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Video Transcript:
May the blessing of God the Father God the son and God the Holy Spirit be upon you and your entire family I desire to pray for your life and your family specifically for your children I declare these powerful Psalms and for each Psalm I will offer a prayer during this prayer you can find rest you can even lie down on your bed and let these Ms bless your life and your family join me in agreement as we embark on this prayer these Psalms are both spiritual battles and Psalms of Victory against the enemy the Bible
tells us that the word of God is like a sharp sword when wielded with faith and connected to the Holy Spirit it brings forth incredible Miracles spiritual chains are broken and if you are burdened by fear and anxiety or still enslaved by your past or even the present know that this prayer we are about to engage and will bring life and peace to your life and your family Psalm 91 he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is
my refuge and my Fortress my God in him I will trust surely he shall deliver You From The Snare of the Fowler and from the perilous pestilence he shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings you shall take refuge his truth shall be your shield and buckler you shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the arrow that flies by day nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness nor of the destruction that lays waste at Noonday a thousand may fall at your side and 10,000 at your right hand but
it shall not come near you only with your eyes shall you look and see the reward of the wicked because you have made the Lord who is my refuge even the most high your dwelling place no evil shall befall you nor shall any plague come near your dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways in this emotional moment let the assurance of God's presence overwhelm you his promises are true and he is faithful may you find comfort and strength in his words may your heart be at
peace knowing that God is your refuge and that no harm shall befall you trust in him completely for his angels watch over you in all your ways they will hold you up with their hands so you will not stumble and your foot will not strike against a stone you will tread upon lions and cobras you will trample the Young Lion and the serpent because you have set your love upon me I will deliver you I will set you on high because you have known my name you will call upon me and I will answer you
I will be with you in trouble I will deliver you and honor you with long life I will satisfy you and show you my salvation Lord God in the Blessed name of Jesus Christ we now ask for your protection over this house we declare to God that the powerful hand of the Lord is upon each one in this home within this environment we renounce Strife Discord and adversity and we proclaim the Lord's blessing upon this household father I prophesy that in this home people will sleep soundly for the Lord is upholding this house Lord God
we declare that your Mighty hand is upon this environment the blood of Jesus is shielding and covering the roof of this house or even this apartment we pray declaring that no evil has the power to enter this house or disturb the sleep of those who dwell within in the name of Jesus Christ may this home be completely covered by the Lord guarded 24 hours a day by the mighty angels of God Amen Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me to lie down in Green Pastures he leads me beside
the Still Waters he restores my soul he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake so guide me along the paths of righteousness for the sake of your name even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall
dwell in the house of the Lord forever in the name of Jesus Christ I want to prophesy provision over this home Lord you are Our Shepherd and we shall not lack anything we declare that abundance enters this home Prosperity wealth and financial victories we declare to God that you are the provider of our house the provider of this home your word says Lord that you give to your children even while they sleep therefore father I believe that during this night of rest this person will be blessed by you their plans projects connections sales and businesses
will be released by the Lord while they sleep we place everything in your hands father in the name of Jesus Christ we ask God to bless the work of this person the work of everyone in this home so that it may be fruitful productive and bring great joy to this family in the name of Jesus Christ I declare that the blessings and Promises of the Lord are upon this home this home is blessed by God you are the God who owns the gold and the silver and surely oh God you will bless the fruits of
our labor our businesses and our comings and goings certainly father father everything we have and everything connected to us is blessed by you and protected by you in the name of Jesus Amen Psalm 27 the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid when the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh my enemies and foes they stumbled and fell though an army May encamp against me my heart shall not fear though War may rise against me in
this I will be confident one thing I have desired of the Lord that will I seek that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his Temple for in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his Pavilion in the secret place of his Tabernacle he shall hide me he shall set me high upon a rock and now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies All Around Me therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in
his Tabernacle I will sing yes I will sing praises to the Lord Lord hear my voice when I cry out to you have mercy on me and answer me when you said seek my face my heart responded your face Lord I will seek do not hide your face from me do not turn your servant away in Anger you have been my help do not leave me nor forsake me oh god of my salvation even if my father and mother abandon me the Lord will take me in teach me your way oh Lord and Lead Me
in a smooth path because of my enemies do not deliver me to the will of my adversaries for false Witnesses have risen against me and they breathe out violence surely I would have lost heart unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living wait on the Lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart wait I say on the Lord in the name of Jesus Christ father we have fa faith in you as your word says faith is a shield that neutralizes the enemy's
fiery darts we now cancel Every curse every opposing prayer every Envy directed towards us our home and our lives we also cancel every slander lie fabrication and malicious intent we declare that all the works of the enemy against our lives businesses marriages and children are destroyed my God we trust in you we believe in your goodness oh God and we believe that you fight on behalf of those who believe in you and those who walk in Integrity of Heart Lord you see what is within us and you know only God knows why you know our
rising and are lying down therefore oh God we ask you to bring Justice to your servants who walk in Integrity bring Justice oh God in favor of those who live to please your name let every adversary in enemy be confounded by your power father and let your light shine upon us guiding us directing us and delivering us from all evil and from the will of our enemies to ens snare us through words through lies guard us father and Deliver Us us from all harm in the name of Jesus Christ amen Psalm 34 I Will Bless
The Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make its boast in the Lord The Humble shall hear of it and be glad oh magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together I sought the Lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears they looked to him and were radiant and their faces were not ashamed this poor man cried out and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles the angel of the Lord encamps all around those who
fear Him and delivers them oh taste and see that the Lord is good blessed is the man who trusts in him oh fear the lord you his Saints there is no want to those who fear Him the Young Lions lack and suffer hunger but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing come you children listen to me I will teach you the fear of the Lord who is the man who desires life and loves many days that he may see good keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit depart
from Evil and do good seek peace and pursue it the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are open to their cry the face of the Lord is against those who do evil to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth the righteous cry out and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles the Lord is near to those who have a broken heart in you oh Lord we find our refuge and our strength we lift our voices to bless your name for you are worthy of all
praise our souls find joy in you and we exalt your name together we have sought you and you have hurt us delivering us from our fears we look to you and radiate with your light unashamed and unafraid in our times of trouble we cry out to you and you hear us saving us from all our troubles your angels surround us protecting us for we fear and reverence you we testify that you are good and those who trust in you lack no good thing we invite others to taste and see your goodness for blessed are those
who trust in you we fear and honor you for in doing so we lack nothing even when faced with challenges we depart from Evil doing good and seeking peace your eyes are on the righteous and your ears are open to their cry you oppose those who do evil removing their memory from the earth the righteous cry out and you hear them delivering them from all their troubles you are close to those who are brokenhearted in your presence we find Comfort strength and rest eration We Trust in your faithfulness oh Lord and he saves those who
have a contrite spirit many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all he guards all his bones not one of them is broken the wicked shall be slain by their own evil and those who hate the righteous shall be condemned the Lord redeems the soul of his servants and none of those who trust in him shall be condemned in the name of Jesus Christ we pray to God for his Deliverance upon us and our household we block and nullify everything that has been sent against us to hinder our
