[Music] Anubis is the famous jackal-headed Egyptian god he is a deity connected with afterlife and funeral rights the God is one of the oldest Egyptian deities his role has changed over the centuries Anubis was considered the main deity connected with death and god of the underworld but this role was later taken over by the god Osirus The Jackal God was also considered the deity of embalming and mummification in funeral rituals it was common for a priest to wear a jackal mask during the mummification process the God was also considered the protector of tombs and cemeteries
protecting the bodies of those who had departed to the underworld Anubis is the son of the Goddess nephus wife of set but her son was not born from the union with her husband for nephus disguised herself as the Goddess Isis to unite with Osiris in the face of such infidelity SE plotted against Osiris killing him and scattering the pieces of his body throughout Egypt when Isis collected all the fragments Anubis helped the goddess during the God's funeral ritual and Anubis transformed Osiris's body into the first mummy Anubis became the deity who guided the spirit of
the Dead to the underworld where the deceased would be judged by a court prided over by Anubis the God would place the heart of the deceased on the scales of Osiris and a feather of truth would be put on the other side if the heart was heavier than the feather this indicated that the organ was full of evil it was given to AMT a demonic creature known as a heart eater if the feather was heavier than the Light Heart of the soul of the just and good Anubis would lead the deceased to Osiris to enter
the afterlife During the period of Greek domination over Egypt the god Anubis was associated with Hermes Hermes in Greek mythology is also the deity who led souls to the underworld this Association gave rise to a deity called hermanubis who became popular During the period of Roman rule Anubis is one of the most popular deities in Egyptian mythology he is the god responsible for leading souls to the [Music] afterlife sobec is a famous Egyptian god with a crocodile head he is a deity of the Nile the important river that flows through Egypt and fertilizes its lands
the God is one of the oldest Egyptian deities and has been worshiped for more than 4,000 years the Pharaohs deeply admired this deity as they believed that the crocodile God could protect them from Evil spells crocodiles are very common animals in Egypt the species crocodilus niloticus also known as the Nile crocodile is one of the largest species of these reptiles and also one of the most dangerous but sobec although powerful was a kind God therefore the ancient Egyptians prayed to the god to calm the Aquatic beasts some myths attribute the rise of the Nile to
sobec the river would have emerged from the sweat of the crocodile God because he was closely connected to the sacred River sobec was considered a god of fertility the Nile's flood Cycles were responsible for fertilizing the entire flood plane making these surrounding lands extremely fertile sobec was worshiped in many regions of ancient Egypt but mostly in fun and komomo the sobec cult was very present because of the large number of crocodiles in those areas when one of these crocodil died the animal could be mummified in the crocodilopolis temple there were several mummies of these animals
a mummified crocodile could also be buried along with the mummies of pharaohs and other figures of nobility the Egyptians believed that crocodile mummies protected them even after death before this the city of kambo worshiped the god Horus soc's brother but after a fight the crocodile God expelled hor Horus and started to rule the place by himself but with Horus gone the region was plagued by many evils sobec reconciled with Horus and both started to take care of the region and share the worship of men in the kambo temple today we can visit the temple and
its Museum where there are dozens of mummified crocodiles in some places in Egypt there were large pools where crocodiles were bred and tamed these animal an were revered as the embodiment of soc some of these were almost docile making it possible for the Egyptians to Adorn them with jewelry and ornaments in this way they felt closer to SOC the crocodile [Music] God bastet is the Cat Goddess of Egyptian mythology she is represented as a being with a woman's body and a cat's head cats were honored animals and considered Sacred by the Egyptians cats played an
important role in the Egyptian world as the animals protected people's food from rodent infestations and cats also scared off dangerous poisonous snakes bastet is a goddess connected with the sun therefore during the day the goddess followed Raw on his journeys across the sky in his solar boat during the night the goddess took the form of a full cat and she protected the world against the terrible serpent apus the goddess was worshiped throughout Egypt to harm any cat was a terrible sacrilege the perpetrator of such violence could be sentenced to death cats were considered family members
According to some accounts when a house was burned down cats would enter the Blazing dwelling to help the residents Escape sometimes these cats seem to die in the Flames but thanks to the goddess bastet they would come back to life reinforcing the popular saying of the cat's Nine Lives being sacred animals cats were mummified in Egypt there are cemeteries dedicated to these mummies According to some versions The Goddess bastet is linked to saket the Lioness goddess the latter was violent and bloodthirsty but was pacified becoming a Meek milk drinking cat goddess in other versions bastet
