Power BI Full Course in 8 Hours | Power BI Tutorial for Beginners | @PavanLalwani

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Pavan Lalwani
#powerbi #powerbitutorial #pavanlalwani This 8-hour video is the old course 2020 version, the upda...
Video Transcript:
if you torture your data long enough it will confess to anything a famous quote said by noble prize-winning economist ronald kors he said if you keep on asking questions many many questions to your data set it will give you the detailed insights same thing we'll do it with the help of one tool named as microsoft power bi welcome everybody my name is pavan lalwani and i'll be showing you what exactly is power bi what are the advantages of using power bi and why you should choose power bi let us see that one by one now
what is power bi i can define power bi in two ways number one in a simple language power bi is a business intelligence tool which will help you to analyze your data to clean your data and convert that data into visual format where you can create different reports and different dashboards so this is a business intelligence tool now in the other language if you ask me what is power bi i can say power bi is a collection of components the first one is a power query power query is a etl tool which will extract transform
and load the data or in another language if i say it is for cleaning the data when you have blank records null values empty records or different unclean data it will clean data for visualization the second tool is we have power pivot power pivot is used for data modeling when you have multiple data sources if you want to connect them create relationship between them you can use power pivot the third tool is for visualization that is power view power view can help you to create 250 plus charts that can be bar chart or donor chart
or scienti chart this different type of charts will be useful for presentation for reports and dashboards after creating all this after cleaning visualization if you want to share this report with different people sitting across the world you can use power bs service so power bs service will help you your users to communicate between each other via that reports so it's a package of four components power query power pivot power view and power bi service now why you should go for power bi what are the reasons for jumping to power bear why not the other tools
i can help you with top 5 reasons why you should go for power pm number one search volume in google there is one website named as google trends which will help you to find out interest over time for any search item so i try to search for power bi in last five years across the world how are people searching for power bi has it increased or decreased so you can see the graph for power via it has increasing it is an increasing format and it has reached to the peak here same way i try to
compare with other tools like tableau power p and tableau which one is growing in the market carefully observe the red line is for tableau and the blue line is for power bm the tableau line if you see it's constant it's not that much changing but power bi is increasing and in india it's my country india there you can see the search volume has increased and it is competing with tableau in india country from last five years then i try to search for some other country let's say australia and you can see people are more searching
for power bi as compared to tableau not only in australia i searched for spain and i got the same results here so if you observe here the trend or the search volume for power bi is increasing as compared to other tools that's one reason i can tell you search volume in google second reason you can go for power bi that's maximum number of features if you compare with other tools in the market power ba has maximum number of features you can write 1200 different functions m functions and dax function you can create approximately 280 visuals
different charts in powerbear so this features are not available in other tools there are there but they are not that much great or not much in quantity as compared to power pi now the other reason you should go for power bi is costing part power bi is one of the cheapest tool in the gartner magic quarter if you compare with other bi tools power bi is the cheapest it's hardly 10 dollars per user per month and if you try to purchase in bulk for many users the license cost will come down data connectivity power bi
has a capability of importing data from 100 different data sources you can bring data from excel sql oracle big data hadoop you name the data source and it can pull data from that data source you can pull data from structured semi-structured and unstructured data sources in power bi so it has a great capability in terms of data connectivity now there's one more reason why you should go for power bi the fifth reason it is recognized by gartner company gartner is a company which compares all the bi products in the market now in year 2020 it
had created report where you can see microsoft belongs to leader magic cordon here now if you compare with all the bi products microsoft is on the top microsoft is not only for power bi but it is a package of other tools also so still it is in the leaders quadrant here let us see the last part how power bi works let us consider power ba as a package i can divide power bi into two parts one is power bi desktop and second is power bs service power via desktop is a developer tool it's a desktop
application which you can download and install the power base service is an online version it's a cloud version which is used for sharing and collaboration now suppose if you want to create some dashboards and reports first of all you need some data so power bi can pull data from excel csv sql msxs sharepoint outlook pdf or website so you can bring data from any number of data sources all together or one by one after doing that you can clean data you can do the data modeling and also you can work on creating different charts and
maps after creating this reports definitely you want to publish the report on online service so from here you can just publish to power bi service account after publishing definitely you want to share with different people sitting across the world so from power bi service you can share the reports with different people with different departments organizations or individuals so this is the complete architecture of power bi now the best part about this power bi i can say is it is completely automated you do not have to do anything manually so once you teach power bi that
pull data from so and so data source clean data in this proper manner and then send reports this complete architecture will be done automatically so that is the best part about this powerpi and therefore it is known as business intelligence tool let us see how to install this software power bi desktop on your laptop or a machine now there are many methods to download the software one of them is which i'll be showing you here you can see on the screen i have just entered the url that is powerbi.microsoft.com and slash desktop so you can
use this url and download the software let me show you that so i've already opened the url and you can see that's the same url open here i can just click on download free option so power bi desktop is completely free you don't have to pay anything for that now once you click on that it will ask you to open microsoft store so i'll just click on open microsoft store and here you can see the power bi desktop application will be open here now here you can just click on install button and it will automatically
install on your laptop or pc here now the best part is if you try by this method every month whatever updates are there it will automatically update here okay this power bi software so this is one easy method of downloading and installing so here comes the power bi here if you see i have the launch option since i already have power bi installed on my machine however if you are doing it for the first time you will get here as install you just click on install it will take few minutes to install download and install
you can click on this launch button here that's one method second method is you can see the other option see download and language options if you are from some other country and you want in different language apart from english you can just click on this see download or language options so once i click on that it will open a new tab and there you can see i can change the language okay you see i can change the language from here i can choose whichever language i want and i can just click on download button here
so this will be a customizable download option before you download you can see what are the system requirements for this particular software you can see the installation instruction is something required and then you can click on download and installation process is very simple straightforward next next next and you can go for installation once it is done you can just search for power bi that's the software here power bi desktop this will open the power bi software now many of you might have the older user interface of power bi not the new one so how do
you upgrade the newer user interface okay power bi updates every month not every year but every month new features keeps on coming how do we activate those features this is also important here my user interface and yours might be different okay you see for me the user interface is something different you might have some different option here for example i have this transform data option which you may or may not have if you do not have you are in the older version i have filters pane here which you might not have if you are on
the older version how to upgrade that you can go to that file option options and settings then click on options button here later on you can see there's a preview features some option you'll find here as preview features this one this is the most important part preview features here whatever new features are been launched by microsoft company that you have to upgrade okay every month you have to select this checkbox and click on ok after you click on ok you have to restart your power bf software then only this new features will be installed same
way if you are in the transform data okay i'll just click on transform data this will open a power query editor okay which you will be seeing in the section number 11. now here also same thing in power query file menu bar options and settings options here also you can see the same options will be visible for upgrading new features that is preview features here also you can add some new features once you select all the check boxes or are required not all suppose this spanish language q a i don't require the spanish language so
i can deselect that and i can click on ok and close and apply so then it will ask you to close the power bi software and reopen that so all the features would be installed okay it's a very simple straightforward process here but i hope you have understood how to download install and upgrade the new features of power bi hello everyone and welcome to this newer section in power bi section number two where we can see how to create basic charts in power bi desktop so this section will see how to create six charts in
power bi six basic charts and what are those charts let me show you here we will see how to create a column chart stacked column chart a pie chart donut chart funnel chart and ribbon chart the six charts we'll see after creating those charts now people might have a question here is power bi only a visualization tool so the answer is no power bi is not only a visualization tool but it can do much more beyond visualization and what is that you can also filter data from the visual that is keep only and exclude along
with that you can export data from the visual itself so suppose you have created some chart you can filter data and convert into a csv format and that you can export into csv so these are some topics which you'll see in this particular section now let us see how to create a simple column chart in power bi column chart is the most used chart across the world everybody uses column chart now to create a column chart we have to first get data from some data source so i can get data so i'll just click on
this button here that is known as get data in the home menu bar and if i click on get data these are different data sources which i can bring data from different data sources so if i click on this more button i can show you power bi you can import data from 99 plus data sources 99 so what are those 99 you can see you can get list of all the data source into this dialog box here and what are those 99 data sources you can see it's given as excel csv xml and these are
all the list of data sources so i can just click on this down arrow button and you can show all the data sources here these are all visible here so you can import data from facebook linkedin you can import from any live website and much more sql server oracle etc so right now we'll just pick up a simple excel and click on connect the excel file is kept into some folder which you can get the link in the description or somewhere at the bottom so sample superstore file and i'll just click on this open button
here sample superstore is like your amazon flipkart so whenever you purchase something record is generated there so i'm trying to pick up one sheet from there named as order sheet okay and i'll just click on this load button since it's a clean data i will just click on this load button directly if the data is not clean and you need some changes in that you can click on transform data so for few sections we'll focus only on load button here that means we'll pick up clean data for creating some charts later on in the later
sections you will see how to work on transform so now i'll just click on load button so once i click on load the data is loaded or you can says link is created in power bi and it takes time depending upon data source to load the data in power bi now meanwhile when it is done you can see on the right hand side there are different panes which are hidden what are those different pins we have here filters pane visualization pane and feels pain these are three different paints right now those are minimized let me
maximize those pain i can click here i can maximize i can maximize here so these are three different planes let's see how to work on that so right now the pain which should be important for us for visualization will be this pain okay that's a visualization pain and i can click on column chart here so here if you count you'll be getting approximately 30 plus different charts 30 plus different charts so i can click on this second chart which is a stacked column chart and this blank stacked column chart is created so when i create
this stacked column chart you can see the options are changed here like the option is access legend values and tooltip so my job would be to drag and drop the fields from right hand side from the right hand side to this left hand side here and to drag the fields let's say i'll pick up sub category into access and from here i'll pick up the sales into values so when i drag and drop you can see a simple column chart is created and i can see by default all the sub categories when i say sub
categories i'm trying to say about all these values here these are sorted based on descending order of sales you can see these are descending order of sales given here so that's a simple column chart here now in this column chart definitely in future you will need some formatting like color changes font size x-axis y-axis different changes might be required so any formatting if you need will be visible into this pane this button here so i can click on this button here and there are different options for formatting okay where right from changing color to the
cosmetic part everything let's say if i want to increase the size of x axis you see this x axis it's very small binders copiers the text is very small and not visible properly so i can go to this x axis option and i can increase the text size by clicking on this option here and you can see the size is increasing gradually once my work is done i can minimize this window here one more example if i want to change the title here it is given as sales by sub category so if i want to
change the title i can go to this title option and i can just change the alignment middle alignment i'll change the background as let's say dark red color and the font let's say white color and if i scroll down i can increase the size of here okay a very simple cosmetic part and once i've done i can just minimize the window or i can click outside okay so i can click outside and that's a simple column chart created now let us see how to create a stacked column chart column chart was done let's see a
stack column chart very simple easy so i'll again click on same second chart that is stacked column chart and expand a bit over here here you can see the fields are there like access legend values same fields are there so i can pick up this subcategory drag and drop into access second one i can pick up sales into values sub-category sales and then the legend box is empty right now so i can pick up here let's say region into this legend box now when i pick up this legend that is region into legend i'm getting
four different colors over here you can see these are four different colors i know the screen size is very small it's not visible properly so i can just click on this button that is the focus mode to zoom it properly now these are the four different colors and what are those colors you can see this legend will help us to understand so if i click on west region you can see all the west region would be highlighted again if i click on south or east or center so these are known as stacked column chart so
first of all i'm comparing all these subcategories in those comparison i am seeing what is the distribution of those subcategories now i think if we bring a label it would be more better that i can see what are the different values so i can click on this format button here and somewhere at the bottom you can see there's a data labels so i can just on this data labels and you can see all the places there are some labels which i did okay so this data labels would be useful now if you think if you
want to increase the x axis and y axis size we have seen in the previous video how to change that now if i want to come back i can click on this back to report okay and i can just expand this chart here okay that's very simple and if i don't want filters pane for time being i'll just minimize that filter speed and that's a simple sales by sub category and region right let us see how to create a simple pie chart in power bi desktop pie chart so here is a pie chart i will
just click on that pie chart here and there is a rule for pie chart or i can say best practice you have to pick up those values which are less than 5 pick up that column which has less than five distinct values so i have some column named as region okay so i'll pick up region into legend and i can pick up this sales into values sales into values here so this will give me a simple pie chart and you can see that's a pie chart given here on the right hand side these are the
legends which are present here west east center and south i know it's not visible so i'll just click on focus mode for time being temporarily i'll click on focus mode so this size becomes bigger and i can explain you better now suppose if i go for a presentation and if i tell them that south region or this particular region is having 17.05 percentage so the end user i have to tell them that this color belongs to south so the person has to look on the right hand side for checking what this color belongs to so
i think the best practice would be why not write here as south region and here as some region name east central and so on so that would be a very good practice then i can get rid of this you know this legend which is present here so this cosmetic part can be done when you click on format button here click on format and first of all you can go to this detail label let me expand this now this is known as detail labels in the previous video we have seen it is known as data labels
so i'll expand this detail label and right now the values are visible data value and percent of total so i can click on that and make it as all detail labels so if i click on all detail labels you see what things have changed here i am getting this west region i am getting that south region the values and also the percentage okay i'll click on sk so since i have the values and the names on the detail labels i think i should remove this legend okay this is known as legend so to remove legend
i have to click on this off button okay and the legend will go away now after removing the legend if you think the size of this detail labels should be bigger you can always go to this detail label and i'll scroll down click on this text size and make it as 14. you can change according to your requirement no problem and now i can just click on back to report and you see that's a simple pie chart here so in this video we'll see how to create a simple donut chart in power bi if you're
a tableau user or some other bi tool user you might know that donor chart is difficult to create in that tableau software but in power bi it is very simple very easy so i can click on this donor chart which you can see on the screen and in this donut chart i'll pick up same thing like region and sales so i'll drag this region into legend and i'll pick up sales into values so now i can just expand this window here and same story if i want to remove legend i can go to this format
tab deactivate this legend option and if i want to increase size i can click on detail labels and scroll down i can change the font color to black i can scroll down and make the text size as let's say 14 and it is visible here okay so i think i should also give the name here as west region or east region something so let me scroll on the top and in the label style option i'll select the option as all detail labels okay that's it so i've got all the names as well as percentage and
the values so that's it i hope you have understood how to create a donut chart let us see how to create a funnel chart in power bi there is a ready-made option of creating a funnel chart i can click on this funnel option you can see that's a funnel button here if i click on funnel and i'll pick up the same thing let's say subcategory and sales subcategory into group and i can pick up sales into values so and if i try to resize it properly that's a simple funnel chart in power bi okay i
can resize resize like this okay that's a funnel chart now again the same thing if you want to change something cosmetic color anything you can go to this format button so let's say this time i'll change the you know the blue color to some other different color so if i click on format the changing color will be in data colors and here instead of default i can select this black color and you can see that's a simple funnel chart here so what it is trying to convey you can see the bigger size or the bigger
width means having higher sales the lower size you can see fasteners will have the lower sales here and the shape is like a funnel therefore it's known as funnel chart let us see how to create a ribbon chart in power bi ribbon chart is somewhere similar to sankey chart but not exactly the shape and the field will be like your sankey chart let's see practically so we have a ready-made ribbon chart over here and if i click on this ribbon chart this chart would be created an empty chart you can see the layout before we
create a chart you can see how the layout looks like how the chart will look like so here there are fields like access legend and values so i'll pick up order date into access and if i pick up sales into values this will create a simple column chart so this column chart will tell you that what are the sales in different years so i can say 2019 was a good year whereas 2017 was the worst year in terms of sales but that's not a ribbon chart this is a column chart if you want ribbon you
have to drag something into legend okay let's say now i'll talk about region so i want to see these are the sales of different years but which year was more or you can see as which region was more profitable so i can pick up here region and drag into legend now this becomes a little complicated in understanding for the first time let me click on this focus mode so it becomes bigger screen now first let's understand what is the color here the color if you understand here these are the legends and you can see four
colors are given okay now on the top in 2016 is this purple color which belongs to west region okay it belongs to west region so whichever color is on the top that is the higher sales so i can say west region was having higher sales in 2017 this east region was having higher sales and then again west and west so region-wise whichever color is on the top that is having higher seats so i can say in simple language it is based on ranking now if i say in 2016 the first rank was west region second
rank was the east region third rank south and the fourth one is central so central was having the lowest sales now if you see here here it comes that first it was west region then second year it came down then it was again on the first position you see it's on the first position so based on ranking you can find out which region was doing better on the other hand if i talk about south region south region was third rank in first year and again the sales were always lower on the fourth rank itself you
see everywhere it was fourth rank so ribbon chart is somewhere based on showing the ranking of the categories or region across different years so if you ask me more specifically in the x axis we usually put here as time frame let's say year or i can see as date time etc this timeline format here and that's a simple ribbon chart now if you want to add some labels we can go to this format button and here we have the data label i can make it as on by looking at data label also you can figure
out that whether it is correct or not so if i show you here the last year the sales were 0.25 million then 0.21 and 0.15 so if you see the sales are decreasing that means whatever is on the top that will have higher sales whatever is at the bottom will have lower sales or lower ranking okay that's simple so i can just click on back to report so that's it i hope you have understood how to create a simple ribbon chart in power pi so in this video we'll see what is include and exclude very
important and interesting topic so i'll just create a simple stacked column chart for same sub-category sales and region sub category into access sales into values and region into fields okay a simple stacked column chart and i'll click on this focus mode so it zooms or you know becomes and bigger in size now what is include and exclude include an extrude works like a filter so for example if i want to compare this purple color which is west region of phones with east region machines okay i'm looking at the color and telling you on the legend
part here so when i look at this legend i can tell you the color part so i want to compare both of them and find out which one is higher okay so obviously you can see west region is higher here the sales but however let's say if i want to compare between these two so i selected those using control click so selected the first one control click second one and right click on any selected option and click on include so when you click on include it will filter those two selected values okay and only those
values are visible here so i can quickly compare and tell you that phone's invest region is having higher sales as compared to the accessories here okay very simple so what it has done actually this filters pane if you open and you can see in the filters pane it has actually filtered the you know this sub category okay it has filtered the subcategory and given you the values here not only subcategory but it has filtered some region also if i expand and you can see it has filtered based on subcategory and also filtered based on region
and then it gave you the value no problem if you want to come back there are two methods one is you can click on undo button second method is you can just delete this filter button okay you can remove this filter option so both methods are available here let us try one more again i want to compare this west region of mobile phones and then binders central region and something else so i'm using control click from my keyboard and selecting those bars control click once i have selected whichever values i want to compare now i
can right click on any selected value and click on include so only those values would be included only those categories would be included rest all would be excluded so that's very simple so i'll just click on undo now on the other hand we have something as exclude suppose i don't want this two columns to be compared that is rest region from this phones and chairs i don't want this phones and chairs restriction so i can select both of them i can right click and click on exclude exclude will remove those options if i click on
exclude and you can see both the options have gone away okay so nothing is there for those west region and on the right hand side you can see it has filtered and you are able to see those options here okay now again same story if i want to click on undo button i can also undo this so what is this topic include and exclude it is used to filter the values visually from the screen so a developer or a power bi expert need not be present there they can simply do it by themselves okay simply
select right click and click on exclude button or include button here and if you want it back you can always click on undo button or you can just click on this cross button to remove filter right so i hope you have understood how to work on include and exclude in power bi so the last video in the sections view data and export so for view data and export i have to create some chart let's say i'll create a stack column chart put sub category into access sales into values and i'll put region into legend okay
same stacked column chart now i'll just expand so it is visible and minimize other sections now the question here is i'll just bring labels also so i'll just go to visualization click on this format button and then expand this data labels now the question here is suppose if i want to find out the value which is 71 000 how come the value has 71 000. so i'm talking about the west region i'm talking about this west region which is in purple color and storage okay west region and storage so how come this value is 71
000 send me those data record by record okay record by record so if you are using excel you know how to filter the data you might filter west region you might filter the storage and then you can copy paste the data into new excel very lengthy method traditional method the new method is select that bar and then right click and there's an option given as show data point as table okay show data point as table since i'm on the newer version i have this feature show data point as stable but if you're using older version
the option might be different okay so i'll click on show data point as table and that particular value which i have selected that is west region you can see the west region and the subcategory name is storage so that data has been filtered very fast very quickly and i can give you details record by record you see every record details i can give you now so if you want to export this data quickly you can click on this three dots on the top that is more options and click on export data so export data will
export this filter data into a csv format okay you can see that's a csv format and i can save it on some folder and send it to my colleague or client but the benefit is you don't have to be present okay end user can also do that so i can select that 85000 right click show data point as table and this data would be filtered and then click on three dots and export so and if you want to come back you can click on this back to report so some people have a doubt like will
the end user be also able to see this data record by record so the answer is depends if you want you can give the permission if not you can remove the permission so not necessary he will be able to see that now but if you want to change the permission you can go to file options and settings options okay this options and if you don't want the end user to see the data so so the option is given here in the file options and in the current file we have this report settings and export data
okay export data so right now what we have done is we have allowed the end user okay by default if you see allow end user to export summarize data so you can disable the permission you can tell them don't allow end user to export any data okay you can disable that option so i'll just click on cancel i'll not go there so i went to file menu bar options and settings and options and here i went to the current file scroll at the bottom current file and report settings so carefully observe report settings are present
twice here and here as well okay so don't get confused this is for current file okay so in this report settings you can play with this options cancel now coming back i'll just click on back to report and you can see that particular table so it's very fast and easy so i hope you have understood how to view data and export data from the chart itself from visually any chart not only column chart any different chart yet so in this video we'll see how to create a map in power bi a simple map to create
a map you need some geographical data type like country city state pin code postal code latitude longitude airport any different data types if you have this kind of geographical data type then easily you can create some map now we have loaded a sample superstore file which already had some this kind of fields some columns here so with the help of those columns i'll be creating a map here a simple map so here i'll create a map for united states where i'll be showing you how the profit is distributed in different states in u.s so here
i have loaded already a sample superstore you can see in the previous video i have loaded now i can just click on this map here there are different type of map so i'll just click on this map and here you can see these are the different fields which i can show you here so i have this location legend latitude longitude and size many options are there only one thing i can do i can pick up one column named as state drag it and drop it into location and you can see a simple map of united
states is created here okay that's a simple us map here now sometimes you might not get a map here okay i'll tell you why so i'll just drag the state here now i can drop sales into this size option so you can see the size of bubble have increased at some places and some places it is very small so bigger the size that means higher is the sales so if i keep my cursor here it's on california you can see the sales is how much four five seven six eight seven and if i keep my
cursor on the smaller place you can see the sales are lower in amount so size will tell you how much is the sales in that location now if you want you can also add some legend let's say i can pick up region and put into this legend and this will tell you that there are four different regions in u.s so what are those four regions you can see on the top we have central east south and west these four regions and the colors are also given here okay you can see separate colors are given for
those regions so this way you can create a simple map in power bi nothing difficult in this now i was trying to tell you sometimes you might get an error if you try to drag and drop the column names should be state city country pin code postal code so if the column name is something different for example a state column if you give some name as state 25 state 35 you may not get the map okay so i have selected this state column you can see on the right hand side and in this column tools
if you see the data category if i click on this drop down you have to select the option appropriate option from there okay so if it is a country you have to select country if it is a postal code you select that postal code so these are the data type you should define okay if the column names are not like state country city and so on okay but that's very simple i hope you have understood how to create a simple map in power bi in this video we'll see how to create a simple field map
the earlier one was a symbol map where you are getting some bubbles or circles over there but in this video we'll see how to create a field map field map is very interesting when you see that map and it conveys information better so this is the field map i can just click on this field map and i can resize that now same fields i'll be using here that state and sales so i'll just pick up this state from here and drag and drop into location the next one i'll pick up here this time i'll pick
up profit drag profit and put into legend okay so you can see what will happen here the this will be the name of all the states or i can say the area has been filled with those states and the colors are different so you can see different states are having different colors based on profit so this should not be appropriate when you go for a presentation so i think i should remove this numerical column that is profit from legend i'll remove that and i can pick up region i can drag region into this legend and
you can see like there are four regions in united states so it has given four different colors i can say four partitions to that states now if you think you want to give each state different color so that you have to put into legend so i'll remove this region and i can drag this state into legend and you can see different states are given different color how do you check you can see on the top different states are having specific different colors okay so i don't think this also would be useful so better you can
put region into legend part here and you can see behind the name of the states also visible here when i keep my cursor on any state you can see the name of the state and the region of the state is given washington west here if i keep my cursor california west suppose if you also want to see the profit in that state you can drag this profit and drop into tooltip so tool tip is this small black screen window which you can see on the screen so state california the region is west and the profit
is seven six three one eight seventy six thousand dollars here okay that's very simple and easy to create a field map let us see how to create a map with pie chart map with pie chart is like combining two different charts one is a map and second is a pie chart if you are a tableau user you might know how difficult it is to create in tableau difficult in a sense steps are more here steps are less so i'll create a simple map here the first one which i have created and here i will try
to drag state into location i'll drag profit into size or i'll not drag profit i'll keep it as it is so just drag state into location now if i drag here something let's say region into legend we have seen in the previous video we are getting only four different colors and four regions you can see these are central east south and west and this is i think west region because of this purple color and this is central east region here now i'll just go back and increase the size in format window somewhere i'll be getting
this bubbles option and i can just increase the size so that i can show you something properly now if i remove this region i'm getting all as blue color everywhere this time i want to see which state is having how much category wise distribution okay so there are three categories technology office supplies and one more is there so i'll pick up this category and drop into legend part and this is mapped with pie chart okay you can see this is a map with pie chart so behind there's a map which is displayed and front end
it's a pie chart now what it is time to convey you can see that this three different colors belongs to three different categories furniture office supplies and technology and some places only office supplies is used some places only furniture has been sold you can see and rest all places distribution is same so i can pick up one more field let's say sales into size and you can see the bigger size will tell you that the sales are higher smaller size will tell you the sales are smaller here and one more thing if you observe when
i drag sales size has become increased but suppose if i remove this option from here okay one thing if you have noticed very small thing you can see this region if you see all these three categories are distributed equally same applies for this one in fact you pick up any region any state the angle of all the distribution is same nothing different when i drag the sales option here suppose if i drag the sales into size carefully observe the distribution will become different you can see maximum sales are coming for technology okay here if i
pick up something else yes this one maximum sales are coming for the office supplies okay that's very simple and if you want i can just zoom in and show you like this by double clicking on that place or you can use your mouse scroll bar to zoom in and zoom out okay that's very simple so once again i'll repeat this for you so how did i create i first click outside click on this simple map here resize so you can see me properly later on i have put here state into location then category into legend
sails into size okay this three fields and just to increase the size of bubble i can go to format and i can click on bubbles and increase the size of this bubble here okay let me increase the size so that's it you can see the sales distribution in different states so i hope you've understood how to create a simple map with pie chart so let us see how do we format a map here so first of all i'll create a map drag the state and drag sales here so if you observe the map is very
simple nothing so fancy about it simple circles or bubbles are given the size is changing based on the sales now suppose if i want to do some formatting like background change the color height anything so i can just use this option that is format click on this format button here and there are variety of options you can play with formatting so let's see first of all data colors if i say data colors carefully observe everywhere this is blue color the size are changing but the color is not changing if you want you can just click
on this blue color that is default color and choose some other color now you can keep on modifying that also if you want you can just click on this show all and for each particular state you can change the color for example if i want to change the color of california so i can just select this show all button and then click on this california button so i can select california should be in some dark red color somewhere like this and the other should be same so i can just deselect that show all and i
can move it so each state you can modify based on that color now second thing category if i just enable this option you can see all the name of states are given okay so these are all the state names and you can see they are given you can modify that you can just go to that category expand that option you can choose the font color let's say i want the font color as red then you can select the size increase the size you can change anything you can disable the background so it's very simple nothing
difficult in this but you can work on formatting part in power bi now other part you can see there's a bubbles option i can go to bubbles and i can increase or decrease the size of bubbles okay i can increase or decrease so i know because of this labels the bubble is not visible so let me disable this label option and now if i increase the size you can see size of those bubbles are increasing or you can begin next one so this was for bubbles we have something named as map controls so suppose if
you double click on this place it will zoom see you can zoom in but if you want to come back you have to have a mouse and you can scroll like this if you have a touchpad you can use your touchpad and play with that however it is good to have some zoom buttons these buttons will be there so end user can feel comfortable by clicking on this plus and minus button so it will zoom out and zoom in these are the options available i can just minimize and you can see many many options are
there let me show you some interesting option that is border let me enable the border and also i can increase that border rounding so you can see it is in rounded format so these are the edges you can see the corners are in the round format here now you see when i click outside the format option is not showing anything right now the options are related to page so if you want to format the map you have to first click on that map here and later on you can just go to this format option now
let's see if i want to change the title i can just click on this title option and rename this title as sales by stay in usa so some title you can give and let's format the title here i can just select the middle alignment background color i'll choose as black the font color i'll choose as white and i think the size should be increased so i can just scroll down increase the size to 18 maybe like that yes so you can change anything you want next one if you see the background option is enabled i
can expand that window and let me choose the background as black so you see that's a black background makes an impact when you're trying to display some information you see you can change it so these are like a very simple options in power bf formatting and the last part i can show you you can see this one would be a tool tip state and sales you can see the numbers given if you want to format this tool tip you can see there is a tool tip option you can expand that and here you can see
the label color the value color or the size you can increase so let me select the option as label color as black and the value color should be as white maybe so i can just keep my cursor and you see the background is black and you can see the values is given in white color here okay you can also increase the size and change some thing if you want here okay that's very simple so these are some basic options and i hope you have understood how to do a formatting in map in power bi let
us see how to change a background in a map first of all i'll create a map here the same map for the statewide sales i'm doing it again so that you find it easy or practice maybe by watching at least so this is statewide sales and what i'm trying to say the blue color background which you see i want to change that background here this blue color background and this blue color background so or this white color area how do i change it i have to go to the format option by the way if i
click outside suppose if i click on format and you can see there are so many options available in case if i click outside and if i click on format the option should be different okay so remember where you need to click and then you have to click on format so if you click outside and if you click on format the options would be different like page information page size etc so make sure you click inside the map and then click on format and then you'll be getting all this options related to map so coming to
the topic here how to change the background i can go to this map styles option and here if i scroll down you can see these are the different themes which are available so right now the theme is road so if i select the option aerial see what happens you see so this is an aerial view of a map again if i click and select the option dark you see that's a dark let me make it full screen and you can see that's a dark again if i click i'll select light option or if i select
grayscale and i can select row so these are like five options which are present by default in power bi for this changing the map styles okay so whichever you think is useful you can keep that particular background or a theme over here right so that's it i hope you have understood how to change the background in a map so let us see how to create a map of india india is my country so i'll show you how to create a map for india in power bi now to create a data create this map you need
some data set okay so what i've done is i have brought here some data with state names and union territories and the population in those states and duties so these are all the data i have and the name of the table i have given as states and uts okay that's our states and union territories and name of the file is 3.4 state and uts of india so let me load this data into power bi i can just click on get data and i'll click on excel from there i'll pick up 3.4 file number here i
have the table states and duties and i'll click on load button the reason i'm clicking on load button because it's a clean data so i've already cleaned at the back end in the excel itself no blank records no duplicate records so even if your data is not clean we'll see how to clean in the section number 11 onwards so here is states and duties now you can just drag this state and drop it into this canvas blank area and depending upon your net connection internet connection the map of india would be created or any country
map you just need to have some data be careful the name of the column should be state city country pin code postal code airport latitude longitude these are all the names you don't have to mug up you don't have to remember however in case if you have some different name for that column you can select that state column go to this column tools and here you can see data category this data category you can change the category of that data here you can select state country city anything from here okay so this has created a
symbol map for me in power ba if you want you can select the option as field map or i can just remove this chart i'll just select the existing symbol map and click on field map so this will create a field map for india some data would be missing so the map may not be correct but however i'll just click on this symbol map and you can see that's a map of india now if you want to change the background and everything you can always select this option that is the format and i can select
here map styles select the option here as grayscale or i can select the option as dark so some changes if you want on the map you can choose it from here okay but overall story if you understand if you have a write data creating this map in power bi is very simple and easy so let us see how to create a map of australia so one more example so that you get proper practice of creating a map of any country you should have a data i have downloaded some data from wikipedia and i have the
name of states and territories in australia and what is the area occupied by them okay those states so what i'll do is i'll just copy this table okay now this is something different i will not import the file in power bi but i'll copy the data directly from excel and paste in power bi how do i do that select the data right click and click on copy so this is a very small table you can copy as much big table you have now i can go to this power bi and here if you see the
option enter data here manually also you can enter data now i can click on this button enter data this will open a blank window i can manually type here as pune mumbai chennai or singapore any name but i have already copied the data so i can select that and press ctrl v ctrl v from my keyboard and the name of this table i can give as australia states australia area so i can say now that's it so you see the name of the column is state and here name of the column area if i want
i can just click on that star button and start adding a new column with anything profit sales quantity anything right now i don't require so i can just click on delete button here now i'll click on load because the data is clean i don't have to edit that data after doing that the data is loaded but now be careful there is no connection with this data and the excel file because this data will reside in power bi now you see that's an australia areas simple drag the state and drop into this canvas and i can
just resize that properly and you can see a symbol map is created now instead of using this symbol map this one is the symbol map i can select here the area map so i'll just click on area map and you can see the area is occupied for australia i hope the map is correct i try to copy properly here so it's very simple and easy to create map of any country in power bm welcome back to the newer section on table and metrics in power bm till now we have seen how to create basic charts
we have seen few maps how to create but sometimes you also want to show data in a tabular format so we have two options here one is table and metrics so what are the videos or what are the topics we'll see in this section few videos related to table and these are the topics here we'll see how to create a simple table we'll format that table and work on conditional formatting in a table conditional formatting you might have heard the name in excel in tableau and same way we can see conditional formatting in table later
on we'll see some aggregations how to change like some average minimum maximum those kind of aggregations similarly we'll see some topics related to matrix especially how to create a matrix how to work on conditional formatting in matrix and automatic hierarchy hierarchy is a topic which is very important in matrix and later on after doing that generic topic where we can see how to create a subtotal grand total and also the number formatting in matrix and in table so this topics are there in the section total eight videos so let us see how to create a
simple table in power bi so to create a table you have to click on this small button here named as table and i'll just resize it properly so in this table i'll create a table for sub category where i can show you sales profit and quantity okay so when i do that you can observe i have only one field or one section where i can drag and drop not like in the previous videos for each chart we had different different sections like axis values tool tip etc but here only one section is there named as
value so anything you want to do just drag and drop into values so i'll drag subcategory into values i'll pick up sales into values profit into values and quantity into value so the way i keep on drag and drop a table is created here okay and you can see that's a simple table now when you if you're watching this on your mobile phone on or a low quality the text size won't be visible properly so if you want to increase the text size you have to we have different methods which i'll show you in the
next video but before that if you want to sort this quantity column in ascending or descending order you can click on the column heading like this and you can see the quantity is sorted in descending order same way if you want sales in descending order so i can click on this sales column heading and it is sorted in descending order if you want to sort sub category in alphabetical order so i can just click on this button and you can see alphabetical order ascending order so you can keep on clicking to change the order here
ascending or descending so that's very simple to create a table if you want to remove any field you can click on this cross button and that field would be remote here and if you want to drag and drop again you can just pick up that field let's say profit into this quantity okay that's it very simple so that's it how to create a simple table in power bi so let us see how to format a table in the previous video we have seen how to create a simple table here okay so what i'll do is
i'll not create a new table i'll just simply copy this table right click copy visual and i can go to the next sheet or the next page and i can just click on this paste button here and that table would be pasted so let's see how to format this particular table when i say formatting again the same thing cosmetic part increase the size change the background add a title etc so first of all i'll increase the size very important so as i said if you're watching this on your mobile phone or on a very low
quality on youtube or somewhere the size would be very small it is not properly visible so select the table and click on format button and here you can see the values option is there so you have to select the values and when you scroll down somewhere you can see there's a text size so i'll make the text size as 15 and you can see the size of this values have increased okay so if i change the values to 20 and you can see size of this values have changed one thing if you notice the heading
size has not changed it is still the same so let's increase the heading size so first of all i'll just scroll up minimize this values and you can see there's a separate section column headers click on column headers and i can scroll down to increase the size to 20 and you can see now the size has increased so increasing size from here i'll scroll on the top again and you can see there's a grid option so in this grid option there are different options here like vertical grid horizontal grid etc so if i enable this
vertical grid a small thin line is inserted vertically okay small thin line so i can increase the thickness and you can see the vertical divider would be there okay vertical divider so i think the color if i make it as black it would be more visible properly so you can see now that is known as vertical grid or grid line and i can also make or bring the horizontal grid line by changing the color and you can see that's a horizontal grid line it doesn't look good so i'll make it as off so like this
you can find out many options are there but i'll give you a quick method where you can format your entire table quickly within seconds so the option is in the style you can go to style right now it's default style so you can choose some different styles let's say none if you make it none it will be simple plain black if i select minimal and you can see some some small style is given very light one where only a blue line is given at the back end so bold header one more i'll change one more
flashy rows border flashy something so you can see there are different options you can play with so it will save lot of time these are ready-made templates or styles which are given and you can choose according to your requirement okay so i can minimize that so also there are different options i'll ask you to try to google out and play with this option they are very simple cosmetic part let's see how to add a title so i can just on the title here and in this title option i can write something let's say measures about
subcategory measures about subcategory this is the title which is very small in fact not even visible properly so i'll just try to increase the size background etc alignment middle alignment size i'll increase a bit bigger background i'll give something so it is properly visible and font color i'll make it as white okay so that's a title i know it's very small but you can try to play with that and you'll get a proper one okay so that's it i hope you have understood how to work on basic formatting in table in power pl let us
see how to work on conditional formatting in table you might have heard this term in excel conditional format so same features have been copied from excel to power pm let us see that practically first of all i'll create a simple table i'll click on table resize it properly and here i'll try to insert subcategory sales profit quantity i'll add three numerical columns and one textual column i'll quickly go to format and increase the size and values scroll down and increase the size i'm doing it bit faster because we have done this in the previous video
and in the column headers i can increase the size of column headers 18. so now we start the conditional formatting in tables in power bi so in the format section at the bottom if you see there's a conditional format i'll scroll down and right so i can just zoom it for time being and show you what are the different options we have in this conditional formatting these are the different options like background color font color icons and web url so let's start with one of them conditional formatting can be applied to a numerical column so
