Argentina launched a meme coin through their president Javier Malay or at least that's what people thought now there are currently accusations of scams insider trading and the president of Argentina may be charged with fraud and faces possible impeachment I'm here to break down what happened because I got Insider access to the real story I even got offered control of the missing 100 million plus dollars that was made an ill-gotten gains welcome back to the $10 million Studio our story starts on February 14th 2025 Javier Malay the president of Argentina tweeted about a meme coin called
Libra the details at first were sparse quote liberal Argentina grows this private project will focus on encouraging growth of the Argentine economy funding small businesses and Argentine Adventures the world wants to invest in Argentina and it linked to a website which called it a token with purpose where 50% of the tokens were allocated to Argentina growth and I'll admit it sounds nice however as the price skyrocketed to billions of dollars in market cap people got worried because there appeared to be insider trading and that's when Javier Malay suddenly deleted his tweet saying he quote obviously
has no connection with the project and quote I was not aware of the details of the project understandably the price crashed after this but in the rebble people discovered that the team responsible for launching the token may have walked away with over $100 million being taken out of the liquidity pool meaning they may have gotten Rich while everyone else got rugged it was about this time I began began to investigate and I got an anonymous phone call from someone who claimed to know where this all started Tech Forum Argentina which was an event where you
could pay as a blockchain company to be a sponsor according to a source who was there and paid for it part of it included a meet and greet with Javier Malay the president of Argentina this person was excited but disappointed to find out that once they got there they were invited to sign an even more expensive contract where two of the guys who ran the event Mauricio nolli and Manuel gdoi were going to basically advise you on how to have blockchain technology in Argentina basically they got you access to Malay the person I spoke to
did not pay for it someone who did was Kip protocol and the Strategic partner of tech Forum in 2025 is kelsier both of those companies are going to be extremely important and the people who run them are called Julian pay and Hayden Davis pretty soon a plan was hatched between Mauricio Manuel from techform Argentina and Julian and Hayden to launch a project together it was going to be called Libra and support the Argentinian economy and president Malay agreed to tweet about it the division of labor was basically that Mauricio Manuel were the connection it seems
Hayden was handling the launch of the token and Julian was going to set up a company to distribute the funds to Argentinian businesses of course they never got that far because 24 hours after the launch of this coin the president of Argentina was being called a scammer and I got a message on my phone that I didn't expect hi coffeezilla I'd like to talk with you about the Malay launch I was heavily responsible for it the initials of the person were HD I'm guessing Hayden Davis but I couldn't be sure so I asked for a
selfie to confirm his identity and I did cross reference it with his photo with Malay where Malay said he was a crypto adviser it was indeed the same person who launched the coin Hayden explained that he'd liked to execute a plan and needed my help he said Malay and his team basically botched it and quote I'd like to sit down and make sure all the money that they took out gets back into people's hands correctly every dollar let me know if you'd like to interview and discuss in person now I was confused why he needed
me in person exactly and he explained I'm happy to go live on an interview pending we chat beforeand I'll even show you all the wallets pumped back into the chart live if you want he had over $100 million in what he called multi6 which require two or more people to sign on every transaction I asked well who else is is Aigner and he replied quote just me he said I want to do it alongside you all I care about is knowing it's in safe hands I don't mind turning the keys over or adding you to
the multi- translation he wants to hand over his hundred million problem into my control and I was thinking to myself of course hell no you're not going to pass me your nightmare of course I did say that we should talk because I had seen his recent public response and it didn't really go so well in it Hayden put forth his plan where instead of trying to refund people with the $100 million he had he had a different idea what happened with Libra uh I think there's many things I could say uh there's only certain elements
that I could control the launch definitely things didn't go according to plan but I think addressing the elephant in the room which is in the next 24 48 hours and unless somebody has a better idea any funds that I that I've been able to um get back in my POS possession from all the parties involved I intend to put right back into the chart and either burn or lock on the liquidity side right he wants to put the money back into Libra but this kind of creates the same problems where it's like okay well this
just benefits insiders and people who have tons of the token but after watching this I was also concerned with a different problem see myself and the research firm Bobble Maps had been doing a lot of work tracking Melania coin for a while yes the US president's wife she had launched a coin and we were concerned that the same wallet which launched that seemed to have also launched Libra even worse they had both been sniped by the same person who created the tokens or the same network of wallets now if you don't know what sniping is
it's where you buy a coin earlier than anyone else at cheaper prices usually you know something in advance and not only did these connected wallets buy Melania and Libra coins early they also sold those coins early for millions in profits so now Not only was I being offered control of 100 plus million from the guy who launched Argentina's coin apparently he also launched Melania Trump's coin possibly sniped those coins and also sold them for millions of dollars but you know I realized it's not enough to just have blockchain evidence there's only one way to really