path whether it be in our physical bodies or in the physical bodies of our loved ones our spouse our children in the authority of the name of Jesus Christ we declare to God that he is the the god of Deliverance the one who guards our steps from all evil and the snares of the enemy protect us oh father from all theft from all assault Deliver Us oh God from all wickedness and from every person who plots harm against us you Lord go before us opening paths in delivering us place your angels oh God as our
escort in Angels before us and Angels behind us we believe oh God In Your Divine protection and your Supernatural covering that surrounds and guards us Lord you will not allow the enemy to touch our physical bodies or the physical bodies of those in our household we are guarded by you in the authority of Jesus Christ's name we cancel every generational curse every inherited curse curse and declare the downfall of Every curse in our lives we declare that by the stripes of Jesus we are healed we declare that Divine Health dwells in our blood in our
cells in every part of our bodies in every joint of our being in every bone of our bodies we declare to God that he is the one who rescues us yes Lord you guard us from every affliction your word also says Lord that we shall not be afflicted even financially because those who fear you lack no good thing we raise a banner here in our household Lord in our household We Fear your name and therefore Lord I want to prophetically declare that nothing will be lacking in this home absolutely nothing will be lacking in this
dwelling it is guarded by you it is blessed in the name of Jesus Amen Psalm 40 I waited patiently for the Lord and He inclined to me and heard My Cry he lifted me out of a horrible pit out of the myy clay he set my feet upon a rock and established my steps he put a new song in my mouth a hym of praise to our God many will see it in fear and put their trust in the Lord blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust and does not turn to the
proud to those who go astray after false gods oh Lord my God you have done many wonderful Works your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to you in order if I were to declare and speak of them they would be more than can be numbered you do not desire sacrifice or offering you have opened my ears burnt offerings and sin offerings you have not required then I said behold I come in the scroll of the book it is written of me I Delight to do your will oh my God your law is within my heart
I have proclaimed your righteousness in the great assembly indeed I do not restrain my lips oh Lord you know I have not hidden your righteousness within my heart I have declared your faithfulness and your salvation I have not concealed your loving kindness and your truth from the great assembly do not withhold your Tender Mercies from me oh Lord let your loving kindness and your truth continually preserve me for innumerable evils have surrounded me my iniquities have overtaken me so that I am not able to look up they are more than the hairs of my head
therefore my heart fails me be pleased pleased oh Lord to deliver me oh Lord make haste to help me let them be ashamed and brought to Mutual confusion who seek to destroy my life let them be driven backward and brought to dishonor who wish me evil let them be desolate because of their shame who say to me aha aha let all those who seek you rejoice and be glad in you let such as love your salvation and say continually the Lord be magnified but I am poor and needy yet the Lord thinks upon me you
are my help and my deliverer do not delay oh my God dear God in the Blessed name of Jesus Christ we want to declare Lord that you are certainly now placing your hand upon this household no matter how much the enemy surrounds this home no matter how much the enemy seeks to attack shame and confuse your servants Lord you will provide Deliverance they will be guarding them guarding their home protecting their family I declare in the name of Jesus Christ that the Lord is already protecting this home the Lord is already protecting this family and
the enemy will not Prevail father I declare that your blessings are upon this household father I declare that Prosperity is in this home Lord in the name of Jesus those who in any way try to harm those who in any way seek to disturb the Peace of this home the Tranquility of this dwelling they will be confounded because this home is guarded by the presence of God the presence of God dwells in this home the presence of God dwells in this place where this prayer is being heard yes we call upon the presence of the
holy spirit for this environment and may the presence of the Holy Spirit fill this space May the joy of the Lord fill this space May the peace of the Lord fill this space May the prosperity of the Lord fill this space we declare to God that no evil shall have power over us and that all Injustice is falling to the ground now because we declare that you are our righteousness you are the righteousness of this home oh God cleanse me from my iniquity and Purify Me from my sin for I know my transgressions and my
sin is always before me against you against you only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight so that you may be justified when you speak weak and blameless when you judge behold I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin my mother conceived me behold you desire truth in the inward parts and in the hidden part you will make me to know wisdom Purge me with hisp and I shall be clean wash me and I shall be whiter than snow make me hear joy and gladness that the bones you have broken
May rejoice hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a steadfast Spirit within me create in me a pure heart and renew a righteous Spirit within me do not cast me out from your presence and do not take your Holy Spirit Away From Me restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners will return to you deliver me from blood guiltiness oh God God of my salvation and
my tongue will sing aloud of your righteousness open my lips Lord and my mouth will declare your praise for you do not Delight in sacrifice or I would bring it you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings the sacrifice es of God are a broken Spirit a broken and contrite heart oh God you will not despise do good to Zion in your good pleasure build up the walls of Jerusalem then you will Delight in righteous sacrifices in burnt offerings offered whole then bulls will be offered on your altar in the name of Jesus Christ we
ask for forgiveness for all our sins we know that Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross to save us to forgive our sins to justify us we ask God for forgiveness for all our failures our shortcomings our hastiness and the words that have come out of our mouths wrong words hurtful words words that have grieved you oh God Holy Spirit purify our lips purify Our Lives remove from within us that which which does not please you and we pray to God that there will always be the joy of Salvation within each one of us knowing
that the most important thing is to have Jesus in our lives and our names written in the Book of Life we love God your presence we want to walk in a narrow path we want to walk Lord in your presence and under your light oh God in this moment we pray to the the Lord asking him to bring Salvation to our home Lord come and change the hearts of those who have turned their backs on you those who are somehow blinded by the enemy we pray oh God for their salvation we pray father that you
bless them and touch them with your power in the name of Jesus guard us Lord under your Shadow at your right hand so that the sun will not harm us by day nor the Moon by Night the Lord will protect you from all evil he will keep your soul the Lord will guard your coming and going both now and forever more Lord we ask that you secure everyone in our household whether we are going out or coming back guard us Lord throughout our Journeys we know oh God that you are working in in every area
of Our Lives you see what we cannot see and you hear what we cannot hear that is why oh God we declare our complete dependence on you for you are our God our help and in you oh God we place our trust our strength comes from the Lord our joy comes from the Lord our gift comes from the Lord and the blessings come from the Lord we we stand before you oh father because we know that it is you who guards us you are our shadow our right hand and we trust that you will safeguard
our souls from all evil amen Psalm 127 unless the Lord builds the house those who build it labor in vain unless the Lord guards the city the guard keeps watch in vain it is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest eating the bread of anxious toil for he gives sleep to his beloved sons are indeed a Heritage from the Lord the fruit of the womb a reward like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the sons of one's youth happy is the man who has his quiver full of them
he shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate in the Blessed name of Jesus Christ we declare that the Lord is building our house the Lord is honoring our work honoring our seed sown and surely father we will reap we will reap abundantly even more than your servant Isaac who reaped 30 60 and H 100-fold we father declare that we are children children of the Lord destined to prosper and advance in this land you are guarding our lives building our lives and therefore oh God we shall not fear
you watch over us while we sleep and we know oh God that your eyes are constantly upon those who fear you the righteous cry out to the Lord and you hear them and deliver them from all their troubles every square meter of our house we entrust to you oh God this prayer amen and amen if you are not subscribed to this channel subscribe now and start following these daily prayers here on YouTube in the name of Jesus Christ amen praise be to God who grants us Victory through the blood of Jesus I extend my heartfelt
greetings to all of you may God bless your life and your family in a very special way today we will be praying Psalm 121 and it will be a blessing to your life before we begin I have a request for you if you haven't already subscribed to the channel I encourage you to do so in order to receive more prayers and videos and if you are already subscribed feel free to make your prayer requests I am constantly reading and presenting all prayer requests to God here on the channel God will speak strongly to your heart