if i click on this drop down these are the columns which are in the table so let's say if i select sales and for sales i want to apply a background color so i'll just enable this background color and if i show you on this place the background colors applied to the sales column what it is trying to convey if the value is higher or it is bigger value so sales are higher the background would be dark blue color sales are lower it will be light blue like for example this one if i sort in
descending order you'll find it very easy to understand and you can see the dark color has been getting lighter and lighter at the bottom so i'll just yeah let's i'll keep it as it is same way if i want to apply conditional formatting on profit i'll select profit and apply the background color same way but i'll not apply background color i'll make it off for the profit column i'll select font color so i'll enable this font color and same story if the profit is higher the font color would be darker blue color okay this blue
color we can change no problem we'll see that very soon same way i'll just select now quantity so if i select quantity from here i can apply here data bars so background color we have seen font color we have seen i'll select the option data bars for quantity column and if i increase the size now if i sort this quantity column in descending order you can see the bigger quantity will have bigger column size inside that cell okay inside that cell it will have bigger size very that is what you call as data bars if
you know excel you might find it very familiar very easy so i'll go to one more column let's say profit i'll disable this font color it doesn't look that good font color and if i scroll down i have this icons i can apply different icons on those profit column so if i click on this icons and you can see different type of icons are visible when i say different i think three are there not more than that if i sort the profit column in descending order you can see there's a green color on the top
for higher profit the up arrow triangle for the average profit and lower profit some different icons given when i go for a presentation people won't understand that easily so i need to customize the icons depending upon my requirement so below this icon section if you see there's a advanced control option okay below every option you'll get that advanced control so i'll click on this advanced control button and a pop-up window will come here this pop-up window is same like your excel okay so i want you to spend or pause the video for one second and
read or see this option so if the value is greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 33 the icon should be i can say the down arrow where i can show the profit is very low and that also in some different color red color so if the profit is average i'll make it as somewhere like this yellow color and if the profit is higher i'll pick up the green up arrow key try to find out yes so i'm trying to add those i can customize anything and everything here so it's
same in excel and if you want to add a new rule you can also click on this button new rule and one extra condition you can define new rule and i can add one more rule here so i think not required so i'll just click on delete button and click on so now at the back end the higher profit will have up arrow the average profit middle arrow and lower profit down arrow now what is the beauty of this conditional formatting suppose tomorrow if the data changes data updates deletes modifies or value increases decreases this
icons will automatically change okay this icons will change so if the sales have increased or profit has increased this conditional formatting will automatically change that's the best part about conditional formatting okay so very simple there's one more conditional formatting which is web url and which i'll show in the coming videos web url okay but for time being i hope you have understood how to work on conditional formatting in table let us see how to work on aggregations in table when i say aggregations if i want to change from sum to count average minimum maximum etc
all these options how to work on that so no need of writing any calculation simply button clicks and you'll get the answer so i'll create a simple table again resize it and try to put their subcategory either i can put here or input in the table profit sales and quantity so that's a simple table i've created i'll increase the size quickly values and sizes at the bottom i'll make it as 80. now i was talking about aggregation when you select the table and go to this field section when i say field i'm mentioning this option
here field this is format okay so field section and suppose i want average of profit you can click on this small drop down button here and you can see these are different aggregations so by default the aggregation would be sum but if you want you can select average minimum maximum and so on count distinct and count there are other options also like standard deviation and all suppose i select the option average and you can see i'll be getting average of profit in that column so average of profit highest is for copies which is 817.91 same
way if i select sales and i can select the option as maximum maximum sales is for subcategory named as machines you can see machine is having maximum of sales and same way you can change for quantity now one more thing apart from this normal aggregations suppose if you want the percentage also so i'll drag profit one more time into this table so this column is sum of profit and this column is average of profit okay there are two profit one is sum second is average i want to convert this last column into percentage so i
can click on this drop down show value as and there's an option percent of total percent of grand total so when i click here i can see the percentage distribution of those subcategories when i sort in descending order i can tell you that maximum profit we are getting from copies second maximum is from phones and the lowest profit we have received are from this three sub categories which are negative in fact supplies book cases and tables so quickly you can find out the percentage distribution in table okay very simple here so that's it i hope
you have understood how to work on aggregations in table let us see how to create a simple matrix in power bi first of all why do we need matrix let me show an example here so if i click on table and if i bring here sub category and region okay i'll resize it sub category region and sales so if you observe there are four regions let me quickly increase the size now every time i have to increase the size which is difficult i'll give you a quick method i can go to view tab click on
this drop down customize current theme click on text and i'll increase the size as 18. so when i click on apply button here the size of all the pages all the sheets would be increased okay in one click so every time in the every video i don't have to show that just one method in the view tab themes i can change the theme size or the text size with it now i'm showing you why we need matrix first of all so here i have the subcategory region and sales carefully observe each sub category is repeated
four times because there are four regions and it is trying to show sales for four values so to see that i have to scroll down for each sub category which is difficult this is one dimension i can say as one d so if i want in two direction that means i want row heading as well as column heading so i have to create a matrix so if you want to convert this table into matrix simply select the table and click on this matrix button and you can see now i'm not getting those four times the
accessories i'm getting only one time but in the row wise i am getting sales for those region different regions here this is more readable much more readable as compared to table okay so how did i create i'll show that again so table to matrix is very easy but suppose if you want to create from scratch click on this matrix button and one thing if you observe here we have something different options here rows columns and values when it was a simple table we had only values okay when i click on this table option you can
see only values are there so when i select this matrix option different values different sections are there so i want sub category into rows region into columns and i'll put sales into values so this way matrix is created i have row headings which are row heading these are row headings and these are the column headings so to read or to present this is much more better rather than scrolling down in tables okay very simple here so i hope you have understood how to work or how to create a matrix in power bi so we'll see
how to work on conditional formatting in matrix in power bi conditional formatting is same what we have seen in table in the previous video but let us see in matrix how does it look like so i'll just copy the same table i can right click or same matrix copy visual and i can go to that new sheet and paste it here now i can go to this format tab and somewhere at the bottom there's a conditional formatting so i'll click on conditional formatting and you can see we have the same option like sales and i'll
select the option data bars so i'm getting the data bars for each section here okay each region i'm getting here now i can sort the column based on ascending or descending order over here okay so okay i don't have the option here i can just sort it based on total option here so based on total you can see where i'm getting the maximum sales in which region okay now if you want to change the color or change the bar or something you can go to advanced control button and you see this window will come here
so first of all i can change the color to something else let's say this color here or maybe i can select some other color and click on ok so you can see this colors will change at the back end now one thing if i go back remove the sales and put profit i'll drag profit into values so again i'll go to this format conditional formatting for this profit if i select data bars now you can see some places the profit is positive or some places there is a negative profit so if you want to change
the color for profit positive and negative you can see light blue color it's not visible but you can see light blue color negative here so i can click on advanced control for negative i'll give red color and for positive i'll give some green or black color here when i click on ok and you can see wherever the profit is negative or there's a loss it's on the red color and profitable items or the sub categories are in this color here you can quickly find out based on the color itself now again if i click on
advanced control button and you can see it's difficult for a person to read what is the value given behind the bar okay so if you want you can disable that bar i can click on this check box show bar only so the values will go away so when i click on ok and you can see there are no values only bars are given okay the length of the bar will tell you how much is the profit okay is the profit higher or lower smaller size of length will have lower profit and if you do not
want you can always click on this data bus same way we have something icons i can click on icons advance control and you can change the order or you can change the icon also here so i can scroll down and choose some different icons the arrow icons and click on ok and you can see different icons quickly you can get a snapshot and you can find out that furnishings in central region have the loss they don't have a profit not so profitable so it's a very quick method also known as kpis in power bi these
also somewhere known as kpis key performance indicators okay so i hope you have understood how to work on conditional formatting in matrix let us see a new topic in matrix that is hierarchies hierarchies are used to display more information in less space let us see what i mean to say practically first of all i'll create a matrix here by the way hierarchies can only be created in matrices or matrix some people call it a matrice or matrix so i'll pick up here one category and sales into values and below that category i'll put one more
field as sub category so when i do that i cannot see any change on the screen except this small plus button you see there is a small plus button which is visible suppose i delete that the plus button will go away plus is nothing but the expand button here so let me drag subcategory below that category again and now there's a small plus button now suppose if you want to see details about furniture that how come the value 741 triple nine came so you can click on that plus button and then you can see the
distribution of furniture and based on bookcases chairs and so on if you do not want you can click on that minus button again if you click on technology and you can see those distribution so i did not do anything i just drag and drop random two fields and i've got the answer now suppose if you don't want sub category i'll remove that subcategory and if i pick up here region into rows below that category option and now if i expand this furniture in which region how much were the sales done you can see those distribution
okay hierarchies can be created for any fields quickly by simply drag and drop you don't have to do any advanced calculations in that now so this is one thing and you can keep on adding the fields let's say if i add one more field segment into this rows and i can click on this plus sign click on that plus sign and i can see all the details in that you can add as many fields you want now sometimes you quickly want to see everything so you can click on this button here expand all one level
in the hierarchy so if i click on this button here i can show you all the hierarchies here again if you want to come back you can click on this drill up button again drill up and again you can click on this fourth button to go to the detail option there okay so again i'll come back come back on this place yes now one more thing here suppose i am in category you can see the sales are for category okay now suppose if i want to go for the next level the next level is let's
say region so if you want to go to region you have to click on this button okay so i'll click on this button the third button and i can see i'm getting region sales again if you click on that button you'll be getting that segment sales okay so if you keep on clicking on this button you'll go to next level of that hierarchy so this was for only rows suppose if you want for columns that also is possible so if i click up click up now i'll create one hierarchy for let's say order date if
i drag the order date into columns and a little bit expanding this way so you can see in the column headings i have years 2016 to 2019 so this four options which are drill up drill down will only work for rows or columns one at a time okay so you have to select the option that now this time i want the drill up and drill down for column section so if i click on columns there are some ready-made hierarchies created for order date like year quarter month and day because here you can see there is
a drop down which is already created now i will select columns and if i click on this fourth button so columns will give me the years option as well as quarters so again if you click on this fourth button you'll get years quarters and the month option okay so you can go up and go down and drill up or drill down that's what it is okay so hierarchies are very simple in matrix in power bi you don't have to do much simply drag and drop drag and drop and rest all i would expect you to
explore more this would be very useful when we create a report or a dashboard okay that time it will be very useful so that's it for time being i hope you have understood how to create hierarchies in matrix let us see how to work on subtotal and total matrix i'll first create a matrix over here for subcategory into rows and maybe category above subcategory sales into values a simple matrix here and try to expand it so if you see i have at the bottom that's a grand total okay that's a total option and if i
click on this fourth button it will show me all the values that means it will show me furniture and these subcategories office supplies and the subcaddy resource so that's it okay now if i want to hide or show subtotal if i want to format the subtotal or totals i can go to this format option first i'll show you subtotal click on subtotal and i have this row subtotal it is on if i make it as off see what happens i am not getting a subtotal here you see this values which have been blank right now
that has been disabled if you want that you can just click on that button and it will be visible here now if i scroll at the bottom again if i make it off so you can see the total option also has gone away okay at the bottom total option also has been gone away so i can just on this and if i want to format that i can select the option as font color make some different color here so it is easily recognized and the background color i can change it to something different let's say
black color yeah so this is how i can format the subtotal here and if i want to apply the same labels same to the labels i can click on apply to labels and the this is the subtotal which i'm getting here subtotal up now the total option is grayed out okay when i keep my cursor i can see the values 2.29 see in a sense a small tooltip is there but nothing is given there so this value is actually a total value so it is not a subtotal i have to minimize that subtotal and click
on grand total option here in grand total the font color i'll make it as white so you see this grand total this is a separate option okay so grand total is the last one and subtotal is in between everywhere okay that's the option here and same way apply to label so i can tell you that white color is for the totals white font color and red font color is for the subtotal and black font color is for the exact values over there okay and you can play with the formatting part itself okay that's very simple
and very easy so i've shown you only for the rows you can also work for the column section different subtotals and column totals you can get okay so that's it i hope you've understood how to work on subtotal and total in metrics in power bi let us see how to work on number formatting in table and matrix number formatting are very important and useful so let us see practically how to work on that first of all i'll create a simple table for subcategory sales profit some measures i'll take up i'll select subcategory i'll select sales
profit and quantity so i've taken this three you know measures one dimension that is subcategory now if you observe the sales column is a decimal value the profit column is a whole number and quantity is a whole number suppose this sales column if you want to convert into whole number you can select this sales from the right hand side this pane okay so i'm selecting from here when you click on this place you will get a column tools tab okay column tools tab will be only visible if you have upgraded the version i am using
the latest version which is may 2020 version so here column tools is given if you have the previous version you can see in the description or somewhere you'll find a link how to upgrade the version how to enable this window you can see that video will be there so right now it's a decimal number if you want to convert into whole number you have to click on this decimal option that is the data type and select the option phone number the moment you click it will ask you do you want to change i'll say as
yes and this column would be converted to whole number okay that's very simple here now second one other number formatting would be if you want to add some decimal like thousands millions billions so you can go to this format tab here okay this particular format tab and here somewhere at the bottom you can see field formatting is there so i'll just click on field formatting scroll down here i have to select the option that is the sales so i'll select the option sales here display units is given as none i can select the option as
thousands millions billions so let's say i'll go with thousands first and you can see the values have changed to thousands here 330.047 now this decimal is again a bit disturbing so i can go to value decimal format places and make it as zero okay so i have typed here as zero and it will round up the numbers same way for the profit column if you want to change it to thousands as decimal so i'll select profit from here and i'll select the option as thousands okay so this way you can get in decimal formats whichever
we want apart from that related to number formattings like if you want to change the you know size or bold italic that options will be getting in the format itself okay so same applies for the matrix also nothing different i'll just convert this into matrix format and this is a matrix right now since i've clicked on this matrix and i'll add something let's say region into columns okay region into columns so here if i want to change anything i have to go to this format option and same i'll find the option here as field formatting
and this is sales or i'll select quantity this time and display in a thousand so options are same either for table or for metrics but this is the way you can change data type and field formatting so that's it i hope you have understood how to work on number formatting welcome to the new section on power bi here we'll see how to work on different type of charts the section name i've given as other charts in power bi so i can say these are like basic charts but miscellaneous other charts in power bi so what
are the different charts we'll see there are total eight visuals we'll see here what are those we'll see that so first one will see how to create a simple line chart then we'll see how to work on drill down option in a line chart then we have how to create an area chart then line versus column chart scattered plot waterfall chart then we have tree map and gate chart so these are some different charts few of them you might be aware but few of them are like very new to power bi so if you are
coming from excel background to power bi you might find some charts let's say gate chart tree map scattered plot these charts are not easily available there there are the options but not easily available so we'll try to explore and see how this charts will help us to convey our message much more better let us see how to create a simple line chart in power bi line chart are mostly created when you have a date data type so that you can see the progress over time based on sales or profit or any other measure here so
first of all i'll get the data i'll just pick up that sample superstore into this file and i'll create a line chart here steps are very simple straight forward so i'll pick up the orders sheet from here and directly click on load button so once it is loaded i'll just expand the fields over here and there are different types of line chart like line versus column area chart line chart so in this video i'll just create a basic line chart so let me click on line chart and i'll resize it properly here as i said
we need some date data type so i have this date data type wherever you see this data type icon that is for date you see this date data type that's date data type so make sure you have a clean data then only you can get this very easily if you do not have a clean data no problem in the coming video section i will show you how to clean data properly and bring into a proper date format so let's see so i'll just pick up this order date into access and i can pick up here
sales into values so this is a simple line chart so what this is trying to convey the sales in 2016 was 484 000 and then in 2017 it has come down and slowly gradually it has increased and the highest was in 2019. so you can see x axis is the year and y axis is for the sales okay very simple now if you want to see the distribution of the sales based on different categories so i can pick up here category into legend and i can tell you that in 2016 technology was having the higher
sales okay and in 2017 technology was on the second position and again technology came on the first position in the next two years 2018 and 2019. so the line color you can see these are nothing but known as the legend and you can see different colors are there for different categories okay so you can quickly identify those values here now let me remove that category i'll just click on this cross button and i'll put here region into legend now you can see there are four regions and i'll be getting those four different colors here what
i can say about this south region which is in this orange color it is always on the last position in material of whichever you year you pick up it is always on the last position so sales i'm getting from that region is the lowest okay very simple and remaining the formatting part you have seen in the previous videos many videos that you can click on format and you can change everything whatever you want the x-axis y-axis size font background color anything you can change from here these are the options so something different you can see
you can also work on data labels i can click on this on button and you can see for every dot you can see there's a data label here okay and suppose if you do not want the legend you can just click on this off button and the legend will go away but in this case legend is required without legend it would be not so good information and if i scroll down you can see there are some shapes also if i click on shape and the joined type is given as round so if i select b
level you can see what happens if i select the option miter nothing happens so if i expand the shape you can see there's a line style which is given solid i can select the option dashed line and you can see the dash lines are given i can select the option as dotted and you can see the dotted lines are given so plenty of options are available in this section that is the format section and you can try to find out those options here right so that's it i hope you have understood how to create a
simple line chart in power bi you have learned how to create a line chart in this video i'll show you something different that is drilling down on a line chart i have purposely kept this video as a separate video so i can explain you what is the drill down concept here if you have seen the matrix video earlier we have seen hierarchy option there same concept is known as drill down in line chart let us see practically i'll click on that line chart and pick up here order date let me resize it properly i'll pick
up here order date into access and i'll pick up here sales into values a simple line chart is created carefully observe the x axis is having the years y axis is having sales i know it is very small the font size let me click on view tab click on this drop down and customize the current theme so i'm just trying to increase the size of this text so i'll just click on text option and i can just increase the size to 18 maybe and apply so a bit bigger as compared to earlier now x axis
is having only years if you see it's only having years if i want to have month quarter days etc you can see these are the four buttons which you have seen earlier these buttons are used for drilling up and drill down if i click on the fourth button here and you can see expand all down one level in hierarchy so if i click on this button you can see i'm getting years as well as quarters i understand x axis is showing you month and you know years but actually it has divided into years and quarters
how do i tell you when i keep my cursor on any point you can see 2016 quarter four if i keep my cursor here 2016 quarter three here if i keep 2018 quarter four so it is not telling you 2018 june july august no it's not mentioning the month but it is trying to tell you what quarter it is so remember when you keep on clicking on this button it will go to the next level whatever is present here so year quarter month and so on now if i again click on this button okay if
i click on this fourth button again it will go to month so you can see years as well as month and again if i click it will go to days the x axis is misguiding it's not telling us what exactly it is but if i can go back drill up so those options you can find in the format option where x axis you can change or you can align that so i can go to format and all the options you'll get in x axis so let me click on x-axis and if you scroll down you
have the different options available so type is there categorial and continuous so if you select this category option and you can see the text has been aligned horizontally or against us in some degree over there and if i expand you can see this is quarter three quarter four quarter five if i click on this button it will zoom again in focus mode and you can see quarter wise it's given there everywhere i can click on back to it so all the options will be getting in the format in the x-axis option here okay so if
i want to come back i can click on this back button and i'll be getting year-wise sales the rest story remains the same you can drag some region and put into legend you'll be getting four different lines for four different regions okay and still you can drill down to next level and you can see years and quarters and so on one more thing i wanted to add here suppose you want to show only month of all the years january of 2015 16 17 and so on all the years so you can click on this third
button and you'll get quarters of all the years again if you click on this third button that is go to next level in hierarchy you're getting jan feb march april till december so here you cannot distinguish that this january is for 2016 or 17 or 18 no so it is a cumulative total of all the years however in future i'll show you if you want to filter for specific year like 2016 or 2017 you can do that with the help of this filter space okay in coming section we have this videos separately for filters but
for time being i hope you have understood how to work on drill down in line chart now since we have learned how to create a line chart drill down on a line chart let us see how to work on area chart now while doing this charts you might have a confusion it's okay to learn how to create but when to create which chart so there are some tricks and techniques which you can remember when to create with chart you can find the pdf in the description or in the attachment somewhere below this video so this
will be a detailed view or section and it will guide you when to create which chart suppose you have a date data type go for line chart go for area chart if you have a geographical data type go for map field map symbol maps and so on if you have a text data type go for word cloud column chart or some other pie chart donut chart so these are some categories where it is divided and you can learn more about it in in the description in the link given so here let us continue for the
area chart if you have learned line chart area chart is simple so let's start with line chart i'll click on line and here i'll put same field of order date and i'll put here sales now when i put region into legend this was where we left in the previous video if i click on this area chart see what happens the area below that line gets highlighted with that color so you see i'll click on that no changes except the filled color you see if i again click on line chart the line position remains the same
but below area gets filled up with different colors here okay you can see all the different colors will be different so how do you understand what are the different colors observe carefully when i click on line chart observe this area and observe this area what color it is getting so i'll just click on area chart so you can see the area which is occupied by that particular line in this case region only that is highlighted same way for west region i can say south region the color is this one for east region that's the color
so below area has been highlighted so as the name says area chart when you want to see how much area is occupied or covered you use this area chart however if you want to understand in detail you can go to format and select this data label and you'll be getting labels on those area option okay and you can see which region has got how much sales in which here and remaining format options remain the same like x axis y y-axis legend and everything so i hope you have understood how to create a simple area chart
in power bi let us see how to work on a combo chart i mean to say line versus column chart so combination of column and line let us see that practically so there are two types of column versus line chart let me show you the first one that is line and clustered column so if i click on line and clustered column and if i expand it properly now i'll put here order date into shared access so i want to compare the same sales and profit so i'll put sales into column values and i'll put here
profit into line values so the sections you have to understand the different charts will have different sections so one is shared access we have column values we have line values and you can understand line values means it will give you this line so this blue line is for profit and i mean dark blue line light blue columns are for sales okay now you can see for that line we have a secondary axis this is the secondary axis and that's the primary vertical secondary vertical primary vertical this legend will help you to understand what line belongs
to what column is belonging to okay now line versus column that's very simple let me make it more interesting for you suppose you want to see the distribution of sales or in different regions so what i mean to say is suppose in 2016 sales have done of this much some values there i want to see that in 2016 which region was having higher sales or what is the distribution of sales in that region 2016. so i can pick up this region and drag and drop into column series okay so when i drag and drop this
one column has been divided into four parts okay this four section it has divided and what are those four section these are nothing but the you know different colors or different regions are there so it has been divided what i can tell you from this one out of 2016 in this sales whatever sales are done the highest sales i'm receiving from this purple color which is nothing but west okay from this west region which is purple second highest is from particular this region so i'll press escape again here and let's talk about this one so
here i have 2019 and highest sales i'm getting from west region in 2019 and the lowest i'm getting from this particular south region so i'm looking at the color and then telling you what it is there okay so you can compare many things right now i'm comparing two measures measures are numerical values so numerical means sales and profit these are measures and i'm also trying to work on two dimensions one is the order date and second is region so this both are textual and date field sales and profit are numerical field so i'm trying to
analyze by multiple fields here now if you click on this other chart that is line and stack column see what happens if i click on line and stack column the chart gets converted into line versus column stacked column here you can see the comparison between years 2016 2017 2018 and 19. you can tell that the highest sales is in 2019 second highest in 2018 and third highest so in this chart i'm comparing between the years okay between the years or x axis whereas if i select the second chart that is line and clustered column i
am not comparing between the years not comparing 2016 2017 no but i am comparing with the different regions in that year okay different regions in that here so that is the whole story all about yeah so line versus column chart is very easy but if you try to explore with different dimensions and measures you'll find it more interesting so i'll remove that i'll create once again for you so i'll just click on the line and clustered column resize it properly and here i can drag this order date into shared access sales into column values profit
into line values okay profit into line values so that's a simple line versus column if you want to explore further you can bring some field and drop into column series so right now two measures are there sales and profit and one dimension let's say i'll pick up this time category into column series and i can tell you which category is sold more in which here okay by looking at this chart very simple and easy so that's it i hope you have understood how to create line versus column chart or column versus line chart let us
see how to create a scattered plot in power br scattered plot or scatter chart is the only animation chart by default in power bi i repeat scattered plot or scatter chart is the only animation chart by default underline the word by default in power bi there are many more animation charts which will see in the coming video but when i say by default these are the visuals which are by default 30 plus visuals so in this only scattered plot is having the animation feature let us see how we work on scatter plot we create scattered
plot when we want to see the distribution of measures or numerical values so here i will be showing you distribution of sales and profit in different subcategories okay so two numerical columns are required okay two numerical columns now when i say numerical how do you quickly find out which are the numerical columns so here if you see the icon this submission icon will help you that these are numerical columns okay these are all the numbers so as i said i have picked up the clean data if your data is not clean you have to first
clean and then create charts cleaning part will be taken care further in the coming section now proceeding towards the scattered plot i'll click on scattered plot or scattered chart and you can see there are different options which i have to put okay so i'll keep on adding fields one by one and you can see how this scattered plot looks more better so as i said we need two numerical columns so i'll put here sales into x axis profit into y axis so x axis sales y x is profit okay i'm getting a single dot the
single dot will tell you what is the total sales and total profit so if i want to see how different sub categories are distributed so i'll pick up sub category into details so you can see these are all different subcategories these are 17 subcategories i know the number so i can tell you confidently so when i keep my cursor on any circle or bubble you can see it will tell you what is the name of that what is the sales and what is the profit so being from a sales perspective i will definitely look for
those sub categories which are in the upper section okay in the upper section why because those are having higher profit okay those are having higher profit or which are in the this way on the top this is the profit access and later on i can see based on sales also so in my case i can tell you that the higher sales are coming higher profit are coming from this particular dot this dot and this dot and what are this dot i have to keep the cursor and then i can tell you which is a bit
difficult so why not give some labels over there so i can go to this format button and click on this category label this category labels option if i enable i don't have to keep the cursor it's very easy i can read those everything properly now copiers is having higher profit i can say highest profit second highest may be accessories or phones but on the right hand side you can see phones and chairs are definitely having highest sales because they are on the extreme right hand side corner that's a simple scatter plot from here onwards some
additional features will come now if i drag the quantity option into size if i drag this quantity into size you can see the size of bubble have increased some places so it is trying to tell you that the bigger size will have the higher quantity and the smaller size will have smaller quantity what you can find out from the quantity suppose if the quantity is higher there will be more cost for packaging transporting or delivering some additional cost would be there when the you know the quantity is less you have less kind of this expenses
over there so this calculation you can find out from here the other part i can tell you that this option given as legend now phones belongs to some other category let's say technology and there is something let's say chairs chairs belongs to furniture so they both are different categories i can drag this category option and put into legend so those different categories will get different colors when i say office supplies in office supplies i can say these three are doing better as compared to other subcategories by looking at the color you can quickly click on
this legend which is office supplies and find out what are the different subcategories doing better in that category if i click on technology i can tell you in technology copiers is on the top position having higher profit phones is having the highest sales okay so you can quickly find out from now that's a very simple scattered plot here now let's come to the animation part here the animation for that you have to bring something as order date into play access and wait for few seconds maybe three four seconds and this will create an animation point
for you in this scattered plot as i said catered plot is the only chart having animation now it took some few seconds now i can click on this play button and you can see on the top the dates are changing here and some values are moving over there you see the values are moving based on that day what are the sales and the profit of each sub category it is showing that but there are four years of data and it is showing you each day of data which is very difficult why not convert into year
so i can scroll down here and click on this play access drop down and select the option date hierarchy so if i click on date hierarchy it will give me a hierarchy of date like year quarter month and day so right now by default it gave me year 2019 when i click on this play button you can see it's giving me the trend of sales from 2016 to 2019 okay because i have data till 2019 so if i click on copiers you can see a line will go on and it will tell you what was
the sales done for copies part okay or if i click on phones you can see the sales how the trend is going on sales and profit you can click anywhere so suppose i want to compare copiers and phones i will press ctrl click and select and now i can click on this play button and you can see the lines will drop and it will tell you how the sales and profit have increased or decreased in those coming years okay so that's very simple and easy and i hope you have understood how to create a simple
scatter plot with animation in power bi let us see how to create a simple waterfall chart in power bi here you can see that's a waterfall chart i'll click on that waterfall chart here resize it properly and here i can just drag this order date into category and i'll put sales into values so waterfall chart are mostly prepared for the access where it is trending mostly like i can say as date data type i can say so what it is trying to convey 2016 2017 what are the sales done on those areas so it is
trying to build a waterfall in the other direction okay it's going in this direction here now the last column is a total column which is present and let's say we have some more feature here that if you want to see a breakdown right now everywhere it is increasing so you can see here there's an increase no decrease is there in the chart so i cannot show you the red bar over here okay wherever it is decreasing now in this fields option i have something as breakdown suppose i want to see the sales done in those
years and i want to show you in detail based on different regions so i can pick up here let's say region into breakdown now you can see what exactly it is trying to convey here if you observe in 2016 to 2017 the sales have been different here if you see that's a green color that means sales have increased and for this two different places sales have definitely decreased and what are those region there's a south region west region and central so in those 2016 year these three regions were not performing good okay only the east
region was doing better in east region so that was the only i can say only sales giving region rest all were having lower sales so on the other place if you see here i have west region which is giving good sales on the other hand central and south you see south is very less that's the south region which is having very low sales here so what i'm trying to show is distribution of sales by years is shown but if you want to break down in detail based on region or any field you have to drag
and drop in breakdown i will remove that and i'll show you based on some other field let's say category if i drag category and drop into breakdown you can see the same thing again here in 2016 i can say technology and office supplies were not having that good sales but furniture had a good sales over here to get a more clear picture i can go to this format option and i can bring here data labels so when i go to data labels you can see more better now it will be easier for you wherever there
was a red bar that means it was negative or decrease so minus twelve thousand minus fifteen thousand and whereas furniture was having thirteen thousand that was the value we have got okay and the other places you can see based on label so it's very simple waterfall chart in power pi okay that's it and different options you can search in the format legend x axis y axis and so on so please try to work on that options and you'll get more idea so i hope you've understood how to create waterfall chart let us see how to
create a tree map in power bi consider a tree map as a hierarchy chart where you can show a parent and child distribution let us see that practically so here we have a tree map on this default charts and let me resize so in this stream app i'll pick up something let's say sub category into group and i'll put here sales into values okay a simple tree map would be given now how do you read or understand the stream first thing let me show you by writing something whenever you have the first category on the
top whatever field right now it is phones whatever is on the top that means it is having higher value in this case higher sales whatever is at the bottom that is having the lower sales so phones is having the higher and the art envelopes these are having lower sales okay you can change the colors and all that is the secondary part now i'll go in more detail the question is i want to find out in phone section which region was giving good sales okay so i can pick up here region drag and drop into details
region into details and what you can see and how do you read it for example this one yeah so phones is on the top number one it is having higher sales inside phones there is a east there is a west south and central so carefully observe the size of east is bigger and it is on the top position so sales are higher for east region okay inside phones you are getting more sales from each region okay the distribution one more example let's say i'm talking about tables tables is i think the fourth position in terms
of sales inside tables maximum sales are received from west region okay why do i say because the position is on the top and it is on the first position so second would be south third would be central and fourth would be east okay that's a distribution if you find it confusing no problem you can go to this format button and there you can see there's a data label once you get a data label you can get the values also and clear the concept so if i show you that east region as i said which is
the highest sales hundred thousand then there is seventy two thousand and ninety eight and fifty so i think first would be this west second would be sorry east and then west okay same way when i say about the tables the first you're getting from west region second may be from some other region which you can expand and see the option let me expand it or if i click on this focus mode it will become bigger and if i keep cursor 39 so here i can say west region i'm getting good sales for tables then south
and then so on so remember the size and position also matters whenever it is bigger size higher sales first position again i can say higher sales okay coming back to the report so that's it i hope you have understood how to create a simple tree map in power bi let us see how to work on a gate chart or some people call this a gauche chart so let's see how to create this gate chart or a bar chart now we have a ready-made gate chart option here so you don't have to write some coding or
write some formulation function ready-made gate chart would be there so i'll just create two gate charts so first one i'll click on this button gate chart and i can resize it properly in this gate chart i can drag the sales and drop it either here or in this section anywhere okay so i'll tell you where to be dragged so first of all i'll just drag sales and drop it into this gate chart so what you can see right now a gate chart would be created and some value would be visible here so this is the
total sales which is 2.30 million okay that's a total sales and 50 percent of the area is occupied here if you see 50 percent is blank and 50 percent is that sales now there's one value which you observe which is 4.59 million four point five nine million which is the double of the actual sales okay it's i know something bit odd four point five nine is double of two point three zero million okay some round of number so here actually this half of the space is not utilized properly okay so what we can do is
gate charts are mostly used when you want to compare with the target whether we have achieved the target or not whether it is exceeded the target or not so here i'll try to bring one indicator okay some indicator over here so which will give me what is the target and i can find out whether it has achieved or not since we do not have any target field here i will quickly create one target field and i can drag and drop so i can just go to home menu bar and i have this new measure okay
so i have sales but i don't have target sales so just for time being i'm creating a field so that we can use i'll click on new measure and i'll write as target sales equal to some column i'll write here target sales equal to i know it's not visible so i'll zoom it properly so target sales equal to sales which is already an existing column here i can write as sum of sales sum of sales into i can write 1.3 for time being 1.3 so assuming the target was 1.3 times the original sales and i'll
press enter okay so here on the right hand side somewhere you can see a new field is created at the bottom that is target sales and here there's a calculator icon there's one thing you have to observe there's a calculator icon because i clicked on this home menu bar and i clicked on new measure okay i clicked on home menu i clicked on new measure so coming back to that gate chart i can select that target sales and put into target value okay target sales into target value and you can see what happened here i
am getting 2.99 million was the target okay i have created dummy target here if you already have a ready-made target field you can simply drag and drop no need of writing the calculation so i have not achieved the target and i've achieved just 2.30 million the actual target was 2.99 billion okay so one more example i'll show you on the same thing i'll click on gate chart and this time i'll prepare for profit and target profit profit column i already have so i'll drag and drop into values but target profit i don't have okay here
also if you observe this is the actual profit and this twice of the actual profit 572 is two times of 286. creating a new target profit column home menu bar and i'll click on new measure here i'll write as target profit and i'll zoom the screen so it's visible for you target profit equal to sum of in bracket i'll write as profit simply write profit and press tab key when i press tab it will give me the name of the table that is orders is name of the query or table and square bracket profit is
name of the column into 1.4 this 1.4 can be anything you can write anything 1.5 1.6 for dummy example right now and press enter make sure you press enter that is important when you press enter on the right hand side at the bottom target profit is created so i can just drag this target profit into target value okay so target value will give you an indicator that this was the target and you have not achieved it okay now what is the use of this gate chart number one you can visually see whether it has achieved
or not the target second i'll create a pie chart at the bottom you know how to create a pie chart and i'll show you what the use of this gate chart so create a pie chart for region and sales region and sales and that's it so ignore this legend we don't want this legend option now suppose i click on this particular region which is a west region see on the top the gate charts will change if i click on this west region the k charts are changing and they are telling you what is the sales
in west region what was the target invest region what is the profit in west region what is the target in west region i'll click on south region see the numbers will change if i click on south region and you can see this was the sales 391 this was the target sales profit and target profit okay so you can keep on clicking and the gate charts will automatically change not only gate charts but all the charts will change which you'll see in the coming section but this is very interesting gate chart to measure whether the performance
or indicators they also known as kpi somewhere key performance indicators so practice and see this video twice you will get understand more in detail okay so that's it i hope you have understood how to create a gate chart in power bi welcome back to this newer section on carts and filters now slowly gradually we are coming to some advanced level of visuals the basic charts we are covering slowly gradually now what are cards and filters these are very important again the same thing indicators cards are nothing but indicators giving you only the values so it
can be text it can be date or numbers and also we'll see how to work on different filters so i've divided this section into smaller videos each topic i'll explain in detail and what are those videos i can show you here so we have four videos on cards okay we'll see how to work on number card text card date card and multi row card later on along with that side by side we'll see how to work on this filters option these are four different types of filters there are many filters which we'll see but right
now as a beginner there are four different filters we'll see filters on visuals on page on all the pages and how to drill through so these are the topics total eight videos in this section let us see how to work on number card so there is no number card kind of concept in power bi there is only card concept you can create a simple card so i have just given this name as number card text card and date card separately so i can show you different examples here so let us see number card how to
create that and then i'll tell you what is the use so i can just click on this one two three next to a gauge chart which is a card over here and i'll just try to align it properly and i'll bottle this i'll put here sales either you drag and drop into this fields option or you drag and drop it here okay so that's a simple card over here again i'll click outside make sure you click outside and again click on one two three i'll create three cards so first one for sales second for profit
and again i'll click outside click on this card and drag the quantity into that card so i am only dragging numbers numerical columns like sales profit quantity not the textual columns like region state that i'll do in the next video so what it is trying to say it is trying to give you the total value okay total sales is 2.30 million total profit is 286 000 quantities 38 000 okay so these are like again indicators which will give you what are the values going on total values so right now you might have seen some dashboards
on coronavirus what are the total number of cases what are the active cases what are the fertility rate so this numbers will be given on the top and at the bottom they'll give you some charts maybe line chart or a map or something so consider this as a indicators over there now they work very simple okay they are very simple to watch but they are very useful how i will create some map or some table over here let me just create a map i'll click here and click on this map button and i can just
drag here state into location and sales into values or size you have seen how to create a map in the previous video so here i will just try to increase the size so it looks a bit better bubbles i'll increase size here yeah so that's a map here okay now let me try to move it on the right hand side you can ignore the alignment part that is very simple i can do it for you yes so these are the sales quantity discount now if i keep my cursor here this is what california let me
also add some labels over here i'll go to format and select the option as labels category labels so now if i click on california carefully observe if i click on this california you are able to see the sales quantity and discount for california okay that's a sales for california quantity and profit if i click on some other state let's say if i click on this florida and you can see all the values in that card will change you see all the values are changed i have not done anything no linking i have done by default
all the cards all the charts in that page are linked together okay these are default properties if you want you can break the relation also which will see in the coming section coming videos but it's very simple and easy to use this card option okay not only map you can create any chart okay any chart so let's say i'll create a table here and try to bring here simple value here so i'll drag subcategory and i'll drag sales okay that's it sub category sales suppose if i click on accessories one sub category you can see
the value will change here okay if i click on this accessories which is one six seven three eight zero that's the sales and same i'm getting on the top okay this value just to show you whether the values are correct or not if i click on binders the sales for binders is two zero three thousand so that is two zero three thousand okay all the values will be given so this is how we work on number card very simple now if you want to change the formatting and everything you can always change that like i'll
select this 2.3 i'll go to this format usually we require borders for those okay select those apply borders it looks better okay so using borders you can properly align them you see how neat and clean they are if you want you can round up the borders go to format and i can go to this borders option scroll down and i can just round the borders a bit fancy nothing else select that and make it border case so this way you can also round the borders it looks better okay that's it i hope you have understood
how to create a simple number card in power bi so now you have seen how to create a number card okay if you have not seen the video please see that video and come back this is a topic where i'll show how to create a card for text okay when i say text it can be anything it can be sub category category region city state anything so let's see how to create a text card so first i'll create a card click outside and click on this one two three which is a card and resize it
properly here i can drag subcategory and drop into that card so you can see it's giving me accessories and below that accessories is written as it is telling you what is the first subcategory okay first subcategory means alphabetical order wise okay alphabetical so a to z the first is accessories one more i'll create i'll click in this one two three and if i drag here or resize properly and again if i drag subcategory it will also give the same which is the first sub-category but suppose if you want the last sub-category in terms of you
