Introvert CRUSHES Cold Calls His Advice | SMMA

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Iman Gadzhi
How To Start & Scale A Profitable Marketing Agency: Six Fi...
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so the question is do you need to be an extrovert to be successful in business well that's what we're gonna discuss in today's video so guys I actually have my sales guy Esteban here he looks a bit different he's just went on a you were on to like a shoot or something like that I was a hair photo shoot so I forgave me for forgive me for looking this I'm not usually this sort of her style like I mean I don't usually look like a fashion designer but I have to today so apologize for a
movie Bruno so I thought I'd bring him on he was actually filming a live training alive a cold call session for the six-figure SMA students in how many meetings there how many cool calls you do like 11 I didn't I didn't do more than 12 phone calls and we landed two meetings yeah for those of you guys in six-figure SMA go ahead log back in and you'll see that in there either now or very shortly um so you see someone like Esteban right you see someone like Esteban this dashing young man and so um yeah
you see him and you see someone who's literally like closing meetings just you know very very good at sales very I'd say you know when I look at you and say for example you know we actually met at my free like mastermind event yeah you were very extroverted like kind of like everyone was attracted to your energy like you were you know someone just walks into the room and they're that kind of like whole conversation apart from you obviously you know because because I'm even gadget but you know like you had a people were forming
discussions around you and so like that's one you look very extroverted um but I know that's not actually the case for you know for yourself so you you know going back like five six years you were quite the introvert right yeah yeah a hundred percent I mean I wasn't just quite the inch for it I was like scared of asking old an old lady for the time introverted really really introverted with just crippling social anxiety never really got out there and started talking to people but yeah Here I am doing sales and living off something
that is just a hundred percent based on speaking to people and being confident about it pretty much so look let's go back you're sixteen seventeen you know around that time and you know in those six years like for example like sales do you even enjoy sales like yeah were you naturally drawn towards what you're like okay this is how I'm gonna get out of being an introvert yeah I think I think that's 100 percent accurate I hated sales I hated it but like that hate was just that introverted side of me saying to myself like
dude I'm not good at it is because I wasn't I was [ __ ] horrible I'm not naturally good at something like that and I had a lot of resistance at the beginning because of it this so yeah I'm very very introverted and I hated sales I just had to push through it really and and and and then I hated it for quite a while actually like I don't think I actually started enjoying sales until I start seeing started seeing a lot of results on how I could actually adapt to uh social situations and I
could actually come across as a very confident guy and it's it's the same it's the you probably get her in a lot of other scenarios like when you struggle with something throughout your life once you start getting successful at it it just becomes like addictive because even though you you you will always struggle with it and this is normal like if you're skinny guy you'll always struggle the game weight but you just have this obsession of just getting bigger and stronger because since you had you didn't have it naturally it's just something that it's like
just a really cool goal for you to attain so yeah that's what I did follow through and Here I am pretty much so um you know topic of this video do you think you actually have to be because you went from introvert to extrovert yeah and you went from introvert not having much to extrovert you know making Livi making your living off of socializing convincing persuading so the question is like do you think you have to be an extrovert in order to be successful in business or sales or marketing ya know a hundred percent not
100 percent whoever saying that is just be kids the limiting belief that just they just say to themselves just because they don't want to go through the pain of actually evolving you don't need to be an extra to be good at sales you don't know you need to be an introverted I mean there's some personalities that tend to have a certain strength on sales but that's just everything some personalities are good at one thing usually introverts are better at physics or maths or Sciences or something like that but being an introvert and being a Salesman
or an entrepreneur is something that can also be very valuable because you become very relatable for example you're probably you're probably now relating a lot to me maybe before not because you thought I was this [ __ ] extroverted guy that was just continuously doing weird shed but now that I told I'm actually not that might make you feel more comfortable about me and at the end of the day that comfort that I just created by being introverted it's something that's gonna make help me either do more business in the case of email or just
make more sales in my case so you definitely don't have to be an extrovert to be good at sales so we're being good an entrepreneurship and do you like are there any good examples you know if people who still crush in the business world like any they just come to mind real quick but that are quite introverted should come on Steve Jobs I mean Steve Jobs talking about introvert I don't know if you guys have ever seen Steve Jobs some of his first public speaking events the guy I mean he was sharing himself he was
such a horrible speaker he you could tell he wasn't good at the phone I mean just look at most of the big like entrepreneurs Bill Gates he doesn't strike me as an extrovert I know for a fact Elon Musk is an introvert I think Grant Cardone at some point was also grant I know for sure that grant card don't hate it cells in the beginning it as well because he was he was so bad at it but you see those example all the times Bill Gates as I said Steve Jobs I mean they're they're some
