my best man slept with my fianceé the night before our wedding she was never yours to begin with he smirked as he showed me the messages I didn't react but this morning he woke up to his life in ruins I should have known something was off when kilan insisted on handling the hotel arrangements for the wedding party you've got enough on your plate man let me take care of it he said showing me screenshots of the bookings on his phone my best friend since College always trying to help always there to there as I now
realize I'm still processing what happened last night but I need to write this down while it's fresh maybe it'll help someone else spot the signs I missed though honestly I was too busy with work and wetting prep to notice how much time Holly and kylin were spending together planning the perfect day it started when I couldn't find Holly at the rehearsal dinner after party she texted saying she was feeling overwhelmed and needed some air I figured she was just having pre-wedding Jitters turns out she was having something else entirely I tried calling but it went
straight to voicemail then I noticed kilan was missing too probably went to grab more someone said but his car wasn't in the parking lot something in my gut Twisted I opened Instagram to message Holly and saw she'd accidentally posted a story just for a second before deleting it but long enough for me to see the hotel room number in the background different from ours room 847 here's the thing about being with someone for 3 years you know their passcode Holly never changed hers her sister's birthday I hadn't checked her phone in ages because I trusted
her funny how that works I took the elevator up used the spare key card k had given me earlier in case of emergency the hallway was silent except for my footsteps and a distant ice machine the door beeped green they didn't even hear me come in I didn't yell didn't throw things just stood there phone out taking pictures evidence that's when kilan noticed me he didn't jump or try to cover up he smirked actually [ __ ] smirked she was never yours to begin with he said reaching for his phone want to see the messages
how long this has been going on how she comes to me every time you're too busy with work Hollywood was crying now clutching sheets to her chest Daniel please I can explain save it I said my voice steady keep the ring it's fake anyway it wasn't but watching her face fall was worth the LIE kylin laughed always so controlled this is why she needed more someone who could actually I cut him off you know what's funny kylin you just lost your job and don't even know it yet his smile flickered we work at the same
company different departments I have copies of every inappropriate email he sent from his work account every time he's taken credit for other people's work every favor he's asked for you're bluffing he said but I could see the uncertainty creeping in I smiled not a warm smile the kind of smile you give when you know exactly how someone's life is about to unravel remember that project you led last quarter the one you got a bonus for Elsie kept receipts all of them she was just waiting for the right moment his face changed Elsie was his direct
report who'd recently transferred departments she'd kept a detailed record of everything also I continued holding up my phone I just sent some interesting screenshots to odet you know your fiance the One You're supposed to marry next month now Holly was looking at him you're engaged I left them there arguing walked out calm and collected called my parents on the way down weddings off I'll explain later trust me on this got in my car drove to the 24-hour diner where I used to study during college ordered coffee opened my laptop and started writing emails HR would
have an interesting morning the wedding venue it was non-refundable but that's fine consider it the price of finding out now rather than years down the road besides watching Killen's perfectly crafted life crumble will be worth every penny he thinks this is over that I'll break down make a scene beg for explanations he doesn't know me at all I don't do drama I do consequences this isn't a story about heartbreak it's about Karma and I'm about to become Karma's favorite assistant edit since many are asking yes I have backups of everything no I'm not going to
try TR to work it out with Holly And for those suggesting I'm handling this too calmly would you prefer I catch an assault charge nah some people want revenge served hot I prefer it ice cold edit to getting lots of DMS about the work situation don't worry I've got that covered everything will be done by the book Sometimes the best weapon is a company handbook we'll update when there's more to share right now I need to cancel some vendors and make a few calls the next few days should be interesting update one first thank you
all for the support on my last post it blew up more than I expected for those asking yes I'm doing fine no I haven't had any breakdowns I've been busy it's been 5 days since I caught my ex- fiance Holly and my best man kylin together a lot has happened and I think it's time for an update remember how I mentioned having evidence of kylin's workplace misconduct well Monday morning was interesting I got to the office early like 6:00 a.m. early had a meeting scheduled with HR at 7: brought receipts all of them but let
me back up a bit the morning after the h incident I spent 4 hours cancelling wedding Arrangement Pro tip when vendors hear the bride slept with the best man they get surprisingly flexible about refund policies most of them refunded at least 60% the ones who didn't well their Yelp pages are about to get interesting reviews from wedding guests who actually experience their services Holly's been blowing up my phone first with apologies then accusations you never had time for me then more apologies I haven't blocked her I'm just letting the messages pile up they might be