know alphabetical order wise descending so select that card and you can click on this small button here and you have the option as last so first one is by default selected if you click on last what is the last sub category it's table okay alphabet t table and you can work on that you can change something if you want you can click on this drop down and select count so if you click on count you will be getting what are the times sub categories are repeated triple nine four so the entire data is triple nine
four okay these are the number of records so if i click on this button i can select the option count listing this is very important if i click on count listing this will tell me what are the unique sub categories in that column unique sub categories so there are 17 unique sub categories in that database okay 17 that's a simple one but this is not so useful when it comes to creating some visual or dashboard you don't usually get a sub category by alphabetical order no so i think i'll just click remove i'll click and
remove so what i can do is i can show you which is the highest selling sub category highest profitable sub category and highest quantity subcategory so for that we have to do some small exercise and then we'll come back here okay i'll create a new page right click and maybe i can click on this new page here drag this page here and i can just click on this small table and create here subcategory sales profit and quantity okay so four columns i'm done so this we are preparing a base for creating a card okay now
what is the highest selling sub category i'll click on this sort button and it's given as phones 33007 which is phones so i'll click in this notepad i'll write in this place which is for highest selling which is the highest profitable so i can click on this heading and it will tell me copies is the highest profitable so i'll write here in notepad as copy s which is having the highest quantity i can just click on this descending order it's 5974 binders okay so i'll type as binders so these are the three highest selling highest
profitable and highest quantity so it was easy when you have a table but sometimes if you do not have a table and you have very limited space and the client or the end user wants the answer quickly you can create a text card okay now comes the text card so i'll create here a text card i mean a simple card and drag subcategory into that box okay subcategory into that box so as we have seen it is giving the alphabetical order first one i'll expand this filter section in this filter section and here there are
three filters filters on visual filters on this page and filter on all pages we have detailed video in the coming videos here so right now i'll be talking about this option which is filter on this visual okay so carefully observe what i'll do is my answer my output expected is what is the highest selling subcategory okay so you have to do one thing i have to drag this sub category this particular sub category and drop it into this box here okay so you see i'll just drag subcategory and drop into this box why i'm doing
that i'll tell you when you drag and drop it will expand you see i have the second sub-category click on this small drop down button and click on this small button here and select top n these are again sub filters so if i select the option top end i'm looking for only top one sales i am dragging and dropping sales into this box so what i've done is drag sub category select from here top end type one and by value is 6. the moment i click on apply you see when i click on apply this
value has changed and it is giving me as follows why phones because here if you see the highest selling subcategory is what phones same way i'll show you how to find out highest profitable and highest quantity so i'll do it two more times and you can understand properly let me move it aside and here i'll click again outside click on this text card drag sub category into fields alphabetical order drag subcategory into this box from here i'll select top end type here as one and drag profit into this box because i want top one subcategory
when i click on apply you can see that's a highest profitable copies let me open that notepad and you can see highest profitable let's see highest quantity one more time i'll click outside click on this card subcategory into this box and again sub category into this box here i'll select top end because i want the top item top one and this time this time you tell me what should i drag if i want the highest quantity you yes you can say it's quantity again so i can drag the quantity and drop it here make sure
you click on this apply filter button most of the time apply filter button we forget so once you click on apply you can see binders will be the answer so binders is the top quantity okay now i know this title at the bottom is misleading you see phones first sub-category first sub-category first sub-category so you can change that and how do you change you can click on this select the card click on this small drop down and rename this field and write as highest selling i can select the second card click on this drop down
select rename highest or i can write as most profitable okay select the binders and then click on this drop down rename and most order okay most ordered so phones copiers and binders these are the top three categories here okay so that's it i hope you've understood how to work on text card in power bi so something more in the text card what was that we'll see how to properly align those text card and also we'll work on how this text card can be useful further so first of all let me align it properly i'll just
select that card over here properly give a background that is the border here select that format button and you can see there's a border option and there will be a border i'll scroll down expand the border and this radius if i make it to 30 px it will round out the borders will be rounded up and to give more effects i can just click on this shadow button here and you can see a small shadow there so if you compare this phones with this copiers this looks more fancy and same way i'll try to also
modify select the same borders make it as on and scroll down radius i'll make it as 30 px and same way shadow i'll make this off and properly align it same applies for this one select the card and by the way we have a format painter option why to do it again and again and again so simply select that card from where you want to copy the formatting and then click on format painter okay format painter and then you can just click on the other option and you can see that has been formatted so this
way you can format so i have three different cards highest selling most profitable and most ordered so this text card will change when if i click on any other chart let's say for example i will create here a simple column chart for category i'll select category option and i'll select sales over here okay that's a simple column chart so there are three categories i can say technology furniture and office supplies let me move it on the right so if you ask me inside technology which is the most selling most profitable most order so i can
click on technology and you can see phones and phones and copies these are the most ordered most profitable if i click on furniture okay in furniture the most selling is chairs most profitable is also chairs and most ordered is furnishings if i click on office supplies it will tell me that the highest selling is storage most profitable is paper and the most order is binders so not only column chart as i said in the previous video also you can work on any type of chart and this text card will automatically change they are automatically linked
here so that's it i hope you have understood cosmetic part on the text card let us see how to create a date card in power bi this is one of the most important and my favorite how to create a date card in power pi so it's simple and easy and there are many features which have been added with newer versions let us see that practically so here i will just create or click on this one two three that's the card here and i'll resize that so i can pick up here order date into this fields
since it's a date card i'll pick up any date field here so this will give you one date which is the earliest date in that database earliest date so let me show you practically when i go to page one just dummy page i'll create remove that and i'll create a table pick up here order date into values sales into values and i'll make this order date as date order date here so what i'm trying to show you is what is the minimum date in that table minimum date is 3rd january 2016 and same value will
be given in that card if you want to find out the latest date in that data set i can click on that column heading and you can see the latest date would be 30th in december 2019. let us go and check so i'll go to that date card sheet and the earliest one is 3rd january 2019. this one is by default selected as earliest if you want you can search for latest count so latest date and you can see 30 december 2019 okay that's a latest date over here but what i want to show you
is which date was there where we got most sales or most profit highest selling or highest profitable day let me go to that text card this page one sorry and drag the profit into the table okay this one just for your understanding i am creating not required in the company you don't have to create this one so if i sort this in the descending order of sales the most or the highest selling day was march 18 2016 okay so i'll write here highest sales were on march 18 2016 okay same way i'll write for highest
profit highest profit was on let me check i can click on this profit column heading and it was october 2 2018 okay october 2 2018. so this was easy when i create a table sorting ascending descending then i got the answer but in real time you don't create this table every now and then we usually take help of this card okay that discard here so what i can do is i can show you this method we can work on this filter on this visual we have detail topic on filter but let's see when i click
on this drop down and if i click on this drop down you can see the options are not there not many options will be visible so i can just minimize i'll pick up this order date again and drop into this box so here we have again four options here one is advanced filtering basic filtering relative date and top-end i'll show you the same thing if i click on top end and i'll type as top one drag the sales into this by value field and if i click on apply filter carefully observe when i click on
apply filter march 18 2016 was the highest selling day so most sales were gotten on that day you see march 18 2016. if you want to see what was the most profitable day october 2 2018 so i can go back i can remove this sales option and i can drag here profit into this box and i have to click on apply button october to 2018. so what i'll do is i will create two cards here so one i can just right click copy paste using ctrl v and this particular card was for profit i can
just replace it with sales okay drag and drop it for c apply filter so left hand side is the most profitable and is the highest selling so i can rename that click on the drop down and i can click on rename i can say as highest or i can see as most profitable most profitable day and i can see as highest selling so highest sales highest sales that's it so these two are the fee now same story again if i create a chart and if i try to play with that this both dates will change
so let me create a table at the bottom for region and sales region into the values and i can pick up here let's say sales into that values a simple table is created if i click on central and if i want to find out what is the highest selling day and most profitable day in central so if i click here you can see october 2 and october 2 highest selling and profitable if i click on south it will give you the details about that particular value okay west you can see so any data set you
have at the bottom it will try to change the dates also okay that's very simple so that's it and i hope you have understood how to create a date card in power bi that was number one agenda and how to find out most profitable and highest sales in the next video also i'll continue for the date card let us see one more topic in date card that is relative date filtering this is very important and new feature in the latest power bi applications so relative date card what i am trying to say let us see
practically so suppose i create a simple card here click on this card and i can pick up order date into this box this will give me the earliest date in the database we have seen in the previous video earliest date but what i want i want to find out the earliest date in last two years okay the earliest date in last two years so i can drag this order date again and drop into this box here that is add data fields here when i drag if i click on this drop down i have this four
options when you drag some textual field you have three options so related date is a new feature relative date so my question was i want to find out in last two years which was the smallest date so i can click on this last in the last okay is in the last i can write two not days but i want to include here years in the last two years when i click on apply button and you can see in the last two years june 4 2018 was the smallest date okay june 4 2018. if you want
in the last two let's say 24 months or 25 months if i click on apply you can see may 5 2018 was in the last two 25 months now it looks simple but what is the beauty of this date card relative card if i open this file next year this 2018 will change to 2019 so this date is connected to my system date whenever the data or the date changes this values will automatically change okay same way here if you observe what is the range given it is given as 5 4 20 18 to 6
3 20 20. this date is actually the date when i'm recording today so it is including this day also okay 6 3 20 20 june 3rd of june 2020 okay so if i open this file tomorrow this will change to 4th of june 2020. so this will automatically change now where it can be used let me show you that so if i remove this table i remove this card actually this relative card filtering can be used everywhere in the reports in the charts anywhere so let me show you small example if i click on table
and if i just bring here the order date and if i bring here sales this comes in four columns year quarter month and day i'll try to bring in one column i'll just click on this drop down and select order date that's the field and select already so i'm getting here the entire set you see third of january 2016 to enter the highest one but i only want data from last two years only okay so from last two years so i can pick up this order date into this box here you see filter on this
visual this box and i'll tell them i want data relative date so relative date from here in the last two years and click on apply filter so here you see june 4 2018 is in the last two years the entire table will only give you for last two years if i open the file next year so this particular date will keep on changing okay in fact if i open in next month also this data will change so no i know that it's not related to this particular video that's a date card but i wanted to
show you what is this relative date filters available in this card option okay so it's just one example one simple table you can apply for all the charts or the visual so you create report one time and the report will automatically refresh for every month every year and that's very simple okay so i hope you've understood how to work on relative date filtering on a date card now i think you're comfortable with how to work on date card number card and text card all these options gives you one value at a time only one date
one number or one text what if you want to have multiple numbers multiple texts and multiple dates let's see so for that we'll be using multi row card actually the name is not so correct it should be multi-row and multi-column card let us see what i mean to see so if i click on this normal card what we have seen in the previous video and if i drag here subcategory i used to get only one you know sub category name but if i click outside and if i click on this multi row card and if
i resize and if i drag the same field over here sub category into that box you can see i will be getting all the names of those subcategories into that data set okay these are all 17 subcategories if you count along with this subcategories if you also want sales profit quantity anything you can simply drag and drop profit sales and i think quantity so you can keep on adding as many columns you want okay so that's a name it's given as multi row card so why it is given multi row card because you can see
these are multiple records multiple records what i was saying is it should be also given multi column because i'm adding second column third column and fourth column also so the name should not be multi-row it should be multi-row and multi column card okay that makes more sense so you can keep on adding different fields over here okay let's make it simple i'll only add a sub category and profit okay and i'll delete this one so these are all 17 subcategories okay all 17 subcategories what i want i only want top three sub categories by profit
the highest profitable top three subcategories so i can drag the subcategory and drop into this box here filter on this visual click on this drop down and select top and option and here i can select three earlier i used to type only one because it used to give only one output so i'll type as three and i can drag profit into by value and if i click on apply button you can see only three sub categories are given and they are the most profitable and what are those accessories copiers and foods i know it is
not visible the font is very small so i can click on this format button and go to that card option or maybe card title and increase this size here so if i increase and make it as some different color so accessories copiers and phones are the highest profitable subcategories suppose you want the lowest profitable you can click on this bottom button and click on apply so these are the lowest profitable i'll just click on top and click on apply okay so what is the benefit of using this multi-row part let me show you practically suppose
if i create a pie chart for region and sales i'll resize before i show you something yeah so if i put here region and into legend and if i put here sales into details now maybe i have to put into values yes so carefully observe this box when i say this box that means the multi-row card which i have created when i select something here in the pie chart suppose if i select west so what are the top three sub categories which are sold in west region i can say copies binders and accessories if i
click on east region i'm getting the same i think binders copies and force if i click on central you can see the values are changing so you can find out top three profitable sub categories when you keep on clicking on any region not only this you can change the chart you can change the different fields over here and this values will keep on changing okay that's very simple so that's it i hope you have understood how to create a multi row card in powerpi welcome back to the newer fresh topic in power bi filters filters
are very important when you create some dashboard or a report okay they are used to filter the data on the visual that's very simple but let us see practically what i am trying to convey the message there are different types of filters available in power bi we have filters on visual you can see i have created a sheet over here and i'll keep on showing you topics on this so we have filters on visuals filter on page filter on all pages and drill through and many more filters are there so right now we'll be focusing
on how to work on filter on visual okay so if you're using a older version of power bi you might not get this filter speed okay so you have to upgrade the version or you have to update the features in that how to update i have given the link in the description somewhere you can find out or if not you can see the initial few videos how to update the power bi software here so this filters pane is very important right now in this filters pane we have only two type of filters one is filters
on page second is filter on all pages okay in this pane actually you should get three filters here filter on visual also should be there but it is not there so first of all i'll create some visual only then the option will be there so let me create some chart let's say a pie chart for region and sales okay so when i click on region sales carefully observe i am getting filter on visual now i am getting that the other options also filter on all pages so three filters are there in this filter screen if
you click outside see what happens if i click outside the chart filter on visual is missing okay only two options are there filter on visual is missing because you have to select the visual only then you can apply filter on that visual now i'll create two charts one is this pie chart and one i'll create a funnel chart here okay and the funnel chart will have sub category and sales okay right so the question is suppose if i only want to apply a filter only on that pie chart okay so i have to apply the
option as filter on visual okay so if i want to see only this data for some specific category let's say the technology so i can just drag this technology and drop into this box okay into this box why not into this box and other box because currently i'm interested only on this visual so i can just drag and drop into this box so here i can select the option as technology and minimize this filter so carefully observe i have applied a filter only in this visual not on the other visuals so when i do that
this particular chart or pie chart is changing how do you find out you have to just check the values if they are changing that means the chart is affected so if i minimize that and if i select something else office supplies you can see only one chart is changing the values okay only one chart not the other one so if you want you can specifically filter any one visual okay so i repeat the topic again i deleted that so i've created two separate charts this time i want that only this funnel chart should be modified
so i can pick up segment into this box okay some other example segment into this box and if i select consumer segment only this funnel chart will be changing you see funnel chart would be changing if i click on home office funnel chart is changing not the pie chart so this is very simple that is known as filter on visual so let us see how to work on filter on page okay filter on visual we have seen and the next part we have that is filter on this page okay so when i say page this
is known as page in excel file these are known as sheets but here these are known as pages so i want to apply a filter on the entire page only on one page i can see okay in next video we'll see if you want to apply filter on all the pages you can use the second option here right now i'll quickly create three charts any three charts here so select this pie chart pick up region and profit and yes so that's one chart here second one i'll create a table a simple table for segment and
sales and resize it properly and third one i can pick up here let's say order date and profit maybe this also i'll convert into a table okay so you can quickly see the answers and this one i can just change into order date right so now if you observe these are three different visuals okay three different charts are there let me also remove this legend from here now the question is if i want to see the entire page only for a category let's say as furniture okay so i have to click outside or you can
click on any chart no problem but let's click outside and then i can pick up this category and drop into this box see carefully what is the name of this box here it is filter on this page okay filter on this page so i can just drag this category and drop into this filter on this page and select technology the moment i click on technology the entire page will show me details about technology you see the values have changed it was a bit fast very quick but you can see let's see this value 836 this
will also change if i click outside and if i select office supplies if i select furniture i'll keep on clicking and you can see the values of entire page will change okay entire page will change that's very simple i'll if you want to clear filter you can just click on clear button and i'll just remove this filter here now let's say i want to see the entire detail about only one state let's say california so i can pick up state drag and drop into the same box that is filter on this page and it's difficult
to search it's there california so i can select california the moment i click you can see all the options will change all the values will change you see total page has changed 76 000 here 76 and some value so i can deselect and select arizona and you can see all the values that change i can minimize you can also filter multiple parameters let's say i can also pick up for the customer i can drag this and drop it for customer into the same box here and i can select any one customer and i can get
the values on the entire page okay so this is also one type of filter we have in the next section slices also which you'll see but that's very simple and i hope you understood how to create filter on this page let us see the next topic we have filter on all the pages as the name says filter apply on all the pages not only one page but all the pages let us see that practically so for that what i'll do is i'll create two pages here one is page two and page three let me write
the name as p1 i can just double click and rename that page as p1 and second page i can rename it as p2 so p1 and p2 what i'll do is i'll try to create two charts over here so in p1 i'll create a simple table and apply category and sales okay and same way in the other place i'll create one more table here or i can create a bar chart and i'll put here sub-category and i'll put here sales so these are two visuals i've created and i'll try to add some detail labels here
now what i'll do is i'll copy this right click copy this visual and i'll put on page p2 control v you can press ctrl c and ctrl v also so right click copy visual and i can go to page p2 and paste it so these are two pages one is p2 and p1 both the places are same charts nothing different so what i'll do is i'll apply a filter okay in this option in this place that is filter on all pages and you can see it will affect both the places but before that if you
remember we have learned how to apply filter on this page we'll do that first so let me drag the option category into this option that is filter on this page and suppose if i select furniture okay if i select furniture you can see this both the places i'm able to see furniture and furniture related subcategories like chairs tables bookcases and furnishings but if i go to page p2 this chart is not affected this page is not affected so what i can do is i can go back to p1 if i can delete this filter and
instead of dragging and dropping it in that location i will drag and drop into this location filter on all pages so steps are very much same so i can just drag category and i'll drop into filter on all pages so here if you see when i select furniture definitely i'm able to see furniture or if i select technology i am able to see technology but if i go to page p2 if i go to page p2 you can see here also i am able to see technology and the sub categories relative technology so not only
these two pages but if you open any page you will be able to see that filter is applied so if i go to some other page yeah you can see here also data is filtered in some other page data is filtered so i'll create one more quickly and if i drag category and if i drag sales you can see technology so all the pages wherever this category is used or relevant data would be filtered not only category relevant data would be filtered once again if i come to p1 page and if i select furniture you
can see here furniture on p1 on p2 also there's a furniture and on p3 that is page 3 which i've created there also you can see furniture so anything related to furniture only will be visible everywhere anything related to furniture record will be visible everywhere rest all will be filtered and by the way this filters pane is common everywhere in all the sheets this page would be common so if you want to modify you can modify from here or you can go to that any page and modify this filter on all pages so that's it
i hope you have understood how to work on filter on all pages in this video we'll see how to work on drill through in power bi drill through is a very important topic in power bi it is used to drill down and navigate through different pages that's a name given as drill through so how do we use it and what are the advantages let us see that practically i have created three sheets p4 p5 and p6 you can see these are three sheets or pages i'll be using in this video so let's talk about p4
first in p4 sheet i have created two charts one is bar charts category sales and second is region wise sales as a pie chart okay p5 i have created simple tables which is talking about sub category sales order date sales and the segment sales and if you observe everywhere the value is 2.297 or it can says 2.2 million value these are 2.2 million third that is p6 i have created another two tables which is talking about sales by each customer and sales by each city and see the value also is same 2.29 million it can
be different tables different charts no problem so my question here is if i see the value of technology is eighty three six one five four okay which is eight lakhs thirty six thousand one fifty four so if i want to see the value same value for technology in p4 and p5 okay so what i need to say is in p5 page i want to see this value as 8 lakhs here also it should be 8 lakhs and 8 lakhs so this table or this page should only give me details about that furniture or whatever option
i select same applies for p6 also okay so once again i repeat suppose if i click on this furniture button which is 7 lakhs 42 000 if i want to see details about it what i mean to say details it can be sub category sales of furniture order date sales of furniture and segment sales so at the end i want the value here 7 lakhs and that value 42 000 so let's do that so the steps would be you have to click outside somewhere okay and you can see in this visualization pane at the bottom
there's an option add a drill through fields here okay add a drill pro fields here i am on page six i can drag here category into this button here this box okay so why i have added category because from p4 page i want to jump to p5 via category field okay so i've added here nothing has to be done that's it when i go to p4 page carefully observe when i right click on this category these are all categories when i right click on this place even before right clicking you can see when i keep
my cursor on that on the tool tip it's written something right click to drill through so if i right click here and here if you see there's a drill through option and page p5 whereas if i right click on this region there is no drill through option okay if you click on any chart you will not get it if you right click on only category chart then you will get this drill through and the page number so when i click on p5 carefully observe i will click on this seven lakh forty two thousand remember the
number seven lakh forty two thousand right click drill through and if i click on this p5 button it will jump to p5 and the best part is seven lakh forty two thousand seven lakh forty two it has roundup so seven lakh forty two thousand and i have right clicked on furniture so you see only furniture related values are given like chairs furnishings bookcases and so on so what are the sales done for furniture in different segments in different years everything will be given for that furniture now if i want to jump to p6 okay same
steps i have to do now this time i'll not pick up category but i'll pick up here region i'll drag region and drop it into this box here the page number is p6 now when i click on p4 page number okay this is the region okay now if i right click and here i will get a drill through option which will jump to p6 so this will give me details only about this region part so let's see an example here i want to see the value of south region which is three nine one dot seven
two thousand so i can right click on this south maybe i can click and right click drill through p six so remember the number is 791 000 so when i click on this and let's see the value you can see 791 000 sorry 391 000 my mistake i read it wrong 391 000 and you're getting the value one more which is 725 right click drill through and if i click p6 it will navigate so what it is trying to do is it is drilling through and giving details only for that page i was working for
one of the client in india they have created three pages one for the managers second for the immediate people working with managers and third would be so let's say other people executives so if i right click on manager it goes to next sheet only employees related to that manager if i click on that employee it will give me those executives so this way hierarchy is created in that we can use this trim through option okay so that's it and i hope you have understood how to work on drill 2 in power bi we are starting
a new section here which is slices in power bi desktop slices are nothing but interactive filters which can be used to filter your report your maps your charts your tables anything so there's only one slicer but there are many topics in that slicer so what i've done is i've given different names to that topics and created videos and what are the topics we'll be seeing in this section is we'll see how to create a slicer for text we'll format that particular slicer text slicer same thing we'll see date slicer and we'll format the date slicer
and lastly we'll see how to work on number slices along with this topics i'll also show you what are the real time challenges people face while creating the slicers where this can be used and how easily we can use it let us see how to work on slicers for text we have one slicer in power bi but it can be used for different purposes for text date numbers so what i've done is i have created separate videos for slices slices how do we work on text slices how do you work on dates in this video
we'll see for text slices so here is the slicer i can show you this is a slicer in the power bi visualization so if i click on this slicer and i'll just resize i can put here category into this box and you can see these are the slices created now for having those slices we need to have some charts or visual then only it would be more effective so what i'll do is i'll create a simple bar chart for sub category sales so i'll pick up subcategory into access sales into values so here is the
table i think if we convert into table it would be more better so now if i select the option furniture from this box you can see only furniture related sub categories are visible if i click on office supplies only office supplies values are visible here i know the font or the size is very small let me increase the size i can go to view tab click on this drop down select the option customize current theme and here i can go to text and make the size as 18 and i'll click on apply so this will
make size bigger and you can see properly okay so now if i click on furniture only furniture related sub categories are visible if i click on technology only those are visible if you want to select more than one option you have to press ctrl click from a keyboard control click normal click will not work you have to press ctrl click and then you can select multiple values from here if you want to clear the filter you can click on this button clear selection and it will clear the filter suppose if i select office supplies i
can click on clear filter and it will go away okay that's very simple creating a text slicer now there are different options of formatting which you'll see in the coming section in the videos here but this is a simple text slicer now suppose if i want to add one more level in that let's say sub category below that so i can drag subcategory and drop it below that category in this slicer okay now you can see there's a small change and there's a small drop down which has come on the left hand side so if
you click on that small drop down you can see that that particular technology has different subcategories if i expand this furniture you can see bookcases chairs and furnishings these are different subcategories which are present so you can keep on adding different levels so i can add here let's say segment below subcategory i can add here something region below segment so you can keep on creating multiple hierarchies let me expand it properly and if i click on furniture if i click on book cases if i click on consumer so you can see this hierarchy is created
yeah that's a separate hierarchy so no need of creating separately this is by default in the newer versions if you're using an older version of power pi you may not get this feature so make sure you update the newer version how to update the link might be given in the description or you can see the initial first few videos to understand how to update this version so right now i'll just keep only two category in subcategory so suppose if i only want book cases i can just click on book cases and on the left hand
side you can see bookcases are visible i can select chairs or furnishings and something if i want entire furniture i can select this furniture option okay so hierarchy no need to create you can automatically click so i'll just remove this and i'll show you one more text filters text slices suppose i create a slicer i'll click outside create a slicer for state and city so i'll drag the state option here and drag this city option into that box so if i expand you can see that particular state this particular state that is albama is having
many cities over there so i can just minimize and let's say about california if i expand this california you can see these are all the cities which are present in california state okay and then you can select and find out like in this particular city what are the sales what are the sales by subcategory so not only this you can filter the entire report itself using this one single slicer and let me show you with one more chart here so i'll create simply a simple pie chart for region and sales yes so that's a pie
chart and if i select california you can see the value this value will change in fact all the whatever charts and visuals are present in this page will be changed if you want to clear filter you can always click on this clear button and the filter will go away okay creating and deleting is very easy modifying so that's it and i hope you have understood how to create a simple slicer that is for text in power bi so let us see how to format a text slices we have seen how to create let us see
how to format so first of all i'll create a simple slicer maybe i can just copy paste the table from the previous sheet copy and i can paste ctrl v one more chart i'll copy ctrl c and i can just paste it here so this is nothing i have not started the slicer this is the simple table which i have created now i want to add a slicer and i want to format it so it becomes more easy to filter for end user suppose i want to create a slicer for category so i can click
on this slicer button scroll on the top and i can drag the category option here so this is a category but it looks very dry very raw nothing is there so let's make it more interesting first of all we'll use the method for selecting multiple values if you want to select multiple values you have to press ctrl click now the client or the end user might not be that smart in power bi to press control and click so we can go to this format option and there's an option selection control so here we can just
disable that multi select with control we have to disable that and when we disable that option you can see now using the simple click the person can select and deselect okay number one so where did i go i'll tell you i went to this format button first select the slicer then go to format and here in the selection controls pane multi select with control should be off next one this looks very boring the slices if you want to make it more interesting you can just go to general and here if you see the orientation is
vertical i can change the orientation to horizontal so what happens is i can customize this way or i can you can see this way would be vertical or this way it would be horizontal so wherever you want you can just drag and drop it here so it gives you a very good feel of you know slices i can click on technology and office supplies and deselect and select you see it's very easy now so when it is darker that means it is selected when it is darker if i select technology right now office supplies and
technology are selected rest all are deselected and one more let's see one more i'll create for state so i can click on this slicer i clicked outside drag state and drop into that field box then we can go to this format option general and i can make it as horizontal number one second one i can just go to selection control and deselect this button that is multi select with control and you can see okay let me delete this so i have more space okay so that's a slicer for all the states i know all the
states are not visible so you can click on this small button to see the other states now you can select any one state like this and that will give you details about that state only okay all these sales about that state now if you want to change the color background color border everything can be customized in this format pane let's say if i want to change the color i can go to items font color i'll make it as black or white and in that items i'll make the background color as black okay so this is
how a slicer will look like so it becomes very cool and easy for the end user to select let's say the slow one okay very simple there are many more options which you can figure out like borders shadow lock expect and so on so slowly gradually once you practice you will come to know okay but for time being i hope you have understood how to format the text slices let us see how to work on date slices in power bi so date slicers are required for everyone these are the most important slices i can see
let us see how to create i'll click on this slicer button and try to pick up any date data type date field that is order date when i drag and drop you see what happens i'll be getting a date in mmddyy format okay that's a format here and i can scroll and filter the dates but to scroll that let me just create some table over here i'll click on this table put here order date and i'll put here sales so i can resize it here and i can show you what the values are going on
so that's order date sales on the right hand side and that's a slicer or a filter i've created interactive filters now i can just select the minimum date from here and i can select the maximum date from here okay so i can filter those based on exact dates mmd diy so this would be between the dates minimum to maximum and give me all the dates between so please observe here we have the date starting from 18th of april 2017 okay and you can see 18th of april 2017 and maximum date is 21st of december 2017
which will be at the bottom so you can filter quickly now if you don't want you can click on this clear filter that's very easy and if you want you can just click on this drop down and these are the different options you can play these are like cosmetic options this one is selected between that means between minimum maximum if you select the option before the first box will get disabled you see this first box will get disabled only the second box is enabled here there's also one thing which i didn't tell you you can
click on that box inside and a calendar would appear where it is very easy for you to navigate to that date particularly so i can just click on that december and select july i can click on 2019 and select the option 2018 and select some day from here so this will get filtered or the other method is you can also manually type as 2 2 20 19 enter that is also one method so in this drop down before is there after is there list if i click on this list button i'll be getting list of
all the dates in that slicer in that data set so manually i can use a check box or using control click i can select the values here okay i don't think this would be required not many people would be using this there's the other option as drop down i can select the drop down and i can select only whichever dates i want so using this drop down you can save lot of space okay you can save this lot of space here so again i'll click on that small drop down and there's a relative date option
relative date is again very important suppose if i want to see the data only for last two years so i can click on this last type here too and from this drop down i can select this year's option so if you have seen my video on filters you will understand this filters and cards i have taken this topic there so i'll select the option years from here and you can see last two years so the data is starting from 2018. i'm recording the video on june 2020 and so it's showing us two years back june
2018. so not only this two years you can select month quarter weeks days many options are there and not only last but the next and this year this one this quarter you can select the option and that's very simple filter over here now i'll just remove that filter and i'll move it aside so there's one more type of filter which should be required so i'll just create one more slicer here and in this slicer i'll put the same field which is order date into that box so in a drag and drop the date format is
mmddy yy format suppose you only want either year quarter or month you can click on this drop down and there is an option date hierarchy so you can select this date hierarchy option and here if you see 2016 17 18 19 all the dates all the years will be visible so you can keep on expanding inside 2016 if you want quarter one you can select quarter one here inside quarter one if you want some specific month you can select january okay that's very simple to filter using hierarchy option so the method was we clicked on
this drop down and selected date hierarchy so by default it would be orderly okay so that's it i hope you have understood how to create slices for date so let's see how to format a particular date slicer we have seen how to create but formatting is also required so in the previous video i forgot to tell you one thing that this is a hierarchy which is created now it is occupying lot of space okay i have to dedicate some space for that so what you can do is you can click on this small drop down
and click on this drop down option okay you can select drop down so the space occupied is very less and i can click on this drop down button and keep on expanding the hierarchy and select whatever month or quarter i want and i can click outside so this way i can make more use of this space here now let's see some more features how to format a date slicer so i'll click on this slicer and bring the order date this is in the mmddy format i can click on this drop down and convert into date
hierarchy so this is the date hierarchy i have so again as i said it's not that good when you look at this slicer why not make it as a boxes so i can go to this format option and click on general button and right now if you have seen the previous video you have seen how to change the alignment vertical and horizontal so right now the option is not visible so make sure you delete this day month and quarter okay delete that day month and quarter so when no hierarchy is there then you can change
the alignment as vertical horizontal so i'll go to this format option and now i'll click on general this is the option in the bottom so i will click on the slicer button and add here order date into this box now when i add order date first thing i have to change this as date hierarchy option and in this date hierarchy you can see all the years are there 2016 17 18. so you can go to this format option and we have the option selection controls you can also click on this select all option that means
sometimes we want to select all button so i can click on select all and all the check boxes will be selected the other part would be changing the background and foreground so if i click on background i can click on this color and make it as black color the font should be changed so i can click on items and change the font color as white so this way i'll be getting a white color here there should be a title given which is there but it is not visible so you can search for the title option
somewhere and you can also change that title yes title and here i can write as select the year you want and change the font color to white okay so all the cosmetic options would be visible here in the format tab itself okay and there's a option given as headers you can select the headers and change the font color of slicer headers that was year month and day if you do not want you can just disable that option here okay so that's very simple formatting a date slicer and you can explore few more features in this
format tab okay that's all so i hope you've understood how to format a date slicer in power bi let us see how to work on slicers for numbers we have seen for text date and let's see for number slices so for creating number slices i'll first create a simple table where i can show you what are the customers who has purchased some items and what are the quantities they have purchased okay a simple table i've created so that's a simple table here okay and i'll just drag and drop now the question here is i want
to find out how many customers have bought quantity three or four quantity or five quantity so if i want to find out that thing i'll just click outside and click on this slicer button here and i can just drag here one column named as quantity so that's a slicer i'll drag this content into this box so it will tell me the minimum quantity what people have ordered is one and maximum quantity what people have ordered is 14. these are 14 quantities so if you want to find out people have bought between one to three quantity
i'll type here as one in minimum maximum three enter so these are all the customers who have bought between one to three quantity okay between one to three quantity all these are customers so if you want let's say 12 to 14 now i'm going on the higher range 12 to 14 quantity so i can type here as 12 maybe i can scroll here that is also easy so this would be all the customers who have bought in wholesale or in bulk amount okay these are all the customers so i can pay more attention to them
that's one example i'm giving but sometimes if you want to find out a list this is a scroll bar so you can just click on this drop down and select the option as list so this list will give you all the quantities which are 14 quantities now i can select who are the customers who have ordered 14 quantities of one item so these are all the customers i can use this data set for analysis purpose also right that's very simple for the number slicer one more i can click outside and click on this slicer let's
pick up here sales and you can drag and drop inside so the minimum sales is 0.44 and maximum sales is 22 000 this value you can find out which customers have bought maximum between 17 to this value and that would be filtered okay based on that so right now it's not the relevant so i'll remove that option here but however if you have seen for the quantity option that's very simple simply drag and drop and filter the option so i hope you have understood how to work on number slices in power bi welcome to this
new section in power bi that is advanced charts or advanced visuals in power bi we have seen how to create basic charts and basic maps in power bi but there are so many visuals there are approximately 250 plus charts outside power bm those are developed by third-party companies and those charts you can import in power bi and create some visuals so in this section i'll be showing you 10 different charts in power bi which you can import from third party that is app source and you can create the charts now what are those charts is
given here we'll see animated bar chart rates drill down donut chart drill down column charts so column chart and donut chart you have seen but if you want to see some drilling down and you can use this drill down column and donut chart we have word cloud sankey charts infographic play access and scroller if you try to create this kind of visuals in some other tool let's say tableau for example if you want to create a sunburst chart or some other chart let's say sankey it is very difficult there you have to write some calculations
some other things and then you can create those charts but here just using button clicks you can create those different charts and lastly we'll see how to create a sunburst and a histogram okay there are some advantages and some limitations on each and every chart to bring this chart you need to have an account on power bi okay so that you can sign up and then you can create an account and import the charts you cannot create an account if you have a google that is gmail yahoo or hotmail email id you need to have
any corporate company email id or university email id only then you can create an account and import those charts how to create an account i have shown in the next video so creating is very simple you can go to this three dots in the visuals click on get more visuals and here the first thing it will ask you for username and password so you have to sign up let me show you that here if i click on three dots get more visuals and here if you see you need to enter the email id and password
if you are a beginner if you are looking for the first time you have to click on this button need a power b account try for free as i said you need a corporate email account not gmail not yahoo or hotmail you need some company email id like infosys bajaj.com at facebook.com at linkedin.com then you can create an account here and then you can keep on importing the visuals and create this so let us see practically how to create those advanced charts in power pl let us see how to create animated bar chart rays for
animated barch arrays this chart is not present by default in power bs desktop application if you see in this place you'll not find that animated bar chart so we have to import it from third party i'm going to say as appsource website so from there you can pull that chart in power bi and then you can create it to pull that chart you need to have a power bi account only then you can import that so first of all i'll just click on this three dots click on this button get more visuals and here you
have to enter your email id and password now if you do not have an account you can click on this button here that is need a power b account you can create a free account here but the condition is you cannot create an account with your gmail id or yahoo or hotmail or any other email id so you need to have a corporate email id or a university email id so corporate i mean to say some company you're working with with their email id or i can say some university where you're studying or which you
have but you cannot use your gmail yahoo hotmail this email ids so i have one email id which i'll be using to you know login now i'll enter the email id click on sign in and i'll enter the password so there are some other ways also if you do not have the email id which i'll be showing you very soon right so after entering that email id and password now you will get one window over here okay this window will tell you that you can pick up this charts from power bi visuals and app source
so they also have a website from there also you can download this charts so right now you can see there are different category of charts which are present okay different categories of charts so i'll show you each chart from each category over here now i can search for animated and press enter now i can just click on this add button here so one thing if you notice there are some charts where there's a blue tick mark over here this blue tick mark tells you that these are power bias certified they have been tested by microsoft
and they are compatible with other features of power bi if there is no blue tick mark that means they are not yet certified very soon maybe in future they might get certified so here also you can see the ratings of those visuals 4 star 5 star 3 star and based on that you can use in your visualization so i'll just click on this add button and that particular you know animated bar chart raise would be added you see this one this is animated bar chart so in future whichever charts i add that will be visible
here okay so i'll click on this animated bar chart try to resize it here i can pick up subcategory into name now these are different fields if you observe these are different fields like name value period so i'll guide you in that how to create so subcategory sales if you remember we have created for bar chart sub-category sales here an extra field i'll add that is order date drag this order date and drop into period so here comes your animated bar chart charteries okay this chart you might have seen on facebook on linkedin or some
different websites they show you the trend which is going on from few years for different companies many many examples you can see but one thing if you observe the speed is very fast and we are not able to read properly what is going on and also if you see there is a number 22 written at the bottom okay let me tell you it will go till 30 31 so you can see it has reached 31 why 31 because there are 31 days in the month so it is giving you overall 31 days data here so
normally people don't see by days they only see by years so i can just click on this cross button click on this cross button and cross so i'll just keep only years and you can see i'm able to see the trend for all the years okay and if you resize it will start again 2016 17 18 and 19 and also if you think the speed is very fast you can reduce the speed you can click on this format button here and go to this visualization settings this name is the spelling is not so correct but
try to understand visualization settings and here the duration is like 1000 milliseconds i can make it as 10 000 milliseconds so 10 000 is very slow i think i should reduce this to 8 000 so this is 8 000 milliseconds let me expand this these are 8 000 milliseconds so this way you can work on animated bar chart and you can see you can explain while this animation keeps on going there are some many case studies which are there and many problems which people face they have a very common question will my report performance be
down will it become slow the answer is yes if you try to import some third party visual there are chances that your speed of your workbook might reduce okay it will reduce the performance interactivity another so make sure you be careful when you're using this third-party add-in charts in power bi so that's it i hope you have understood how to create animated bar chartres let us see one more chart from the app source that is drill down donut chart very interesting and you like this chart so let us import the chart first i'll click on
this three dots click on get more visuals and type here as donut chart you have seen the donut chart which was a very simple plain donut chart but this time i'll show you some advanced donut chart and that's a light edition and you can see there's a blue tick mark this blue tick mark tells you that these are power bs certified visuals these are power bi certified so you can use them properly and they are compatible with all the features in power bi so i'll pick up this advanced donut visual that is a light edition
there are some advanced also in that like pro by zoom charts and many more are there so i'll just click on this add button here donut chart would be added drill down donut so i'll click on that drill down donut chart and resize properly here i'll add category into category and sales into values okay category into category sales into values so this will give you a normal donor chart here okay a normal donor chart so when you click on that any slice you can see they have been separated very nearby and it is highlighted there