of the pinnacles out there and I'm sure once you start going on me and some other entrepreneurs you'll see a lot of them very successful there are also introverted and a lot of them will also be in sales so you know you talk about like relatability there so do you think like say you're an introvert and that's your you know and because of then they you're always gonna have to sell something yeah right say you're an introvert is there any way you would suggest people use it to their advantage yeah yeah 100% be very genuine
be very genuine and real on the fact that you are an introvert don't try to cover up that introversion with with unnecessary extraversion if you really want to connect with people be genuine about it like just like dude I'm an introvert if I if I don't have Greg I mean you do meet its its we are social species like you do need to have some social skills to two by two by four but those are those are just simple just by a book how to win friends and influence people is a great book to start
off it's a literally book on learning like ten questions that you always ask people and that creates that connection once you through that those ten questions you can just be really straight up like hey you know I'm really interesting on what you're saying I actually want to hear a lot more of that because I'm not very good at talking I'm a shy guy but that doesn't mean that I want to talk to you as a matter of fact a benefit of being an introverted and social interactions is that us introverts really care about the deep
meaning of things we don't really we're not really interested on what you're wearing or how the call the weather is looking today or any stupid [ __ ] like that we like deep meaningful meaning and a good thing for you guys is that people love to talk about that about themselves so we as introverts are interested in that like for example if I ask you about deep [ __ ] like hey how's it going with your girlfriend or are you happy or stuff that actually means something to me that I'm actually interested about I only
had to ask that one question and he's gonna do all the talking I'm just there listening literally that's what I'm doing and it's just such a simple thing to do and it creates it builds really good relationships because by people people investing that way into you and you're doing what you already like to do which is hearing about interesting stuff about a person you already build a great relationship for example and this just a quick thing what I do when I meet somebody new cuz usually when you meet me I'm very extra wary at the
beginning but as soon as I get very comfortable I started toning it down and becoming more chill and more grounded because I'm natural I get in that zone where I'm just a quiet guy but I asked I asked cool questions I always do like hey what do you want to do like we your life that's something that I love to us when I meet somebody that's brand-new it's hard question but it's like do what you wanna do with your life like do you want to be a musician do you want to be a [ __
] professional clown and that's interesting because you you really get to know people like that and they love talking about that because nobody gives them the time and the attention to actually ask those questions so yeah it's taught me I'll I love being an introverted don't get me wrong right two very key points there first of all I feel as though most the time when people are having conversations they're literally just waiting like everything that gets played they're just going okay how does this relate to me how does this relate to me how does this
relate to me and at every single point every single time someone says something they're literally just like trying to interject you know we just have a conversation with someone and like you say something and they're just waiting for they're like for their chance like have a rebuttal or have their opinion on your opinion so I think that's very important second I think if you are an introvert I think it's such a massive advantage because there are two commitments in this world one is money like there's two things that people don't like to give away its
time and money when you're broke you'd rather give away money or you rather give away time than money but you know as you get more and more wealthy and write more and more financial opulent like for me at this point like if someone takes my time I'm [ __ ] pissed yeah if someone like if someone like overcharges me by like 15 pounds like I don't even notice Yeah right but someone takes my time I'm angry so I think that's a very key point there because you can actually leverage that so say you know I'm
trying to sell him on something right the end goal is I'm trying to get an exchange of money I'm trying I'm trying to get him to commit his money to me but subconsciously what he doesn't realize is the fact that if he keeps talking and I talk about this law in say six-figure estimation in my sales style where you know in that first meeting I'll let them talk as much as possible I don't I don't care I don't want to sell them on anything because the more and more they don't realize it but the more
and more they talk to me the more and more the time they're committing right and as a business owner and most usually you're selling to business owners this is this relates more to say b2b exactly so the more and more he as a business owner the more and more time he invests into me the more he speaks about his business although he doesn't think he's giving any first of all he's giving something away by the fact that like I'm getting and collecting so much Intel and info about his business but second he's committing time to
me right which is almost worth as much as money so I think you know say like I'm kind of on the fringe extrovert and introvert but I know like sometimes I get really excited I just want to interject and I want to speak and I know some people just like still interject like oh every good look at something like Gary being a trick right like just every single point and it doesn't give people enough time to like say first of all build rapport and like you're like you I'm sure you get this sometimes like do