through this powerful ssal stay with me until the end of the video listen to this prayer and participate for it will be a great blessing for you Psalm 121 says I lift up my eyes to the mountains where does my help come from my help comes from the Lord the maker of heaven and Earth in in this first verse the psalmist declares that he looks up to the mountains and asks where does my help come from and in the second verse he answers my help comes from the Lord the maker of heaven and Earth in
these verses we can understand that our help comes from God who created the heavens and the earth I don't know what kind of adversity or challenge you have been facing my sister and brother but I want to tell you you that your help comes from above your help comes from God who made the heavens and the Earth it doesn't matter the size of your problem what matters is the size of your God he is rising from his throne to Grant you Victory God is rising from his throne to provide for you in this situation that
you have brought before him in prayer lift up your spirit have good courage and look up because because your help comes from God your help comes from the Lord it does not come from men your help comes from God it does not come from Earthly things your help comes from heaven from Jesus God has heard your prayer he has seen your tears and your suffering I know that last year was a year of disappointments tears anguish and trials but the Lord says to you I will change your story I will mend what is broken I
will restore what is damaged I will lift you up in this world and I will honor your faith just persevere and persist for your help comes from the Lord who made the heavens and the Earth he is intervening in your life with provision and in the third verse the psalmist says even more more he will not let your foot slip He Who Watches Over you will not Slumber God is your protector Your Guardian he will not let you stumble he is always watchful never sleeping he is constantly by your side ensuring your safety and well-being
verse three is a divine revelation for our lives God is telling us through the psalmist that he will will not let our foot slip in other words God will guard our paths he will direct our lives in all things because he is the owner of Our Lives your life is in the hands of the Creator and nothing and no one can take away God's promise from your life nothing and no one can take away the blessing of the Lord from your family your story your home or your life because God is with you and verse
three goes even further saying he who keeps you will not Slumber it means that the one who watches over you does not sleep the one who guards your life is awake 24 hours a day it is often said that the enemy does not sleep constantly scheming against our lives against our families but on the other hand Our God does not sleep either every time the enemy knocks on your door it is God himself who answers and the enemy flees in all directions protecting you no matter how big the attacks or counterattacks of our adversary may
be our God is a mighty Shield before us he is a shield that blocks all evil and God does not sleep he is always awake the prophet Isaiah said that since ancient times no one has heard or seen a god like ours who works for those who wait for him God is working in your favor he is working in the hidden places in secret and he will reward you openly the one who guards you is faithful and verse 4 says behold he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep feel the weight of these words
in your heart let let the Assurance of God's constant presence and protection wash over you you are not alone in this journey you are not left defenseless against the schemes of the enemy God the faithful Guardian is always by your side day and night in moments of weariness or fear remember that God is wide awake watching over you in times of uncertainty or doubt hold on to the promise that he will not let your foot slip trust in his unwavering faithfulness and know that he is actively working on your behalf even in the Unseen realm
rest in the assurance that you are guarded by the almighty his love and protection surround you he is your Shield your Defender and your guide so take heart for the one who watches over you never slumbers embrace the peace that comes from knowing that you are held in The Loving Hands of the guardian of Israel verse 5 the Lord is the one who guards you the Lord is your Shadow your right hand just like a shadow follows us wherever we go so is god notice that on a sunny day as you walk your Shadow is
always there with you wherever you go Your Shadow is there if you move to the left your shadow moves to the left if you move to the right your shadow moves to the right if you go backward or forward your Shadow follows every step every inch Your Shadow is constantly with you and that is why in verse 5 the text tells us that the Lord is the one who guards you the Lord is your Shadow your right hand just as your Shadow walks with you wherever you go God is also with you every day on
Monday God is with you on Tuesday God is with you on Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday God is with you in spring autumn summer and winter God is with you whether it rains where the sun shines God is with you he is there to protect you to save you to give you Victory to sustain you and to strengthen you he is there to lift you up if you fall he is there to bring light into your life to provide Direction and to shower His blessings upon you God is with you every single day until
the end of time let the weight of these words sink deep into your soul You are not alone in this journey you are never without the presence of God just as your Shadow Faithfully accompanies you God's presence is constantly with you feel his comforting Embrace his unwavering protection and his loving guidance surrounding you in times of loneliness or uncertainty remember that God is your faithful shadow your everpresent companion he walks beside you never leaving your side you can find Solace and strength in his presence he is your source of Hope peace and reassurance no matter
what challenges you face or what obstacles come your way take comfort in knowing that the Lord is guarding you he is your Shadow your constant support trust in his unfailing love and let his presence illuminate your path with God by your side you can face any situation with courage and confidence so embrace the truth that the Lord is your guardian your faithful Shadow allow his presence to fill your days to guide your steps and to bring you peace walk in the assurance that you are never alone for God's Abiding Love is with you always now
and forever more verse 6 the psalmist further declares the son shall not strike you by day nor the Moon by night this means that during the day God will guard you and during the night God will guard you in every moment at every hour the Lord is there protecting your life safeguarding your soul and watching over your spirit verse 7 the Lord will protect you from all evil he will guard your soul notice that in this verse the psalmist doesn't say that God will protect you from some evils no the psalmist says that God will
protect you from all evil every form of evil God will guard you he will guard your life your family your health and your finances God will guard every as aspect of your being because we serve a God who cares about us in every area of Our Lives God cares about your finances God cares about your emotions God cares about your spiritual life above all God cares about your salvation God cares about your health you are a daughter and a son of God and he cares deeply for you in every detail just like a mother who
cares for her child she knows when the child is sad she knows when the child needs nourishment for all the mothers listening to me right now you know very well that A Mother's Love is Sublime it is special and the prophet Isaiah says the following even if a nursing mother were to forget her child the Lord will never forget you you are in the hands of God and he never forgets you there are moments in our lives that we all have experienced moments when we thought that God was not listening to our prayers have you
ever felt that way have you ever felt as if God wasn't hearing your prayer have you ever felt distant from God have you ever felt like your prayer didn't reach heaven as if it hit the ceiling of your house and stayed there leaving you abandoned and forgotten I am here to tell you that in all those moments when you thought that God was not listening when you felt distant from him when you thought your prayer didn't reach heaven God was still there even in the silence even in the moments of Doubt God is with you
his love and his presence never waver he hears your every prayer he sees your every tear and he holds you close to his heart trust in his faithfulness even even when circumstances seem overwhelming God's love for you is unchanging and his care for every aspect of your life is unwavering you are never alone even in the darkest of times God is there watching over you protecting you and guiding you hold on to the assurance that his presence is constant and his low God says I have not forgotten you so says the Lord I have never
forgotten about you because I love you declares the Lord Jesus I love you and that is why I gave my life for you on the cross of Calvary my blood was shed on the cross for you and I do not forget about you even in difficult times though it may seem like I am distant says the Lord in reality I am close to you I am carrying in you in my arms sustaining you because what doesn't kill you makes you stronger what doesn't kill you makes you more mature God is equipping your life for a
great work it's like the story of the footprints in the sand when that person walked on the sand he saw scenes from his life and Jesus walked with him he saw four sets of footprints two belonging to him and two belonging to to Jesus but as he began to witness the saddest and most difficult scenes of his life he noticed only two sets of footprints in the sand so he questioned Jesus saying Lord in the toughest moments of my life did you leave me alone did you forget me Jesus replied to the man saying those
two sets of footprints are not yours they are mine in the toughest moments of your life I carried you in my arms I carried you in my arms during the most difficult times so my sister and my brother in those difficult moments when you think that God is distant in reality he is very close to you carrying you in his arms sustaining you and saying look up because your help comes from above I lift up my eyes to the hills where does my help come from my help comes from the Lord the maker of heaven