and sekmet are sisters and Daughters of raah even with the end of the Egyptian god cult cats continue to look down on men hoping to have their Divinity recognized once [Music] again set was one of the most famous gods in Egyptian mythology he was the son of the Gods gab and nut the sky and the earth and the brother of Osiris Isis and nephus like most egyp ipan Gods set was represented as a man with an animal head but to this day it is debated which animal this was some say he was a hybrid Beast
a mixture of pig and donkey or an arvar an animal similar to an ante eater but there is no consensus the god personified violence and destruction and was also considered a trickster set was the lord of the deserts and infertile lands while his brother Osiris was worshiped as the god of fertility the god Set was married to nephus and according to some traditions because set was the god of infertility he would have had no descendants SE was very jealous of his brother and devised a plan to take his throne away from him the God of
destruction murdered his brother and stole his throne but Osiris had had a descendant named Horus the Falcon God the latter sought to avenge his father's death and take the throne from the usurper the clash between Horus and set is one of the most famous stories in Egyptian mythology for a long time the gods fought among themselves but Horus emerged Victorious the gods recognized the vast power of set which was not to be wasted therefore set was to sail together with raw the Sun God and protect him from the terrible serpent apus when apus appeared to
to attack raw's boat Seth was poised to defend the world from the Eternal Knight According to some Scholars SE was considered one of the main Gods of Upper Egypt at the early formation of the Egyptian civilization as opposed to Horus woried in Lower Egypt but after the unification of Egypt set associated with the northern Semitic Invaders lost much of his Prestige the victory of horus's followers over the hicko who worshiped set symbolized the victory of the forces that represent order against the Agents of chaos and destruction set was considered responsible for the destruction of crops
hunger and thirst scorching heat and great droughts the day that represented the birth of set was seen as a day of bad luck where new projects and Ventures were to be avoided although defeated and rejected the great power and influence of set within the an ient Egyptian religion is undeniable Isis is the most important goddess in Egyptian mythology she personified the faithful wife and loving mother the goddess was the daughter of GB and nut being married to Osiris her cult spread Beyond Egypt coming to have a strong influence in the Greco Roman world because she
was recognized as a faithful wife she was sometimes identified with the goddess Hera in Greece and Juno in Rome the goddess mastered Magic and was able to deceive the god raw extracting from the solar God the secrets about the laws that govern life and death according to some traditions she was the most powerful among the goddesses after the murder of her husband committed by Seth Isis wandered Egypt in search of Osiris's body According to some traditions the goddess gave rise to the Nile floods from the tears shed by losing her husband after finding Osiris's body
she resurrected him and United with him giving birth to the god Horus Osiris left to reign in the Underworld and after being left without her husband the goddess decided to devote herself to protecting her son Horus using magic Isis was responsible for rebuilding horus's eye which was lost during a battle against set the Egyptian goddess was the protector of the Dead and with her blessings she restored The Souls of The Departed to the underworld several temples were erected in honor of the Goddess throughout Egypt where she was venerated Cleopatra the Queen of Egypt taking advantage
of the goddess's reputation proclaimed herself the new Isis but as it turned out the Goddess Isis was not very Cooperative with Cleopatra Cleopatra lost not only her throne but also ended the toic dynasty rule over Egypt despite the decline of the cult of the Egyptian gods the Goddess Isis continues to be a source of inspiration and admiration for all lovers of Mythology th is the god of wisdom in Egyptian mythology the God is represented as an anthropomorphic figure with the head of Ibis a bird of the Pelican family however he was also represented as a
baboon another animal consecrated to the god tho is the son of the Goddess hathor she disguised as the Goddess Isis had sexual relations with Osiris from this Union Thoth was born but other versions say that he is the son of SE Thoth was attributed with the invention of writing it was he who taught the Egyptians to make the most diverse records with hieroglyphics the God was also responsible for writing laws and teaching Mortals the science of accounting Thoth is the god protector of scribes th was so revered in Egypt that he was considered the god
of wisdom astronomy magic and Medicine among other Sciences of which he is the patron the god tho was considered a kind just and conciliatory figure but he was also implacable before the enemies of Truth the God had as a partner mat goddess of justice and truth from this relationship was born sesat a daughter who was also goddess of wisdom in other versions sesat is thoth's wife often tho was represented with a disc on his head this disc represents the moon making him a moon God the ancient Egyptians used the cycles of the Moon to measure
