Howard Pittman's Near Death Experience

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Mark Cowart
In 2015 Pastor Mark sat down with Howard Pittman and heard firsthand his near death experience. Howa...
Video Transcript:
so I just want to give a little context for the video you're about to see with Howard Pitman U I actually flew out to meet with him in June of 2015 on August 3rd 1979 he had a physical attack in his body where a major artery erupted erupted and they basically judged him to be clinically dead it was the encounter that he had after that when his Spirit left his body I first saw Howard Pitman on the 700 Club in 1980 I actually reached out to CBN to see if they could find that old footage
they were unable to but it was riveting there's something about when someone has had a near-death experience that's very genuine that grabs you so this this is uh this has some intense subject matter it's very disturbing there's nothing I found that Howard Pitman has said that is not biblical but it certainly flies in the face of religious tradition he was a bivocational pastor he was a law enforcement officer he was a good man and a moral man and has children of his own biologically he's gone to be with the Lord now in 2019 but they
adopted I believe 32 foster children through their care good people and yet when he left his body and the Lord began to encounter him he said his life was an Abomination because he served him in a physical fashion of dead works so there's so much more that I could say but I wanted you to understand the context it is one of the most riveting things I could say a lot more but I want to have you be able to get right into the video and I trust that it'll be a blessing to you okay brother
Howard I thought if we could just start from the beginning and uh you had an encounter cter where something physically happened could you share that story with us yeah this was August on August 3rd 1979 I was involved at that time in a political campaign I was running for Sheriff criminal Sheriff Office of criminal sheriff and um there was about seven of us in the race the primary election was going to be held on August 7th 1979 and on the first day of August we took a little unofficial poll Accord to that poll I was
one of the leading candidates that was going to be involved in that and uh there was one particular Bank in the community that was very important in politics and iise that worked in that bank and she made an appointment for me with the president and some of the members of the board of directors trying to solicit their support for my campaign and I went down that morning I got up I wasn't sick wasn't different from any other morning I was slightly nauseated because of sonus problems I had sonus problems for years and this is sonus
country here it's what they call the Pine Belt and the doctor said there's no allergy like Pine allergy you know so anyway uh I ski breakfast and went to town and uh to keep my appointment and when I arrived at the bank my niece who worked in the bank looked out through the plate glass window she saw me coming I got out of my car and went across the street and she got up from her desk and came to the door to greet me with one hand she opened the door and others reached out to
greet me as I stepped in the door I dropped to my knees and she grabbed me what's the matter I said I don't know all of a sudden I just lost my strength something's wrong with me I cancel my appointment I'm going back home I turned around went back to my car and sat down that's when the pain hit me like of you would keep me in the midsection and consume my entire body so all I could think of was go home go home I was within a mile of the hospital but I didn't go
to the hospital instead I started up my car and I started home about halfway I live 11 miles from the bank then about halfway home I suddenly stopped breathing I felt as though my clothes were literally smothering me to death I break my car right in a stop in the middle of a busy highway and I felt that my clothes was smothering me and I started just trying to tear out of them and somehow I don't know how but somehow I realized I had panicked and when I forcefully y calm myself down I could breathe
with difficulty but I could breathe and I knew I was growing weaker because I was hemorrhaging massively I was able to start my car and I made it rest of the way home when I got there no one was home wife was going somewhere the kids was all going to school but I struggled to get out of the car can't everything's kind of hazy about how long it took me to get out of the car I just can't but anyway I made it in the house and fell on the floor right inside I hadn't been
there very long till she came in my wife came in one look she recognized the gravity situation she got me up back out into the car and rushed me into the town to the very town I just came from right up in the family clinic and just as she parked one of the doctors pulled in his park right in front of us but she ran around open the door and tried to pull me out of the car by that time I was so weak I couldn't even lift my hand I'd lost so much blood and
when she pulled on me I literally fell out of my car on my face and the doctor stepped out of his car he saw this he rushed over to give Aid one look he knew I was already in shock now they didn't know what had happened to me because I was in shock but he knew that I was in shock later on they told me what had happened there is a main artery that runs across the back of the stomach an ulcer had formed on that AR well they called it a silent because it gave
