[Music] chris gardner chris gardner how are you good morning chris gardner chris carter good to see you again chris gardner pleasure i've been sitting out there for the last half hour trying to come up with a story that would explain my being here dressed like this and and i wanted to come up with a story that would demonstrate qualities that i'm sure you all admire here like like earnestness or diligence and team playing to something and i couldn't think of anything so the truth is i was arrested for failure to pay parking tickets parking figures
and i ran all the way here from the polk station the police station what were you doing before you were arrested i was uh painting my apartment did you dry now i hope so jay says you're pretty determined oh he's been waiting outside the front of the building with some 40-pound gizmo for over a month he said you're smart i'd like to think so and you want to learn this business yes sir i want to learn this business have you already started learning on your own absolutely jay yes sir how many times have you seen
chris no i don't know one too many apparently has he ever dressed like this no no jacket and ty first in your class in school high school yes sir how many in the class uh 12. it was a small town i'll say but i was also first in my radar class in in the navy and that was a class of 20. can i say something um i'm the type of person if you ask me a question and i don't know the answer i'm gonna tell you that i don't know but i bet you what i
know how to find the answer and i will find the answer is that fair enough chris what would you say if a guy walked in for an interview without a shirt on and i hired him what would you say he must have had on some really nice pants [Laughter] chris i don't know how you did it dressed as a garbage man but you really pulled it off in there thank you very much mr twistle hey now you can call me jay all right we'll talk to you soon all right so i'll let you know jay
you'll let me know jay what do you mean yeah i'll give you a call tomorrow sometime what what are you talking you hounded me for this you stood here listen there's no salary no i was not aware of that my circumstances have changed some and i need to be certain that i'll be able to okay tonight i swear i will fill your spot i promise you i'll look like if you back out you know what i'll look like to the partners yes and ass an ass all the way you are a piece of work tonight