back Chase with shiny here and today we're going to be talking about how to make over $1,000 a day with AI and chat GPT and the best part is I'm going to show you how to get started with this for free and you don't have to be an expert to do this either so go ahead put away your wallet I'm not going to sell you a course I'm not going to sell you a high ticket coaching program or any of that what I'm actually going to be doing is I'm going to be giving you a
full free checklist of over 400 different AI tools that you can get paid to promote and a lot of these tools you can promote them without even having to pay for them and what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how you can use chat GPT to regenerate trending videos that you can get traffic with and send people to these links with these AI generated videos and you can get paid a lot of money to promote these links and the best part is you don't have any customers you don't have to deal
with people asking you questions all you have to do is be good at generating videos and sending traffic with a automated system that I've already set up for you now inside of this video I'm also going to be giving you all of the top tools I use and I'm actually going to be covering a lot of these tools in this video and again if you want this all you have to do is just drop a comment leave a like And subscribe and I will send you access to all of this in today's video for free
so if you want access to this do me a favor just go ahead drop a comment leave a like And subscribe now this is a live stream I try to do as many live streams as I can I actually haven't done a live stream in a few days just because I've been really busy building out this system for you but I wanted to give you the update on everything I've been working on and I want to show you how not just me but other people inside of the group that we have we also have a
free group in the description of this video so make sure you go join the free Discord group but I want to show you how a lot of different people are taking action right now and they're earning money with this system so if you want to check out all of the previous live streams by the way all you have to do is just click on the live tab on shifi and you can check out the previous live streams because again I do try to go live as much as possible just to keep you updated with everything
we're doing but I also recommend you go to our Discord server and come hang out with us there because again it is free and we try to keep you updated with everybody that's taking action and and I shout out to I shout out different people that are taking action as much as possible so that you can see all the stuff that they're doing as well and I want to show you that I'm not the only one doing this and I'm not the only one making money with this other people who are starting in their first
month are making sales and it's following this system now what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you first of all all of the updates inside of this checklist because there are a lot we actually changed this whole checklist it looks completely different than the first one we had and the reason why is cuz I wanted to remove the complexity because there was a lot of complexity and to be honest with you I think it was confusing people so what I'm doing now is I'm actually reformatting this checklist to really just be tutorials
showing you how to set up these different tools and services and each one of these videos on the right here are just different tutorials that show you how to do all this now what I actually want to do today and this is going to be a big task for me but I think I can do it I want to go through the most important tools and I want to show you all the basics to them and then what I'm going to probably end up doing is add timestamps to this checklist so each one of these
videos here will be a timestamp so you can just go to the different part of the live stream that I'm doing right now and watch how to get set up with a lot of this stuff and I'm going to do my best to go over as many of these as possible but again this might be a multi-part video but I wanted to create a video that really just updates everybody with what's going on in here because the original St Here video was for the outdated checklist and I needed to make a new one now by
the way welcome everybody if you're in the chat good to see you Jonathan dunkerly good to see you uh Aris says I got the checklist but I don't see everything on there is it just on the start tab setup tab or FAQ tab so there's tabs here at the bottom we have the new resource checklist and the 400 plus AI tools if you can't find the checklist for whatever reason all you have to do is go to the first first link in the description of this video or go to get AI and you should
get an email with the checklist also if you join the Discord server I do usually post the updates to the checklist whenever I do updates I'll actually just go make a post right now so you can go in there and grab the most upto-date checklist right in the Discord server now let's talk about the first thing you need to do to get set up so inside of this checklist again uh we have all of the different tools that we're using and then we have the extended list the 400 AI tools now one thing I want
to tell you is I don't use every single tool in this list okay uh the reason why we put together this list is because there were a lot of tools that we had to go through and I've gone through a lot of them not all of them are necessary okay so don't think that you have to go and sign up for 400 AI tools or even sign up for the affiliate links for 400 AI tools really all you have to do is get a few affiliate links to get started and I'll show you the main
ones that I'm making money with right now and I'll show you the ones that the people that are starting out are making money with as well also talk about the ones that I think are the best Affiliates the ones that have the best deals and ultimately the ones I think uh you're going to get the most progress with now if we scroll down here you can see we have an FAQ okay so the FAQ is just uh commonly asked questions that people have about this checklist so how do I use the checklist first thing you
got to do is just go to file make a copy and then now you will have a copy of this checklist that you can use in your own Google Drive and this is important for two reasons reasons first of all now you're going to be able to take this checklist and you're going to be able to use it meaning that you can go and change the statuses on the checklist right so you can go done not done also you're going to be able to give away this checklist to other people if you want to follow
the system that we're using which is essentially to do start doing content get people to a landing page where they opt in with their email and then we're basically giving them this checklist and then ideally if you give people this checklist all of the links in this checklist could be your links instead of my links and so you don't even have to do the trainings if you don't want to what I do is I give you this checklist so you can just get people to go sign up for these different Affiliates and if they don't
know how to do that they just go watch the videos that I've already made but because they're going to your links you get credit for those sales but if you do feel like recreating the videos you can always change out the links as well but anyways once you have your copy of your checklist here yeah now you can do whatever you want and you can just go through and say yes this first part is done this part is not done and the cool thing about checklists and the reason why I make checklists and why I've
been making them for years is because you can come back to them you don't have to do them all at once right so ideally you go and you do the first thing then you take a break and then you come back and you do the next thing or if you feel like doing all of it at once go for it but ideally you just go through this and say done not done done whatever you want okay now I just did that on the copy okay good job I didn't mess up the main checklist all right
so next thing it says do you have a free group yes the Discord group is here and so again if you change this out with your Discord group there you go now you have a link going to your Discord group how do I watch the free tutorials so on the right of each thing okay uh who are you you can go through the checklist you can read all this I'm not going to go through every single thing here um but just know that everything in here answers a lot of the questions that most people have
