully hook them in then they tend to give a bit of context behind it to make it believable so they'll talk a little bit about how this came about and then finally the third step of the hook is they will then introduce a character or somebody with a name that then gives the whole story credibility the reason this works so well is because it states something outrageous then gives a bit of a backstory
and then it introduces a character or a name somebody that people believe to be true this way people think okay this could actually be a true story because there is a name which then makes them think this person's real which means me the story could be WR so an example of this could be this all started when John Smith went on a typical research trip to Alaska you want to throw in words or phrases like typical or experienced Explorer John Smith this just helps build up Rapport and thinks okay it's normal because it's a typical
trick so now we have the framework for the hook we can go and take this reward it and adjust it for our own different Conspiracy Theory videos after you've stated the name of the person and given a little bit of a story about the person and who they are that is then when you will create the rest of a script that will drag out the video to be over a minute long keep people hooked in so they want to know what actually happened and that is just going to be able to get get you the
money with the creativity program as obviously your videos do have to be over a minute long now I have explained how the stories and the hooks work let me actually go and put this into action and I'll show you guys me doing it for myself so I sh a little think about what conspiracy theory I want to create a video on for this video and I'm going to use the aliens making the pyramids as is quite a popular one and I thought I could create a cool little story out of and then went ahead and
Ed the framework we just talked about to create a hook so my hook is going to go something like this the Egyptian government just showed proof that aliens built the pyramids then is going to go ahead and say Just 2 days ago a man from Cairo Egypt was on an exploration trip to the pyramids and he found something that is going to shock the world and here is where I'm going to build rapport by using a name I just made up this name I searched up popular egypti names so I came up with the name
Seth Abdul so it's then going to go ahead and say this all started when Seth Abdul was on a typical research trip to Giza I've actually created a Google document that I'm going to leave Linked In the description that is going to have the framework of the hook so it will show you where to sort of change up words and how to change up words what kind of words to put in so the same framework I used for that hook I'm going to give to you guys for totally free once You' then got your hook
you can then go and write the rest of the story say many different ways you can do this you can do this yourself if you're feeling creative you can actually go ahead and write the story yourself or you can go ahead and use an AI tool like chat GPT to help you write the rest of it however I did find that when I tried to use chat chbt to help me write it it wasn't a great story so I decided to use a mix I got chat chbt to help give me ideas and like a
bit of a structure for the story however I kind of wrote it myself it does take a little bit more time if you do it yourself but I do believe the story is a bit better and in total this did take me about 10 minutes so it wasn't very long when writing your script you want it to be roughly around a th000 characters as this way your video should be just over a minute but when I was writing my script I did go over that I done about 1,500 characters which did mean my script was
a little bit over a minute it was a minute and 45 seconds roughly which is still a good amount of time and should still work for Tik Tok so now that we have our script we're going to go ahead and put it into 11 labs this is a software that allows you to turn text into spe this software is free you get 10,000 words per month for free but if you run out of words and you really don't want to upgrade or spend any money you could just create more accounts I guess so don't worry
I'm staying true to my word that we are going to create these type of videos for totally free once again the links to these websites will be in the description so I'm just going to come over to Safari on my laptop now and as you can see I've got 11 laps pulled up I'm actually going to pick one of my voices from the free voices for this video cuz like I said we're going to be making it for totally free so you've got loads of free voices however if you do want to make your videos
maybe a little bit better and add that little bit extra to them 11 Labs have actually just released a new thing which is called 11 Labs projects which supposedly gives your stories more emotions and stuff which I think could really help with this Niche however it is not needed but if you do want to go and upgrade in 11 Labs then you can use that however we're doing it for totally free so we're going to pick from the free voices I have picked Adam this is the most sort of common one once I play it
later and you hear it you'll probably recognize it but once you've done that you've picked your voice you can find whatever voice you want from the free ones you're just then going to go ahead and paste your script into 11 labs and then we're going to go ahead and press generate okay so once your voice has been fully generated you can then go ahead and download it and we're going to then go and import this into capcut one thing with this step is just to make sure once again that the script is a minute long
or close to a minute long if it's like 50 seconds or 55 seconds you can always just leave a bit of blank bit at the end to make sure it is over a minute but like I say if you want to make money of the creativity program our videos do need to be over a minute long so I'm just going to go back over to cap cart and I'm going to go ahead and import my script so as you can see I'm now in cap cart I've gotone and imported my script so we've got it
in here I'll play it for you guys you can hear the first bit the Egyptian government just released proof that aliens wow what a shock okay so it sounds quite good now that we have our voice in cap cop we then need some obviously background footage as people don't just want to be looking at a black screen what we're going to do to create these background photos is we're going to get some from Google and some from some stock sites that we can just go and use cuz some of them are quite good and then
