Weak Orphan Joins a Family of Assassins and Gains Epic Skills

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Everyone thought he was a lonely orphan but his life changes when his childhood crush turns out to b...
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everyone thought he was a lonely orphan but his life changes when his childhood Crush turns out to be a super dangerous spy and marries him asano was a happy young boy but everything changed one day when his entire family got killed in a tragic car accident he was the only one who was able to survive with scars and bandages this scares him so much that he refuses to make any friends because he can't bear to see them get hurt the one person who decides to stick by him is his childhood friend msami yoak who is
the only person he ever talks to several years have passed by since then and they have both entered high school but even after a month of being in the class he refuses to make any friends a small group of three guys constantly ask him to hang out and to be friends but he keeps rejecting them every single day whereas msami has gotten friendly with everyone and has become a high school idol who is every guy's Crush she walks over to asano and sits down with him to eat food and tells him to go out with
the boys sometimes as they seem friendly but asano refuses to make any friends and instead turns it around claiming that if she wants to be so friendly why didn't she go out with the third year who confessed his love for her she tells him that she was not interested and takes out her lunchbox but just as she was about to feed him hea who is the vice principal of the school intercepts the bite and starts eating it asano is surprised as he never heard him coming while an annoyed msami tells him to go away he
tells her that he can't stop him self from having her tasty home-cooked food but decides to leave before telling asano to meet him in his Chambers after school later that day asano heads over to his office confused about why he wants to meet with him he enters the room and is greeted by hea who has prepared tea and asks him to sit down asano is extremely uncomfortable because of how close hea is sitting but is shocked when hea starts asking about msami and why is he so close to her he starts feeling weird while hea
starts showing him pictures of msami ever since she was a three-year-old child which is very weird as they have only known hea for a month he continues telling isano about how hard it is to keep boys off of her and how he had to beat the crap out of the third-year guide before he promised never to look towards msami again alarm Bells start ringing in aso's head when suddenly hea takes out a knife and puts it at aso's throat in a swift movement telling him to say his prayers when everything seemed lost a white-haired girl
enters the room through through the window stopping him and uses a flashbang to escape alongside aano he wakes up a while later in the evening and finds himself surrounded by a bunch of unfamiliar faces his social anxiety kicks in and he starts running away into the wall confused about where he is but msami tells her not to worry as these people are all her siblings and he is in the yakira house she introduces everyone as the white-haired girl is called Fuda the green-haired guy is Shinzo the pink-haired girl is Shen the fur is named Keno
while the bucket head is named Nana she tells him that they are a family of spies and feels relieved after finally telling him the truth after hiding it for 10 years he starts freaking out but she tells her not to worry as spies are very common nowadays and you can even book them online he still thinks it's a prank and grabs a gun from Shinzo thinking it's a toy but it ends up shooting which scares the crap out of him as his whole life Turns Upside Down in a matter of minutes Fuda tells him that
they are Freelancers and actually have a 48 star rating on trust pilot for completing their job Kingo tells him that hea is the oldest sibling who stays the most in the Limelight in the Spy magazines and is responsible for boosting the image of their family so much Fuda tells him that hea is the best spy in the entire family and apologizes on his behalf for endangering his life she tells asano that when msami was a child there was a big accident in which she got terribly injured and hea took all the blame on himself ever
since then he has become obsessed with the job of protecting her sister no matter what but all these years he let asano slide because he was a childhood friend it all changed recently when they got an online tip on Twitter about someone planning an assassination from mutsumi this gave hea the excuse to get rid of asano as well suddenly an alarm starts sounding in the house and everyone starts getting on their feet as Fuda tells him that hea must have entered the house to finish him off asano starts freaking out but she tells him not
to worry as he is probably the safest with them but honestly tells him that even while fighting five against one their average win rate against him is only 30% she turns towards asano and tells him that the only way his life would truly be safe is if he marries msami right now she explains that their household has an unbreakable rule about not killing any family member and even hea wouldn't break this rule all asano has to do is to Exchange rings with msami and the marriage would be complete and they could live as a family
the word family triggers his PTSD again and he starts Breathing heavily but mutsumi tells Fuda that it would be very cruel to aano who is scared of making connections with people Fuda apologies for being insensitive and all of them start getting ready to beat hea up when suddenly they notice that he has already entered the room and is sitting between them he turns towards Shinzo and tells him that he destroyed all his traps and tells them to hand asano over but Fuda steps up to him and grabs his tie she starts swinging him around the
air before slamming him to the ground as Shinzo uses his robot arms to pin him down and net takes some steroids to punch him in the face while Kango and shin take aano away with them unfortunately hea is UN hurt and uses his special move to blast both of them away while he stands up telling them that they leave too many gaps in their attacks asano is stunned to see how strong these people are while Fuda tells them that she will buy them sometime she runs over to him as he's a starts using his Spider
wire ability to block all her attacks before tying her up to the roof Shin tells Kango to hide aano somewhere while she takes out her phone and activates some drones that descend from the ceiling and start shooting at hea meanwhile Tango takes them to a different room and together with msami they put AO behind a hidden picture frame a little while later hea enters the room after destroying all the drones without a single scratch on his face only to find mutsumi and asano together in the room he tells her to hand the boy over but
she starts running towards him with a gun alongside their dog but hea is leagues above them and ties her up with her wires before removing her mask to reveal Tango inside knowing that it's of no use even msami reveals himself wearing ao's disguise and tells hea that aano is of no danger to her but hea tells him that there is only one way he won't harm aano and that is if she agrees to never leave her home this catches her offguard as hea starts walking towards her telling her that she will never have friends never
have any romances any fun and even will lose her internet privileges but at least this will ensure that she will stay safe forever he hugs her as she starts crying as she knows there is no other option but a Sono who was watching everything through a peephole reveals himself and tells matsumi that she doesn't have to do this hea tells him to piss off as he has no use of him anymore but asano shouts at msami to give her the ring as he is ready to make her his family msami cries tears of joy Joys
as she takes out one of the Rings and throws it towards asano who jumps forward to grab it but to their dismay hea is much faster and uses his spider wires to trap both him and the ring at the last moment just when hea thought it was finally all over asano shows him his tenacity and strength by powering through the wires that cut his hands to shreds but he grabs the ring and wears it on his finger completing the marriage and officially becoming a family member as the others watch msami hugs him tightly while feuda
tells a distraught hea that now he can't hurt asano and will also have to train him so that he can protect mutasi at all times later that night asano gets up to return and even though futa offered to drop him back home he refuses and decides to head home together as he thinks he needs more mental support right now he lays down on his bed looking at his ring and thinking about the crazy day he has had before drifting into a deep sleep the next morning he wakes up by an alarm and the moment he