time therefore the godess linked to time and he was responsible for the creation of the Egyptian calendars the main city to worship the god of wisdom was kinu also known as herophilus during the Greek domination in Egypt this city had the largest and best library in ancient Egypt the millennial Egyptian god of wisdom continues to illuminate the path of those who seek knowledge and search for truth one of ancient Egypt's most feared animals the Scorpion Bears multiple symbolic layers within this age-old culture for this reason it comes as no surprise that there is a deity
who is intimately connected to this creature cette is this goddess's name one of Egypt's oldest goddesses she was depicted as a hybrid between a woman and a scorpion ciret is a deity associated with healing magic and poison Egyptians prayed and offered sacrifices to ask CET to protect them them from snake and Scorpion attacks but as well as acting as a protector the goddess could also inflict punishment on Sinners by sending her venomous beasts to attack them it was Sir ket's job to shelter The Souls of deceased pharaohs and guide them to the underworld she would
also help in the pharaoh's rebirth process breathing life into their new Mortal bodies her role as protector also applied to the living world cirat was summoned to protect workers especially those facing danger such as doctors dealing with poisons and toxins or workers handling dangerous animals her association with poisons and ability to heal those stung by scorpions or snakes gave her a strong association with medicine circet amulets were common and used for protection against poisonous bites and stings often she was cast in spells and incantations to cure or protect against poisoning ciret paintings were regularly found
in the mummification halls and Noble sarcophagi she may not be as well known as other Egyptian deities such as Isis or Osiris but her presence and importance are clearly evident in the context of ancient Egypt ciret as guardian and protector had a vital position in defending both the living and the dead Osiris is one of the Egyptian Pantheon's most revered deities he represents the essence of order morality and civilization he is a God who triumphed over death and became the lord of the afterlife today's video takes us through the history of this famous God and
His riveting story Osiris is usually considered to be the son of Gab the god of the earth and N the goddess of the sky this bloodline positions Osiris in an extraordinarily powerful and prestigious role within the Divine hierarchy his siblings include Isis set and nephus since the dawn of time Osiris has been associated with order righteousness and benevolence The Duality between Osiris and set reflects the Egyptian belief in the need for balancing opposing forces Osiris was viewed as a perpetuator of Harmony and stability in the universe he is often described as a righteous and wise
king who ruled Egypt before becoming the god of the underworld the god instructed the Egyptians in ag ulture laws and the worship of the Gods laying the groundwork for Egyptian society and culture these principles were key to Egypt's transformation from a nomadic and chaotic civilization into an advanced and organized one although they were siblings Osiris and Isis became husband and wife a common occurrence among the gods of different mythologies symbolizing the union of complimentary forces their marriage was viewed as an ideal model characterized by deep love Mutual support and unshakable loyalty the relationship between Osiris
and Isis extends Beyond its mythological narrative assuming a deep religious and spiritual Dimension they are often seen as embodiments of marital loyalty eternal love and renewal in particular The Cult of Isis emphasized these aspects leading to her being one of the most worshiped goddesses in ancient Egypt the story of Osiris's death and Resurrection is among Egyptian mythology's most significant and Powerful myths embodying themes of treachery Revenge love and the eternal struggle between Order and Chaos Seth profoundly envied Osiris's position and power as the ruler of Egypt fueled by jealousy and ambition set masterminded a scheme
to wipe out Osiris he organized a feast and presented a beautiful coffin vowing to give it to the one who would fit inside it perfectly as Osiris without suspecting a thing entered the coffin set and his conspirators promptly closed it and dumped the sarcophagus in the Nile River Osiris's wife and sister Isis sorrowful and determined undertook a long journey to find her husband's body her Quest took her to many parts of Egypt and eventually she found him upon finding out that Osiris's body had been recovered set flew into a rage and dismembered Osiris's corpse drewing
its parts all over Egypt together with her sister nephus Isis began another Journey this time to collect the fragments of Osiris's body together with Anubis the god of mummification they managed to assemble and embalm the body creating the first mummy using magic and spells Isis succeeded in Reviving Osiris briefly during this brief period Osiris and Isis conceived their son Horus after his conception Osiris was sent back to the underworld where he became king and supreme judge playing a vital role in judging Souls upon his resurrection Osiris symbolized hope for the afterlife promising Eternal renewal and
