Louise Hay: EVERYTHING You Need is WITHIN You | What You Seek is Seeking You

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Louise Hay: EVERYTHING You Need Is WITHIN You | What You Seek is Seeking You Everything you’ve been...
Video Transcript:
[Music] today I want to talk to you about something profound something that can change the way you see yourself and the world around you it's a truth that resonates deeply within our hearts yet we often Overlook it in the hustle and bustle of Life what you seek is seeking you and everything you need is already within you these words are not just a comforting sentiment they are a reminder of your inherent power your wholeness and the infinite possibilities that reside in the core of your being close your eyes for a moment and think about your
life perhaps you've been chasing a dream Longing For Love yearning for peace or striving for Success how often does it feel like no matter how much you try these things remain Out Of Reach I felt that way too there were times in my life when I believe that what I wanted existed somewhere outside of me just beyond my grasp I thought if I could only do more be more or have more I would finally feel complete but life has a way of teaching us its deepest lessons when we are ready to hear them and the
lesson I've learned the one I want to share with you is is that you are not incomplete you are not broken everything you are seeking you already possess the answers you long for the love you crave the peace you dream of it's all within you this truth begins with your thoughts every thought you think creates your reality I've said this many times before your mind is like a garden the thoughts you plant and nurture are the seeds that determine the quality of your life if you constantly think thoughts of Doubt fear and lack those thoughts
take root and grow into your experience but if you choose thoughts of Love abundance and gratitude your life begins to reflect those qualities it sounds simple doesn't it yet many of us are unaware of the power of our thoughts we let old negative beliefs often planted by others take over our inner Garden I want to remind you that it's never too late to cultivate your garden a new start by becoming aware of the thoughts you think are they kind are they loving are they supportive if not it's okay be gentle with yourself recognizing these thoughts
is the first step once you see them you can begin to change them affirm to yourself I am worthy I am loved I am enough these words when repeated with conviction become the seeds of a new reality as you nurture them they will grow and Blossom into a life filled with beauty and possibility beyond your thoughts lies something even deeper your inner wisdom this is the part of you that always knows what's best for you it's the quiet voice that Whispers when you're faced with a difficult decision the intuitive nudge that guides you toward your
purpose this inner wisdom is your connection to something greater than yourself to the infinite intelligence of the universe but to hear it you must create space in our noisy fast-paced world it's easy to lose touch with this part of ourselves there are so many dist actions so many voices pulling us in different directions but when you take time to be still to quiet the noise you reconnect with this powerful source of guidance you don't need to do anything extraordinary to access your inner wisdom simply sit in silence breathe deeply and listen trust what you hear
even if it doesn't make sense right away trust that this voice this Wis wisdom is leading you toward what you seek and remember the more you listen the clearer it becomes you might start to notice synchronicities little signs that confirm you're on the right path these are not coincidences they are the universe's way of saying yes you're aligned with your truth what you're seeking whether it's love success or peace isn't something you need to Chase it's something you need to awaken within yourself you are the source of everything you desire think about that for a
moment the love you're looking for it begins with loving yourself the success you're striving for it starts with believing in your worthiness the peace you're yearning for it's already within you waiting for you to claim it I know this isn't always easy we've been taught to look outside ourselves for fulfillment we've been told that happiness comes from having the right job the right partner the right circumstances but the truth is happiness doesn't come from out there it comes from within it's a state of being a choice we make Moment by moment and the more we
choose happiness the more it flows into our lives let's take a moment to practice this truth close your eyes again and take a deep breath think about something you've been seeking maybe it's a dream you've been working toward or a feeling you've been longing for hold it in your mind and repeat after me what I seek is seeking me everything I need is within me say it again and this time really feel the words let them sink into your heart what you're doing right now is powerful you're aligning yourself with the truth of who you
are you're planting new seeds in your garden seeds that will grow into the life you've always dreamed of I want to begin by sharing something that may resonate with you there was a time in my life when I felt lost when the weight of expectations dis appointments and fears bore down on me I was looking for answers for love for a sense of purpose I was searching everywhere out in the world in relationships in achievements yet I always came up empty no matter what I accomplished or who I tried to please there was a hollow
feeling inside I thought maybe I'm just not enough maybe I'm missing something but one day day it struck me the things I was searching for could not be found outside of me because they weren't out there they were here within me all along it was as if a light had been switched on in a dark room suddenly I could see clearly and what I saw was that I was whole I was enough I always had been and so are you the universe is abundant my friends it's overflowing with love joy and possib abilities but so
often we block that abundance with our own doubts and fears we think I don't deserve this or it's too good to be true or I'll never have what I want these thoughts create walls that keep us from receiving what is already ours but the good news is those walls aren't permanent they're not real they're made of our beliefs and we have the power to change them imagine for a moment that you're standing in a river the water is Flowing all around you carrying everything you've ever wanted love success happiness it's all there ready for you