me no symptoms and it had slowly eaten away the wall of that artery until it ballooned out they call that aneurism it just kept on ballooning out till it reached a place that the wall was so thin the day I stepped on in that hospital I mean in the bank door the it had reached the place the wall was so thin it couldn't withstand the brush pressure the heartbeat it just popped like you popped a balloon and that was the massive Hemorrhage well they rushed they call an ambulance they rushed me from the uh local
hospital from the local Clinic Family Clinic to the local hospital they kept me there overnight next morning three times during the night they brought me out of shop the next morning my doctor come in and said we got to move you we got to have more equipment we got to have more skilled technician we got to have them in a hurry so we're going to send you to the uh Regional Medical Center at mccom Mississippi they put me in an ambulance hooked me up to all that Machinery assigned my wife allowed my wife to go
with us assigned a paramedic to attend to me and we took off post haast 19 miles before before we reached that hospital I lost Consciousness I passed into a world of Darkness I mean it was so dark that there's no words any the human language to describe crossing the veil but I passed out in this Darkness I felt I really felt abandoned all alone first time I'd ever experienced that kind of Darkness there was no light and then all of a sudden I saw something that come right out of the top of that darkness and
it was like a a a tape that was just twirling around like this as it come down you you ever seen those confederate confederate confet parades in New York where they throw that confetti out the window it just Twirls down that's what the thing looked like a single one and it came and and I watched it it came all the way down right in front of me I can't tell you how I saw it because I saw it with No Light No Light at all it's total darkness but I saw this thing just like this
tape it comes right in front of my eyes and turns just like that three times and every time it turn I'm reading it's a verse of scripture Hebrews chapter 9: 27 it is appointed unto all men wants to die after this to judgment it is appointed unto all men once to die after judgment three times that thing turned and three times I read when I realized then this was God's way of supernaturally revealing to me that I had met my appointed time to die we all know we got die but you know being human we've
dealt with that we dealt with it in our subconscious actually in reality we look at death's physical death at something that happens to others it don't happen to others we just put it out of our mind and keep going if it didn't it drive us crazy we just put it out of our mind and keep going but when you come to the realization that it's not others it's you it takes on Whole New Perspective then I didn't want to die I left home to win an election not to die to uh die with be total
defeat so I prayed a very short and pointed prayer I asked God to extend my life I was familiar with the fact that he has a precedent in his word for extending life because he extended hezekiah's life for 15 years and I knew that so I asked him to extend my physical life and then that's when I had the first ever Supernatural encounter out of that vast Darkness come the most beautiful voice I've ever heard in my life there's no music created that would would any way mimic the beauty of that sounding of that voice
as the voice spoke to me the voice said to me stop no more pain peace rest security all that you've ever wanted just don't breathe I'm Breathing by willpower at that point every breath has took all the strength I could get in and when I got in the area it took all the strength I had to get it out I'm Breathing by willpower and he's telling me stop don't breathe and my spirit was saying to me listen God speaking God speaking said don't breathe and then I got I got to try to shut it down
what I'm doing and then the realization hit me as those as I screamed as L as I could in my spirit no what am I doing I just asked God to extend my life don't breathe I'm going to die you are not God with that exclamation Satan fled from me so this voice you had just asked the Lord to spare your life and a beautiful voice said just let go yeah but look what he said listen he say pay just what he said tells what I've been taught on my security security that's what Baptist teach
once you save you save forever no matter what that's what they teach security and he used that on me right away the first thing of you security peace rest all youve Ever Wanted just stop breathing there in the valley of death at the door he lied to me he told me he was God he couldn't kill me he had to get me to kill myself you better know the spirit that speaks to you we're all going to come to that same place I call it the Veil The Veil is is not in this world and
it's not in the other world it's the door between the two we all got to go that way Christians refer to it as Crossing Jordan it's when we pass from this life to the life to come once you cross that Veil Flesh and Blood can't cross it it can't cross so that's when the Angels took my spirit out of my body and we went from Darkness to light just like that out of Darkness into light and cross the veil I was on the other side the first thing they brought me to see was a ver