Revival for those deemed worthy Isis not only had a vital role in resurrecting Osiris but also in protecting her son Horus secretly raising him to Shield him from set's wrath she is often depicted as the ideal mother and protector a role model for Egyptian queens and mothers as dat's ruler Osiris oversaw keeping order and Harmony in the Underworld he was seen as a benevolent King Who provided protection for righteous souls and ensured that they enjoyed the pleasures of the aru otherwise known as the Reed field under his rule the underworld mirrored The Living World with
fields to cultivate and rivers to navigate however before reaching this gift the individual's Soul was tried in the Hall of Maat Osiris chaired the trial supported by 42 Divine judges who represented the 42 nomos or districts of Egypt The Departed Soul had to declare their innocence from a series of sins and have their heart weighed on the scales of M against the penalty of Truth and Justice if the heart were light the soul would be deemed righteous and worthy of entering aru the Egyptian Paradise if not the heart was tossed to AIT a dark creature
who would consume it while mumification was a crucial feature of Egyptian ferary rituals it was strongly influenced by the Osiris myths the mummification process was seen as an emulation of Osiris's condition hoping that like him the deceased could be brought back to life and experience the after life again Egyptian ferary rituals and texts like the Book of the Dead are littered with Osiris references they include formulas and incantations meant to help the dead overcome obstacles and reach the presence of Osiris Osiris as the god of the afterlife profoundly shaped not only religious practices but also
the ancient Egyptians culture and worldview his role as judge and guardian of the Dead fundamentally molded Egyptian Notions of morality Justice and Eternity Osiris is often portrayed in artistic representations as a mummy representing his death and Resurrection bearing the symbols of royal power the staff and the scorge and often with green or black skin symbolizing fertility and regeneration Osiris's death and Resurrection are inextricably tied to Egypt's agricultural cycle especially the Nile's annual floods bringing fertility and life to the land this death and renewal cycle in nature bolstered the belief in Osiris's regenerative capacity Osiris worship
had its roots in Egypt's pre-dynastic era becoming increasingly prominent in the ancient empire and retaining its importance until the Greco Roman period Osiris was worshiped throughout Egypt with cult sites in places such as abidos and busiris where Grand temples were built in his honor Osiris cult entailed a number of rituals and practices the ceremonies included offerings prayers and songs to honor him looking for His blessings and protection in the afterlife the KO Festival was among the most important religious celebrations dedicated to Osiris stage annually in abidos this Feast praised Osiris's death and Resurrection dramatic processions
and rituals during the festival reenacted isis's search for Osiris's body her mourning and the God's ultimate Resurrection these celebrations were not only acts of worship but also an expression of the belief in an eternal life and cyclical renewal the relationship between Osiris and the ancient Egyptian monarchy was key to the Egyptian understanding of government and royalty Osiris was viewed as the Prototype of the ideal Pharaoh this association between the God and kingship led the Pharaohs to strive for the qualities of Osiris including wisdom fairness and the ability to maintain order and Harmony association with Osiris
was essential for the pharaoh's legitimacy it was thought that just as Osiris ruled Egypt on Earth and then in the Underworld the Pharaoh was his proxy on Earth ruling with Divine Authority this was reinforced in Coronation ceremonies and religious rituals where the Pharaoh was frequently depicted making offerings to Osiris or being blessed by him upon death the Pharaohs were identified directly with Osiris this was such a strong belief that mummification rituals and ferary procedures were intended to transform the dead Pharaoh into the god Osiris himself the pharaoh's tomb was seen as his osirion a holy
place where he was reborn as Osiris in the Underworld the magical formulas and texts carved on the sarcophagi and pyramid walls often invoked Osiris attempting to Grant the dead Pharaoh the same resurrection and eternal life that Osiris had achieved the Osiris myth also had an impact on the concept of dynastic cont continuity just as Osiris was followed by his son Horus the Pharaoh was often seen as an embodiment of Horus on Earth continuing the Divine bloodline this succession cycle from the deceased Pharaoh Osiris to the reigning Pharaoh Horus epitomized the continuity and stability of the
Egyptian State Osiris from his Divine roots to his crucial role as the god of the afterlife represented different values and beliefs that were deeply rooted in Egyptian Society the god left his Mark molding ancient Egypt's spiritual social and political Dimensions this made him not just a mythological figure like many others but a Cornerstone that sustained and Shone a light on the ancient Egyptian [Music] world in the Egyptian Pantheon Hoy stands as one of the oldest deities whereas many Egyptian gods and goddesses have distinct human form forms or our zoomorphic representations hoppy was often portrayed differently
