At my wedding, my MIL asked for my $8500 monthly pay. If you're not okay with that, you can leave.

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Revenge Realm
At my wedding, my MIL asked for my $8500 monthly pay. If you're not okay with that, you can leave. @...
Video Transcript:
my in-laws were drunk at the wedding but they didn't care even though people were Whispering about them they started yelling at me it's too late now that you're married but if you want to be part of this family you need to show us you have enough money they said yes your dad is right so make sure to give us $1,000 a month as a new bonus they added I was shocked by their demands I couldn't believe they would say such things at my wedding reception I just stared at them feeling my face go pale my
dad took the microphone from them enough is enough don't you realize you're embarrassing yourselves he said my name is Linda I am a 30-year-old office worker I am currently dating Larry who is 32 years old I met him through a friend who was worried about me being single so she introduced us after dating for a year Larry proposed and now we are about to get married I lost my mother when I was very young and my father raised me on his own he worked very hard to take care of me I didn't have many worries
growing up but losing my mom who I love so much deeply hurt me because of this I was very careful with my emotions that's why I hadn't dated anyone seriously since my school days I even thought it would be okay if I stayed single forever then I met Larry at first I didn't feel any romantic feelings for him even though he asked me out many times Larry really cared about me and was always a gentleman slowly I began to open my heart to him and we started dating he kept caring for me and I felt
very happy he became very special to me and I started thinking I wanted to be with him forever then he proposed and we decided to get married Larry understood everything about me and was always kind to me no matter what don't worry if you're ever feeling unsure about something I'll be here for you until you feel better I love you Linda you can count on me he would say his words move me he promised to make me happy for the rest of my life just being with him warm my heart if he cared that much
for me I thought I should do the same for him when I told my father that we decided to get married he was so happy that he cried wow Linda you're finally getting married I'm so happy for you he said oh Dad you're being dramatic I joked wow I hadn't heard anything like that from you until now I was always worried that you might never get married he replied oh really I had no idea you were worried about that I said well every father father worries about his daughter you know anyway congratulations he said thanks
Dad I replied I was so happy to be congratulated by my dad who had Raised Me by himself I thought I would probably cry at the wedding and my dad would probably cry even more since he was already crying now with that Larry and I started preparing for our way we were both busy with our jobs so our days were very hectic we worked during the weekdays and made wedding preparations over the weekends there was no no time to rest our calendars were always full on a rare day off we were supposed to visit Larry's
parents house I was going to meet Larry's parents for the first time Larry had come over to meet my father right after he proposed to me originally I had planned to visit Larry's parents right after that to introduce myself but they were very busy and our schedules never matched finally sometime passed and we managed to arrange a visit as we arrived at his parents house I suddenly felt nervous don't don't worry my parents are very kind Larry reassured me his words made me feel a bit better and I rang the doorbell it was his mother
who opened the door mom I'm home Larry said welcome home Larry it's so good of you to come his mother replied warmly as she talked with her son I greeted her as politely as I could nice to meet you my name is Linda and I'm Larry's fiance I see s your Linda she said her voice was much lower than when she spoke to Larry and her smile vanished she looked me up and down as if judging me then she led us to the living room where her cold attitude didn't change Linda I'm curious about what
you bring to the table Larry is our treasure and our only child if you're going to marry him you need to be a suitable wife are you worthy of him she asked more like an interrogation I was taken aback by her question I hadn't expected such a cold attitude from my future mother-in-law and was at a loss for words you're going to join our family you know are you ready for that she continued true marrying Larry meant joining his family but it's not like Larry's family were the Kennedy or some well-known High Society family it's
not like I was marrying into a royal family why was I being asked to make such a commitment besides I wasn't even going to live with them I don't like being pressured with questions like these as I was trying to figure out how to respond his mother seemed impatient with my slow reply and scolded me harshly when I ask you a question answer me right away you're so rude she snapped I'm asking if you're ready for this she continued raising her voice despite feeling overwhelmed I managed to say I hope that Larry and I will