and hopefully the questions that you have and if you have more questions and they're not in there I usually try to update the spreadsheet so that you don't have any questions and you can ask the spreadsheet and not ask me okay um by the way if you guys can hear me okay just let me know give me a one or a yes in the chat and if you guys like these types of videos again do me a favor drop a comment leave a like And subscribe it helps the algorithm push me out to more people
so I can help more people and again all of this I basically do for free the only way I really make money is if you go through the checklist and you pick up the different free trials to the tools but again all of that is optional and ultimately I'm just here to help okay all right so um one other thing I want to mention as an update in the spreadsheet here is we have the things that we do every day or the things that I do every day we'll talk more about this when we get
into scheduling out content but ideally you want to focus on every single day one live one long one short one email one image if you can do this consistently every single day and replicate trending content whether it's with you or with AI you would be doing very well in the next 3 to six months and I can't make any guarantees because that doesn't I'm I'm not saying that there aren't factors involved there but there's a very high chance that if you do what I do and uh if you follow what the other people are doing
which they're basically following what I'm doing and I'm following what other people are doing we're all just following each other there's a high chance that you'll be successful with it okay but again at the end of the day remember there's no guarantees that whenever you start your own business whenever whenever you do something that doesn't require you going to a job and basically being a factory worker uh there's risk okay and so the people that take all the risk get the biggest payouts so the question is do you want to take the risk do you
not want to take the risk ideally you take the risk and then you get a bigger payout but you can always do the hybrid approach as well work a little bit on the side and while you're working start your uh affiliate business and start doing content okay all right cool so now we talked about the main stuff um this is the announcements by the way up here at the top uh this is just like the video that you start with obviously if you're watching this video later you probably came to it from here and then
um you know just any special deals on anything right now there's a cyber week special for our main tools uh this one tool over here called spotter is giving away a $25,000 giveaway um by the time you're watching this video in the future this may no longer be a thing but I just thought I'd tell you that usually the announcements and the important things I'll put up there and those will usually be interchangeable okay all right so let's get into the checklist and let's talk about all the different things um that you can start start
selling okay all right so first one is go high level now usually the reason why these things are at the top right over these other things is because the ones at the top I found are going to be the most profitable and I usually do things based on is this thing going to make money or is this thing not going to make money okay if it makes money or it makes more money than other things I'm going to put that at the top so high level and this other tool spotter are the two Affiliates that
I'm making the most money with right now and I'll explain why first of all highle is a tool that is essential for anybody getting started when it comes to selling things online I don't care how good your videos are I don't care how many views you get if you cannot bring people into a automated system right you can't give people a way to opt in with their information and follow up with them over email or texting you're going to have a very hard time selling to that person and the reason why is cuz most people
that watch content are going to be new people the algorithms usually promote your content to new people if you look at my content or my analytics you'll see that 70 to 80% of my viewers are new people and that's usually why I say the same stuff all the time and if you're watching my videos you're like Chase you've already said this before it's because most of your people are going to be new people so you have to end up repeating yourself a lot but you also have to make sure that you're capturing people's information and
the way you do that is with some sort of of CRM like go high level and that is again why this this thing is so profitable so what do we need to do to set this up now there's two things with high LEL the first thing is just grabbing an account so they have a 30-day free trial you can go to the first link inside of the checklist and you can go grab the 30-day free trial just by clicking on this link right here and it'll take you to a page that looks like this and
it says start an extended 30-day free trial now once you have an account and you get it set up which I'll show you how to do in a second what's going to happen is you're going to be able to import this thing called a snapshot and a snapshot is what I have running on my account so basically what that means is I have all of my automations running every day when somebody enters their email into a landing page of mine they get automatically sent an email to them and I use a snapshot to basically clone
that account and give it out and so you can import that snapshot into your highle account and that way you don't have to worry about going and building out all these automations or landing pages or any of that stuff yourself it should happen automatically okay so step number one is we're going to go grab the 30-day free trial now if you're still watching this during cyber week and go grab the whatever the deal is if you're watching this later just go grab the 30-day free trial but once we're in high level we're going to again
then click on the snapshot here just by clicking on this this is the snapshot I should probably change the name here I guess it for some reason doesn't pull the name it says the URL instead but this is the snapshot it's the second link and this will ask me once I'm signed in once I have the trial if I'd like to import this snapshot into my account so I'm going to click on yes and again everything that I talk about in these videos right whether it's a tool whether it's a service whether it's an affiliate
I have a optin for so for example if you go to the first link in this video get aich it takes you to an opt-in page and what I do is I give you this opt-in page with the automation that gets sent when somebody opts in and remember if you do not have this and you're just sending people links to things that they can go by and they've never seen you before for the chances of them buying from you is very very low and so we want to think about the rule of seven and
the rule of seven means that most people do not buy something until they see it seven times and so that's why we create a funnel and a way to follow up with them also we want to build a list that when somebody goes and buys one of our tools we can always send an email later on about another tool or about about another thing that we found because ideally we want don't want to just make money off of one tool we want to make money off of a ton of different tools so that we can
diversify our streams of income and eventually once we have enough tools paying us out every single month we have a ton of reoccurring income that is just running for us on autopilot make sense Olivia says your links are broken which which links give me a give me a link and I'll I'll tell you how I can fix it hopefully uh not too many links are broken I have a lot of links remember I have 400 links here so some of them are broken uh I do apologize I try to stay on top of the uh
most important ones okay all right so here we go we go to our account and we import our snapshot now once the snapshot's in our account it's going to say the name of the snapshot so here it says shine ify snapshot if it says something different later it just means that I updated the snapshot okay some people got confused because I I said new get AI checklist snapshot it was the same snapshot I just changed the name now on the right here we have a little blue button and we're going to click on that blue
button to create a new account now if you already have an account you don't have to click on the blue button I think when you sign up for a free trial it asks if you want to create a sub account and what a sub account is is basically it's just a account inside of your main account and ideally the way this tool works is you can have have different sub accounts inside of your main account and really the only thing that changes is what is in those sub accounts so your contacts your funnels all your
