so in this video we're going to be talking about how do you open this thing the third eye you guys asked a lot of questions after our bro science guide to chakras and look before we do i want to set up why you would do this who should not do this because this is a very powerful technique that once you do can't really go back so you want to check in with a few things i'll tell you about now don't just skip to the technique and try it again you need this information at the start
that's why it's here and then together we can do the technique okay i mentioned your third eye is your spiritual center and pretty much all these books right here the upanishads the bhagavad-gitas the holy bible as well as a host of other spiritual books all talk about your higher self now your third eye is located right here in between your eyes where your pineal gland is if you know anything about the pineal gland it gets kind of creepy because that thing is a beast it is definitely one of the most spiritual glands in your body
and a lot of the ancient cultures who place an emphasis on your third eye say that that is the gateway between your spiritual connection books like joe dispenza supernatural actually geeks out all about the pineal gland and it shows that your pineal gland actually has crystals on it that have its own receptors a lot of these receptors function like an eye just like you have a cornea and a retina and you blink and all that well that it has light receptors on your pineal gland and we're still learning about it so it makes it even
more clear that it's your third eye now here's where it gets really creepy and weird you know when you're drifting off into dreams at night those are essentially what out of body experiences i can float in my dreams i can talk to people who are dead in my dreams i can do all this crazy stuff in my dreams that's because melatonin serotonin all these brain chemicals that influence your dreams are secreted and organized in your pineal gland how freaking cool is that it gets even weirder let's talk about psychedelics briefly now i have no experience
with like ayahuasca or dmt or any of the harder psychedelics i respect them but it's just not for me at this stage i smoke a little i get super paranoid freaked out and anxious so it's not a good time but hey to each their own no judgment during dmt or ayahuasca which you're actually secreting and why you have all these visions that people report right of like giant praying mantises or like negative entities coming to you or very positive ones which most people have right they have very positive experiences it's almost like you're dreaming but
you're awake and you're seeing these things coming out of the amazon if you listen to people's accounts right and talking to you about mother earth and nature and serpents and pipe all this stuff it's like a dream that you're conscious of and you're awake ayahuasca one of the psychedelic compounds in there releases dmt dimethyltryptamine which causes you psychedelic trips it's been said that dmt also is secreted when you are born and when you die you know when people say your life flashes before your eyes when you die and i saw the light and all this
life and it was crazy well they say that's secreting dmt the crossing bridge between the physical realm the spiritual realm after that is so cool so that's the importance of the third eye you see how all these things are connecting together before i give you the exercise let's talk about two things most people's pineal glands are not open they are closed and think of this not like an eye opening closing that's how we want to think of it right but think of a gland getting calcified it gets hardened and remember i told you in this
book it talks about the vision receptors the crystals all around your pineal gland well if you have a pineal gland that's very active and it's soft or able to secrete hormones right you're going to have a bigger spiritual connection it's the same thing with runners who have a healthy heart because they run so much right and they build that up and then it pumps blood more efficiently right i'll have to explain running here well it's the same thing with your pineal gland if you do these things you do these steps you can decalcify it you
can open it we don't have time to get into it now but there's also things like supplements that can help decalcify this getting really pure water and that's the other thing is that most people's not only consciously are they closed like they're not open to spirituality or maybe they're just in a lower vibrational state right the toxins in our environment now through public water right um there's some theories that fluoride can calcify your pineal gland and close it or just pesticides and herbicides all around the environment what we breathe in smog and major cities like
i live in that can also get stored in the pineal gland there is some juicy conspiracy theories which i geek out on but things like the nazis and uh stalin to make people dolcile and weak and just obey they would put fluoride in things so they would obey more from what i understand your pineal gland is kind of like a magnet to fluoride it sucks it in and holds onto it and that makes it calcified so what do you think from a conspiracy angle if you want to control a population you should do well you
would block their spiritual center that connects us all and connects you with your core and your higher self right and then they're more of a slave robot and they obey so that's the conspiracy around fluoride but you know we don't have time to geek out on everything so who should not open their pineal gland well don't get super freaked out i mentioned there's all different variants of this and the technique we're doing today is basically placing your intention in a meditation so this is very beginner level of opening it and you need to practice it