turns his eyes up he spots he standing on top of him with a knife in his hands he tries to shank aano but he rolls away just in time to protect himself which impresses heis as he claims it was just a friendly test he asks what the hell is high as doing in his home and he replies that this is the traditional wakeup call of the yakira family asano rightfully thinks that he was just trying to kill him but heis claims that this is all part of his training because to be a spy he needs
to sleep while basically keeping his eyes open he then tells him to get ready for traditional yakira morning exercise and uses his wires to completely tie him up in the air meanwhile mutsumi was making lunch for the day and Hees aano screams so she rushes up to see what's happening only to find him suspended midair while he forces his body parts to stretch she shouts at her brother to let him down but he simply looks at his watch and tells her that it's time they all left the house he quickly grabs mutsumi and their bags
before jumping out the window as a bomb explodes inside aso's house blowing it to Smither heis puts them down and explains that aso's house was rigged with a bomb sometime last night he promises to explain more about it but tells him to get one thing in his brain which is the main goal of the family is to protect msami at all costs he then tells them to get inside the car while msami helps him up inside the car he talks with Shinzo who found out that the bomb was rigged inside the kitchen which means that
the target of the assassination was msami asano is very confused but he replies that information spreads very quickly in their lives and the news about msum's marriage has spread like wildfire and almost everyone knows about it he is still confused and asks why would they target msami and he replies that the answer to that is very simple he claims that msami is the 10th head of the yakira family he further elaborates about their family history and over the years they always took part in Espionage because their bloodline has a special power which gives the yakira
family children superhuman abilities according to him in every generation one of the yakira children are born without any superhuman abilities and those have historically always been the head of the family he claims that even though the head doesn't have any Supernatural natural Powers they are the only one who could give birth to children with superhuman abilities this means that without the head the yakira lineage and its superhuman people will simply go extinct and that's why msami is the legitimate head of the family and the only person who can keep their bloodline alive and gets a
bit pissed off at the fact that such a loser ended up marrying her because their family is so old and famous they have tons of enemies that want to eradicate the yakira family and the best way to do it is to get rid of msami while he was saying this a car approaches behind them and some people load and shoot a rocket launcher at them which the driver manages to Dodge in time asano gets scared while he seems completely chill while their car gets shot at by multiple machine guns he tells him not to worry
as the car is bulletproof and tells the driver to go faster the enemies give Chase and take out a heavy powered machine gun and start shooting at the limo while heis calmly drinks his tea msami tells him not to worry as their pet dog Goliath is the best driver around which freaks him out even more while the enemies shoot rockets at them the sharp turns end up spilling high as te which pisses him off so he jumps on the roof and simply uses his wires to block all the bullets while the rocket guy shoots another
RPG at him which gets utterly destroyed by his wires after styling on them he throws his wires and cuts the pursuing vehicles to shred making them explode and comes back inside as if nothing happened he tells him that he has married msami which means it is now his responsibility as well to protect msami at any cost he hands aano a gun and tells him to kill anyone who he suspects and shows him the Twitter account of the person who rigged the bomb at his house according to high he is one of the best bombers alive
and is incredibly dangerous but one flaw in him is that he is addicted to social media and basically exposes his plans himself he tells asano to take care of msami for the entire day as he has to attend to another job and threatens to kill him if she even gets a scratch on her during the PE period he ends up getting a notification on his phone as the bomber tweets that the second bomb has been set already he looks around and spots a shadow moving through the corridors so he immediately heads inside towards the Infirmary
where the nurse asks if he wants anything so he simply moves away back inside the class he watches msami during the lunch break as she talks to her friends when suddenly he gets the notification that the third bomb has been placed as well he looks around defeated and realizes how hard msum's life is while he was deep in thought the three gusts walk up to him and offer him some chocolate which to their surprise he readily takes and eats this shocks them as they ask what happened to him as he wouldn't even speak to them
before asano totally forgot about his social anxiety but it starts creeping back in and he blacks out he wakes up in the infirmary being overlooked by msami who asks whether he is fine he thinks about how nice she is and asks whether she is sure he is the right person for him he claims that even after being childhood friends he never knew about her family or the fact that she has to fight to survive each and every day here ing this mutsumi gives him a karate chop to the Head telling him that he is wrong
and that he is the one who entered such a crazy family like his and in truth she always wanted to marry him this relaxes him a bit when he suddenly spots a bomb placed on the ceiling of the room about to go off the bomb explodes with a loud bang destroying everything inside the room but aano manages to save msami by hiding beneath the couch he realizes that the bomber is much smarter than and they gave him credit for and he was putting out updates on Twitter to distract aano and making him Focus only on
mutsumi he removes his coat and sure enough there is a small bomb attached to his shirt about to explode he realizes that the bomber new asano would stay closby so he used this to his advantage and basically made a bomb out of aano knowing that it would definitely hit mutsumi as well realizing he doesn't have much time he decides to sacrifice himself to save money me and jumps out the window accepting his death but to his surprise he saves him at the last moment as he hangs by the wires he commends him for his actions
and tells him that his job got over quickly so he came to check on them asano looks at the bomb to realize that one of the wires got inside the bomb and stopped its timer saving asano from certain death he tells asano that they are family now and family comes first he promises that even though he hates asano for marrying her dear sister he would still give his life away to make sure asano stays safe he pulls asano back inside and while playing with the bomb he tells them that their job isn't over yet just
then the other siblings also arrive in the room and Shinzo delivers a handcuffed bomber on he's feet he ties him up with his wire alongside the bomb and throws him out into the sky where the bomber explodes in a fantastic show of fireworks while the yakira family alongside Shinzo watch it from the couch the next morning asano wakes up after having a nightmare in which he watches helplessly as msami gets kidnapped after waking up he feels a little groggy and ends up stepping on to the tail of the doggy who gives him a nice love
bite on the arm he comes down and is immediately patched up by mutsumi who apologizes for the actions of the dogs and starts playing with it very cutely this reminds him of how sad his dream was and to make sure it never becomes the reality he goes up to futa and begs her to train him so that he can become stronger he claims that he wants to be able to protect matsumi from every danger as even last time he was barely able to save her by luck and would have died if not for he she
tells him that he is naive if he thinks that he can become strong so quickly and shows him her strength while explaining that she started training in all the different forms of martial arts when she was just 3 years old and went on her first Deadly Mission at 6 years old this means that even for someone with yakura jeans it took 3 years to master the martial arts but it would be much much longer for a normal person she tells him that he is naive if he thinks that he can become stronger just on the
