Physio Reveals: 5 Science-Backed Exercises that Reverse Aging

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Shrey Vazir - Physiotherapist
If you want to feel and move like you're 20 years younger, then this video is perfect for you! Physi...
Video Transcript:
did you know that there are five simple exercises that can help you feel and move like you're 20 years younger the thing is many of us accept growing weaker and more frail as we age but here is the exciting news there's a special exercise approach that can physically reverse aging in just weeks in this video I'll show you that approach as well as the top five science back exercises you need to do to stay strong and healthy especially if you're over 50 now now before we dive into the exercises let's talk about a key factor
that impacts our longevity and Mobility one that's often overlooked in 1989 scientists coined the term sarcopenia from the Greek word SARS meaning flush and penia meaning loss to describe age related muscle decline that starts in our third decade of Life what they didn't realize then was how rapidly this condition accelerates after age 5050 fast forward to 2019 sarcopenia became officially recognized as a medical condition why because research now shows that it's a major cause of disability Frailty and falls in older adults but here is the good news recent studies including a groundbreaking one in 2024
reveals that sarcopenia is not only preventable but also reversible this particular study showed that older adults can reverse muscle loss in just 12 weeks with the right exercises now you might be thinking I already know exercise is important but here's the catch as for the study not all exercises are created equal doing the wrong ones or exercising without the right approach can waste your time or even lead to injury that's why in this video I'll show you the top five anti-aging exercises and the one approach that scientists called the gold standard for reversing muscle loss
regardless of your age for these five exercises we'll focus on the key muscle groups in your body offering both easier and challenging variations to suit any Fitness level let's get into exercise number one this is something I recommend to almost every patient in my clinic that is over 50 it is the squat squats Target the biggest muscles of our legs our glutes quadriceps and hamstrings which are crucial in helping us walk climb stairs and get off a chair but what people don't know is that squats also activate the muscles of the back and our core
this helps build stability and endurance in our trunk which ultimately helps with everyday tasks like lifting bending and carrying so here is how to do the squats correctly St in standing with feet shoulder width apart place your arms either straight in front of you or cross them in front of your chest as you inhale slowly lower yourself down by bending at the hips and knees together be sure to pause at the bottom point the back should be straight and breathing should be deep as you exhale stand back up focusing on activating your big leg muscles
including your glutes and quads I typically recommend two sets of 10 repetitions for this exercise to make it harder you can use a weight in your hand like a 10 or 15 lb dumbbell to make it easier you can use a chair to do slow sit stands with the option of using the armrests for balance again start with two sets of 10 and you can increase the repetitions as you get stronger now before you you make squats a daily habit there is one crucial thing you need to understand without it you risk not only frustration
but also potential injury let me introduce you to Adrien a 60-year-old patient of mine who went from struggling to walk to his mailbox to being able to walk and garden for an hour in just a few weeks now Adrien loved gardening and playing with his grandkids but after injuring his back he was unable to do either when he came to see me he was only able to walk 10 minutes I gave Adrian a few exercises one of them was the squat and I also started him on a simple protocol walking for just 5 minutes a
day now here's the trick that I wish all my patients knew I asked Adrien to increase his exercise and walking Time by 20% each week and this is what we call the Golden Rule of rehab consistency is always better than intensity in 2 months Adrien tripled his walking time was able to get back to gardening for an hour and regained his strength to lift and play with his granddaughter again so the key takeaway here is that progress doesn't have to be fast it just needs to be steady to improve your strength and reverse muscle loss
we have to focus on consistency and gradual improvements think Marathon not a Sprint and this approach called Progressive strength training is what scientists now call the gold standard for fighting muscle loss and reversing aging so now that you understand this Golden Rule and approach let's dive into exercise number two this one is focused on strengthening your back and your core another exercise I recommended to Adrien exercise number two is called the modified crunch crunches are excellent for targeting your core muscles particularly the rectus abdominis which is also called the six-pack muscle but more importantly the
modified crunch helps build a strong core by strengthening the deeper muscles of the trunk and the back which is essential for maintaining good posture trunk stability while also helping reduce back pain in later years so here's how to perform the modified crunch a version most people can do lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor or on your bed place your hands on your thighs from here engage your abdominal muscles by pulling your belly button down towards the ground imagine the muscles of the core getting slightly tighter while your
low back gets flatter against the bed if you have back pain this slight movement of a pelvic tilt can give you relief from here inhale deeply and as you exhale lift your shoulder blades off the ground focus on using your abdominal muscles to curl up rather than pulling with your neck or chest only go as high as you can holding for a moment at the top then slowly lowering back down as you inhale repeating for two sets of 15 repetitions if you have neck pain you can place your hands lightly behind your head for slight
Supply but again do not pull with your neck ensure the movement is mostly coming from your core remembering that quality is more important than quantity concentrate on engaging your core throughout the movement while also maintaining your breath now to make this more challenging you can either lift up higher use a weight on your chest or you can simply do more repetitions but for an easier version you can perform a partial crunch lifting just your head and shoulders slightly off the ground maybe an inch or two but you should still be able to feel this in