we are also going to use AI to help generate some photos as as well so if I go back over to Savari I'm going to use Leonardo Ai and also I'm going to use lime wire AI to create photos as I found these to be some of the best options that do allow you to create photos for free mid journey is probably the best at generating AI photos but they don't have any free trials or anything like that anymore whereas with leonard. a you get a certain amount of credits for free and with lime wire
once again you also get to generate some photos for free so starting off with Leonardo doai what you going to do is you're just going to log in you need to make sure you create an account you then get 150 credits for free and you're going to go into image gener eration once you're in here you can play around the settings a little bit I don't really play around with this but they have loads of different styles as you can see and you can also change the size of the photo however these dimensions are pretty
good uh another thing you can do is change the amount of images that it actually generates so if you want four different ones for one prompt like I've done here to test it it'll give you four sort of different prompts but it's for the same thing however that would use more credits so I'm just going to use two as out of those two options I should get quite a good generation so as mine is about aliens and the pyramids I'm going to tie up for the prom aliens and the pyramids and see what it comes
up with okay perfect so as you can see it has actually created some really good photos that I can go ahead and use in my video so aliens and pyramids some UFOs going on it actually looks really good and this is just going to help to keep people engaged with the video so both these are quite good but I think I particularly like this one so I'm just going to go ahead and download image and then I can go and use this in cap cut in a second I'm going to go over to line wire
and do the same thing once again you can choose the image dimensions and things like that however both of these platforms are also really good because they're really beginner friendly and very easy to use so it's already saying about aliens in here but that's just out of luck so I'm going to put a prompt I'm going to put what can I do for this one I'm going to do aliens inside of the pyramids because why not let's do aliens inside of the pyramids and see what it comes up with and you can actually do negative
prompts so things you don't want to see but I don't really think there's anything I don't want to see so let's see what it can come up with when I do this okay so as you can see it it's generated this photo I think it looks quite futuristic and stuff which hey maybe it would look like that inside the pyramids who knows but I don't think it would quite look like that so I have put a negative prompt trying to get it to make it less futuristic so I'll see if this does anything but if
not once again this is a photo I could use it's still pretty good but just want to see if that actually has any effect on the photo okay so this electure looks quite cool now once again I might go ahead and download this as I could potentially use this photo in my video but yeah it's a pretty interesting concept it's a pyramid what looks like inside a pyramid little alien figure there so as you can see these AI image generators are very useful especially for these kind of videos as you're going to be talking about
things that probably haven't been captured on camera now if you were to go ahead and use only AI generated images for your videos it would probably one look a little bit too futuristic and look a bit off and two it would also use up a lot of credits meaning you would end up having to pay quite quite a bit to get more credits I believe so what I'm going to do and what most of these pages in this conspiracy theories Niche do do is they go to Google and they get loads of photos from stock
sites and Google that have already been made by people that can relate to the same thing they're talking about so let's go over to Google for example here I've done inside the pyramids so I've got and downloaded some photos from people being inside the pyramids as in the story is going to talk about that so now once you've collected a load of photos that you think is going to be useful for your video we're going to go ahead into cap cut and we're just going to import them so I'm going to go here go to
download and I'll import some of these okay perfect and now what we're going to want to go ahead and do is we're going to go and put these photos at the right points so for example here at the start where it's talking about um the government sharing proof that aliens created the pyramids I'm probably going to go ahead and use this photo here as it sort of relates to it we want to make sure that we go and put the ratio to 9 by 16 as that is what it is for Tik Tok and we
could then go and fill out the screen for this it doesn't matter to be honest a lot of these Pages don't fill out the screen with all their photos but I'm going to go ahead and do it because why not the Egyptian government just released proof okay right so as I don't want to bore you guys I'm going to go ahead and get all of these images in the right place so I can make the video look nice and good and then I'll be back once I've have done all of that to show you guys
the rest of the process and we are back so as you can now see on my laptop we have got some of the stock footage however if I go ahead and play this you'll see it's a little bit boring so if I go and play it from here that aliens built the pyramids just two it's two Statics what we're going to go ahead and do now is we're just going to edit them so with these Pages a lot of what they do is is they have transitions in and they use key frames to make the
images move as it going along so I'll show you how to do it for the first one for example so if we just go and go ahead and go to animation and as we're only using a normal cap cut we use something like Shake in just to this will help grab people's attention as well so Shake in and then also once it is stop moving what we're then going to do for this one as it is two people we will start the image to be a little bit more this way and we're going to make