to get the full benefits but i'll teach you that technique nevertheless i told you earlier that there's things you can do with substances to open it now i'm not condoning any of those i'm not endorsing any of those i have no judgments on that but that is something you should check into if you're ready for it because if you struggle with a lot of things like i don't know anxiety or depression sometimes psychedelics can help that but sometimes it can exacerbate the problem so i think it's better to walk before you run that's just my
personal opinion and through natural things like meditation and getting good sleep and living a healthy lifestyle that i know is so boring and you've heard it all snoozefest dude i would just rather do some shrooms and brew a tea and just blast off right but none of that stuff matters if you're still drinking every night and eating fast food right so before i get on a tangent what i'm trying to say here before you open your pineal gland and just say like okay i'm going a hundred percent i'm gonna go to a jump i'm gonna
do all that stuff and just open it baby you can't force it open it's a gradual opening all i'm trying to say is listen to yourself if things feel right keep going if they don't stop now i'm going to switch cameras going to sit down and i'm going to show you this technique to open and tap into your third eye so you can tap into your higher self but before i do that smash that like button subscribe make sure those bell notifications are set to on double check if you are subscribed so you don't miss
anything all right let's go as i mentioned there are five steps to this simple technique now you can do this at the start of your meditation at the end of it you can do our wim hof breath work our breathing exercise i'll link down below it's really powerful to get you in a deep state and i like to do this when i'm trying to consciously open the third eye i like to do this for about 10 minutes okay so i don't do this for an hour i don't do this for three hours 10 minutes you
know three times a week or whenever you're feeling it the most important thing is don't force it okay that's i have to say this before i give you this technique don't force anything because the more resistance you feel to doing something that's going to blunt all the positive emotions and it's really interesting i've noticed in practicing in my life not forcing things not forcing content not forcing exercising not forcing uh going to bed on time early like all that stuff not forcing it actually makes me do the thing because my inner rebel doesn't come out
and try to like rebel against it that makes sense so like i i've been going about at eight o'clock at night and getting up at 5am i couldn't do that for two or three years even though i was super like productive motivation all that stuff it just happened effortlessly when i stopped forcing it okay so be gentle be easy on yourself is what i'm trying to say now what you're going to do is step number one that is sit in a comfortable position once you're comfortable know that you're going to be here for about 10
minutes you might want to put on some meditation music if you want some of ours that i love to meditate to i put it down below in the description it's like a 20-minute meditation soundtrack that got some brainwaves in there as well for some added benefits step number two is i'll take my glasses off to uh show you guys is you're gonna close your eyes and you're going to rest your attention in your third eye now again this is located right here between your eyes so an easy way to do this is just close your
eyes and look diagonally up almost cross-eyed but not to the point of where you're like i don't know getting some blurry vision step three is the two for with your eyes closed and looking up i want you to take a series of six six breathing okay this is six seconds in through the belly breathing through the diaphragm and out through the nose or mouth whichever but breathing in through the nose for six seconds and then out just like a wave that's about the the tide coming in and out is uh the length of six seconds
you're going to do 10 breaths of those so again you're getting in a calm state you're just placing your attention there step number four after those 10 breaths okay with your eyes closed pointing upwards i want you to picture a light pulsating around your third eye okay this is a warm light it can be golden it can be white one of those two colors you know one of my favorite things is that the fact of white light what i have in the studio right here it is the sum of all colors and like pink floyd
album dark side of the moon you realize that white light when it hits a prism and splits apart that it's the sum of all colors you realize when rain hits the sun or a rainbow or whatever creates that illusion it's a rainbow that's why you can see it right and one other thing i'll geek out on with you here before we go on to the next steps is that the chakra system is colored like the rainbow you've seen it i showed you the bro science guide to chakras there's also seven notes in a scale right
doe mi faso la ti okay now take that frequency of the musical note of do and you vibrate it times the speed of light that will eventually reach the color red same thing with rey vibrate times the speed of light that will be orange yellow green blue purple for all the notes in the scale that's the light sound bridge those very powerful implications with light so i like to picture a golden light or a white light because that's the sum of all colors one other light you might see is purple or indigo again that is
the chakra that's the color there and i've noticed too when i'm deep in meditation right or when i'm meditating for an extended period of time i see kind of almost like a like a screen saver i see these little like flares of purple and blue light i don't know if you ever have that comment down below let me know what you see with my eyes closed i can almost feel all everything shifting when i see those purple and blue uh violet threads going in my eyes so that's step four is you picture a light okay
