if you want to make over $100,000 a year passive income you need to know that 43% of all Amazon sellers make over $100,000 every single year and right now I'm going to show you how you can start your own Amazon business in just five easy steps and you need to understand the pros and the cons before you start selling on Amazon because if you don't understand the cons and how to avoid some of the massive mistakes that people make you could end up losing thousands of dollars and the first pro with selling on Amazon is that a lot of people have made hundreds of thousands even millions of dollars selling on Amazon and if you're new to the channel my name is Travis I've done over $6 million selling on Amazon and I've helped people like Juliana make over $100,000 in just her first six months selling this sports bra or Mina who's done over a million dollars with his electrolyte powders even though he only started with $1500 and AJ actually started his Amazon business with $0 and now he's done over a million and there have been a ton of other people just like them and I've taught all these people my exact step-by-step formula for selling on Amazon and that's exactly what I'm going to share with you in this video so make sure to smash the like button because I've been selling on Amazon for over eight years and I'm going to condense down everything I've learned into this one video and the reason that selling on Amazon is such a big opportunity is the second Pro which is Amazon is huge they're a$ 1. 6 trillion doll company that's not a million dollar company that's not a billion dollar company 1. 6 trillion ion dollar company last year they did over $600 billion in sales on their website and a lot of people don't realize this but most the sales in fact two-thirds of all the sales that happen on Amazon are from people like you and me selling our products on Amazon Amazon doesn't sell most the products that are being sold on amazon.
com they rely on people like you and me to sell those products so if you're looking to make six figures passive income selling on Amazon is a pretty huge opportunity but there is a big con with selling on Amazon and that's that you need to do the work this is not a get-rich quick scheme you're not going to become a millionaire overnight despite what all the gurus and all these people online are telling you and most people make a huge mistake when selling on Amazon and I'm going to talk about the top three mistakes that new Amazon sellers make in this video and the first mistake is they try to do it by themselves and I do have an Amazon FBA program there's a link to that down in the description if you do want more one-on-one help however I also have a free Amazon FBA course that I'm going to be giving to you at the end of this video it's an 8 Hour course it's completely free I do recommend that you watch this video all the way through first so you have an understanding of the pros and the cons of Amazon and selling on Amazon is actually pretty easy if you understand how to do it now we are going to talk about some more cons later in this video but let me show you this really cool product that I found on Amazon and this product is making over $360,000 every single month on Amazon that's more money than most people make in a year and this product is making that much money every single month and I found this product by going to amazon. com clicking on the best sellers clicking on Sports and Outdoors and then I found this product here it's a resistance Loop exercise band and here's a secret you can actually find out how much any product on Amazon is making all you have to do is scroll down to the bestselling rank number copy that paste that in the jungle Scout sales estimator tool we're then going to select the country in this case it's the United States as well as the category and paste in that rank number and we can see that's how many units it's selling every month if we multiply that by the cost of the product we can see that this product is doing over $360,000 in sales every month this seller is probably having to pay the 15% Amazon selling fee as well as the Amazon FBA Pick and Pack fee and they also have to pay for their product costs and probably some other things but even still they're doing over $100,000 in profit every single month and I'm going to show you how to find your own product just like this one now I can't promise you'll be making a $100,000 profit every month but our goal in this video is to help you find a product that will make you $100,000 profit at least every year and once you know how to do that you can find a second third fourth fifth product and before you know it you could be making a Million Dollar Plus profit a year if that is what your goal is in fact one of my students Brent launched this product he's done over $2 million in sales last year Alan he did over a million dollars in sales and what's crazy about his story is he did that while working a full-time job as a first responder helicopter pilot and raising two beautiful kids so if he can do it and all these people can do it you can do it too you just need to have the right step-by-step formula and I'm going to show you exactly what that formula is in just a minute but there is one more Pro that we forgot to talk about and that is the Amazon FBA program and for those of you that don't know FBA stands for fulfilled by Amazon this is the magical part about selling on Amazon this is what makes it passive income because if you use the FBA program you can travel the world you can live wherever you want and your business will keep running because the way that FBA works is you send the products that you want to sell on Amazon's website in to the Amazon warehouse and when someone goes to Amazon's website clicks to buy your product and you get a sale you don't need to ship it out yourself Amazon is going to ship that product out for you and when you use the FBA program it makes your product Prime eligible meaning that Prime customers can buy your product and receive it within 2 days or less and there are over 300 million Prime customers in the world in the United States alone there's over a 100 million Prime customers meaning close to 50% of all households have a Prime account and people that have Prime account are likely to buy Prime products on Amazon so let me show you how to do this and it's easy to get started all you have to do is go to sell. amazon.
