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Welcome to the second chapter of the trilogy: "Pátria Educadora" ("Land of Education") If you haven't watched the first episode, click the link in the description of that video and watch for free This and the other two episodes of this trilogy are available in the full version with more than 40 minutes of additional content To learn more how to watch the full version, watch this introduction to the end I want to remind you that these first two episodes, is the paving of the third film; War on Intelligence Where we will make a scathing complaint to the
Brazilian education system, showing why we are in the last places in the educational rankings How our children are literate, how that money is spent, who is responsible for all this and what they are about to do in the coming years If we don't stop We have a strong commitment to the culture and education of our country, so we make this content available for free We do this without getting a real public money, let alone YouTube Some people think we make a lot of money with our channel, that's just a myth Producing the material you are
about to watch for free costs a lot of money This trilogy cost more than two million reais and the tireless work of 20 people for a year We decided to come clean with you We have a very important goal to be reached; we need 20 thousand new active subscribers To finance this year's upcoming productions That addressed urgent issues in Brazil There is no magic formula Without new active members, Brasil Paralelo closes its doors At a time like this, it can really happen if you don't make a decision The good news is that you can do
a lot by investing little In our patriot plan the investment is only R$ 10 reais That's what we need to have you on our side It's up to you to decide if we're at the end or at the beginning of this journey Your subscription is not a donation, it also grants access to the full version of the Pátria Educadora trilogy with an additional 40 minutes of duration As well as a complete study guide with the documentary's main theses, a mental map and the bibliographic list Provides access to our membership group on Facebook and telegram And
also allows you to participate in face-to-face meetings throughout Brazil In addition, every month, you will receive new content in your account I guarantee you You could never do so much with R$ 10 reais And if we get to that price it's so no one stays out If you don't like content you've subscribed to or change your mind for any reason You have seven days to request your refund without any justification It is your decision that will allow us to exist and continue working for the future of Brazilian culture We need to prove that it's possible
Before you start the movie, pause the video now; click right below on the description link find out about the subscription plans of Brasil Paralelo and become a member with only R$ 10 reais Thank you very much for your attention and for honouring our trust Stay now with the second chapter of the Pátria Educadora trilogy And see you soon I am absolutely happy to be alive yet being able to have accompanied this march of loving will to change the world March of the disapproved March of those who rebel March of those who want to be, and
are forbidden to be Pátria Educadora (Land of Education) Original Production - Brasil Paralelo Europe's political ideologies reflected around the globe Brazil was not an exception A military coup overthrew the monarchy, and in the establishment of the republic was played the anthem of the French revolution With continental dimensions, Brazil was administered federatively The states had autonomy over the central government One of these autonomies was educational policy Each state decided how its education system worked It was only when Getúlio Vargas made the revolution that ministries were created that would allow the central government to expand its control
One of them was the ministry of education The creation of a centralizing body of the national education system would bring profound changes in our history Think about the big authorities in Brazil on education Before this bureaucratic centralization You have the Catholic churches Practically the entire country The best schools, they followed Catholic methods Montessori, Don Bosco, and so on And the military They were the most technical schools Generally with a positivist mindset But this change was not specifically for indoctrination But it tried to meet repressed demands that the Brazilian state actually had For example, Very expressive
rates of illiterate Poverty rates, at last With these classifications, and with these demands We'll have over the 10s, 20s and 30s of the 20th century Different ways to respond to this And I like to divide these ways into at least three big schools Three lines of thought The first line it would be the Catholic line From Vargas government to the resurgence of Brazilian Catholicism which now sought space also in politics The Catholic movement was trying to restore religious education in Brazil out since the Brazilian monarchy the second point of debate, of shock it will be
organized primarily by the Brazilian communists Who also understood that the Brazilian state had to meet their demands Marxist doctrine was also present in the country founded in 1922 The Brazilian Communist Party followed the guidelines established by the International Communist Organizing political, military, and cultural fronts that pursued the revolution See that here there is a paradox We have a Marxism in Brazil that was formed from the understanding of the role of the state That is, we're going to have that classic Marx line where the state must be overcome We're going to have Brazilian Marxism The understanding
that the state should operate brazilian politics considering that Brazil had not yet reached the ideal conditions for the suppression of the State So the communists here will be Who graduated having a very precarious interpretation of Marx Although with a certain individual talent For example, Professor Vicente de Souza, who was a logical, Latinist, at last Figures such as Graciliano Ramos, or Drummond But this Brazilian communism is a very incipient communism Still with a very precarious view including Stalinism itself of Leninism itself But we're going to have another school, That will gain strength in a progressive way
This is the so-called new school "Democracy needs to be reborn with every generation and education is your midwife" John Dewey (American philosopher) Hegel's old ideas of a philosophy with a strong presence of the state they have had a profound influence around the world One of the most important cases and the American John Dewey Founder of the pedagogy of the new and enthusiastic school reader of Rousseau, Kant and Hegel His proposals were based on public education, free, and secular preparing the country for the job market For John Dewey, education served to empower students with technical skills