but that's not drill down that is just selecting but if you want to go in detail about category and more details so let's say if i want to see the sub categories also so i can drag subcategory below category then i can drag product name below subcategory actually these are hierarchy products hierarchy columns here category sub category and those subcategories have different products now suppose if i click on this furniture if i want to know more details about furniture i can click on furniture and you can see it will give me details about that furniture
so these are all sub categories again if you see chairs is how much 44.3 percent if i click on shares button here chair slice you can see it is going in detail now so it's very simple and easy and if you want to come back you can click in the center like this again in the center it will come back so instead of creating three different charts why not create only one single chart okay which will give you information for three items one is category sub category and also product name so one more if i
click on office supplies it will give me details about all the office supplies now it is giving you the distribution it's very fancy and if i click on storage option you can see all the storage related products are given and if you want to come back click inside click inside now this is given by a company named as zoom charts you can see the name is given zoom charts so if you try to go to format option and if you want to customize anything you cannot i mean very few features you can customize so suppose
there's a separate customization option if you enable that and if you expand you can see what is happening it is asking you to get a full version only then you can customize there are some other options like title and the other things which are very basic you can customize but for long term if you want to use it you have to purchase this add-in okay and what are those more details you can get on their website some link will be given you can click on the website here so that's it and i hope you have
understood how to create a drill down donut chart in power bi let us see how to create a drill down column chart we have seen drill down donut chart in the previous video let us see drill down column chart very simple so first of all i'll click on three dots and click on get more visual so this was one method which i have shown you now let us try by the other method i can go to insert tab click on more visuals and i can click on from app source so from app source will again
open the same window okay and here i can type as drill down and search for that drill down column chart you see again it is a power bi certified but the ratings are given only three star so i'll just click on this add button here and this chart would be imported so i can just click on that drill down column chart resize properly and i can drag some fields i can create a column chart let's say order date into category and i can drag sales into values okay sales into values so this is a simple
drill down column chart but it is still a column chart nothing different is there right now but suppose if you keep your cursor or if you hover your cursor they are highlighted you see they are highlighted now suppose if you want to see details about 2018 you can click on 2018 column and see what happens so it will drill down and give you details about 2018 only and into four quarters again if you click on that quarter four you see what happens it will give you months in quarter four one more time if i click
on august it will give you details in that august month so the lowest level you can go down again if i want to come back i can click on this back button click on back button and again back button and you can see it will come back to that place so no need of creating four or five charts separately you can just create using drill down column chart one more when i keep my cursor you can see there's a small tooltip which is guiding us that 2019 sales and how much is a sales same way
if i keep my cursor here 2018 and what is the sales is given now this is just a trial version which you're getting if you want some advanced features or some customization you have to purchase that full version from zoom charts zoom charts is a company which also works on creating this kind of visuals some add-ins and you can use it to save lot of time now if you want to customize anything you can go to this format option these are all the customization options now let me remove that order date and try to pick
up category and if i drag one more let's say sub category and i'll pick up product name okay so when i click on any category it will go to the next level that is subcategory so if i click on office supplies you can see all the details related to office supplies would be given i'll click on back button now if i click on furniture so furniture is having chairs bookcases etc it will go to that chairs bookcases tables and storage inside shares if i want to understand what are different product names i can click on
shares and these are all the product names i know it is not visible because of the screen size but you can resize that or if you want to tilt the angle or something you have to get the full version so that's it i hope you've understood how to work on drill down column chart in power bi let us see how to create a word cloud some people also call it a word map word cloud or word map is used for textual representation let us see that so i'll just click on get more visuals search for
word cloud and click on this add button here so word cloud is added and that's a very small w icon word cloud 2.0 so they keep on updating the versions i will click on that word cloud and resize properly here i can just track let's say state into category so when i drag state into category you can see all the different states should be given in different colors okay now if you see there's a california that's a south which is given new something is given so based on the count the size would be bigger here
okay based on the count but i don't want based on the count of states i want based on profit which state is giving higher profit give me bigger in size so profit into values if i drive you can see california is bigger in size that means it is having higher profit washington second i can say a bit then i have the new york and so on the other states so this is a simple word cloud but if i want to read what is written here i have to tilt my head okay it's very annoying to
tilt and head and read that is very difficult so why not go to format option and somewhere you can see rotate text option i can make it as off and it will be in a simple line also one more thing if you observe there's a new given and there's a york given so actually these are one sim single you know state it's given in different lines so i can tell them that stop words or somewhere you can see some option will be there in general options you can see at the bottom there's a word breaking
so make sure you make it as off and you can see new york in a single line okay new york in a single line there are many changes you can do with respect to colors also you can go to this data colors and you can change each state color okay each state you can change the color so these are all the states and you can choose the color so let's say if i want to change color for california as black and you see black color for california okay very simple so that's it very simple i
hope you have learned how to create a word cloud in power bi let us see how to create a sangki chart in power bi sankey charts are used for showing the relationship between two categories so it can be two categories two columns two items within the same or different data source so it's very easy to create sanki chart i'll just click on three dots get more visuals and type here sign key and search and i'll just click on this add button here so this sanji chart would be added so i can click on sankey and
resize properly now in this section in this example i want to show you relation between category and subcategory okay so i'll drag category into source and sub category into destination so because i want to show relation between them carefully observe here there are different categories on the left hand side these are nothing but source and on the right hand side these are different subcategories so it is telling you that which subcategory belongs to which category okay here it is given but i want to show you the sales done so i can drag the sales and
drop into weight now the size of those bars connecting bars have changed if you observe here the size of from technology it is going to phones so what it is trying to convey it is trying to tell us that the sales for technology if i select this sales for technology are mostly received from mobile phones and the lowest are received from copiers you can see from copies here that's a small size means the lesser amount the bigger size means bigger sales when i say sales because i have dragged the sales into weight okay one more
example so if i want to find out furniture if furniture is having good sales for example from which subcategory i am getting maximum amount of sales so i can tell you that maximum is from chairs and the lowest is from furnishings okay so it's very simple it is used for showing the relationship between two items and how it is converted now i can just remove this option sub category and i'll put here region here so i now want to show you relation between category and region suppose if i select technology and i want to find
out from which region i am getting maximum sales so maximum sales are received from west region you can see so it is given as 0.26 from east region they both have similar size so it's difficult so you can see all the places so in order to avoid this confusion you can add some labels here okay add some destination labels or source label so let me drag the sales and put into source label so i'll remove that so label will not work here so better we'll keep it as it is maybe you can go to this
format option and search for data labels okay so data link labels if you enable that you can see the relation between them okay let me maximize this window and minimize the other option so i went to that format and selected that data label link and you can see furniture south is 0.12 million and the other places you can see what is the contribution i know the text is not visible it is same like the background you can go in the format change the size change the font size or change the color everything can be customized
so i can click on back to report and that's it so that's it if you're using some other tool like tableau it's very difficult to create a sankey chart in tableau but here in power bi it is very easy so that's it i hope you have understood how to create a sangki chart in power bi let us see how to create an infographic in power bi we have a ready-made chart which you can import from appsource so i can just click on get more visuals and type as infographic so rather than presenting a boring column
charts and other charts you can just go for infographic in the beginning itself even if you don't type you will be getting the third visual that is infographic designer i can just click on add button here now this visual would be added that's an infographic designer 1.8.7 and what i'll do is i'll create here infographic for let's say category and sales so i'll pick up category into category and here i can pick up sales into measure okay sales into measure and this will give you a simple column chart so what is so special about this
chart nothing is there right now it's simple column chart but instead of presenting this boring query you can see the vertical bar you can present different shapes so how to do that you can click on edit mark button and here you can see there's a shape one so what i'll do is i'll delete this shape and i can bring any other shape here so this is the delete button click on delete button and here is the shape beginning itself insert shape the first option so if i click on this first shape i can pick up
any shape from here let's say this one and you can see backhand shape would be added one more shape i can delete that click on this first button and you can explore there are approximately 300 different shapes i can select and you can see the shape is added so if you think there are different shapes also required you can see there are different categories so i can add here let's say transportation and i can add here different icons here okay so i'll delete i can click here and i can go to people i can add
here this baby icon many different icons you can add and if you want you can just click on this multiple units and you can see multiple icons would be added there okay and here also you can see there's a units per row i'll add three units per row and press enter you can see every row will have three icons here okay i can again click on delete and i can click on this first button here so let's say if i want for something else let's say nature and i can select this tree over here you
can see this tree same thing you can play with this option there are many many options here okay you can change the color you can change the background color multiple units and i can type here as six so six trees will be getting per row okay now suppose you have your ready-made shape you have a company logo and you want to import that logo into this infographic you can click on this button that is insert shape and click on this upload it so here uploaded is nothing it's not there so you can click on the
third icon which is insert image insert image when you click and if you click on this upload button you can pick up any image from your screen on your laptop let's say i'll pick up here link ring and click on open so this particular icon this is the logo i can just select that and you can see the logo is added and the backend i want i can select multiple units and row per count i'll add four like this and four units per row so you can play with that they are very simple and easy
options you can try to play with that and the last one i'll add some other image i'll just click on upload button and add my image over there and i can select multiple units and i can write three rows yeah so you can keep on playing with your data set here okay and if you do not want you can always click on delete button and you can keep on adding so the last one i'll just select anything and i can just click on this address button here okay that's it and the formatting option remains the
same you can change the heading title background anything from here okay so many options are there so that's it i hope you have understood how to create infographic in power bi let us see how to create a play access in power bi so i'll click on this three dots get more visuals and type here as play access play access is actually a slicer and it is a power bs certified you can see the blue tigma and i can click on add button here the slicer will work and it is using some animation so i'll just
click on this play access and drag the order date into field and this becomes your play access slicer so when i click on play button you can see it will show me different years 2016 17 and so on so if i only want quarters i'll remove that year option and click on this play access button so q1 q2 q3 and so on if you want month you just remove that quarter and click on play button so month wise details will be getting but what is the use of that play access is like your slicer it
cannot work independently it needs to have some charts to show the impact the effect so i'll just create two visuals here one may be a pie chart and second a bar chart so i'll click outside click on this bar chart drag subcategory and drag sales yes instead of sub category i'll pick up category because they have lesser values resize it and one pie chart i'll create click outside click on this pie chart drag region and drag sales so that's a simple pie chart here okay and i'll remove the legend it is a bit disturbing yeah
now so a simple chart i've created now if i click on this play button in the play access you can see the visuals will change okay the visuals will change here the small slide icons are given and you can see what are the sales done in that particular month it's very small i understand but the labels are changing and it is helping us to understand the sales time so i think i should change this month to year in the play access so i'll just delete this order date drag the order date again into play access
and now if i click on this play button you can see year wise sales are done and the labels are changing focus on this label this value is changing if i want i can bring a label also for this chart so i can click on bar chart and go for data labels here now if i click on play access you can see the values are changing and you are able to see the sales done for that particularly so what you can understand you can compare the proportion of sales done in that year as compared to
the total sales okay you can find out the proportion that's very simple easy it is a dynamic slicer so i hope you have understood how to create a play access in power bi let us see how to create a scroller in power bi scroller is one of the most interesting you know visual i can say you might have seen this visual on some news channel or when you are watching some sensex there are some text name of the companies and the values which keeps on rotating and they are scrolling on left or right hand side
same way we can create a scroller in power bi so i can click on get more visuals and type here as scroller we have the scroller option that's a power bi certified visual i can click on this add button and this is the small black color icon that's a scroller here so i can click on this button here and i'll add here sub category into category option here and i'll add let's say profit into measure absolute so just add it like sub category and profit and you can see the name of the sub category and
the profit value has been moving on the left hand side now if you want you can change that decimal numbers to whole number right now if you see it's three four zero five three and some decimal number you can change that into a whole number by clicking on that format button or you can see us profit button here profit box go to that column tools and here you can see that's a decimal number select the option whole number if you're working on an older version of power bi you can upgrade that and how to upgrade
somewhere you can see description in that description you can see a link how to update a new version so that i've shown in the initial videos i can click on whole number so i'll just click on yes and you can see the entire text would be converted to whole number now you see five five six one eight so no decimal values are there number one second one if you want you can give some indicators like what are profitable what are not profitable so for example all the values are positive so we have everywhere as profit
some values in this sub categories don't have profit they are in loss for example let me show you an example here there are three sub categories whose profit is negative and what are those sub categories you can see on the screen these are supplies bookcases and tables so if you want some indicator which will show you quickly whether they are profitable or not profitable you can remove from measure absolute and drag and drop in measure deviation so what will happen you'll get an indicator for up arrow means it's profitable down arrow means it's loss the
text is moving very slowly and it is a bit boring you can increase the speed of this by going to format and you can just click on scroller if you scroll down somewhere at the bottom you can see scroll speed is 1.2 i'll make it as 5. so now it is in a good speed depends how do you want to display and let me show you where are the negative values yeah you see supplies bookcases and tables have down indicator they are in loss now if you think the size is very small you should increase
the size you can go on the top and select the option auto size font auto size font will automatically resize depending upon that box size so if i increase this box size the size of text will increase if i reduce the size will decrease again okay so it is auto size option here one more example i will click outside and again click on scroller and this time i'll add here as city into category and i'll drag profit into measure deviation so this will give me citywise what is the profit i can go back in format
scroller option auto size font and also i will increase the speed to let's say 9 okay the speed i can increase to 9. later on if you want you can also change the background or font color everything for changing the background i have to go to that option as background and here by default the background is white color so i think yeah so not this is not the background so background would be somewhere in different place yeah so it's the option is available in the scroller you can scroll down and you can see background is
black right now i can select the red color here and you can see red color the font color you can change to black color and this way you can present better so you can create multiple kind of scrollers in powerpin this will make your presentation more effective more visually appealing okay so i hope you have understood how to create scroller in power bi let us see how to create a sunburst chart in power bi you can consider sunburst chart like a donor chart where there are different layers in a doughnut okay so one doughnut second
doughnut outside and third donut so like this you can create multiple donuts that's known as sunburst here where you can use it if you want to see the distribution of particular category or particular region how they are distributed you can use sunburst chart so i'll quickly go back and add here as sunburst from the app source so in the app source i can just type here as sunburst and press enter from here i can search this is the sunburst now this is a certified visual by microsoft you can see there's a blue tick mark i'll
click on that add button here and that particular visual would be added you see that's a sunburst here now i can just drag some fields let's say category into groups i can drag subcategory into groups and profit into values or i can say sales into values so category sub category and then profit so this is a simple sunburst chart what if you only put category and sales suppose if i put only category and sales this is a simple donor chart if you add something which is subcategory inside that category now you can see how distribution
of furniture is done further okay shares tables and bookcases and if you click outside it will be d highlighted suppose if i click on technology i know it is not visible the font color but suppose if i click on technology it will tell me what is the percentage of sales done for technology 36.4 now further technology is divided into phones machines and accessories if i click on phones you can see what is the distribution in terms of phones that is 14.37 now if you want you can keep on adding the fields in this group section
okay here in this group section you can keep on adding fields now i can add let's say segment below that subcategory and you can see further it has divided into different segments i know the text is very small so it is difficult to visualize but you can keep on adding the fields and this will create a sunburst chart next one if you want to do any formatting all the options are available in the format button you can see on the group option some other options also there different options they are very simple nothing difficult in
this so that's it i hope you have understood how to create a sunburst chart in power bi let us see how to create a histogram in power bi histogram is not present by default in the power bi visuals so you cannot see that visual present here we have to import from app source i'll click on this button select the option get more visuals and type here as histogram and you can see that visual is a certified visual i can click on this histogram there are different types of histogram available that's one histogram which is three
star second and third many histograms are there so i'll pick up a power bi certified visual which can be used with other features of power bi i'll click on histogram and here i can just drag quantity here we have a quantity column the minimum quantity ordered by a person is one quantity and the maximum quantity which is order is 14 okay minimum one maximum 40. so i want to see the quantity distribution from one to three how many people are purchased three to six how many people have purchased quantity wise so i can drag quantity
into values and i can also drag quantity into frequency right so this is the simple histogram which has divided now carefully observe let me zoom the screen so it is visible properly and here if you see the distribution is done from 1.00 to 2.86 and so on and minimum value is 1 maximum value is 14. so as i said 14 is the highest quantity a person has ever ordered so the sales are done for i mean maximum sales are received when the quantity purchased is between 2.86 to 4.71 that's the quantity which is purchased here
now i know nobody purchases 2.86 quantity it's a very odd number so we can go to this format button and here i can go to general option and here you can see there's a bin option so how many bins you want to create out of this 1 to 14 how many bins you want suppose i type here as 3 and you can see three bins would be created now bins are nothing but i can say groups or boxes or collection so these are one to five point three three this would be one box or one
bin second bin third bin so like this three bins are created we do not have a feature in power bi ready made feature that you can create a bin from one two three three to six six to nine okay by default the option is not there however you can create some calculated field and then you can create that you know bin option there that is possible but why this method histogram chart it is not available here maybe in the newer version they might upgrade this feature and you might get this option so that's very simple
here now if you want you can just add the data label and now i can tell you the maximum ordered or maximum quantity which is ordered here is one point zero zero to five point three three and the lowest one is nine point six six to fourteen okay so very less people buy in bulk but most of them are retailers they buy in less quantity also that's it so i hope you've understood how to create histogram in power bi let us see how to insert an image in power bi now images are very important if
you want to convey an information or a message you can always import an image from outside you can download an image keep it on your laptop on your desktop and you can import it so here i'll show you the same how to import an image i can just go to insert tab and here you can see these are the different objects or i can say different elements which you can insert here i'll be talking about how to insert an image in power bi i'll click on insert image i have downloaded some images so let me
pick up any one let's say facebook and i can just click on open this is one image which i have picked up okay so this is one image like facebook one more image i'll pick up i'll click on insert and i'll pick up blink link i can also resize that like this one more image i'll pick up insert image and udemy that's one more image and i can just drag and drop now this images are very simple nothing great is there in that but we can customize we can play with the cosmetic part like borders
alignment background etc so first thing i'll give a border here when you click on that image you can see there's a format image option okay and here i can just give a border so you see the borders are applied this borders if i click here i can just make the radius or i can round that borders here if you want you can also add a background by enabling this background option and here i can add a black background okay that's simple again i'll click on that suppose i want to give a heading that this is
a facebook icon i know everybody knows but still if you want to notify i can enable this title and i can write here as facebook and so i have written that it's on the top but the font color is black so it is not visible so i can change the font color as white and i can make it as middle alignment okay that's a facebook here if you want you can increase the size also same way if i want to apply on linkedin icon select that icon borders and i can increase the radius background i
can give as black background okay this one black background and i can add a title here as link enter and middle alignment the font color would be as white color right now third one if i also do for the third one you might get bored and you might say why you are doing it again so we have a copy or you can see us format painter in power bi we have a format painter keep your cursor on that from where you want to copy go to home tab and click on this format painter so after
you click on that you can just drop it on the target so i'll drop it here and you can see the udemy automatically background went black the borders around it and i can just add a title here so i can add a title here as udemy and same thing middle alignment font is 18. so this way you can also format that very simple and easy you can also explore there are some other options also like shadow option you can see select and enable the shadow so very small shadow you can see at the back end
is applied here select that and you can apply shadow so that's it i hope you have understood how to apply or how to insert images in power bi let us see how to insert a text in power bi inserting a text is very simple but let's see practically so i will just select this shapes and move it down i can select all the shapes like this and press down arrow key from my keyboard and you can see all the shapes should be scrolled down i'm trying to make a space for a text insert tab and
i can click on this text box and this text box is added let me resize that and i can just take it on the top now this text i want to write something let's say if you want to follow for more power bi videos you can click on those links so for more videos on power bi click below icons or shapes click below icons or shapes i know the size is very small i can select that text and make it as 32 size middle alignment and i can make the font color let's say some red
color here and if i want i can give a background as black color so i have to select that text text box here and you can see background is given i'll make it as black color so that's a black color background if you want you can make the borders as rounded so i'll select the borders option and i'll round the borders so border color i can choose let's say blue color and let's see board is given so let me resize properly okay that's very simple so i've just added a simple text over here text box
and tried to format you can also write some lengthy text into this power bi report which can convey more information here okay so if you observed all the sheets or pages which i open they i have written the title by this method only so i've just added a yellow color background here and the text is black color middle alignment and some font size so this way every sheet if you observe there's a heading which i've done prior to the video or prior to the training itself okay so for more videos you can click on this
below shapes okay that's very simple so that's it i hope you have understood how to add a text in power bi let us see how to insert shapes in power bi very simple i can go to this insert tab and click on shapes these are the only five shapes available by default and if you want to add some other shapes you can take help of this image button and add the shapes here let's see first how to add a rectangle i'll select that add a rectangle and try to move it on the right hand side
so this rectangular has blue colored border and gray color background i can say you can change anything if you want let's say this fill option i want the background as some other color let's say blue color background or this would be blue color yes and if you want you can make it a bit transparent like this transparency option you can select so this is not as rich as powerpoint where you format the shapes and images but here little basic customization is possible same way you have the border option i can enable that border option with
black color and make it as rounded so that's a black color border here also if you see there's a line option you can play with the border line actually this is the line so i'll select the line as black color and i can increase the thickness of that black color box here if you want you can also make the edges as rounded and you can see the rounded edges are present here if you want you can add a text over here inside that simple box so same thing like i can click on text box and
i can just bring that text inside this box here and i can write something so more more power bi topics something some text i can write here make it as 18 font size middle alignment and i can resize that text here so that's very simple you can keep on making your visual much more better you can see it is more colorful i know when you are in the company you have to follow a proper format proper themes or background you cannot use randomly all the colors you have to be very specific but this method will
help you to insert some shapes at the background and you can also customize those shapes at the back end okay everything is available here but as i said it is not that rich like in powerpoint you cannot crop the images you cannot change the transparency of the images at the back end or the shapes few colors you can change but not much more in that okay we have the rotation option i can also rotate the image like this you see i can rotate the image as per my requirement that's it so i hope you've understood
how to insert shapes in power bi let us see how to insert buttons in power bi now buttons and shapes they both are similar but very slight differences there between them that is actions you have ready-made actions applied on some buttons i underline the words some buttons not all the buttons let me show you that so if i click on this insert tab and these are all the buttons left right arrow reset back and so on so if i click on this left arrow and the left arrow is added i can just scroll it down
now there is no action applied on that okay it's a simple button here when i say no action this is the action button and it is right now as off what is an action action works similarly like your hyperlink so hyperlinks are known as actions in power bi so right now it is off let me try with another button i can go to insert buttons and select the option back now let me resize that and bring it down so this is one button and where there is some action by default applied and you can see
it is on what is that action let us find out i can click on that action drop down and there are approximately i can say six type of actions this might be lesser if you are in the older version of power pi make sure you update on that power bi and there are six actions i can click outside and by default the action is selected as back action back action works like your back button in your browser so when you click on back button on your browser it goes to previous page which you have opened
okay so let's say if i click on action page and if i click on insert objects page so for me the previous page would be action page now when i press control click on this particular button it will take me to the previous page where i was present so i can click on press control click it will take me to the action page one more now if i come back to section 9 and if i come back to insert objects for me the previous page would be section 9 topics now if i press ctrl click
it will take me to section 9 topic okay so insert objects so like this there are few buttons where actions are applied by default and some of them are empty blank of them so now what is action how do we work on that let us see practically in the next video in detail so in this video i hope you have understood how to add buttons in power bi to this new video on actions so we'll see different type of actions here but in this video we'll focus on an action named as web url okay so
if i click on some object some image or some other place it should navigate to some website some url let us see that practically now i'm in the sheet insert objects and these are different links where i'm present on youtube on facebook udemy and linkedin so what i want if a person clicks on this youtube button here it should navigate to my youtube channel and they can see all my videos here and same applies for facebook udemy and liquid so i'll select that youtube and now this is an image which i've added i will apply
and hyperlink on that so select that image and go to that action button on the right hand side and this is your action here in this action after enabling i'll click on the drop down and there are five different actions available so here i'll select the option as web url so select the web url and you can type your youtube channel url here or any link over there so what i've done is i have copied the link i can just copy that link and paste it here ctrl v make sure you paste the entire link
including that https also and here i can write some tool tip now when i keep my cursor there is no tool tip so here i want for more videos click here okay so for more videos click here now when i keep my cursor here you can see that link will be there that's known as tooltip for more videos click here now when i click outside now if i press ctrl click it will open my default browser and it will open the youtube channel so i'll press ctrl flick and whatever link i have applied that will
be opened here and you can see it's opening that link where my channel is there so depending upon your internet connection it will work out right so you can see that's my channel and you can see some videos are there some subscribers and all these videos are present on youtube okay that's very simple here i'll close that so this is very simple thing one more example i'll select that udemy udemy is a platform where you can purchase some courses and you can learn from there i have few courses on udemy so let me on that
action i have selected udemy action and here i'll select the option as web url the url i have pasted and i'll just copy that url right click copy and here i can paste now i can press ctrl click to jump to that web page so by default the browser is open here and you can see my udemy profile would be open i have approximately 45 000 students over there and some reviews are there there are seven courses which have recorded and placed on udemy so these are all the courses some of them are kept as
free like eltrex and microstrategy and others are kept as paid one okay these are all paid courses some of them are best sellers some of them are not so i'll just close that and very simple so that's it i hope you have understood how to insert a web url in power bi these are nothing but actions so let us see how to work on page navigation action in powerpin now if i want to navigate between the pages we can use this page navigation action so what i've done is i have created four pages here one
is index page and then p1 p2 p3 page here i want to create one index like p1 p2 p3 whenever a person clicks on p1 it will jump to p1 if a person clicks on p2 jump to p2 and same way for p3 how do we do that so if you observe p1 page is nothing it's empty with p1 on the title here p2 on the title and p3 as a title in index page i will just create some buttons over there so this button i'll create and select the option blank here this blank is
very small let me resize that and i'll just select this button text right here as font color as white and i'll write as p1 okay p1 it's not visible because of white color let me make it as black color and size let me increase it to 21 okay now i can just go to that background and make the background as black color okay and now i can go back and make the color as font color as white color okay so that's simple page p1 i can just duplicate this ctrl c ctrl v move it down
ctrl c ctrl v move it down so copy paste simple copy paste rename this as p2 here i can type p2 i can select this one write as p3 so this was just creating buttons okay now when i click on p1 it should take me to p1 page select that p1 box go to that action click on that action drop down and select page navigation here in this page navigation there are so many pages i'll select p1 page select the second p2 do the same steps again page navigation p2 page p3 page again now when
i press ctrl click on p1 page you can see what happens control click you will be jumping to that p1 page directly here okay that's a p1 page directly will be jumping now obviously to go back to the index page you need some back button so if you remember we have seen a back button in the previous video buttons and there's a back button so you can insert those back button in every page now if i press ctrl click it will jump back to back page here again i'll press ctrl click on p3 page you
can see it came to p3 but to go back i need some back button here insert back button and that's a back button control click so now you can navigate back and forth using this page navigation url or action okay so that's it i hope you have understood how to use page navigation in power bi let us see a new type of action that is bookmark action now bookmark action is a combination of multiple items i can say first is action second is bookmark and third is with some selection pane so let me try to
tell you in detail i have an example here on the screen if you see i have this show all and hide all button and below there are two charts created these are two buttons on the top i have used this from insert menu bar and i have selected this blank button here okay now the question is if i click on show all button this both chart should be visible if i click on hide all button this both chart should be hidden okay they should not be visible so how do i do that this is possible
using this bookmark action so let me click on hide all button first and here if you see there's an action option when i select this option here you can see there's an action which is off i will expand this enable this option and from this drop down i will select the option bookmark right now if you see bookmark is selected but you need to specify which bookmark it's showing as none so in this entire workbook there are no bookmarks and therefore it cannot apply so let us see how do we create a bookmark okay so
for creating a bookmarks we have to go to view menu bar and click on this bookmarks pane okay this bookmarks button here this bookmark is currently totally empty nothing is there i can create some bookmarks here i'll create two bookmarks one is all should be visible second all should be hidden so i'll just click on this add button and by default the name is bookmark1 i'll rename this as all visible because right now all the items or all the charts are visible right now i want to create one more bookmark where all the charts are
hidden so first of all i need to hide this both the charts okay so for that i have to take help of selection pane i'll click on selection pane and here if you observe these are all the names of charts okay these are two charts which are there and these are two buttons and that's one text box here so what you need to observe is this i button or i icon if it is there that means it is visible if you want to hide you can just click on that button or that eye icon and
again you can click so you can see both the visuals are hidden right now now this kind of situation if you want to capture then you can make it as bookmark so i can add one more bookmark here and rename this as all hidden so what i've done is i've brought the selection pane hide those both charts and give the name as bookmark header if i want to see all the charts i'll click on all visible if i want to see all hidden i can click on all hidden so they both will be hidden now
the same property or the same action i want to apply on this button this is show all and hide all on this button so when i click on show all both charts should be visible that means this show all should be connected with this all visible and this hide all button should be connected with this high doll all hidden bookmark so i will select this hide all click on this visualization here in action i can select the option as all hidden i will click on show all button action bookmark and i'll select us all visible
so the process at the back end was lengthy for creating bookmarks and doing all stuff but assigning a bookmark is very easy now when i click on show all see what happens if i press ctrl click and you can see both charts are visible if i click on control click on hide all both charts will be hidden so indirectly they are triggering the bookmark which you have created at the backend i can now remove this panes which is bookmark and selection pane not required now i can click on show all or hide all control click
show all control click hide all button so this way you can you know create some beautiful reports and try to display many many visuals in the same page itself you don't have to create multiple pages same page can work for you at different you know different ways it can play for you so that's it i hope you have understood how to create a bookmark action in power bi welcome back to the new topic that is drill through action drill to action is extended version of drill through option if you have not seen the drill through
video i would suggest you to go to 6.8 video number and see that drill through video now in drill through we can jump to different pages and see that specific data okay let us see what i am trying to say practically i have created three pages d1 d2 and d3 so d1 page is having that category sales you can see a simple category sales d2 page is having segment sales and sub category sales and third one in d3 page i'll quickly create something here let's say i'll pick up here the customer and the sales done
here customer and sales so what you need to observe on all three sheets okay so first one in d1 see what is the value given here it's 2 2 9 7 2 0 same way the same value would be given in both the places here you see that's a total and same total would be given here in d3 also same total would be given so it's giving you the overall sales the distribution is done based on customer based on segment or subcategory now the question here is this furniture sales is one 741 nine zero nine
nine triple nine i can say if i want to know the furniture distribution in d2 by segment and by sub category so this value should change to that value seven four one triple nine seven four one triple line so this is possible using drill through but what is the other method you can also apply actions in drill through so let me show you that so this is a next version of six 6.8 video number you have to watch that now i will pick up here category into drill through i'm on d2 page the target page
and i'll drag category into drill through option why did i drag category because in source page that is d1 page i have this category so from category i want to jump to d2 page here the one method i have is i can right click on that and click on drill through and jump to d2 page this we have seen in the previous 6.8 video number but the other method is i can insert one button and i can just click on this blank here and i can write here something let's say this one click here to
go to details okay click here to go to details and i'll just you know do a bit cosmetic part here right now what happens is if the end user is not always comfortable by right clicking and then using this drill through option so you need to give a shortcut method okay this is also working so if i right click on furniture drill through which is d2 so remember the value seven four one triple nine so it will jump to the other sheet that is the target sheet and this would be filtered for the value which
is seven four one triple nine you see seven four one triple nine seven four one triple nine now as i said it's difficult for the end user to navigate using rightly you can also apply an action by clicking on this button here go to this action and here i can select the option drill through okay i am applying an action on a button so this is drill through and here i can select destination would be d2 so what would be the method and how do we navigate when i select this furniture okay when i select
this furniture then this button would be activated and i can click on this button here control click on this button and this will navigate to the other sheet and show me the same values okay so instead of right clicking you can assign that drill through option to a button one more i will go to this d3 drag category into this box and i'll come to d1 so quickly i'll create one more button a blank button here drag it here and i'll write here something more meaningful click here to know customers click here to know customers
and i can change the color so on this place i can apply an action that this action would be it will jump to page d3 okay because i have drag and drop category there now when i select technology remember the value 836 when i click here it will show me details about that customer that customer details are present in d3 page control click and you can see the value is 836 154 to navigate back you have this back button here by default i'll press ctrl click and come back to d1 page okay so practice a
lot you have to see this video twice and thrice to get a command on drill through action but for timing i hope you have understood how to work on drill through action in power bi let us see how to create a simple super store report in power bi desktop till now whatever options we have seen how to create charts slicers adding text everything we'll be using in this particular video here so this would be a very simple report it will look like a dashboard but we'll try to create this report here and why we are
doing this because now we have completed the basics of creating charts and visuals now we'll see how to work on reports part this report will publish on power bi service so we need some data a good data a good visuals to publish on the power bi service so that's the reason i've kept it of creating a simple super store report here i have already created a report and this is how it looks like you can see there are different charts different tables there so it's a very simple let me explain you here first and then
we can do it practically there are some donut charts and pie chart if you see in this right hand side there's one donor chart where it shows profit by category then we have profit by segment and profit by region okay so these are three different charts over here also we have one bar chart which is profit by sub category i have a line chart which shows me profit by year and quarter this is a simple table which will illustrate me about the sub category sales and some regions are there on the left hand side i
have a slicer where i can filter whichever state i want and based on that all the visuals would be filtered out and these are some cards for quantity profit and you know sales three cards are there and i've just added a simple title here okay so all these things will be using for creating exactly same i'll try to create that on the left hand side you can see these are all the states if i select florida you can see all the visuals with get filter for florida i can just deselect that by clicking on clear
button here on the right hand side if i click on any chart over here let's say if i click on this option here the entire visual will get filtered here so like this if i click on copies you can see all the visuals would get filtered here so let us see how to create this you know report in power bi now this looks like a dashboard but this is not a dashboard in power bi dashboards are something different which you'll see in the coming section here now how do i create it okay basic charts are
there carefully observe everywhere the font color is white everywhere font color is white the background is given as black okay background black font color white let us start how to create it so right now i do not have any fields on the right hand side i will quickly pick up one excel file named as sample superstore that is 10.0 sample superstore and what i'll do is i'll try to format the background first like the black background and later on i'll create some charts so i'll pick up order sheet and click on load button the reason
i'm clicking on load button because it's a clean data right now no cleaning is required for this particular data set so when the data is clean creating charts is very simple you don't have to struggle so the data is loaded on the right hand side i'll create a new page here so let us see how to change the background of this page i can just go to visualization and click on this page background and i'll make the background as black color here okay so transparency i'll make it as zero so this is a black color
background here okay simple plain black let me add a heading here so i can go to insert tab and click on this text box and here i can write some text here that this is super store dashboard or report and i should increase the text size 32 font let's say white bold for time being i'll keep the font as black and this would be the text write s sample superstore report and middle alignment so this is a simple report and let me increase the size 36 so i can just make the background as black color
so let me first make the font as white go back to this visualization in the format option i can make the select that box make sure you select the box so i have to change the background here so i have to go to background and make it as off so when you make the off as background this will be transparent black okay now let us see how to create the pie chart but before i create pie chart i should give borders to this box here so i can select borders and make it as round now
so the border color is black let me make it as white color so that's a border color here now i'll try to create those pie charts and donut chart so i'll click outside click on this donut chart and i'll add here try to resize drag it and drop it here and here i can just bring the category and profit so category and profit is a simple donut chart now i will remove this legend option which is given on the right hand side and try to put here the legends the technology of the supplies so i'll
go to this box uh format here as detail labels as all detail labels next one the background i'll make it as of this one as off background the font color is not visible so i should make it as white color so in detail labels i can just go to this color option and select as white color this legend is not required so let me remove that legend and click on this off button here legend is gone away the size of this text should be increased so i can just scroll down increase the size and now
i can resize this donut chart like this so that's a simple donut chart i should give a title here because we cannot understand what exactly it is so i can just write here as category sales or category profit because here i have the profit option so i'll go to this format option here and try to search title and write here as profit by category it is already there but the font color is black so i'll make it as white and some cosmetic change like middle alignment increase the font size so this is one donor chart
for profit by category now i can simply right click copy that visual and i can click here and home menu bar i can just click on paste so this will create one more visual so i have just copy pasted that thing and i have to resize that like this select that resize this so this is profit by category let me delete that and i'll put here as segment so this is profit my segment again i'll paste one more and try to resize that let me remove that and instead of that i can just duplicate this
chart here so this is profit by segment i should make this as region so i'll select the option region from here deselect segment or drag and drop region remove segment so this is profit by region gear let me resize this text box now the only thing is i have to apply some borders so i can differentiate so border should be available here borders option and i think i should round off the borders so it gives a good feel that's a new feature for rounding up the borders the border color i have rounded but it is
black color so i can just go back select the border color as white click outside you see that's a border color here now if i want to apply the same formatting everywhere select that particular visual and go to this format painter and paste it format painter and you can just paste it so you can also paste the formatting on all the visuals here at one go so this has created you can look after the alignment part cosmetic part here so you see right hand side three visuals are created we'll see about the colors but let's
see how to create this line chart and this bar chart so i'll click outside click on the simple stacked bar chart and try to put here so here i can just bring a sub category into access profit into values this is created i'll remove the background i can go to format and remove that background somewhere make it as off the font color or the data labels i'll make it as on the color for data labels and the x axis should be white color and this values which are given should be in white color font color
so data labels i can select the option as white you see the white color would be there in x-axis i can go and select the option as white color here x-axis so this was y-axis i made a mistake so i have to again go to y-axis option and make this as white color this both are white color now i should give a title so it is properly readable that these are profit by sub category so to do that i have to go to this title option and try to write profit by sub category it is
already written but the color font color is black so i'll make it as white color and i think i should increase the size of this text here let me increase the text size profit by subcategory right that's very simple now the other part i should apply a border so instead of applying from scratch let me pick up this visual click on format painter and then click on this visual here so the borders would be automatically applied here okay but what happened the labels have gone away so select that again i can go to format and
on this data labels now about the line chart if i want to create a line chart i can just go back and click on this line chart here and here i will just drag and drop so it is properly resizable here now here i can just bring order date into this box and also i'll try to bring here profit order date and profit it's only by year let me make it by quarters so i can just click on this fourth button to expand now what i can do is i can just copy the formatting from
this chart select that chart format painter and i can just click on this part here so you see formatting is copied the x axis y axis and the heading properly organized here now the other part is i have to let me open that visual this is the part here now i have to bring here a slicer on the left hand side this is for state you see these are different states so i'll click outside click on this slicer option and try to resize it properly and i'll put here state drag and drop state into this
slicer again formatting is required so let me select that chart format painter and paste it over here okay so you can see it's pasted here so before that i think i should show you something ctrl z after that i can show you that the check boxes i have to select as i mean i can only select one state at a time if you want to select multiple states i can go to format go to this selection control and off this multi select with control and the other part is now i can just go back and