your friends ever tell you they're like I just feel so you know me so well and in your head you're like I literally spoke for one minute you spoke for 59 minutes like I did like the other person has literally just spent so [ __ ] long telling you about themselves that you just need to repeat what they said back to them and they're like like that unlocks the key to everything so I think as a introvert that's actually a huge advantage the fact that um you are someone who actually allows people that space to
speak because as I said I think as an extrovert like it kills you inside letting people like letting that and letting there be that space in that conversation so I think that's actually a huge advantage in terms of sales mmm-hmm yeah a hundred percent 100% and and again you just the end of the day you just want people to invest in that and what in that interaction I get I happens all the time I speak to people and they actually feel like they actually that we have like a personal connection they don't really know anything
about me but they've they've they've invested so much about themselves because I've asked really interesting questions about them that I really genuinely care to know and they just they just let loose on in because everybody every it's human nature that for people to be entitled to their own opinion so they always want to say what they think and what they don't think and whatever so again yeah there's a lot of benefits to it's also you get a lot of social calibration which is also really really for example a lot of people that are very extroverted
they don't get a lot of they don't they don't send social calibration I mean social cues really well so for example you sometimes see people that are way too extrovert and they're started coming rude or making people uncomfortable and because they're just so extroverted they cannot put themselves in the shoes of other people they [ __ ] social situations self-love because of it but with if you're an introverted and have the extrovert skills you can sense that really quickly because introverted so I'm more intuitive that's what it actually means and intuitive means that you're more
in touch with your sort of emotions you can you can understand and look look inside of yourself and understand what's going on there so you can send social cues really good and that and that in sales is really helpful because it helps you understand what the other guys coming from and when you put yourself in his position you know how to contract react you know what to say you know you know what you know where to take the interaction and stuff like that yeah is there is there any last pointers as I said I know
there's a lot of you guys watching this on the other side that are you know introverts in for example you even just afraid to pick up the phone for example right you know we just did a hour and a half cold call session actually only ended up as I said it only ended up calling around like 12 businesses after setting up all the equipment and stuff like that and landed two meetings and as I said this is someone who just was a complete introvert I didn't even know about it until he told me about his
past experiences and stuff like that just a few years ago so for someone watching this they're you know we've kind of like squashed that belief that you you'd need to be an extrovert to kill in sales and stuff like that it's actually an advantage in most cases but nonetheless you still need to learn sales and sales skills so you know someone who's introverted and they have that as a limiting belief but they realized they still need to learn sales what was the you know just to end off this interview what was the few steps that
you took and what would you recommend for other people well I will give you this morning going through tough social scenarios and going through that that growth phase I think it's probably one of the hardest grow phases to go through because social interactions this is such an important part of human evolution that if you [ __ ] up in the past there massive consequences to it that's why you feared that was that's why fear of rejection if your failure is so powerful so you definitely have to have a strategy to to that approach you cannot
just go beast mode and go on the street and approach a hundred people because your your your instincts are so strong that your your conscious brain cannot go through it so best best things that I can recommend this for you guys to start doing cold calls and literally go out and talk to people like have those sort of conversations practice those questions write down ten questions you're really interested about on people my personal ones I like to know what they want to do with their life what their ambitions are what what they love to do
hobbies they love maybe they like to watch I don't know feet porn or some like everybody's got their thing you know and then sometimes you hear we're really weird [ __ ] but you're like hey okay this is weird but hey I knew I didn't know that I didn't know I didn't know that we're fetishes like that I was like whatever I really like to ask about their fears I love to ask some other insecurities and fears and people will tell you dude trust me if you ask the questions you have a genuine interest people
were spa-like they will and yeah do that have those ten questions start approaching people on the street that's the best ones I'd say start really small if you're massively in children and you get stifled so easily just go out and ask for the time and slowly step it up because I think it's something that you had that has to complement your life you cannot just focus on social interaction because it's it's it's it's just a pleasure I thank you so much so I'd say have really small goals every day to improve that social interaction skill
