GERENCIAMENTO DE PROJETOS (05 Dicas Certeiras pra Trabalhar a GESTÃO de Projetos)

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Blog Abri Minha Empresa
GERENCIAMENTO DE PROJETOS (05 Dicas Certeiras pra Trabalhar a GESTÃO de Projetos) ⏰ APROVEITE O CUR...
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Project Management (or project management). This is essential work for any business to be very effective, productive and organized. Thus, achieving great positive results always, as planned.
And when well crafted, it will prevent the failure of any company, believe me! So, if you want to have excellent project management, understand now what it is, its powerful benefits and 05 Sure Steps on how to apply it to your business in a practical way that actually works! Do you want to receive tips and information to set up your own business.
So subscribe to this channel and stay on top of everything you need to know to open your own company. To try to make this matter clear to you, we are going to explain the following points: 1. WHAT IS PROJECT MANAGEMENT 2.
ITS MAIN BENEFITS 3. HOW IT WORKS 4. 05 RIGHT STEPS ON HOW TO APPLY IT IN YOUR COMPANY show tips of tools used to work well on this subject, okay ?
So let's go! 1. WHAT IS PROJECT MANAGEMENT First, it is necessary to understand well what a Project is.
Which basically, is a temporary effort directed towards creating a specific product, service or result. That is, it has a definite beginning, middle and end. As well as a predefined scope and resources.
Furthermore, a project is something unique, it is not commonplace or everyday. It is a series of operations, activities and efforts to achieve a well-defined objective . This often involves an entire team, different departments or even different country areas.
Here it is very important to clarify why many people end up confusing project with processes. And this is a very common mistake, but a very dangerous one. Process is something that is commonplace, that is part of everyday life.
And it's even repetitive. Still, it has a default result. Different from the project.
For example: Imagine a restaurant. Preparing dishes or customer orders can be considered a process. Because it is something commonplace, procedural, which already has an expected standard result.
All done through well-defined, repetitive and continuous procedures. Already creating and assembling a new dish for this restaurant is a project. Because it's something you don't do every day, it's unique.
By creating and assembling this new option, this project achieved a specific result (which is a new dish for customers). Thus, processes will be created to prepare this new item in the daily routine of the restaurant. Did you notice the difference?
So, in a very summarized way, we can say that: Bearing this in mind, after all, what is Project management? It's managing all aspects of a project itself. Such as necessary and available resources, people and teams, deadlines, tools, budgets, progress and results obtained, among many other points.
In the same way, it will be possible to closely analyze each part of the project. Thus, ensuring the expected results throughout the work. In other words, project management is to structure and organize the planning, execution, monitoring and control of the projects in question.
And that goes for both your professional and personal projects too! 2. ITS MAIN BENEFITS Project management manages to optimize time and schedules.
Thus, understanding each part of the work well and making the resources and responsible focus where it really matters. As a result, costs will also be reduced. Since with close monitoring, it will be possible to understand if what was planned is being fulfilled and reaping results.
Thus, efforts will be well targeted and optimized. Likewise, project management will map and identify the risks that may arise. Thus, you will be able to control them and make possible adjustments to avoid or eliminate them.
Another important point is that project management encourages dialogue and exchange of very clear and defined information. As a result, everyone involved will be more engaged and motivated. Mainly because they will understand their responsibilities and importance.
With everything we've said so far, the planned results will be achieved in a more assertive and organized way. This goes for the completion of a specific product, service or result. Consequently, ensure the satisfaction of your customers, those involved, the target audience and even yourself.
3. HOW IT WORKS In a nutshell, project management works in 5 parts: initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and closing. 1.
INITIATION First, the project in question is defined, the problem or opportunity that needs to be solved and conquered. In a practical way, here it is necessary to understand very well the objectives, purposes, requirements and risks of the project. 2.
PLANNING At this point, it is necessary to make the objectives clear. With this, work the management plan to achieve these goals. All this in detail.
In other words, it is necessary to define the team and people responsible for each activity, necessary resources, deadlines to be met, procedures to be respected, in short. Literally defining the scope of the complete work. Always focusing on whether everything is in line with what needs to be done.
3. EXECUTION This is the time to put everything into practice and get your hands dirty. It's executing what was planned.
In this way, all the people involved need to work to fulfill their tasks and responsibilities. As well as evaluating what can or needs to be improved. Always jointly with all those involved.
4. MONITORING This step takes place throughout the entire execution. In other words, it is necessary to evaluate and closely monitor whether what is being done is really bringing the expected results.
This will serve to ensure that things go according to plan. As well as finding possible points of adjustments or improvements to be made. 5.
CLOSING Finally, it is about delivering all the planned and worked phases. It is to complete the entire project with the results and objectives achieved. Here, you evaluate what went right and wrong to learn for future projects.
