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Video Transcript:
911 it's 3:16 p. m. on April 10th 2018 a 911 operator receives a call from 16-year-old Kyle plush who had just experienced a freak accident in the minute prior to this call Kyle had just arrived at the Seven Hill School in Cincinnati Ohio for a tennis match he had been driving a 2004 Honda Odyssey a minivan that featured three rows of seating with his gear for the day's match being stored in the very back in order to retrieve it Kyle climbed to the back of the vehicle and reached over the third row seating extending his body as far as it could go in order to grab his equipment when suddenly the seat's folding mechanism was engaged causing it to collapse into its storage position taking Kyle with it in an instant he was pinned and completely unable to move as he was now trapped in the car upside down not even being able to move his arms and hands enough to grab his cell phone though luckily his phone had Siri which he would call out to to call the [Music] police where are you hello where are you I can't hear you while on the phone Kyle couldn't hear anything given how far away he was from the device but he stated as clearly as he could that he was in dire need of help due to the position he was stuck in he was already struggling to breathe and he knew he was likely not going to survive much longer which he made very clear to the operator I'm I in that hello less than one minute later the call would cut out in the recording Kyle clearly portrayed to the operator where he was that he couldn't hear her and that his life was in danger which prompted her to immediately send a patrol car over to the school in search of him though inexplicably she never told the officers that Kyle believed he was going to [Music] die not understanding how dire the situation was was the officers that pulled up to the scene didn't even bother to stop the car instead they simply drove throughout the parking lot unsure of what car was kyes they didn't even bother to turn down their music or crack a [Music] window seemingly being more interested in the types of cars that other students were driving these kids drive better cars [Music] than as officers continued their half-hearted surve another phone call would be made to 911 it was Kyle whose tone was now drastically different I probably don't have much time left to tell my mom that I love her if I die this is not a joke after Kyle says his goodbyes he tries one more time to relay what was happening this time providing the parking lot he was in along with the exact making model of his car this is not a joke I'm snapped inside my van in the sore parking lot of Seven Hill Hill death me I'm almost dead at this point officers were still in the parking lot looking for him help was literally just a few feet away and on top of this the operator was also able to get a ping from Kyle's phone which gave coordinates to his exact location within just 5 to 10 ft of his vehicle and yet the dispatcher never passed this information along as Kyle remained on the line fighting for his life the officers on the scene would pull out of the parking lots close their reports and carry on with their day stating I don't see nobody which I didn't imagine I would with this line making it apparent that those involved with the case never actually believed this situation was real and instead viewed it all as a hoax just minutes later Kyle would go quiet and the phone would disconnect for a final time it would take 6 hours for that trunk to be opened and not by the police but instead by Kyle's father who had no idea that any of this had taken place seeking out his son's vehicle only to find Kyle flipped up down in the trunk he had been dead for hours despite the circumstances Kyle did everything right he remained calm he was respectful and he described exactly where he was and what his car looked like and yet the police never really bothered to take his case seriously instead believing that this was all just a prank and had the dispatcher simply relayed how serious the situation was and had these officers just gotten out of their car to look more thoroughly Kyle plush most likely would have survived as a result of the mishandling of Kyle's case his parents Jill and Ron were awarded a $6 million settlement with a city of Cincinnati though even more importantly for the couple they vowed to do their part to assure that mishandled 911 calls of this nature never happen again as they've gone on to consult with various emergency call centers to tell Kyle's story somehow taking this horrible accident and selflessly turning it into something positive for the rest of society today these phone calls remain relics of a grave error made by law enforcement and a life that never should have been lost with these recordings now being forever immortalized in the internet's darkest corners this piece clearly shows the metamorphosis possible using computer Graphics we got to play a game is it hide and seek yes it's hide and seek I am sick and devastated [Music] it's April 4th 2020 a man living in Baltimore Maryland goes live on his Facebook page announcing that tonight would be another one of his famous game nights at this time the co lockdown was in place all across the United States and practically everyone was cooped up indoors with little opportunity for real socialization but for 24-year-old Ernest Wilson and his friends this didn't stop them from having a good time Ernest often hosted parties featuring childhood games like Monopoly and Uno adding in his adult flare by turning them into drinking games with one game in particular being top of mind that night hide-and seek the evening began with Ernest inviting his Facebook friends to the function letting them know that this time the game night would be held at an Airbnb rather than in his home though he never gave out the address as this was a closed invitation event which he made very clear on his page please don't show up with nobody I didn't personally invite if we didn't discuss it first they're going to get left outside Ernest took this so seriously that at one point he even called out one of his viewers stating outright that they were not allowed to show up under any circumstances you're not invited you're not pulling up on me the person who just joined if you're still watching you're not invited because you don't [ __ ] listen and I'm going to bang you in your mouth next time however it was never revealed who exactly this person was or why Ernest expressed such hostility towards them from there Ernest would start and stop his live stream a few different times showing the progression of the party which ended up with a decent [Music] turnout and by 2: a.