your core now as with any exercise listen to your body and progress gradually starting slowly and increasing as you build strength and endurance now that we worked on strengthening your core let's move on to an exercise that will challenge your lower body strength balance and flexibility all at once exercise number three is called the reverse lunge lunges like squats are a key exercise for building stronger legs and glutes but that's not all lunges also engage your back and abdominal muscles helping to relieve stress on your spine and ease back pain which like I mentioned is
common in many of my patients over 50 research shows that regular lunges not only boost your knee and hip joint health but also increase bone density reducing the risk of osteoporosis now I'm going to show you a lunge variation that's much easier than the typical forward or walking lunge that you may see so start by placing your feet shoulder width apart and holding onto a chair or counter for support in front of you while keeping your back straight take a wider than normal step backwards your front leg should form a right angle at the bend
while your back leg remains on the toe and also bends at a right angle as best you can as you lower yourself imagine a straight line running from your back to your neck moving down as one unit bending both hips and knees to lower yourself smoothly you don't need to touch the floor with your knee just aim for a distance of about 3 to 5 cm off the floor once you reach the bottom rise slowly in one smooth motion keeping your abdominal muscles engaged and remembering to breathe throughout the movement return to the starting position
and repeat on the other side aiming for one set of 10 repetitions on each side if you have knee or hip arthritis pain I would suggest start with mini lunges lowering yourself only 25% of the weight down if you have extra mobility and strength you can try a more challenging version Let letting go of the support and using a 10 lb dumbbell in each hand for added difficulty again aim for one set of 10 repetitions on each side and increasing the numbers and the depth of your lunge gradually as you build strength now that we've
strengthened our legs and core it's time to tackle the key muscles of our upper body exercise number four is a modified push-up now push-ups are a powerful exercise for building strength in your upper body focusing on your chest shoulders and triceps but they also engage your core helping to improve your ability to lift carry push and pull and this was a key exercise for Adrien who was able to build the strength to lift and play with his granddaughter so here's how to perform a push-up starting with a modified version that's easier for beginners placing your
hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart on the floor with your knees on the ground keep your body in a straight line from your head all the way down to your knees now lower yourself towards the floor by bending your elbows keeping your body in a straight line aim to go down until your chest is just above the floor again there's no need to touch it slowly pushing yourself back up to the starting position in a smooth controlled motion engage your core and keep your body straight throughout the movement aim for two sets of 10
repetitions now for those with shoulder problems or reduced upper body Mobility try this easier version against the wall stand facing a wall with your feet about a foot away place your hands on the wall slightly wider than shoulder width bend your elbows and lean towards the wall bringing your chest closer without touching it and then pushing yourself back to the starting position this is a gentle way to build upper body strength without putting too much strain on your shoulders you can always make this harder by moving your feet further away from the wall or by
using a countertop now if you have extra strength and Mobility you can always challenge yourself with the full push-up only difference is you have your feet on the ground rather than your knees but keep your body in a straight line from your head to heels keeping your core tight now regardless of which version you choose aim for two sets of 10 repetitions to start gradually increasing as you build strength in your upper body now there's still one more exercise that is crucial for maintaining your mobility and Independence as you age time for the final exercise
the final exercise number five is the glute bridge and in my experience it's the most powerful indicator of overall mobility and strength well into your 70s 80s and Beyond if you're able to perform 10 to 20 repetitions of this exercise it means that you have the strength needed for essential daily activities like getting off the bed chair walking and climbing stairs and because of its functional importance I suggest most of my patients to incorporate it into the regular routine so here's how to perform the glute Bridge lie on your back with your knees bent and
feet flat on the floor or bed knees hip width apart place your arms at your sides Palms facing down for stability from here engage and tighten your core by bringing your belly button down as you inhale press through your heels and lift your hips off the floor squeezing your glutes at the top your body doesn't have to form a straight line just go as far as you can hold this position for a brief moment ensuring your glutes and core are engaged exhale as you slowly lower your hips back to the floor maintaining control throughout the
Descent performing two sets of 10 repetitions to make the glute Bridge more challenging try incorporating a single leg variation lifting one leg while performing The Bridge adds way more intensity and engages your stabilizer muscles of your side glutes even more for a more easier version start by focusing on squeezing and holding your glute muscles while keeping your hips close to the ground you can gradually lift your hips just 1 to 2 in off the floor as you build strength over time you'll find you can lift higher and perform the exercises with greater ease now two
key tips for those over 50 ensure that your core muscles are engaged throughout the movement and try not to extend too much through your lower back or arching backwards just make sure you're doing this in a smooth and controlled fashion so now that you know how to boost your muscle mass and get stronger here's something even more exciting did you know that there's a simple trick that can help you walk walk like you're 20 years younger click on this video and I'll show you that one exercise that can instantly improve your walking it's perfect for
anyone over 50 I'll see you there
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