basis of his emotions but is willing to give him a chance she asks him whether he is willing to get into the yakuda allout training program which is probably the fastest way anyone can get stronger he gets excited but she tells him to hold his horses as she puts the condition that he has to stay stay here in the yakira household for a complete month and only then his real training will start he thinks it would be super easy as he just has to stay here but the moment he gets up a trapo activates and
he only barely manages to grab the edge as he looks down to see Sharp spikes beneath Fuda comes to him and claims that she forgot to tell him but the entire yakira household is rigged with deadly traps for spy training so it's not going to be easy but if he manages to surv survive she will train him further the next morning he wakes up to the alarm sound of the ugliest looking bird but because he doesn't wake up in time a bomb ends up going off inside the room he somehow manages to get out of
the Smoky room but activates another trap as a flamethrower emerges behind him and starts burning everything in its way as he tries to run down the hall he finally reaches the breakfast table where msami tends to his wounds and he asks how does she manage to evade all the traps she replies that the traps don't activate for her which surprises him but Shin explains that the traps are controlled by a computer and once a person is able to dodge and disable all the traps they get accepted as a House member by the computer and get
the privilege to activate or deactivate the traps she further tells him that normally a person can probably clear all the traps in 2 years which is a very long time but before asano could argue he starts feeling a pain in his stomach Fuda looks at him and explains that all the food in this house is laced with a small amount of poison to build the tolerance against it which won't kill them but will definitely give them diarrhea he immediately gets up and runs to the bathroom only to see that it is completely locked and won't
open unless and until he picks the locks and cracks all the coats from that day on aso's hellish daily routine begins and while everyone else in the family is able to shut the bird down before it could explode asano ends up falling victim to it once again the fridge is covered with lasers so people need to be careful but it isn't a problem for shin who uses her drones to get what she needs or futa who uses her superhuman speed to get her drinks but asano ends up triggering the Trap which reveals a bunch of
machine guns that shoot immediately to turn the TV on he needs to use a gun and shoot the power button on the remote but the recoil is way too much for him and he ends up falling down every single time at the lunch table he still is unable to get used to the poison or crack the codes to the washroom even with msum's moral support and when he tries to take a bath the shower is meant to teach him how to survive Russian interrogation which he hates the next day he goes to school and looks
like a total corpse barely answering any questions it turns out that he has been forced to wear a 30 kg shirt to help maintain his basic strength even while resting after another tiring day he tries to head back to his bedroom but spots msami who has slept while working on the desk he puts a blanket on top of her and inspired by her hard work he goes out and starts practicing his shooting skills Mumu ends up waking up and takes him inside where she offers him some tea and tells him to take it easy as
he has already protected her before she reminds him that once when she got in high school there were a bunch of bullies who were jealous of her popularity so they tried to take her into the shed and cut her hair off but he appeared at the last moment and took the scissors out of their hands before he began cutting his own hair the bullies thought that he was a brain dead psychopath and got scared away which saved msami from getting her hair chopped off he promises her that he will get stronger and will always stay
by her side and heads back to sleep a couple of weeks pass by and he has learned to finally deal with the birds shutting it off easily and walks down to the living room by easily dodging the laser traps before he takes the pistol and shoots the power button to turn on the TV Shinzo commends him for his skills but asano replies that he still can't change channels just then Shin arrives inside the room and hands Shinzo the progress report of asano ever since he came here later that day the tub head teaches him how
to escape the poison gas trap and he is even able to survive through the basic poisoned food but when he tires the milk he ends up getting sick again and runs off to the washroom only to get stuck with the codes again suddenly they realize that something is wrong and find him barely conscious on the floor Fuda immediately takes him to the infirmary where they check him out and it turns out that he got a fever because of exhaustion she then notices something and tears off his skin only to reveal that he was wearing a
fake bodysuit while actually he is completely battered and bruised from the training he didn't want Mumu to worry that's why he asked the furry to make him a bodysuit while getting healed by the bucket head she tells him that his results were extraordinary and they couldn't have been achieved without training yourself to death she tells him to chill out and hands him a book about coding she tells him that he needs to be on bed rest till he has completely read the book and only then he is allowed to take part in the training again
a week passes by and finally he is able to crack the locks of the washroom making everyone celebrate as he has finally passed the yakira house member test and now is accepted by the computer to his horror Shinzo takes out a 100 kg shirt claiming that they can increase the intensity now walan turns the difficulty of the traps from normal to hard he realizes that his adventures are just getting started as he has a long way to go before he can protect himself and msami from every danger the next morning mutsumi Cooks breakfast once again
while asano enters the kitchen trying to put on her undergarments she looks at him as if he was a freak and tells him that he should worry about his weird fantasies and desires as no matter how disturbing they are she wouldn't divorce him he claims that this is all a misunderstanding and he just wants to practice his disguises suddenly a beautiful blonde woman appears in the doorway asking whether everything was all right asano doesn't know who she is but mutsumi immediately recognizes that it's Kingo with his disguises he immediately starts smothering asano trying to weird
him out but msami tells him to knock it off and leave him alone just then he also appears in the kitchen and asks msami for a goodbye kiss before he leaves and this was too much as she simply smacks both Kango and he on the head later that day he meets up with Shinzo who is about to go on a mission alone asano asks whether it's a Dangerous Mission but he tells him that it's a low difficulty Mission as he simply needs to find out information about a counterfeit money operation and it shouldn't take much
time asano wishes him luck and leaves for the school alongside msami while walking down to their school building a ball traveling at a high speed almost hits aano but without even looking he grabs the ball and then throws it back with an incredible power later in the afternoon both him and mutsumi head on to the roof to have some lunch when mutsumi tells him that he doesn't know it yet but his strength and skills have increased a lot because of the training he walks so silently now that people are starting to call him a ninja
after that she asks whether he is free after school today as she needs some help with her work a son obviously agrees and heads back home where she sits down on her desk and starts stamping a horde of paperwork while telling asano what to do as he brings more and more documents which she analyzes at a super high speed and also finds errors and other problems in them she makes aano her paw and tells him to send emails to some of the investors to increase their stocks while telling asano to ignore the forged divorce papers
that he has created to try and break their marriage while shuffling through the files she notices that one of the reports by Kango seems to be in complete and because he has done this several times before she gets pissed and takes aano into Keno's room the room is completely filled with his clothes to the brim where they can't even see anything msami tells him to come out and he magically appears on top of his clove Mound while msami tells him to complete his report and submit it immediately Kango doesn't take her seriously and simply starts