make the background off the size should be increased so i can go to items increase the size and i think the font color should be white so it's not visible so i can click on font color and make it as white okay that's a font color here so these are all the states i can select one by one and all the visuals will get filtered there's a clear button on the top which you have to click on this clear it will get clear i know it's not visible some changes you have to apply there from
the format you'll get some option now the remaining part is if i go back to the report i have to create a simple table where it shows about the you know subcategory region and sales subcategory region and sales so let me open that report i know the space is very less so let me expand it when i hide the other fields you can see the size increases of this window let me try to increase the page size i can go to visualization and click outside on the blank space make sure you click outside click on
this format and you can go to page size here in page size you can select the option custom there are different options and let me increase the width here as let's say 2500 you see the size has increased and on the right hand side i can use this space okay same way if you want to increase the height also height i think it's perfect you don't have to increase much but let me try to resize those visuals this is again a cosmetic part time doesn't go in creating charts but this takes lot of time now
i can just move it on the right hand side here make sure the first should be the bottom chart and this is the top chart here now i have some space to create a table to create a table i'll click outside go to this visualization click on this table option here and i'll open the fields and i'll bring here sub category select this subcategory check box select this region check box and sales so actually it was not a table it was a matrix so my mistake i have clicked on this table actually i should have
selected the second option matrix so i'll click on this matrix option and this is a simple matrix now the background formatting font you can change everything i can go to this format option and you see there is a style option ready-made styles are available i can select the option as minimal or i can select flashy rows sparse yeah this is what it was there in the previous place let me again resize that properly now i'll just minimize here so you see i have some space for the cards so this is the report i have in
this report if you see i have this cards how to create some cards we have seen in the previous sections so this card can be for sales profit and quantity let me go back to the report and to create a card i'll just click outside click on this visualization click on this one two three which is a card i know the size has increased for the card let me reduce the size make sure it fits properly into this area and i'll just drag sales into this box sales into this field and do some changes cosmetic
changes so one best practice i tell you that first format the one card then you just duplicate the cards okay so i'll just click on format and you know change the background background i'll make it as off the title or the data label should be as white color so you see the white color will come there and i think the size should be increased text size after that somewhere if you see there's a category option the category also i'll make it as white color so this is the category when i say category that's the name
of the category okay now i think size also should be increased or let me decrease first the size here now i'll just go back and also apply the borders so that's a border i'll make it as on and here i can just decrease the radius the radius should be white color or the border should be white color so i'll go to format in this borders i can select the option as white color so now i can just copy i can click on copy and i can click on paste so that's a second again paste that's
the third one so they both all three are sales i should select this second card and remove the sales and drag and drop profit select the third one remove that sales and drag and drop quantity so that's a quantity and i can just try to expand the size here and you see this is a simple report which is created now this report is ready and we can publish this report online okay let me remove this so this report will be publishing online and if you observe it was not that difficult we have seen how to
create this chart report separately in different videos but this is the time where i am combining everything and creating a simple report and you can create any visuals i have taken very very basic visuals just charts donor chart pie chart but you can keep on adding advanced visuals also okay and then we can publish it so that's it for time being i hope you have understood how to create a simple superstore report so that we can publish on online and see the other videos now let us see how to create a account in power bi
service since we want to publish this report what we have created in the previous section previous video so if you want to publish this report online on power bi service you need an account first of all so let us see how to create an account now that's a topic create an account here we have a publish button in the home tab now when i click on this publish button it will ask me do you want to save some changes i'll say yes yes and later on it will give me a window for login okay this
is the login window and it will ask me to enter username or email id and then the password but since i do not have an account i am doing it for the first time to create an account there is a ready made link given at the bottom need an account try for free so i'll click on this link at the bottom and i can just sign up with some email id some email id i mean to say you need to have some corporate email id account some organization email id account or university email id account
in simple language no gmail no yahoo and no outlook so you cannot use this email ids no gmail no yahoo and no outlook and the other ones but you have any company email id like as pawan hdfc.com one at facebook.com pawan ad some company email id.com or some collegeuniversitymlid.com only then it will work so i have an email id and i'll just paste that email id here and i can just click on sign up so make sure you have some email id if you do not have some organization email id seen the link in the
description below you'll get some help now i'll just click on yes button here and what will happen is it will ask me to enter the username or the first name last name and i'll enter a password here and then i have to enter a verification code they will send me a verification code and let me check i have received a verification email at the bottom yeah that's a verification code you can see go back to that online and i can enter it will 482-696-482-6966 you do you want to send you know invitation to other team
members also okay i'll just save this username password so if you have some colleagues in your company you can send email address or you can invite them okay right now i don't have any in you know colleagues over here i'll click on skip button now what will happen this will create an account automatically and you can see power pi service user interface okay it will take some seconds sometime depending upon your account so now i'll just click on this button signed in and this will open your power bs service account okay that's a power based
service where you can share and publish so you see that's a first screen here on the left hand side this is important for us you see these are the options here home resend favorites apps and share with me right now we are interested into this workspaces and my workspace what is the workspace consider workspace as a folder okay folder on your laptop so that you can store some data some files into that so here if i click on my workspace let me click on my workspace so here it is given as nothing it's not there
anything so it's asking me to create a report by getting some data or if i click on workspaces you see there is no workspace but i can create a workspace here you see i can create a workspace so that is the other part here but now what i'll be doing is i have created an account successfully i'll be showing you how to publish a report from power bi desktop to power bi online application that is this power based service okay that in the next video but for time being i hope you have understood how to
create an account on power base service now let us see how to publish a report from power bi desktop to power bi service so i have two sheets one is section 10 topics one is page one let me rename that page as super store report and one more page i'll create simply and i'll just try to add here some funnel chart and i'll put here sub category sales a simple funnel chart and it's not required but i'll tell you what would be visible on the screen yeah a simple funnel chart here now i'm ready so
i can just publish here i can just click on this publish button and when i click on that it will ask me username and password i have already created an account and i have the username or that's the email id and then i can click on sign in enter the password and this will publish the report right so i'll enter the password here click on sign in button so you see i have the option as select a destination so the destination name is given as my workspace now what is a workspace it is nothing but
a folder okay a folder kind of where you can store all the workbooks dashboards and data sets everything now there can be different workspaces one team member can be assigned to different workspaces or different projects so every project person might create one folder or every department person can create one folder hr finance banking etc or inside hr there can be different you know folders so right now we have just my workspace that is the folder i can click on select button so this will take some time depending upon size of your report and the number
of charts you have then it will quickly publish the report on power bi service now after publishing you can see there is a message which is given its success the power bi report is published and see the name of this workbook is section 10 okay section 10 publishing this is actually my workbook name okay my file name which i have saved now to open that or to jump to power bi service just click on this link over here and this will open power ps service on your default browser okay power bi service on a default
browser and you can see the entire workbook or entire pbx file would be published okay and you can see these are three sheets i have three pages if i open this sample superstore report so this is a report which i published now the question is whether it is interactive let me cross check and if you see it is interactive when you publish any report online definitely it is interactive you see interactivity will be there and also if you see i have page one here the funnel chart which i created is visible in section 10 also
all the topics which i'll be showing you in this section will be visible here okay now that's very simple publishing report on power bi service account okay this one you can share with other colleagues you can download and do many many things now let us see how to download this reports into different formats like ppt pdf and pbx and how do we share with other people okay that's a topic very simple here so what i'll do is i have this superstore report and page one and first page here so if i want to convert into
ppt i can just click on file menu bar and click on export to powerpoint okay so if you click on that it will convert into ppt it will take some few minutes and it will convert into ppt same way you can download this report into a pdf format export to pdf or you can download as pbx file now what is the beauty of using power bi service suppose you are traveling across the world and you do not have the report with you some colleague has shared the report on power bi service you can download this
into different formats so you don't have to carry your laptop you can log in from any account like your facebook or yahoo or gmail you can log in from any account and use these options for exporting into ppt pdf or pbx file now this permissions are given for some people and you can restrict those permissions also that is also possible here so what i've done is i have converted clicked on that export to ppt and pdf since it took a lot of time before the starting the video itself i have downloaded this two things here
and let me show you in downloads i'll go to downloads and let me open this ppt here it has converted you see into ppd okay the first page second page third page and fourth page i can go to slideshow and click on from beginning and you can see that the first slide automatically created i have not done that this is the name of the report which i've given while publishing and this is the second page the dashboard you see as it is the report not a dashboard a report has been visible here and that's a
third chart so that is a simple ppt which is created i'll also show you the pdf which is downloaded let me double click and open that pdf so all the pages would be visible here you see that's a pdf all three pages are visible here okay into a proper format the size of this page is bigger because i have done the settings on that report itself therefore the size is a bit wider and lengthier okay that also you can customize so this is very simple and the other option is there how do you share the
report if you want to share on the public platform you can open your default browser here see the other options are you can also publish this report to a web so that any person can have an access you can make it as public so you can click on that you'll get a link over here i cannot show you right now because i'm not the admin person i'm using a trial version so it will ask me that contact your admin to enable code creation so it will generate a code you can copy that code and paste
into some website okay that will be an html code which can integrate and that will be access or visible for everyone across the world that will be public okay so i can close that so obviously you will not go for that and the other two options are simple if you want to create a duplicate of this you can just click on save as copy so it will create a duplicate report in online itself not in the desktop or somewhere but it will create online you can also print the page if you want a hard copy
of this report you can just click on print option here okay so these are some methods of sharing reports into different file formats so comment share and subscribe no i'm not talking about my youtube channel you don't have to comment subscribe and share but i'm talking about a feature in power bi that how do you comment share and subscribe to a report okay very interesting features in power bi so i have report superstore report let us say i want to talk to my colleague who's sitting on the other end and i want to talk to
him so i can just click on this comments report he also has the report online so i can just click on comments and here if you see i have the gotted button here now i can just type here at the rate in this box and the rate and i can type the name of a person here okay so you see when i type at the rate and i'm getting list of all the name of users who are in my account here okay these are all the users i can tag anyone and tell them kindly review
this report okay i can click on post so what will happen the person will get the email notification number one and also the person will get a notification on the top that so and so person has tagged you in that report okay kindly check that same way i can also type at the rate and again i'll type as a or any name of your colleague and you'll get list of name of all your colleagues who are into your domain who are assigned into your domain and who are allowed to see this report this also option
is there so i can select the option and i can again tag him what is the status or why the figures are low and i can click on next now when they click on that link they'll ask you for the permission after you give a permission only then they'll be able to use it so to give a permission you have to click on share button okay the share button will be used to give a permission i will click on share button and here this is a 60 days of trial version so you have to click
on try free by the way we are upgrading to power bi pro which is a trial version so i'll click on try free start trial you see 60 days of trial version start trial and then i can click on close button here now how to give a permission that's a topic here after comments email will go the person will click on that link it will ask a permission so you can go to this share button and here this is the permission option access so if i click on access i will get name of the person
at the bottom name of the person and what should be the permissions given editor owner read only different options will receive that okay and also you have the option to manage the permissions so if you want to add or remove you can select the option here so this was all about comments next one there is one feature in power bm what is that feature so suppose i have this report i send this report to my colleague to my manager to my stakeholder every week friday four o'clock and every week this is my task in the
company and what i can do is i can tell my power b account to do this task yourself okay so i can subscribe this report and send it to my colleagues and stakeholders every friday four o'clock so i have to click on subscribe button click on subscribe and here you can see add new subscription this works like your outlook account it will ask you three things your email account your body text if you want to type something email to the person you want to send some text if you want to write and when you want
this report to be sent friday saturday sunday so i'll click on add new subscription here i can enter name of the person so i can just type here name and i can tag some person here and subject i can write as a weekly status report okay carefully observe it's like your outlook you have to write to then you have to write the subject okay then what is the message you want to add okay this options are there and here hello everyone i can write this please find the attachment of weekly status report okay weekly status
report okay then i'll scroll down so you can see the report page which you want to send so there are three pages right now i have the section 10 superstore report and page one what is this name this are actually names which are at the bottom you see these three names are given so which page do you want to subscribe okay you can select specific page superstore when do you want to send daily hourly weekly but as i said it's a weekly report i'll select weekly and only friday i want to send this report and
that is also at four o'clock so i can select the time as 4 p.m okay that's my job in the company now onwards i don't have to do this will be done by the power bi the starting date from today and the ending date should be till i work in the company or till i'm valid in this project so you can select that particular date the end date and that's it so this options are given that you can also give access to this report and link to report in power bi so the person will get
an email and they'll get a link when they click on link they'll be jumping to power bs service account and then i can just click on save and close so the subscription would be added they'll keep on getting email notifications now not only this you can keep on adding different subscription to one report you can assign different timings different email ids and so on so again i can click on add new subscription and the same story starts i can again write some details let me click on cancel here so this is what you call subscribe
very interesting feature and the third feature is suppose you do not want to send a repetitive email weekly monthly quarterly you can select this share option this share button you can just enter the email address let's say i'll enter here some email address like this one and i'll enter some message here please find the attachment of the report so not the attachment and they'll get a link okay so i'll write as please find the link and i can keep on entering email address what is the best part about this i can share this report to
thousands and thousands of people at the same time so if i have group of people and the name is given in outlook or somewhere you can just write a group name department name hr department finance department healthcare so you just write the group name and email will be shoot up to all those group itself and this is a link if you see this link is same what is your link on the top here that's the same link now when you click on share email will go to all the users at one time okay single one
time they'll get this mail itself so i can say this important features are in power bi service comment subscribe and share so therefore the name of this tool is given as sharing and collaboration tool power bi service is not a developer tool it is used for sharing and collaboration with all your colleagues and it will save lot of time okay lot of time so that's it i hope you have understood how to work on this share subscribe and comment option to a report now let us see how to create a dashboard in powerps service dashboards
cannot be created on your desktop powerpoint desktop you have to create a dashboard in online itself this is the only feature in online so how to create a dashboard in power bi service let us see that so i'm in the super store report which i've created now whenever you keep your cursor on any visual you have to observe this small icon which is a pin icon would be visible if i keep my cursor anywhere you see this small pin icon this pin icon is usually used to pin that visual on a dashboard okay let me
show you that suppose i want to pin this bar chart i can just click on the spin visual button this will ask me where do you want to pin on the dashboard okay pin to a dashboard where do you want to pin on a new dashboard or an existing dashboard since i have created the account for the first time i do not have any existing dashboard so i'll select new dashboard and i'll write the name as superstore dashboard one okay superstore dashboard and i can click on pin so this horizontal bar chart will be pinned
to that dashboard i can click on go to dashboard and you can see this is a horizontal bar chart which is visible i can also resize that properly so you can see it is properly visible here now this is one chart let me add one more chart into this dashboard here now how do i know whether it is a dashboard you can see on the top that's my workspace and superstore dashboard so you can go back to the report you can directly go from here you can click on the chart in the dashboard it will
take you to the source sheet from where it came okay you see that's a source sheet let me again select this profit by segment and click on the spin icon the spin visual and now you see existing dashboard option is enabled and i can you know tag or pin to that existing dashboard so i'll just click on pin button here and i can just go to this dashboard so you can see i have two visuals on a dashboard the name is given on the breadcrumb that's known as breadcrumb superstore dashboard if i click here it
will go to the place where it came from okay same way i can also pick up one more visual like this one and i can click on pin visual pin button again i'll select this line chart and click on this pin icon pin visual and click on pin so this is one method by which you can go to a dashboard this method what is the other method you can click on this button here this is nothing but my workspace so you can also expand this by clicking on three lines three horizontal lines my workspace and
here you see this is a dashboard the name of the dashboard is superstore dashboard i can click on superstore dashboard and these are all the four charts i have on the sheet here okay on this dashboard here so if you want you can also resize it so that it fits properly and i can also resize like this and you can also move it and change the positions wherever you want okay this is one method you can use now if you think you want to change the theme you can click on this drop down and click
on three dots dashboard theme so right now the theme is light color the background you can change the background as dark color you can change it to color blind friendly you can also work on custom so custom themes you can choose and change background font color background color anything okay this option should be there so i'll just go back and click on so one thing if you notice this font color is given white you see small font color is there it's not visible properly even if the heading if you see i don't have the heading
i don't have heading i don't have the labels so in the actual report the labels were there okay so if i click on this chart and if i show you here the labels were there the titles were there but this labels were in the white font color you see this white font color so therefore it was not visible on the background okay how do you change that suppose if i click on this again click on pin visual and here if you see keep current theme use destination theme these two options are there okay so you
can play with these options and you will get the font color there okay so i can select the option as use destination theme click on pin button go to dashboard and here if you observe i have got this chart so it went back i clicked on that by mistake so i'll just go back to my workspace superstore dashboard make sure you do not click on that but if you click on this dashboard theme and if i select the option as dark when i select the dark option you see i'm getting the labels for that particular
chart here but not for the other charts okay let me go back dashboard theme dark and make sure you click on save button i did not click on save so this one will give you the labels also on that dashboard okay this way on the other part you do not have the labels so this is one method of creating a dashboard what is the second method the second method is i can go to my workspace and you see there's a create button here i can click on this create button and click on dashboard okay so
here i can say superstore dashboard2 and click on create button superstore dashboard2 and you see that's a superstore dashboard too it is completely empty nothing is there i can go back to my workspace click on this reports again open that report and i can again open this particular report let's say i want to tag this table or i want to add this label to that new dashboard so i can click on the spin visual and select existing dashboard i can select any of the dashboard one or two so i'll select two option and click on
pin button so you see use destination theme this is important click on pin button now if i go to that dashboard you can see i'm in the dashboard to option superstore dashboard now i can resize it so this is one more method of working on a dashboard or creating a dashboard here okay very simple so that's it i hope you have understood how to create a simple dashboard in powerpi now this is a very important video for all people who are coming from other bi tools to power bn power bi is very good in many
terms many features are there functions are there but there's one limitation which i think i should show you there's a problem in power bi dashboard and how to overcome that limitation so let's see that i have opened this report here so that's a power bi service i'll just go to my workspace and let me open any one dashboard here let me open this superstore dashboard okay now these are few charts which are prepared okay normally what happens in a dashboard when you click on this particular angle or a slice or if i click on this
particular slice what should happen the other chart should get filtered out okay for that particular selected slice or if i select this 56 000 the other chart should show me only 56 000 related values let me click on this 56 000 and carefully observe what will happen in the dashboard so if i click on that it will jump to the report from where it came okay the chart where it came from it will jump to that report let us give one more try i'll go to my workspace superstore dashboard and i'll scroll down now if
i click on copiers this particular bar if i click on copies it should filter the entire dashboard for only copiers so if i click on this so you see it's not filtering but it is jumping to the page where actually it came from or the report where it came from so this is a report okay this is a power bi report this is not a dashboard okay i have given the name also that's not a dashboard so but on the other hand if you see if i click on this slice here the other charts are
getting filtered out okay you see other charts are getting filtered out most of the companies in the world which i work with i've worked with at least 70 plus different clients they don't use dashboards in power bi they use only reports this is a report they use this kind of reports okay there's a report or a page i can say what is that because of this feature so if you click the other should filter out so what is the solution for that okay so that's a topic you understood what is the problem the problem in
power bi dashboard is it is not interactive and what is the solution okay the solution would be i can go to this report or a page of this report and here if you see that's a pin live page okay it's not visible let me just minimize yes now it is visible you see this pin icon and the name is given as pin life page so the entire page would be pinned into a dashboard okay now let me click on pin life page and here i can create a new dashboard named as super store dashboard three
superstore dashboard 3 click on the spin life so entire page would be pinned to that particular dashboard now one more i can just go back to this page one and i can click on pin life page and i'll say existing dashboard that is dashboard 3 click on pin life so entire page would be pinned to that let me go to that dashboard and here if you see if i just minimize yes so hardly you will find any difference between dashboard and report right now because if i click on this you see this entire page is
getting filtered out if i click on this entire page is getting filter out on this screen which you see and if i scroll down this is the page if i click on this page you see it is not jumping to the page where it came from because it is the entire page and it is filtering itself okay so this is the solution for that option so what you do is you can pin the entire page into a dashboard so it will not go to the destination so you see it is playing in the report itself
in the dashboard itself so this is the solution for the problem which companies face but if you ask me most of the companies 90 percent of the companies they do not use power bi dashboard they use just reports and how do they use they come back to this workspace and they work in the report section itself so when you should use dashboard dashboard should only be used when you just want to see you don't want to interact with any of the element just want to watch the reports as a static report not as a dynamic
when you click it should change no so then only you can use this dashboard what i think it might be wrong but if you that's a survey which i have observed everywhere that's it but i hope you have understood what is the problem and the solution in a dashboard in power bi service now let us see how do we automatically refresh in power base service so what happens is the data keeps on coming every day a new data and i want to train my power bi so that it should automatically go and fetch and refresh
the data from power bi service to that data source it should connect it should pull back the data so that is the topic automatic refresh and we will require something named as data gateway a tool is required a intermediate tool is required here now how do we do that first of all i'll go to this my workspace on the left hand side and go to this reports so this is the report which i have created the original report which i published and this was a copy of that report whenever i publish a report a data
set is also published okay so if i click on data set you can see this is the data set and the name of data set is same name of your report okay so if i publish 10 reports 10 data sets also would be published with that report so here if you see these are the actions which are there and what was the last refresh done so it was 10 37 52 okay on this particular date this was refresh time now what is the time i have on my screen the time is 11 41 29 okay
that's the time and i have published on 1037. now what i want i want to see a live data right now live in the sense if i have changed something on that superstore file excel file it should reflect here it should refresh so let us see i have to click on this refresh now button and let's see what happens right so i have got this message and the message is refreshed failed due to gateway configuration issues so as i said you need some tool in between only then you can refresh the data after you get
this message it will tell you that you do not have a gateway this data set requires a properly configured gateway in order to refresh i understood there is a lengthy message so how to install a gateway many methods are there one of them is i can click on gateway connection and click on install now that's one method second method is i can click on this button here you see the small drop down buttons there and i can click on data gateway second method third method is you can go to the website and download from there
okay so let me click on install now if you are working in a company already into a company you don't have to do that this will be done by your admin person so i'll just click on install now it will download a gateway which is 213 mb file so it will take some five minutes to install the gateway and then do the connection part okay but as i said if you're working in a company in this video you can skip you don't have to do it manually it will be done by the admin person if
you're learning power bi and if you're going for an interview i would suggest you properly see this video this will be required now once gateway is installed this will be a connection with your power bs service and your data set in your desktop or any any place sql oracle big data anything so gateway is an intermediate between your data and your power bi report okay now this is downloaded how to install a gateway i'll just click on this link over here the downloaded file make sure you have the admin privileges then you can install it
properly and i can just click on i accept click on update the steps are very simple you can just select the options default option and click on next next next so depending upon your machine configuration it will take appropriate time and install so you see i've got the message here as your gateway is all set up and you're ready to use okay that's a installation done now i can click on sign in and enter the email address of the login email address which i've used for sign up on power bi service same email address and
click on next and then i can enter the username password first one is email address i can just paste that next and the password so installing gateway is not that difficult it is easy anyone can do it provided you have the admin privileges on your laptop to install and download all these features so i've got a message here gateway is online and ready to be used okay so i can just click on close button here now what i can do is i can just refresh this button here and refresh the browser and let's see what
happens so here again if i go back to this data set gateway connection and if you see something is given here which is gateway personal gateway which is running on desktop and that's the name of my desktop here initially there was no option available and this button was disabled okay so installation is very simple straightforward we have done that now coming back i will go back to my my workspace and go to reports and click on this report here okay i'll click on data set so by the way i forgot to tell you that data
set should be refreshed not the report data set is important so again if you see the timing is still 10 37 52 now the timing is 10 48 now if i click on refresh button let's see i should not get an error but let's see a look how it works so yes some message i've got here okay some message i've got and the time is refreshed okay so that's a live data so let me see what the message is if i click on this it says the schedule refresh has been disabled please try it again
no problem that's not a problem here now when i come back to this reports here and if i open this publishing report okay so the data is getting refreshed here but practically we'll see an application using gateway carefully observe how many regions i have in the file i have central east south and west what i'll do is i'll go to my laptop open that superstore file and add one more region let's say southeast or northeast okay i'll open that folder open that folder where i have the files the file number is 10.1 sample superstore in
this file i'll add two more regions southeast and northeast something like that either i can add below or i can replace that's a region column you see and let me just select and replace as north east okay and i'll select some other data and south west okay so that's a data if it is not visible let me expand it so what i've done is existing data i have modified and change it if you want you can also add a data at the end no problem i can just square the bottom and write here something as
north west this also you can add entire record so i have to add entirely so i didn't do that save it and now i can click on close button so the file is on my laptop on my desktop and here i am trying to refresh in power bi online okay so if i go back here in the workspace i'll click on data set carefully observe the time is now 11 50 11 50 and here time is 11 48 35 i can click on this refresh button this will ask my file 1148 now it should show
1150 this will go and ask my superstore file whatever data is refreshed and the report should be refreshed now if i go to this reports option if i open this publishing report and go to this superstore report here and nothing has changed so i have to click on this refresh button and let us see what happens so still no changes i can see okay again if i click on refresh nothing has happened so let us find out the root cause i will go to this workspace go to this data set and click on this three
dots click on settings in the data set click on settings now if you see here what is the error data source credentials that superstore file excel file that's a superstore file and it is telling that the credentials are not correct the username password to that excel file is not correct now in that excel file there is no username password so i can click on that edit credentials and tell them that that excel file has no username password so i'll click on then and click on sign in so this will remove that error message okay remove
that error message and if you see now there's no cross button and here if you see it's updated okay now i can just go to that my workspace data sets and now if i click on refresh okay now if i click on refresh the time should be 1152 on that place yes so you see the time has changed 11 50 to 58. now if i go to that report and if i open that report now finally if i go to that superstore report and here if i click on refresh the other data which was north
east and southwest has been added into my report here so hope you're getting what we have done let me revise it i downloaded a gateway installed a gateway after installing a gateway you have to refresh the data set check if the report is getting refreshed if not you can go to that my workspace in data sets here you can click on settings button and check whether the username password you have to give for that data set so here the username password was not there so i told them by clicking on edit credentials that is the
entire process for automatic refresh and the last one is scheduling refresh so if i go to schedule refresh i can make it as on and i can tell them that i want to refresh this report daily at time i can just click on add time at morning 3 am so when my employees leave the company i can just refresh this every morning 3am and i can just click on apply button so like this i can schedule this refresh n number of times in a day to be very specific 8 times in a day i can
just click on this add button add button i can add eight times if you are using a pro account if you are using a premium account in a company 48 times in a day per data set you can refresh here only eight times in a day per data set so i can tell them at three o'clock and at four o'clock at night you have to refresh okay this way you can click on apply okay so these are the scheduling refresh in power bi okay for time being i hope you have understood how to do an
automatic refresh installing and downloading gateway and also scheduling refresh in power bi service welcome to this new section on text functions in power query now text functions are important where you can clean your data and cleaning is possible in power query we have seen the introduction in the previous video so there are many text functions in power query we'll see few of them in this section and what are those functions we'll see now so we'll see how to merge two different columns without using any code any function without using your keyboard just using button clicks
then we'll see how to split the column and also remove unwanted spaces using trim we have basic functions like upper lower and proper case how to add a prefix and suffix it's very easy now all the functions which are mentioned here will be using button clicks no using keyboard we'll see how to work on left right and mid function extract text with delimiter when you have some delimiters like comma hash add the rate anything you can remove using button clicks so why am you know pressurizing on the button clicks because the name power query is
the only difficult term i find rest all the features are easy okay so if you know excel power query is 70 easier than excel where you don't have to write any code any function most of your task basic tasks could be done using button click welcome back to this video on text function merge columns now i have an example created in excel some sample data is there i will show you that how we can do in power query excel and in power query power bi power query is a tool which is common in power bi
and in excel power b and excel so here i'll show you the same task will be done in two different places so first in excel then i'll show in power bi let us see what the data is there i have simple three columns prefix first name and last name i want to concatenate or combine these three columns into one column using the merge functions in power query not in excel so the file name is 11 point power query text functions you will get the file somewhere in the description and these are three columns the name
of the table here is if i keep my cursor the name of the table here is text underscore merge so remember the table name and remember the sheet name okay sheet name and table name they both are same here it is underscore and here it is hyphen okay so i'll import this table and try to merge without using keyboard for that i have to close this workbook and create a new workbook so file new open this workbook and i'll just close this workbook here so this is a blank empty workbook and the file is kept
here in this folder that is 11 point power query text functions that's the file name here so i will get that file get that table into this excel data tab get data from file from workbook so where is power query power query features are in the data tab from here to this location this entire tab you can say it's a power query now this is in data tab people who are using excel 2016 2019 or office 365 they will get it by default for 2010 2013 you have to install separately if you're using a mac
version you will not get this add-in so you have to struggle a bit with downloading installing okay so this is the pane of power query i'll import that data get data from file from workbook the file name was 11 point text functions so i have kept the file here 11 point power query text functions and i'll click on import that particular file had multiple excel sheets and excel tables so my interest would be in only one table and name of the table is text underscore merge okay so as i said there are different tables these
are all the tables you can see a blue line a heading line and these are all the sheets okay you can see these are all the sheets here so i will pick up here text underscore merge which is a table and click on transform okay i'll click on transform so what i'm doing power query is a etl tool so i'm extracting data from some excel file transforming so i'll just click on transform etl extract transform okay transformance will make some changes now so here a simple example nothing difficult i want to concatenate these three columns
okay so before i concatenate you can see the heading the heading is power query editor okay and this is in excel see the icon this is power query editor of excel we have power query editor of power bi also so select these three columns in a proper sequence when i say proper sequence first should be prefix then control click then ctrl click last name if i want to concatenate i can go to transform menu bar or transform tab and here you can see these are all the text functions okay you have to read at the
bottom these are text functions and this would be all number functions okay at the bottom it is written number functions and we have this date function you can see date and time so these are approximately 100 functions using button click okay right now so i have selected three columns i will click on merge columns in merge columns it will ask me when you are concatenating or merging what should be the separator the separator there are many options i'll select space and let's give a column name as full name and i'll click on ok so what
i have done i have concatenated the column name is full name and whatever steps i have applied those are getting recorded here okay so this pane is known as applied steps pane whatever steps you are performing those are getting recorded like your macros vba macro if you want you can always delete this step if you want you can always modify the step okay modification and deletion is possible we'll see in coming videos now i'll just click on home menu bar and click on close and load okay e t l the last l is for loading
so home menu bar close and load and the transform data would be loaded back here you see that's loaded back and the cell submerge now what is the beauty of power query if anything changes in the source data the target data also will change okay when i say target data target data will come in green color by default you see green color table you can change the color but by default green color so let me open that file i'll open this file text functions and here you see the name is given as vihan kumar kawan
lalwani and here i can write as let's say widget and i'll say as khanna okay so i've changed this vijay khanna the second record vijay khanna and i'll save this file okay save this file and i'll close this file this is my source data now here if you observe this have not changed okay manually does not change but if you want to change you can right click here and click on refresh so anything changes in source data your target data you have to right click and refresh and you can see vijay khanna the name has
changed okay let me expand it if it is not visible which i can also other method is you can right click here and there's an option refresh okay so if you're using excel still you can learn power query it is very simple button clicks i will do the same process in power bi and you can just observe so this is power bi and you can see nothing is there on the right hand side this is completely blank get data excel the file name was text functions yes 11 point text functions i'll open that file so
this is extract etl is e stands for extract then again it will show me the same window that it has many tables and many sheets from those i'll pick up only one table that is text underscore merge and i'll click on transform data transform data will open power query in power bi okay power query in power bm and how do you remember that you can see the name of this window is power query right now and you see the icon is for power bi okay that's a power bi icon okay this thing you have to
remember i'll select the same three columns in a proper sequence transform tab or transform menu bar click on this merge columns and here i can get the same options like space and the column name would be full name now i'll click on ok button and you can see on the right hand side the steps are getting recorded same like in excel so this is power bi power query that was excel power query now i can just click on home and click on close and apply there it was close and load here it is close and
apply excel is a data source so it can load the data power query is not a data source okay it will just apply the changes apply any changes or any cleaning thing on the visuals on the charts so when i click on close and apply i will get only one column as an output and that column would be visible on the right hand side okay so it is loading here and once it is loaded you can see the same column has been visible on the right hand side that is full name so i can just
drag this full name and use into my visuals or into some charts and i can use it okay and same thing if the data source changes i can just click on this refresh button on the top and data would be refreshed power bi has a very good feature you don't have to do manual refresh it can automatically refresh by itself that we'll see in power bs service when we publish from power bi desktop to power bi service online account there it will automatically refresh you have to tell him when you want refresh every day every
hour every half an hour so that will be automatically done okay but for time being i hope you've understood what is power query practically where power query is there in both places and how to work on merge function so in this video we'll see how to work on split and trim function i have one column where all the text are been combined into one column like this a column and i want to split into three different columns so you can see we have pimpri comma pune comma maharashtra these are three different place names and they
are concatenated together same way i have this feswat lucknow and uttar let's split that and also when i split you can see there's a unwanted spaces unwant space is there how do i remove that unwanted space okay using that trim function so let us see practically in power bi the name of the table is text split trim you can see the name is text to split trim i'll import this table into power bi so let me close this file and i'll open power bi make sure you close the file when you are importing the data
okay so here if you observe right now i have only text underscore merge now i can click on get data excel power query text functions open that i'm doing it again and again so you become habitual with that so we have split trim you see text underscore split entry select that table okay so you see this is a table icon which i've shown you earlier and this one would be the sheet icon these are all sheet icons so select that table and click on transform data splitting is very easy in power bi so here comes
the power query select that column which you want to split and go to transform column now in this transform column you have to see this all the text functions would be available in this box okay in this text column so here we want to split okay so i'll click on split by delimiter now in this case the delimiter is comma so if i click on buy delimiter and it will ask me what is the delimiter so by default it has selected the delimiters comma okay so here i don't have to do select the delimiter it's
very smart next one it is asking me do you want each occurrence of the delimiter definitely in this case i want all the columns sometimes if you do not want all the columns you can choose some option like left most or right most and so on so here i don't have to do anything just click on ok button now you see just few button clicks and i've got the answer here now here i can just rename the column here as location i can say as place i can say city and this one as state okay
now also if you want to remove the unwanted spaces in this column you can just select those two columns or whatever columns you have then you can go to that format tab and there's an option given as trim okay so if you click on trim the unwanted spaces would be removed here we don't have the unwanted spaces it's removed however i'll just delete this step if you do not want you can delete the step delete the step delete now there is no undo in power query there is no control z in power query you can
only delete the steps from here so i can just delete the steps okay if you want to again repeat the process i mean you can just go to transform tab split column by deleter and comma is selected here by default click on ok so this will split and i have to again rename that columns like place and city and the third one last one is state so now i can just click on home tab and click on close and apply after close and apply that particular table would be loaded and here you can see on
the right hand side the table is given here which is text underscore split underscore now this table is no longer a table it is a query okay so if i open this this becomes a query here okay so this icon stands for query now i can simply drag and drop let's say city and i can drag this sales into this box and these are sales by city okay and it has automatically created a map okay no need to do anything it has automatically created a map the reason it created a map because the column name
was city if the column name is city state country postal code pin code then it will automatically consider it as a geographical data type okay that we have seen earlier in the previous sections so this is created a simple map if you do not want map you want a table simply click on table this will convert into a tabular format okay let us see how to work on uppercase lowercase and proper case functions in power query power bi now they are very simple but still you need to learn how to work on that i have
an example you can see this table is there purposely i have distorted the data usually when you're working in a company you never get a clean data you have to clean that seventy percent of your time goes in cleaning data so here is an example i have highlighted all the you know values in yellow color you can see this vihan kumar you can see there's a a capital double a capital n at the end there's a r capital and here if you see there's a den check puja so at the end a triple k capital
j a capital and some are small case so what i want i want to clean this data either all should be upper case either all should be lower or in a proper case how do we do that so let's do that the name of the table here is text underscore upper underscore lower i have given the name here let me pick up this table into power bi so i'll close this file get data and click on excel so here i can select that file and click on open and i'll pick up that table here you
can pick up all the table in one go but i'm just repeating so you can understand properly again and again you can practice that so this is the table text underscore upper underscore lower click on transform data and now once it is loaded into power query i can show you how to work on those upper lower and proper so number one i'll select all the columns whichever i want to modify at a time you can select many columns if you want to select all the columns you can press ctrl a from a keyboard and select
all the columns in your table in your query so i'll select this two columns transform tab and here in the format i have first three options lowercase uppercase so let me select lowercase and if you observe this has changed everything into lowercase okay all the text into lowercase i can click on format and select uppercase here so you see all the text has converted and the third one is capitalize each word it's nothing but proper case in power query so capitalize each word first alphabet of every word would be capital okay here capitalize each word
now i also think this prefix should be capitalize each word whatever steps you're doing those are getting the recorded here you can see uppercase then we have lowercase and capitalize each word so if you want you can delete the steps if you do not require you can delete those steps and this name is not so good i can just write as employee names so this is actually a query name okay this will be actually a query name you can see query settings this is a name here when i click on file menu bar or home
menu bar close and apply then this particular query would be loaded i will not call it as a table this becomes a query now so here you can see on the right hand side that will be employee names which are loaded here you see employee names so i can go to a newer sheet and just scroll it like this so i can click outside expand that employee name i can drag the first name i can drag the last name and you can see it's properly you know aligned it here and you can use it so
first name last name these are like i can expand and show you properly here that's the first name and last name in the capitalize each word okay that's it so i hope you have understood how to work on upper lower and proper case in power query power bi let us see how to work on adding at prefix and suffix in power bi prefix and suffix are required and let us see an example here i have a table where the first name and last name is there and third column is h so if i want to
add an suffix over here like 26 years 30 years years at the back end i can use the power query function or if i want to write in the suffix my age is so and so years i can do that so let's do that the name of the table is text underscore prefix suffix close the file bring in power bi get data excel and text functions so from here i'll pick up the table that was text underscore prefix suffix and click on transform data so transforming will take you to power query if you click on
load button it will take you to power view so after i bring here you can see the h column is there h column if i want to add a suffix like 26 years so let me zoom it now i can go to transform tab and you can see in the format option i have add suffix so if i click on add suffix here it will ask me what suffix do you want to add so here i can write as space years space years and i can click on ok button here so this will add a
suffix the data type of the column has changed to a text okay if i click on the previous step you can see the data type when i say data type this is one two three it's a whole number when i click on this other step now you can see the data type is abc which is a text you don't have to remember or mug up you can just click on abc and you can see these are different data types available okay all the different data types we have a video separately on data types we'll see
in detail now this was a suffix if you want to add a prefix you can also go to format and add a prefix here and i can just write as my age is colon space and i'll click on ok so this will add a prefix that my ages so the options are both present in format tab add prefix and add suffix okay that's it very simple and if you do not want you can delete the steps from here always that's very easy if you think you made a mistake while writing you can always click on
this small settings button okay the settings button and you can modify i can click here and i can write as my age today is color and click on ok so you can modify any step in power query it's very simple need of writing any function finally i can click on home close and apply but before that i'll write as employee h and home close and apply okay so that's it i hope you have understood how to work on prefix and suffix in power bi let us see the next function we have like left right and