verse of scripture being acted out like a stage play Ephesians 6:12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood against principalities word PL Powers word PL rulers of the darkness of the world the managerie of our enemy there was this looked like a long table with all these beings sitting around the Devil Himself is sets it in and all these Spirits are princes that operate the principalities of the dark world that's where the warfare plans for spiritual war is actually designed and planned Satan does nothing without plan he plans everything everything is planned it's right
down to the so let me show you how it works every one of those people uh not people Spirits setting at at table head a principality he has divided the world into principalities territories over these territories he puts a prince each Prince is given as many demon Spirits as he needs to carry out his plan for that principality you take some continents might be one principality because they might no threat to the kingdom of darkness where there's no threat no major threat to the kingdom of darkness one Prince could handle old continent necessary but America
is many principalities there's many threats even down to an individual could be a principality depending on what the threat is but this is how that thing works as I watched it they let me see part of a plan that really shook me up because I knew about the plan I called it a skeleton it was just just an outline and it was the same identical outline that John was able to see and he wrote about it in Revelation uh chapter 13 beginning at verse 7 through n and this really Shook Me Up Revelation let me
get to it I want to read that and it was given unto him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them and power was given him over all kindreds tongues and Nations and all that dwell upon the Earth shall worship Him whose names are not written in the book of the life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world if any man have an ear let him hear Revelation 13 7-9 the master plan to capture the world to capture church that's why we've got cotton candy Religion Today what is cotton candy
religion H doctrines of demons Paul call doctrines of demons are being expounded from the pool pits of so many churches today he's captured the church what he said he was going to do and he's done it it he's already got it when they brought me first they let me see this scout that's the first thing I saw was this outline this outline they let me see that so John the Baptist wrote about it because I was very weak on spiritual warfare of Southern Baptist you know we didn't have too much teaching in that area then
in fact I I'd never heard but one sermon in my entire life that ever mentioned the devil and uh that was when I was 12 years old and it scared the devil out of me so that's when I first came to the church you see and then noore even in the Seminary he was never mentioned didn't mention the devil men didn't mention the demons or anything it was the ministry of the children that first opened my eyes as we brought these children into our home most of them had been used misused abused for instance the
last girl the last child they brought into our home state resc Ed her that day she was locked up in a cage with a cat she's only 18 months old this little girl and that she the only thing that they said that she'd had to eat for that solid week was the droin of that cat and that demon-possessed individual that had that little girl got his Jolly all by putting his lighted cigarettes out on the bottom of her feet you ought have seen her feet you see these this is not human something Beyond Humanity had
to do that this is not human and and it was those children how they had been abused misused neglected and all of them was crying for help and they came to my house expected me to help him and I was the least prepared person in the world I had no training in the spiritual war at all I didn't even know but as I looked at though I knew that there was a force out there far greater than I knew about and that that's the first thing God took me to see he educated me quickly he
showed me how this is done by Design how spiritual war is done and how they operate on two emotions in that world hate and fear they hate all humans and they fear their B There's No Love in there at all and that's why he has enforcer enforcing the rules of the satanic world it is a World Without Love there's no love at all there it is operated by fear and hate they hate all humans and they fear their boss they fear Him Now people don't pay an attention to this but Satan show you how devious
he is took onethird of the angels of heaven with him in his Rebellion what did that tell you when you think about this there's no dummies in the angel core and yet he deceived onethird of the Angels how did he do it this tells about his ability 2 Corinthians chapter 4:4 says he's the God of this world that word God is not a name it's title it's transl translated from the Greek word Theos from which which we get our word theology the definition of English in English is divine ruling magistrate High potentate think about that