It is to make a final report of the project in question. 4. 05 RIGHT STEPS ON HOW TO APPLY IT IN YOUR COMPANY 1.
UNDERSTAND THE PROJECT The first step is to understand the project in question in a very deep way . Study what needs to be done, resources and teams needed, deadlines to be met, results and goals that need to be achieved, in short. It seems basic, but having a detailed and, at the same time, general view is fundamental.
This will give you a strategic, tactical and operational view of the entire project. As a result, you'll know exactly what, how and when needs to be done. 2.
DEFINED GOALS AND GOALS Having well-defined goals and objectives is very important. However, defining those that are truly worthwhile is critical. It is to make sure that all efforts will make sense.
And a tool that can help you a lot here is SMART goals and objectives. Which basically, will help you to make sure that the objectives or goals are the ones that matter the most and that they are really possible to be achieved. So, if you want to know more about this tool, watch our very practical video.
Clicking on this button up here or on the link we leave in the description. 3. PREPARE YOUR TEAM Another important point is to train and train the people and teams responsible for each part of the project.
Whether through training, preparation, explanation of the methods to be adopted, among others. But also through the structure and equipment necessary to be able to carry out the work in a coherent and viable way. Also, work well on communication before, during and after the project.
Make your project management have very clear, open, fast and reciprocal communication. This is essential for success. 4.
DECENTRALIZE AND MONITOR Don't try to solve everything yourself. And don't let people do that either. Divide and delegate tasks well and let autonomy flow naturally.
If the work is too centered on one person or team, the process can stretch and delay over time. In addition, team spirit will be well worked and valued. Likewise, closely monitor the progress of work and make adjustments when necessary.
5. USE THE RIGHT TOOLS Finally, there are several tools that work very well in project management. Let's name a few here, but they're not the only ones, okay?
For example: STRATEGIC, TACTICAL AND OPERATIONAL PLANNING Working well with project management planning is essential to have great results. However, understanding and identifying each type of it will make you work in an even better way. And basically, the types are: strategic, tactical and operational.
That in a way, we can say that in order to carry out an operational planning , it is first necessary to have a tactical plan. On the other hand, to carry out a tactical plan, it is necessary to have a strategic plan already defined. Therefore, understanding each one of them well will make your planning even more complete and effective.
So, if you want to understand how they work, watch our very practical video. Clicking here above or on the link we leave in the description. KANBAN In a nutshell, Kanban is a visual system for managing work or production flow in companies and projects.
He uses colored cards (or post-its). And that is precisely why it is also known as visual management, due to the use of card colors as flags. The focus of Kanban is to prioritize productivity and organization of deliveries.
The objective is to provide a more transparent and targeted work. PMBOK PMBOK is an abbreviation of an English term. Which in Portuguese is Body of Knowledge in Project Management.
Briefly, it is a set of practices in managing a project. It is the application of skills, knowledge, tools and techniques in the activities of the initiative in order to satisfy its requirements. In other words, it serves as a guide that shows what paths there are to achieve the best result.
SCRUM Basically, SCRUM is a set of actions for managing high performance or complex projects. It is a methodology that optimizes resources, costs and time. That is, professionals are able to work together to solve complex problems in a creative and adaptable way.
Which will bring high value results to the company. PDCA Also known as the PDCA Cycle, it is a quality management tool that aims to bring continuous improvements to the processes, products and services of a company or project. Or even to identify and solve some kind of problem as well.
The meaning PDCA comes from an acronym in English, where: P comes from Plan, which is to plan. D stands for Do which is execute C stands for Check which is check A stands for Act which is Act. Therefore, it is possible to understand that the PDCA consists of carrying out a plan, executing it to put it into practice, verifying and monitoring the results and acting on any possible correction or improvement.
Anyway, these were just some examples of tools that can help a lot in your project management. However, there are many others that are quite effective as well. So, if you know or work with any other tool that helps a lot in project management, write it here in the comments and share it with us, okay?
Did you see how Project Management is simple to work with, but extremely detailed? Still, it plays a fundamental role so that the results and objectives are achieved in a planned, organized and assertive way. When well crafted, it will make all the difference to your business (and personal life too), believe me!
And just to recap what we talked about here: 1. WHAT IS PROJECT MANAGEMENT 2. ITS MAIN BENEFITS 3.
HOW IT WORKS 4. 05 RIGHT STEPS ON HOW TO APPLY IT IN YOUR COMPANY We hope you enjoyed it! And if you want to know more about how to set up and manage your own business, visit our YouTube channel, we have several videos on this subject, ok?
And if you liked it, share this video with your friends and family to help them too! If you want to prepare even more, download our free e-book now with the 11 key questions to find out if you are ready to open your own business or not. Let's leave the download link here in the description of this video, okay?
And be sure to subscribe to this channel and stay on top of all our news on how to set up and manage your own business. And if you can, leave your like to help this channel. A hug and see you next!
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