you you in this guided meditation you'll have a deeply relaxing experience a wonderfully profound connection with the Lord [Music] sell yourself down to find that most comfortable place fee right now [Music] allow your islands to close gently over your eyes and with sweet anticipation becoming ready to experience a joyous enlightening and loving connection with God the most powerful healer experience his profound love and healing energy flowing through you [Music] setting your intention now to heal deeply and permanently you [Music] taking the focus to the breath and taking slow rhythmic deep breaths as you relax you
take a deep breath in letting your stomach expand and then slowly exhaling in a steady and even pace [Music] as you breathe in the stomach expands and as you slowly exhale the stomach moves back in winds a calm and steady even pace [Music] continuing to breathe slowly deeply and evenly inhaling through the nose pausing and exhaling inhale pause and exhale as he continued in the breath you'll notice the mind and the body are becoming more and more relaxed with every breath and you are gently moving into a state of stillness and peace [Music] as the
mind begins to quieten you can let thoughts flow to by that's right letting all external thoughts simply float past as if you are an outsider to them just letting them drift by as they come up in your mind just keep letting them go in this moment they have no meaning just keep concentrating on the breath and breathing in pausing and breathing out and with the next exhalation just repeating in the mind letting go relaxing deeper and deeper deeper and deeper relaxed [Music] just letting go relaxing deeper and deeper deeper and deeper relaxed you you and
your whole body now as relaxed that bit more thoughts worries anything at all was just drifting by and fading away you are in the very present moment centered and calm [Music] deep relaxation is healing and the more deeply relaxed you go the better you feel [Music] they just allow every muscle to go loose in limb simply giving your body the suggestion to relax deeper and notice that it follows your suggestion and relaxes you [Music] and now you are going to moving to the next deeper level of relaxation your mind will become even more peaceful and
your very peaceful mind will find it so easy to connect to heavenly levels you [Music] and now the next wave of relaxation flirting through the top of the head and drifts down deepening the relaxation through the whole of the head and the face relaxing the forehead softening settling and gently soothing the forehead the wave of relaxation drifts down into the muscles of the face the eyes temples cheeks and lips [Music] through the jaw and deep into the muscles of the neck all the way around and deep into that neck it's all just so relaxed now
feel the head just letting go allow to sink a little deeper down against the cushion or however it rests just let it go let it go deeper and deeper relaxed [Music] peacefulness settling deeper throughout you ready for God's healing spirit to pervade through and through [Music] relaxation deepens and spreads down through the upper arms through the elbows and into the forearms and the wrists sending soothing relaxation into the hands and the fingers [Music] the whole of both arms now so heavily relaxed just flopping down deeply relaxed so peaceful so relaxed your whole body is welcoming
the deepest relaxation you you [Music] the powerful wave our relaxation is now moving down from the shoulders into the upper body the front and the back the chest muscles are relaxing stomach muscles are softening all of the muscles of the lower back a letting go and settling down like a pile of loose rubber bands it just feels so wonderful and pleasant so amazing and ideal ready to accept the healing energy of God [Music] the wave of relaxation spreads into the hips and threw them into the thighs relaxing those large muscles relaxation drifting down into the
knees and down into the lower legs as you feel the calves relaxing the ankles letting go and the feet softening soothing and relaxing the whole of each leg the whole body is still in calm and peaceful totally relaxed from the top of the head to the tips of the fingers and toys filled with wonderful and soothing relaxation it just feels so good with your now deeply peaceful mind a relaxed peaceful stage you can experience the loving and healing energy of God [Music] and in your mind I as you raised your eyes you can see now
[Music] you can see and you can feel in the core of your body a field of energy before you notice it's a 3l light [Music] you experience a strong feeling of love and warmth permeating from it it is inviting you forward feeling very loved and safe you step forward into this welcoming life knowing within you that it is the light of God inviting you closer with each step the love the or and the pace fills you more and more God is standing before you your eyes meet looking into his eyes you feel the deep calm
and stillness of his presence he smiles with genuine warmth and joy [Music] his presence is so still and so wholly peaceful but it seems to encompass everything such incredible love is there and you can feel the love of God coursing through your veins [Music] feel the love of God in your heart he is in every cell of your body [Music] you never knew that anyone could love you so much you know the God knows everything about you he is at one with your heart and mind [Music] he smiles with warmth and affection he knows exactly
what you need he gives without question or judgment you feel only peace and love [Music] he puts his arms around you and embraces you warmly [Music] breathe deeply now and relax into his beautiful hug his very touch feels your whole being was healing [Music] all traces of tension and negativity and now dissolving [Music] it just feels so good as all negativity just falls away his love for you expands your entire being you feel such peace breathe him in deeper with every breath rejoice in his presence [Music] God takes your hands in his your hands and
his hands are aglow as love and healing energy flows endlessly through him to you feel the warmth of his loving energy encompassing you he has placed his healing love inside of you and you feel it flowing through you it just feels so amazing and so wonderful so beautiful and satisfying you feel his love and he is healing permeating every cell of your body [Music] you [Music] god is great God sees and hears everything in his infinite wisdom he is focusing healing energy and deep into any areas of ill health [Music] you they are healing you
are being healed your whole body is aglow now with his powerful healing energy [Music] you are soaking up the love and healing you are grateful for his presence that he has come to you you are special you are loved and you know that God's love goes with you wherever you go it is always within you you are never alone God is always within your heart and the time is right now to drift off into a wonderfully deep sleep for more incredible healing and as God will stay with you for all of your sleep as you
continue to heal as you continue to feel his touch as you continue to be loved so deeply by him a deep deep soothing and restful and healing sleep is ready and waiting for you so sleep now sleep now sleep with God at your side sleep now sleep now for a new awake at a time that is right for you you will feel that deep deep in a piece very scented and calm very much one and as you walk you walk with God [Music] sleep now Smith [Music] you [Music] [Music] you you you [Music] [Music] [Music]
you you [Music] you you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you you [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you you [Music] you you you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] you you [Music] [Music] [Music] you you