a man with hanging breasts and a sagging belly often with green or blue skin these attributes underline his association with fertility and abundance he is also frequently seen holding offerings or symbols of prosperity and water plants in all Egyptian religions hoppy was adored and his role was so significant that he was often worshiped above Rock the Sun God he was also referred to as the father of the Gods and although he was represented as a male deity he had an uncanny breastfeeding ability the Nile's annual flood was seen as a critically important event in ancient
Egypt this brought with it fertile and mineral Rich sediments renewing the agricultural land and ensuring abundant harvests hoppy was revered as the personification of this benign flood Egyptians held festivals in his honor expressing gratitude for the waters and the fertility they brought such celebrations also served to appease hoppy and ensure that he continued to bless Egypt with good floods hoppy also played a symbolic role in uniting Upper and Lower Egypt he was often described as hoppy unifier of the two kingdoms this is seen in his depictions showing him binding the Papyrus and the Lotus symbols
of Upper and Lower Egypt the Nile was the well spring of life for the ancient Egyptians and hoppy as the god of the Nile flood became one of the most revered and crucial deities by venerating hoppi the Egyptians showed their gratitude their longing for prosperity and an inherent understanding of how vital the Nile Waters were to support their magnificent [Music] civilization hathor is the goddess of fertility and Beauty in Egyptian mythology she is the daughter of Rah the sun god making her one of the most important Egyptian deities the goddess is depicted in Egyptian art
in unusual ways she is often portrayed as a sacred cow but also as a crowned woman with horns and a solar disc between them according to some versions hathor was seen as horus's consort the goddess was worshiped throughout most of the Egyptian world so her roles as a deity could vary greatly as stated earlier hathor was revered as the goddess of fertility the Egyptians believed that the pharaohs when they were born were breastfed by the goddess and this enhanced the ruler's divine nature for this reason Pharaohs were often called children of haor as some versions
say the two sons of the Supreme God had disappeared in the beginning of the world haor also known as raw's right eye had the task of finding them when she returned with the Gods children the deity noticed that the God had developed a new right eye the bitter goddess wept and Men emerged from her tears this is why she was also known as the universal mother for having a maternal role the goddess was invoked to Aid in childbirth besides being involved with deliveries the goddess was also associated with death haor would welcome those who had
just reached the underworld providing the newcomers with food and drink being bound to the cow figure the Papyrus is the plant consecrated to the goddess as it was one of the favorite foods of the cows grazing on the Nile Riverbanks the dendera temple was the most important Sanctuary devoted to the goddess the sick went there in search of treatment since haor was also a goddess tied to Healing The Goddess was also known as the beautiful one and hence was seen as the deity of beauty and joy the festivities in her honor were packed with merry
dances due to her cheerfulness hathor was regarded as the goddess of dancing hathor's cult lost momentum as the Isis worship grew even in the latter Shadow The Cult of the cow goddess spread far beyond the Egyptian borders throughout the period of Greek and Roman domination over Egypt and owing to religious syncretism the Egyptian goddess of beauty came to be associated with Aphrodite by the Greeks and Venus by the Romans this is why hathor became one of the main deities of Egyptian [Music] mythology motep was a remarkable ancient Egyptian personality who excelled as a Visionary architect
renowned physician and wise Royal adviser born in Anto near Memphis motep exhibited a razor sharp mind and an unquenchable curiosity as early as his youth conifer in hotep's father was a highly respected architect and he spotted his son's extraordinary Talent early on and introduced him to the building trade imhotep's genius quickly attracted Pharaoh Do's attention who recruited him to serve as his Royal adviser motep humbly accepted and soon distinguished himself not only as an architect but also as a doctor and priest his legacy started to take shape in the limestones of the sakaran Acropolis where
he challenged Traditions by designing the Pyramid of Dozer with steps and galleries a majestic structure that stood out against the Horizon motep was also renowned for his medical skills and Temple corridors echoed with Tales of his miraculous cures his bond with the healing deity seet lent a Divine Aura to his procedures people started to rever him not just as a brilliant architect but as a being gifted with Celestial wisdom imhotep's life was laced with Mysteries and superstitions it was said that he had the gift of interpreting dreams a skill that the Pharaoh deeply prized his
medical and Architectural writings were regarded as sacred texts and his teachings were employed in many areas for the benefit of the Egyptian people as time went by Imhotep grew into a venerable character and his deification was bound to happen following otep's death the Egyptian authorities raised him to the rank of a deity serving as the god of wisdom and Medicine temples were built in his honor and future Generations turned to him as an icon and a source of inspiration imhotep's name reverberates through the centuries as a byword for intelligence creativity and spirituality his quest filled
