my favorite addition of definition of leadership which is not disimilar to yours which is the awesome responsibility to see those around you Rise um and if you ask yourself what what does that entail rank is not the thing that makes you a leader um it allows you to do it more efficiently but you can see the person next to you rise that makes you the leader in that team um uh the ability to become a good leader and and and and do the things that you're talking about quite frankly is the the need for human
skills and we underappreciate uh uh the the learning and education of human skills things like active listening things like how to resolve conflict peacefully things like um out of an effective confrontation like you have to give somebody some like you you have to like tell somebody this is not working for me how do you do that in a way that they'll hear you how to give and receive feedback and we don't we don't learn these things so if you join a Company the company will give you tons of Education how to sell the product what
the portfolio looks like how to sell you know all of these things they don't teach us human skills as we make our way through the ranks we get promoted because we're good at our jobs but but being good at your job is not what makes you a good leader being a good leader is what makes you a good leader being good at human skills is what makes you a good leader and all the best leaders I've ever met um in every industry who have achieved things that they could say to me I think I know
what I'm doing um every single one of them uh consider themselves a student of leadership none of them think of themselves as expert leaders they continue to read books read articles watch videos have conversations yeah um and and not only is that humble um but it it makes them really good at what they do because they're constantly learning like would you would you want to see a doctor who has never attended a conference or read an article since they got their medical degree no you want a Doctor Who's completely up to dat on all the
new stuff and is constantly learning right they're qualified to be the doctor they got the medical degree that's not good enough it's the same for leaders it's a lifelong leadership uh it's a lifelong education to be good at uh to be a good leader