different um things and so ideally you could have multiple different sub accounts let's say you had some clients let's say you had some other businesses and so that's all these sub accounts really are now with the $97 a month plan on High level you get three sub three Subs sorry three sub accounts with the 297 plan you get unlimited Sub sub accounts and with the 497 plan you can actually resell high level as a as a white label provider and you basically get your own high level that you can Rebrand I I actually fully don't
fully understand it because I don't really sell Services anymore you should be fine with the $97 a month plan if you're just starting out um but if you want to have more than just a couple accounts like I do then you'd get like the 297 a month plan all right so but just starting out if you you know if you get with the 97 plan that's fine all right so what we're going to do is we're going to go to one of these sub accounts let's say we already have one set up and what we
can do is we can click on the dots right here and it's going to ask to manage the client or switch to sass let's just click on manage client and then we're we're going to click on actions and load snapshot okay so now we're going to just find that snapshot it says new shine ify snapshot we're going to click on proceed and then this will actually ask us what do we want to import into the account so if you already have stuff in your sub account this will actually let you choose do I want the
calendars that shifi has do I want the funnels that shifi has and so you can skip these things or select them now ideally if it's a brand new sub account and you're just starting out you would just select all of them but again if you were just getting an update and you wanted the new email automations or the new funnels or whatever we're doing you would just click on the new stuff click on proceed and then again this is going to go and ask us do we want to just import this or overwrite anything and
overwrite just means do we want to overwrite the existing things that um are already in there right so if there's um something else called whatever the funnel name is and we overwrite it we're just going to replace that funnel that's already in there click on proceed and then confirm and then it's again it's going to import everything into that sub account and now once you have that you will have all the automations now one note I want you to I want to make here is that if this seems confusing it's really just the setup okay
the setup is a little bit difficult to get started with but once you have everything set up doing the actual automations is very simple okay but yes it takes a little bit of work to set this stuff up now here's the thing if you can't set up the stuff yourself you can always ask for help the cool thing about high level is that they have 247 Zoom support So if you click on need help here you click on start zoom and this will immediately bring you into a zoom call with somebody they have over like
a thousand employees it's crazy but you click on start zoom and they'll they'll help you with any of this so if you get lost make sure you utilize the support they also have a free Facebook group they also have a course and also you can always ask questions inside of our Discord group because we try to help everybody in the Discord group as much as possible so don't just give up because it seems complicated just take it one step at a time okay now once you have your sub account what you're going to do is
you're going to click on your sub account I'm just going to click on this one here because this is the one where I'm running a lot of my automations out of right now and and inside of here this is where all of my things are that I need to be able to capture people's information and to be able to follow up with those people so all of the automations that I run all of the funnels that I send every all I mean all the funnels that I create everything is inside of this sub account and
Iris says I wasn't able to get the $97 plan if you're not able to get the $97 plan what you can do is head into your high level go to your settings and you can actually downgrade your account to the 97 plan just by going to your billing so if you're at a higher level account and that you don't want to pay for you can always downgrade your membership all right so does everybody understand what we're talking about here so far again this is kind of a longer stream I'm trying to walk you through the
entire process here and it this might end up being a multi-part stream just because there is a lot to cover but I just want to make sure that you guys understand the basics to how the checklist works and then also how high level Works um again I'm going to be walking you through the funnels I'm going to be walking you through the emails the automation all of that in a second but I just want to ask if you guys understand on a basic level how this stuff works just from how we're making money okay we're
setting up a funnel and we're driving traffic to it and we're sending out automated emails afterwards okay so looks good lots of people are saying yes awesome cool all right we're going to head back into high level here and we're going to just there's only a few main tabs you really have to worry about inside of high level once you're inside of a sub account okay Automation and sites everything else you don't really have to worry too much about all right so sites this is where our funnels are and this is where you get the
cloned funnels into your account when you do the snapshot import this will clone these funnels into your account now right now we only have two main funnels we have the first funnel which is for our checklist and we have the second funnel which is for our spotter Studio trial and this is just one of the tools that we're getting paid to promote right now I just started promoting it a few days ago and as you can see we're already at $122,000 in reoccurring uh well sorry $122,000 in commissions and this is without the reoccurring hitting
yet so they're basically doing a thing right now where you can actually you can read right here it says earn $100 for every free trial that gets started before January 1st this is a 60-day free trial and on top of that when they renew you get a 30% reoccurring lifetime uh value so monthly or annual of that customer so that's a really really good affiliate and so my job and this is what I do and I try to do as much as possible is go out and find all the really good deals so that when
I find them I can show you guys them and so this is a really really good deal there's not a lot of people or Affiliates that are giving both a 30% reoccurring Plus plus an a $100 uh commission for every free trial so literally all you have to do is get one person to grab a 60-day free trial and that's already just $100 which is a lot just to get people to grab a free trial so that's why right now I would recommend this as one of your main things that you promote um because they're
only doing this for December and the way that we're promoting that again is with one of these funnels so if I click on video ideas Hub funnel here I can see the opt-in page now these other things here where it says funnel steps I wouldn't really worry about those because this is if you're going to have a multi-step funnel I just leave them there as an option but really you just have this page right here and if I click on The View page button this is the page and if you set this up in a
brand new account the way this works is it's going to just say app. preview. highle let me actually go back and just create a new account so you can see what this looks like so we're going to take that uh snapshot we got and we're going to create a brand new account with this so we're going to click on account snapshots we're going to take the recently imported Snapshot from the checklist we're going to click on create new account and then we're just going to add our account manually we're going to fill out all of
our details now the most important part about this that some people get confused by take a sip of water is they say well Chase what if I don't have a business name yet doesn't matter this is just for putting stuff in the account so for now we could just say new sub account test and we might just have to do one word for each of these but you can just do test okay none of this stuff really matters it just matters that you have something here and what's going to happen is when we create
this account now because we clicked on that blue plus button is it's going to give us all of the automations and then we can start setting up our account now it's up to you it's optional whether or not you want to go and buy a domain or any of that you can actually get away with just using the free domain that high level gives you the only problem is when you start doing content which I'm going to be showing you how to do in a second is you're going to want to be able to point
