there is one currency that will never be touched by inflation it will always be high in value this currency is not Bitcoin or gold or real estate it is personal influence how do you build it when you have nothing I have some simple rules for you number one close your stupid mouth you talk too much and play the 8020 rule let the other person talk 80% and you 20% of the time kill your ego number two who questions leads apply again the 8020 rule when you talk use 80% of the time for asking questions this
is how you find out what the other person really want and how you can connect to this what you really want number three di for deep desires you need to listen and question well because you want to get to deep desires of a person and then help them achieve them some want Power some want wealth some just want peace help them and you will be helped this is influence number four keep records when you talk to someone listen like your life depends on it and afterwards make notes that you can look up before you meet
again the world is small but the desires are big and will rarely change number five do not be a Suka influential people hate fake flattery they hurt it a million times be sincere with your compliments don't say yes to everything influential people hate and exploit weak people but will support strong people if they are humble and loyal number six be humble influential people will value you by the size of your ego if you have a big ego if you are easily triggered and criticize others often then you are not just annoying but you are potential
problem leave your ego outside of the door before you enter a room of influence but take in your honor and your integrity and finally of course number seven be a leader a true leader looks out for his people without expecting return a true leader will take responsibility for mistakes and improve quickly a true leader acts never out of ego but always out of Honor this is how his power grows day by day if you don't have a lot of money and assets there is only one way to come to influence honor honor is never what
you own or what you want but what you give to the right people this is your influence be honorable [Music]