and teach them to live properly in society John Dewey was an heir to the pragmatic school for pragmatism... knowledge practically does not exist there are only conventions So what is the meaning of a concept, for example? The meaning of a concept is the sense in which you will use the concept. So if you define a ball like this, one way or another, it's not because the ball is this it's because you're going to use the ball this way So everything is conditioned, to practical and immediate use So the question of truthfulness no longer exists Truthfulness
is just... practicality The pedagogy of the new school was disseminated in Brazil by one of its admirers Anísio Teixeira "School education is the process by which men are properly distributed through the different occupations of society." Anísio Teixeira (Brazilian writer) Influenced by John Dewey's philosophy A group of Brazilian educators sign the manifesto to introduce the pedagogy of the new school in Brazil That document that is the manifesto of the pioneers of new education If you read the text it shows various trends A very strong trend is that of Anísio Teixeira He advocated the idea of a
pragmatic, work-related education, a practical education, and so on So the pioneer manifesto brings together these ideas a little bit It is an expression of the need for public education A basically secular education that is very different from the traditional conception of the church Because the church had a very traditional idea, you're going to have to teach philosophy, religion, Latin So let's say... there is a very great conflict and Anísio was perceived as a terrible thing, because he was pragmatic He was American and that was very much against Catholic thought This new school has strayed much
from the knowledge of what a human child is Complete It's a kind of sentimental movement to educate Learning has to be playful; the child has to learn by playing Anyway It is a sentimental view of education that generates very weak children then we lose... let's say so the pursuit for knowledge, and study So the new school is more of a disguised form of popular manipulation through feelings That's it the new school So how can you support such a movement, in which you realize that just through these movements there has been an increasing decrease in schools
and learning, and the results that are there to tell us, the result of this new school But then I ask: what about Mathematics? History? Geography? What about Portuguese? That's not so important anymore now the important thing is the method not so much the content And when the method begins to focus on the content Finishes school That's what happened to the new school Become a member now - Don't break the chain! Link in description So we're going to have these three lines The Catholic line, the communist line, and the new school line These three lines... they
starred, little by little with either changing within their lines Let's say; guiding and ignorant ...its intellectual premises all debates and discussions on the role of the state within Brazilian education But note that they all defended the role of the state I think the important context of the creation of the ministry of education, is the agreement... ...that Vargas government makes with the Catholic Church in the sense that Catholic Church would take control of education and then the church would give support to the government Getúlio Vargas needed to make a concession to Catholics the Catholics were the
vast majority in Brazil and they could put the government down, and what he understood most, was to stay in power It was his strong suit. So he invites a Catholic from a Catholic intellectual movement, which is Gustavo Capanema to be part of the ministry of education Capanema is, to this day, the longest-living minister of education in our history and there is no way to talk about the ministry education without talking about Gustavo Capanema Capanema when he takes over he found some demands that were necessary the first was how to insert intellectuals who were in opposition
to the Vargas period into politics So Capanema who will have a long-standing friendship with Drummond will call Drummond to work within the then new ministry of education he will also invite Graciliano Ramos to work, will also invite Portinari to work Anyway classical communists from Brazil, with their different artistic works. They will be able to meet these demands of these very heterogeneous groups For example, religious education will indeed return We're going to have, for example, a... freedom of teaching that met many of the demands of communists We're going to have a presence of a technical education
as, for example, that met one of Anísio Teixeira's demands of the new school He could have that kind of development He remains in the ministry education until Getúlio Vargas leaves in his first transition till Dutra takes up When JK´s government, and a little further on, Jango´s government consolidate within the state apparatus it will only change the actors But the theatre in fact will be there, properly armed For example, Pedro Calmon will leave and then we´ll have Darcy Ribeiro Paulo de Tarso will later enter but the state apparatus, in fact, there it is and it is
interesting to mention, for example, Paulo de Tarso Why is that? Paulo de Tarso enjoying a state apparatus that precedes him it was the minister of education who gave Paulo Freire the magnitude of Angicos' experience With only R$ 10 reais per month you become a patriotic member having access to the full version of the Pátria Educadora trilogy, free of ads and much more. Join our website now and become a member Chapter 2 - Pelas Barbas do Profeta (By the Beard of the Prophet) First of all, I'm Paulo Freire, I was born in Recife A long time
ago I was born to a well-behaved middle-class family I felt very, very happy within the family about the relationship with my father, with my mother, with my brothers, with my relatives after all, I was born in a house with a long, and wide yard, full of fruits and fruit trees, and birds singing In the period of, I mean, in the late '20s, I was born exactly on the 21st my family suffers the impact, just like others, the impact of the great economic depression of 1929 and 1930 and this thing affected... more or less the normal
