Could you survive a nanosecond on the Sun?

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this question comes from AJ who wrote when I was about 8 years old shoveling snow on a freezing day in Colorado I wish that I could instantly be transported to the surface of the Sun just for a nond and then instantly transported back I figured this would be long enough to warm me up but not enough to harm me what would actually happen believe it or not this wouldn't even warm you the temperature of the surface of the Sun is about 5,800 K give or take if you stayed there for a while you'd be cooked
to a cinder but a nanc is not very long it's enough time for light to travel about a foot I'm going to assume you're facing toward the sun in general you should avoid looking directly at the Sun but it's hard to avoid when it takes up a full 180° of your view in that Nan about a microj of energy would enter your eye a microj of light is not a lot if you stare at a computer monitor with your eyes closed and then you open them and shut them very quickly your eye will takeen about
as much light from the screen during your reverse blink as it would during a nond on the sun's surface is there a word for that like a blink but in Reverse I feel like there should be a word for that anyway during the nanc on the sun photons from the Sun would flood into your and strike your retinal cells then at the end of the NC you jump back home at this point the retinal cells wouldn't have even begun responding over the next few million NCS or milliseconds the retinal cells having absorbed a bunch of
light energy would get into gear and start signaling to your brain that something had happened you would spend 1 nond on the Sun but it would take 30 million NS for your brain to notice from your point of view all you would see is a flash The Flash would seem to last much longer than your time on the sun only fading as your retinal cells finally quieted down the energy absorbed by your skin would be minor about 10us 5 Jew per sare cm of Exposed Skin for comparison according to the i e p1584 standard holding
your finger in the blue flame of a butane lighter for 1 second delivers about 5 Jew per square cm to the skin which is roughly the threshold for receiving a second degree burn the heat during your sun visit would be five orders of magnitude weaker than that so other than the dim Flash in your eyes you might not even notice but what if you got the coordinates wrong the sun's surface is relatively cool it's hotter than like Phoenix but compared to the interior of the sun it's downright chilly the surface is a few thousand de
but the interior is a few million de what if you spent a nond there the Stefan boltzman law lets us calculate how much heat you'd absorb while inside the sun it's not good you would exceed the i e 1584 B standard for second degree burns after one ftoc in the Sun a nanc the time you're spending there is a million ftocs this doesn't end well for you but there's some good news deep in the Sun the photons carrying energy around have very short wavelengths they're not visible light they're mostly of what we consider hard and
soft x-rays this means that they penetrate into your body to various depths heating your internal organs and also ionizing your DNA causing your reversible damage before they even start burning you looking back I realize I started that by saying there's some good news I don't know why I did that don't spend a nanc inside the Sun in Greek legend Icarus flew too close to the Sun and the heat melted his wings and he fell to his death it's true that the temperature is higher closer to the Sun but temperature and heat aren't the same thing
melting or any phase change of a substance requires the absorption of a specific amount of heat energy per kilog and the heat absorbed is a function of both the temperature and the length of time you're exposed to it which brings us back to ioras his wings didn't melt because he flew too close to the Sun they melted because he spent too much time there visit briefly in little Hops and you can go anywhere [Music]
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