CRISPR Explained

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Mayo Clinic
This video is an explanation of CRISPR-Cas 9. ____________________________________________ FOR THE P...
Video Transcript:
in a document if we suspect we've misspelled a word we can use the fine function to highlight the error and correct it or delete it within our DNA that function is taken on by a system called CRISPR casts nine CRISPR is short for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats CRISPR consists of two components the caste nine protein that can cut DNA and a guide RNA that can recognize the sequence of DNA to be edited to use CRISPR casts nine scientists first identify the sequence of the human genome that's causing a health problem then they create
a specific guide RNA to recognize that particular stretch of a's t's g's and c's in the DNA the guide RNA is attached to the DNA cutting enzyme cast 9 and then this complex is introduced to the target cells it locates the target letter sequence and cuts the DNA at that point scientists can then edit the existing genome by either modifying deleting or inserting new sequences it effectively makes CRISPR cast 9 a cut-and-paste tool for DNA editing in the future scientists hope to use CRISPR cast 9 to develop critical advances in patient care or even cure
lifelong inherited diseases
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