to different domains in your videos and you're not really going to be able to do that with those preview domains because you're not going to want to link to you know app. preview highl right you're going to want to link to you know best AIT or something something catchy if you don't know what I'm talking about don't worry I'll show you in a second here okay so it says we have the new sub account and again we created it from the snapshot so if we go to switch to sub account here we should have
our sub account set up with our automations so there we go now you have a brand new account and this is what it's going to look like for you with your automations in here so video ideas Hub funnel okay so you're going to click on that and then again remember how I said a second ago if you just click on this view page here this is going to be your link it's going to be live on the internet you could send that to people and if they enter their email and their name it's going to
go into your Automation and it's going to send them emails so it's really that quick and the way it does it right is it goes and sends them emails through our automation tab so if I click on automations here let me actually just go ahead and enter my email just so you can see this let's we're going to go to the preview link click on grab free checklist and trial I'm going to enter in my name Chase and we'll enter in an email here click on submit and as you can see this is going to
send us to that affiliate link okay now one of the things we're going to do is we're going to swap this out with your affiliate link okay because we want people who go to your funnel to go to your link so you can make money so what we're going to do is we're going to go to automation here though because I want to show you this because this is automatically going to be in your account and if we click on email automations there it is there's your email automation you can see it says total enrolled
and it should send us an email just like that so now you have a way to contact people that enter your funnel and the way this works is it says when a new contact is created when somebody enters their info it sends them an email and we're going to end up sending them an email with your stuff in a second but I just want to show you that that quickly you already have all this set up just by importing the snapshot so this saves a lot of time the reason why I like high level is
because not only can I update the snapshot and give you all the new stuff but you could go and do this for other people as well and when they sign up for your snapshot guess what high level gives you a 40% reoccurring commission which is a lifetime commission and they have a tier two that means that if they if the person who signs up that you're getting a 40% Commission on goes and signs somebody else up you get 5% of that it ends there though you don't get anything more than that don't worry it's not
an MLM um a lot of people think well that's an MLM Chase it's tier two okay they don't have tier three 5 6 7 8 right mlms go on infinitely okay so call it what you want but it's pretty cool you get uh very good amount of uh of the plans right this is a high percentage most tools that you'll find inside of the spreadsheet they're not going to give you a 40% plus a 5% tier 2 they're going to maybe give you a 20 to 30% and that's it so and and and also by
the way some of these tools are going to give you 20 to 30% and it's going to be for the first year they're not going to give you anything past that so whenever you see a lifetime commission that's 40% you promote that tool all right so going back into our highle account this is how the automations work now let's just talk about getting a domain here this is very simple okay so what you can do is you can click on your sites again and we can click on our funnel and we can go and connect
a domain now actually the easier way to do this my my mistake here is to just go up to the settings here and click on purchase the domain now by the way in order to get this working the domain you have to go back into your agency view go into your settings and you have to enable the purchase of domains and you do that by going to company scrolling down and it should say enable domain purchase and so if you don't see the ability to purchase domains on the sub accounts it's because you have to
make sure that that's enabled now if we go back to the sub account what we can do is we can go and buy a domain now again once you have this domain very simple you just click on connect it to the funnel but let me show you here if I just click on purchase here I could type in a name and so ideally you by the way you don't want to type in a domain that it has the name of the company don't do that I've made that mistake I didn't realize that you know you
can get in trouble for that so if you're going to be promoting a video tool or let's say high level or any of these tools right just figure out something that's related to that and this is where chat GPT can come in okay so if we go to chat GPT and we say I need a a domain ideas and remember when you're doing this stuff right whatever you're doing always ask chat GPT okay the biggest cheat code with AI you want to know the secret to making money with AI is you want to utilize chat
gbt as much as possible for helping you either come up with ideas or solve problems that you have about you know things that you can't figure out because as we go through this VI this live and as I go deeper and deeper into this one of the things you're going to start realizing is that we use AI a lot because guess what we're not going to figure out everything on our own and so chat GPT really in my opinion is more of almost a mentor where you get stuck on something and you go hey chat
GPT how do I do this how do I do that even with level if you have a problem right let's say you're watching this video and there's something that goes wrong you can actually tell chat GPT hey I need help with this and you don't even have to do it through words you can actually do it through screenshots this is one of the big things that I recommend getting good at is just taking screenshots of your problems and passing them to high level so I could take a screenshot of this and I can go and
upload it to uh sorry into chat gbt and I can ask it a question about the screenshot and we're going to be using that feature more not more as we move forward as we start to regenerate content because we're going to need chat gbt to start giving us prompting for thumbnail ideas and for titles and for all the things that we're going to be uh creating content from okay because chat GPT is going to help us come up with those ideas but for the moment let's just use a basic feature here on chat GPT and
by the way I use the $20 month plan you don't have to I like the plan and by the way here's another thing I want you to think about I know a lot of people are opposed to paying for things online like tools and software but my question to you is would you build a house without any tools if you were a house Builder probably not right and so just like owning a computer just like when you go to school you buy pencils or whatever you buy I didn't really go to school I dropped out
but um it's necessary to have things in order to do things and so it's not really a bad thing if you have to pay for a few tools and also you want to think about this if you're going to be selling tools and helping people with them ideally you want to pay for them so that you can show people hey here's how you pay for this tool and why it's worth it right if you're not paying for the tool and you're you have the mentality of I shouldn't pay for anything but then you're telling other
people to pay for things so that you can make money it kind of defeats the purpose so there's nothing wrong with paying for tools there is something wrong though if you're paying for tools and they're just adding complexity to your life you don't want things to be more complex you want to pay money so that your problem s go away and so that's what tools are for so for for chat gbt I think the $20 month plan is worth it because it helps make my problems go away and I'm willing to trade $20 for that
to happen anyways we can come up with some ideas we can say I need domain ideas for a tool that I'm promoting that helps you create viral videos so here we go it says here's some Punchy titles and by the way the video ideas hub URL that I got was actually from chat gbt's suggestion so here we go VI viralvids that's not bad um and by the ways are prefer preferable I would say get a do over AIO because more people are going to know that that's a website if you say Doc where if