energy up deep breathing eyes closed picturing the light now you're ready for step number five you're going to feel your heart going up your spine right here right and coming down and connecting to your third eye okay that pulsating light right there feel the energy from your heart going up your spine connecting to your third eye energy center now you have a heart brain connection we've talked a lot about in other videos and it's something like the heart math institute is researching and a lot of new research is coming out how your heart actually influences
your brain and vice versa so you're going to feel the power of your heart the weight of your heart the love in your heart the emotions in your heart if you're sad the sadness in your heart feel all of that stuff in this meditation and feel it connected to your third eye now i know that's a lot to take in at once like okay do this do this do this like some checklist let me simplify this for you the reason this exercise works is one word intention intention is massive i know i sound like a
broken record but one story on intention i'll grab the book here is from uh joe dispenza right you can tell i've been reading this stuff a lot he has an amazing story about the power of intention right he got hit by a mack truck and was told he was never going to walk again i believe it was a spinal injury or something like that paralyzed and he said is there anything you guys can do like well surgery maybe at best we can give you some mobility and he said you know what no thank you and
so all he did is reconstruct in his brain his entire spine is like uh vertebrae vertebrae vertebrae okay this goes here this goes here and at first it was slow and then he was able to do it faster and faster and more vivid and more detail and he kept doing that i think it was in like 60 days or six months or something like that he walks in to the doctor told him he couldn't walk anymore for his checkup the guy's like what the heck happened to you did you have a miracle or something he
said no i placed all my intention there and i healed and there are so many other miracles that happen like that with the power of intention it is so powerful i mean look you don't believe me or maybe you're skeptical of that or it sounds just like a one-off right look at the placebo effect in medicine we know that that is a proven effect the placebo you take a little sugar pill and you get positive effects through placebo it's estimated that one-third of all healing is just because of placebo just going to the doctor and
feeling like you saw someone for like a fever or getting a cold or something like that will make you feel more peace of mind and the placebo can kick on and actually influence that okay placebo is humongous right i'm not saying fake it till you make it i'm just saying placebo is intention it's another example of it because you feel like it's better and then your body responds that's all intention is okay so that is what you're doing intention is the number one word you're placing that in your third eye again which is right here
with your eyes closed you're breathing you're adding the light which is going to influence that intention and make it more powerful and that my friends is naturally how you start the process of opening your third eye another thing that helps a ton is of course meditation daily practice look i'm human i mess up i haven't meditated in three days just being real with you and i feel really off um there are some weeks where i go without meditating and there's other weeks where i meditate twice a day for like 20 minutes okay so don't beat
yourself up again i want to reiterate that message be easy on yourself love yourself be your own best friend don't let that inner rebel there's like a kid getting told you can't eat that you can't hang out with them i i feel like i want to end on this rant with you because it's really important i feel like the self-development space the spirituality space right like everyone is positive we're trying to improve ourselves right but it can get to a point where you're obsessed and you start it turns it into a almost like self-hate practice
like if you think you have to write your goals down every single day otherwise you're a complete failure and you're slacking and everyone else is better than you then that process which is supposed to be positive of writing your goals down and loving yourself and putting yourself on on the map is a negative process and you shouldn't do it okay because it's lowering your vibe down okay so this is so important because all you're out there and look i was in the camp too where i read every single book and in my early 20s i
was trying to do everything perfect i have to do this i have to do this it was just discipline discipline discipline discipline but i realized all those positive practices like even going to the gym and having the discipline like ah gonna force myself to go you do that enough you don't listen to your body what happens you burn out you literally have no energy even though the process of going to the gym is supposed to produce the energy for you okay so i just wanted to be gentle on yourself is what i'm trying to say
and if this process feels good keep doing it if meditation feels good keep doing it if goals feel good keep doing it if all this stuff feels good that is what you need to listen to all right you know what else feels good smashing that like button and subscribing with those bell notifications set to on and please drop a comment down below if i missed anything you want to add something you want to give a tip down there share with the community post it in the comments below i love learning from you i really do
i read every single comment i try to i think i read about 99 of them okay even if i don't respond or heart it or whatever i still like glance over it um you know within the first week or so so post in the comments down below and thank you so much for being here i'll see you in the next video until then stop settling start living see ya