life of our family A little further on, Paulo Freire's father would die and his life, Paulo Freire's literacy will be marked by this mourning and for this financial difficulty Paulo Freire has his merits for example, the way he was able to literate in many segments he serves as an example of effort ...of human effort the way he got into college the way he got his degree from law school and within that itinerary, he will be invited to be a teacher Portuguese teacher And from that invitation he will discover how to exercise pedagogy how to teach
But how did Paulo Freire stop at Angicos? How indeed this man, who was born poor, was once discovered by a president of the republic and will have launched an initiative with such prestige, and this in his time? Paulo Freire, already in SESI he will start to come with these theses, these experiences on pedagogical development he's going to get the attention of a Congressman on the Rio Grande do Norte and he will be invited to... developing an adult literacy policy and from that development he goes to Angicos In Angicos, a small town in the hinterland of
the northern great river by the edge of the old railroad started a revolution. It's a revolution of truth, serious and well organized Its first phase lasted only 40 hours The dawn of authentic basic reform that is reverberating throughout Brazil and that will possibly soon involve the whole country Angicos is a typical city of Rio Grande do Norte where more than 75% of adults live and die in poverty and illiteracy and among the rest, most of them only know how to screw up their name when it comes to voting. unable to read what they wrote Angicos'
revolution was initiated to end illiteracy ...the basic problem of the state To get those people out of the dark volunteers sacrificed holidays and Christmas comfort to begin the revolutionary process of education they came to the hinterland to help save Brazil honestly They called the students, and explain that it is possible to read and write with only 40 hours of class and no primer They joined the group, listened to their problems, collected basic vocabulary from the region, installed the classrooms in the larger houses, brought notebooks, pencils and kerosene lamps, as well as a great cheer and
true hope. Become a member of Brasil Paralelo Join our discussion groups Link in description And within that situation Paulo Freire will have reached the level of public expression in 1963 and 1964 that had already made him a real protagonist of Brazilian politics Because note, what's interesting is that at the Angicos´Opening the Governor of Rio Grande do Norte will be there and at the closing of the Angicos´experience we're going to have every governor from the northeast also the presence of João Goulart as well as Castello Branco General Castello Branco, and next President of Brazil he, in
fact, will also be in the Angicos´experience Then we have; the state apparatus already constituted and, in the beginning of 1964, in January the consolidation of the so-called literacy plan based on Paulo Freire's theses Castelo Branco saw this and already focused, not only to the national education policy of Jango´s government developed in January 1964 but he's already noticed... "Here we have a problem" I am then removed from my university activity, and I am arrested after all I can, in fact they retired me when I had neither length of service, nor illness, nor did I want to
retire and I was retired without any consultation The dictatorship considered... the military dictatorship of 1964 considered, and not only considered, but said in writing, and published that I was a dangerous, and subversive international an enemy of the Brazilian people and an enemy of God I mean, they still got me that load of being God's enemy. There is a Paulo Freire... that I tend to respect, I tend to understand better is Paulo Freire from the beginning of his career I imagine someone with his profile living where he lived living with political leaders, as he lived within
the social and economic environment of northeastern Brazil with the presence of left-wing leaders, who were significant in their time so I'm not surprised that someone, with his training, let himself being seduced by the political environment of the time to take a left Visit our website and learn how to access exclusive interviews and courses From only R$ 10 reais, you can already become a member of Brasil Paralelo We're counting on you During the exile of Paulo Freire events on the other side of the globe had a strong influence on his pedagogy for thousands of years, China
has lived in the caste division system until 1905 all who wanted to join the upper caste they should be approved in the imperial test, which allowed access to public office It was from this heritage that Mao Zedong re-signified the Hegelian dialectic materialized by Marx, and reinterpreted in the light of Lenin In his work; On Contradiction, Mao states that: "Changes in society are due chiefly to the development of the internal contradictionsin society, that is, the contradiction between the productive forces and the relations of production, the contradiction between classes and the contradiction between the old and the
new; it is the development of these contradictions that pushes society forward." Mao Zedong (Chinese Communist Leader) Mao observed... that the nature of revolution is the acceleration of history that should be done by manipulating the contrary not just the conflict between bourgeois and working people but among all the contradictions present in society In possession of these ideas, Mao Zedong led China's Communist Revolution nationalizing the country's farms and promoting forced labour in the program called: "The Great Leap Forward" The strategy was abandoned by the failure that resulted in the biggest crisis ever spread by the country killing
millions of people from hunger expanding the habit of eating insects and dogs to survive and weakening support for the communist party That's when Mao started the Chinese Cultural Revolution claiming to need to clean up the habits that perpetuate China's old culture and they don't allow the revolution to prosper The Chinese Cultural Revolution consisted precisely in the exchange of an entire educational system to another and the initial agents of transformation were the students themselves as they were encouraged to challenge their own teachers ridiculing teachers and to make this internal pressure to transform the educational system the
idea was that... from that traditional system the Chinese system adopted a modern European system of Marxist characteristics. The idea was to maintain popular fervour pursuing teachers, intellectuals, and party dissenters schools and teachers have been accused of making strong apology to traditional and Western culture all the environments of society needed to be transformed into a field of re-education so that ideology could enter the soul of all Chinese and no one would stay out of the Communist Party program Mao intensified the terror of society chosing as his first instrument of terror young people in schools and universities