know for sure I'd have to confront Hayden directly but given his massive legal issues that may be on the horizon I figured there's no way he would take a call with me though right but if you launch the coin isn't it un for you to snipe the coin so uh I would say no and I and I I would say that for a couple different reasons yep I was wrong he did agree to get on a call for an hour where he admitted to sniping Libra token and Melania token later saying though it wasn't him
directly it may have been someone else on his team most of the time when we're sniping we're attempting to avoid other snipers getting in right so whether that's and I by the way I don't conduct Snipes however I then got an interview with another Insider in these coins who says that Hayden does snipe tokens personally how does he know well he claims he's seen it before he was in the room with Hayden when it happened on another project called Enron token which you might not be surprised to realize I've also covered in another video just
introduce yourself real quick for everyone who doesn't know you I'm the founder of defi tuna we're just providing leverage for liquidity providers um that's pretty much us so I was part of the Enron uh project launch I come in there's um this hookah bar where everyone's smoking hookah and I see on the far end there's a bodyguard and their whole family sitting down Gideon Hayden uh across his Dr Tom um daughters and then his sons and they're all about to launch and run they have like uh 10 minutes before the launch they all have have
snipers ready with a contract address on the snipers sniper Bots they're like all waiting they're all you know smoke coming out of the years they're all smoking like crazy all on caffeine the token launches and everyone's pressing pressing pressing and the wonderful thing was this you know I'm looking at it and they're all they're like oh somebody got just before us and you know and everyone's just arguing between each other but you know they all still got earlier and they're still in a in a plus and they're like you know and I'm looking at it
I'm like you know there like a junkie house this interview was crazy and remember the guy we're talking about this junkie house is also the person who launched the president's wife's meme coin and then the Argentina's president's meme coin it's insane in the case of the Melania coin specifically side note uh the co-founder of our whistleblower actually says he He was ordered to like sell these coins but you know do it in such a way where it's not ille legal because no one will know and they were saying everything's legal everything is good as long
as they nothing can be tracked that was that was yes is one of the best liquidity providers that I know I've seen or or heard of he understands it very deep level you know he's done an excellent job but one thing that they kept against him is the fact that he didn't sell on the top and he cost the millions of dollars you know up until even some recent discussions like I I have proof that they they they just keep bringing the subject up yeah great but he didn't sell Melania cost us Millions the top
at the top that's right supposedly this guy got berated for you know costing the millions of dollars by not selling at the tippity tippity top uh so you know I did ask Hayden about profiting from Melania token and here's where we had a bit of a confusion on what exactly we meant by uh like did you swap it did you sell it I I didn't swap it uh I just sold it there was no money made from the Melania team on any we didn't take any liquidity out zero you said y'all didn't sell any liquidity
but I I didn't swap liquidity didn't swap liquidity didn't swap into single-sided I didn't say there was no uh there was no money sold there's a difference between swapping the liquidity and and selling liquidations those are two different things okay so you all swapped you didn't sell or the other way around no other way around other way around sold you didn't swap yeah well there you have it two independent pieces of evidence from people who were on the inside of the Melania token saying that Hayden and his team sniped tokens and wanted to dump for
high-profit secretly while Hayden himself does admit that they you know sold they just didn't swap of course I also obtained Insider texts from Hayden Davis uh and his team on another project this one called mates where an Insider asks the following quote you want continue pump or you want to distribute all mates tokens ASAP AKA sell Hayden replies we are trying to Max Extract on this one that Max extraction supposedly led to 7,000 salana or roughly $1.3 million now I do personally believe a lot of this is probably a legal whether it will be prosecuted
though by our gutted Regulators is another matter entirely right now we seem to be in a race in America to deregulate cryptocurrency meaning Behavior like this is unlikely to ever be punished for now I just want to show people that these meme coins are deeply rigged Financial vehicles for screwing regular people and transferring wealth to the top to the Insiders and people like Hayden they're everywhere in this industry I should also mention while I'm on the subject by the way that it's it's not only always the people themselves it's also the platforms that sometimes are
part of this platforms that launch meme coins obviously benefit from trading volume instead of price meaning even if you lose uh they make tons of money and it's been a suspicion of a lot of people that some of them may play a role in some of these Insider launches today though we got a little bit of evidence in my investigations one platform kept coming up Medora they launched trumpcoin Melania coin Libra and many others on their platform and they were crucial to giving Hayden Davis tons of business through his company kelsier meteor's CEO bchow describes
it as I do know the kelsier team well now they were confronted about the fact that kelsier and Hayden were sniping their own tokens and Ben said well he had no idea he's shocked by it this clip is a little long but it's worth it keler is very much affiliated with M3 M3 with everything you know it's it's very close to to be there and just see how sorry but like actually no please tell me because actually I don't know this like I'm I'm I'm sitting down and I'm seeing and everyone's got their phone everyone