to take but instead of reaching out and receiving it you hold out your hands and say I'm not ready or I don't deserve this the river doesn't stop flowing but you stop yourself from receiving that's what our doubts and fears do do they don't stop the flow of abundance they stop us from claiming it so how do we open ourselves to receive the first step is to recognize that we are worthy worthy of Love of success of Happiness of everything we desire you don't have to prove your worthiness you don't have to earn it it's
your Birthright simply because you exist you are worthy let that sink in you are worthy repeat it to yourself I am worthy of all the good things life has to offer the second step is to let go of the idea that you have to control everything I know this can be hard we're taught to believe that if we want something we have to work for it fight for it make it happen and while effort and determination are important there's a difference between taking inspired action and trying to force things when we try to force things
we're coming from a place of fear of lack but when we take inspired action we're moving in harmony with the flow of the Universe I want to share a story that illustrates this there was a time when I wanted something so badly that I did everything I could think of to make it happen I planned I pushed I worried and you know what the more I tried the further away it seemed I was exhausted frustrated and ready to give up it wasn't until I Let Go truly let go that things started to shift I stopped
trying to control the outcome and started trusting that the Universe had my back and almost as if by Magic what I wanted came to me effortlessly this doesn't mean you should sit back and do nothing it means you should take action from a place of trust not fear when you trust that what you seek is seeking you you align yourself with the natural flow of life you become like a magnet attracting the things you desire without struggle or strain another way to open yourself to receiving is to practice gratitude gratitude is one of the most
powerful for forces in the universe when you focus on what you're grateful for you shift your energy from lack to abundance you begin to see the beauty and blessings that are already in your life and in doing so you attract even more take a moment right now to think about something you're grateful for it could be something big like a loving relationship or something small like the warmth of the sun on your face whatever it is hold it in your heart and feel the Gratitude say thank you thank you to the universe to life to
yourself gratitude is like a key that unlocks the doors to everything you desire it reminds you of the abundance that is already within and around you it helps you see that you are not lacking that you are not incomplete you are whole and you are enough I want you to take a moment to reflect on the stories you tell yourself about who you are what are the labels you wear what are the beliefs you've carried about your capabilities your worth or your place in the world for many of us these stories have been shaped by
our experiences by the words of others and by the fear of failure or rejection they often whisper you're not enough you're too late or you'll never succeed but let me tell you something important these stories are not your truth they are not who you are they are Illusions Shadows cast by the light of your true self and just as Shadows disappear when you shine a light on them these false stories lose their power when you bring awareness to them let's do a little exercise together close your eyes eyes and take a deep breath think of
one belief you hold about yourself that feels limiting maybe it's I'm not good at relationships or I can't achieve my dreams or I'll always struggle financially whatever it is hold it in your mind for a moment now ask yourself is this belief absolutely true has it been true in every situation every moment of my life chances are the answer is no this belief is not a fact it's a perspective and perspectives can change now imagine releasing this belief like a balloon floating up into the sky watch it drift away leaving you lighter Freer in its
place plant a new belief one that empowers and uplifts you say to yourself I am capable I am worthy I am enough feel the truth of these words resonate within you the process of releasing limiting beliefs is not always easy but it is profoundly liberating it requires us to be gentle with ourselves to approach our inner work with compassion rather than judgment remember you are not your thoughts you are the Observer of your thoughts and as the Observer you have the power to choose which thoughts to believe and which to release as you begin to
let go of these old stories you create space for something new to emerge you make room for the truth of who you are to shine through and here's the truth you are infinite potential you are a Creator capable of shaping your reality in ways that align with your deepest desires let me share something that might resonate with you have you ever noticed how much energy we spend resisting change we cling to what feels familiar even if it's uncomfortable or unfulfilling because we're afraid of the unknown but what if the unknown isn't something to fear what
if it's where your greatest possibilities lie think about it every great achievement every meaningful relationship every moment of growth begins with stepping into to the unknown it begins with a leap of faith and when you take that leap when you trust that what you seek is seeking you the universe Rises to meet you doors open opportunities appear the right people and circumstances come into your life often in ways you could never have planned or predicted but this requires courage it requires a willingness to let go of the safety net of the known and steep into
the realm of infinite possibility it requires faith not Blind Faith but a deep inner knowing that you are supported that you are guided that you are never alone I want to share a story with you about a friend of mine she was deeply unhappy in her job feeling unfulfilled and stuck for years she told herself that she couldn't leave because she needed the stability because because it was too risky because she didn't know what else she could do these stories kept her trapped in a cycle of fear and dissatisfaction one day she decided to take
