Por Isso que os Escolhidos Estão Sozinhos, Sem Amigos e Sem Relacionamentos

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Video Transcript:
If you are going through a time when you feel alone, with few friends and difficulty finding a partner. Know that this may be related to the fact that you are a very intelligent and brilliant person. When you have this inner light, it's as if you can see through people, revealing truths they prefer to hide.
This can scare those who have shadows inside them and are not ready to deal with this intense light that you emanate. In this video, we'll explore the seven reasons why chosen ones often find themselves alone or single. Many chosen ones live without friends or partners because the authenticity and light they possess make those who are not true flee.
People don't want to be around you because your light exposes them, even without knowing you, they feel your energy and move away. When it comes to relationships, this becomes even more difficult, as your presence stimulates those around you. All living things, including humans, pick up vibrations and frequencies, and you emit a frequency that changes the world.
Subconsciously, people realize this and can feel intimidated. As you increase your vibrational frequency, you begin to see things you've never seen before, you notice new things, and your tolerance for nonsense decreases. You understand that your peace is a top priority.
Certain people, friends, family and especially close relationships, cannot be part of your life if they disturb your peace. You become more selective with who you share your time and energy with. Your inner circle may shrink, but it will be made up of those who respect and value your essence.
It is a purification process where you keep only those who contribute positively to your spiritual journey by your side. Many people are alone, but they are excellent and powerful individuals. You are powerful, but you are alone because you are above the norms of this world.
Many people who vibrate at a higher frequency do not fit into this system. So we need a higher perspective. Nothing can hide from the light.
Stay with me until the end to understand how these seven reasons can be used for your self-discovery and spiritual evolution. Turn your loneliness into a powerful tool for growth and attract relationships that truly resonate with your soul. The first reason why the chosen often find themselves single or alone is that many people drain their energy.
When you are chosen, your energy is unique and powerful, attracting many people around you. However, not all of these people have the ability to match your vibration. This creates an energy imbalance that can leave you exhausted.
People close to you, whether they are family, friends or partners, can unconsciously feed off your positive energy. They are attracted to your light and spirit, but at the same time, they can drain you without offering the reciprocity necessary to maintain a healthy relationship. This constant drain of energy can be exhausting and prevent you from maintaining deep, lasting connections.
Finding someone who not only appreciates your light, but also contributes their own energy in a balanced way, is a challenge for the chosen ones. It is essential to have a person by your side who is on the same vibrational frequency, someone who can offer emotional and spiritual support without just benefiting from your energy. This search for energetic balance makes many chosen ones prefer to be alone rather than maintain a relationship that does not nourish them adequately.
The universe demands that you have someone by your side who not only absorbs your light, but also returns and amplifies it. This type of partner is rare, and that is why many chosen ones find themselves alone. They wait patiently for someone who can truly walk alongside them in a balanced and harmonious way.
During this waiting period, it is crucial to focus on your own spiritual and personal development, empowering yourself to attract the right person at the right time. The second reason is that few people can really help the chosen ones, and this is one of the reasons why many find themselves alone or single. The chosen ones have a depth spiritual and emotional that most people cannot reach or understand.
They are able to help and inspire many around them, offering guidance, support and light in times of need. However, when it comes to receiving help, the situation is very different. Those who are chosen often need to turn within themselves to find strength and motivation, as few people have the ability to offer the same level of support and understanding that they do to others.
This makes for a lonely journey, even when success is taking off and your skills are widely recognized. They may be surrounded by many but still feel isolated because most people are not prepared to deal with the depth of their spiritual and emotional needs. This forced isolation can be a painful experience, but it is also an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.
The chosen ones learn to trust their own inner strength and find other enlightened souls who can offer the same level of support and guidance they need. Finding this kind of deep, meaningful connection takes time, but it is essential to your well-being and spiritual evolution. This is why many chosen ones prefer to remain alone until they find those who can truly help and understand them on a deeper level.