support each other in our marriage when I said that his mother was not convinced what a Nave thing to say you aren't just going to support each other you are supposed to support Larry it's your job as a wife to support your husband you don't even understand the basics she criticized then Larry's father who was sitting next to her intervened honey calm down sorry about that Linda you must have been startled by my wife's words he said trying to ease the tension it's all right I replied trying to remain calm his mother is very protective
of her only son maybe she was just nervous and spoke without thinking just then Larry's brother walked in he spoke in a quiet calm and gentle tone he seemed like a kind man which gave me a moment of relief but that relief was short-lived with a smile on his face he said the most unexpected thing what my wife says is actually Justified what concerns me the most is that you come from a single parent family what do you mean by that I asked confused while being raised by just one parent doesn't have a good Public
Image we can't be too happy to have such a person become the wife of our only son can we he explained hold on a minute I said unable to let this comment slide what is wrong with being raised by a single parent my father worked very hard to raise me by himself I am very thankful for my upbringing and I am proud of my father being raised by a single parent doesn't make me any less valuable but they still argued since you were missing one parent you couldn't have learned how to be a good wife
do housework and such I responded I did a lot of housework to help my father I can also cook pretty well so please don't say that despite my response Larry's mother ignored what I said and finally stated I will allow you to marry Larry but in exchange you must promise to devote everything to us because we are Larry's parents can you promise me that I was shocked what since you came here to ask for our permission to marry our son you do know what your duties are don't you before I could say more he continued
the conversation I found that my in-laws had completely taken over the conversation giving me little chance to respond that night as I thought more about the marriage I decided to share my feelings with Larry say Larry do your parents always talk to people like that what about it Larry seemed unfaced I was surprised that Larry didn't see anything wrong with what his parents had said to me well I mean the way your parents spoke to me and what they said I tried to explain oh really well they were just talking about whether you were ready
for this marriage I get that your parents are worried about their son's marriage but I feel like what your parents were saying was a bit too much really why is that my parents didn't say anything wrong besides they've given us permission to get married so don't worry about it that's true but I felt uneasy that Larry seemed to side with his parents more than with me that was very troubling I guess he realized I was feeling unsure because he gave me a hug Linda you don't have to worry so much my parents are just a
bit upset because their only son is getting married he said he spoke as if he didn't fully support me it's all going to be fine don't overthink it I'm sure they just want what's best for us they want us to be as good of a couple as they are that's why they were a bit harsh oh really I replied like he said maybe his parents have high expectations for us but even if that's the case I don't think it's right for them to belittle me because I was raised by my father I don't think people
who say such things make a good couple we are the ones getting married and we should be the focus not the approval or disapproval with that perspective although I was still a bit upset I decided not to dwell too much on his parents opinions then the day of the wedding arrived we had many guests including our relatives friends colleagues and bosses I walked down the aisle with my father who had raised me all my life Larry and I exchanged our vowes and Rings we were met with Applause and for the first time I truly realized
that I was getting married to Larry I felt the happiness I had never felt before as we walked into the reception hall we made our way through the crowd greeted by videos of us as part of the entertainment it was a joyful time I chatted with friends I hadn't seen in a while and many people congratulated us despite my earlier worries about his parents I was glad I had decided to marry Larry I was glad we decided to have a memorable day after the ceremony we plan to officially register our marriage and Larry and I
would become husband and wife I cherished every moment and felt so happy time flew by and soon it was time for the final part of the event the bridegroom and both sets of parents lined up to greet the guests but I started to feel uneasy because of Larry's parents we were all supposed to be standing in line but his parents were wobbly on their feet if you looked closely you could see that their faces were bright red they had drunk too much some relatives asked if they were okay my in-laws were clearly drunk but we
had to wrap up the ceremony and get it over with the moderator handed the microphone to me and Larry suddenly Larry's mother snatched my hand away from him and yelled at me like a professional wrestler in the middle of a challenge listen to me Linda after this wedding you going to devote yourself to us completely prepare yourself because we are going to test you really hard the guests started whispering to each other and some even thought it was a joke and laughed then Larry's father grabbed the microphone Linda don't you feel embarrassed to wear a