On June 18, 1969 many beijing university professors and staff were dragged in front of the crowd and mistreated their faces were painted black and they put donkey hats on their heads they forced them to kneel, some were beaten, and women sexually molested Similar episodes were repeated throughout China causing a cascade of suicides These events had a great influence worldwide The French Communist Party even declared support for China's cultural revolution Become a member of Brasil Paralelo We need your support to continue! Link in description The idea of a cultural revolution had been being expanded in the
communist movement since the end of the 1920s When thinkers began to observe the directions of the Stalinist dictatorship in the Soviet Union and rethink about Marxism Groups of intellectuals discussed the decrease in economic arguments, and adherence to the reform of what they understood as the true engine of history Culture With the spread of the Chinese cultural revolution, these ideas gained practical examples and they excited part of European intellectuality France lived through the post-war decade and its president suffered hard to face the socialist opposition It was in 1968 that the history of Marxist education suffer its
tipping point May 10, 1968 It was around 9:30 p.m. more than 20,000 students gather on the streets of Paris the bad atmosphere of revolt inflates the spirits barricades are erected the police surround the students and at 2:15 am the conflict begins Tear gas Molotov cocktails and flying rocks turned the Night of the Barricades into a historic landmark Night of the Barricades Students denounced capitalism and called for reforms in universities in a short time, the agendas grew and motivated increasing protests, heated debates of intellectuals and activists began to ideologically divide the protests students begin to demand
the resignation of the president, and the call for general elections in a few days, Paris turned into a stage of confrontation between police and protesters paralyzing millions of workers in unprecedented strike One of the symbols of the protest was the red book of Mao Zedong students inspired by Chinese Cultural Revolution where the government used masses of youth as a riot squad against opponents of the regime events have become a historic milestone amplifying the idea that society's true infrastructure was not the modes of production But culture that would be the new front line of the socialist
movement I was professor at Paris-Nanterreter in 1968 I was Cohn-Bendit´s teacher who is now an MP for the Greens in Germany he was the symbol of that moment, he and others it caught my attention Because somehow, there you saw a society that wanted to change, and it wasn't because of what we had learned our whole lives only from class struggle, as the engine of history There was a union fight and such... but it was at the same time a cultural crisis, existential I was coming from Chile at that time where Che Guevara was the dominant
guerrilla, anti-imperialism, and class struggle In Nanterre it was nothing like that... "It's forbidden to forbid" Love is free they were existential issues and in the parades through the streets of Paris, they walked around with a black flag the black flag was the anarchist flag they didn't even know what it was and the socialist, communist international says so... "Standing, oh famished of the earth!" they used to sing that. Nanterre was situated in the rich part of France, near a rich Quartier of Paris then it had nothing to do with it, even workers who went on strike
too, in France it wasn't the squalid workers of Latin America they were chubby and they sang, "Stand up, oh famélicos of the earth!" there was a certain disconnect From that time, there was not only history but a whole new era of social sciences to this day... thinkers directly or indirectly involved with May 1968 they are prestigious authors in the academy leading the intellectual production of Brazilian universities and they inaugurate a bibliography absorbed by our educational institutions Become a member for only R$ 10 Get the supporting stories of this documentary and more! Link in description 1968
was an anarchic movement destruction of authority, hierarchies in the name of an ideal that seemed very generous that was equality. everything should be respected, any form of hierarchy that would establish an overcoming should disappear discrimination, qualification of cultures or knowledge But this generous ideal, in which it was translated? It has been translated a mess in which is very difficult you do any kind of classification or evaluation of artistic work, such as but also of the systems of thought, and even values, moral values, civic values and this led us to extreme confusion that characterizes our time
University of Sorbonne - Paris, France - 1968 "You know I proclaim for a long time: we need to teach the masses exactly what we receive from them with confusion." Mao Zedong, leader of the Chinese Revolution Pedagogy of the Oppressed - Paulo Freire (Pedagogy of the Oppressed) In fact, the first time I read Paulo Freire was on the exchange I had in Japan and she was an American teacher who taught the subject of education and she recommended that we read; Pedagogy of the Oppressed and it was the main book of her subject on education and more
recently, because of my interest in education, I went back a little to reading Paulo Freire and what shocked me this time is that Paulo Freire is completely honest, open, and explicit about the politicization of the classroom. People have no notion of what Paulo Freire's work truly is Paulo Freire he is one of these symbols one of these intellectuals who ended up turning into a flag and people look at Paulo Freire and imagine what they want to imagine As he always said, he never claimed to be original So he consolidated pedagogical experiences of different times, from
different pedagogues The Laubach method that we will have the presence of Anísio Teixeira within his teachings we'll have to a reading of Sartre, of these movements, and of these intellectuals who have managed to achieve some kind of prestige at the world level and Paulo Freire will be the voracious reader of these men and will apply to his way a reading of a somewhat vulgar Marxism He will replace the oppressed of the work process and is going to understand the student as the one who is oppressed within the literacy process People tend to think that Paulo
