Love and peace, love and peace. Everyone all chilled, all zen. Everyone high, dude.
No conflicts, mate. Chilling. Stay in peace and make love love.
This is the right path to any situation, thi is the right path to any social class. This is the right path to any president that aims to really be our president. "Be nihilist, be nihilist!
Support our president, black and populist! ". Brazil already had a black president.
Brazil already had a black president! Well He wasnt THAT black BLACK but he was at least brown. He always knew that he was brown, but for a racial matter he didn't assumed his plain 'blackness'.
But it's only studying not only by photographs, not only by the face features, not only by the hair, but by the his, Nilo Peçanha, trajectory and everything that happened to him from his birth till his death, so you will well know that YES, Brazil had a black president and if not black, brown. And the best of all, you know what? As he assumed the presidency he declared "I will do a government based on peace and love" Well, isn't it beautiful?
Yes! Of course he was born at 67s, at the love's summertimes. Ok, it was at 1867, the day 10th of october, he was a libran.
And of course we don't have a plain. . .
I mean, don't have a clue, we don't! Because you know nothing, you don't know any of the presidents Brasil had, might know at least Marechal Deodoro, the ones who know something, maybe Campos Sales too, but the thing is, in the case of Nilo Peçanha, he was a vice-president, that ended up assuming the presidency, so it's already a different situation, but there were many vices that assumed down the history of Brazil, many of whom had great moments of turbulence, other not that much, remebering that Sarney was a vice, Itamar was a vice and Nilo Peçanha was the vice of Afonso Pena. Afonso Pena was from Minas Gerais state that according to some of his enemies had been a public agent promoted by job abandonment HAHA yes!
Because Afonso Pena had been vice previously, hadn't done a thing, had been living at his farm in Minas Gerais state, after that elected president. But dude, this episode isn't about Afonso Pena, maybe some day I could allow myself getting that low and work on and episode about Afonso Pena But the fact is that Afonso Pena died out of heartbreak of his mandate. He died in july of 1909, when there were still 17 months till the end of his service.
He died for a series of motives but the main of them was the disgust he felt after his older son's death. But he also died because he was defied by his own war minister, Hermes da FOnseca, that was nephew of marechal Deodoro da Fonseca, that entered the presidential gabinet at the Catete palace, hit the sword at the table and said "I'm gonna be the next president of Brasil!