eating his Sushi while telling msami to stop acting like a grandmother this pisses her off and she grabs her handcuffs to lay down some yakira style punishment Kango realizes that he is in danger and jumps out of the mound to Escape the Room thanks to his training asano has become faster and blocks his way immediately but Kango is smarter and forces him to drop his guard by becoming msami he then runs past him outside while an angry msami activates the hibernation mode of the house to completely bar it from the outside world as giant walls
are erupted all around the house she tells asano that there is no way of escaping this house once this mode is activated meanwhile Shinzo crawls through the air vent as he spots the giant operation being run by a millionaire who has already put 60% of his counter fake currency in circulation he travels through the Ducks and realizes that these people are working with a highly intelligent person who designed all these safety measures he puts on his Apple Vision Pro and unlike in real life his glasses are actually useful as he is able to see through
the containers to find a bunch of fake money he drops down the hatch to find a secret case which he is able to hack and gets the framed picture of a note which might be very important before he could do anything though an alarm is sounded and he starts running away back at the yakira house msami starts checking all their rooms one by one she goes into her room where she uses an infrared device to check for his signs but doesn't find anything asano is odd at the amount of hobbies she has as he looks
at the painting she recently made they then head over to Shin's room who is busy playing a physical game which she is not very good at they then head over to the bucket head's room who tells them that he will explode Kingo if he sees him they finally head over to he's room only to find the entire room covered with msum's pictures asano wonders whether Kango could have escaped but mutsumi tells him that it's impossible with the house on lockdown suddenly all the other siblings meet up with mutsumi and asano asking whether they were able
to find Keno when suddenly asano hears something and turns around to see Keno's face on monalissa as it turns out that he was hiding in the picture frame Keno immediately runs away and around a corner while asano follows him but suddenly screams as he falls falls down matsumi runs over to check on him and finds him on the ground rubbing his head as he claims that kangi threw the frame at him and ran inside the cavity in the wall matsumi shouts loudly claiming that he must have found a way out of the lockdown made and
angrily makes her way back to Keno's room claiming that she will remove the lockdown soon as soon as asano enters the room though she immediately handcuffs him and claims that she is not as stupid and knows that Kango is impersonating asano right now she claims that there is no way to escape the lockdown so Kango must have switched places with asano and hid him in the hopes that mutsumi will release the lockdown after which he could run away Kango accepts his defeat and removes the mask and together they start looking for the paperwork she needed
later that day asano eats the curry made by msami which is very tasty so he asks for the secret ingredient and msami replies that it's cyanide asano immediately starts feeling sick and excuses himself to pick up a call he picks the phone only to find Shinzo on the other end screaming at M me for help they get on a video call and Shinzo cries that he ended up getting in a gunfight but he didn't expect so many guys and now all his bullets are over and he has no weapons she tells asano that Shinzo is
an extremely good spy but he only depends on his weapons and if he doesn't have a weapon he becomes a super big wimp she asks whether aano can take his weapons to him and he immediately agrees he dresses up and carries a small bag as he enters the highly secure building and starts walking through the corridors unfortunately he is not fast enough and gets caught by a guard who puts a gun to his head he remembers his training and pushes the gun back before grabbing the arm in a lock as he pummels his face with
his elbow hearing this a bunch of other guards arrive at the scene he slams one in the face with his knee but gets caught by the other guard the third guard tries to stab him but his clothing protects him as he punches him away before breaking the last guy's nuts to secure a victory to his surprise another guard arrives so he quickly grabs his gun which Shinzo gave him and uses it to shoot a massive electric bolt at him which incapacity hesitates him immediately he finally finds Shinzo who immediately holds on to him for dear
life and thanks him for the guns which he keeps rubbing against his face suddenly some more guards enter the room but shinzo's personality changes as he gets up and shoots all the guards within a split second before giving asano the framed note he exits the room and deals with all the goons with extreme ease as he shoots all of them down before throwing a grenade at the last group and shooting it midair he then takes asano as they start exiting the building but asano ends up getting shot in the leg by a sniper he falls
to the ground as he starts bleeding out while the sniper tells Shinzo to drop his weapons Shinzo follows the commands to make sure asano survives and drops the gun but asano remembers that Shinzo can turn anything into a weapon if it has a good grip so he throws a fork at him which he grabs and shoots it at the sniper's barrel causing it to misfire this gives him enough time to grabs his gun and shoot the adversary saving aso's Life by the time night falls Shinzo starts walking back while carrying a asano on his back
as he thanks him for saving his life asano thanks him back saying that he would have been dead if it wasn't for Shinzo saving his life from immediate death meanwhile a hobo enters another facility and beats every single guard there with a hammer asking them for the location of their leader but they all refuse to give away the location so he bludgeons them to death as he takes out the picture of his next Target which turns out to be asano several days have passed by since the freaky shootout incident at the factory with Shinzo aso's
leg has he healed quite a bit and the new spy family member asano walks down a street by the side of a Lonely Road it is dark already but he has a bright look on his face while talking to mitsumi on his cell phone she is telling him the backstory about a special ferris wheel in their City Legend has it that a long time ago a couple had gotten into a horrible argument with each other which quickly turned into the biggest fight they had ever had but after going on the ferris wheel they forgot all
about their argument and fell in love again ever since then it has been called the matchmaking Ferris wheel asano giggles at the silliness of the story and she continues to tell him that she would also like to spend a day with him there on their next day off riding the ferris wheel since the rumor is that any couple that watches the sunset together from it will be happy together for a long long time he blushes a little as she continues talking but her voice Trails away into the background as he sees a white sedan pull
up next to him on the side of the road he watches intently as a man emerges from it he is dressed shabbily in Gray clothing and his hair covers most of his face but asano stands there and stares as the mysterious but scary looking man turns around slowly and makes eye contact with him msami notices that he isn't replying to her anymore so she calls his name but in a serious voice he tells her he needs to hang up now and keeps the phone away the man from the car walks in his Direction and uses
aso's name to confirm his identity asano is a little freaked out by this stranger knowing his name and continues observing him as the man puts his hand in his coat and slowly pulls out a police ID card he introduces himself as hoto and says that he is a police officer from the koisumi precinct without any further explanation he asks asano if he would mind coming with him to the police station for an interrogation without much choice to refuse asano complies with him and goes to the police station where he is taken into a dark interrogation
room with only one small light bulb providing light without wasting any time hoto pulls out a laptop and shows him a photo that was found on the dark web it showed a Sono from the fights that happened to couple of days ago seeing the photo he is shaken to the core and his face goes completely pale as he realizes the photo is available for anyone on the internet to see the yakira siblings had assured him that they are very careful in covering up all the secret activities and missions that they engage in so how had