it a bit bigger and then we're going to have it so the image actually moves across by using key frames so we'll start there and then we'll add a key frame frame here so to add key frame just going to go to video uh position and size and you're going to add a key frame so you can see here a little key frame now and then at the end of the video We'll add another key frame which then means if we go to this bit here now and go to position size and we just go
and move this across like that as you will see Shake in and it'll be moving as we go along that aliens built the pyramids so with this we're then going to do the same thing we're do an animation or we do a bit of movement uh this one we could make it full screen and then maybe we don't even need an animation in we'll just go here add a key frame and then we'll go to the end over here add a key frame and once again we'll then just go ahead and move it across like
that so this one to be a bit slower alens but there's still movement which then gives people more things to look at and keep some more engaged as you can see for yourself this is probably a lot more engaging than when it was just steady so I'm now going to go ahead and do this throughout the rest of to the video and then I'm not going to bore you guys of that once I've done that I'll be back and I'll show you guys what we're going to do for the next step perfect so now I'm
back as you can see I've added some animations and some movement to pretty much all of the videos which all of the images sorry which is just going to make it a whole lot more engaging another thing you can do these Pages do do that I forgot to mention is some of them do use videos so if you can find videos that relate to your thing like short little Clips feel free to include those as well so yeah that's another thing you can do so now we've added all this movement and made the video just
overall a whole lot more engaging what is next is going to make it even more engaging is going to be to add captions so all of these videos are going to have captions on them which is just basically a cheat code for keeping people engaged as it's in their face and also it just helps them understand the video and people like to read and listen pretty much cap if you want to go viral use caption so what we're going to do we're going to go to text and we're going to go to auto captions and
we're just going to go ahead and press create now while this is creating there's two different ways I'm going to show you how we can do this in this video as some of the pages I was researching for this video some of them tend to use cap cart or Premier Pro and some of them seem to take their video off the editing software without captions and then use other sites to go and actually implement the caption so I'll show you both ways of doing it but first of all with cap card nice and simple just
going to press Auto captions they would then generate what you then going to want to go and do is you can cut these up yourself to make them more engaging but to make this nice and simple we're just going to go over to templates and I'm going to pick this one here as it is sort of one word and as you can see now our cap cut templates are done and everything will be done one word so if I now go ahead and press play you'll be able to see once again that this is just
going to play now with captions it'll be even more engaging so the Egyptian government just released proof that aliens built the pyramids so as you can see it's quite good the captions are in line they're all good now like I say when I was doing research on some of these pages to make this video a lot of them did have captions that had emojis and stuff moving about which tends to be a separate software so the one I found that is quite good is actually called submic so what we actually going to go ahead and
do is once our video is done I'm just going to take a portion of this video so that way it does take ages when we upload it to submic you're just going to export it so what you're going to go and do if you want to have emojis and stuff on your video it can make it a little bit more engaging and like I said it's totally up to you you can play play around with it yourself do some testing see what works see what doesn't but you're just going to export this video from capcut
without any captions and you're then going to go over to Safari and go into a site called submic so as you can see here I'm in submic I do believe they have a paid and also a free version so you can try it for free um I do believe what you're going to go and do is just press upload and then upload your video once you have located your video on your laptop or your phone you're just going to go ahead and press upload and pyramid English perfect press upload it then should take about under
a minute to upload the video okay now once we're inside as you can see there's loads of different styles that you can play around with and you can even make your own custom on so I'm going to go ahead and press homoi 3E cuz I think that one was quite good and then I'm just going to go ahead and press custom so monster at heavy I think that looks all right size I might make it a little bit smaller I think 19 looks about good I'm going to keep it uppercase um I'll add a small
Shadow I want one line per per sort of video as this way it just changes it up more and it's less in the way if it's just one line animation yes punctuation no all to Emoji I do want that cuz like I say want emojis and then position I want it to be in the middle which I believe is roughly about there that looks like the middle and we can pick our colors as well um for this for this instance I'm just going to keep these colors so now if I go ahead and press play
you'll be able to see that it will have some emojis and stuff so let's just go ahead and press play the Egyptian government just released proof as you can see that aliens built the Pyramid it's got some emojis so when you do go ahead and press play on here sometimes it does lag a little bit but when you actually go and Export it it will look totally fine so as you can see just two days ago from Cairo Egypt Egypt was on a research trip so as you can see it just has some Emoji sort
of moving around which makes it look quite good right okay so if you are going to take your video over to submic before you do do that we are going to need to put music on the video so if you were doing it all in cap cut like I said it doesn't really matter but you can put the video in afterwards on Tik Tok but as your video is going to be over a minute long your video at the end won't really have any audio or have any music so I tend to prefer to put