with challenges successes and Mysteries still inspires those who look for the truth in studying and learning from the past Anor was an Egyptian god of war and hunting worshiped mainly during the Middle Kingdom he was the leader of the Egyptian Army and the protector of the Warriors the Pharaohs and their armies often invoked him to protect and favor them in battle anour was also seen as a god of survival having powers to feed the people as he was the god of hunting he was sometimes depicted as a strong man with a spear but the best
known image of him is that of a man with a lion's head representing strength and bravery anur was also responsible for keeping his father the son God raw safe an new stood in front of Ra's solar barge protecting him from the terrible serpent apus this is how he got the nickname Slayer of enemies which later came to be given to set anur was the God of War but was not always violent his role was to make people creative during festivals held to honor a lion God battles and heroic Acts were staged to honor him taret
is one of the most fascinating goddesses in ancient Egyptian mythology she is depicted as a female figure with a hippopotamus is head Lion's legs and human breasts a crocodile's tail some of the most dangerous animals in Egyptian fauna despite this taret was considered a goddess of protection and child birth and was often called upon by women who were pregnant or wished to become mothers the goddess taret was popular among ancient Egyptians often represented with amulets and ornaments Her Image was considered a protective symbol against illness and death especially during childbirth she was also seen as
a guardian of the afterlife helping the deceased to overcome dangers in the world of the Dead According to some versions of Egyptian myths taret was the wife of set the god of violence and Chaos while this Association May initially seem strange the ancient Egyptians believed that taret could tame set's rage and use it to benefit those in need of protection besides being a protective goddess taret was considered a deity associated with water the hippopotamus the animal on her head was often associated with Egypt's rivers and lakes in Egyptian mythology Waters were a sight of power
power in mystery where spirits and deities could be found as a goddess connected to the waters taret was seen as a guardian of these Mysteries and protector of Travelers navigating the rivers although the goddess taret was an extremely important figure in ancient Egyptian mythology little is known about her Origins some scholars believe that she may have originally been a goddess from the Nile Delta region where the hippopotamus was a very common animal others indicate that taret may have been imported from other regions possibly Nubia or Libya regardless of the exact Origins taret is one of
the most fascinating goddesses in Egyptian mythology and her image is still a symbol of protection and good luck in Egyptian mythology Horus is the god of the sky he embodies Power Protection and renewal as the son of Isis the goddess of magic and Osiris the god of the afterlife Horus holds a Main Place in Egyptian mythology he is often depicted as a man with a Falcon's head symbolizing his sovereignity over the sky this crowned Divine bird not only stands for Celestial power and kingship but also plays a key role in maintaining order and Justice in
the universe the Horus smth Embraces themes of Revenge Justice and political power by worshiping Horus the ancient an Egyptians voiced their longing for stability order and continuity all crucial elements for a prosperous and stable Society the God's birth is the outcome of one of the most dramatic and famous myths of ancient Egypt the story of his rise begins with Osiris being murdered by his brother set who was jealous and ambitious SE dismembered Osiris's body and Scattered its parts throughout Egypt in her Relentless Pursuit Isis gathered the pieces of her husband body and using her magical
powers temporarily revived him during this brief period of renewed life Isis conceived Horus he was born not only as a God but also as a symbol of Hope and renewal for the Egyptian World his very existence was seen as a triumph over death and Chaos as represented by set and a symbol that order and Justice could be restored Horus was conceived to fight set trying to avenge his father's death and restore order this battle was more than a mere confrontation between two Gods it was the eternal struggle between Order and Chaos good and evil light
and darkness with his association with the sky the Sun and kingship Horus represents order stability and legitimacy by contrast set symbolizes the disruptive and volatile forces of the universe the unexpected and the destructive in many versions of this myth myth the battle between them is lengthy and brutal with each God losing and winning at various times this narrative echos the Egyptian understanding that the universe's balance is a dynamic phenomenon where Order and Chaos are in constant turmoil one of the most iconic details of this struggle is when Horus loses one of his eyes which is