his photo reached the dark web hoto continues showing him more images which clearly show asano using illegal Firearms breaking in and entering private being involved in the car chase on public roads where msum's pet was driving the car as well as being present when the ceiling bomb was detonated at his school asano thinks to himself that he wasn't actually behind half of these incidents but he keeps his mouth shut when Hodo questions him and accuses him of all the crimes Hodo goes on to tell him that he has had enough experience to know that a
teenager cannot be solely responsible for such Mega activities so it is surprising that there is no photo or video evidence of any of his co-conspirators he believes that asano is working with a secret organization who partake in these activities on the down the police officer promises him that if he gives the valuable information they will reduce the extent of his punishments for helping the police he keeps forcing him to give up any secrets he knows and expose the people who he is working with but asano knows that snitches get stitches he thinks of the yakira
siblings and with a fierce look in his eyes he declares that he does not know anything at all Hodo tells him to calm down and think it over carefully he then pours him a glass of water and without even trying to hide it he opens a packet and adds a white powder like substance to the glass asano watches him and Hodo tries to cover up his actions by saying that it is just added minerals and nothing sus at all however the boy immediately identifies it as a truth serum and refuses to drink it what Hodo
lacks in being discreet he makes up for in simple force and before asano has the chance to react he grabs his face and pours the liquid down his throat thankfully after having trained with the Spy family he is able to pull out the liquid into one giant bubble and spit it out of his mouth when Hodo sees that the truth serum does not work he directly resorts to to Violence by pulling out a hammer and smashing the table aso's reflexes kick in and he is able to quickly move out of the way and Falls onto
a bag nearby he sees a red liquid flowing out of it and assumes it is blood as Hodo confirms his fear and tells him that is a drug dealer who he recently un alived he goes after him again and pins him to a wall with the hammer still in one hand after giving him one more chance to give up some information he begins to bring his hand down to bash up asano but asano pulls away his hand and the wall gets smashed instead to his surprise he sees he's a slightly smiling at them it turns
out that Hodo was an old friend of his who helps to cover up the yakira activities he was set up to test the loyalness and resistance of Asana as it turns out he had passed the test with flying colors and impressed the usually emotionless Hodo the next day at school hea who is also the vice principal takes up a class asano is beyond exhausted and is doing his best to keep his eyes open but with the quietness of the class he is tempted to give in and take a short nap just seconds after he closes
his eyes he sees a chalk moving at Sonic Speed fly right next to his head and penetrate the wall behind he is wide awake again and using more code hea tells him that he needs to train to fight off the sleep because if he doesn't he will send more chocks flying his way mitsumi tries to fight her big brother and stop him from overworking asano but asano agrees to train his brain to require less or no sleep using the duster heer releases a thick smoke that puts the rest of the class to sleep but mitsumi
is saved by her gas mask a Sono falls asleep but even in this state his trained body is able to react instantly and block off any chalk sent his way with his training going so well asano is sent on his first mission to an amusement park to find a couple who are allegedly carrying guns with them he is tasked with discreetly uncovering them and taking away their weapons as he sits at the park mitsumi appears and tells him that she will be joining him for the mission he is thrilled to have her there and hopes
that he can have a good day with her so she will see him as a good husband the see3 suspicious couples one by one follow them on the various roller coasters and games asano keeps noticing a lovey-dovey couple dressed in matching clothes who keep doing romantic things for each other he tries to take inspiration from them and picks up a rose to give mitsumi the first two couples turn out to be harmless so they stock the final couple dressed in suits in the restaurant mitsumi gets up to buy them drinks and Nano notices the man
pulling out a box from his coat he pulls out his own gun to get ready for a fight but it turns out the man was simply about to propose and it was just a ring in the box asano is about to be relieved but just then he hears loud fighting happening between the lovey-dovey couple they are throwing insults at each other and the boy walks away from the table however in a shocking turn of events the girl pulls out a gun and aims it at the boy he pulls and Uno reverse and takes out a
gun to aim at her the restaurant descends into panic and people begin rushing out the door which mitsumi also gets trapped in the psychotic couple opens fire at each other sending bullets all over the place AO Ducks under a table to protect a boy there he draws his gun and swiftly disarms the psycho couple with just two of his bullets they are taken away by the police and the day is sort of Saved by asano to end their time at the amusement park asano and mitsumi go on the Matchmaker Ferris wheel together where he gives
her the rose which was slightly damaged in the shootout she blushes and takes it as the ferris wheel Rises to show the beautiful sunset if the legend is true they might be lucky enough to make it as a happy couple for the long run a couple days pass by and it turns out that some person has been trying to hack into the household Files about all the members of the family for the past 4 days and shin has been trying to repel the Cyber attack without sleeping for even a little bit after a while she
is finally able to trap the hacker into a reverse hacking procedure but the hacker uses the age-old trusted method of pulling the court out to protect herself Shin thinks that she has finally defeated the hacker but it turns out that the hacker seems to have gotten most of the files about asano anyways sh finally takes a break and goes out of her room only to find aano and msami getting ready for school she tells them about how some hacker was trying again and again to get aso's files but she thinks that she was able to
save it and has updated the system asano doesn't like the sound of it as he thinks that trouble might be coming his way but doesn't think much about it later they move out of the house on their way to school when suddenly asano senses something wrong and pushes msami behind her just in time to dodge some very sharp needles that hit the ground he spots a slender figure behind the pole and decides to make a run for it alongside msami he tries to run through random Alleyways but can't seem to shake the attacker off which
forces him to face her he gets ready with his stun gun as he looks down the alleyway but the attack comes from above which he is somehow able to block and pushes the girl away the attacker seems to be excited at the fact that asano is so powerful and tells him that she loves him and wants to kill him matsumi suddenly realizes who she is and tells asano that this spy's name is Kiri who carries a bunch of needles around with her and is known as the Manhunter according to her this woman stalks the men
she ends up getting infatuated with and follows them after finally killing them with her needles this seems to annoy the girl who tells msami to never call her something vulgar like a Manhunter ever again or she will stab her in the eye the girl seems to be swooning over asano as she claims that she saw him for the first time on a video in dark web and ever since that day she has been completely Smitten by him she tells him that he is pretty famous in the Underworld right now as she pulls out a poster
with the picture of AO claiming that he has a $100,000 bounty on his head right now she claims that this worries her as she suddenly throws some needles in the air and a guy falls from above with a gun in his hand she claims that a lot of people are after aano right now to claim the Bounty but she isn't after the money and only wants to kill him for Lu love she tells him that she knows everything about him like he never walks through a garden even in a mission always tries to repair any
damages and even pays for the ticket before riding it when on a mission even msami agrees that this is pretty wonderful while Kiri tells asano to start living with her forever he calmly backs off and tells her that he can't do that because he is married to msami and will never leave her side Kiri starts crying at this claiming that mutsumi is just an ugly thought and she must have brainwashed asano into staying with her this pisses him off but he keeps his mouth shut as she tells them that she wants to kill matsumi and