a chance she didn't know exactly what she wanted to do but she knew she couldn't keep living the way she was she started exploring her passions learning new skills and connecting with people who inspired her slow slowly but surely opportunities began to appear today she's running a successful business that lights her up every day she told me the moment I stopped letting fear run my life everything changed it's like the universe was just waiting for me to say yes her story is a testament to the power of trust to the magic that happens when we
align ourselves with the truth that what we seek is seeking us it's a reminder that we don't have to have it all figured out before we take the first step sometimes the path only becomes clear as we walk it so I ask you what's holding you back what's the fear the story or the belief that's keeping you from stepping into your potential and what would it feel like to let it go to take that leap to say yes to yourself and your dreams as we continue this journey together remember that you are not alone you
are supported by a universe that is loving and abundant you are connected to an infinite source of wisdom power and creativity and you are worthy of everything you desire when we talk about embodying these truths it's not about perfection it's not about never having a moment of Doubt fear or Str struggle it's about choosing Moment by moment to return to your Center to remember who you are and to live from a place of love trust and authenticity one of the most powerful ways to live in alignment with this truth is to practice presence so often
our minds are caught up in the past regretting reliving or analyzing or projecting into the future worrying about about what might happen or longing for something that hasn't yet come but the only moment we truly have is now and In This Moment everything you need is already within you being present means fully experiencing the here and now without judgment or resistance it means feeling your breath noticing the sensations in your body and being aware of your thoughts and emotions without becoming attached attached to them it means letting go of the need to control and simply
allowing yourself to be take a deep breath right now feel the air filling your lungs nourishing your body and grounding You In This Moment exhale and let go of anything that no longer serves you feel the peace that comes from Simply being here now when you live in the present moment you open yourself up to the magic of life you notice the beauty in the Small Things a smile from a stranger the warmth of the sun on your skin the sound of laughter you begin to see that abundance is not something to chase it's something
to recognize and appreciate in every moment another way to embody this truth is to live with intention every day ask yourself how do I want to show up in the world world what kind of energy do I want to bring to my interactions my work my relationships when you set an intention you create a powerful Focus for your energy you align yourself with your highest self and invite the universe to support you in manifesting your desires intentions are not the same as goals goals are about achieving something in the future intentions are about how you
want to feel and be in the present for example instead of setting a goal to find a new job set an intention to bring passion and purpose to everything you do instead of setting a goal to find love set an intention to be open and loving in your interactions when you live with intention you become a magnet for the experiences that align with your energy grow gratitude is another Cornerstone of living in alignment with the truth that everything you seek is within you gratitude shifts your focus from what you lack to what you have it
creates a vibration of abundance that attracts more abundance into your life and it reminds you that even in the midst of challenges there is always something to be thankful for every morning take a moment to reflect reflect on three things you're grateful for they don't have to be big or profound sometimes it's the simple things that bring the most Joy maybe it's the comfort of your bed the taste of your morning coffee or the sound of birds singing outside your window whatever it is hold it in your heart and say thank you as you go
through your day look for opportunities to Express gratitude say thank thank you to the people who cross your path to the experiences that shape you and to yourself for showing up and doing the best you can gratitude is a practice and the more you cultivate it the more it becomes a natural part of your being finally I want to remind you of the importance of self-compassion you are on a journey and like any Journey it will have its ups and downs and there will be moment moments when you feel aligned and empowered and there will
be moments when you feel lost or overwhelmed and that's okay be kind to yourself in those moments treat yourself with the same love and understanding you would offer to a dear friend self-compassion is not about making excuses or avoiding growth it's about recognizing that you are human that you are learning and that you you are doing the best you can with the tools you have it's about forgiving yourself for the times you fall short and celebrating the times you rise when you approach life with self-compassion you create a safe space within yourself a space where
you can heal grow and Thrive you become your own greatest Ally your own source of strength and love and from that place you can face anything like life brings your way with courage and Grace as we bring this journey to a close I want to leave you with this you are a powerful Creator you are deeply loved and you are enough just as you are what you seek is seeking you because it already exists within you all you have to do is open your heart trust the process and take inspired action the path ahead may
not always be easy but it will always be worth it because every step you take brings you closer to the truth of who you are a radiant Limitless being capable of creating a life of Joy abundance and love thank you for allowing me to share this time with you know that I am holding you in my heart and cheering you on every step of the way you are magnificent you are unstoppable and you are already everything you've ever dreamed of being go forward with love trust and the knowing that the universe is always on your
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