Improve ChatGPT Prompts with Priming

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Everyone is pitching the best ChatGPT Prompt... Try GPT Priming instead: Priming is the best way to ...
Video Transcript:
I'll bet you were trying to write the perfect chat GPT prompts in one shot well there's a much better way and it's called priming the reality is there is not one prompt to rule them all with Chad gbt priming we interact with the chat for a couple of iterations and the result is much better it also gives a bunch more flexibility to make changes or include variation without needing to start over so let's jump in you've all seen this it's the most basic level one prompt the result is great if it was still the year
2022 in this case the response chatgpt4 provides lacks continuity specificity Direction and it's generally just average let's see a level two prompt this is the prompt everyone on YouTube and Tick Tock has told you to use it tells chat how to act it provides context and it gives more specific Direction the stand-up comedy routine is more single threaded and cohesive ultimately the material is better however it's still not the best way to interact with chat GPT so let's move to a level 3 prompt and take it up another notch by interacting with the chat a
couple of times before getting the output so what I've done is I've said please act as a stand-up comedian and a joke writer with more than a decade of experience entertaining audiences of all ages here's an example of a joke style that I like so next what I did is I went to YouTube and I grabbed this YouTube video summary tool which is a free Chrome extension you can just grab it drop it in and then reload YouTube and then what it does is it automatically transcribes videos that you show on the screen and you
can just pull them down I drop it in here at the very end you can see I say now please write me a joke in a similar Style and what it does is actually produce a pretty good joke the whole thing isn't great but there are definitely some nice pieces in here that's what I consider a level three priming or prompting all right so now let's move to level four and this is going to get a little more complicated so just kind of hold on to your hats here and we'll walk you through it so
the first thing I'm going to do is create a prompt that analyzes jokes that I like and I'll show you why I do this in a minute here's the prompt that I'm using I will put these things in the description so you don't have to hear me read them but basically I'm saying that I'm taking a transcribed text from a joke that I like I'm embedding it here can you please analyze this joke for me and tell me it's component parts all right so what you can see it put out puts out here is component
parts introduction initial observation exaggeration absurd suggestions enlisting friends strategy for moving the horse this is a joke about moving a dead horse I take that information I take these component parts and I'm going to move them into a table all right and I'll show you how to do that next what you do to create a table please create a table that breaks down a stand-up comedy routine into the following key elements where each of these elements is a column right so actually I took a different stand-up comedy routine from a different comedian and got these
results here relatability exaggeration wordplay Etc so then fill the table with 10 rows of data where relatability equals awkward family situations so what happens here is you get this really nice table that breaks out a whole bunch of different comedy bit opportunities I like using the table because you can go through and kind of pick and choose the elements that you like and and then you can make changes to those things and adapt your bit according to something that feels more right for you so now I've got this nice little table I can take that
I'm going to combine a couple of things here I'm going to combine the style that I like so that Nate bracketsy bit and then I'm going to add the components that I want to frame the joke around right so here's how we do that we go to the start I'm going to provide you an example of humor I like it comes from a stand-up companies live performance so this is very similar stuff that I said before so there's some verbal nuances Etc after you read the joke please confirm you have fully ingested the material by
responding red and we'll proceed with the next step so what I'm doing here is I'm telling chatgpt that we're just going to process this this information we're not going to do anything with it yet and then I drop in the text from the stand up that I pull from over here great and so it gives me the response that it's Reddit cool so now that I've done that I say now that you have a sample this style of humor by which you should write please act as a professional stand-up comedian and a joke writer with
more than a decade of experience entertaining audiences of all ages again I'm creating that Persona that we wanted to use based on the style of humor please write in original stand-up comedy routine with the following components right and so I've taken these elements from my table and dropped them in here and then it comes out with this response and some of it's good and some of it's mediocre and some of its throwaway but what I can do now is I can edit this and I've already done it and I can jump over to the next
variation and I change several of the variables for the components so I had seven here and then I move over and now I've got five and I've changed some of the some stuff and I get a different result but it still has the comedic style that I like from before so it gives me the same kind of feel but it's changing the component so I get a totally different experience here right and then I change the satire to dirty airplane seats as opposed to what I had before which was a travel industry all right and
so for this variation I get a whole bunch of other different options and again more material that I could combine and put together and and kind of make my own as it suits my my personal style so that's what I consider to be a level four now the next thing we're going to talk about is going to be a level five but that's going to be a different video because it's way more involved I like this a lot and I really recommend using chat this way so that you can get more out of it and
you're not constantly creating new chats and kind of starting over and starting over you can actually just create your variability within one chat once you've primed it properly if you check back I'll be providing more content like this as well as additional AI resources for your reference as the tools continue to evolve and eventually take over the world
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