take aano away but heis has told her not to touch even the hair on her head this confuses them as matsumi asks whether he knows about all this Kiri claims that no one can Target anyone in the yakira family without the knowledge of he so she took permissions from him to kill asano and he didn't mind at all in fact he even gave her the security code to his file which is why she was successfully able to hack through all the data she then swirls around and showers them with needles but they all land around
them as she shows how capable she is with her weapons before telling asano that she will see him soon as she jumps over the body of the attacker and walks away later in the class the teacher announces the arrival of a new transfer student that turns out to be none other than Kiri she gives a very warm greeting and the guys already start sing for her the teacher asks her to sit beside a Sono which scares him and just as she was running over to the seat she intentionally Falls over and shoots a needle at
him which barely misses him as he uses a notebook the block the hit ever since then his days became a game of trying to dodge the needles and make sure he stays alive Kiri covers his entire seat with poisonous needles puts a needle in her pencil this all becomes a habit to him and while eating lunch with msami he Dodges all of them without even looking even after all this the entire cat and mouse game starts getting to both of them as they get tired of all this Kiri cries on the desk as asano blocks
another one of her attacks so out of frustration she throws a lot of her needles in the air that get stuck in all the classmates knocking them out she tells him that this technique allows her to control anyone and she commands the entire class to subdue aano he doesn't want to hurt random innocent people and ends up getting captured while Kiri gets ready to finish the job thankfully at the last moment matsumi intervenes and tells the stalker to knock it off but before they could talk the window opens and the asant who Kiri knocked out
before jumps in with a handgun and fires a shot at Kiri thankfully msami pushes her out of the way but ends up getting grazed by the bullet herself this pisses asano off who pushes everyone from top of him and shoots a stunning Bullet at the attacker quickly dispatching him as he runs to check on msami cirri seems to be confused at msami for trying to save her but she replies that she is glad that someone apart from her is able to see how great AO is and this makes her really happy soon she becomes Inseparable
from msami and makes her new goal to kill aano so she can have msami all for herself this bothers him but msami tells him to think of her as a little sister and nothing else a couple days later Shen ends up calling AO in her room and claims that she wants to play some games with him which will also be a part of his training matsumi tells him that Shin takes her games very seriously and last time when Shinzo tried to play with her he had to stay up three nights in a row before he
simply got knocked out asano starts playing the game where Shin takes the lead and starts destroying the enemies while asano gets the hang of it soon they get to the final boss which turns out to be a steam engine which needs to be stopped they mash the keys as hard as possible and soon are able to clear the level as the engine stops suddenly the news comes up and a reporter exclaims that a train that was hijacked by some people containing hundreds of innocent lives just got stopped all by itself and all the hijackers were
found unconscious this makes him realize that chin simply converts real life missions into games where there is no extra lives and no retries this UPS the pressure a little bit as they head off for the next mission which turns out to be even more dangerous as a group of terrorists have taken a helicopter with the intent to 900 Le it into the nuclear power plant and create another chernil she tells him to try his very best as she starts maneuvering through the complex Landscapes and attacks the enemies meanwhile asano is unable to find a way
to move through the obstacles and keeps getting stuck to a point where he ends up glitching out and and starts phasing through walls and doing all kinds of weird stuff Shin ignores all this and starts making her way up to the final boss and after jumping in the air she delivers the killing blow to the boss eliminating it entirely surprisingly the match isn't over yet as the terrorists had a plan B and they initiate 100s of drones all at once to destroy the power plant even Shin thinks that this might be out of their hands
but asano uses his craftiness and revives the boss with a potion before using it to kill the hordes of enemies they also get aided by Kiri who joined from her own computer and together they destroy all the drones winning the game and stopping the terrorist attacks Shin however is not pleased at the fact that asano was taking advantage of glitches so she forces him to play with her for two nights straight after which he gets knocked out as well wondering what his next mission will be a couple days pass by and one morning while asano
was doing his gigachad training as he did weighted push-ups with 500 kgs on his back he gets a call from Nano who claims that he needs help asano asks what's up and nanal claims that he is currently on a top secret underc cover mission in an evil lab where scientists are trying to make bioweapons he claims that they have already created a pill which if explodes can instantly kill everyone outside in a 10km area this is all pretty serious for asano but nanau talks about it as if it's an everyday matter he tells asano that
he used his chemicals to make the entire lab sleep but he doesn't think it would be safe for him to bring the potent bioweapon outside so instead he decides to gulp it down like a champ and claims that a human body has a lot of natural defenses and his body especially is very good at dealing with things like this and will probably easily neutralize it the only downside to that is that he immediately starts feeling very sleepy and starts acting like a drunkard he tells asano that he needs him to come and fetch him from
this secret lab as he can't let the scientists and the security find him while he is sleeping asano immediately asks him about his location but he only provides him with a half-ass location before falling asleep asano gets worried and immediately dresses up before leaving for the lab location he manages to get inside the general location of the lab but he finds it a bit weird because this all seems way too easy till now and he has seen no one he turns around the corner and finds a bunch of guards just unconscious on the floor while
he moves through the area with his gun pointed ahead he T ranks whether this is all Nano's doing but he doesn't think that this is the way Nano does his job he moves through the area when suddenly he hears a guard but before he could deal with him a weighted chain strikes the guard and knocks him out immediately two young men come out of of the Shadows who seem to know asano as they ask whether he is also here on a mission the green-haired guy named sui walks up to asano and introduces his yellow-haired friend
aoga and claims that they both work for a government intelligence unit asano remembers hearing about these government spies who are supposed to be top class in their jobs unlike many of the freelance spy groups sui claims that they were sent to neutralize the lab and asks ogga whether he can hear anything ogga seems to have superb hearing as he immediately senses the enemy SU starts walking ahead wishing asano good luck for his mission but ogga has other plans as he grabs asano claiming that they could need some allies asano doesn't know how to feel about
this makeshift Alliance but he at least knows that they are not his enemies as they Breeze through the guards dispatching them with exceeding ease they finally make their way through the inner lab and asano immediately enters to find nanal laying on the ground he checks on him to find out that he is still alive but seems to be in a bad condition when suddenly the chain flies towards n thankfully asano instantly swats it away with his knife which breaks on impact and also hurts his arm he asks what's wrong with them but suie replies that
they are sent here to neutralize the lab and have Eaves dropped of his conversation with Nano which gave them the information that he has ingested the bioweapon which makes him a threat itself who needs to be dealt with asano walks up in front of Nano and claims that they will have to go through him first as he takes out his stun gun while oga tells him not to do it sui however is not this generous and uses the special Thunder breathing that zenitsu taught him to move through asano with surprising speed as he slices through