and Earth your help comes from God my sister your help comes from the Lord he is with you sustaining you he is with you assisting you he is with you strengthening you God is Not delaying he is perfecting your victory your Victory will be great your Victory will be powerful because your testimony of the victory that God will deliver to you will be magnificent you will continue walking in the presence of the Lord and the Triumph that awaits you will be a testament to his goodness remember in the midst of Trials and challenges God has
not forgotten about you he loves you unconditionally and his arms are always open ready to carry you through every storm trust in his faithfulness lean on his strength and let his love sustain you you are not alone God is with you and he will lead you to victory keep walking in his presence for he is faithful and his promises will never fail verse 7 further declares the Lord will protect you from all evil he will guard your soul our soul is the seat of emotions where all sadness and joy reside every good or bad emotion
is contained within our soul and God is making a promise to us in Psalm 121 that he will safeguard our soul God cares about your feelings he is a loving father who cares about your heart and what you experience he will reward you and every tear that has fallen en from your eyes will be transformed into Victory every disappointment you have faced in life will become a powerful testimony of Triumph God will protect your soul and in verse 8 the psalmist concludes the psalm by saying the Lord will watch over your coming and going both
now and forever more the Lord will guard your entrances and exits both now and for eternity when you travel know that God will watch over your departure and your arrival whenever you embark on a journey whenever you venture to a distant Place read Psalm 121 because it is the psalm of divine protection just like Psalm 91 in verse 8 God makes a promise that he will guard our comings and goings when you set out God will guard your entrance and when you return God will guard your departure God will protect you God will watch over
your steps so whenever you embark on a trip read Psalm 121 whenever you leave your home declare God guard my entrance and guard my departure the Lord will watch over my coming and going both now and forever more these are the blessings of Psalm 121 in our lives this Psalm is truly beautiful just like all the other Psalms but this one clearly shows us that our help comes from God this Psalm clearly shows us that God is the one who guards us a loving father who protects us this Psalm definitively reveals that he is a
God who guards our lives in every detail he guards our entrances and exits from now and forever amen amen Amen in this moment I want to offer a special prayer based on Psalm 121 I want to pray for you for your life for your story I want to pray for your health your finances your family your relationships your ministry close your eyes and pray with me let us pray Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven give us this day
our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us lead us not into temptation but Deliver Us from Evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever I lift my eyes to the mountains where does my help come from my help comes from the Lord the maker of heaven and Earth he will not let your foot slip He Who Watches Over you will not Slumber indeed He Who Watches Over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep the Lord Watches Over You the Lord is your shade at your
right hand the sun will not harm you by day nor the Moon by Night the Lord will keep you from all harm he will watch over your life the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forever more eternal and Sovereign God I present the life of my sister and my brother who is listening to me in this moment God intervene with provision Grant victory victory in relationships victory in finances victory in family victory in health because we trust in a God who is eternal and Sovereign we claim all the blessings of
Psalm 121 amen take a moment to reflect on the profound message of this Psalm God is your protector your guardian and your source of help in all aspects of Life trust in him and find comfort in his loving care may the blessings of Psalm 121 rest upon Our Lives May they dwell upon our health our families our homes and our finances Lord come and prosper our lives in every area Prosper our relationships Prosper our finances supernaturally Prosper us oh God that's why we are here praying pleading interceding and asking for your blessing Lord but we
don't just want to ask we also want to thank you thank you for deliverance thank you for victories thank you for achievements thank you for miracles thank you for healings we want to express our gratitude We Want to Thank You Lord even for what has not yet happened we want to thank you for the victories that are still to come in our lives we want to thank you for the blessings that are yet to be poured upon us Lord we thank you from the depths of our hearts with all our soul Holy Spirit of Truth
May all these blessings from Psalm 121 be Upon Our Lives guard our entrances and exits from now and forever let your blessing Your Grace your Victory be in our lives in the name of Jesus for yours is the kingdom the power and the glory forever amen and thank God that God blesses you my sister and my brother you can repeat these words with me you can say the Lord will guard my coming and going say it aloud the Lord will guard my coming and going say it with faith the Lord will guard my coming and
going say yes to the Lord will protect me from all evil the Lord will guard my soul the Lord will guard my paths my feelings I claim it say it with me God I claim all the blessings of Psalm 121 in my life in my family in my home in the mighty name of Jesus amen amen and amen may God bless your life abundantly I'll be going now may the holy peace of God the love of the Lord and divine mercy be upon your life and your family from now and forever a big [Music] hug
today we will be reciting a powerful prayer from Psalm 70 I am certain that this prayer will strengthen your faith fortify your hope and you will be strengthened in the Lord Jesus amen share this prayer with your friends and family it will undoubtedly bless other lives feel free to leave your prayer requests in the comments I am always reading and presenting all prayer requests before God and if you haven't subscribed to the channel yet I invite you to become part of this wonderful prayer family we are here every day praying and seeking the face of
God we will now read Psalm 70 and then pray to the Lord Lord calling upon the almighty God Psalm 70 written by David says the following in verse one make haste oh God to deliver me make haste to help me oh Lord let those who seek my life be put to shame and confusion let them turn back and be disgraced those who desire My hurt let them be turned back because of their shame who say aha aha may all those who seek you rejoice and be glad in you and may those who love your salvation
say continually let God be magnified however I am Afflicted and in need hurry for me oh God you are my help and my deliverer oh Lord do not delay this Psalm 70 shows us the distressed psalmist David he was probably going through a very very difficult moment in his life life and who has never experienced such a moment a moment of Anguish sadness Affliction to the point where you cry out saying God hurry to deliver me in verse 5 the psalmist is saying however I am Afflicted and in need have you ever experienced such a
moment a moment of Affliction where you feel helpless alone but I want you to know that the God who answered David's prayer is the same God we serve and if your soul is like Psalm 70 anguished sad crying out saying God hurry to help me I come here as a prophet of God in your life to tell you that God will hurry to help you God will hurry to Grant you Victory God will hurry to place in your hands what you have been praying to him for I prophet propy in the name of Jesus that
even in this year you will experience the best of God on Earth you will conquer everything you have asked for and dreamed of just persevere insist persist stay strong in your purpose because God is faithful to fulfill the promise and in Psalm 70 the psalmist is saying I am distressed hurry Lord hurry to deliver me and maybe you said just as the psalmist said hurry God I can't take it anymore I can't bear it any longer maybe your strength has run out maybe your faith has run out but God is strengthening your faith through this
word and telling you hold on a little longer wait a little longer God will intervene in this matter God will provide in this situation and you will witness them hand of God entering your home your emotions your finances and rebuilding everything that has collapsed everything that has been destroyed God will restore it in your life because the blessings of Psalm 70 are descending upon you now receive in the name of Jesus the blessings of Psalm 70 in your life your home your health your finances your family in the name of Jesus the psalmist was sad
distressed rest he needed God to hurry and show him favor and maybe you're in the same need needing an immediate answer needing an urgent Victory from God but be calm be patient in the spiritual realm God is working in your favor your eyes may not see it but there are angels of God fighting Waring and victory will be granted to you the Bible says that Daniel Prayed for 21 days and he only received the answer to his prayer on the 21st day however God had told Daniel since the first day you set your heart to
pray I heard your prayer in other words God had already heard your prayer but sometimes there is a spiritual battle preventing the miracle from happening there is a war between the forces of Good and Evil but God is putting his hand in this matter it is where God intervenes hurry Lord hurry to deliver me and maybe you said just as the psalmist said hurry God I can't take it anymore I can't bear it any longer maybe your strength has run out maybe your faith has run out but God is strengthening your faith through this word
and telling you hold on a little longer longer wait a little longer God will intervene in this matter God will provide in this situation and you will witness the hand of God entering your home your emotions your finances and rebuilding everything that has collapsed everything that has been destroyed God will restore it in your life because the blessings of Psalm 70 are descending upon you now receive in them name of Jesus the blessing of Psalm 70 in your life your home your health your finances your family in the name of Jesus the psalmist was sad