Freire is simply a generous person, who cares about students, who cares about the autonomy of thinking, who cares about awareness and taken so loose nobody's against it no one is against awareness, no one is against student autonomy but when you go to analyze the work of Paulo Freire you see he doesn't speak of an awareness any he doesn't really want a student awareness so that the student, with autonomy, can form his own worldview alone He doesn't want that. For Paulo Freire awareness, the autonomy of thinking is based on what he calls: thinking right which is
fundamentally an anticapitalist, anti-liberal philosophy, and in favour of the end of revolutionary consciousness, as he himself calls Paulo Freire says, on page 58: "How could the oppressed initiate violence if they are the result of violence?" If you describe the capitalist order as an order of oppression and violence you're not even indirectly directly you're saying that violence against that order is a self-defence. And on page 233, which for me is one of Paulo Freire's most macabre phrases he says: "The revolution is biophilic, it is the creator of life, even if, to create it, it is obliged
to stop lives that forbid life." So the revolution loves life but every once in a while you need to take some lives. but it's not just any life, only the one that prohibits life and who's going to say? the revolution That is why I call the pedagogy of the oppressed as; "mini manual of the guerrilla educator" because it's Marighella speaking Marighella if he was to write about education would not write differently And then he starts talking about Che Guevara, because he had to deal with it, with people who left, deserted the guerrillas... and they were
denounced, and he says so on page 231: "Sometimes, in his account, recognizing the need for punishment to the one who defected to maintain the cohesion and discipline of the group, he also recognizes certain explanatory reasons for the defection. One of them, we will say, perhaps the most important, is the ambiguity of the deserter's being." This thing about the guy who wants to fight, but he actually has the shadow of the oppressor inside himself, and then the truth guy doesn't know what he really wants. So he needs Paulo Freire, he needs the educators, he needs the
revolutionary leadership that will tell him what he needs and to highlight the context of this episode, which Paulo Freire refers to Che, It is an episode of the guerrilla era in which there was a soldier from Che Guevara's group, called; Wong, who fled, defected and then two people, two soldiers were sent to try to recover, rescue, or find that person and then one of these two people, wanted to defect too and commented to the other and then this other person murdered, this person who wanted to defect, and then Che Guevara gathers the troops to explain
the need for you to punish with death people who desert the guerrillas When Che Guevara spoke at the UN, he made it very clear that he was shooting, and that he would continue shooting +40 minutes of content - no ads - only R$ 10/month For Paulo Freire, however, Che Guevara was defined as synonymous with love And that's very interesting, why? He with a Catholic background, he knew very well that as he was not ignorant in that regard God defined himself as love We will find in one of the letters to John, that God defines himself
as love if Che Guevara is synonymous with love, then Che Guevara is synonymous with God for Paulo Freire And since he was a neo-Marxist to a Brazilian, a vulgar Marxist we will understand that for Paulo Freire, the assimilation of Marxism was precisely in this type of characteristic that is, a messianic characteristic In which those who act in praxis, they act endowed with powers that make them to transcend Imagine, the person who in fact, the person very hurt by life, who worked in construction, who worked on a farm she comes to a school and he will
use precisely the terms linked to the person's profession, to teach the words... it's just a technique for him to keep saying this: you have a boss, you have someone interested, someone who's exploiting you and he's teaching a low-level Marxism I don't even know if Paulo Freire read much about Marx What are generating words? Example, I take the word "brick" and I write on the board: BRICK and I start a process of erasing syllables and letters, and I start encouraging students to access what's missing, access the sounds, anyway is a particular way of working writing, with
reading, and with the photographic memory of these experiences But Paulo Freire's method does not necessarily stop at the presentation of the generating word the generating word is essentially what starts from the reality of the student himself But Paulo Freire´s method must to start from the generating word, and access the awareness that is; BRICK then you ask as a teacher: What do you do with a brick? then your student says, for example, he's a; mason and you start talking and then in a little while you're talking about salary, while he's exploited So the words that generate,
they serve to reach a level of social consciousness Your whole idea is an awareness of the world that´s why he speaks about "pedagogy of the oppressed" i.e. you need to have that "Klassenbewusstsein", the class consciousness of which Marx speaks So, if you're a proletarian you're not doing the revolution because you have capitalist ideology as soon as you raise awareness all the proletarian, everyone will take the sling and go out beheading the boss Revolution will be inevitable So in this way, Paulo Freire builds this connection between an activity that would be merely pedagogical and even political
exercise in the classroom And I think it is from this bridge that he builds... that comes the great fame and the great acceptance Paulo Freire had Paulo Freire he builds this road to give legitimacy to the politicking that the progressive educator already wanted to do before He creates an alibi; he creates a pretext for you to talk politics inside the classroom This dialectic started from a fundamental point The Alienation This alienated student is the student who carries a host, "a bourgeois host" and it is up to the teacher to remove this host, giving awareness to
that student, regardless of the social class of that student Paulo Freire introduces the concept of critical awareness and that critical word becomes a fashion From there you see people being reputed by smart crying out, and complaining about political problems Adler says clearly: criticism is a third step In the first step you have a panoramic view, you understand the picture The second step you analyze, you understand constituent parts, detail by detail Only in a third step will you criticize Paulo Freire sells the illusion that by you understanding that someone exploits you, and start shouting it in