com to sign up for your seller account now warning there are two different types of accounts you can sign up for you can sign up for either the individual account or the professional account and the individual account is free but you will have to pay an additional fee of 99 for every item you sell the professional account will cost you $39. 99 a month but you can sell unlimited products without any extra fees so if you're looking to sell more than 40 units a month I'd recommend signing up for the professional plan and to do that you would click the sign up button here however if you do want to save some money and sign up for a free Amazon account you have to scroll all the way to the bottom and Amazon actually hides this they don't want too many people knowing about this and if you click right here sign up as an individual seller you can save that $39. 99 a month but again if you're looking to make six figures passive income sign up for the professional plan it's going to be worth it in the long run the next step to selling on Amazon is to figure out what product you should sell on Amazon's website and there is a tool that makes it so easy to find products to sell on Amazon it's called helium 10 and I actually have the hookup with helium 10 there's a link Down Below in the description you can use that link and sign up for a free account now the free account does have limited features if you are looking to unlock all the features I do have the hookup I have a discount code when you click on the link down below that's going to save you a ton of money it's the best deal you can find on this tool just click that link in the description but once you've signed up for this tool you're going to log in and you're going to use this magnet tool right here to find a product and I'm going to show you how I found a product using this tool that has the potential to make me $100,000 a year but before I do that I have to tell you about one of the biggest Cons with Amazon FBA and one of the reasons why I see so many people failing with Amazon and that's because most people are doing it wrong there's actually four different ways to sell on Amazon the first is where you find products that are being sold at a discount like this air fryer toaster oven that's being sold on walmart.
com for $19. 89 9 but this exact same product is being sold on Amazon. com for over $500 and all you have to do is buy this product from walmart.
com for the discounted price of $119 flip it on Amazon for that inflated price of $500 and you can keep all the profit and this is called Retail Arbitrage and this works really well because so many people like myself shop almost exclusively on Amazon I never go to walmart. com most of the people watching this video go to walmart. com but sometimes Walmart has better deals so you can take advantage of this and you can buy products at a discounted price and flip them on Amazon now this isn't my favorite way to sell on Amazon and it's not passive income because you're constantly going to need to be searching for new products to sell and other people can buy and sell the same products as you so you don't really have any kind of a Competitive Edge the second way to sell on Amazon is called wholesale and you can go to sites like globalsources.
com where you can buy products with a wholesale discount and then flip it on Amazon for the full retail price like this bedside lamp SL alarm clock that's being sold on Global Sources for $18. 90 and this exact same product is being sold on Amazon for $46. 98 and the difference with wholesale and Retail Arbitrage is with Retail Arbitrage you can just buy one product if you want with wholesale you are going to have to buy the product in bulk but because you're doing that it's a little bit more reliable and you're able to buy the same product again and again but I still don't recommend this way for selling on Amazon because there's nothing stopping other people from coming buying the exact same product as you with that same wholesale discount flipping that product on Amazon and to stay competitive they might even lower the price and what happens is they'll lower the price which means you have to lower your price and before you know it nobody's making a profit the third type of product that you can sell on Amazon is a product like this silicone kitchen mitt and this mitt right here is doing over 1.