useful later the fun part she been using her work email to send some of these messages you know the email system that explicitly States all Communications can be monitored the same system where she's been planning meetups with kilan for months real smart kylin though he's been surprisingly quiet probably because odet his fianceé isn't taking his calls turns out she had suspicions already and my evidence was just the final push she needed she reached out to me on Facebook asking for details we met for coffee yesterday he always had excuses for staying late at work she
said stirring her latte always with project deadlines funny how many of those projects were actually him taking credit for other people's work that's when she showed me her phone screenshots of conversations between kilan and three other women all from the last year all following the same pattern all while he was engaged to her you know what's ironic she added he made me feel crazy for being suspicious called me paranoid last month when I asked about Holly I hadn't planned on involving odet in what comes next but she volunteered I want to help she said he
needs to learn actions have consequences speaking of consequences remember Elsie kylin's former team member who kept records she's been compiling evidence of his creative approach to project management for months emails where he takes credit for her work messages where he pressures junior team members to cover for his absences meeting recordings where he presents others ideas as his own the HR meeting went exactly as planned they're launching a formal investigation kilan was called in Tuesday afternoon he tried playing at cool until they started showing him the evidence that smirk disappeared real quick but here's the cherry
on top Holly doesn't know about Odette yet or the other women she thinks she's special that kylin will leave everything for her the group chat with odet and Elsie has been enlightening you want to know the best part of all this I'm sleeping fine going to work getting my job done meanwhile killan sweating bullets in meetings watching his career slowly unravel Holly's getting increasingly Panic text from him which she forwards to me asking what's going on I just reply with it drives her crazy some of you might think this is cold maybe it is but
you know what's colder planning to sleep with your best friend's fiance than acting like you did them a favor I've got more planned but I need to be careful about what I share here let's just say that next week's department meeting should be interesting kylin scheduled to present a project overview too bad someone found evidence that he borrowed most of it from a competitor's public GitHub repository edit to the people messaging me about taking the high road this is the high road the low road would involve actions I can't mention without viol ating reddits terms
of service edit 2 yes I've backed up everything multiple copies multiple locations I'm not an amateur PS Holly since I know you found my Reddit account hi how's that conversation with HR about inappropriate use of company email going might want to check your work inbox just saying update to been two weeks since my last update a lot of you have been messaging me for news Well grab your popcorn Karma just cashed every check kylin wrote remember that department meeting I mentioned the one where he was supposed to present his Innovative project it never happened because
3 hours before the meeting odet walked into the office quick back story odet Works in marketing for one of our client companies turns out she has access to their internal communication systems including emails from 6 months ago where kilan tried to hit on her coworker while claiming he was single the same co-worker who later rejected him and mysteriously got removed from Key projects when kylin restructured the team assignments odet didn't just bring screenshots she brought Witnesses three former team members who'd quit because of kylin's management style they'd been waiting for a chance to speak up
the meeting turned into something else entirely instead of klin presenting stolen work HR called him in for an emergency Review 4 hours later he was escorted out by security carrying his sad little box of desk plants and protein shakers but that's not even the best part Holly my dear ex- fiance decided this was the perfect time to try winning me back she showed up at my place Tuesday night crying about how she'd made a horrible mistake and how kylin had manipulated her would have been more convincing if she hadn't sent him a WhatsApp message 2
hours earlier yeah I still have access to her backup email where all the notifications go asking when they could meet up I let her talk for 5 minutes then I played the audio recording from my security doorbell the one from last week where she was giggling with kylin about how they'd finally get to be together openly once he landed his promotion he's getting fired Holly right now check your phone the color drained from her face as she pulled up Twitter someone cough odet call had just posted a lengthy Thread about workplace harassment and toxic leadership
naming names it was going viral in our industry circles Holly started Panic texting kylin no response called him straight to voicemail that's when her own phone buzzed email from HR about inappropriate workplace Communications and a meeting scheduled for tomorrow morning what did you do she whispered me nothing you did this to yourself every email every message every quick meeting in the conference room it's all there in the company logs Maybe maybe you signal next time instead of work emails for planning hookups she left looking like she'd seen a ghost an hour later her Instagram story