that's his title Divine means set apart put above ruling magistrate who is a ruling magistrate one that has Authority by law to control the conduct of those under his jurisdiction that's why Satan says 2 Timothy 2:25 verse 26 he can take any lost person at will he's a Divine ruling magistrate not long ago I had a lawyer called me from New York he says I have a a man up here in charged with murder he's got a copy of your book Demon's eyewitness count it says in that the devil can make people do what he
wants he wants you to come up here and testify that the devil made him do it I said well I if you send me a subpoena I'll come up there and testify what the Bible says just what I wrote is what it says he says okay two weeks later he called me back he says I said he said I'll get the subpoena two weeks later he called me back said the judge get out of here man I ain't opening that c of worms in this court [Laughter] so but he let me see the God of
this world at work and he is a God all them people out there serving him they don't know it they don't know it the strongest one are his princes they're at the top they they're from the giant Waring order of demons they they they were actually actually um a Angels who who fell with him and uh angels are you know they got some angels that look like animals some that looks like birds they all describ in the Bible and uh they got the the guardian angel looks just like a human being and this is why
Revelation say I mean um Hebrews says when you deal with a when you deal with strangers be careful many times you deal with angels on AW now brother Howard you you good works you took in abused children uh you were a police officer you served but something happened with he said your Works weren't acceptable to him yes he says well when when when when I stood before him to plead my case see the Angels brought me there to plead my case because I all the time I kept asking is he going to let me live
I knew that my spirit had been crossed had crossed the veil Flesh and Blood can't go there and I knew the only way I could come back God would have to permit it at and I kept asking the angel there was time I still no matter what I saw I still was in love with this old piece of clay and so they brought me there and let me plead brought me to the gate they wouldn't let I didn't go in I came to the gates of the third heaven and they they told me I watched
50 Saints being per permitted to enter the Gates of Heaven but they didn't let me go in they said they stopped me the angel stopped me there and says well I got to the gate and he says if you go in you can't come out you got to stay till he brings you back I said if I can't come out then that means my phys physical life is over and you told me I could ask him angel said you can ask him but you stand outside this gate and ask him and so I did I
came and I I I was allowed to plead my case so and I was I was I was pleading to a god I couldn't see but I knew it was total silence while I played my case I was telling him all I reminded him of all my good works I told him about all the things that I'd done all the things that's what I was basing on on my my good work I told him about all of that and when when uh he was never said a word till I finished when I finished then he
answered me in a voice that sound like thunder wasn't anything like the voice that Satan had used on me he says he started I'm going to try to quote verbatim exactly what he says your faith is dead your works are in vain the life that you lived and offered to me as a life of Christian service is an Abomination that I rejected in the Pharisee what made you think I would accept it from a leoan type Christian in fact Untold millions are living the same kind same kind of life that you live and they stand
in danger of my Everlasting wrath unquote the Living God I couldn't believe he was talking to me I'm a preacher I'm a teacher I just told him about all my good works what I'd done you know and and I said no Lord don't you wait you don't understand he said you didn't do those works for me you did them for a false god I said Lord I work for you I called you Lord every day yes you you did but you never made me Lord what a difference to call him Lord gives him a title
to make him Lord promotes him to ruler of Life who is your Lord but Lord I was serving you no you wasn't you served a false god then he named him Satan's number one selling false god s e LF instantly I knew everything he said was true had he reached that down and picked me up and dropped me in hell I would have said amen but I couldn't move I'm laying on my face spirit in the spirit I couldn't move I couldn't move they came and Angels came and took me away they took me out
and let me regain my composure and brought me back and let me plead the second time second time I never open my mouth then he began to talk to me in a compassionate tone as he said to me suddenly I realized realized this is my father and I hurt him he was hurting from me the god that created all of this was hurting for me the smallest insignificant PE piece of Flesh that he had he was hurting for me nothing mattered now I didn't ask him for my life I didn't ask him for anything else
but when this life meant nothing he gave it back sent me back to do what i' done pay give me a five point message for the church and gave me placed two restrictions on me restriction one was that I was not to ask anybody to hear this because he was sending me to his church I didn't know what it what was his church but he knew which one was his church he was sending me to his church all I had to do was go wherever a mask when I get an invitation put it down get