you say doio they might not be sure and also the shorter the domain the better because as we start to tell people in our videos by the way go to this website go to viralvids the longer the video the URL is the harder it is for people or it's going to be for people to remember so the shorter the domain is usually better but remember anytime you find a short domain it's going to be more expensive for example cost me like $33,000 and I don't know if that's necessary to spend that much money
so we're going to take this first URL or this first domain and we're going to throw it into the highlevel domain purchase option and see if we can get anything out of this we're going to click on search that's another good point here inter internal EDM says investing in yourself is a risk anyone who wants to make money should take and I would also say invest in yourself before you invest in anything else it's always funny to me that people are willing to invest all this money into Bitcoin or into stocks or into different random
things that they frankly don't really have anything to do with but they're not willing to spend any money on themselves and I think one of the best things you can spend money on is your ability to grow and automate what you do because the more you can become the more simplified version of you and focus more on your happiness I don't think there's a price that you can put on it okay and so I just want you to think about this as you're going through the things that you're doing how much complexity do you have
in your life and what are some things that you can do to remove that complexity could you could you trade a few hundred doar a month to make your life more simplified and if so what is the long-term result that that's going to lead to what is your focus and your ability to not have to be distracted worth to you I there's a reason why I try not to spend too much time worrying about let's say crypto or what's going on in the world because for me I I would rather just focus on what I
need to focus on because those other things I can't really control in the first place anyways and so I don't want to have to worry about things I want to just focus on getting to the next level and automating and doing things that make me happy anyways here we go we got viral vidpro I don't know how chat gbt knew that was available but I can click on buy and once that's bought I can go and connect it to my account and the way I do that is let me just should I just buy
this for the sake of the video I'll just buy it for you guys so it's an $1 video now I'm doing this for you guys okay I don't even need this URL maybe I'll give it out or something but if I click on buy it'll give me the domain and then it's going to say it's setting it up now this takes a second remember when you're doing this the domain don't just immediately resolve okay so this isn't like an instant you click on it and then it sets it up you have to let it run
and then once it's running you click on configure and then eventually you connect it to your funnel also if you're doing this from an outside Source like GoDaddy or a place that you already own own a domain you're going to have to go and configure the domain by clicking on connect and then adding in your own domain and then you actually have to do something called configuring the DNS settings now I'm not going to explain you how to do that because I just don't want to but um ask chat GPT or go to YouTube be
resourceful okay here's the thing guys if I'm if I'm in this video and I'm giving you pretty much all this stuff for free you can take two seconds and go figure out that that the one thing that you can't figure out and I showed you resources here by the way if you go to go high level here you can go on a zoom call if you go on YouTube you can go ask YouTube a question go on chat gbt you could always head over to a website like Fiverr or upw work and you could hire
somebody for5 to $10 to help you set up something who's an expert at high level so be resourceful okay if you can't figure it out figure it out okay don't let your uh excuses get in the way of you doing this stuff because by the way there is going to be a million things that go wrong at all times you're going to be following this video and you're going to click on something and it's not going to work because for whatever reason it's a Tuesday and on Tuesdays high levels employ uh developer wasn't around and
something crashed and now you're upset because you're like Chase what you said wasn't true when it really was true but you know for whatever reason there's always something wrong just just know and just assume that there's always going to be problems okay and don't think that everything that I'm showing you here is going to work out right on time at the exact moment and remember there's a reason why there's not a lot of people that are very successful online and it's because most people run into one problem and then they give up don't be that
person all right so here we go it says says this is active now it says it's ready if I click on configure and click on ADD uh connect this domain here at the top right click on continue I'm going to say I also want to add the www version click on continue and it says setting up now already after all of this what is it 10 or 20 minutes of me talking it could have been quicker if you just did this yourself and didn't listen to me but after a couple minutes you're going to have
a domain with a funnel with an email Automation and you're going to have pretty much the most complicated part of all of this set up and once this is all set up you know you never have to think about it again because now you have the ability to send traffic to something that you can get credited for and you can start building up your leads so again here it is taking a second to add the records says there's a problem as I said a second ago there's always going to be problems and I should have
actually taken a second there to show you um why the or show you how to actually show uh take a screenshot and show chat GPT the problem so it can give you feedback but I'm just going to keep clicking this button till it works I'm hoping that it will work if I just keep clicking the button you know I used to do it and uh I would go out and fix people's computers oh look it worked and one of the most common problems that people had was that they literally just had to unplug their computer
and turn it back on plug it back in okay and just as we saw right there we saw the button said there was some problem and now all of a sudden it's not a problem so there you go now it's working I don't trust me it's it's this stuff is like it's it's Insanity okay it'll drive you crazy but anyways it says we have this now working okay so now if we go back we should be able to connect this to a funnel so if I click on these dots here click on edit now I
have the option to connect this to one of my funnels so I'm going to connect this to video ideas Hub and I'm going to connect the 404 page so this is the page that if somebody types in the wrong URL let's say they type in video ideas random URL it's going to take them to the same page we click on Save Jeff Green says Chase you're going to get stuck on a2p I I I know we're not talking about a2p today I'm just going to show you guys how to get set up with the
funnel um but anyways uh if we go to this URL now theoretically theoretically it should work there it is we have a website we have a funnel and we have an email automation we have the ability to build an email list and send emails to people now that wasn't that hard okay maybe it was a little bit hard but at the same time it's done and now that it's done we can go move on with our lives and do whatever we want to to start doing content and making money listen do this one time and
never worry about it again right that's what I'm trying to drive home here it's annoying it's super super uh complex when you're starting out but once it's done it's done you can you can really focus on the fun stuff after that okay so anyways let me show you here the lead that we got it gets stored in our contacts here so here is the first Contact it's me by the way if I entered my phone number in here I I can actually send a text to myself once we have a2p set up which is something
you're going to have to do on your own I'm not going to help you with it um but you will get a notification in your account at some point that says you have to set up h2p in order to send text messages but as far as emails I can click on send email and I can write out an email right now to me I can also if I have a bunch of contacts in here I can click on this button it'll select all of the contacts and again I can write an email to all of