later recovered representing the notion of renewal and healing following the conflict this Eye of Horus was a power ful symbol of protection and health in ancient Egypt the conflict ended in an unusual way when set was offered a lece in which Horus poured his Divine seed this humiliation gave Horus a position of superiority over set who now had the seat of order inside him with horus's Triumph he was granted the right by the Divine Court to exercise The Authority that previously belonged to his father as the incarnations of Horus the Pharaohs were cons considered Egypt's
legitimate rulers meant to maintain order against the forces of chaos Horus is heavily tied to the establishment of the unified Egyptian State a process that merges two distinct regions Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt into a single political and cultural entity Horus is traditionally affiliated with Upper Egypt but his iconographic depiction after unification often features him wearing a double crown this is a merger of the upper Egyptian white crown and the lower Egyptian Red Crown the double crown not only symbolizes the political unification of both regions but also horus's role as a unifier and a keeper
of order and stability throughout Egypt horus's mythical Feud with set is also taken as an allegory for unification in this context Horus stands for the forces of order legitimacy and unification whereas set symbolizes the powers of chaos and disunity horus's eventual VI Tory over set is viewed as a metaphor for bridging internal divisions and establishing a unified State under Central leadership additionally as the protector of the Pharaohs in the Kingdom Horus became an even more meaningful deity following unification the unified Egyptian pharaohs were often portrayed as living incarnations of Horus this reinforced the idea that
the Pharaoh was the legitimate ruler meant to uphold unity and Order throughout the kingdom just as Horus had done the reign of a pharaoh as an incarnation of Horus was not only a political event but also an act of maintaining Cosmic order Horus was venerated throughout Egypt and his cult is one of the earliest in ancient Egyptian religious history Horus worship praded many aspects of Egyptian life from the political sphere to everyday life and was deeply ingrained in Egyptian culture and religion the temples consecrated to Horus were worship sites and played an important role in
Local Economic and political life these temples architecture was magnificent with massive pillars open courtyards and sacred shrines the walls were ornamented with reliefs and detailed Engravings illustrating Horus related myths worship rituals and everyday scenes Horus cult involved many rituals and festivals among the most important was the celebration of horus's victory over set symbolizing the Triumph of order over chaos at such f festivals Horus statues were taken in processions and the worshippers offered sacrifices and prayers additional rituals included daily offerings songs and prayers as well as purification and renewal rituals Horus also had a role to
perform in the Egyptian daily lives he was used as protection against danger to cure illnesses especially in children and as a guardian at moments of Passage such as death Egyptian artistic representations of Horus Express this deity importance and complexity in the Egyptian Pantheon Horus iconography is encountered in a wide range of contexts from grandiose sculptures and reliefs in temples to dainty paintings in tombs and everyday objects the sculptures frequently depict Horus in a Regal and imposing posture statues of Horus as a falcon or as a man with a Falcon's head were common and frequently placed
in temples as a symbol of protection and divine power these sculptures range in size from small bronze figures to large stone statues in temples dedicated to Horus especially in edfu wall reliefs depict mythological scenes involving Horus featuring his fight against set his association with the Pharaoh and his role in maintaining Cosmic order these embossments are saturated with detail and symbolic narratives Horus was often portrayed in the tombs as a protector of the Dead he is seen leading the deceased to the afterlife or providing protection against evil spirits these images underline the belief in intercession and
in horus's protective role in the afterlife the god also appeared on a range of artifacts such as amulets jewelry and everyday objects the Eye of Horus in particular a symbol of protection health and restoration was a frequent image on amulets and paintings as one of the most iconic deities in Egyptian mythology Horus holds a prominent place in both the religion and culture of ancient Egypt his art representations from Majestic sculptures and temples to delicate paintings and tombs exemplify the reverence and importance attributed to him over Millennia apus also known as apep is a giant serpent
in Egyptian mythology this massive serpent is an agent of chaos and enemy of raw the solar deity the serpent embodies evil and Chaos apus lived in the doat the Egyptian underworld a place where he hid to try to Ambush the solar God as he made his way through the underworld at night the giant serpent was capable of causing earthquakes while moving in the depths when raw was about to complete his journey through the underworld he was always attacked by apus apep's biggest wish was to destroy raw's solar boat and throw the world Into Darkness in