showed her drinking wine and posting vague quotes about toxic men and betrayal the comments were not sympathetic kylin's not doing much better his LinkedIn now lists him as seeking opportunities his engagement officially over odet made sure everyone knows why his apartment complex giving him 30 days to move out because guess who co-signed his lease his now ex fiance the friend group has basic Ally excommunicated him turns out I wasn't the only one he'd screwed over just the last one three other guys came forward with stories about him hitting on their girlfriends sabotaging their work borrowing
money he never repaid classic narcissist Playbook Holly's facing her own Fallout that HR meeting didn't go well she's on administrative leave pending review her sister my almost sister-in-law messaged me saying Holly had to move back home because she can't afford her apartment alone karmic Justice hits different when it affects your wallet the best part of all this I barely had to do anything just gave a little push and their house of cards collapsed on its own all those lies manipulations and betrayals they did most of the work themselves kylin's last message to me was interesting
you've ruined my life I replied with a screenshot of his own words from that night she was never yours to begin with added guess what man now she's not yours either funny how that works edit for those asking yes I'm doing fine actually met someone new we're taking it slow but rain that's her name is different she's genuine no games no drama just real conversations and honest intentions edit to Holly I know you're still reading these the answer is still no and you might want to check your credit score joint credit cards get messy during
breakups last update will come once the dust fully settles but for now Life's good really good remember folks don't get mad get strategic and always always keep receipts finally update so this will be my last update on the whole best man fiance betrayal Saga wasn't planning to write it but something happened last night that perfectly wrapped up this whole mess I was grabbing dinner with rain at this new burger place downtown we're officially dating now 4 months in she's amazing but that's not the point of this story guess who was working behind the counter kylin
in a paper hat life comes at you fast he pretended not to see me at first but rain wanted to modify her order she didn't know who he was I hadn't shown her pictures the look on his face when I stepped up to the counter though Priceless can I speak to you he muttered trying to look dignified in his greas stained uniform just 5 minutes I checked with rain she was cool with it followed him to the side of the building during his smoke break that's when 6 months of penup Rage came pouring out he
started yelling about how I'd ruined his life how he was living in his mom's basement how no one in our industry would hire him called me every name in the book I just stood there letting him rant finally he ran out of steam feel better I asked because I've got some updates you might find interesting pulled out my phone showed him Holly's latest Instagram post the one where she's back in her hometown working at her dad's hardware store her caption was some BS about rebuilding and finding herself your soulmate's really living her best life huh
I said by the way she told everyone you pressured her into it that it was all your idea even told your mom that guess loyalty isn't her strong suit he tried to grab my phone bad move really bad move remember Odette she's dating one of the security guys from our old office now big dude named Maurice he happened to be having dinner inside with her funny timing Maurice came out just as kylin was getting in my face one look was all it took for kylin to back down but here's the real Karma while all this
was happening outside guess who walked into the restaurant Holly apparently she'd started coming there specifically hoping to run into kylin saw rain sitting alone at our table and recognized her from my Instagram according to rain Holly came over and started running her mouth said I was a manipulator that I'd orchestrated everything to destroy her in kylin's real love rain just laughed and started recording Holly didn't like that tried to snatch rain's phone that's when the manager got involved remember how I mentioned Elsie kylin's former teammate her cousin owns the place Small World by the time
I came back in Holly was being told never to return kylin was being informed this would be his last week apparently he'd been hiding his personal visits from Holly during shifts and rain was calmly finishing her fries your ex is entertaining rain said she tried to warn me about you I showed her our vacation photos from last month the ones where we're hiking with my kids she went pretty quiet after that oh yeah rain's a single mom two awesome kids who love video games and pizza rolls we play Minecraft together on weekends real life beats
drama any day later that night got a string of drunk texts from Holly something about how she'd given up everything for kylin and how I'd betrayed their love apparently she'd expected him to get another corporate job quickly finding out he'd been working fast food for 3 months and hiding it from her was the last straw this morning kellan's Mom messaged me unlike her son she's actually decent said she was sorry about everything told me kylin's been lying to everyone claiming he's between consulting jobs she found out the truth when she saw him in his uniform
on someone's Tik Tok the best part my company just promoted me to lead my own team first project cleaning up the mes kyin left behind his borrowed code is being completely Rewritten by Elsie who's now my senior team member edit since people are asking yes rain knows the whole story showed her all my previous posts on our third date her response good you know how to stand up for yourself my ex didn't