public that you are smart and you see a lot of people getting critical, without having understood What happens is that Paulo Freire will have a very particular reading of Rousseau, and within this confusion, Emilio, a Rousseau, and Paulo Freire we'll have with a little more Emmanuel Mounier, with this vulgar Marxism a vision that the teacher should be a facilitator, not for an apprenticeship of what is higher but to obtain a social conscience If there is alienation, and the school must play a; "Sine qua non" role to transform this alienated, into agent of praxis, then this
student must act in society whether this is his family or civil environment, the public environment, common environment "The cultural revolution takes society in reconstruction in its totality, in the manifold labors of men, as a field of their forming action." So you see that cultural revolution, to rebuild society in its entirety This here is the typical totalitarian thought Paulo Freire will have quoted Mao Zedong, in the pedagogy of the oppressed, when he will have expressed some enthusiasm with practices of the Chinese Cultural Revolution Paulo Freire's well-known phrase that: "There is no knowledge that is defined as
wrong" It is a phrase that within the intellectual set of Paulo Freire, it presents some incoherence Paulo Freire did not respect the knowledge he understood as; "bourgeois" behaviours, involvements with certain types of artists For Paulo Freire, and he nominally quotes Beethoven, Beethoven represents bourgeois behaviour So for Paulo Freire, in fact, to know yes that deserve to be highlighted, and others that deserve correction This is the correct phrase But let us think how a pedagogue presents that; "it's all worth" If all knowledge is valid, what is the meaning of a teacher? What is the point of
you exercising a pedagogy? The education model "Paulo Freireana", does not accept that you say, for example, that the boy who speaks "Framengo" is wrong You can't because you're imposing your "class-based culture" this is the pedagogy of the oppressed, that is, if there is an oppressed there is an oppressor, and who is the oppressor? The teacher. So you don't have the means of you "deculturate" You get stuck it's like that guy, Marcos Bagno saying: "Having an equal grammar for everyone is undemocratic" "So the good one is a grammar for every social class" so you're stuck there
for the rest of your life, you can't talk to the guy from the other social class, it creates a hierarchical, invincible social stratification and you think that's democratic? For me, this is the opposite of democracy Paulo Freire creates an invincible social stratification If you were born as the son of a bricklayer, then you must be a bricklayer for the rest of your life then you join the communist party and you're still a bricklayer Become a member of Brasil Paralelo We need your support to continue! Link in description The first time I read Machado de Assis'
farewell letter to Nabuco I was on a crowded train, fully crowded and I started crying with Brazilian transport with all its problems The beauty of literature is this, it makes you transcend You're not necessarily in that place; you're at that moment in Machado de Assis' bed for Paulo Freire, you should not look at literature in this way you should find in the literature, explanations about your reality that is, there is a realism that impoverishes language, literature, the imaginary So if you were born poor, you are born, depending on the context, without basic sanitation then you
have a pedagogue who determines that your life should be restricted that Then you are born with the smell of sewage, you go to school and will reflect on the smell of sewage. you'll have spent the year on the smell of sewage and your life will be based only on the smell of sewage And look, I don't advocate a pedagogy that alienates the student, quite the contrary The intentions of the Chinese Cultural Revolution were expressed in Paulo Freire's pedagogy that sought to transform schools into an environment of revolutionary consciousness Every teacher should think about it Look,
whether they're Freireans or not but he had an invitation to go to Europe, and he had an invitation to go to the United States then he went to the United States at Harvard and that one-year experience at one of the two best North American universities he refers to it saying that he was in: "the beast´s hole" How can you be an educator for a person who visits a university like Harvard, and says he's been in the "beast´s hole"? How can a person with this inability to see reality, to recognize what is good, that produces good
results, that adds knowledge, and you still see education with the same eyes? And you call it the beast´s hole? As if there was the factor of destruction of what, Paulo Freire? Of what? I am going to present two jobs Paulo Freire had during his time of exile that are their great jobs One of them for the world council of churches and the other one he have worked for UNESCO In the world council of churches, Paulo Freire had the opportunity to go through different countries he made over 100 trips spreading his thinking having translated works having
the opportunity to use African countries, to apply their method But note, here we already have a point that explains, to some extent, the international prestige itself Paulo Freire Because note that, Paulo Freire was not an intellectual, who was known by someone from the American academy, for example, and from this literary, textual, intellectual experience this began to propagate it. Paulo Freire did not have this itinerary a little more, let's say: "traditional". Paulo Freire, in a somewhat arbitrary way by the world council of churches itself, started traveling to several countries with his translated works, with filled auditoriums,
with spaces in classrooms, with an entrance through the front door at several universities anyway, Paulo Freire was someone who arrived ready in these spaces he wasn't someone who was discovered Since Paulo Freire, in the late 1960s, 1970s, is becoming popular in this way the average Brazilian, received all this, all these laurels, these titles, in a very euphoric way After all is a Brazilian being recognized in the world this "inferiority complex" that has accompanied us for a long time in different figures And as Nelson Rodrigues himself put it; "Brazilians would seek a Nobel Prize even by