distressed he needed God to hurry and show him favor and maybe you're in the same need needing an immediate answer needing an urgent Victory from God but be calm be patient in the spiritual realm God is working in your favor your eyes may not see it but there are angels of God fighting Waring and victory will be granted to you the Bible says that Daniel Prayed for 21 days and he only received the answer to his prayer on the 21st day however God had told Daniel since the first day you set your heart to pray
I heard your prayer in other words God had already heard your prayer but sometimes there there is a spiritual battle preventing the miracle from happening there is a war between the forces of Good and Evil but God is putting his hand in this matter it is where God intervenes Satan cannot Prevail wherever God places his hand the enemy cannot Prevail and God is placing his hand upon your situation upon what you have been praying for victory is guarant guaranteed by the blood of Jesus shed on the cross of Calvary hold on to your Victory hold
on to your blessing do not give up insist persist stand firm in faith and prayer because God will grant you the blessing will grant you the victory and you will come back to this channel to share your testimony make this vow with God lord if you deliver what I am asking for I will return to Bruno Souza's Channel and share my testimony of that word from Psalm 70 hurry God and I will say God hurried to hear my prayer answered my plea and granted me victory for the glory and praise of your Holy Name the
only thing we need to understand is that every Victory is for the glorification of God's name we have nothing for ourselves everything is for God everything belongs to God for from him and through him and to him are all things when God grants you the house you have been asking for say glory to God it was God who gave it to me when God gives you the car you have been asking for say glory to God it was God who gave it to me when God gives you the marriage you have been asking for say
glory to God it was God who gave it to me of course we do our part of course we make efforts to conquer but everything comes from God it is God who exalts God who humbles it is God who impoverishes and God who enriches it is God who kills and God who makes alive everything is under his command everything belongs to him he is the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end for from him and through him are all things everything is in the domain of Jehovah and we serve this God so take
hold of this word take hold of the blessings of Psalm 70 in your life and believe with all your heart oh God who hurries to Grant Victory and the god of Jacob he is not just the god of the past he is the god of yesterday today and and forever he is the god of Jacob and he has taken charge of your life and victory is yours what has God signed in your life what has God signed for your life no eraser from hell can erase what God has written for you take hold of your
blessing lift up your head turn things around because you were born to conquer and nothing end no one can take away the presence of God in your life within your heart and at this moment I want to unite my faith with your faith I want to unite My Hope with your hope I want to unite my certainty my conviction with your conviction and certainty I want to unite my prayer with your prayer and together in one unified cry let us pray the prayer of Psalm 70 amen let us pray Sovereign God Eternal Father creator of
Heaven and Earth in your holy and Powerful invincible and infallible presence We Stand we are here to ask of you we are here to thank you we are here to pray to seek your face you are the one who lives and reigns forever the psalmist was in a moment of Anguish and sadness when he said to you hurry oh God to deliver me and we B want to make the psalmist's words our own hurry oh God to help us look upon the tears of your daughter look upon the tears of your servant who is listening
to this prayer and perhaps is crying and asking you for an answer a provision that only you can give Lord You Are The Specialist in the impossible nothing in heaven on Earth in the stars or in the Seas is impossible for you you can do all things you are the one who walked on water you are the one who multiplied bread and fish you are the Lord who healed the paralytic and made him walk again you are the one who made the blind see you are the one who raised the dead you are the one
who died and rose again on the third day you are powerful you are magnific ient you are the lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David the Lamb of God the Bright Morning Star Lord you are the alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end you are omnipotent omniscient and omnipresent you are present in all places and nothing is hidden from you you know and you search all things you know the heart of your servant the heart of your handmade you know our hearts God you interpret the tears of the faithful believer
and in this moment of prayer we want to present ourselves before you just as the psalmist David presented himself in Psalm 70 and he said but I am poor and needy look oh God upon the Affliction the need of your people Lord in the name of Jesus we ask of you we implore before you we prostrate ourselves at your feet recognizing your greatness recognizing that only you are faithful to fulfill to accomplish the promises you are not a man that you should lie nor a son of man that you should repent your word says that
if your people who are called by your name will humble themselves pray seek your face and turn from their Wicked Ways then you will hear from Heaven forgive their sins and heal their land and here we are humbling ourselves seeking praying repenting for all the mistakes we have made and we ask you oh God to do the impossible and there Supernatural to do what the doctors could not do do what the lawyers judges and prosecutors could not do open the way for every cause in the justice system remove the obstacles and Grant Victory to your
servant and to this Afflicted mother who has been praying for her child's deliverance from drugs alcohol and addiction set free Lord This Woman's child and Grant victory in the name of Jesus Lord to this Afflicted and needy mother who prays for her children who prays without God for her children Grant this gift this blessing to your servant in the name of Jesus rescue oh God this young woman this young man from the addiction of alcohol and drugs and make her a missionary in your presence make him a preacher of the gospel God in the name
of Jesus I present this couple who are in crisis this couple who is on the verge of divorce God In The Name of Jesus reach out with your outstretched hand enter with your power and restore this marriage restore this family that is in crisis and Grant Victory to God for the glory and praise of your name we cry out to a God who is faithful who is mighty the creator of Heaven and Earth and everything in the universe God we ask you in the name of Jesus to perform them Miracle Lord for this woman and
this man who are seeking a job opportunity open the door of employment Lord bless the financial life of your daughter and son so that they can come back here in prayer and share the testimony that the door of employment has been open for the glory of God open the door of employment in the lives of your daughter and son bless the material aspect of Our Lives In The Name of Jesus especially bless our spiritual lives make us more intimate with you make us Lord more and more of your friends each day make us more and
more excellent worshippers God may we seek your face every day not out of pain but out of love it is love that we want to seek your presence God We Trust in your power and we place you Above All Else above everyone you are in first place in our hearts God In The Name of Jesus we don't want to serve you just for what you can give us but we want to serve you Lord for who you are in our lives God In The Name of Jesus bring your peace bring your blessing your love your
favor may the blessings of Psalm 70 manifest in the lives of this woman and this man who is listening to me I present before you oh God all the prayer requests that have been placed in the comments of this video enter with your blessing enter with your provision enter with your answer and Grant Victory to your people in the name of Jesus we ask you in the name of Jesus we cry out to you in the name of Jesus we implore you before you Lord exalt The Humble bring down the one who exalts himself Grant
Victory to your people in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit we ask you in the name of Jesus come and heal the illnesses whatever type of illness is in the bodies of your sons and daughters let every illness disappear now in the name of Jesus disappear for the word of God tells us in Isaiah 53 that the Lord has borne our sicknesses the punishment that brought us peace was upon you and by your wounds we are healed restored transformed so send your healing send your favor Lord in the name of
Jesus hurry oh God we are asking you as servants we are imploring you as humble servants in your presence without you we are nothing without you we can do nothing without you we will achieve nothing but with you Lord we can do all things with you oh God we can overcome the challenges of life we acknowledge that without you we are powerless for you are Our Shepherd and we shall not want therefore oh God I present the requests of your sons and daughters and Grant a special Victory an exclusive blessing a blessing from your throne
in the lives of each brother each sister in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit may the blessings of Psalm 70 be upon our lives and may you Lord hasten by your mercy to grant us victory in every area of Our Lives Liv so that our testimony may be told and your name glorified in our testimony of Victory and blessing in the name of Jesus we ask and thank you in advance for all that you have done and all that you will continue to do in our lives in the name of
Jesus Amen and thanks be to God and may God bless your life take hold of this word take hold of this prayer believe that the God of David The God Who hastens to help us is with you and with God we are the majority with God we will break down walls and with God we will overcome Giants with God in our lives we will overcome the storms with God we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus our lord our god of love and mercy may God bless you greatly you and your entire family a big