to it when I can and if I'm not supposed to go there he closed the door but if he opened the door no man would close it and that's the where it's been ever since the Five Point message he gave me the point one this is number one point this is the leoan church age in which we live today this is the lean Church AG where the overwhelming majority of so-called Christians are just that so-called they mouth professors and not heart possessors and unless they wake up he's going to spew them out of hisou mouth
he promised to do that you see but he gave him a chance in his word he gave him a chance if they wake up if they wake up Point number two your adversary is a personal and Powerful adversary Satan the devil he is or he is Anointed Point number three if you ever ever expect to have any of God's power manifest through in your life you're going to have to live the life not talk it you got to walk it and point number four as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be
in the days of the coming of the son of man what he's saying there keep your eye on the Eastern Sky because you Redemption draweth nigh because we have reached the days of Noah once again and we look in history and in the Bible to see how it was in the the days of Lord and we see that mankind had but two priorities wealth and pleasure wealth and pleasure wealth and pleasure everything else is secondary that's where it was in the days of no and he said it was going to be that day that well
again and we have reached that stage Point number five now this is one that really the main one one that he sent me back for and a lot of people can't comprehend this what he said was let me go back to Matthew Matthew in writing was quoting John the Baptist when he said this in chapter number chapter 3: 11 and 12 he said I indeed baptize you with water under repentance but he that cometh after me is migh than I whose shoes I not worthy to Bear he shall baptize you with Holy Ghost and with
fire whose fan is in his hand and he will thily Purge his floor and gather his wheat into the Garner but he will burn up the cha with unquenchable fire the baptism of the Holy Ghost so to speak is going to come with fire he's going to burn up the chaff in the in the Christian so a lot of people think that the baptism of the holy spirit is evidence speaking in in tongues well it it might be but by the same token the real evidence is the fire burning the chaff out of the individual
and that's going to take tribulation How would would you summarize that fifth point then the fifth point is the baptism baptism of the Holy Spirit true baptism of the Holy Spirit we got some people that come to churches talk in tongues all day and go to The Honky ton first thing Monday morning you know who they are you know who they are but the fire is coming the true baptism of the holy spirit is going to bring fire in the CH for the life of the individual that's your five points for the church and that
was the message the lord gave to you right right sh the fivepoint message to the church and the f I didn't know where the church was because everything it calls itself is church is not a church brother Howard you talked about you saw a certain amount of people die and enter Heaven but at the same time how many what was it the Lord showed you about the people that didn't make heav 97% didn't make it 2,000 they showed me his Harvest for 15 minutes P of time 15 minutes SP of time that occurred August 3rd
1979 from where the paramedic judged my body to be dead until it arrived at the hospital in that 15 minutes 50 I I was allowed to see 50 saints that go into heaven that was sum total of his Harvest on the planet Earth for 15 minutes span of time in that same 15 minutes 1,900 and and more people died 950 more died only 50 out of 2,000 made it 2 and a half% that's at Dove Tales was just exactly what he said in Matthew 7 for many will say to me in that day but Lord
Lord have we not preached in your name have we done many marvelous work in your name in your name have we done all this work and he would say depart from me and I knew you you worker of iniquity I never knew you you were never saved not that you was saved one day and turned you back you I never knew you you will never mind 2 and a half% now they let me see that because on August 3rd 1979 that was the condition of the planet Earth had that been the day the trumpet would
have blown so loud he would waking the dead he would have got 2 and 1/2% of the population of the world 2 and a half% he he T he allow me to tour the second heaven which is Satan's kingdom he allowed me to tour the whole Kingdom and see the different spirits that that that he has and uh that was the first thing because I was weak I was weak in in that training I you know sometimes I remember in the Seminary we had professors come and tell tell us one time teaching how to go
to heaven was like climbing the mountains they got somebody come up side side somebody up this side somebody up this but when they get there they all at the top well that right now that's a Doctrine it's very popular in the Christian church you be you know you're a good old boy you're going to make it and all that stuff God loves you don't worry about it hey we got the devil under his feet and he's laughing all the way to bank [Music]
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