his gun and his body asano falls down to the ground as he starts bleeding profusely ogga seems to be pretty pissed at suie for this but the green-haired lad tells him to keep his emotions in check as he walks over to kill Nano asano collects whatever strength he has left and begs sui to leave Nano alone but sui has no such intentions as he takes out his sword suddenly nanal wakes up and tells them that he has already neutralize the toxins and they can check the results of his sweat on the test patch he tells
suie that if he still intends to kill him at least let him patch aano first so he can live sui however seems to be calm and collected as he claims that if the toxin is neutralized then their job is over and takes the test patch as proof before leaving him with an ointment to heal asano Nano immediately heads over to asano and tells him to keep his senses but asano is too badly hurt and gets knocked out a couple of days pass by and thankfully he is alive but also getting punished by He Who strung
him above candles as there has been an article about the yakira family getting defeated by the government spies And the reporter also claims that this is the downfall of the family this pisses he off who also got review bombed on Google but before he could do anything msami and nanow smack some senses in him and remove the kinky ball gag from asano msami tells him not to worry but asano claims that he deserves it because he let the yakira family down he swings him around claiming that he can make it better by defeating the government
spies and avenging his lost he claims that they have special skills that make them the best of the best and a battle of spies is about Intel so he needs to steal Intel from them the next day asano starts tailing sui who uses his sword to shred a delinquent clothes before he walks near asano and asks what he wants asano is shocked to find his cover blown so easily and honestly replies that he is here to learn from him sui claims that he doesn't really care and asano can do whatever he wants immediately after sui
leaves and starts walking at extremely high speeds forcing asano to run behind him asano tries to catch up to him by jumping through the crowd but sui simply uses his sword to unclo him after which he gets caught by the police for public exposure the next day he tries to follow him again while on a train but suie does the same once again forcing him away the third day he hangs at top of building while sui and oga have their lunch and after they are done sui again unclothes him before they walk away the next
day asano is able to tail them till the evening when they are fighting with some Ruffians asano also helps by getting rid of them which impresses oga but sui again tries to unclo him only this time asano manages to dodge it a little bit and manages to save his dignity by making sure his pants were still there oga laughs at this which pisses suie off and he loots both of them of their dignity right there that evening Nano heads down into the kitchen only to find he chopping some crispy water nanal asks whether he has
seen a son an and heis replies that he found him on the front door as usual without any clothes Nano asks whether he put aano back in his bed but heis replies that he thought asano would serve better as a chopping board Nano punches him away and puts asano back on the table where asano apologizes for being so weak nanow tells him that he is a very cool person because he always does things in his own unpredictable way this suddenly makes him realize something about suie and he goes on to tail him another day this
time he manages to do so for a full day and by the time night com sui attends to his last task of cleaning a gravestone and commends asano for being the first person to tail him for a full day to give him the proper respect for that suie claims that he will treat asano as an equal and finish him off he takes his sword out and attacks asano once again like so many times before but this time asano manages to grab his hand into a lock before throwing him up in the sky he realized after
getting slashed up so many times that no matter what the first attack that suie delivers is always towards the the center of the body which is a predictable habit sui manages to fall back on his feet easily while asano stands there as he still got slashed a little bit and starts bleeding sui commends him and tells ogga who was trying to hide that he can come out and treat asano ogga immediately patches asano up as he finally gets over the hurdle in his way with the name of sui soon everyone forgot about his defeat against
suie but the Spy newspaper picked up on his naked sightings and called him a pervert which is a new problem that he doesn't know how to deal with even though muts promises to love him even if he is a pervert couple days passed by when one morning mutsumi asks asano whether he could help her with an errand and he obviously agrees they start walking through a seemingly popular Park as asano wonders what errand might it be that requires him to carry so much stuff on his back as if he was a pack mule she tells
him not to worry and keep walking when they arrive near a bench where the familiar green-haired face was waiting for them suie gives them a Curt greeting while msami asks how he has been asano can't get his head around what's happening and asks what all this is about matsumi claims that they have some work with suie and that's why she came here but asano still doesn't understand and asks whether she knows him matsumi smiles and tells him not to worry about suie as he is just a friend which makes aano worried as his ex said
the same but msami claims that you meet a lot of people when you are in the Spy business so it's okay they all start walking as both sui and msami talk while asano Walks Behind them like their servant soon they all enter a CAF like establishment which confus uses AO as he thought they were going on an important work outing but he follows them regardless inside the cafe looks like any other high-priced Starbucks knockoff and like a white girls with too much money sui starts ordering a coffee whose name I can barely pronounce asano is
just as horrified while msami gets moist because of his coffee ordering skills soon the Barista pushes a bunch of different buttons on the device in front of him when suddenly a trapo appears beneath them and they all start falling through it asano is left alone with the huge luggage to Free Fall while suie princess carries msam as they start talking with each other suie welcomes them to the government spy building while asano tells her to keep his hands off his bride msami tells him not to worry as he is just a friend which makes him
realize that msami belongs to the street sui produces a cup of tea from his ass and they both start drinking while he tells asano to keep his eyes peeled forward as this might get dangerous suddenly an arrow whizzes past his forehead which is followed by a bunch of more arrows and darts some spike and even high powerered lasers suie claims that this is designed to be a prevention measure against infiltrators as well as basic training sui calmly and elegantly Wards off all the arrow and darts with his sword while asano tries to jump and Dodge
anything he possible can soon sui elegantly lands on his feet with mutsumi while asano Falls Face Forward on the ground sui immediately tells him that he should move away as a huge metal ball almost falls on top of him but at the last moment a woman intervenes and punches the ball into a million different pieces as asano watches her in awe and disbelief as she asks whether someone as weak as AO can actually protect mutsumi they all sit down and it turns out that the entire bag that he was carrying was filled with sweets as
they wanted to have a tea party here the woman eats an entire cake while sui takes small bites but asano is still not completely normalized as he watches them unable to understand what's happening matsumi finally explains that the woman is named Ren and she is the classmate of he's but they never like each other and were always at odds the one thing that they both seem to share however is their love for mutsumi as she starts coddling her before moving over to asano claiming that she wanted her married to a strong man who could protect
her without fail she tells him that suie explained their encounter and called him a turd face but sui corrects that he called asano a dirt bag who is extremely weak for a spy matsumi however comes for his defense and tells Ren that even if he might not be as experienced his soul and will is just as strong as he's before they could do anything else though the walls start shaking and break from one side entirely and from the Fallen debris and dust he walks with his suit angry at them for stealing msami away without his