2 million in sales every single month and as I mentioned you can find out how much any product on Amazon is doing we go to the bestselling rank number we copy that paste it in the tool and we can see that this product is selling over 40,000 units per month multiply that by the cost of the product and boom we see that this product is doing $1. 2 million in sales but what's even crazier about this is this exact same product is being sold on alibaba. com for just $240 a piece even though on Amazon it's being sold for over $30 and this way of selling on Amazon is called private label and it's where you take a generic product you slap your brand on it you put your own private label on that product and you sell it on Amazon and this seems like a really easy way to make money on Amazon and it used to be the best way to make money on Amazon but it doesn't really work so well anymore because if it's easy for you to find a product on Alibaba and just slap your brand on it it's easy for everyone else to do the same thing and so I personally don't recommend the first three ways of selling on Amazon I want to be clear you can make money with all these methods but usually it's just a matter of time until someone comes along and steals your product and you're left without any sales but there's actually a fourth way to sell on Amazon that's my personal favorite way it's what I do and it's what I recommend to all my students I call it creating a passion product and this is similar to private label but the big difference is I don't recommend you just go to Alibaba take a generic product and slap your brand on it I recommend that you try to find a way to improve the product and that's what I did with my first Passion product and this product did over a million dollars in sales within just 2 months of launching this product on Amazon I was making over $30,000 a month in Revenue over $1,000 profit in my first year I did over $100,000 in profit and I'm going to show you right now how you can use this method and how I just used it again to find a new product that I just launched on Amazon a product that has the potential to make over a $100,000 profit and the key secret to making money on Amazon is to understand that Amazon is just a search engine people go to Amazon to search for products that they want to buy and if you understand this concept you can game the system you can hack the system because what you can do using this tool called helium 10 is you can find out what people are searching for on Amazon and if you know what people are searching for on Amazon you can create the perfect product for them sell it to them and make a ton of money and here's how you can find your own sixf fig Amazon product so we're going to log into helium 10 and we're going to click on the magnet tool and this is my favorite tool for quickly finding new products to sell on Amazon a couple months ago I was interested in the carnivore diet so I typed in carnivore diet into this magnet tool search bar and it showed me that over 9,000 people per month are searching carnivore diet on Amazon which means a lot of people are going to Amazon and they're looking to buy carnivore diet related products but what makes this tool so powerful is if you scroll down to the bottom it'll show you a list of other things that people are searching for in Amazon that are related to carnivore diet and this is where the gold is we want to find something that a lot of people are searching for in Amazon but when we go to Amazon and we search for that there's no products that really fit that description so what you're going to do here is you're going to click on the magnet IC two column and this will sort the list so that the best ideas are at the top but keep in mind helium 10 doesn't always know what the best ideas are so you're going to want to go through these one by one and try to find something that a lot of people are searching for but when you go to Amazon and you search for it there's no products that exist and I recommend going through these one by one and on the third page I found this carnivore electrolytes and we can see that over a th000 people per month are searching for exactly carnivore electrolytes but when we go to Amazon and we search for that there's a lot lot of different electrolyte powders but none of them are for the carnivore diet meaning that if we created a product that was perfect for the carnivore diet put it on Amazon a lot of people would rather buy our product than the competitors and that's the key we're not just making a generic electrolyte powder we're finding a niche and we're filling the niche and we're actually trying to improve our product so that it's perfect for these specific people and keep in mind there are a lot of ways that you can improve a product sometimes just by having really high quality branding that's enough to to stand out from the competition but I recommend whenever you can to Niche down because the riches are in the niches people don't want to buy a generic product they want to buy something that's perfect for them and after you have your product idea it's time to get it manufactured and you can go to sites like alibaba.
com or thomasnet. com to find manufacturers if you're looking to get your product manufactured overseas I'd recommend alibaba. com now here's the key thing most people go to alibaba.
com they look for products and all they do is take that exact same product and slap their brand on it what you can do instead is message the suppliers and ask them if they can customize the product this will make it so that no one will be copying your product because it's not just a generic product it's your own custom product and the way to use alibaba. com is type in what kind of a product you're looking to get manufactured you're then going to click on manufacturers and hit search and you'll get a list of different manufacturers and you're going to click on these one by one and what you're looking for is a manufacturer that's been around for a number of years and has an overall good rating you're then going to message them describe the kind of product that you're looking to create and ask them what the mq isq stands for minimum order quantity and that's how many of those units at a minimum you're going to have to order so that they will actually produce your product because if you say hey I want 10 they're not going to work with you it's probably usually a minimum of around 300 units which actually isn't that many units when you're trying to start a real business you probably want more than 300 but if you're looking to just test out whether or not your product will work 300 units isn't bad if you are looking to get something manufactured in the United States you can go to thomasnet.