m. with there being no signs of slowing down it was time for the main [Music] event hide andek about to play hide and seek this was the caption for ernest's final live stream of the night which shows his group of friends preparing to play the game turning off all the lights in the house before Ernest himself steps outside assuming the role of the Seeker beginning his countdown as the camera keeps rolling 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I can hear y'all 14 15 I see y'all 16 26 27 28 29 30 cuz I'm tired of [ __ ] counting ready or not here I come after a long 30 seconds it was time to find his friends with Ernest starting his search inside the home a nobody bathroom I didn't think [ __ ] oh all right his ass until he notices something next time they on your ass the front door lock dumb I'm on your ass according to nnest someone was trying to get in through the front door unaware that he had just locked it and assuming that this was one of the people he was looking for he took off to the backyard believing that's where he would find them and sure enough he did one two three who the that know face get your okay get your dumb on the other side of this gate who the [ __ ] Ernest flips the camera around revealing a man hopping over a gate to the back yard he had no idea who this person was but he seemed to assume that they were likely just trying to get into the party not really taking it too seriously hence his joking attitude though his attitude would soon shift drastically dumb ass [ __ ] this can't be one of my friends the hey P up In This Moment Ernest live stream cuts off and he would never go live again according to those at the party this Unknown man hopped the fence and brandished a gun stating that he was there to rob the place being followed by one other person whom the group also failed to recognize Ernest tried his best to run but was eventually caught in the house where after a few minutes and for reasons unknown the man scen hopping the fence fired his weapon striking Ernest twice and ending his life The Killers quickly fled the scene without harming anyone else or seemingly without even taking anything the footage is highly disturbing knowing that we're witnessing the final moments of a man who is just having some fun with his friends but what makes this so much darker is that we have no idea who this person is or why they did what they did even after 4 and 1/2 years Ernest Wilson's Killers have yet to be identified detectives working on the case have theorized that this was like a robbery gone wrong potentially spurred on by Ernest posting habits as to put it bluntly he was a drug dealer as on his Facebook page he often showed off huge amounts of his product including during a live stream he did on the very day of this party and also on the same day Ernest had made a post about how much cash he had on him essentially putting a Target on his back online some have theorized that this botched robbery may have been committed by the person that entered Ernest live stream earlier that night which caused him to have that intense reaction you're not invited you're not pulling up on me because you don't [ __ ] listen and I'm going to bang you in your mouth next time though to my knowledge this person has never actually been tracked down but by far the most common sentiment online was that Earnest friends were involved to some capacity as none of them were injured and none of their possessions were taken making it clear that at the very least this crime was targeted at the host and on top of this remember Ernest never shared the address for that Airbnb at least not publicly and yet these people just so happened to show up to the home at the exact moments that Ernest was by himself in the dark and perhaps most chillingly as the robbery is unfolding you can hear one of ernest's friends chuckling in the background this can't be one of my friends on the ground though as concerning as this is It's sadly far from conclusive and to this day it appears that ernest's case is slowly being lost to time leaving us for now with only questions and one of the more disturbing live streams I've ever [Music] seen and now these messages before we dive into our next case I want to first thank today's video sponsor Factor I'll admit it I have a very bad habit when it comes to ordering food I usually don't give myself enough time to plan meals for the week and therefore when it comes time for dinner I'm always left scrambling trying to find something which usually leads to me ordering food and ordering really unhealthy food too it's a bad habit but thanks to factor I'm slowly starting to kick it Factor provides Chef prepared ready to eat meals that are always fresh and never Frozen there's no stress there's no prep work just 2 minutes in the microwave and they're ready to go and these meals really are restaurant quality and honestly even more delicious than what I was ordering before anyway not to mention way healthier 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