it on in the editing software so what you're going to go and do is you'll find some sounds that are quite spooky and that kind of thing so this is one that a lot of the pages use I'm going to go ahead and get this and as you can see it's 4 minutes long I'll then copy the link I'm then going to take it into something called ytmate to go and download the audio so I can then upload it over my video so as you can see I've gone over to ytmate and I'm just going
to paste the link from the video in here and press go I'm then going to go over to audio and I'm going to press download uh on the highest quality audio only as you can see it's downloading once it's downloaded I will then upload it to Tik Tok and once again just play around with the sound to make sure it's not louder in the script but also so it's not too quiet perfect so our audio has been downloaded so I'm going to go back over to cap cut and I'm going to put this audio in
underneath and this is just going to give our video that sort of spooky Vibe what I'm going to do for you guys there is only sort of a couple of sounds that these Pages tend to keep reusing I'm going to go ahead and download all of these sounds I'll put them in a Google Drive so that will be linked in the description along with the other tools that I've talked about in this video so like I said if you want to go and grab that it'll be in the description you'll be able to get the
sounds and also some of the templates that going to help you create videos like these all right so as this song is probably not copyright I don't really want to post it on my YouTube video for Tik Tok it doesn't really matter however when you are uploading you do want to make sure that you upload it with the sound and just turn the sound down really low to like one volume or something this way Tik Tok won't mute your sound otherwise you might tend to find especially as you get bigger as you upload it as
an original sound Tik Tok will then mute your videos which obviously we do not want so when you upload it just add this sound on top of it but put the sound down to zero this way the whole video even though it's over a minute long will have the song on it but you won't get your video muted and that is pretty much the end of this tutorial all you need to do now is if you are not from a country that has access to their Tik Tok creativity program you need to go ahead and
buy account I have a Discord server where you can buy accounts from in there so go and check that out that way if you are not from a country that has a creativity program you can buy an account they're pretty cheap next you then need to warm up your Tik Tok account so spend between 1 and 3 days just warming up the account using it like normal so when you start posting Tik Tok don't think you're a b and then finally you want to create your feed so this way you're just going to get loads
and loads of video ideas to create your feed all you want to do is go and follow the pages that are similar to yours or pages that are just going to give you good content ideas this way it makes the whole process of making videos nice and easy and finally you need to post consistently on your page for at least a month before you start complaining say you're not getting any views sometimes it takes time to learn how to make the scripts better learn what works learn what doesn't make your videos good enough to the
point where they can actually go viral and get a lot of views so in conclusion these Pages first of all have a viral hook that follows a structure stating something outrageous is going to hook people in giving a bit of context to pe people's interest and get them interested in the story and then thirdly having a person involved in the story that way it makes them think okay this is a true story as there is a face behind it then they use lots of AI generated images or images from places like Google or videos from
places like Google just finding videos from random places put it all together and make something that is totally original once these photos and videos are added in they're going to add a lot of animations transitions things like this just to make it even more engaging and then they will add in some captions to once again keep people engaged make the videos more entertaining and finally they'll add some spooky music that fits the vibe of the video and just once again makes the video even more mysterious and creepy like I said at the start this Niche
is pretty untapped right now and I don't really see many people creating videos in it and the people that are creating videos are tending to get a lot of views however me posting this is probably going to shed a bit of light on this Niche so if I were you I would try and get in as early as possible as we all know the people that get in early tend to have the best results however with that being said I hear a lot of people in comments or in my Discord saying things like certain niches
are too saturated or whatever I don't truly believe in saturation I think if your videos are better than others or if you keep going for longer than others all the competition is going to drop off and you are just going to be better I don't really believe that anything is saturated so if you are struggling don't just blame it on saturation keep going keep seeing how you can make your videos better keep trying to improve and event you'll be one of the best pages in The Niche and once you are one of the best pages
in The Niche there's no other real option other than for you to succeed remember if you do want access to that Google Drive that it's going to have some free background songs in it some free templates to help you out and then I'm also going to add in a few things like some photos that can help you start working on and practicing on your first few videos and I'm also going to add in a list of pages within this Niche so you can use that to help curate your feed so if you do want that
make sure you get it from the link in the description as well as all of the tools that I have used in this video to create these kind of videos once again these will all be linked in the description to make your life nice and easy and if you did enjoy this video or find it helpful or valuable in any way I'm sure you're going to find the rest of the videos that I've got coming to this channel very helpful and valuable so make sure you subscribe with those notifications turned on so you don't miss
out when I upload apart from that I hope you did enjoy and I hope to see you guys in the next one
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