mid function so if you have observed we have not used keyboard for writing the functions just using button click so if you are a beginner or and you're learning how to work on this functions in power query it's very simple left right and mid function i have an example here that's a column name order id where ca hyphen 2018 hyphen some number so if i want to split this column or if i want to extract only left or right or middle text how do i do that so i have this table name left right and
mid same way one more column i'll pick up that is text with delimiters so i'll close the file and open this power bi and load that data okay this time i'll load two tables so get data excel and i'll pick up that text functions two tables are load there's a reason behind loading two examples if you do not remember the table name no problem what you can do is you can always click on this table and see the preview of the data before you pick up so i'll pick up this two tables and click on
transform here this power query window will open and let me show you that so when you have a consistent data okay when only two characters three characters four characters are there you can go for left right and mid function let me show you that so on the left hand side these are all the queries okay these are all the queries which are loaded into power query on the right hand side these are all the steps which you have recorded here this would be the name of the query this would be the preview of your data
and this would be all the functions which are available in the tabs in the power query so that's a user interface of power query i have not explained you in the first video because once we do a practical you'll get an idea coming back the question here is i want to find out the first two characters of this order id so transform tab and i can go to this extract option okay transform extract and here if you see there are many options so i'll say first characters if i click on first characters and if i
type here 2 and click on ok so from that column the first two characters would be extracted and given here now what about the other last characters or middle characters that text has gone away so you cannot bring back because we told them to transform from the existing column okay transform in same column you have to do some changes actually i should have told them that add a column of two characters separately so before i jump there let me show you see the name of this box that's a text column read this one at the
bottom text column this would be a number column okay read the text at the bottom and this would be something else that is the date and time column okay so these are functions 100 functions if i go to add column you might see the same functions here that is from text you see from text then we have here from number okay that's from number and then we have from date and time okay same functions are there so what is the difference then the difference would be let me delete the last step if i go to
add column and if i click on extract first characters add column extract first characters and type 2 if i click on ok this will add a new column with extracting two characters but if i select the first column and if i go to transform tab extract first characters and if i type 2 click on ok this will give me in the existing column okay so make sure you use it wisely when to use add column and when to use transform okay so add column and i've extracted those now if i want the last six characters
so add column extract and last characters remember add column the last column i mean six characters okay so this would give me the six values here six characters now i want the middle text which is 20 18 17 and 16 so i can go to extract i can select the option range range will give me the starting index i'll type as 3 and i want 4 characters from third one so if you are an excel user you might understand this left right and mid functions so i'll select this 3 and type here number of characters
4 click on ok and you can see i've got the text here so this way you can separate the text using left right and mid function it will work sometimes and sometimes it won't work in this case in the other text here if you try to see i cannot pick up the left two characters because if i pick up the left two characters here what will happen i will get this mr and ms but i'll not get this missus option if i use left two characters i cannot use the left five characters because this will
come but johnson will not come so how to solve this query will see in the next video itself so for time being i hope you have understood how to work on left right and mid function in power query so let us see the next part here of extracting the text between delimiters now we have seen if i want to extract a data we have used left right and mid function but how do we come across this kind of situation so it's very easy in power query select the column go to add column tab because i
want in separate columns then we have the option extract so this first characters last characters and range will not work however the last three options are there text before delimiter text after and text between let me start with text before delimiter here in this case i want text before delimiter that is hash okay so let me zoom it and you can see there's a hash which i want text before delimiter when i click on ok you can see everywhere wherever the possible things were required are visible so i'm getting as mr miss misses everywhere okay
same way if i want text between delimiter that is the first name i mean to say here as the joseph which is coming between hash and at the rate here which is given as power which is between hash and at the rate so i might go to add column extract and select the option text between delimiters and i can put here as hash and at the rate hash and add the rate and i'll just click on ok button so this will give me the text between that delimiters and the last one i want text after
delimiter as at so extract text after delimiter and i can click on or i can type as at the rate and click on ok so this will give me or separate the text in proper way so this would be very useful if you are using excel also this cleaning requires lot of time in any tool you pick up any tool like sql oracle excel you have to write some function write some language difficult here just button click you'll get the answer now if you think this column is not required the first column right click and
i can just remove that column and i can rename this column as prefix this column as first name and this one has last name now after renaming this column i think i should merge those columns so select the first column control click second control click third in the proper sequence if i click on add column merge columns it will add a fourth column that will combine all the columns but i want to replace this three columns so i should go to transform and then click on merge columns transform merge columns separator should be space and
the column name should be full name and i can click on ok button so you see unclean data which was on the third step you see the third step unclean data you see focus here this one unclean data which has been clean on the last step merge column you see how properly it has been cleaned and the best part is no keyboard just button clicks so that's it i hope you have understood how to work on extracting text with delimiters welcome back to the newer section on power query that is date functions in power query
power bi there are approximately 30 date functions in power query power bi which you can use by button clicks apart from those 30 functions there are 100 more functions where you can write some function and use it but what are those 30 functions and how we can use it some of them i have filtered and i think these are important functions which you can show now we have those functions i have seven videos in this section where i can show you all the you know functions whichever possible like how to find out year quarter month
and day just a beginning for you then we'll see how to work on finding the difference between dates and find out which one is the earliest or the latest date later on we'll see find out name of the day and name of the month like monday tuesday wednesday these are name of the day and jan feb and march this will be name of the month similarly we'll find out which day of the week or year or month are you sitting right now and how which week of the month or year we are there similarly we
have how to extract date from date and time function okay there is a date and time column how to extract only date or how to extract only time from there we'll also see this is very interesting how to calculate your age in just two button clicks how many years old are you right now we can see just using two button clicks no need to write any function if you're using excel you might have used a datedif function but here no need of writing that we will also find out that your date of birth is on
which day of the year which day of the quarter or which day of the month very simple using again button clicks so these are all the functions and you'll get a clear picture because these are the most used functions in the company in the corporate company's date functions so let us see how to find out year quarter month and day from a particular day so i have the excel file and name of the excel file here is 12 power query date functions and there are approximately i can say seven sheets and seven tables so i'll
pick up all those seven tables because we'll require this in the coming section coming videos so let me pick up those first in power bi i have to close the excel file it is important to close the excel file before you pick up in power bi so get data excel and that's power query date functions i'll click on open here there are seven tables as i said i'll pick up all the seven tables in power bi expanded and these are date one date two date three four five six and maybe dates so i can change
the name so these are seven tables here now i can click on this transform data button and that will be loaded into this power query the first one which i have this date one a simple date is there now i want to find out four things from here one is year quarter month and day so this four options so on the right hand side if you observe there are three steps which are predefined i have not done anything these are three steps so the last step i can tell you about is the change type what
is that change type it has changed the data type of this column okay so when i click on the second step see what would be this icon okay i'll click on second step and you can see the icon would be here as a b c one two three that is means no data type is there so the third step automatically gave as a date data type so power query is a bit smarter it can find out what are the values in the column and it will give the data type okay so it can be date
text numbers geographical or any other data type here so not geographical only date text numbers so if you want to remember that you can click on this button here and these are all the data types available right so the third step came by default what is the first step the first step will give you all the tables into your data source okay so when i say all the tables it will tell you what are the different sheets you have and different tables in your data set and these are all the names of your table and
sheets okay so from there it has picked up one table and gave us this table here because i selected that so the three steps will come by default sometimes two steps sometimes four steps so you have to understand that now coming back to our question i want to find out here first so in the next column so if you want in the next column go to add column and here for next seven videos we'll only focus on this date and time functions okay now if i click on this drop down these are approximately 30 functions
you can work with 30 using button clicks i can go to year and just click on year button and you can see only year has been extracted from that particular column and the column name is also given as years now let us find out quarter select the first column and then click on quarter and i can select quarter of the year okay so you'll be getting quarter that is first quarter i can again select the first column and go to month and find out which month is it so if i select this month option it
will tell me that it's a third month second month and so on so you can zoom the screen and see and this was year quarter and month and the last one if i want to find out day i can click on this again option so why am i clicking on the first column why not on the second column because if i click on this second column right now you can see the entire data this date and time is disabled because this particular feature will only work when you have date and time right now it is
a numerical column that is you see one two three it's a whole number so if you click on this date data type only then this will be enabled so you see when i click on this date column you can see this is enabled so i can click on this button here and i can select the option day and click on day so this will extract only day from that column and it would be visible here okay and you see on the right hand side all the steps are getting recorded and you can delete the steps
you can modify the steps whatever you want here okay that's it so this was the first example that was date one i have given here as i can rename this as year quarter month and day i know it's very lengthy name not a good practice but since it's a training it's a learning part we have to properly give it okay and i can just keep it as it is because in the next video i'll show you something else so i'm still in the power query and continue in the next video so in this video we'll
see how to find out the difference between dates and find out what is the earliest and what is the latest date between two dates so i've already imported the data in the previous video and i will open that power query editor you see i'll click here and that is date two the name of the query or name of the table was date2 so here i have two columns date one and day two so let us see some few dates here here the last one if you see 21st of feb 2020 and here it is 12th
of feb 2020. so the first column is bigger date here and this one is the smaller date but on the other hand if you see here it is 1003 that is 10th of march and here it is 30th of march so here it is smaller and this one is bigger so let's see first one i want to find out between these two columns the difference difference between these two columns so select the first column control click second column and i can go to add column tab date option and i can select this option subtract these
so you see when i select multiple columns few options are enabled the others are disabled here so i'll just click on subtract days and it will give me the difference between those two columns without writing a code okay and on the right hand side the step is generated one more i want to find out out of this two columns which one is the earliest date okay so select those two columns and then go to this date option earliest if you're not getting this date enabled that means the data type of your column is not date
okay so i'll select the option as earliest and you can see out of this two columns whichever is the earliest date will be given the earliest date will be given here so for me it's the earliest date is this one 12 and you can see 12 is given out of this two columns if you see 10th of march is earliest so 10th of march is given here okay and by default if you see the column name is also given as earliest if you want to find out the latest state between these two columns select those
two columns and go for latest option and you can see the latest date would be given so this will be a quick method rather than writing if else function in excel or any language just button clicks will get the answer so that's it i hope you have understood how to find out difference find out earliest and later states let us see a next topic here how to find out name of the day whether it is a sunday monday tuesday or how to find out name of the month jan feb march etc so we have already
loaded the table in power query the name is day 3 and it's a simple column only date is given the data type of the column should be date that's important and i can find out name of the day first add column date and day option and here if you see there's a name of the day so if you click on name of the day automatically you can get all the name of the day sunday monday tuesday and so on if you go again and let's see find out name of the month so you have to
go to month section and name of the month so you'll be getting name of the month we do not have name of the year and name of the quarter so that's the reason not included here now sometimes you just want the first three characters and from day name or month name so you can select that column okay and go to transform tab then you can go to extract first characters we have seen this topic in the previous section in the text functions so transform menu bar extract first characters and i'll type as three so three
and click on ok so first three characters would be extracted same way here also i can select transform tab extract and i can select first three characters and click on ok so this way you can get the month name and day name in power query power bi i hope you have understood so in this video we'll see some more functions related to date and we have how to find out day of week month and year and how do you find out week of month or year let us see that practically i have loaded the data
already in the previous videos date four a simple column is there with date so i can go to add column date option and if i select day first option it will give me which day of month is it so i can say it is the 10th day or 11th day or 13th day of the month if you want to find out which day of week you're sitting so you can click on day of week and you can see zero one two three four five now while doing a practice you might have a doubt zero stands
for what monday or sunday no problem even i don't know so i can just go to this date column and click on this day find out name of the day for time being i'll just bring the column and i can delete that so this will tell me 0 stands for sunday 1 stands for monday okay my work is done i understood i can delete that last step now i can come back day and find out which day of year is it so i'll just click on day of year so this will give me day of
month week and year next one let's talk about the week option which week of the month or week of the year you're there so i can go to this week option week of year and you can see 11th and 8th week of year dates we have and i can also select this column and go for the last option week of the month so which week of the month are you sitting you can quickly find out okay so these are very simple five functions in power query power bi now imagine if you have a date and
time column into one place and if you only want to extract either date or time how do you do that there are many methods to do that but power query is one of the simplest method it will give you just button clicks so let's see how to extract date from date and time okay so we have loaded data already the table name is date 5 or the query name is date5 i have a column named as date and time let me zoom it and you can see there is a date and time given properly and
the data type of this column if i click on this button here and the data type is date and time okay now if i only want to extract date i can go to add column date option and there's an option date only so the moment i click only date will be extracted and the data type is also given as date suppose if i only want to extract time i will select that date and time column and you can see time option is enabled in the previous videos if you see it was disabled so now i
can select time and click on time only so you see what has happened it has extracted time and see the data type of this column okay and they both are matching with the data type here okay so you can quickly extract date and time separately and use it now suppose you don't require this column you can right click and remove that column quickly right click and remove that column and you can use those date and time separately i hope you have understood how to extract date and time from date and time column let us see
how to calculate age in power query in just two button clicks if you have a proper date format it is very easy in two button clicks so i have already loaded the data the name is date6 how did i load you can see in the previous video or the first video itself so i have some indian cricket player name in the one column and second column they are date of birth so these are cricket players ajin karani date of birth ajit agarkar and his date of birth dinesh karthik is date of birth the question is
how to find out their age in just few button clicks so select the column that is date of birth add column tab and i can just click on this age button so when you click on that age you will get a new column and which will give you the age in number of days let me zoom it so ajinkya rna is 11 688 days old ajit agarkar is 15 5 25 days old nobody likes age in days they want to find out age in years 30 years 20 years 25 years so carefully observe the data
type of this column is duration and this is enabled the other options are disabled so select that column go to duration and select total years so when you select that total years that would be calculated based on years and if i zoom again you can see the first player which is ajinkirani is 32 years 0.02191781 years old and nobody likes to see in decimal they want to see whole number so you can click on this 1.2 that is the decimal option and select the option here as whole number so it will round off the h
and you can see those age over here so that's it very simple to calculate age in just few button clicks now comes the cleaning part if you do not want this column right click remove that column if you want to add a suffix to this column you can go to transform tab and we have the format option add suffix so here you can add a suffix like just i can put space and type as years end so i can say ajin kirani is 32 years old ajit agarkar is 43 years old if i open this
file next year okay if i open this file next year this 32 years will change to 33 43 will change to 44. so this will automatically calculate this date is connected to your system date okay so this column is connected with your system date and it is calculating okay so you don't have to do every year you don't have to come back and refresh don't do anything just automatically it will refresh so that's it i hope you have understood how to calculate your age in just two button clicks so here we'll see something more interesting
and this will be useful for financial people who work for accounting finance or other departments now an example i'll give my date of birth is on 30th of march 3003 if i want to find out which day of the month my date of birth was there which day of the month i can say 30 3 0 which day of the quarter i was born difficult which day of the year i was born again difficult so we'll solve these questions we'll find out this answer using power query very simple in button clicks i repeat which day
of the month i was born i can find out which day of the quarter i was born difficult which day of the year i was born again difficult to calculate so same thing can be done in power query easily i'll go back to my power query which i've already loaded that i will just rename that as date 7 so here we have date of birth let me zoom it now suppose i want to find out which day of the month i can just go to add column date and i can write here as just day
i can select the option as day so this will give me day of the month okay very simple day of the month so let's say we have deepak or let's say we have anuma we have 13th of october so the day is 30 but which day of the quarter he was born difficult to say so there's a one method we can just find out one thing i can go to date option and go to this place let's say here and click on start of year okay so if i click on start of year see what
happens this will give me a start of that particular year for example 6 6 1988 what was the start of year it was 1 1 1988 okay if the date was 11 10 1993 the start of the year was 1 1 1993 now it might sound it is not useful but if i want to find out the difference between these two okay start of the year and your date of birth will give you the day on which you are born of the year okay i repeat suppose i select this two columns the date of birth
control click start of here and i can go to this date option and click on subtract days okay so this will give you the day of year on which you are born so let's say a simple example here if you see this person who's bhuvaneshwar he was born on fifth of feb 5th of feb was 35th day of the year 35th day okay fifth of year was 35th of day it's very simple to calculate here day of the let me rename this as day of year day of year i can remove this column right now
which is of no use one more example and this will give you a clear picture i want to find out that this people were born on which day of the quarter which day of the quarter so i have to subtract this particular day that is date of worth minus start of the quarter minus start of the quarter so select that column and click on quarter start of the quarter so this will give me start of the quarter here let me zoom it and if you see 11th of october is what is the start of the
quarter you see 1st of october is the start of quarter let me randomly pick up something 7th of august and what is the start of quarter we have first of july so july starts as first of god now i can simply select that column and start of quarter then i can click on subtract these so this will give me day of quarter this you have to practice a lot and then you'll get it so i can just right click and remove that column so this as i said this is only for people who work on
finance you know this department they want to find out which day of quarter which day of year they will find it very much useful so that's very simple and easy button clicks only nothing coding not required but you have to understand logic okay but i hope you have understood how to find out day of year quarter and month in power query welcome back to the newest section in power query power bi we have the functions many functions were there we have seen but in this section we'll see how to focus on the number functions they
are very important again there are approximately 30 plus functions number functions which you can use by button clicks and apart from that we have 200 plus different number functions where we can write some m function and create those and use those now in this section i have picked up some most important and basic functions as a beginner and what are those you can see we can focus on how to work on basic add subtract divide multiply percentage percent off and modulo how to round up the numbers very important topic and how do you find out
whether the number is even or odd or whether it is positive or negative using this sign option here okay this functions are very important and basic so let us see how do we work on simple basic number functions like add subtract multiply and divide so this is the first video for add subtract divide and multiply i have a data set and you can see that's a data set here where the first name column is for the products then there are some sales quantity discount and profit so these are all the columns here and what i'll
do is i'll try to use those basic calculation on this data set okay let me pick up this table here the name of the table is number table and i'll just bring into power bi get data excel and the file name is 13 power query number functions i'll click on open now the number table so here we don't have to write any calculation they are just using button clicks in power query so i will select that number table and click on transform so there are approximately 30 to 32 functions on number where you can readmately
just use button clicks and get the answers so here we have where are the number functions if i go to add column tab and you can see here these are the all number functions you see that's a section for number functions i am in the add column tab okay and in the previous section we have seen for date functions and then we have seen for text functions so now let us see for the number functions now suppose if i want to multiply this sales into quantity okay so i can select those two columns click on
this add column option here and i can select from here as standard and i'll select here as multiply so this selected columns will be multiplied and we'll cross check that so if i click on this multiply option and you can see this one thousand or ten thousand into two is given as twenty thousand okay one more if you see one one four point nine into five that's the value given here okay so it has properly multiplied now in this standard option you can see there are list of many options available like add subtract multiply and
divide these are four basic functions we have seen we can see here so multiply is one option here now usually i think in the company you can multiply the sales into quantity into discount okay sales into quantity into discount and then you should get an answer so this multiply option which i've done was using only two columns let me delete that step i can delete that step select those three columns okay sales quantity discount and i'll try to multiply those standard and i'll select the option multiply now when i multiply i have got the answer
let us cross check we have 10 000 into 2 and into 0.4 and i'll be getting 8 000 so that's a total sales i can see but there's some mistake in this and if you observe here 731 into 3 okay some number you'll be getting 2 100 something and if you multiply by 0 the discount is 0 so i'm getting the answer as 0. how come if you multiply some 700 value into 3 quantity you're getting zero so actually it should be one minus discount sales into quantity into one minus discount that should be the
answer but here what we have done is we have actually multiplied all three columns so therefore whenever you multiply anything with zero definitely you'll get an answer zero so i have to modify this column as one minus discount so you can just click on this small settings button here and if you click on this this will give you a formula bar i can say a box where you can see what function is written and you can modify that so here if you see list dot products and these are all the column names sales quantity discount
in square brackets i can just click before that discount and type here as in brackets 1 minus and after that discount i can close the bracket okay so 1 minus discount i've written and in bracket now when i click on ok button you can see the values have come back 731 into 3 approximately 2100 and if discount is not there definitely 1 minus 0 will be getting that same value here okay 21 95.82 that is a simple multiplication so you can always modify any step by clicking on this small buttons here these are settings button
now suppose this column name is multiplication i will just double click and rename it as total sales total sales here if i want to find out what was the cost so sales minus profit i can say that would be the cost here okay so select that total sales control click on profit column select the bigger column bigger number column then smaller number column and in the add column option add column tab or add column menu bar some people call it a menu bar i can go to that standard option and select subtract okay i can
click on this subtract option so here you can see sales minus profit i should double click and rename this as cost okay please ignore the numbers these are like some different numbers bigger and smaller numbers but you can see this is what i've got the option as cost okay so what we have seen is simple multiplication and subtraction same way you can also go for different options like add and divide they are also very simple options here okay that's it for time being i hope you have understood how to work on basic number functions like
add subtract multiply and divide let us see some more examples on number functions like we have percentage percent off and model option they are very simple and very useful functions so i'll pick up the same table i'll not create another table here maybe i can just right click and duplicate that table and this is number table two i can just write here as 13.2 percentage okay or i'll write as 30 percentage so what i'm trying to show you is percentage this is the column which is total sales so for time being i will just keep
this column and remove other columns right click and remove other columns that's a method so only this column because i want to show you some examples so if you see the data type of the column it's abc123 neither number nor text so i can just click on this button and make it as whole number so we can quickly see the calculations now when i select the add column option and if i go to a standard option the last three options is what i'm talking about right now modulo percentage and percent off so let me first
select the option as percentage if i select the option percentage and if i want 10 percentage of total sales so i'll type here as 10 percentage and if i click on ok button you can see the values which are visible it is 12 000 10 of 12 000 is 1200 okay 574 is the actual value 10 of 574 is 57.4 this is one example on the other hand if i select the other column this is very interesting suppose this value is 10 percentage okay the total sales column is 10 percentage what would be 100 percentage
so you will be multiplying by ten okay so i'll select that column and i'll select the option percent off so again i repeat if the total sales is ten percent what would be the hundred percent select the option percent off and i'll type here 10 click on ok so 12 000 is if it is 10 percent what would be hundred percent so this would be the value of 100 now you might think it is very easy multiplying by 10 but imagine if i give you some odd number like we have taxes going in every country
in india we have gst rates so if i delete that last one now if i tell you that the first column is 18 what would be hundred percent so if i click on the standard and if i select percent off so this would be useful for finance department who are working with payroll department so if i click on percent off and if i type 18 okay so if this is 18 what would be hundred percent and if i click on ok button so you see the step is inserted insert percent off i have got the
answer okay which is again difficult to do it manually but what happened is with every step a formula is generated and this is known as formula bar okay that's known as formula bar and some calculation is done and this is the calculation which is done so right now you don't have to worry we have a topic in the coming section where i'll be showing you how this functions are written these are known as m functions which is written in m language in power query so that's a logic behind and if you're not able to see
this formula bar some people might not be able to see formula bar so you can go to view tab view menu bar and here you can see we have the option formula bar in view tab or view menu bar formula coming back percentage and percent off now suppose if i divide this value this total sales value by 2 whatever would be remainder is known as modulo so add column and if i select the option modulo and if i type here as 2 so if i want to divide that column by 2 when i click on
ok you can see whatever would be the remainder so 29 divided by 2 i can say 40 and 1 would be remainder so that will be given here okay same way if i show you the same value 29 divided by 2 that would be remainder i will delete that step and do it again if i divide this column okay modulo if i divide this value by 3 and whatever would be remainder will be given so here let us see so 29 divided by 3 okay you get the answer as 9 and remainder would be 2
the left out value will be 2 same way here also 44 divided by 3 will be getting this value here 2. okay so that's it very simple and easy and i hope you've understood how to work on this three function percentage percent off and modulo let us see how to round up the numbers in power query we usually get some numbers where there are many decimals and sometimes we want to round up or round down the numbers they are very simple in power query let us see that practically so here we have the same data
set which i have picked up in the previous section i will just duplicate this you know the query this is known as query so i'll duplicate and here i can write as round now you can see there is a column profit column so i'll just keep this column and remove other columns for time being so what i want to do is i want to round up round down or round okay three functions are there so let us see first one if i want to round down select the column go to add column tab and here
we have the rounding option three options are there if i just click on this round down see what happens round down this will give you the lowest value even if the value is 41.91 it will round down to the lowest value okay one more example here if you see 5.78 if you round usually should get as six but round down will give you the lowest value purposely and it will remove the decimal format there on the other hand we have round up okay so i'll select that same column first column and click on roundup this
will give you the highest value okay so even if the value is somewhere let me find out yes so we have here 219.5 any any value it will round up to the highest one 220. so it will add plus one i can say okay even if it is 0.00001 it will give you one value here so roundup will give you the highest value and round is one option so i'll select the first column and give you the round option here so it will round it up to whatever decimals you see so if i say give
me only one decimal or let's say two decimal and if i click on ok button you can see at the end i have only two decimal values okay only two decimal values so you can delete that step and if you want you can modify again um i can you can create again round option and i'll give the option as three so or let's say one when i click on ok you can see all the numbers only will have one decimal okay very simple and also there's a settings button you can always click on that settings
button and modify that okay very simple so that's it i hope you've understood how to work on round options in power query power bi so let us see some more examples on number functions we'll find out whether the number is even number odd number or what is the sign of that number positive sign or negative sign let us see that practically so i'll use the same set of data let me duplicate that query right click on number table duplicate and here we have as sign or or even now from this entire all the columns i'll
only pick a profit column right click on profit column and remove other columns for timing here i want to find out whether the number is even or odd okay if it is even or odd but before i convert i'll make it as whole number so i'll select the option as whole number here i'll select the column go to add column option here and this is the option information so if i click on this drop down and you see these are the options easy one is odd let me click on easy one this will give you
answer in true and false whether the number is odd or even so if the number is even it will give you true if odd it will give you false same way i can select that same column and go for ease odd it will give me true answer if it is odd number so you can see if the number is odd which is 7 it is giving me the value as true okay and on the top you can see ezod is even the data type of this column is not a number not a text you can
see it's a true false or i can say it's a boolean data type you can see that's a true false option or boolean data type one more if i select the column you can see there are some values which are not profitable they are in loss minus 383 so if i want to quickly find out which one is profitable and which one is loss select the column and click on this sign option so here when i click on sign i will be getting for negative numbers minus 1 for positive numbers wherever it is there you
will get plus 1 if the number is zero you will get zero okay negative minus one positive plus one and zero values will give you zero what is the advantage of this sign option suppose if you only want the positive numbers or profitable values you can click on this drop down and deselect that negative numbers click on ok so these are all the profitable values which are given okay very simple and if you don't want delete that step and come back so that's it i hope you have understood how to work on easy one izod
and find out the sign of number hello everyone and welcome back to this new section in power bi how to append data sets in power bi now this section is divided into five videos five different scenarios now whenever i go for a training usually i get this similar questions here so i think creating a video would be a great idea now first one if you see how to append multiple csv files from a folder if i have 20 30 40 csv files in one folder how to append those one below the other in just three
button clicks without coding that's the best part without coding so just button clicks same way we'll also see how to append different excel tables or excel sheet from one file different tables from different excel files also will work on how to append data from different data sources if i have one excel one csv or one sql data set or some other oracle any data set you can pick up how to append those one below the same using button clicks without coding and also we'll see the best part there are multiple excel files in one folder
okay multiple excel files 10 20 30 any number you can see those excel files if i want to append one below the other automatically okay you can also do this in seven to eight button clicks without coding and the best part is anyone can learn this okay it is that simple so these are all real-time scenarios best i have tried to create these videos so let us see practically how do we work on this appending files and tables so let us see how to append multiple csv files one below the other so imagine you get
multiple csc files every day every month what you can do is you can collect those all files into one folder and you can append those files csv files in power query power bi in just three button clicks not more than that okay and very simple provided the data is clean underline this thing which is the data should be clean okay there should be no errors then you can quickly combine that and how do we do that practically let us see so that's a topic we have how to append multiple csv files from a folder so
i have this folder kept the name of this folder is monthly sales file and it's a csv double click and let me open these are around five or six files i have and if you see the name is given based on month april 2020 feb 2020 and so on based on month wise i have given the file names these are all csv files here let me open any one csv file and let me show you what data i have if i double click on april 2020 you can see the data is very simple and purposely
i have kept very small data so you can see the data is very small not so big records hardly 10 records have kept the first column is date client and sales in billion okay these are all the client names have kept the date and the sales nothing else only one sheet i have the name of the sheet is april 2020. actually in csv we don't have a sheet but since i have opened in excel it is showing us april 2020 as sheet name so i'll close this don't save one more file i'll open any one
file let's say march 2020 and you can see same 10 records and values also something different would be there okay values also would be there and the name is different here you can see this is for march month 0 3 so i can just close this don't save so if you count here there are six files each csv file is having 10 records so output i should get as 60 records 6 into 10 records 60 records select that path okay copy that url or the path of the folder where all the files are kept come
to power bi get data and click on this more button in this more button you can import data from many data sources but we want only from a single folder i cannot select a csv because it's not a single csv it is the entire folder okay select the entire folder click on connect make sure you have only csv files in this case study okay now i can just paste the path control v and click on ok now you can see it is showing us that there are six files and all our csv files and some
information related to data that when it was created modified now i can show you different methods you can combine here you can see there's a combine option i can click on combine we have two options combine and transform if you click on combine and transform it will combine and go to power query if i click on combine and load it will combine and come to power view that means directly for creating charts but let us go to combine and transform data and it will open power query and all the sheets or all the files would
be appended one below the other so this you can ignore and for time being you can click on ok button and what is the meaning of that window i'll show you the next video what is that now you can see separate power query window would be open in my taskbar and something happened this i have not done this has come by default okay this steps also i have not done anything but automatically it has been recorded this is the name of the folder from where i picked up the file this three columns were present in
my source file each file and how many records we have the number of records we have is given at the bottom 60 rows okay these are 60 rows from which file they are picked up will be given into this column okay if i click on this drop down it will tell me what are the sources it has picked up the data from march april may june july or whatever months are there let us cross check if i go to add column or if i go to transform and if i click on this button which is
count rows so you can see the number of rows right now is how many 60 rows six files into 10 records next month if you get one more file and you can just code that folder okay so if i see there's a jan feb march april may june yeah so july file i don't have so what i'll do is i'll right click copy that file and right click and paste that file rename this as july underscore 2020 okay assuming that one more file have come in july month and i've pasted in that folder what i
have to do i can just go to that power query okay and here in home tab you can see there's a refresh button this refresh button if you click and observe the number of records will change to something different let's see if i click on this refresh button it will go and check into that folder how many records are present or how many files have been added and you can see 70 records so complete automation only one time you have to do the settings and automatically it will update the data set here in desktop power
bi desktop we have to manually do that in refresh button but when i publish it online it will automatically refresh whenever i say them every day every week every quarter whenever i assign that so this is an complete automation process okay once again if i go to that folder if i right click copy that file and paste assuming a new file have come july and august 2020 so 10 more records are added i can go to this power query in home tab if i click on refresh you can see it has changed to 80 records
okay i can delete the last step and you can see you'll be getting here as this one is august and july okay and i can click on okay so this is just 30 imagine the other 30 person would be your dashboards your reports will automatically update if the file is put into folder your dashboards and reports will update and the 30 person will see in the coming section also right so that's it i hope you have understood how to append multiple csv files in a folder in power query in power bi let us see how
to append multiple sheets or multiple tables from one single excel file so it is possible in power pi just using button clicks nothing more than that and this can be automated okay complete automation process so that's a topic we have how to open multiple excel tables or sheets from single file i have a file and that's kept into this folder monthly sales single file which is in excel that's an annual sales data and usually what happens when every month whenever the sales happen a person executive in the company creates separate sheets and keeps into one
excel file so how do we get it one below the other and do it in power bi how do we do that okay these are the seven files you can see and purposely i have kept same data i mean similar data everywhere the column headings values and number of records are there so date column is changing everywhere and client names are also changing so column names are same if you observe date client and sales in billion the position of the columns can be anywhere no problem the number of columns can be extra or less that
is also not a problem so let us see practically how to append those seven sheets into power query power bi i'll close that file and open power bi get data excel and i'll open that file which is annual sales details click on open now when i click on open it will show me all the sheets which are present since i want everything to be appended i can select all the sheets here there are 10 records per sheet if you count you'll be getting 10 records here so 10 into 7 i should get 70 records as
an output 7 sheets and 10 records i can click on transform data so this will you know load all the seven sheets into power query and those would be visible in the left hand side pane that will be visible here you can see april to march i mean jan to july these are all seven months so now what i can do is i want to create one more new query where all the sheets will be appended so i can go to home tab and here we have the option append queries so if i click on
this drop down there are two options append queries to an existing query or append a new query here since i want a new query i'll just click on append queries as new so when i want to append it will give me choices like how many queries do you want to append how many tables two tables or three or more tables definitely i have six so i'll select the option three or more tables march is automatically selected because march was highlighted when i clicked on that button there no problem so i can just double click april
double click fib jan july june may so one by one i have to bring all the queries which i want to append okay so these are seven sheets i can click on ok button the final output i'll be getting and the name of the query will be append one okay i can rename that and these are all the three columns which i had okay and how many records i have it's given at the bottom 70 rows are there 70 records are there now i think i should rename this as annual sales 2020 okay i can
click on this annual says 2020. now the best part about this power query is power bi in case in those seven files any records adds deletes or modifies any changes happen so here this would be updated okay here i have to click on refresh button since it's a desktop application i have to manually click on refresh but if i publish it on online okay on the power bi service it can do it automatically whatever time or whatever schedule you assign it will do automatically okay that's very simple so that's it i hope you have understood
how to append multiple sheets or tables from one single excel file in power bi let us see an important topic in power bi that is how to append multiple excel sheets or multiple excel tables in power bi which have different number of columns let us see that practically so that's a topic here different number of columns so what i've done is i have created empty blank power bi where there are no queries loaded a fresh new file and the file is annual sales details that is different columns when i open that file i have total
six sheets in that file each sheet is having one table so if i open this jan file you can see there's only one table now let us see what data we have there are three columns date client and sales in million so i have kept purposely very less number of records hardly 10 records i have kept second sheet if you go remember the name is first is date second is client second sheet if you go the position of the columns have changed first is client and then is date okay third sheet if i go i
have one extra column named as remarks fourth sheet april is same nothing different fifth sheet is also same and sixth sheet is having one extra column named as profit okay so some places the column position is different some places the columns are extra and how do we overcome how do we append those in power bi let us see practically remember the name annual sales details in bracket different columns i'll close this file and open power bi a blank file get data excel i can open that excel file and click on open here it will give
me options do you want to import tables or do you want to import sheets whichever you want you can pick up it is suggested go for tables rather than sheets okay so here what i can do is you can see these are all the tables and at the bottom these are all the sheets okay you can see the icons will be different for tables and sheets so you can pick up anything i think i'll go for tables so i'll pick up those tables here and these are all six tables i can click on transform data
now this will open power query so appending we have seen in the previous video and let us see practically how to append with different number of columns here comes your power query i can go to home menu bar and i can click on this append queries as new that's the option append queries as new there are two options or two radio buttons i'll get do you want two tables or three or more tables i'll pick up this three or more tables so may table is selected i will double click and pick up all the other
tables and click on ok so then we have three and three six so now i have picked up six tables i'll click on ok so this will give me one final output named as append one and the output is given okay if you see 60 rows are there there were six tables or six sheets i can say each sheet was having 10 records 6 into 10 60 i have now let us see what we have now the date client and sales in million if you remember the column positions were different but still it has properly
appended into those columns there were two extra columns named as profit and remarks some places profit was not there so wherever the profit and remarks were not there we'll get null option there and you can scroll down and you can see wherever the profit was there so it has given the values for profit and remarks also it has given so what you can learn from this one the column position does not matter it can be anywhere the column names should be same okay that is one thing and even if you have different number of columns
the steps would be same it will still append the tables or sheet and still give you the answer so that's it i can just rename this as annual sales data okay annual sales data and i can click on close and apply now obviously when i append those file i only want the final file should be visible okay not all the seven whatever sheets are there but what happens is when you click on close and apply in the output you'll be getting all the seven queries okay so let it append so it has appended it has
applied and you can see all the sheets are visible for me i only am interested in this annual sales data the blue color highlighted i don't require because i wanted the output so i don't want the end user the developer to see these tables so what you can do is you can go to transform data right click on that april table and you can just deselect this checkbox named as enable load same way i can just click on continue right click on that fib enable load continue and i think you can also select multiple tables
at once and you have to do it one by one right click and deselect this button enable load right click whenever you deselect that button enable load you can see the query name will change to italic so you can understand that this will be only visible in power query not in power view okay or when you're creating some charts you will not get it so these are all in italic format carefully observed that's in italic format and rest all you can see now i can click on close and apply now you can see i'll only
get the final annual sales data query not the other tables so you see when i minimize i'm not having the other tables so this is very useful and interesting option here enable but by the way the main topic was how to append multiple tables or sheets with different number of columns let us see a very interesting topic in power bi that is how do we append multiple excel files from a folder now imagine you have a folder and you keep on pasting a file every month which have similar data and you want those files should
automatically append one below the other it is possible in power bi here is an example i have created a folder monthly sales file excel file that's a folder name and these are all the excel files the size is very small purposely i have kept it very small size and you can see the name of the files are like april then i have feb jan may march every month name i've given now i want to append those in power bi but before we append let us open any file and just see what data we have i'll
double click on april 2020. the data is very simple we have three columns date client and sales in million here it is a table format and if i go to table design the menu bar you can see the name of the table is april table i have purposely given the name properly april table here so i can close this i'll open one more table and one more file let's say june 2020 and you can observe here we have the same column names if you see date client and sales in million the column names can be
same the position of the columns can be anywhere no problem number of columns can be less or more no problem and you can see the name is given as june table okay so since the file name is june 2020 i have given as june table it can be different name also no problem i can close this and what i'll do is i want to import this folder directly into power bi so right click and copy the path of the folder okay so i have six files in this folder now i can open a blank empty
power bf file you can see when i say empty nothing is there on the right hand side i can click on this get data click on more button and i should not click on excel file because it's not one excel file but it is a complete folder which i have to pick up so i'll select the option here as folder and click on connect now i can just paste the path up folder and click on ok button this will give me all the file structure okay all the file names the extensions these are the file
name that's the extension which i have the date modified created all the you know metadata about the file i have to click on transform data because i don't want this metadata i want the data inside those files so out of all the files if you observe only first two columns are important okay first two columns so the second column is having name of the column and first column is having the contain that means the data of that file in the compressed format very complex format so when you click on the blank space at the bottom
it will give you the size of the file and entire data will be there so what about the other columns like extension access modified created those are not required so let me select this two columns and remove other columns now i have those two columns here now what my job would be to extract the data from this contained column this is in the compressed format so add column menu bar and i can click on custom column that's the option custom column here in this custom column i can write a m function one single function would
be required and the function would be excel dot workbook excel dot workbook and i can press tab key from my keyboard remember this is case sensitive e capital w capital select excel dot workbook now excel dot workbook open bracket double click on this content option and close the bracket now what is this contain which i have selected this contained is actually the right hand side column which is available column it's written here available columns these are nothing but at the back end if you see contained and name these are two columns so now i'll just