swimming" Because Brazilians like diplomas, they like titles. While Paulo Freire was in exile, the military emphasized the role of the ministry of education, which was born in a dictatorial space in a much more severe dictatorship that we experienced here in Brazil with the military in power So what once existed in the state apparatus of Getúlio Vargas, with the succession of the New State, and with the presidency of Dutra, and with all those who came in the following until we get, for example, to Figueiredo, we're going to have an even more sprawling Brazil and even in
the education portfolio With the promise of scaring away the country's communist threats, the military held Brazil's government in their hands for 21 years. with the total wear and tear of the armed forces, the university left assumed a leading role that hitherto did not know. Throughout the military period, throughout the regime, slowly the educational structures were being equipped there was no public tender; teachers were invited into universities, and such When I joined the university in 1981, still in what was called: "slow and gradual distension" I´ve had professors from The University of Santa Ursula, who made a
bibliographic indoctrination, for example, I was indoctrinated at the university not to read in any way Gilberto Freyre because he had defended the dictatorship then the teacher in the classroom, still in the military regime, says; "No, you don't read Casa-Grande & Senzala". Evidently you have the repression I mean, decree 477 which was a decree law that created a lot of persecution on top of student, who could be expelled from universities, you have many impeachments of professors who are put out of the university, by acts of government. I think the dominance of the left in universities has
been characterized more clearly from the cold war. that here in Brazil meant the dictatorship. That was the cold war in Brazil. Now if you go back, if you go to Europe, for example, and you think before the Second World War, for example, in the period between the two wars where you already have, roughly speaking; "the humanities" was already a partner of the Soviet project even had people like Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, defending the soviet violence for years and years, When the Cold War came in Europe, most intellectuals were on the Soviet Union side So
it wasn't exactly the dictatorship that invented the left-wing intellectual They did not have the perception that "the egg of the serpent" lies in education Brazil has a long tradition of left, since the beginning of the century with anarchists since the 1930s with the expansion of communism, the Soviet Union history records spies sent to Brazil to participate in the revolution, then we had "The Communist Uprising" (Intentona Comunista) and such But things really intensified in the early 1960s the great cultural revolution, the so-called "forbidden to forbid" from Paris and such but here in Brazil, it was decided
by the left, this attack on education, culture. While Paulo Freire was abroad, his texts; circulated within the country, he was elevated to an even greater protagonism by the world council of churches abroad So... censored? In theory, yes. However, in practice, in reality, it was not what happened And they stayed in power so long with the justification of cleaning up Brazil "from communism", and left everything prepared for the Communists It is absolutely false to say that our armed forces liberated Brazil from communism Absolutely false. And it was exactly a period of infiltration, where effectively began the
taking of the Brazilian academic space, especially in federal universities, by left-wing intellectuals. Many of them who left Brazil, for political reasons, went to take their courses in Europe, specialized, returned and began to occupy chairs here. He will have become popularized in a very expressive way as very few intellectuals in Brazil have managed, in fact, to be so he was a very prestigious public intellectual, with a very sharp communication with young people he had a direct and indirect relationship with many constitutionalists in the 1988 constitution anyway, Paulo Freire had a political reading, very well finished. Which
he developed in partnership with men such as: José Dirceu, Lula, Frei Betto, Paulo Evaristo Arns. When Paulo Freire returns to Brazil, Fernando Henrique Cardoso said: "someone needs to hire him, someone needs to do this". For Professor Fernando Henrique Cardoso: "It is our responsibility to provide you with the indispensable working conditions". Paulo Freire was hired by UNICAMP, he was hired by PUC And who hired him at PUC? Dom Paulo Evaristo Arns, who is one of the greatest disseminators of liberation theology in Brazil. Then Paulo Freire, he will no longer interpret brazilian pedagogy, he will get involved
and this involvement is accentuated with the foundation of the workers' party itself For the first time I felt at ease, within a party whose dream coincides with my old dreams and I usually always say that I waited a long time of my life for PT The widow of Paulo Freire says that Lula has always recognized that Paulo Freire is one of the most important founders in the history of the PT. What are we going to have? In 1985 redemocratization process PT already a party in fact consolidated and with the elections of 1988, at this threshold
1989, Erundina wins in São Paulo Paulo Freire was the secretary of education of Luiza Erundina his great and greatest legacy is something that left most is ashamed of throughout Brazil Automatic approval That is, even if you haven't learned anything, you go from the first grade to the second, you leave the second and go to the third and if you get to the eighth grade, with first grade knowledge, and you’ll be approved, and on and so on. And within the most celebrated students of Paulo Freire, in the execution of the secretary of education, we will have
him raising; Mário Sérgio Cortella, Marta Suplicy and others Marta Suplicy was also Mayor of São Paulo Paulo Freire, one of the most respected educators in Brazil, dies Education Minister says death was a tragedy for the country Education educator Paulo Freire dies - A revolutionary pedagogue The master dies Paulo Freire, at the age of 75, the educator of the oppressed Paulo Freire, the man who revolutionized teaching dies Well, Paulo Freire dies in 1997 And it is very important to say, that unlike other Brazilian intellectuals, Paulo Freire did not recant The positions he had politically, he basically
kept them all We'll find in side echoes some criticism of Stalinism however, Paulo Freire died understanding Che Guevara, for example, as synonymous with love he died understanding that the Chinese cultural revolution was a good attempt at pedagogical application. And why do I say that? Especially in the case of Cuba Because Paulo Freire had a trip scheduled in 1997 to revisit Cuba and the impression that Paulo Freire had and 1997, according to his own biographers of greater prestige, for example; Sérgio Haddad himself Paulo Freire 1997 understood Cuba as a country without inequality, as a country with