some occasions apus managed to swallow raw's boat but could not keep it in his belly this period when the sun was swallowed by apep was the origin of solar eclipses raah started to be aided by other deities in his daily struggle against the colossal serpent the god Seth Stood Beside the solar deity in his boat he positioned himself at the bow ready for the Serpent's unavoidable attack when the creature emerged to strike them Seth maed apus with a spear whenever apus had been wounded the sky became red bastet the cat-headed goddess also helped raw felines
are known to hunt and scare serpents away considering his Maly nature apus was rejected by the ancient Egyptians and no Temple was edified in his honor nevertheless there are reports on the existence of some sects that worshiped the creature these were seen as immoral and corrupt people the Egyptians organized a ritual uals and prayed for raw's victory over apus and the birth of a new day meant that the Sun God had come out Victorious once more there was a priesthood book that contained the rituals and practices needed to combat APAP a ritual intended to banish
chaos was held annually a depiction of apus was burned during it while the faithful prayed for another triumphant year of raw some reports state that raw defeated apus and imprisoned the serpent protecting the cosmic order but others claim that the struggle between Rah and apus will last forever segment is the goddess of Vengeance in Egyptian mythology she is represented as a woman with the lionist head the name segment means the powerful one According to some versions she was the daughter of raw the sun god therefore she is also identified as a sun goddess ra begot
segment to punish men who refuse to obey the God's designs the Lion's goddess descended from Heaven to Earth and began to enforce raw's Vengeance on men the goddess was ruthless with those who were unfaithful to Raw segment spread terrible diseases and devoured raw's enemies however the goddess took Delight in Bloodshed the goddess's blood lust was so great that segment began to guide her Rage Against the innocent raw became worried when he realized his daughter was out of control to diminish her desire for blood he devised a plan raw offered wine to the Lion's goddess she
thinking it was blood because of the color drank the wine with pleasure the drink calmed the goddess and the Sun God took her back to Heaven segment was also considered a warrior goddess and defender of Egypt Egyptian soldiers believed that sment fought alongside them against Egypt's enemies after bloody battles the priests who accompanied the Army held ceremonies to thank the lionist goddess for her protection these ceremonies also soothed the goddess and showed that more Bloodshed was unnecessary segment was also considered the pharaoh's protector she was always at the ruler's side until the day of his
death when she escorted him to the entrance of the other world when a hot wind blew the Egyptians believed it to be the lionist goddess's breath capable of breeding disease to punish her enemies she could also stop any sickness therefore the Egyptians begged sment to cure them for this reason the goddess also had the epithet Lady Of Life the city of Memphis was the center of worship of the Goddess on the last day of the year a great Festival was held in honor of the goddess this celebration was paired with a lot of wine as
he wished to please segment and avoid the Wrath of the powerful goddess of Vengeance Rah is the sun god in Egyptian mythology this God is usually depicted as a being with a man's body and a head of a falcon the sundisk is over his head he had been one day the greatest of all gods but time wore him down and finding himself too old he decided to relinquish the power and go to the skies this God is one of the most revered figures in Egyptian mythology as the sun god one of his duties was to
drive away the darkness and to accomplish his work the god crossed the skies on his sunboat lighting the whole world but when the Twilight came he and his vessel plunged into the sea Waters towards the underworld there he would have to sail through the Dark World and cross the 12 gates which would be the 12 Reg of the Nether world raw took an hour to go through each gate Osiris was in one of them the lord of the underworld whom raah always visited to pay his respects but before leaving the underworld's darkness the God was
attacked by the terrible snake apus this force of chaos tried to destroy the God's vessel and each day the serpent seemed closer to accomplish her desire apus once managed to swallow the sunb boat putting an end to the sunlight in the morning but the serpent failed to hold the god in her stomach and regurgitated him this event was marked as a solar eclipse however destroying raw's boat became more difficult since set the God of destruction after losing the dispute of the Supreme throne for Horus had been condemned to navigate with Rah across the skies he
helped the sun god defending his vessel against the terrible serpent defeating it several times making rw's underworld Journey safer the god RW was a figure worshiped throughout Egypt but this God was especially adored in the city of heliopolis the God's Prestige was so vast that other traditions of Egyptian religions of antiquity merged the God's depiction along with the greatest figure of their own pantheons for instance the figures of the Supreme Gods Amun and atum were also known as amra and atum the God's name was used by many pharaohs ramies is a well-known example his name
means son of raah or the son of son and so the Pharaoh would strengthen his divinity before his subjects