click on ok button and you can see a separate column named as custom column is created and still there is some data inside you see i can click on double headed arrow and some columns will be there we don't know what is that but we'll click on ok button now when you click on ok button there are some columns on the right hand side this will tell you that each file is having some sheet or table okay and these are the name of the sheet and table here so obviously out of those six file i
am interested only in tables so i can just click on the drop down and select only table and click on ok so from this kind column i only want table you see these are all the tables here these are name of the table okay now out of all the columns we only require three columns the file name the table name and the data inside those table the other columns are not important right now so you can select those three columns and remove other columns the file name column the table name and the custom data what
is custom data if i keep my cursor on the blank space you can see the sample or the data will be visible here what data is inside that table so you can keep on clicking to cross check here the last step would be just click on this double headed arrow and click on ok button so carefully observe one check box is there extra which will find out what is that right now it is selected i can just click on ok button when you click on that ok button this column should be visible the date column
the client column and the sales in million but if you observe everywhere there is a custom data dot custom data dot custom data dot so unwanted prefix is added which is not required right now so i'll delete the last step expand the column again and remove this prefix this will add a prefix to the columns here i'll just deselect click on ok this would be a clean column names here now that's very simple and i can see how many records i have at the bottom if you see 60 rows are there 60 records are there
so now i should just rename the column headings i can rename this as file name this one as table name and this one as date so i can just change the data type as date okay and the client name should be text so i'll select the option somewhere a text would be there and this is sales in billion i'll keep it as it is no problem so now it's a clean data let us cross check when i click on home menu bar and click on close and apply so i'm coming out of power query into
power view whenever i say power view i mean to say where you can create some charts and visuals so that is a power view so this section is the power view and the red section which i have highlighted is power pivot okay which we have in the coming section so now i will just pick up this file name drag and drop and you can see these are the six files let me expand it till june we have suppose in that folder if i bring one more file i can just copy that file and i can
just paste it let me rename that file i'll type as july underscore 2020 okay one more file i've pasted july 2020 here when i go to power bi if you see nothing has happened but i can just click on this refresh button on the top in home minibar and you can see one more file would be added which is july 2020 okay that july file would be added here it's given in this location so the file name is added but at the back end the data also is updated suppose if you have created some charts
or visual that will automatically update okay so you can see that's a date field i can just drag and drop this data entirely would be updated for july month also okay since we have not changed the date inside that file or sheet so we cannot get the output but you can see the changes will be visible here and one more i can show you i can go to transform data and if i go to this transform tab here i can just click on count rows so in this count rows this is 70 records okay seven
files for there each file was having 10 records i will go back again and copy one more file copy and paste here one more file so june july done now i'll type as august 2020 and when i come to power bi okay or power query this is the power query i'll just click on home refresh when i click on refresh button you have to observe this number 70 will change to 80 okay that means the data is getting updated okay so i can delete that last step which is not required so all the records will
be updated automatically it is given at the bottom here so that's it i hope you have understood how to append multiple excel files from a folder in power bi let us see a new topic in power bi that how do we append different data sources in power bi this would be for the first time we are seeing different data source it can be any data source sql oracle big data hadoop anything but here i have taken a very simple example how to append excel with csv file in power bi now since we everyone has csv
and excel so i have created a folder monthly sales file csv in excel and there are two files april and march and the one is excel and one is csv file i'll open that both files and you can see that's a march 2020 and april 2020. so i'll just bring those side by side so these are two files which i have and one csu and excel both files are having same columns if you see date client and sales and date client and sales they have the same column now the question is how to append those
10 records with this 10 records you can see here the month is given as march and here the month is given as april okay this two months are there so let us see i'll just close this file and i'll close this file i can open here power bi now this power bi is empty nothing is there in this file first one i will just click on get data excel and pick up the excel file from that folder that's april 2020 open now one file would be excel one would be csv here i have i'll be
getting the file name so that's the april file i can just select this april and click on load button i'm directly clicking on load so that file would be visible on the right hand side so you can see that april file is loaded here let us load the other file get data and i'll select the option text csv and the other file is march 2020 open and now i can also click on load button so this is one one method of loading separate excel and separate csv file okay but now if i want to append
those i have to go back to power query okay so in power query i can load so you can see april and march are loaded nobody can find out the difference whether it is a csv or excel if you observe the icons for both the files is same so here when they are loaded they are known as queries now i can just go to home tab and click on transform data on this place now in transform data on the left hand side you can see these are the queries which have loaded i will click on
append queries as new append queries as new so a third query would be created and since i have only two tables i'll select the april from top and march from bottom april in march and click on ok a third query would be loaded and i'll write as appended data and you can see date client and sales in billion so both the columns or both the files have been appended and i am getting 20 records now i can just right click and disable this load enable load same way i can right click on march 2020 and
enable load i deselect that option so when i click on close and apply i'll be getting only this appended data in the output in the power view so i'll not get the other two queries okay so i'll just click on close and apply carefully observe whatever was in italic format the query name will not be loaded so here i'll be getting only one appended data query on the right hand side so i can use that file and create some charts and visuals so you can see only one appended data and only one query is there
not the other two options so that's it i hope you have understood how to append different data sources in power bi hello everyone and welcome to this new section in power bi that is merge files and tables in power bi if you are an excel user you know what is vlookup function okay so vlookup function you have to write some code some function over there here you can do the same vlookup function in power bi easily not only this whatever limitations you have in vlookup in excel those can be removed from here and you can
work in this power query now we will see four different videos for examples in this section one would be how to merge two tables then we'll see how to merge two different excel files then how to merge two different data sources in power bi and lastly we'll see a very important topic that when we have two tables and then we have multiple matching columns first name last name and first name last name or more than two columns if you have how do we merge those data with multiple criterias in power bi those all these topics
should be covered in this section and trust me it is very easy no need of writing coding or doing anything if your excel user you will find it easier than excel that is for sure let us see how to work on merge tables or merge sheets in power bi that is in power query now this is like a vlookup function in excel we use vlookup function where we can bring some columns from one table to the other table and that can be done here also but very easily without writing a function let us see practically
how to merge tables or sheets in power query power bi i have a data here and data is very simple i have one master table and one transactional table where employee code employee name and salve is given and second table employee code department and zones visited so both the places there is one common column that is employee code you can see that's the employee code and employee code so my question here is i want to bring here this salary column from this master table and bring it here the salary column okay so using vlookup you
can do it that's very easy i know but let us see how to do in power bi so before i take this let me show you the name of the table is master table okay and name of this table is transactional table okay these are two different tables so i will close the file and open power bi get data excel name of the file i didn't tell you the name of the file was 15.1 merge tables in power bi now i will pick up those two tables in that file you can do on multiple sheets
also this is one master table and transactional table so these two tables i'll click on transform data why do i need to go to transform this merge table option will only be available in power query not in the front end that will be done using functions so master table and transactional table now home menu bar and you can see there's an option given as merge queries so when i click on this drop down there are two options merge queries or merge queries as new the first one will append to an existing query okay the second
one will create a new or a third query so when i click on merge queries as new from here i'll select the option as transactional table and from bottom i'll select master table now carefully observe from the top transaction table i have taken wherever the transaction is happening or bigger table i can say and here the main table or the master table now this salary column should be brought into this place okay that's one thing now when i try to click on ok this button is disabled here okay why because i have to select the
relationship between both the tables that is employee code and employee code the moment i select the employee code option you can see ok button is enabled number one something is written at the bottom you see the selection matches ten of ten rows from the fourth table okay ten of ten rows from the first table so this join type you can keep it as it is okay which is left outer so in this case this would be left outer that is all from first table because i want all the records from the first table and only
matching records from the second table okay so wherever it is showing as one only that value should be visible here okay so that is left out for time being you can skip that now i can just click on ok button now you remember there were three three columns per table three columns in one table three columns in other table now you are getting a new query named as merge1 and there are three columns which is of transactional table but the master table is compressed format okay when i say compressed you can see it is showing
a double headed arrow okay something is hidden at the backend and this is a link which is a table so when you click on this double headed arrow you can see all the columns in that table okay in that master table so if you want you can bring all the columns vlookup will bring only one column but this feature can bring as many columns as you want so right now i only want salary column from that master table and i'll just deselect this prefix option so select salary deselect this option click on ok so you
can see this is the transitional table the first three column and this column came from the master table okay without writing a code i have got the vlookup answers this is known as merge queries in power query okay very simple here now if you think you have made a mistake you can always click on this cross button it will go back and you can just expand and this time i'll bring all the columns i'll click on ok and you can see all the columns i have plotted here okay i can again delete so you think
you made a you know mistake while creating a relation you can always click on this button settings button and you can modify the relation from here between these tables here that is again very simple i can click on cancel so let me expand it and select only salary column and click on ok but i hope you have understood how to avoid vlookup and how to use this merge queries in powerpn now let us see something more interesting in merge queries now whenever i go for a training people usually ask that can we do merge queries
or merge sheets together from different excel files or different data sources so the answer is yes we'll see that practically in this video so what i'll be showing you here is how to merge data from multiple excel files or multiple excel workbooks in power bi that's the topic here so i have created a folder and there are some master table and transaction table there are two excel files i will open the excel file and explain you the tables are same but just separate it in two files okay so i'll open the transition table also and
i can just go to view arrange all i can show you side by side this both files here so the name of this file is to transition table and this is one master table it's not visible it's a master table the tables are same no difference just i have kept into two separate excel files or excel workbooks so this one would be master table and this is transition table what is the name of this transition table the name is transaction1 okay and name of this table is master one so some different name i've given master
one and transition one two different excel files let me close those files one by one close it and close it here i'll just click on get data excel this is 15.2 video number so i'll pick up this master table in that master table file i have master one named as this table here that's master one now i'll just click on load button directly or you can click on transform no problem one and the same okay for timing since it's the first table the second one i'll click on get data excel and i'll pick up this
transition table click on open okay so here comes the transaction one anywhere you can click let's say i'll click on load itself directly so what happens when you click on load this will be loaded on the right hand side and you can see in the field section that will be given there so let me expand this field section and here you go this is the master one and this is transaction one this both are now queries if i want to go back to power query i'll just click on transform data click on this transform data
button here and now it comes here so this would be two different queries this is master one and the transition one which are latest loaded i can do the same steps home menu bar and i'll click on merge queries as new so here i'll pick up the transaction one from the top and master one from the bottom table here select the common column employee code and employ code the question is i want salary column from here and bring it here okay so i will take all the values all the records from the first and only
matching columns from the second table okay that's what vlookup does so by default the type of join is left join okay wherever you want to apply vlookup okay very simple straightforward wherever you want to apply vlookup just bring it on the top okay and the other table should be at the bottom here i'll just click on ok button now this will give me all the columns so i can just expand this table you can see this is a master table okay the entire table is visible there so i can click on this expand button and
i'll select only salary column now i can just select salary column click on ok so vlookup gives you only one column but this will give you as many columns as you want so i can just click on ok button and i've got the same answer here so that's very simple nothing new what we have seen in the previous video same thing is here but the only thing was the files were separate the tables were kept in two separate files okay i hope you have understood how to work on merge on two different excel files now
let us see how to merge data from two different data sources so in the previous video we have seen two different excel files but now i am talking about two different data sources one can be excel second can be csv so it can be sql sql server or oracle hadoop big data you pick up any two data sources and you can just still merge the data you can apply vlookup on different data sources any you can pick up i have taken very simple example for this one that is merging data from different data sources and
the example is form excel and csv these two basic examples since everybody can do it on their machines and this is one folder named as 15.3 and one is excel file and second is a csv file okay these two files are there and you can see master excel file and transitional csv file let me open both the files and show you what data i have then i'll show you the output so that's the first file which is a master file and second one so i can just go to view arrange all so these are two
files and the data is same okay here that's a master table and this one is transactional table it's on the top it's a csv file i have the employee code and i have the employee code so what i want the output is i want in the transitional table a salary column a salary column which is present here this should come into from here it should come to this place okay how do we do that so one csv one excel i'll close it and open power bi the steps would be get data excel first is an
excel file and that is from folder 15.3 okay 15.3 and that is master excel file first excel file so from there i'll pick up one table which is master table and click on this transform data why did i do transform i'll tell you i have to rename the table here i'll write as master from excel okay master table from excel the second file is a csv so i'll click on new source i'm in power query new source and i can click on csv i can do the same thing from the front end also in power
view i can click on get data csv and this is the transactional csv file okay and here i'll write as transaction from csv click on ok so this would be loaded here i'll write a simple name so we can understand transactional null from csv so these are two files which i have loaded master from excel and transition from csv let us merge that so home menu bar and i can go to merge queries as new here i can select the option first would be transactional second would be as master from excel same story again i
want here the salary column from here into this place so the join type would be left outer join i can select the common column between both the tables and click on ok and now i can just expand deselect all and only select salary click on ok that's it so this would be merged from different data sources that's it so i hope you have understood how to merge data from different data sources in power bi let us see an interesting topic in power query power bi that is merged data having multiple matching columns or multiple criteria
i have two tables and many columns are matching in both the tables how do i get the output let us see practically i have two files one is a master table and transitional table you see that's a transitional table and here i have master table both the tables and they are in different files you can see both in different files i have first name and last name okay and here if you see first name and last name see the positions are changed okay the positions are changed here here the first name is first column and
here first name is second column number one you can see second thing what you can observe let me sort in some order here and let me also sort this column here in some order so observe here in the last name i have two times seria and here also you see two times zero here is given here this is given as lalvani and here also that's given as lal bani so if i try to use only last name to do a vlookup it will not give the correct answers so i have to take help of first
name column also so now i can find out for this one as pavan lalwani with this forevan lalwani and then i can get the answers so two columns would be matching columns here what is the final output i want i want the salary column from master table and into this transactional table that's the final output close this file and close this file where are the files kept the files are kept into folder 15.4 and one is master file transitional file so come to power bi click on get data excel 15.4 first one i'll pick up
master table this one i'll give some different name i'll select master table 2 see the name master table 2 click on transform i went to transform to just rename that table master with multi-column and now i'll just click on get data or new source excel and pick up the second table from 15.4 folder and i'll also rename this as transaction from multi column and click on ok this one i'll just rename as transactional with multi column so these are two files or queries i can see now home menu bar merge query says new here i
can select the option first one as transactional with multi column here i can select master with multi column now when there are two matching columns how do i do that carefully observe i will select any column from the top let's say last name then control click first name so very small thing you see there's a one and there's a two option that means first column you have selected and then your selected second in the same sequence you have to select from the bottom so if i selected last name first i have to click on this
last name here at the bottom then ctrl click first name so this should match one with one and two with two like this you can keep on matching n number of columns if you do this in excel it is very very difficult you have to apply many steps but here in power bi power query it is very easy so i have selected those columns and click on ok button now after matching those columns i can just expand this master column deselect everything because i have first name last name i'll select salary option and click on
ok and i've got the output okay that's very simple here this is how we can work on merge columns with multiple matching columns or multiple criterias in power bi hello everyone and welcome back to this newer section in powerpi column from examples and conditional column so we have total eight videos in this section here now what is this two names which are given if you are an excel users and if you know that there is if else condition in excel if else that if else condition is known as conditional column in power bi okay if
else condition if you are again an excel user and you know how to work on flash fill in excel you might understand column from examples okay that's very simple here even if you don't know no problem i'll show you step by step how to work on this two important examples this will save lot of your time and the best part about this section is we are still not writing any piece of quote any function in power bi this will be done just by using button clicks and simple mouse clicks here okay so let us see
practically how to work on this column from examples and condition column in power bi so in this video we'll see what is column from examples we have four videos created on this column from examples and on different different examples i have created so the first one which i'll be showing you is how to work on split text we have seen how to split a text using text functions in power query now let us see by column from example here i have the data set the name of the file is 16.1 column from example and the
sheet is cfe example1 now what i want to do is i have a column named as order id if i want to separate the column into three different columns without using split function can i use it we can do it with help of column from example if you know the flash fill in excel this topic is similar to flash fill let me show you how if i want to find out the first two characters from this text i can just type here in excel ca enter so first two characters and i can go to home
menu bar and i can click on fill option and this is flash fill so carefully see the icon okay you can see the icon there's a lightning thunderstorm icon here i'll click on that flash fill and you can see the first two characters are inserted okay so i'll delete that one more example suppose i want the last text which is one five two one five six and i'll keep my cursor in the next cell so i want the last six characters which is numbers and i can click on this button flash fill and you can
see i'm getting the last six characters so this feature is exactly used in power query okay one more and the last example i can show here suppose i want the first name from the customer name so i can type here as c-l-a-i-r-e okay first name and i can go to home menu bar fill and click on flash fill option so you see the first name has been extracted easily from there now let us do this in power query power bi so see the name of the table here is i have kept the name as cfe
split so i'll quickly pick up all the tables because it will be required in the coming videos here so this is my power bi let me quickly pick up the data get data excel name of the file is 16.1 column from example so i'll pick up this four tables right now we require only one table in this video but i'll pick up four tables will be required in the next videos so i'm in the cfe split query cfe stands for column from example so this is the order id i can select that column add column
and see the icon which is this lightning icon on a column this is exactly like your flash fill in excel so i can click on this button here and select from selection there are two options whichever column you have selected and if you want only on that okay the output only on that you can click on from selection if you want output on all the columns collectively we can select from all columns so right now in this example from selection suppose i want first two characters i'll type c a simple ca and press enter okay
so you have got the first two characters if you want the middle text i can type as 2018 enter okay so i've got 2018 2016 you can cross check you see the last three are 2016 last five or 2016 and you can see these are all 2060 okay the other one if i double click and if i want the last six characters i can type and enter just enter nothing else to be done what is happening what the logic behind that whenever you do this there is a function at the back end written these are
the m functions so if you see transform text after delimiter and the column name is given this order id is the column name order id and if you think you want this column you just click on ok button that means you have approved and you have agreed you can take up this column now what is the beauty of this column from example tomorrow if the first column changes this column value changes this will automatically update now this was easy because we had consistent text between delimiter that means two characters then four characters then six characters
so there was a consistency now suppose if i want to find out when there is no consistency like in the customer name so the text is somewhere it is very lengthy somewhere it is very small but the delimiter is space okay the separated space how do i split or how do i find out so without using the function text functions i can go to add column from selection and suppose i want all capital letters okay all uppercase i can write as the name in uppercase enter just enter that's it so you see all the text
has been converted to uppercase same way if you want lowercase i can just type cla enter and everything would be into lowercase suppose you want the only first text or you can say as first name i can just type here as the first name enter you will get all the first name from here so you see this is the function which is automatically written at the back end transform.txt.before delimiter suppose you want the first characters okay first character only from the first name i can just type here as c enter and you see sometimes it
will not understand so you have to train it again and again so for example i have typed as two times c again the third cell i'll go and type sd enter and you see you have to keep on training power query and then it will understand and write down all the first alphabet of first name and once you have agreed you can just click on ok button okay so you can replace at least 70 to 80 functions in power query just using column from example let us see the other example on column from examples that
is merging text i have data kept in multiple columns how do i concatenate or how do i merge those columns so i have already pulled the data in the previous video if you have seen and that's the three columns i have the first column is product id category and then subcategory three columns are there now what i want i want to bring all these three columns into one column how do i do that there are many methods this is one of them add column and i can just go to column from example from all column
since i want all the columns together there are only three columns i'll click on from all columns here i'll type furniture space book cases space 1 2 5 2 0 and press enter so that's it you just press enter it will automatically concatenate and the delimiter would be space make sure you cross check before clicking on ok button so i can click on ok button and it is done so when you do this process at the back end there was a m function which was created if you want to learn about what was done at
the back end you can click on this settings button and this will give you a very lengthy function okay very lengthy function here so you can see what is here what are the functions they have used text dot combine text dot from okay here it is very short but in the next example i'll show you it will be very lengthy function cancel let me delete this and do it again i can just go to column from example now but this time i don't want the entire furniture i only want first three characters i don't want
book cases but i want first three characters so i'll just type here as fur in capital letters hyphen b double o hyphen and the code one five two two zero okay so you see first three characters first three characters and it is concatenated by hyphen press enter so it did not understand so you have to train power query again one more time i'll type if you are chairs why i'm writing chairs cha because here in the next row it is given as chairs you see bookcases and chairs so i've written as sorry furniture and chairs
if you are hyphen cha and one two five two zero that's it so once i press enter you can see the first three characters would be given from this column okay and the other three characters from the subcategory i can click on ok now if you try to do it manually you can do in power query by button clicks but the number of steps would be extra so i can say at least eight to ten steps but here just by writing you can do it you don't have to be an expert into power query with
m functions so it will automatically do for you now when i click on this settings button you see how lengthy the function would be okay you see there are many functions which they have written together text dot combine text dot start and text dot star text dot from so it is very lengthy function here but you can do it with the help of column from examples now not only this you can just try to replace the text first to end last when anything now one more example and the last one i'll just go volume from
examples i think i'll delete this column here and from example and now suppose i only want the first characters f hyphen f hyphen b hyphen one two five two zero enter again f hyphen c hyphen one two five two zero enter and you see the first characters would be only displayed with the separator as hyphen or delimiters iphone now i can show you the function before clicking on ok button that's a function which is written at the back in here i'll just click on ok and that's it you've got all the answer here so that's
it i hope you have understood how to work on merging the columns together or concatenating the columns together using column from example let us see another example on different data type in power bi what is that we'll see column from example but this time on a date column the earlier two videos were only on text function one was split and second was merge but here date data type so i have already loaded the data and that's a simple data a one column with just 10 records the data type of the column is this date you
see that's a calendar icon that's a date here and this is a simple date given for different years different dates now you can apply at least 25 plus functions without you know clicking anywhere just writing simple text so you have to train power query it will understand and let us see how so i can just go to add column and select column from example so i can just directly click on that button no problem since it's only one column here now suppose i only want d okay so you see the day is given the first
one so i'll just type as 0 8 enter and again i'll type 0 8 enter so you did not understand you have to write it again i'll type 12 enter so once you keep on training it will understand so it will pick up the first value from there okay now if you do not want you can pick up the other one i can just double click here and type it as double 1 that is 11 double 1 11 0 6 enter so you see it has taken of the month i am not sure whether it
is month or date but i try to look here which is the function given here so transform dot date to text and if you observe it is given as m m stands for month okay so you can quickly pick up the value from here not only this you can also pick up year just type 2018 enter and 2018 enter so you've got all the years here so you can click on ok and this will be your output so basic functions are easy you can pick up from there let me delete that now i can just
go back again add column from example so as i said 25 functions can work suppose i want to find out here the month name okay the month name here is november so i can type here as let's say 8 hyphen november hyphen 2080 enter again i'll type as 8 hyphen november hyphen 2018 enter so it did not understand i'll type again 12 hyphen june hyphen 2018 enter so you see it took some time but it understood what we are looking for an output so first would be the date hyphen the entire month and then i've
got the year here so pattern keep on teaching the pattern it will understand and as usual you see at the back end the function is written that is a lengthy function is written and you have got the answer here now i can click on cancel and maybe i can do it again so once you click on column from example so i'll give you a shortcut trick over here in column from example here you can whatever you want suppose you want day just type d you'll get list of all the functions over here okay so if
you put a backspace and write nothing simply if you click inside that box double click inside the box these are all the outputs you can expect okay these are all the output you can expect here so suppose you want week just type week over here and whatever functions are there related to week you see week from the order date end of week start of week everything you'll be getting here so i can just type here as quarter these are all quarters years month if i type these are all the month suppose if i select here
let's say november enter and you'll be getting all the months over here suppose you don't want the month you want end of the month you can select the option from here you see end of the month enter and you'll be getting end of month from all those dates over here okay so you can keep on trying many many examples are there in this place okay so that's it for timing i hope you have understood how to work on column from examples on date data type so let us see the last example in column from examples
we have the alpha numerical data type all the text and numbers mixed together so we have seen for text and date let's see for alpha numeric i have already loaded the data here and you can see only one column is there but there are text and numbers separated by space and all are mixed together how do i find out the text or numbers separately let us see that suppose i want the first name only okay which is given here let's say pawan wihan vijay and so on i can go to add column and click on
column from example simply type the first name enter you'll get all the first name if you want the second thing which is given as 10 20 30 i mean to say this value after the first text 10 20 30 40 so you just type as 10 enter you will get the second text here same applies for third one if you want only third text type mumbai enter will get only one way so if you try to do it in another softwares it will take some time you will get the answer definitely this would be somewhere
easier here if i want only the last number which is 7 1 1 i can press enter and you can see somewhere you'll get the last number but somewhere it will create a problem so you need to teach whenever it is making a mistake like this places i can tell them that from the entire text i only want the last number which is 25 so i'll double click here and type 25 press enter okay so it will understand the pattern and at the back end a lengthy function is created you see that's m code or
m function nested m functions and this will give you the answer so i can just click on ok this will give you the output here so if you want to see what exactly happened you can click on this settings button on the right hand side and this would be the function which will be written at the back end for that step so i can click on cancel maybe i can delete this and i'll show you one more example let's see if it works or not the question is if i only want to extract the text
from those alphanumerical i can just go to column from example and write here only text enter again i can type here name and only text enter so see some places it has taken some places it has not you see 40 30 so i have to keep on training till it understands so i'll type as vijay hyderabad you see it has picked up only text from that all the alphanumeric all the mixed values here so you see here it was three characters but it has still i mean three numbers were there three texts were there but
it has only picked the three text okay whereas on the upper one there were only two numerical values and two text so it has picked up only two text here and i can just click on ok so any unclean data if you have bring it in power query it will clean for you and you can create some beautiful visuals and charts and dashboards okay but for time being i hope you have understood how to work on column from example let us see how to work on conditional column now condition column works like your if else
condition if else formula in excel same thing you can do in power query but easily without writing a code just using button clicks let us see practically so i have created an excel file and name of the excel file is 16.4 conditional column there are four videos and four examples in this video i'll show you about conditional column on one column and very simple example here i have a table like customer name and their profit and you can see the profit is between 100 to 500. now what i want if the profit is above 400
i want as high profit i'll write it here maybe greater than 400 i want as high profit and if the profit is less than 200 it should be as low profit and if it is between 200 to 400 it should be given as average profit okay average profit this three criterias i want here in excel i have to write the function in any language any database you pick up you have tried some formula function here using button clicks you can do the same thing let me pick up this table into power bi i'll just close
this and i can click on this power query so this time i'll pick up that file from power query okay this is the power query you can see power query editor i can click on this new source and click on excel pick up that file which was 16.4 conditional column here i'll pick up all the four tables because that would be required in the coming videos i'll pick up this four tables here and click on ok now this four tables so the first one is very basic example no coding required this is a table cc
underscore 1 column now that's a profit column how do i do that i can just go to add column tab and you see there's an option given as conditional column so conditional column is a ready-made feature i can click on conditional column and here i can write the column name as profit status okay column name as profit status if profit you see these are the column names i can select if profit is let's say greater than or equal to these are the options i'm getting operators greater than or equal to 400 i can write as
high profit and if i want to add one more condition i can click on this add clause button and here i can write if profit is less than or equal to this is the option less than or equal to 200 i can write here as low profit and last one if it is other than this values i can write as average profit so observe carefully i have not written a code neither any equal to sign neither brackets it's ready made i can just write this options if i want i can keep on adding a clause
and if i want i can keep on deleting the options here okay so now once it is done i can click on ok button so you see a new column is created named as profit status and let us cross check if it is working fine or not so i can sort this profit column in ascending order and you can see what happened here so whichever value is equal to or you know lower than 200 it is low profit above 400 or including 400 is a high profit and rest all is average profit okay now if
you think you made a mistake you can always go back here and you see there is a step generated added conditional column you can click on this settings button like this one and you can modify whatever you want this is very simple here now i can just click on ok and that's it so i hope you have understood how to work on conditional column in one column in power bi so let us see how to work on if else condition but this time it would be on two different columns okay that's known as conditional column
on two column that's a video all about i have a sample data where i have name of the person the gender whether is a male or female and what is the marriage status whether the person is married or unmarried okay married or single now based on this two columns that is gender and marriage status i want to give a prefix okay and the prefix can be anything here it can be mr miss or mrs so when should be given prefix as mr okay i'll write here as prefix when should we give a prefix as mister
when the gender is male and marriage status no problem whether it's married or single that person will be always mister so when you should give us miss the gender is female and the marriage status is single mrs should come gender female and marriage status as married so this condition is in this two columns so for example here i should give the prefix as mr here if you see female and single i should give us miss female and married i should give as misses okay there's three prefix i should give it so how do i do
it with the help of conditional column in power query or power bi it's very simple and easy okay here you have to write some function or code let us see in power query i have loaded the data and you can see the same data is there cc two column that's the name of the table same data no problem i can go to this add column conditional column and here i can select the option if gender equals to m which is male i can write as mr so it is based on gender the prefix should be
based on gender so if it is married or unmarried no problem okay he'll get always mister now to add one more condition i'll click on add clause and here i can say and if the marriage status is equal to s is equal to s then you should give us miss as prefix so this will be for female okay when the marriage status is single that will be for miss and otherwise give us misses so very simple you can just apply this condition and here i can write as prefix prefix and click on ok ok now
this will generate a new column some error is given let me find out what is that error so manage status equal to s yeah so the error is given because the file is open at the back in the excel file so i can just click on cancel this excel file should be closed i'll close that excel file and i can come to power bi home menu bar and click on refresh so you see whenever the excel file is open this will throw an error message so you see that's a prefix given mr miss and missus
so if you cross check for loop which is female single miss for rita female married and misses so these are the prefix which are given here i can just drag and drop on the left hand side that's it so i hope you have understood how to work on conditional column when there are two different columns and you want to apply that let us see one more example on conditional column here if i have two columns and if i want to compare those two columns whether the values are same or not so we'll be using this
conditional column here okay comparing two column values and getting the output the data is present here a very simple data two columns are there customer one and customer two most of the places the values are same only places where i have highlighted you see in this color there the names are different you see hsbc and hdbc yahoo and yahoo one o is extra and lnt9 so some places the texts are different how do you quickly find out in power query or power bi so i'll close that file and i have loaded that file into power
bi you can see the same data as there which is lnt and lnt9 and we have hsbc and htvc and so on so let us go to add column conditional column and the name of the column here if you observe its customer one and customer two i can click on this drop down select customer one if customer one equals two here i cannot give one value i have to compare two columns so instead of writing something i should click here on this small drop down okay this drop down button here and i will select here
select a column option okay so if column one equals column or custom one equals customer two okay if customer one equals to customer two then what do you want the output i will write as they should be as say and if not write as different okay the text are different now i can just click on ok if the values are same you will be getting a same if values are different you see different different different okay you can quickly find now if you want you can filter and use it for your purpose but now what
i want if the names are same okay if both the columns names are same give me the exact name okay give me any name here i will click on this button here the settings button and instead of giving this rigid value fixed value i will click on this abc123 which is value here i'll click on select a column so when customer1 equals to customer 2 both values are same what i'll do is select any one value no problem so let's say i'll select customer1 and if the values are different i'll write as 0. so i'll
quickly find out if different values are there 0 if same values are there write as customer 1 click on ok so you see wherever the value 0 appears that means 3 values are different here okay you can quickly filter out and use it so i can just filter 0 and i can see what are the different values so i can fix those quickly here okay i'll delete the filter and use it so you can use different different examples when you're comparing two columns here okay but for time being i hope you have understood how to
work on comparing two columns using conditional column in power bi let us see the last example on conditional column in power bm now this one will be on dates okay this will be on the dates part now how do we work on that so i have a simple date column nothing different here dates are given 7 june 8 june till 16 june in a sequential order now i want to see the dates on a particular date i want to compare dates here suppose if a date is before 11th of june this should be as old
dates if it is next to 11 june i'll say as new dates okay some criteria i'll give it so how do i do that i have to import this date into power bi so which i have already done and i can just click on home refresh so these are some dates here so if the date is below 11th of june okay it should be old date and above 11th of june should be new date so add column conditional column and here i can select the option as order date since it's only one column if the
order date is before or equal to before or equal to you can manually write the date or else you can click on this small calendar icon this button here and you can select the option here 11th okay so i can click on 11 if the order date is before or equal to 11th i'll write as old date otherwise i'll write as new date now this would be as date status okay something you can write as status now i can just click on ok button and you can see old date and new date option is there
now again i'll just click on settings button okay and here if you observe when i click on this date button you can use the previous month you can also use this previous year option you can use this today button to directly come to today's state okay so many options are there you can keep on choosing and select whichever date you want from here okay that can be useful if you want to add a clause multiple conditions if you want to add you can click on this add clause so 11 13 15 multiple criterias you can
give it there okay so that's very simple and easy so i hope you have understood how to work on conditional column by all these examples in power bi hello everyone and welcome to this new section in power bi that is very important topics in power query power bi i have purposely kept the difficult topics in the end of the section here in this place here because slowly gradually we are coming to the end of power query okay now i have purposely kept the video as last this section because these are all miscellaneous topics i cannot
club them or group them and create a section so that's the reason one section is created now what are the topics you can see on the screen we'll see how to work on fill down grouping transpose unpivot we'll also work on very important topic that is data type later on we'll see how to replace errors and values again five star topic later on we'll see some smaller lightweight topics like working on records and the columns how to keep rows how to keep columns and so on but i would say this topic should be the backbone
on working on a case study very soon i'll show you how to work on a case study real time case studies so to do that we have to follow these videos properly i would suggest you to have a good hand holding in this section and this will be useful when we work on your real-time projects also let us see the first video how to work on fill up and fill down so here i have a file i've created an excel file over here and this data is top 10 cities in the country having the highest
populations so per country if you see in india these are the top 10 cities which are having the highest population so like this there are many many countries and there are cities also okay this is the data what i have now what i want to do is i want to fill here india the name india everywhere in the bottom places wherever it is blank same way i want to fill here china wherever the values are blank here and so on so you see there's a lot of data and if i show you how much data
i have so it's approximately 2500 records you see 2500 records so if i try to do it in excel i have to do it manually for every record okay like this i have to fill down so what i have i have a shortcut method in power bi or power query and let us see what is that method so the name of this table here is fill down you see that's the name of the table fill down let me bring that data in power bi and i'll close this file so get data and i'll click on
excel from here i'll pick up the file named as 17 from there and the table name is fill down so that's a table name fill down and i'll click on transform data now transform will open the power query editor where i can show you just using button clicks you can do the option fill down without any coding no no coding required here now i will go to that transform tab once i select that column the first column okay the country column here i can go to transform menu bar or transform tab and click on this
button fill down carefully observe just one button click and the data would be filled down so you see wherever there were india he'll show us india when the new record starts you can see china till the end and then indonesia so this is not possible if you work on excel it takes a lot of time and if you are working on any etl tool other than power query you have to write some code or some function or formula only then it will work out okay so that's it i hope you have understood how to work
on fill down in power query let us see the next topic in power bi we have this named as grouping when i have data how do i group those data and get the answers let us see that practically here i have the data you can see the same data where i have the country name top 10 cities and their population okay top 10 cities by population and there are some scores which are given based on some numbers here you can see the score is given here now what i want is i want to find out
the i want to group the population by the country so if i say india what is the sum of the population of top 10 countries and what is the average scores of those top 10 countries okay so like this for every country i want to group it and get the answers let us see practically how we do that the name of this query or name of the table is group i have already loaded the data here let me close the file and this is the data which i have loaded already the name of this query
is group here how do i group i can go to transform tab and click on this group button but before i group i should make sure that this country column here wherever null values are there i should fill down you see i should fill down this values here so transform tab and i can click on this fill down option so this will fill down everywhere india now again i'll go to transform and you can see there's an option group by this group by feature is very much similar to your excel group okay so here i
can just click on group by option and suppose i want here grouping based on the country you can see the grouping would be based on the country and what should be the new column name so let me give the name as country i want to find out the sum of the population column you see some of the population column and that's it very simple nothing else you have to do no coding required now i can just click on ok button and you can see this is the total population from top 10 cities in india this
is the total population from top 10 cities in algeria okay and so on now this is the column name country and country.1 i should have renamed the column here so i can just go back if you make a mistake like what i've done you can go back click on this settings button here and here i can say the name would be as total population of 10 cities and i can click on ok so this new column name would be change here now if you want to change the aggregation like average minimum maximum so you can
always click on this settings button and here instead of sum you can select average minimum maximum median anything so i'll select let's say average population and i can click on ok so it gave me an error let us find out when i click on this settings button here and by default the country name the column was selected as country actually it should have been selected as population and now i can click on ok button so you see that's a average population of top 10 cities in that country now sometimes you want more than one column
okay so i have only one numerical column whose aggregation i have done only one textual column whose grouping i have done so i can click on this settings button again and here if you see there is an option given as advance here only one level i can do but if i want to do more than one level i can go to advance and i can click on add aggregation here aggregation and this time i'll say average of score okay so i'll write as average score and now i can click on ok button so you see
this is the next numerical aggregated column here average score so this way you can keep on expanding your numerical columns as many as you have now i can again click on that settings button currently it is grouped based only on country suppose you also want to group it based on the city in that country you can also click on ad grouping select the option as cities that's it okay so this would be grouping level country and then settings and this would be aggregation level based on the population and score now i can click on ok
button and you can see this is country and then the cities and then the other numerical columns so it's very simple to work on grouping part and if you do not like you can always click on that cross button and delete this step so this way you can come back to the previous step itself so that's it i hope you have understood how to work on grouping in power bi let us see how do we work on transpose feature in power query power bi so i have a sample data and you can see these are
top 10 cities per country by population and the table is in the horizontal manner it's not vertical you can see this is the country and here it is cities at the bottom then we have the population actually this table should be in the vertical format but however sometimes you get data in this format how do you transpose and use it for creating charts so first of all i'll pick up this sheet in power bi i can just click on home tab in power query new source and excel you can bring from power view also the
front end tab click on excel and now i can pick up that file and since it's already open i have to close that file so make sure you close the file whenever if you want to try to import that file make sure you close that excel file or whichever data source you have the name of the sheet is transpose so i'll just click on transpose and click on ok now that sheet had some incorrect data or i can say some blank values null values so how do we fix that let us see here carefully observe
the actual data is only present in row number four five and six row number four five and six the bottom data and the above data is of no use so i have to remove somehow the first three records okay the first three records so home menu bar i can click on remove top rows home menu bar remove top rows and i can type here three so it will remove the top three records and i'll click on ok now also i want to keep only first three rows and remove the other rows i can click on
keep top rows and type as three so this will only keep top three rows okay now how to transpose it's very simple i can just go to transform tab and click on transpose button you see very small button transpose button and if i click on that you can see what happens this will transpose the entire table into vertical table format okay now here if you observe the first record is nothing but name of the columns the country cities and population if i actually these are column headings so it should be promoted as a header okay