hug and May the peace of the Lord Jesus be in your heart and remember you were born to conquer and experience all the blessings of Psalm 70 in your life the Peace of the Lord Jesus and may God bless us more and more may God bless your life and your family in a very special way today we will be praying Psalm 125 and I believe that through this prayer God will bless your family God will bless your financial life God will bless your entire life God will bless your marriage and your children God will bless
your life believe with all your heart and most importantly God God will bless your spiritual life our spiritual life needs to be in fullness before God and this Psalm will be a fortress for your spirit it will lift your spirits strengthen you recharge your energy and you will glorify the name of the Lord before we begin I want to invite you to share this video with a friend it may bless someone else's life if you wish leave your prayer request or comment below I always read the comments and include the requests in my prayers amen
let us meditate on Psalm 125 and understand what God wants to reveal to us through his word don't leave the video stay until there and because God has a powerful Revelation to deliver to you through this Mighty Psalm Psalm 125 God will speak strongly to your heart the answer you need will come into your life today believe with all your heart and soul Let's Open The Book of Psalms if you have a Bible near you open it to the Book of Psalms and follow along with me Psalm 125 says verse 1 those who trust in
the Lord are like Mount Zion which cannot be shaken but endures forever in this verse we can perceive God's faithfulness in the lives of those who trust in him the text says that those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion which cannot be shaken but endures forever so my friend what has been shaking your faith what has been shaking your hope what has been shaking your life what is troubling you because the text says that those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion which which cannot be shaken but endures forever I
know that we are made of Flesh and Bone and sometimes we feel weakness we feel discouraged it's normal for that to happen but the Sorrows of Life the weaknesses the difficult moments cannot take away our faith cannot take away our hope in Jesus Christ the tribulations the struggles of Life cannot dim the brightness of the Holy Spirit on your face do not allow your faith to be shaken by the struggles and adversities you may face yes you may go through difficult times you may face challenges but these difficult moments will not determine your faith your
defeat or your failure on the contrary the difficult moment you may be experiencing is making you stronger stronger in God and your faith will not be stolen the the enemy may think he will destroy you but Satan has two jobs to rise and to fall because the one who is with us is greater than the darkness the one who is with us is greater than the enemies the one who is with us is the almighty God and he is faithful in your life he is faithful in your story and the text says that those who
trust in the Lord are like the mountains of Zion that cannot be shaken notice that spring autumn summer and winter pass seasons pass time passes but a mountain doesn't move the earthquake May Come but the mountain doesn't move the storm may come but the mountain doesn't move if you look at the hills you see the mountains you will realize that year after year there mountains remain firm in the same place that that's how it is for those who trust in the Lord storms may come struggles may arrive but you will not move from the position
God has placed you in in the position God has placed you no one can take you away your position is that of a child of the king a daughter of the king a son of the king your position is that of a princess of Christ a prince of the Lord and no one can remove you from this position that's why you are like the unshakable Mount Zion in God say yes with faith I am like Mount Zion unshakable in the presence of the Lord do you know why you are unshakable because you can do all
things through him who strengthens you do you know why you are unshakable in God because the Lord the creator of Heaven and Earth is your strong Shield he he is the one who guards you guides you protects you and defends you he is the Lord of your life that's why you are unshakable in God and the text says in verse one those who trust in the Lord do you trust in God if you trust in God then you are like Mount Zion that cannot be shaken so do not allow the circumstances of life to shake
you stand firm because Victory is coming stand firm because God is opening doors for you stand firm in the presence of the Lord do not look to the left or right look ahead look to Christ because that's where your help comes from that's where your answer comes from and God is answering your prayer and God wants to tell you daughter calm down be at peace because I am working in secret and I will honor you openly I am your God your Shepherd your healer your judge and I am opening doors for you stand firm in
the promise because God is never late and he does not come too early God arrives at the right time at the appointed time and he fulfills the promise he made to you and in verse two the psalmist says as the mountains surround Jerusalem so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forever more verse two is declaring a promise and just as the mountains surround Jerusalem so the Lord surrounds his people who are the people of God you and I God is around us he is around us to defend us he is around us to
guard us he is around us to protect us and grant us them Victory we desire and need God is around your family God is around your home God is around your work God is around your life and no evil Arrow shall touch you because God is around you believe believe with all your heart because the enemy cannot touch you when they're is a mighty God surrounding you the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end the one who is the one who was there Almighty is around you and you shall not be shaken because
the Lord is with you God is with you even in the moments when you thought of giving up God was there holding your hand saying daughter son do not fear I am with you even in the moments when you looked around and said no one understands me no one comprehend ends me hey is there a God who understands you is there a God who comprehends you and he is carrying you in his arms daughter son Victory is coming to your home to your life Embrace this word believe that God is using this humble servant to
confirm the promise in your life through this powerful word just as the mountains surround jerus Jem so the Lord surrounds his people surrounding Our Lives verse three tells us for the scepter of wickedness shall not rest on the land allotted to the righteous so that the righteous may not stretch out their hands to do wrong this text is saying that the Injustice of the wicked the evil of the wicked the ungodliness will not remain upon us because God will give us Deliverance God will not allow the Injustice represent Ed by the scepter of wickedness to
be upon you the scepter of wickedness represents the Injustice that we often experience in our daily lives the Injustice we sometimes face among friends and even among family members but the scepter of wickedness the Injustice will not be upon your life on the contrary God will rebuke those who oppress you those who persecute you those who slander you those who gossip about you those who speak ill of you God will rebuke them and show everyone that he is your god your Shepherd your judge your Advocate because whoever touches you touches God that's why he is
within us and at the same time around us to protect and guard us so for this reason be encouraged rejoice and Trust in them Lord because God is your judge the one who guards you the one who goes before you to Grant you Victory and verse 4 tells us do good oh Lord to those who are good and to those who are upright in their hearts here the psalmist is pleading declaring asking the Lord to do good to those who are good to those who are upright in heart remain with a righteous heart before God
for the Lord will do good to you Jesus said that if an Earthly father being imperfect gives good gifts to his children imagine how much more will God who is perfect do good God is good let me repeat for you to understand God is good you know what that means it means that God's goodness is in your life it means that this goodness opens doors for you this goodness comforts you this goodness lifts your head this goodness gives you courage Grace strength and energy to continue marching in the presence of the Lord May the goodness
of God visit you in this moment right now as you are listening to me receive the holy spirit of God strengthening you and saying I am giving you strength to keep walking in my presence be encouraged and rejoice because good my goodness is upon your life says the Lord and the text goes on to say in the last verse of Psalm 125 it says but as for those who turn aside to their crooked ways the Lord will lead them away with evildoers peace be upon Israel in this fifth verse there psalmist concludes the psalm by
saying that those who walk in crooked paths will be punished by God they will be judged by God God those who practice evil will be judged by God when we turn on the news we see so much violence so much evil hey no evil will escape the punishment of the Lord but he concludes the psalm by saying peace be upon Israel and do you know who the Israel of God is you and I we are the spiritual Israel of God peace will will be Upon Our Lives upon our homes upon our families reading Psalm 125
now we can understand the security we have in God we can understand the Refuge we have in God by reading this Psalm 125 we can comprehend that God makes us strong in difficult times that God will judge the wicked with righteousness and in moments of tribulation the Lord will be our people peace our rest if you are going through a difficult time receive this word of encouragement and spiritual strengthening remain firm in the presence of the Lord trusting in Him because God is making you like the mountain of Zion unshakable in the presence of God