those contacts okay there you go and our conversations are right here so here's the first email that got sent it got sent to this email after the opt-in and here you can see all your conversations so you can respond to people and you can obviously do that in your you know email account as well but there you go now the only thing that we need to do now is we need to start adding our own links okay so if we go back to our automations here remember the first email that gets sent if we click
on email automations and we click on spotter the first email get that gets sent is my link and you don't want to give me more money because uh frankly I already have enough of it okay um no I'm just kidding if you guys want to give me more money I I I would be happy with it but I don't need it okay um anyways if we take out this link here we just click on remove we can change this link out with our link to our checklist okay so remember you can file make a copy
once you have a copy take your different links swap them out and now you have your own checklist that if we copy that checklist by clicking on share and then share with everyone so anyone with the link now if I go back to high level I can put that link right there and boom now you're given out a free checklist just like I am with your links now obviously we still have to uh set up your links which I'll show you how to do in a second but there you go and then here is where
youd switch out your spotter link now remember if you don't want to give out this tool you want to give out a different tool you could always change the stuff out you can literally just replace this you can say instead of you know here's access to the free checklist you can say here's access to many chat or here's access to radar or here's access to any of these other tools that you can get paid to promote also now that you have this funnel you don't even have to do affiliate you can go sell a service
you can go sell a course go sell coaching I've done all of it I've literally have done all of it and there's there's uh good reasons to do certain things and there's bad reasons to do certain things it just depends on how you want your life to look now one thing I want to say here before we start signing up for all these affiliate links is I want to explain to you one thing your life is going to become a lot easier over the next 6 to 12 months if you do affiliate and if you
do reoccurring affiliate the reason why is because at some point you won't have to do anything right you're going to just have reoccurring income come in you're not going to have any customers you're just sending people to companies that you get paid to promote and that's it there you go but here's the downside it takes a lot longer okay you have to build an audience you have to start building up momentum and start bringing people all these different tools a lot of these tools they take a little while to renew right so if you're promoting
a 30-day or 60-day trial sometimes it could take a while for people to renew on those things and again you're splitting a commission you're splitting a commission with a company and so uh that sometimes feels a little painful because you're not making all the money up front but affiliate in my opinion is one of the easiest long-term solutions for making money online however if you don't want to wait and you don't want the long-term more simplified route you could always add a little bit of complexity sell a course sell a service but now you have
to deal with the customer now you have to deal with the support now you have to deal with the Fulfillment but you get the money up front so again as I as you go forward this is what I recommend the hybrid approach if you're starting out this is what you do you do a hybrid you help people get set up on the tools by charging them right you learn the different tools remember how I just showed you a second ago High level's a little bit complex so I could have sold a service I could have
said in this video I'm not going to because I I don't want to do service cuz again I don't want to have more complexity but I could have said in this video hey I'm going to help you set up all that stuff I just set up on High level it is x amount of dollars and so you pay for that setup let's say it's $100 $200 or the person that's watching your content pays for that setup and they pay a few hundred but now not only are they paying for the setup but they're also paying
for the affiliate right so you can get them set up under your link that would be the hybrid approach you're doing services and eventually as you get enough affiliate stacked you don't have to do Services anymore and you can just focus on content pushing traffic the other hybrid approach is if you're working a normal job right now you could work the normal job 9 to 5 and then from 5: to 9 you do content and focus on building up affiliate Revenue till eventually you can leave your job but all I'm saying is you don't have
to just go full affiliate and just hope you make money doing pure affiliate in the first month because chances are when you first start if you're brand new you have no no traction you have no uh uh experience doing this stuff it's going to be probably the slowest way to make money but it's the best long-term route in my opinion for example we have a guy here uh Alex if you check out some of the people on our on our YouTube uh on our Discord Alex Kenny he started last month he made his first few
hundred in reoccurring affiliate doing a video every day got to his first thousand subscribers not making an extraordinary amount of money he probably would have made a lot more selling services but remember it's reoccurring and it stacks and he has no clients so he can just focus on continually creating content it's up to you okay now let's go and get some affiliate links here we're just going to go and get the first two affiliate links and and I'll show you how to figure out how to get the rest of them on your own but first
of all for go high level the way we can get our affiliate link is we can go to the website we'll just go through this link here we can scroll to the bottom and we can click on affiliate program and become an affiliate it's going to say create an affiliate account and then we just enter in our details now if you're already signed in to high level I think it just automatically takes you to this page and when you go in here they give you a few different links that you can choose from so these
are all different links that either they add to your account or you can actually add your own links because you can promote whatever they're promoting uh you can promote their different pages on their website just by going to the bottom clicking on add a link and then you can add your own link so if you find a a page on High level that you want to promote you just add in that link type in the name to it let's say it's AI challenge let's say they're doing AI challenge click on Save and now you have
that link click on copy there it is so now that you have that link you can go swap out that link on the spreadsheet there you go just go like that and then you go swap it out on the email as well boom now it's swapped out okay hopefully I didn't actually because I don't care what you use but if I go back to agency and I go to snapshots I can go click on create snapshot and I can go clone any sub account in my high level it says new sub test boom I can
go clone that and give it out because it'll give me a link okay so ideally you just go through and swap out all these links and if you can't find any of the links what you can do is you can go to the websites and ask I mean sorry if you go to the websites and you scroll to the bottom you don't see an affiliate link or a place to sign up usually they're at the bottom in the footer if you look for partners or affiliates um you can also always go over to Google and
just type in name of company plus affiliate but remember you don't need Affiliates for everything in here some of this stuff isn't even Affiliated to me some of this stuff doesn't even have Affiliates this doesn't have an affiliate so don't worry about getting an affiliate on everything most people are just going to buy the first few things anyways and also when you send out emails and you do content you can only really focus on a few things at a time anyway so if you don't get an affiliate for everything don't worry it's not that big
of a deal okay so you swap this stuff out swap it out swap it out and then eventually um once you have it all swapped out in here you just go and do it in your emails too so if I go back into my sub account here and I go into here I can go into my sites and I can swap out the links on the funnel on the emails everything and then you're good okay and you can also always duplicate this right so if you wanted to make a new funnel for another tool you