so to promote as a header i can go to transform tab and i can select this option as use first row as headers use first os headers so this will be promoted to the header format okay and when it is promoted you see the last step it has promoted but it has automatically given the data type you see abc one two three that's a numerical and textual data type column so if i click on the promoted headers you can see the data type would be abc123 abc123 that means nothing it's not any data type right
now so when i select the last step it was automatically generated power query was smart enough it picked up what data is in that column and it gave the data type to that column heading okay so that's it and i hope you have understood how to transpose a table in power query power bi let us see a very interesting topic in power bi that is unpivot unpivot can reduce your effort by 80 percent without unpivot it will take lot of functions and formulas to do it what i mean to say let me show you practically
i have a table on the left hand side and you can see the structure where i have the year and the month name in the column headings okay these are the month name and in between these are the values for entering the data this is the perfect scenario i can say for entering data this would be perfect okay but when it comes to creating charts visuals pivot table anything you have to use this kind of table okay the left side table will not work for feeding the data for entering data this is okay but for
using for creating charts and visual right hand side is useful from left hand side table to right hand side this is known as unpivoting now this jan to feb april these are the column headings and when you unpivot this will become the values in the second column you see that has become values and this numerical values which are sales will be coming into the third column here how to do this quickly in power bi let us see that practically i have already loaded the data and you can see this is the data same structure so
here in just two button clicks you can get the answers very quickly how you can see here so let me just click on this here column here and i can just right click on this column and unpivot other columns so whichever column you want to keep fix select that column right click and unpivot other columns so if it has 10 20 30 40 any number of columns those would be unpivoted so i can just right click and pivot other columns and you can see it has unpivoted quickly okay i can just rename that column as
month and sales this is one method the second method is i can delete the last step second method is select those columns which you want to unpivot okay so i deleted the last step here i'll select those columns which i want to unpivot then i can right click and click on unpivot column unpivot columns will give you the same result here okay but depending upon scenario we use either of the options so we have some case studies coming up where i can show in detail now i can just rename this as month and this one
as sales okay so for creating charts and visuals this is the perfect data structure which you have to load so this is a part of cleaning which is also known as unpivot options okay now the same options would be visible in the menu bars in the transform tab and you can see unpivot columns okay here also you can see the same options so that's it for time being and i hope you have understood how to unpivot a table in power query powerpi welcome back everyone and this is the most important topic in power query that
is data types in power query power bi now data types are different you can say i have text data type number data type decimal date date and time and so on so how does power query identify a data type when it is loading the data let us see practically i have a sample data name of the sheet is data type name of the table is also data type you can see and i have purposely kept different data types here i mean in excel you don't define data types you have the row id as numbers indian
cricket players as a text they are date of birth as a date format and age would be as a number format here okay so these are four columns now power query is very smart when it loads the data it will automatically give the data type okay let us see that practically i will just close this file and click on data get data excel file is 17 from there i'll pick up the table name as data type and click on transform so what will happen is it will load the data definitely but depending upon the values
in that column it will define the data type okay so carefully observe the first step let's see the fourth step which is source so when i click on source it will tell you that it has picked up the file okay you see the formula excel dot workbook and this is the file path it has taken you see c users admin onedrive etc etc this is the file name okay second step if you see navigation it has picked up the entire table that is a data type table okay so you see the item is data type
and the kind is a table kind can be a sheet can be a range can be a table okay so that's a second step navigation when the second step is there navigation carefully observe the data type of the columns abc one two three okay so you can see no data type is applied but the third step if you see the change type and you can see one two three there's a you can see the date data type abc is a text and again number data type how it happened this three steps were auto generated i
did not do anything i just loaded the data so power query is very smart it will automatically give the data type to those columns now you might have a question what is the use of data type let us see that suppose this is a number data type and if i go to add column okay so i can only apply the number functions on this column okay on this column here which i have selected h but carefully observe this column or this area which is date and time is not highlighted okay this area is not highlighted
because you cannot apply a date functions or numerical or number data type okay one more suppose if i select the date column carefully observe what will happen to this area okay i'll select the date column and you can see only this area is highlighted or you can say this date is enabled but this number functions are disabled that means when you have a date column date data type you cannot apply numerical functions on that column okay so again let's say if i select this text indian cricket players carefully observe it is abc it's a text
i can only apply text functions but i cannot apply the number functions and neither the date functions you see date function it has enabled but very few features would be option would be enabled here you see only pass is there but year month quarter you cannot apply so this is how a data type will be detected now let me delete this step i will delete the query and do it again okay i'll delete the query and open that file which is the data type file i will do some changes in that particular table i'll purposely
add some error values you see this data type so what i'll do is instead of this date of birth i'll type as abc abc and here i will type as pqr okay purposely i'm adding some errors i will save this file close this file and again load this file in power query you see there's no option here in power query i can click on new source excel 17 file and the table name was data type let me tell you that data type and now if i click on ok carefully observe whenever there are some error
messages or error values in that column it won't detect the data type okay so you see i'm on the third step that is change type but it has properly given for row ids number for indian cricket players as text abc but for this one is one two three abc and here also abc123 so it has also thrown some error value here you see error let's see what is that but suppose if you try to change the data type of this column how do you change you can click on abc123 and select the option date this
will definitely convert the entire column as date column here so whenever it tried to convert one value did not convert into date because it was abc okay so this became as error when you click on this blank space next to that error it will tell you what is the error here okay it will say that the error was abc something was written as abc same way if i try to convert the h column into a whole number you see when i convert into whole number this p q r will become an error and if you
keep your cursor there you can see the error will be visible at the bottom that is pqr okay so this is the method by which power query detects data type whenever there's an error it will throw an error message there now how to fix that errors how to replace the errors we have the next video here but for time being i hope you've understood how to work on data types in power bi power query so let us see how to replace the errors and values in power query power bi okay we get usually many errors
in power query and how do we fix that in power bi let us see practically so what i've done is in the previous video if you remember we have picked up this data type table and we found some errors in this age column and date of birth let us see how do we fix it so many methods are there let us see the first method suppose in this h column if you want to remove the errors you don't care about the errors you have to see how many records we have there are 37 records 37
rows so one method is you can just right click and on the column which has errors and you can click on remove errors from this column i'll click on remove errors and once it is done you can see 35 rows are there now so two records have been deleted entirely the entire record will be deleted so i can just delete this last step and do it by other method so select that column and in home tab if you see there's a remove rows option remove rows and i can select this option remove errors that and
this option they both are same i can click on remove errors and again those two records would be entirely deleted okay let me delete that step now if you want to find out what is the error exactly so you can keep your cursor on the blank space you see you can keep your cursor on the blank space and at the bottom it will tell you what is the error same way i can keep my cursor on the blank space next to that error and you can see there's a pqr some error is there that's a
text written now sometimes you want to find out in detail what is the error or you only want to keep the errors so you can select that h column and click on keep rows and you can click on keep errors so this will only focus on the error values i can click on keep errors only those records will be kept where errors are there you see these are the only two records where errors were there so i can delete that step the last step again okay so you can remove errors you can keep errors the
other one if you want to replace the errors okay so i can select the h column and go to transform column here and i have the option as replace i can click on that small drop down and i have replace errors so click on replace errors and here i can type some value let's say as 0 okay click on that option 0 and click on ok so wherever error values were there it has replaced at the back end a simple m function is created okay this is the m function table dot replace errors and wherever
the error values were there that has been replaced with 0 you can write any value no problem let me delete that step and do it again before we write a complicated thing let me click on this h column and go to add column and click on this button custom column okay i can click on this custom column here and here i can write a simple function that is try try and i'll just double click on this h column okay try and the h column and when i click on ok button see what happens you get
a separate column named as custom okay custom column and when i keep my cursor on this blank space see what happens so this is actually a entire table which is you know compressed into one format here i can also expand this table but before i expand let me keep my cursor on this blank space it will give you some information that whether this record has some error okay so the answer is true okay so when i keep my cursor on the second record it says there is no error you can see there is no error
and the value is 42. so let me expand this table remove the prefix and it has three columns okay it has three columns i'll just click on ok button the last three columns are the columns which are expanded so it will tell you whether this column is having an error so wherever there is an error it will show as true wherever there is no error it will show as false okay now in case if there is no error what is the value you can see these are the values on that particular column so this 35
is given as 35 here this 31 is given 31. wherever the error values were there it has given us none okay it has given none so you can also use this column value column here now i can also delete this step if you don't want you can delete that step also now sometimes you only want what are the error value you want the messages you can click on this expand button only select the option as error okay only select the option error and click on ok so this will give you one more column you have
to still expand that column here okay expand that column and click on ok so this will give you details only about the error okay so the data format there's an error what is the message invalid cell value and here also we couldn't convert and what is the detail this is more like an advance if sometimes if you want to find out the error then you can use it i will delete the last step also now this was a bit advanced delete the last step now suppose a very simple straightforward if there is an error replaced
with some value 10 20 30 or something add column custom column there's one more method here i'll write as try and double click on h if there's an h give me h otherwise whenever there is an error write as value 0 okay whenever there's an h give me h otherwise give me the value as 0 and i can click on ok so carefully observe a new column is created whenever the value has some error or the column has some error that is replaced with zero otherwise the same value would be given everywhere that's one thing
here now in the last thing i want to replace the values replacing errors is done replacing values suppose wherever the value comes as let me sort in descending order yeah so wherever the value comes as 33 you see 33 33 i want to replace it with 10 okay i want to replace with some value here so i can just go to transform replace values and i can click on replace values here i can say wherever the value is 33 give me with value as 10. for time being i am just replacing and click on ok
so you can see this value has been converted to 10 value here okay that's one easy method of replacing so that's it these are many many examples in one video itself i hope you don't get confused but you have to watch this two three times and you'll get the answers so that's it i hope you have understood how to work on replacing errors and replacing values in power query powerpiv welcome back to this new video on power query we have how to work on records how to keep rows how to remove rows how to remove
duplicates remove errors etc so that's a topic key pros and remove rows there are many examples on this many options so let us see i have a data the name of this sheet is remove and keep rows name of the table here is rows okay very simple table name rows are given carefully observe hardly i have like 15 records out of those 15 records there are some records which are completely blank okay there are some blank records also and some records i will duplicate i'll just select that press ctrl d d fill for downfield so
i'm just creating some duplicate records here these are some duplicate records how do i remove duplicates how do i remove blank records how do i keep top five rows bottom 5 rows etc all these options we can see in power query remember the name of this table is rows i'll go to power query quickly go to home click on excel and bring that table named as rows from that file okay so that's a rows and i'll click on ok now usually in the company you get this unclean data okay so it is your job to
clean this data properly so it can be utilized for visualization analytics and so on now you can see there are some null records also null values how to remove this null values number one you can click on this any column wherever null values are there you can select or deselect this option null and click on ok so this will remove the null records from this place so let me delete that step again now the other method is you can see we'll be working on this keep rows and remove rows in this video here i can
select the option remove blank rows okay i can click on remove blank rows and you can see all the null records all the blank rows have been removed here and that's a step which is created so that's one thing here now let us see how to remove the duplicate values so for removing the duplicate values if you select any one column here or i can just select all columns press ctrl a from a keyboard see how many records i have i have total 13 records there are some duplicate records which i want to remove so
i can click on remove rows remove duplicates click on remove rows remove duplicates and all the duplicate records will be removed and out of 13 there are nine unique records which are been kept here okay so i can delete that step i don't want to remove duplicates but on the other hand i want to keep duplicates select all how to select all keep your cursor anywhere and press ctrl a from a keyboard ctrl a and then in the keep rows we have the option keep duplicates so remove rows remove duplicates will remove keep rows keep
duplicates will keep the duplicate records so i'll click on keep duplicates and only duplicate records you see amit mishra and jaspreet is given these are the duplicate records so you can work with that let me delete that step again okay so these are very important features functions i can see now there are total 13 records in my table you can see 13 records are there suppose if i want only top three records so i can click on remove or i can click on keep top rows so if i want to keep top three i'll select
keep top rows and type here as three and click on ok this will keep only top three records okay let me delete that step on the other hand you can understand if you want to keep only bottom three records if you want to keep any range of records from third to sixth sixth to seventh records only few records in between you can select range of records so let us see if i want to keep records from five to eight okay number of records five to eight so the first row i'll enter as five and number
of records i think three okay let's see five will be the first row number and number of rows i'll keep it as four click on ok so you can see i have row number five to eight all the records are given okay so here it is given as number one two three four i can delete the last step here so you can explore there are many many features over here so keep top rows keep bottom rows keep range of rows if you want to keep errors and keep duplicates we have seen in the previous video
also about errors now same way remove rows these are the similar options of removing the records remove top rows remove bottom rows remove alternate rows then you can remove duplicates remove blank rows and remove errors these are very useful and simple options in power query this will save lot of time trust me okay but for timing i hope you have understood how to work on keep rows and remove rows in power query power bi since you have understood how to work on removing rows keeping rows let us see the next part how to work on
columns first we have seen on the horizontal values or the records now it comes for the columns so we'll see how to add columns remove columns and go to a specific columns and many more examples so i have a data which i've already loaded and the name of this table from that file was columns that's a query name again columns four simple columns are there suppose if i want to these are the options i'll be talking about choose column remove columns here okay number one suppose if i want to duplicate this column h column right
click and duplicate column if i want to remove that column right click remove that column very simple and the other method is i can just select that column and go to add column option and there is the option duplicate column here you can see the other option duplicate same way if you want to remove the column from some menu bar i have in the home menu bar or home tab and i can click on remove columns here so i'll select the option remove columns so this will remove that particular column these are very simple basic
functions now suppose if i only want to keep age column and remove other columns so select that h column right click remove other columns or you can also click on remove other columns from here remove other columns so whichever selected column is there that will be kept and when i click on this the other columns will be removed away okay you see very simple now i can just delete the last tip here now here i have only four columns imagine there are 20 30 columns so you get a scroll bar at the bottom here okay
let me do it again i'll select all the four columns and maybe i can just go to so i'll select that h column duplicate again i'll select this h column duplicate again i'll select h column duplicate column right click and duplicate so i'm just duplicating the columns here and what i'll do is i'll rename this as h1 this one as h2 so why i'm doing this because i'll show you how to quickly jump to any column and the last one i'll write as number now the question here is suppose i am on the first column
and there are 20 30 columns in my table i want to jump to the last column where number was written or i want to jump to any specific column so you can keep your question on any column go to home tab and click on choose columns go to column so when you select this go to column you don't have to scroll on the left or right select go to column and you can pick up that column where you want to jump these are actually all the column names so if you observe here that's a indian
cricket players that's the column name indian cricket players this is h2 and somewhere you'll find out this one at the back end h2 is there so right now i'll select number and click on ok so you'll be navigated to that number column quickly on the right hand side so you'll save some time in cleaning the data okay and here if you observe choose columns so when you click on choose columns out of eight columns okay i have eight columns i have looked at the bottom i don't remember that but these are eight columns out of
eight columns if you think we only require three columns like row id indian cricket player names and date of birth three columns you don't want the other columns you can just click on select those three click on ok so only those three columns will be kept and rest all the columns will be removed and you can see the steps will be that step would be generated now if you think you made a mistake you want to go back you can always click on this settings button and you can select one more column let's say h
and click on ok so that h column also will be visible here so these are like small small basic functions about the columns and i hope you have understood how to work on column features in power query power bi hello everyone and welcome to this section on power query that is how to write m functions in power query now what this m stands for there is no official name for this m language but most of places will read that so m stands for mashup mashup means cleanup cleanup is done in power query 2. now power
query is a etl tool which will extract transform and load back data so these are all obviously interrelated and there are many many functions for m language m functions here approximately 900 functions now obviously 900 functions would be difficult to show but i'll try my best to show at least 100 plus functions in this section here now those functions are divided into day text number and so on but i've tried to cover all the functions small small functions few functions in every section here now here if you observe first video would be for introduction to
m language what is the user interface where do we write m functions where do you write m code then we have three videos back to back on date functions because they are most important used in the company then we have text functions and i'll show you how to write a basic function a very small m code very simple anybody can understand that and at the end there's a small trick which is a bonus video where you'll be getting 900 functions quickly you'll get a help for writing all the 900 functions no need to go to
google and no need to find any pdf document here itself you will get all the options now for people who are hardcore users who work on excel or who work on cleaning data day and night for them this is very important video okay for other people who work only on charts only creating dashboards they can you know keep this section aside because it contains some formulas and functions but on the overall session if you see i have kept it very basic very simple so that everybody can understand that there's nothing hardcore there's nothing so difficult
language or difficult terms i've used anybody can learn this so let us see practically how to work on m functions in power query so let us see an introduction to m language what is m language where it is written and how do we write some extra features or extra functions in that so let us see that practically now you can see on the right hand side i do not have any fields neither any data set i'll try to bring one data set i'll just click on get data excel 18 sample superstore this is the same
file which i have used for creating some charts visuals in the first 10 sections so here i'll just pick up orders table and order sheet and then click on transform data now this will open a power query editor m language is written in power query okay so that's written in power query and you can see on the right hand side this four steps are automatically generated i have not written those okay they are automatically generated now whatever changes you apply those will be getting recorded as steps for example if i select this column right click
and remove other columns you see this step is generated here remove other columns now if i want to convert into upper case i'll select add column tab and i'll just click on this format upper case so when i do that you can see again the step is generated insert it upper case and here m function is written you see table dot add column this is one function why add column because i went to this add column menu bar or add column tab so therefore table dot add column carefully observe first alphabet of every word is
capital okay first alphabet t capital a capital c capital next one if you see there's a something written which is removed other columns now what is that step the thing which is written is referencing to the previous step you see previous step is remove other columns so therefore remove other columns it is referencing to previous step then you can see upper case is a new column name whichever is generated that's a new column name and this is an m function text dot upper which is applied to ship mode this ship mode is the previous column
name okay and this is the data type which is you know dot text here type dot text so right now it is not required for you to learn everything but i am trying to break into smaller parts and explain you what is this okay so table dot add column because we went to add column okay then we had remove other columns because that was previous step name actions applied on that particular step uppercase is the name of new column shift mode is the name of the previous column text.upper is a function name and type.txt now
so all this this is just a name this is inserted upper text is just a name and what is the value value is this one the entire formula or entire function okay which is starting from upper text actually all these steps are written at the back end when i go to home tab you can see there's an option given as advanced editor you see this button advanced editor or same advanced editor is also present in view tab and here you go that's the advanced editor option okay wherever you click it will give the same option
let me go to view tab advanced editor and this will open a window where all the functions all the m language everything is written here now for the first time it will be difficult for you to understand but let me try to make it easy for you let's look on the left hand side part okay so here when i say this is the source the first step is given a source and you can see that's a source the last one if you see inserted upper text that's the last step and you can see inserted upper
text so these are names given here in the query editor name of the step and here at the backend in the advanced editor step name along with what is the function written okay so when i expand this and if i just highlight you see insert it upper text and on the right hand side table dot add column this particular step was written okay so left hand side only name is the thing which is visible to end user okay if you are a developer hardcore developer you can write the code in this box here also okay
and obviously first time it will be difficult but slowly gradually you'll get a practice which i'll show in the next videos this source if you see it's showing as excel dot workbook some function it has written and you see the red color the red color is actually the path of the file from where it has been picked up and here you can see the name of the sheet is given orders and that is a sheet here no problem so these are all the steps which are written here this is known as query editor i can
say as advanced editor or also known as query editor okay and you can see the functions written on the right hand side every step is terminated by a comma you see that's a comma every step once it is done it is terminated or ended with comma here okay and it has divided into two parts one is given as let okay this option is given as let where you define all the functions and all the things and the last step is in okay in if you see that's output what do you want the output of all
the previous step so you can mention that in that in option i can write as i want the inserted upper text step as the output the final output you can pick up any step and you can write it here that will be your current output okay i can click on cancel the best part about advanced editor is you can copy i can go to advanced editor i can select that copy and i can send this code to my colleague who's sitting on the other end he can also paste it and work with that code so
you don't have to send the entire file itself rather than that just copy this code put in notepad and you can send it so the other person who's sitting on the other end the person will click on new source click on blank query if he wants to paste the code new source blank query and then in the advanced editor the person will simply delete and paste the person will delete and paste when the person clicks on done the other person clicks on done the steps would be automatically generated you see these are automatically generated because
you have copied this thing this was my previous query and this is my new copy pasted query here very simple so that's it for time being just wanted to give you user interface introduction but actual functions will write in the next video let us see how to work on m functions in power query for date there are different categories of functions in m function we have date text numbers logical etc but here in this three videos we will see about date functions so my request would be if you're watching this video also watch the next
two videos in continuation do not watch in separate because in this three videos we'll see approximately 100 m functions total 100. in this video itself we will see 25 functions so there's a link in this all three videos now this video is for m function date where it is shown as isin now ease in means i'll be asking some questions to my data set okay let me show you that what we have i have created one excel file and the dates are there ranging from 2016 year to 2021 okay all few years i have now
my question would be for this data set to check whether the date is in previous year current year or in the next year okay also i'll ask few more questions like whether the date is in previous n years like previous three years previous four years or in next two years next three years also so this few questions i'll keep on asking them before that i can just copy paste one more date here for 2022. so this is the date i have from all the dates so let's see how to write this m functions in power
bi previous year current year and next year carefully observe these functions will be very very easy okay only the name is difficult m function mashup but it's very easy let's see practically name of the table here is date table okay and i'll save this file and i can close this file i'll load that file in power query get data file number is 18 sample superstore m function and from there date table i'll pick up and click on transform now like this there are 25 functions we'll see in this video number one now i've opened this
date table and i can go to add column and click on custom column this is the place where you write all the m functions okay by the way on the right hand side this three steps are automatically generated i have not written those so i can click on custom data now here i can ask them a question one shortcut trick all the date function will start with date so i'll type as date dot all the text function will start with text okay so i can write here as text and you can see all the text
functions will be there if i write here number all the number functions would be there now i am getting some suggestions some options at the bottom here you might not get it let me zoom the screen so if you're not getting it there are two reasons one is you are in the older version you can update your power bi version it updates every month the link will be in the description somewhere or second thing is you are in the new version but you have not enabled the feature okay that also you can see in the
description link so these are all the functions here so i can just delete that and write as date because i am interested in date function so i can write as date is in okay you just write continuation date is in and i can write as p okay so if i write p i'll be getting all the suggestions for previous month if i write for c i'll be getting all the suggestions for current month current day current year etc if i write for n i'll be getting for next day next month next year and so on
so here the first question was i want to check whether the date is in previous year so i'll type as date dot date is in p okay so my option would be previous here you see this option previous here if i select open the bracket okay you can just open the bracket and if you are very new to power bi and you don't know how to write the function this will help you okay this window will help you it's saying what is the parameter the parameter is required date and time on the right hand side
i have one column and that is the column which is present here okay that's the column here so i can just double click on that order date and close the bracket that's it very simple straightforward one thing if you observe each alphabet of a letter of the word is capital first alphabet of every word is capital d capital i capital p capital y capital so this is case sensitive m language is case sensitive uh when you finish writing you can see there's a tick mark which will tell you that the function is correct you can
proceed name of the column is custom i should give a good name as is in i'll write a simple previous year and a question mark now i can click on ok if the date is in previous year you'll get the answer as true okay otherwise you'll get the answer false the day i'm recording is of june 2020 for me the previous year today is 2019. if i open the same file next year okay then this will become as false and 2020 that means this value will become as true okay 2020 value so this is very
good way of writing the you know m functions here now this was for previous year let's see whether the date is in next year okay add column custom column and i can write here as date is in continuation and i'll write as next okay next you don't have to write entirely let me zoom the screen i'll type as next year okay date is in next year and carefully observe every alphabet or of first is capital first alphabet of every word open the bracket and i can double click on order date order date is actually the
column whose next year i want now i can just click on ok button okay very simple ok button so if the date is in next year it will show as true otherwise false so 2021 is next year today's 2020 i'm recording so this will show us true now if you're downloading this file on your laptop next year you might get some other answer that's very simple now the last one two functions are there the question is i want to find out whether the date is in last three years okay last three years add column custom
column and here i can write date is in let me zoom the screen previous okay date is in previous i want to find out previous three years so you see there's a function previous n years so i'll click on that previous n years open the bracket now obviously the first would be order date comma three three i'm telling that it should be in previous three years now i can click on ok button and you can see there will be some places where you're getting value as true okay this value is true because those are in
last three years if i only want i can filter the true value okay i'll remove the false value click on ok so this data will be only for last three years imagine i'm getting data for 20 years last 20 years but my power query will automatically filter for last three years and give me charts and visuals okay automatic process now after filtering what i can do is i can remove this column which is not required i can right click and remove and remove the other columns so this way you can keep on filtering and removing
the columns which were not required so this would be a helper column for timing i have brought here let me delete that column i don't want to remove i don't want to filter here okay so this was for previous n yes same way you can find out for next n yes also okay now i'll open that excel file and show you some more functions there there are 25 functions which i said i'll be able to show you i will just highlight something so these are all the 25 functions the concept is same the writing method
is also same let's see any one function from here so i've written for previous year current year next year i've written previous quarter current quarter next quarter and same way i've written everything here also i've just written the same places everywhere previous and month next 10 months so let me find out this one any two functions i can help you out i want to find out whether the date is in previous five quarters okay previous five quarters so i'll go back to my power query add a custom column and here i can write date is
in previous five quarters so i'll write as p when you write p you'll get all the m functions for previous previous n quarters so i can write the option as quarters and open the bracket double click on order date comma five previous five quarters and click on ok same concept 25 functions you can practice click on ok and something give me a wrong answer the functions were correct but what happened is my excel file is open at the bottom so that's the reason it told me that you cannot work so i'll just close the excel
file and now i can just go to home and click on refresh so this will give me the answers in true and false everywhere okay now let us see quickly i can just go to add column custom column and i would suggest you to practice all these functions only then you will be able to is in p carefully observe pause the video for some seconds and see what are the functions are you comfortable with those functions and if i continue writing previous n you can see n days n months n quarters n weeks and n
years if i write is in c so current day current month current year current quarter everything if i write is in n n stands for next next if i write n you can see all the options are there if you only want for next quarter just type next and backspace that's it next and you can see next year next quarter next week etcetera all this function so please practice and you'll get a good command some more functions are coming on the way in the next video so total 90 plus functions will be comfortable by this
three videos okay so that's it i hope you're comfortable and able to understand date function that is easen let us see how to work on some other m functions in date that is adding and subtracting days how to add and subtract base using m functions so i have already loaded the data in the previous video that was for date table let me just duplicate the table i can right click and duplicate this table here and i don't require the last few columns here because i want to show you how to add and subtract so this
steps i can delete one by one okay i can just cross cross and delete and delete yeah so till change type i have kept let me rename this as m functions add and subtract lengthy name but required so that you can see later on also now the question here is if i want to add five months five days five quarters five weeks in this order date okay anything year quarter month day or if i want to subtract year quarter month day how do i do that so add column custom column so here i will just
write date any date function will start with date date add okay that's it you just write as date add and you can see there are few functions which are visible so let's say i want to add five months so i'll select date add five months i mean date add months open bracket and i'm very new to power bi or power m functions you can take help of this toolbar which will help you to write the function order date and comma 5 close the bracket so when you get this tick mark you can see it the
function is correct so i'll write as five months added okay now i can just click on ok button let us cross check i will zoom the screen and cross check so this is 3 1 2016 and here you can see 0 3 0 6 20 16. so 5 months added let's see the last one 27 0 to 20 21 and 5 months added to that particular currency same way you can add years also add column custom column so date add and i can select years date add years open bracket i can double click on order
date comma five same method you don't have to write as added five years and i can click on ok button here so this will add five years to that particular day itself okay now this was for addition what about subtraction if you want to subtract five months five years from that date again i can go to add column custom column there is no new function for subtracting so just type as date add i know date add months open bracket and order date i want to subtract 5 months comma minus 5 that's it there's no separate
five functions for subtraction just type minus 5 and click on ok so let us cross check this date was 3 12 2017 and this one is 3 7 2017 so it has subtracted five months from that date okay same way please try for the years also how do you subtract five years from that currently but for timing i hope you have understood how to add and subtract days using m function they are trust me very simple functions in power bi let us see some more m functions basic functions in power query that is how do
you find out day month week year month name day name week number etc so i've already loaded data and i can just right click and duplicate this query here i can rename this query as let's say date basic m functions usually you don't give lengthy name basic m functions and let me delete the last few steps because i want to only focus on those few functions now let us see if i want to find out what is the d add column custom column and here i can write as date and type as a day so
whatever you know you just write that thing so date is compulsory because all the m function starts with day so i can write as date dot day and you can see day of week day of week name this suggestions are there day of year days in a month very simple so let's see very simple date dot d open bracket and double click on order date close the bracket and click on ok so this function will give you day from that particular date okay just cross check and you will get the right hands one more if
i want to find out month year quarter i can just go to add column custom column and here i can mention as date dot month or you should not write dot in the newer versions write as date month okay so you type date month you see list of many functions will be visible i'll write as date year you see date dot year date dot add years i can write as quarter very simple functions and date week if you write week of month week of year so it's very simple trust me all the functions let's see
if i want to find out name of the month or name of day two functions here so i'll write as date and month and i don't know what is the name of that function but it will give you a suggestion that is date dot month name open the bracket and double click on order date close your bracket so m intellisense is very helpful earlier versions it was not there but in the newer versions it has come as a blessing for power query users and date dot month name click on ok this will give you the
name of the month january february march and so on let's see the second one how to find out day name custom column you can also do that it's very simple now date and day and i'll select the option as day of week name open bracket the function name is day of week name so you have just zoomed the screen pause the video copy that or see that day of week name and click on ok so this will give you the name of day okay sunday monday tuesday and so on very simple and easy and i
think i hope you've understood how to work on this basic m functions in power bi in power query let us see some m functions for text date functions we have seen let's see for the text they are very basic and simple functions but still if you want to write nested functions you can take help of m functions here so that's the topic here text m functions basic functions let me show you the data i have a data which is kept into this file here you can see the data is this one where i have full
name carefully observe all the names are not in a proper order some are upper case some lower case and not so properly designed so what i want i want to clean this data okay with writing functions m functions like uppercase lowercase splitting or text before delimiter so this basic functions how do i write in power query okay now the name of the table is text table i will quickly pick up this file in power bi new source excel the name of the file is 18 sample super store m functions here the name of the table
is text table text table click on ok button so very new to power query or m functions you remember the trick which i have given you you can just go to add column and click on custom column all the date functions starts with alphabet text and here i can write text suppose i want in upper case you just write upper in continuation so it's like your excel whatever functions you have upper lower proper same functions you can find it here so i'll write as text upper and you can see it will help me it will
guide me to write in a proper method so it rewrites as text dot upper open the bracket and if you don't know what should be entered you can take help of this syntax i will double click on full name close the bracket and click on ok so this will convert the entire text into uppercase you see properly it has design same way i can go to add column custom column and write as text and if i want lower you type a slower if you want in a proper write as text proper okay text proper here
so let's say if i want proper case bracket open and i'll pick up full name closely bracket so this will convert the entire text into a proper text now this is what you can use it for visualization or creating now this is the custom column i'll write as proper text now let's say from this proper text i only want text before delimiter or after deliver when i say i mean in simple language i want first name or last name so if i want first name that is so whatever is before space i want that text
so add column custom column this is known as text before delimiter so i'll write as text before you see text before delimiter i can just select this option delimiter means something which is separating it can be space comma hash anything so text before delimiter i'll open the bracket now i don't know how to write i can take help of this you can see the syntax so it says the first one text as nullable text that means a column as and the second option what is your delimiter in this case delimiter is nothing but space so
i can just double click on full name that's the column name in double quotes type space okay let me zoom so you can see properly so text before delimiter in bracket the column name comma in double quotes the space is given and i can just write the column name as first name click on ok so by the way you can also do this by button clicks from the top menu bars or tabs but if you want to learn how to write nested functions this will be required so i can click on ok and you can
see the first name is visible from that place okay if you think you made a mistake you can always click on this box here you can click in this section and it will give you the function written here cancer now what happens at the back end what is written at the back end you can go to view tab and click on this advanced editor if you see advanced editor the step is generated here so this is the only function which you have written if you remember that's the only function but power query or power bi
has tried to write the entire thing here now you can understand from this place let me open it so whatever is highlighted only that portion have written what is this first name this is the column name which you are given okay the first name is the column name what is this rename columns rename columns is the name of previous step name of previous step okay what is table dot add column table dot add column actually we went to add column tab and clicked on custom column so therefore it has given us table dot add column
okay and this is what added custom to that is a step name and the final output will be added custom tool so one thing if you observe let's say this step change type okay change type is a step name and something is written here text table underscore table so this is name of the previous step you see that's the name of the previous step one more let's say this is the added custom one this is the name of the previous step which is added here okay so this way you can find something relevant things into
the m function back in but however the question was how to work on text functions in m how to work on upper lower proper and how to find out text before and after delimiter but there are many functions you can find out in m now let us see how to write a small piece of code in power query okay that is the m function that is writing a small m code in power bi so i'm trying my best to explain you in a very simple format okay let's see i'll go to transform data and open
power query editor now i'll create a blank query in the new source this is the blank query option blank query will have no data it will be a simple blind query where you are the owner you can define whatever steps you want on the right hand side okay now so that's a query to see the name is query2 here i can go to home tab and click on advanced editor in this advanced editor you can see this let source is empty nothing is there source is this one so this is actually step name let me
delete this source equal to and type here a simple what i want i want addition of two numbers that is a plus b equal to c but a will have some value b will have some value and c will give me the output so i'll write as a equal to 10 okay comma enter b equal to 20 comma and i can just remove the comma here okay i'll put a comma and write as c equal to a plus b okay that's it c equal to a plus b and the last step i can write as
c okay now i'll just zoom it so you can see and understand if you are from a coding background it will be very very easy for you but if you are from a non-coding background still it will be easy for you it's very simple so what i've done is the first step i have assigned the value 10 value to a variable 20 value to b variable and c is the variable where i want addition of two numbers two variables a plus b now the final output i want c so that should be written in the
in okay whatever you want the output so abc will become the step name okay i will now click on done now this will be your output carefully observe on the right hand side a b c are nothing but the step name and when i keep my cursor on c you can see what is in the function in the formula bar it's giving you what is the formula written the output is given here as 30. you can see 10 plus 20 30. if i click on b you can see the value is given as 20. whichever
step you click if you click on b the value in the formula bar 20 and the output is given as 20. same way in the a option also you can see 10 is given now if you want to modify you can always click on this settings button here and you can change the function what is written here so you can modify some value i can click on cancel but i can go to home tab and click on advanced editor now if i zoom and again try to show you something 10 20. so here you can
keep on changing the values whatever you want now sometimes what happens is you can keep on writing the steps many steps over here i can write as comma a plus b comma d equal to 40 comma e equal to 20 okay that's it so but the output for the third step is c c equal to a plus b and the output i'm getting is c what will happen about this d and e this d and e variable since i have not used it will not be visible in the front end however i can click on
done button and you can see there will be the output as query 2 which is given as 30. what about the other steps they are not given there okay so you can go back to advanced editor and you can delete those steps which is given d and e and click on ok so it will be there but it will not be used now suppose now i think there's a mistake which is done i can go back to editor and find out what is the mistake yes the comma should be removed the last step in the
or the last sentence inlet should not have a comma click on done now you are getting the answer abc now one thing the last thing suppose i don't want c output i want the output as b okay so which is 20 i can go to home advance editor and simply remove the option as c from in and i'll type as b okay so whichever step you have written that will give you the output now when i click on done carefully observe i will get only output of b which is 20. okay so here the name
is given as query 2 which is the name here but the output will be given for p style okay that's it so you can keep on writing some complicated functions also in m language and work on it okay but for time being you understood very small function how to write in power query now this video would be very important for getting all the m functions so here i'll give you a simple trick where you can find out all the 900 m functions in power query okay very simple you cannot remember all the functions the syntax
and what it does but here a simple trick how to do that you can go to transform data in the power query and then click on new source and here i can select the option blank query okay new source blank query now this is a blank query empty nothing is there on the right hand side here in the function or the formula bar i'll type a simple formula a small thing equal to hash and type as share equal to shared let me zoom it and you can see properly carefully observe the text which is written
everything is in small case equal to hash share i'll press enter from my keyboard what will happen is it will give me list of many functions into whatever functions are there okay m functions and it has given me approximately 970 fields at the bottom 970 fields are given here so what are those you can see on the left hand side some names are given and on the right hand side something is given sometimes functions sometimes table and so on let's try to convert into table i'll click on into table in the menu bar if you
see so this data would be converted into a table format okay now let's see very first one we have seen how to work on date functions in power query date functions so if you want to learn about date functions in this name column i will click on this drop down and just simply type date because i'm interested only in date functions so carefully observe all the date functions are filtered i will click on ok button here now this will give me all the date functions in power query out of 970 functions there are approximately 105
or 100 plus m functions for date and you can see how to understand if it is a date function all the date functions will start with date you see date dot and now let us see one function okay so if you remember we have seen how to work on date dot is in previous month okay this function date dot is in previous month and suppose you don't know how to work on that function you can just click on this blank space you can click on this blank space and something will be visible at the bottom
i will expand and this will give you the syntax you see on the top it's a syntax it will tell you what this date function will do okay some explanation is given and also at the bottom it will give you one example how to write it also it will give you an output how does an output look like the answer will be either true or false okay so i'll press escape now i can click on the column heading the below window will go away if i work on some other function let's say if i go
for date dot add somewhere you can see date dot add function so date dot add if i click on this blank space date dot add days and if i expand this you can see it will give me the syntax date dot add days and what should be the not syntax the example syntax is given on the top and here at the bottom it will give you the output how does the output look like so you can just click outside and you can get it so i can delete the last step and this was for date
suppose you want for text you can click on this small drop down and search for text so this will give you all the functions which are related for text you see splitter text everywhere text would be given if you want for numbers just type here as numbers and you'll be getting all the number functions in power query cancel now same thing if you're an excel user you can go to data tab and click on get data from other sources blank query same thing can be done in excel so from other sources blank query and here
also i'll type single formula equal to shared so here i can type as equal to shared and you can see when i press enter i'll be getting the same 900 functions but here they are less function you see 779 so in power bi we have some more functions but in power bi power query but in excel power query the number of functions are less here you can see 779 functions are there and that would be same you can click on into table and you can also filter here related to date text and number you see
date and okay so this one at least you can get in excel help also you can just click outside and you can see all the help of here so let me close this excel discard and let me also close this excel file but they are very simple and this would be very easy method for you to learn the syntax without any help going outside you can learn it here itself so i hope you have understood how to get this 900 functions in power query m functions with this simple trick here that's all for this video
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