The third reason why the chosen often find themselves alone or single is the need for inner healing. Being chosen often means carrying deep wounds, often stemming from past experiences and childhood traumas that have not yet been completely healed. These wounds can create emotional blocks that make it difficult to form intimate, meaningful relationships.
The energy of the planet, especially in times of spiritual transformation and ascension, often requires the chosen to face and heal these old wounds. During this process, those chosen may discover that aspects of their childhood or painful past events resurface, bringing to the surface emotions and memories that need to be released. This release is vital to your spiritual growth, but it can also be extremely challenging and lonely.
The Chosen are often highly sensitive, absorbing the energies around them like sponges. This sensitivity increases the need for a safe and secure environment where they can heal without outside interference. Being alone provides the necessary space for introspection and self-knowledge, allowing them to face their shadows and transform their wounds into wisdom and strength.
During this period of healing, it is common for those chosen to feel isolated, as the healing journey is deeply personal and not everyone around you will understand its intensity and depth. However, this isolation is temporary and prepares those chosen for healthier and more balanced future relationships. By healing their inner wounds, they become stronger and more aligned with their true essence, which eventually attracts people who resonate with their new high frequency.
Therefore, the need for inner healing is a crucial and inevitable step in the journey of the chosen ones and is one of the main reasons why many find themselves alone during this phase of their lives. The kind of relationship the chosen ones need takes time to materialize, and this is the fourth reason why many find themselves alone or single. The chosen ones have a high energy and vibration, which means their partners also need to be on a similar frequency for the relationship to work harmoniously.
Superficial connections or with people who do not share the same spiritual and emotional depth are not enough for the chosen ones. Finding someone who truly resonates with a chosen one is a process that cannot be rushed. It takes time for the universe to align the circumstances and bring a partner who is at the same level of consciousness and who can offer the necessary emotional, spiritual and energetic support.
This search for deep compatibility makes waiting challenging but also essential. During this waiting period, those chosen they often need to focus on their own growth and development. They have the opportunity to get to know themselves better, explore their passions and strengthen their connection with the divine.
This time alone is crucial to preparing those chosen for a meaningful and balanced relationship in the future. Rushing to find a partner can lead to unbalanced, unsatisfying connections that don't match your deepest needs and desires. Furthermore, the universe uses this waiting time to shape and prepare the ideal partner of the chosen ones.
Both individuals need to be ready and aligned before they can meet and build a lasting, meaningful relationship. This process of mutual preparation is essential to ensure that when you finally meet, you are truly ready to support each other and grow together. Therefore, patience and acceptance of this waiting period are vital for the chosen ones.
They need to trust that the universe is working in their favor, aligning energies and setting the stage for a relationship that truly resonates with their soul. It is this search for a partner who is on the same vibrational frequency that explains why many chosen ones find themselves alone, but it also gives hope that a true, deep relationship is on the horizon. The fifth significant reason why the chosen often find themselves alone or single is because they have been deeply hurt in the past.
These traumas and emotional pain have created scars that do not disappear easily. Being hurt can lead to a natural distrust of people and relationships, causing those chosen to protect themselves to avoid further disappointment and suffering. These wounds can come from a variety of sources.
Past relationships, family experiences, friendships or even difficult life circumstances. The Chosen, because of their sensitive and empathetic nature, tend to feel these wounds more intensely and deeply. They often carry these hurts for a long time, which can affect their ability to open up and fully trust another person.
Additionally, past wounds can create defensive behavior patterns. The chosen may unconsciously build barriers around their hearts to protect themselves from further suffering. These defense mechanisms, while understandable, also prevent new deep, meaningful connections from forming.
Pain from the past can lead to a hesitancy to become emotionally involved, resulting in prolonged periods of loneliness. The healing process for these wounds is complex and often requires a lot of time and effort. Those chosen need to dedicate themselves to self-knowledge and self-acceptance, facing and releasing the pain of the past.
This may involve therapy, meditation, spiritual practices and, above all, a deep inner dive to recognize and integrate these painful experiences. During this healing process, solitude can be both a blessing and a challenge. Being alone allows those chosen the space they need to face their pain without the distractions of a relationship.