unshakable to receive victory for God prepares the Victory and he also prepares Our Lives to receive the victory God is making you like the unshakable mountain of Zion so when the victory the complete blessing arrives in your life you can Rejoice powerfully take a deep breath and say only the Lord is God my sister and my brother we are passing through this world but one thing is certain as long as we are here on this Earth we can rejoice in the presence of the Lord and enjoy them Rich blessings that the Lord gives us therefore
rest your heart rest your soul be at peace sleep peacefully because God is taking care of your tomorrow and what you are asking for in prayer the Lord says to you I am working in silence and I will honor you publicly just trust in me because those who trust in the Lord are like the mountains of Zion that cannot be shaken but endure forever amen claim your victory take hold of the blessings of Psalm 125 in your life in this moment I want to pray for you I want to pray for your life and ask
God for the blessings of Psalm 125 in your home in your financial life in your emotional life in your ministry and in your spiritual life may God bless you abundantly amen close your eyes focus on God I want to pray for you regardless of what your problem may be I am here to pray for you it is my pleasure to pray for your life because your Victory is my victory I want to rejoice in your Victory and I would greatly appreciate it if when you receive it you come back here and comment sharing your testimony
of Victory amen let us pray Sovereign God and Eternal Father creator of the ends of the earth we are in your holy presence and we have just read and meditated on Psalm 125 we understand that those who trust in you are like the mountains of Zion unshakable and enduring forever god listen to the prayer of this humble servant who is asking for your blessing in this moment for your servant on the other side who is asking for this blessing your child is asking for this blessing we we have just read and meditated on Psalm 125
and understood in this Psalm that those who trust in you are like the mountain of Zion that will not be shaken therefore strengthen us in your presence to continue marching with the power and authority of your spirit the Holy Spirit of Truth fills our hearts with faith through this prayer may the hearts of my sister and my brother be filled with faith and conviction in you the holy spirit of God goes where the doctor cannot go where the lawyer judge or prosecutor cannot go perform the extraordinary miracle in the life of this woman and this
man who is listening to me in this moment God In The Name of Jesus enter the hearts and remove all sadness all anguish now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus may your peace and mercy be in this house in this family may your holy peace Lord be poured out in our hearts God remove all anxiety all worry all anguish all sadness in the name of Jesus Christ if you are feeling any anguish at this moment place your hand on your heart if you are feeling any sadness right now place your hand
on your heart and I will command that this sadness this anguish be replaced with joy trust and faith in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth anguish sadness depression fear anxiety I give you the command now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth in the name of Jesus I will count from 1 to three and you will leave sadness anguish bitterness leave in the name of Jesus I count one sadness this heart is not your place depression you have no power over this life I count two I decree God's blessing upon this house this
family this life that is listening to me in this moment I count three receive peace receive love receive grace receive encouragement receive virtue receive power receive strength to overcome receive the anointing of the holy spirit of God in your life at this moment open your mouth and say I am a conqueror I am a conqueror in Christ Jesus because I trust in the Lord and I am like Mount Zion say it loudly say it for hell to tremble say it for your heart to hear say it for the angels to listen say it like this
I am unshakable in God because I trust in the Lord therefore I am like Mount Zion unshakable and enduring forever say it loudly I am unshakable in God and I Endure forever say yes to the blessings of Psalm 1125 they are in my life in my family in my home they are upon me in the name of Jesus take possession of Victory and believe God is with you amen all honor all glory all praise and Majesty be to the Lord God Almighty forever and may God bless your life may this Psalm have refreshed your soul
if you are not subscribed yet subscribe to the channel here on YouTube enable notifications so that whenever a new prayer is released you receive it firsthand and and remember you were born to conquer and live every promise of God today we will be praying Psalm 126 and God will surely bless us in a very special way share this video with your friends feel free to make your prayer request I am always presenting before God all the prayer requests and Mak may the blessings and victories of the father be upon your life and your family in
the name of Jesus Psalm 126 is a beautiful and lovely Psalm just like all the others let's read it verse by verse and let's also pray Psalm 126 stay until the end of this prayer this video I am confident that God will speak powerfully to you through this prayer through this message Psalm 126 says when the Lord brought back the Captivity of Zion we were like those who dream then our mouth was filled with laughter and our tongue with singing in verses 1 and 2 we can contemplate the faithfulness of our God towards us a
God who does not forsake his people a God who is always with us to defend us and grant us Victory and in verse two the psalmist declares then our mouth was filled with laughter in other words in our lives we smile sometimes it's difficult sometimes the struggles and trials of life may try to take the smile off your face but don't stop smiling don't stop rejoicing in the presence of the Lord Our God no matter how much the struggles end adversities of Life come against you don't let anything in this world nothing on this Earth
take the smile off your face the smile off your face it was God who designed it and God loves and desires for you me and us to smile and rejoice that's why verse 2 says then our mouth was filled with laughter and our tongue with singing never stop smiling never stop dreaming never stop believing that the best from God has already come and even more blessings will come into your life never stop praising singing hymns of worship to the Lord the Bible tells the story of Paul and Silas being imprisoned because they had preached the
gospel and it describes how they prayed and sang hymns of Praise this story is written in the book of Acts of the Apostles and suddenly while Paul and Silas were singing there was an earthquake and the chains were broken your praise your worship breaks the chains of hell and while you Worship the Lord works in your favor in the moment you play a gospel song and start listening to that worship song at that very moment the demons fall to the ground because Satan does not like worship the enemy dislikes the praise that Ador the Creator
and in the moment that we worship hell trembles in the moment that we worship the heavens open in the moment that we worship Angels descend and Ascend in the moment that we worship chains are broken and victory arrives in our lives and when Paul and Silas were worshiping singing there was an earthquake in that prison and there chains and shackles were broken for the glory of God I don't know my sister and my brother the problem you are living or facing but one thing I am sure of while you Worship the Lord is sending a
strong Angel to break curses to break barriers the Lord is sending his power to undo evil and Grant you Victory therefore worship and in verse 2 of Psalm 126 the psalmist is saying then our mouth was filled with laughter and our tongue with singing then among the Nations it was said the Nations said as follows the Lord has done great things for them one day the world will look at us and say the Lord has done great things for them when the enemy beholds your smile and your song your joy in the presence of God
they will say the world will say the Lord has done great things in the life of that woman in the life of that man it is very beautiful and lovely that even in Trials even in struggles we have reasons to Rejoice because of the presence of God within us the world is in crisis but we are in Christ Jesus we are anchored on the rock that is our God we are Anchored In Christ the wind May blow but you won't fall because your house your life is built on the rock that is Jesus Christ and
and you won't fall and when the world sees a Christian standing firm on the Rock they don't understand the world they don't understand the Christian the world doesn't understand you the world cannot comprehend why even in the face of struggles trials and disappointments the believer has reasons to Rejoice to lift their hands to the heavens and say blessed be the Lord the Eternal God forever when job lost every everything he had his children his wealth his health job did not complain job did not murmur on the contrary the Bible says that job said the lord
gave and the Lord has taken away Blessed Be There name of the Lord forever job didn't need to see reasons to understand the struggle and trial he was experiencing he only needed to see God and that was enough for him to endure all the hardships he faced you and I we need to see God in difficult times that's why this Psalm 126 is a reflection of God's presence in the life of a Christian because in verse 2 it says then our mouth was filled with laughter and our tongue with singing then it was said among
the Nations the Lord has done great things for them and in verse three it affirms by saying the Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy the Lord has done great things for you my sister great things the Lord has done for you my brother you may wonder what great thing God has done for me I will answer you the great thing that God has done for you for me and for all of us is dying on the cross of Calvary in granting us salvation your name is written in The
Book of Life you belong to God and God is within you God delivers us every day every day you leave your house to go to work God is delivering you have you ever imagined how many times God has delivered you from death God has delivered you and he has delivered your family so many times God Saves Us from Evil and danger that's why Psalm 126 6:3 says the Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy some people find their happiness in worldly things but the reason and the source of our