excellent rates in education, in short... Of course, the experiences made by communist countries simultaneously disproved the speech. What I do not understand is that after so long this speech and this character continue to mobilize and inspire, and has turned into a myth within Brazilian education an almost untouchable deity Writing against Paulo Freire raises "cosmic anger" The last work written by Paulo Freire still in life, was "Pedagogy of Autonomy" That in an interval of less than ten years, already exceeded almost 700 thousand copies sold He says this: "I cannot forbid the oppressed with which I work
in a slum to vote for reactionary candidates, but I have the duty to warn them of the mistake they make, in the contradiction in which they are entangled Voting for the reactionary politician is helping to preserve the status quo." "I am a teacher in favour of the constant struggle against any form of discrimination, against the economic domination of individuals or social classes. I am a teacher against the prevailing capitalist order that invented this aberration: misery in abundance." Still on this theme that the teacher should work on awareness, and should also be an example of this
awareness, Paulo Freire says this: "What can serious students think of a teacher who, two semesters ago, spoke with almost enthusiasm about the need for the struggle for autonomy of the popular classes and today, saying that he has not changed, makes the pragmatic discourse against dreams and practices the transfer of knowledge from the teacher to the student?!" Let's look at... First he says this: "what students can think of a teacher who spoke with enthusiasm about the need for the struggle for autonomy of the popular classes" Let's look right here What is a teacher doing in the
classroom talking about the need for popular class struggle? That's the first point... The second point is this; is this teacher saying that nothing has changed, and now makes the pragmatic speech against dreams and practices the transfer of knowledge that is, is he teaching now? Look at the complete inversion... So, he's criticizing the teacher who decided to stop talking about politics, and decided to teach If you are to read Paul I spoke carefully these key points about him regarding awareness, against the capitalist order, the promotion of revolutionary consciousness and such these points are so explicit, they're
so open... then you keep thinking like that; why this was said in such an open manner? I'm not sure about that, but I have some hypotheses and one of them is that, until recently in Brazil, you practically only had a left-wing consensus in the political and cultural environment. So with that, much of what Paulo Freire says, I have the impression that he didn't see himself as the fanatical ideologue as he really was he didn't see himself like that, he saw himself simply as common sense there is the left, which is common sense, there is the
rest that which is neoliberal wickedness as they call it. That's the capitalists, and the exploiters. Capitalism kills people, capitalism is exploitation, and capitalism causes "misery in abundance", as he says. So I think this is a hypothesis to explain why this ideology so explicit, mixed with what should be a pedagogical proposal. He at no time hid what he thought He wasn't someone subjective in that you had to access your personality layer, to understand what he actually thinks about things. No, he was explicit. And note; Fernando Gabeira, Ferreira Gullar and others regretted what they defended in the
decades, for example, of the military period in several respects and they claimed that in the military period several left-wing revolutionaries wanted what? The dictatorship of the proletariat Paulo Freire differently gave men, and others, he at no time recanted. It is worth the question; How is the pedagogy of the oppressed handled such an apology to criminals, and people go through these texts in such an indifferent way? So indifferent Note, you can even have a view that the state should participate in education, that MEC is fundamental you can have a view on the left, or whatever it
is Now, you go unpunished to a man who justified the revolution, who called Che Guevara synonymous with love, who justified the Chinese cultural revolution, do you get away with it? Unpunished? Put yourself in the shoes of one of these men who, in fact, over the decades, have suffered from this kind of tyranny, with these tyrannies. The very idea of discussing Paulo Freire, it is already in itself a problem. Because note, he defended genocide and died defending genocide. He has a sculpture next to the sculpture of Mao Zedong What's the credit to that? You have a
sculpture next to Mao Zedong, and this sculpture is celebrated by many Freireans I'd be ashamed. Shame. of my greatest intellectual, from my pedagogical symbol, to have a sculpture next to Mao Zedong the greatest genocide in the history of mankind. The greatest genocide in the history of mankind This is good to be said always, and is celebrated as if it were the greatest genius of pedagogy that Brazil was able to produce and is still able to produce. Because he is treated almost insurmountable Dare to question him What intellectual is this that you can't question? What intellectual
work is this that you can't question? Paulo Freire questioned Beethoven, questioned Plato and his thought cannot be questioned? If we were a healthy country, and I reiterate this; Paulo Freire would not be debated. What would we discuss? Understanding about pedagogical systems, on the role of the state in education finally high debates on high topics. He is only debated because we are a socially ill country The Cuban dictatorship, led by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, was responsible for the deaths of more than 300 thousand people. In the last place in almost all economic indexes and partners
of America, to this day Cubans have difficulty leaving the country without authorization from the party. The Communist Revolution of China, led by Mao Zedong, is suspected to be the greatest genocide in human history. We still don't know the exact numbers, ranging from 40 to 80 million dead. Forced labour camps are still a reality for the Chinese. A self-confessed admirer of these two experiences, Paulo Freire was declared patron of Brazilian education in 2012. After all, which system was implemented in Brazil? To be continued... I hope you enjoyed the movie Don't forget to watch the third episode
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