and slowly start building it so one day you asked for the time the next day you asked for three people for the time the next to you ask five people for the time then the next thing you asked warm people I have a national conversation with them or two questions and then you build it up that way until eventually it's all about practice and feeling comfortable eventually you'll you'll you'll feel comfortable doing it but definitely those that will be my receiver combination you slowly progressively keep moving forward and look even if you're extroverted like for
me as I said I'm kind of like introvert/extrovert I think you know what he's talking about here kind of like building things up and warming up is like it's so important I remember when I used to go to you know as when I'm just getting my first like two to three clients before I'd show up to meetings I would be on the tube and I'd ask people like first of all what's the time or I'd ask people like oh there's a cool shoes where do you get those from just because like I want it to
like you know I just wanted to like warm up before the meeting you know like socially Woma because you know in the same way you go to the gym and you got a warm up before you before you you lift your heaviest set yeah you got to do the same thing like you know it's game time it's show time you're you're about to hop into a [ __ ] meeting with a client or a potential client you know just want to go in there cold right I think it's what you do the entire day before
the meeting that really really counts right because you ever again that's sort of like this zone that flow where it's just like everything just comes to you naturally like you know like I I can just remember vividly times rows and like there's one client specifically that I can remember like huge multi-million pound tech company I there's no way they're like my fifth client there's no way I should have gone on them as a client yeah he still blows my mind to this day that I got them as a client and the reason was because like
I was there at that meeting everything just yeah I felt like limitless pill it was because that entire day leading up to it I realized that okay I have this huge meeting them probably gonna ship my pants so I need to frame myself correctly leading up to that meeting so I think that's even if you're an extrovert I think that's a take away if you're not already doing that so yeah that's about it so guys hope you enjoyed this video for those of you in six-figure estimate as I said go ahead and check teachable there's
a now a 45 minute hour long around 45 minute live cold call session with Esteban as well as I think there's 12 new modules this week there abouts we've got a la new content coming out so um yeah I'll be in before that and yeah I mean if you really want to go deep into this and really get that relatability did I do a live session cold calling on the events course so if you're really interested on that really I do recommend getting this guy's course is incredible and you get all that all concert in
there I'm done I'm not just selling this thing I mean I'm actually trying to help you guys if you want to really relate to what I'm doing and what's possible with being an introvert go check it out all right I appreciate that so yeah guys I hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see you in the next one thanks for thanks for coming out wherever all now I don't really I don't really want to waste your time and sell you through the whole service right now all I want to do is really get a 15
minute appointment so that you can actually get more information on how we can help your business and hopefully we can say things forward from there the worst thing that can happen is that you've walked off with a free consulting session yeah anytime this week whatever time works meal awesome so what do you say about tomorrow at 1:00 o'clock tomorrow Clark awesome awesome now before I let you go just a waste your time I have you ever done anything really to this what was your sort of experience did you try Facebook advertising what was it another
thing also muscleman did you have good results or not we're not very happy with it no I like that I like that modality it's not very common for people to think that's good another thing before I sit down with you is there anybody else who you like you're paying off with this okay awesome awesome now yeah that's about it for sure is there anything any reason whatsoever why you couldn't do one o'clock tomorrow awesome perfect so uh I'll move that down and I'll show you a con from email a confirmation email right now and I'll
see you tomorrow awesome awesome have a good day bye bye boom so as you can see it's the difference that can make it's it's one phone call way that's what people always say one more phone call one more phone call one more phone call stuff like this as you're probably aware of so again hold this really really helped you guys again the whole point of this is to make you feel a little bit more relatable to how the actual process goes how it's not hard with the templates where you have just have a good attitude
keeping enthusiastic like this women like the only thing I did behind this let's just create that confidence in her that I actually know what I'm doing okay and having that good attitude yeah and yeah keep doing keep practicing don't be careful again if it works so just keep hustling guys I'm I hope I brought some value to you today and yeah keep crushing it okay so a quick rundown on something that just happened to me one of the voicemails I left on the cold calls actually gave me a call back his name was Tucson he
told me dude I just received a phone call from this number so I did the same thing I backed it up with a good attitude a lot of enthusiasm I went through my pitch I shortened up my structure and I actually closed another appointment so I got one appointment for Wednesday one appointment for Tuesday and I did I think ten phone calls okay so you can see that like it's it's really really possible as long as you do the [ __ ] phone calls that's all you have to do okay I hope I really hope
we did I was a saint it was a shame actually that we couldn't catch that on video but it happened all of a sudden like we're chilling and it happened but hopefully that reinforces even more that you guys can do this so uh yeah thank you guys and enjoy the rest of the course
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