happiness should be in God if the reason for my happiness is Christ and God I can say with Clarity the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want for this reason my sister for this reason my brother which rejoice in the presence of the Lord for the Lord has done great things and I say more the Lord will do great things in your life let me repeat the Lord will do great things in your life the Lord will do great things in your story in your family if you are going through a difficult time have
calmness and patience the Lord will do great things in your life and you will will cry but you will not cry in sadness you will Cry tears of joy in the presence of God and you will be able to say as the psalmist said in Psalm 126 the Lord has done great things for me and I am joyful in his presence verse 4 says restore our fortunes Lord like streams in the nef verse 5 those who sow with tears will reap with joy this verse 4 talks about the cap captivity of Israel when they were
slaves in a foreign land but they were set free from that captivity and verse five confirms it by saying those who sow with tears will reap with joy this means that every tear you have shed will be transformed into joy every tear you have shed God will turn it into Victory no tears shed by a faithful believer is in vain every tear we shed the Lord will reward and verse 6 confirms this verse 6 the last verse of Psalm 126 says those who go out weeping carrying seed to seow will return with songs of Joy
carrying sheaves with them in other words God is here assuring us that if we go out carrying the precious seed with tears we will undoubtedly return with songs of joy we will return with joy in our souls therefore my friend if you have been crying if you have been suffering if you have shed your tears know that those who carry the precious seed the precious seed being the word of God while weeping will undoubtedly return with joy carrying sheaves with them it means the results the results of the tears you have shed when we talk
about tears the Bible says in Psalm 30 that weeping may stay for the night but rejoicing comes in the morning the Bible says blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted the tears of a faithful believer are not in vain in the book of Samuel the Bible tells the story of a woman named Hannah who had a rival named panina who was this rival she abused her mocked her because she couldn't have children Hannah was Barren she couldn't conceive and Hannah walked in sadness with her head bowed crying Hannah's life was filled with
tears she cried in the morning in the afternoon and at night she cried all the time Hannah was very sad because all she wanted was to have a child but she made a vow to God God likes vows and she made a vow to God if you need something from God make a vow to him and Hannah made her vow to God what was Hannah's vow she made the following proposal to the Lord Lord if you give me a child if you grant me what I am asking for I will give this child back to
you I will dedicate this child to your alter this was Hannah's vow there are many things we ask for and forget to make a vow regarding what we are asking for do you want this Victory so badly then make a vow to the Lord everyone has their own style of making a vow Hannah's style of making a vow was this God if you give me a child I will give that child back to you I will dedicate this child to your work I will donate this child to your temple so that he may be a
priest in your house and that's what Hannah did Hannah became pregnant with Samuel God honored Hannah's vow but she made that vow while crying in the presence of the Lord she made that vow by shedding tears at the feet of the Creator and God honored Hannah's faith and granted her request which was Samuel the prophet when Samuel was weaned she took him to the temple and entrusted him to the priest so that he would take care of Samuel and Samuel would become a priest in the house of the Lord in the future God is the
one who likes vows try making a vow to God you will see and he will answer you with Glory power and victory the Bible also speaks in the book of Isaiah about a king named Hezekiah and God used the prophet Isaiah to say that King Hezekiah would die so Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and he began to cry cry and shed tears in the presence of God God listened and saw the tears of King Hezekiah God used the prophet Isaiah once again to prophesy saying Hezekiah the Lord has seen your tears and God
will add years to your life hey my sister God saw your tears listen well my sister and my brother God saw your tears and every tear you have shed God will transform into Joy it's not me who is promising this it is the word of God it is God who is promising this to us Psalm 126:5 tells us those who sow in tears shall reap with joy meaning that those who cry out to God God God responds those who cry out to God God honors their faith many cry out of longing many cry because they
have lost something many cry out of anger many cry out of jealousy many cry because they wish you upon others many cry while watching a movie but those who weep at the foot of the cross those who weep in prayer God answers the tears of the faithful believer and grants Victory blessing honor and fulfills the promised made the Bible says that God is not a man who lies or a son of man who repents all those who cry out all those who pour out their tears at the feet of Jesus will receive the joy and
peace that comes from God therefore my sister if you have cried or are crying wipe away your tears because a time of joy Joy is coming a time to sing in your life is approaching the time has come for you to share your testimony you will speak of the Wonders that the Lord has done in your story prepare yourself because the reward from God in your life is great prepare yourself because the victory that the Lord will give you is great your tears are not in vain your groaning is not in vain God understands our
tears each tear we shed is a message to God each tear that falls from our eyes the angel collects these tears and brings them to the throne of the Father the Bible says in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 that there is a time for everything there is a time to weep and a time to laugh there is a time to sew and a time to celebrate perhaps you have lived through the time of tears but the time of joy is approaching the time of honor the time of Conquest the time of victory in your life in your
home in your family receive this word and take hold of this message say I take hold of this word in my life with all my heart I love you my sister and my brother in this moment let us pray the prayer of Psalm 126 let us cry out and ask God our merciful god to grant us the blessing of Psalm 126 May every tear that has flowed from our eyes be transformed by the Lord into Victory blessings health and prosperity in our lives our tears your tears have watered the seed of faith and fruits of
Hope and blessings will sprout in your life and in your story amen take hold of this word take hold of this message in your life let us pray close your eyes and let us converse with the Sovereign father the Eternal God the creator of Heaven and Earth here in your presence We Stand we are here to humbly ask you Lord because we know that you alone are omnipotent omniscient and omnipresent you are present in all places you are the alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end we enter your presence in prayer Psalm 126
has been read and we want to take hold of all the blessings of Psalm 126 in our lives God your word says that those who weep will receive victory that those who cry will find relief in your presence so Lord I ask you as a father Lord in the name of Jesus Christ behold the tears of your daughter Lord look upon the tears of your servant who has cried and asked you for this special blessing in her life remove all fear and anxiety from our hearts remove Lord from our hearts everything that displeases your presence
we ask you in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus that every depression in the heart mind and life of this woman and this man be be cast down now in the name of Jesus Holy Spirit of Truth you are powerful you are Majestic do what the doctor cannot do do what the Earthly man cannot do do what the lawyer the judge the prosecutor cannot do holy spirit of God embrace the soul of my sister the soul of my brother Lord embrace them with your comfort for your word says that we do not
know how to pray as we should but your Holy Spirit intercedes for us with inexpressible groanings so Lord through the intercession of your Holy Spirit I ask you Lord in your mercy Grace and light overflow with your Mysteries overflow with your blessings overflow with your benevolence upon the lives of my sister and my brother granting Victory so that they may testify of the great blessings that you will confirm in their lives in The Sovereign name of Jesus Christ the one who died and rose again on the third day in the name of the one who
walked on water in the name of the one who healed the paralytic at the pool of Bethesda in the name of the one who healed the woman with the issue of blood in the name of the one who multiplied the Loaves and Fishes in the name of the one who is and was and is to come in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth receive your blessing re receive your Victory receive in the name of Jesus power Grace anointing confidence Faith to march in them presence of God with authority in the powerful name of Jesus
we ask you oh Lord God and we thank you in advance because you are faithful to grant us Victory all honor and glory be given to you from the ages to the ages amen and thanks be to God repeat this phrase with me my tears will be transformed into Victory my tears will be transformed into blessings in the name of Jesus I take hold of them blessings and Promises of Psalm 126 in my life in my family in my home in the name of Jesus Christ amen feel relieved feel light feel as light as a
feather amen this is the presence of the Holy Spirit within you may God bless your life abundantly thank you very much for participating in this channel if you are not subscribed Please Subscribe amen may God bless you abundantly feel embraced by the Holy Spirit the Peace of the Lord Jesus be with you and your entire family
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