just duplicate this and just swap out the links and swap out the text which is really simple you just click on edit when you're in one of the funnels you click on the the text and let's say I want this to say something else like this other tool is amazing there you go if I click on publish that'll save and also if I want to swap out the link I just go to the popup here and when the popup is submitted if I click on the form it says go to whatever the link is so
this is where your affiliate link is and you can swap this out I mean you can change this out for any tool anything okay now that's high level in a nutshell now by the way there is a lot more with high level right you can go deep on High level like it's a crazy crazy tool like I didn't even cover most of what you can do in there but you don't need the super complex like crazy you know shiny object whatever you just need that once you have that you have the ability to build as
many funnels as you want you have the ability to send emails you have the ability to do everything you need to do to start doing affiliate and the res why you need this again is because if we start going out and doing a bunch of content and you start getting views people aren't going to just buy stuff you have to get them into an automation you have to follow up with them you have to send them emails because what's going to happen is as we go further on in this checklist and we're trying to do
one video one long one short one live all the things we're doing every day one email a day what's going to happen is if you don't have the full recipe it's not going to work as well it's kind of like baking a cake without the eggs okay people ask me well Chase what's the best way what's the best traffic Source how do you make how do you make a bunch of money off of YouTube how do you make a bunch of money off of Instagram which is the best one and the and the answer is
yes you need to have everything working together in order to bake a cake if you leave out the eggs it's not going to be a cake anymore it's going to be like sort of a cake okay so if you want to make sales I'm telling you I've been doing this for almost 10 years I'm not just making this up you have to have an automated system because what happens is people are going to watch your short they're going to go to your long for to your email they're going to go from your email to your
long form or your live and and when you do Omni channel right and you bring everything together what ends up happening is you get that rule of seven very quickly right because you're chaining all this stuff together and people are watching you in all these different ways and following you in all these different ways now all of a sudden instead of them seeing you once on an Instagram or once on a long form YouTube or once on a Facebook post they almost immediately see you seven times and it makes them buy stuff a lot quicker
from you so it's very important that you have all of this in place any questions so far this is really just the first part of the checklist okay I might actually have to make the next live after this just because I'm realizing now that this was a longer video but again my goal for you guys is to is to create a video for every single one of these tools so you can understand all of them at a deep level if you'd like me to keep doing these videos and you want me to keep going through
this checklist and and doing deep Dives on all these different tools please let me know again just drop a comment leave a like And subscribe and I will make sure to keep you updated I will make sure to keep doing these videos for you and I'll do my best to give you everything that I've learned over the last 10 years and by the way I'm not just one of those people that says oh I've been doing this for 10 years I see people that say that all the time and then you look at what they've
done and they haven't really done anything I have worked consistently for 10 to 15 hours a day for the last 10 years and if you don't believe me go look at my YouTube channel I have 4,000 videos and that's after I've deleted a lot of videos I am probably one of the most consistent people you will ever meet when it comes to this stuff I create content religiously and I've been doing a video almost every single day for 10 years straight so trust me when I tell you I I try to be be the best
of the best at this stuff and I try to do it so that you can really actually become successful I think the issue is that a lot of people out there they don't actually care about your success they just think well I'm going to tell this person what I think they want to hear so then I can make some money off of them I truly care about people becoming successful in our community and that's why I recommend joining our Discord group because I literally Will shout people out that are taking action and I help them
try to make sales I am not greedy I'm not the person that's trying to just be the guy that makes all the money I want everybody to be successful that's just who I am and by the way I was making a lot more money last year when I wasn't giving away everything for free I was selling courses I was selling services and I made almost $2 million last year and I would have probably made3 to$ million this year if I would have kept doing what I was doing but I got tired of being the person
that wasn't ble to help as many people because I was gating a lot of what I was doing behind pay walls and so I I stopped doing that so that I could help more people how do we join the Discord if you go to the link in the description it says join my free Discord you should be able to click on the link what if we don't have results yet when we make the long form video on the tool how do we Market it then I'm not sure what tool you're talking about I was following
you since January 2024 good to see you I like your videos that go over the same thing said differently it may actually be starting to sink in oh great yeah and by the way if stuff doesn't make sense don't don't think that you're going to understand everything right out of the gate I think people think that they're going to learn this brand new thing and everything's going to make sense right away if you go to a new country that speaks a completely different language you are you going to expect to to know everything that that
people are saying no T sometimes it takes a while to just keep coming back and keep hearing the same thing over and over for it to start to make sense icast says chase a statement earlier reminded me of Jim Jim Ron when he said I don't need money I'll cash the check but I don't need it that guy's pretty cool so yeah I think I might um stop this one just cuz it's pretty long um but I wanted to do a deep dive on High level I think on the next one I will do a
deep dive on the other tools that I'm using so you can see what I'm um doing with them but just remember all of this is uh a longterm strategy we're not talking about a short-term solution we're talking about a long-term solution to a long-term problem okay if you want a short-term solution to a short-term problem this isn't it there's no quick fix okay if you want to have a different life and you want the rest of your life to be easier you have to think about things from a long-term standpoint you really expect that you're
you doing one thing that's going to instantly make you money is going to change the rest of your life no and so you don't want to set your expectations too low you want to think to yourself is this something logically is this is this something that I'm going to make money with longterm or is this just something that like I I think I want to hear so that I can have the easy way do it right this is the problem people will do 50% of something and then they'll give up and then you have a
lot of people that are just sort of good at things you want the secret to making money the secret is investing in yourself and becoming genuinely good at what you do and not doing things 50% do them 100% do them 110% be better than the average the average person is going to watch this video and they're not going to do everything that we're talking about they're going to do maybe a few things they're going to log in but then they're going to give up and they're going to say well I'll get to it later don't
be that person say listen I may not do it correctly but I will do it my best and I will focus on trying to do it 100% okay but don't shoot for 50% don't be the person that's half good at everything find one thing hyperfocus it you should be able to sit down and focus without worrying about all these different things don't worry about all the other tools don't worry about all the other things going on don't worry about the problems of the world go to the checklist just focus on the first thing do this