knows the contract address uh like Gideon Hayden Dr Tom everyone sitting at the table and they're all with their phones they all have snipe Bots ready they all have all the ca they're all sniping it it's them sniping but Ben it's not only that they there is even I'm 100% sure that it's also Jake involved everyone's involved I'm sure the influen involved look me oh my God and like there are people that bypass them like do faster than them and it's like look it all the whole thing just looks rotten to the very to the
very cor yeah I really don't know if this guy is genuinely reacting or this is like some kind of Oscar award-winning performance like what no no way I I had no idea the the people I've been handing business to have been sniping our own tokens no idea meanwhile I asked Hayden directly if benow would have known these Snipes were happening he responded quote I would say he wouldn't have been surprised but he wouldn't have been involved now that's interesting and if it's true it would mean that B's shocked reaction to this project sniping itself uh
would be a little hard to believe Meanwhile by the way Hayden Davis also doesn't really take credit for some of this he implies that the Melania team itself was part of the reason they decided to snipe the coin were you part of the milania launch and was that sniped as well um I mean look I think that I I mean I told you like beforehand this before this started I mean I'm I'm happy to share the truth but uh I mean you're you're you're you're you're asking a question that's um it's just I mean I'll
answer but it's uh it's factually going to put me in into a lot of danger um which is fine I'll answer um I was part of it um I think the the team did want to snipe it because of how big the snipe was on Trump's um so let me get this straight bencha has no idea it wasn't Hayden's idea can the real sniper please stand up all of these people just deny deny deny either way though bchow agreed that the Libra situation in particular was so bad that he would have to step down from
the company regardless of whether he knew because he called it SPF level as in Sam bankman freed and FTX this is like 200 this is FTX type [Music] ofing hell man I feel sick I feel so sick man holy sh I I feel really really sick oh my God this is like Doc juand or what's his name type of money I mean this is this is this is this is SPF level man I feel so sick because I I gave him Melania I didn't didn't know he was a rugger I feel so sick I feel
like I'm super exposed too but I up because I I enabled a guy I should not have enabled I'm going to step I'm going to have to step down you know I do have to agree with Ben Chow here this is starting to make me feel sick too not because my platform enabled millions of dollars to be quote Max extracted from retail but because most people buying these coins have no idea how corrupt these launches are with manipulative Market making sniping insiders selling the deck is just totally stacked against you as a regular person but
don't take my word for it Hayden the guy we've been talking to who literally runs these things agrees it is an insiders game this is an unregulated Casino like if you're a retail Trader thinking you're going to go make millions off of mean coins you better study your off well honestly I do appreciate his honesty it's an Insider game and as the saying goes It's a big club and you're not in it speaking of that by the way there was one person so far who has been refunded their losses in this whole debacle Dave pornoy
Dave was going to do an Insider deal with Libra token for free tokens where he tweeted about the coin that deal was canceled though because Hayden told him basically not to tell anyone about the free coins and Dave disagreed with that but Dave did put 5 million of his own dollars in the coin in the hopes of obviously making money like everyone else but when the coin crashed he lost almost everything behind the scenes though Dave got bailed out Hayden Davis gave him his money back which Dave has admitted publicly so I guess you know
for the big traders who are celebrities they get their money back roughly $5 million back because I guess they're real victims but refunding everyone who lost money that's an insane idea whether I refund people they're still going to be pissed right refund people on a meme coin which sounds insane or I inject back people are going to be mad either way instead the current plan is to once again dump the money back in the chart which will disproportionately benefit insiders who know the timing and what about Javier Malay can't forget about him the president of
Argentina is Curr ly facing charges of fraud from the opposition party and threats of impeachment today Malay finally addressed the Liber token and said the following I broadcasted it I didn't recommend it I didn't promote it the reality is if you go to the casino and lose money what is the claim it is about 5,000 people and surely the chance that they are argentinians is very remote well there you go pretty much your standard denial I didn't do it and if if I did they deserved it and if they didn't deserve it well they weren't
Argentinian anyways one thing I will be clear about though is that all of the Insiders I've spoken to so far claimed that Malay himself made no money from this project it was these other people who had access that were selling access to him whether you believe that is another matter entirely but what is abundantly clear is that this was a massive failure for Argentina as a whole it's an embarrassing situation where Malay allowed a 26-year-old to collect 100 $100 million off his name purporting to be for small businesses and that same person sniped the coin
as well Melania coin Enron and many others or his team did or a team told him to it's so far unclear but the sniping itself is uncontested as testified by Hayden Davis himself and an Insider who was in the room in the aftermath there are possible impeachments people possibly stepping down from their company and millions of dollars in Damages and that is the story of the Argentinian meme coin disaster [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for