However, it can also be a time of intense vulnerability and introspection, where external support is limited. This healing journey is essential so that those chosen can eventually open up to new relationships in a healthy way. Healing from past wounds is a crucial step in attracting a partner who can understand and respect your emotional depth.
Only when the chosen ones feel whole and healed are they truly ready to share their lives with someone who resonates with their soul. The sixth reason why the chosen often find themselves alone or single is to prepare for something greater. When you are chosen, the universe has a great purpose for your life, and this preparation often involves periods of isolation.
During these moments of solitude, you are being shaped and perfected to fulfill a meaningful and influential destiny. These periods of loneliness are not accidental, but intentional. The universe uses these times to strengthen your connection with the divine, enhance your skills and increase your resilience.
Without the distractions and outside influences of a relationship, you can focus fully on your personal and spiritual growth. This is a time to deepen your self-knowledge, explore your passions and strengthen your faith. Solitude allows you to align with your true essence and life purpose, which is essential to fully fulfilling your role as the chosen one.
During this time, you may receive important insights into your path and mission that may be obscured by the constant presence of others in your life. Another essential part of this preparation is being energetically ready for the next chapter of your life. The universe is preparing not only you, but also those who will be part of your future journey.
When everyone is ready, the meeting will occur at the perfect time, with everyone involved prepared to support each other in meaningful ways. Loneliness also serves to test and strengthen your emotional independence. By learning to be happy and complete on your own, you develop a solid foundation of self-confidence and self-love.
This is vital for any future relationship, as you will not depend on the other person to validate your existence or happiness. Instead, you will enter any future relationship as a well-rounded individual, ready to share your life in a balanced and healthy way. The depth of the soul of the chosen is something that many cannot understand or accept, and this is the seventh reason why the chosen often find themselves alone or single.
When you are chosen, you carry with you a deep wisdom and understanding of life and the universe that can be intimidating to those who have not yet reached this level of consciousness. The depth of your soul manifests itself in your ability to see beyond superficial appearances, to understand underlying motivations, and to feel the energies around you. This heightened awareness can make others feel exposed and vulnerable in your presence because they realize that you can see beyond the masks they wear.
Many people prefer to avoid this transparency, choosing to walk away rather than face their own truths. Furthermore, chosen ones have a natural tendency to seek deep and meaningful connections. Superficial relationships and trivial conversations do not satisfy your emotional and spiritual needs.
They crave authentic and truthful interactions where they can share their most intimate ideas and feelings. However, many people are not prepared or willing to dive to this depth, preferring to stay on the surface, where they feel safer. Its intense presence can also be overwhelming to those who are not used to such powerful energy.
Your passion, dedication, and commitment to truth and justice may seem too much for some, making them feel uncomfortable or inadequate. This can result in a natural withdrawal, as people prefer to keep their distance from something they cannot understand or control. However, this depth of soul is not only a challenge but also a blessing.
This video brings us a deep understanding that the solitude of the chosen is not a burden, but a divine preparation for something greater. Being chosen means that the universe is shaping you, aligning your spirit, and strengthening your essence for the great purpose you are meant to fulfill. It is a path that requires patience, introspection and healing.
Remember that being alone does not mean being abandoned. This solitary journey is an opportunity for you to connect deeply with your true essence and prepare for the love and relationships that truly resonate with your soul. The loneliness you feel is temporary and is setting the stage for a future where you can share your light and energy with those who truly understand and appreciate your depth.
If you agree with this, go ahead and type in the comments and like the video to help spread this message. Your participation not only helps the video appear in the algorithm, but also strengthens our community of souls chosen, strengthening our collective purpose. Thank you for watching until the end.
Your journey is important and your light is needed in the world. If you haven't already, subscribe to the channel for more videos about spirituality and evolution. Until next time and remember, you are a masterpiece in progress, which means you are complete but can still heal and become more.
If you found value in my work, consider becoming a channel member or purchasing my guide to spiritual awakening, the link is in the description. I wish you a wonderful day.
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