dress like that it doesn't you at all dear you should tell her the truth his mother chimed in as expected The Whispers among the guests changed in tone I looked at Larry hoping he would stop his father's rude comments but Larry said he couldn't do that and that his parents weren't doing anything wrong it became clear he would never protect me from his parents in the future that was the moment I realized it I was certain of it even as the hall Buzz around us my in-laws were drunk and continued to insult me while you're
already married but if you're going to be part of this family you need to prove that you have enough money they said yes that's right they continued after you register your marriage at the city hall you should give us a few thousand a month and your entire bonus I was shocked by their words I never thought they would say such things at our wedding reception I just stared at them feeling my face go pale my father took the microphone from them enough of this don't you realize you're making fools of yourselves he said though still
showing some respect his parents glared at my father why are you interrupting us while we're talking I knew this woman's father was no good single parents are never any good they said how dare they insult my father I thought my father keeping his cool replied you people are even worse than I imagined you even refuse to meet me because I am a single father I never thought that someone like you would work for president Scott president Scott is such a respectable person I assumed his employees would be decent as well at that my father-in-law's face
turned very serious how how do you know president Scott he's a business partner of my company and more importantly an old friend of mine my father explained and speaking of single parents president Scott was raised by his mother alone so you just insulted the president of the company you work for seeing my in-laws faces fall at my father's words I realized they finally understood the mess they had gotten them El into I apologize sir please don't tell the president about this my in-law pleaded suddenly falling to his knees just moments before he had acted like
he was in charge but now he looked defeated I could hear laughter from the guests some even pulled out their cell phones to record the scene no matter how much you apologize you can't take back your words my dad said he walked over to me and asked if I wanted to go home with him I said yes and took the microphone from Larry's hand thank you than you for the great entertainment but there will be no marriage I announced to Larry and his parents and to everyone who attended I will make sure to return the
money you gave us for this occasion then I left the reception hall with my dad I caught a glimpse of Larry and his parents looking dismayed and soon after his relatives rushed over with worried Expressions on their faces the place must have been in complete chaos as I returned their money I apologized to the guests they all expressed sympathy for me and praised me and my dad had for our actions saying it was good that we weren't taken advantage of by such terrible people later Larry's co-workers who had attended the reception must have spread the
word about what happened at his company Larry became known for having such unreasonable parents and was criticized for having a weak character his embarrassment was so great that he resigned voluntarily of course the president of my father-in-law's company found out about the incident Larry's father was demoted and sent to him an insignificant division of the company transferred to a remote office in the countryside I heard that Larry's family has been ostracized by all his relatives because of what happened at the wedding while it's unfortunate it really was their own doing and sometimes things like that
just can't be avoided in the meantime I've been using this opportunity to strengthen my relationship with my dad we've been spending more quality time together and it's helped me appreciate all he's done for me even more one day he sat me down for a serious talk Linda are you interested in running the business he asked looking at me with a mixture of Hope and seriousness do you mean I started a bit unsure where he was heading with this why don't you work towards becoming the president of my company he suggested it was a big step
and he seemed to believe I was ready to take it on I'll do my best I promised him feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness I decided then to focus on stepping up my game at work rather than getting entangled in romantic relationships for now I wanted to prove to myself and to my dad that I could Excel and perhaps one day be a great leader like him currently I am deeply involved in learning everything I can at my dad's company the work is challenging but fulfilling and I'm determined to make the most of this
opportunity reflecting on the wedding Fiasco it's clear that Larry's in-laws were quite unreasonable turning what should have been a beautiful event into a spectacle thankfully since the marriage wasn't officially registered I was spared from a legally binding mistake now free from any marital ties and with no looming in-law issues I can focus solely on my career aspirations it's a relief to know that out of a chaotic situation came a clear path forward for me I look forward to what the future holds and I'm excited about the potential of leading the company I wish myself all
the best and hope that anyone watching this story can take something valuable from it thank you for staying till the end please please consider subscribing if you enjoyed the story and I hope to see you in the next video
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