100% don't don't put done until it's actually done and when it's done guess what now you can move to the next thing but until it's done don't say it's done and don't worry about anything else until it's done just focus on that Robert says hey bro I got my first sale yesterday that's awesome good job Robert you're the goat oh thanks dude yep I suffer from shiny object Y and I think everybody does there's a reason why I named my brand shiny and the reason why is because Shine wasn't available shiny wasn't available but why
did I name it Shine because I think everybody has shiny object syndrome I wanted people to focus on what I was doing because ideally I try to focus on simplifying things but I want you to really I'm serious take this seriously because this is your life right at the end of the day nobody else is going to do this for you there's no uh Magic button that's going to just make your life easier and nobody's going to just do what you need to get done you have to go and take responsibility you have to not
be a victim about well this person did me wrong or this happened before and that's why I can't do this now you can do this I started out with nothing I started out in a garage you can see my videos from a long time ago I dropped out of college I didn't have anybody uh give me money or anything okay so there is no excuse the only excuse is what are you going to do about it okay are you going to get to the next level are you going to come up with reasons why you
can't do it because there are people doing it okay there's a lot of people in our group that are are examples of people that are doing it but you got to let your uh subconscious mind not defeat you cuz a lot of people don't think they can do things because they've downloaded the consciousness of other people and you don't want to be that person that thinks to themselves well this other person told me I couldn't do it and so now I can't do it so you want to question your reality and ask is this something
that is really true or is this something that I'm telling myself am I over complicating things for no reason most people just need to stop worrying about things long enough to just focus on the thing that they need to get done and realize that most of the stuff that you worry about isn't even applicable it's not even real all these things going on around you it's just noise people try to make things complex because they think it makes them seem smarter when in reality the more you can simplify things the successful people just simplify so
my question to you is can you start actively going through your life and asking yourself what are the things that I need to get rid of what are the concepts that I need to get rid of that I'm over complicating things with what are the things that I hold on to I actually uh got rid of a lot of my stuff I literally have like three pairs of pants in my closet right now why cuz I didn't wear the other pairs I got rid of a lot of stuff that was on my computer like folders
and files that I didn't use I got rid of a lot of people that I didn't really care about spending time with stop talking to them and so my question to you is what are some things that you could start going through and inventorying are there things that you don't really need to hold on to Concepts or people or things or all these things that don't make you happy and they're just making you feel miserable I mean we really have the choice right I actually said something that are day to one of my friends and
he thought it was ridiculous but I got up in the morning the other day and I started just going outside and looking at the birds and I thought to myself you know the the birds don't care about complexity they just they're just Birds right and the question is do you see birds for for what they are which are just birds or do you see them for what you think they are and do you see yourself for what you think you are or do you see yourself for just who you are just you you have the
choice to live a a non- complex life and and and you have the choice to simplify things and just do them but most of the time people tell themselves no I have to worry about this or I have to worry about that because I feel like it's necessary but you choose what's necessary you you create the rules in your life you create the standards and the requirements my question to you is why not just make the standard that everything's easy and you don't have to think about things as much anymore and you just focus on
what you want to do that makes you happy because there's a lot of things in life that I've focused on that had nothing to do with my happiness absolutely zero it had something to do with other people's happiness I was I thought I thought to myself well this is working really well for my friend so I should do it who cares what your friend's doing who cares what works for that person why not focus on what makes you happy don't live your life based on what other people tell you do it based on your own
intuition the six sense is intuition most people don't really have it because they haven't trained it and over time they've basically told themselves well I don't really need to trust the way I feel and I'm telling you if you just trusted your intuition and your feelings and you just said to yourself This prob isn't a good idea or this probably is that's going to take you further than anything else Jeff Green says the simpler you keep things the more happiness you have yeah and I think the more successful you become because remember everybody has the
same amount of time I have the same amount of time in a day as you do some of us actually have less time because we don't know how much time we have left and so my question to you is what are you doing with that time are you spending it worrying about things that have nothing to do with you or are you just focusing on the things that you want to accomplish because ideally you should be able to wake up in the morning and just say listen not going to worry about all this other stuff
just going to put 100% of my effort into getting one thing that I want to get done 100% done and and until that thing's done I'm not going to worry about anything else because guess what you can always go back to the noise you can always go back to the complexity you can always go back to the drama and the problems and all the the negative things in the world but my question to you is why do the birds just go out and be Birds and I think the answer is because there isn't really any
joy and worrying about things that there's no need to worry about don't get caught up just because all these other people are saying well you need to get caught up in this thing because it matters when you don't really care about that thing in the first place don't don't just think about things because people tell you to think about them because you're actually saying to yourself oh I should probably think about this so remember a lot of this is mindset right you have the tools I gave you the checklist I gave you everything you needed
it's up to you to figure out whether or not you believe in yourself and it's up to you to believe in yourself and to invest in yourself and to take chances on yourself because nobody else is going to do that and you might just really surprise yourself with how talented you are at certain things but nobody's asking you for you to be perfect nobody's saying oh you have to do this the correct way there is no correct way think about it like this everything requires practice everything requires discipline everything requires Commitment if you want it
to work well nobody thinks that they're going to go out and play a concert the first time they pick out pick up a guitar and so if you're new to this and you're starting a new journey and you're looking to take a chance on yourself and let go of the old reality so you can enter the new reality the question is do you think you have to be perfect when you start no you just have to start you just have to practice my first videos were not like this I froze up a lot I didn't
really fully know what I was doing and to be honest with you I kind of probably was a little bit full of it maybe I am now and I don't realize it but listen am I going to let that get in the way of my practice no I'm going to practice every single day I'm going to do my best I'm going to say listen I might not do as good as I could but I will still do my best that's it give yourself permission that's it all right guys that's it for today hopefully you got
some value if you did again do me a favor drop a comment leave a like And subscribe and go get the checklist get AI I'll see you hopefully inside of our group and inside everything we do and I wish you the very best till next time happy moneymaking see you guys bye okay