permission Ren steps up and starts walking towards him as she tells him to come later as they are having a tea party but heis has heard enough and tries to slash her with his wires fortunately for Ren she is strong enough that a single punch of hers completely demolishes his wires but they are both hellbent on fighting each other they get ready and the fight starts as they start trying to attack block and Counterattack all at the same time with such quickness that asano could barely see their hands moving just by the intensity of the
fight the entire facility starts breaking down and a red alert is alarmed for the employees to immediately Evacuate the area mutsumi tells asano that it happens every single time which shocks asano while sui tells them to stay back as he will try to break their fight off he jumps in with surprising quickness with his sword drawn but he is no match against these monsters who immediately use their abilities to swap them them away as they continue their fight suddenly msami jumps ahead and stands in between them forcing them to stop but it is too late
as both high and ren realize that they can't stop their attacks at this point which will hit matsumi thankfully asano comes in clutch and shoves her head down at the very last moment getting hit in the face by both the punches himself that knock him down into msum's arms everything goes silent as matsumi speaks up very calmly and tells both of them that if they don't stop their fight right this instance she will never talk to either of them again this immediately brings them in line but heis is so scared that he ends up getting
knocked out cold while Ren falls to the ground and apologizes to her she then looks at asano and commends him for taking that attack while msami Smiles claiming that he is strong even if he doesn't look that way a little while later when he comes back to his senses Ren tells him that she has a job for him as she wants him to do some undercover investigation against one of the most prominent politicians while matsumi ties highs up Ren explains that the name of the politician is kirao and he has a lot of swing in
the public right now and will probably win the next election this wouldn't have been an issue but it turns out that this man is truly evil as everyone thinks he is just a quirky politician who wears weird clothes and dances in his rallies but he has Top Class spies working for him named red blue and yellow who are basically his sword and they go out to extort bribe and even murder the opposition for him the government spies have been trying to find more info about him for a while but all they found was a very
small bomb which which was probably bought from outside the country in order to assassinate the opposition leaders they figured out who was the seller of the bomb but when they interrogate him he simply provided the video of his Anonymous buyer asano watches the video in Surprise as it's clearly the politician but Ren tells him that it's not enough evidence to incarcerate him he asks why is he being Chosen and she replies that they have been spying on him for a while and he now has his guard against the government spies but he might not be
expecting an outside spy who recently joined one of the fre glancing families she tells him that they will need to change his looks a little bit and immediately suie chops his hairs off while msami colors it black and makes him wear a secretary uniform he looks at himself horrified to find himself as a crossdresser who catfishes people Ren tells him that kirao has recently posted an advertisement for a secretary with the same features and he will definitely hire him the plan works and at the very next public appearance he introduces a Sono in front of
everyone as his new personal secretary they all keep dancing as loud music plays behind when suddenly a bunch of protesters move on stage and start shouting that KIRO is nothing but a tyrant and if left unchecked he will become a dictator after that everything went to as scuffles started breaking out and Chaos ensued during that time one of the huge woofers end up getting knocked over and were about to fall on top of one of the protesters but to everyone's surprise KIRO runs ahead and takes the damage while saving the protester he claims that the
public is everything for him and he wants people to come up with arguments against him as that is the only way he could better himself and his party this touches the heart of the protester and they shake hands as everyone around cheers on for him soon an ambulance is called and the Bloody faed Ciro is placed on a stretcher he tells asano to head back to the office while he gets inside the ambulance alongside the spies the moment he was out of view he takes out his bandages and celebrates his little media stunt which is
already going viral on the internet he Praises red for placing the woofer at the perfect position to fall and asks blue about the statistics and public perception only to find out that people seem to like him more after his staged heroic deed unbeknownst to them asano was listening to everything as he snuck inside and decides to start looking for his actual illegal activities he searched through his document and everything present in their office and was practically with them all the time but still he wasn't able to find even a single piece of document that was
illegal surprisingly enough they kept continuing their illegal activities throughout their election campaign with superb corination but asano can't understand how as they never make any plans or talk about anything illegal all they do is dance around all day and make his life miserable suddenly he remembers their dance and the patterns in their Rhythm the realization Dawn upon him that all this while they were making plans right in front of him through the use of Morse code but he never caught on to that suddenly he start listening to their code and finds out that they are
planning to plant a bomb inside tomorrow's conference where the current prime minister would be they plan on committing this terrorist ACT tomorrow while he was still there so that it would all look like it was done by an outside entity he planned on Faking some injuries on himself and then making a declaration about how he will save the country and take revenge on the terrorists asano hears all this and the next day when everything falls in place KIRO tries to blow up the bomb but to his surprise nothing happens inside instead a bomb goes out
in the fountain a asano was unable to neutralize it so he threw it outside to his shock KIRO seems to know about this as he brazenly takes out his gun and shoots AO in the head claiming that he has another bomb he activates the other bomb to kill the witnesses but it turns out to be filled with cotton candy which catches him offg guard as asano gets up as well since kiro's gun was changed and it only had paintballs in it he takes out another gun alongside his spies but sui enters The Fray and chops
off their guns which scares the spies who run away leaving KIRO alone he grabs another gun but sui simply unclothes him and hands him over to asano to transport him to their facility while in the van KIRO starts telling asano that he knows each and every detail of his life before claiming that his family didn't die in an accidental car crash this catches him offg guard as KIRO continues that the accident was orchestrated and in fact it was the work of some men because of which he lost his family asano loses High mind for a
moment as he points his gun at the politician and tells him to divulge all the information while curo laughs knowing that his plan worked asano again asks him how does he know about his family and curo refuses to answer that question however he gives him a piece of advice saying that the world is littered with Hidden Truths suddenly asano gets a call from suie who tells him that they have an emergency the Deputy Prime Minister has been abducted and his condition is being live streamed from an unknown location the Deputy Prime Minister at the meeting
turned out to be a fake and sui believes that KIRO planned all that in advance he wants asano to interrogate the politician and get him to cough out the location of the Deputy Prime Minister kirao hears all that and he says that the timing is quite convenient because he was also planning on going to the kidnapping site suddenly his restraints Come Undone and aano can just stare at him while he drops his earring the earring turns out to be a bomb that blows away the whole van with it meanwhile in the yakira Mansion Nano is
experimenting on a new chemical but he messes up and creates a huge explosion matsumi comes rushing to his room with a gas mask on and asks if he is fine naau apologizes for damaging the room but mutsumi remarks that he is in worse shape because his muscles are growing out of proportion all over his body after that nanao resumes working and tells msami that he is worried that aano might come home terribly injured which is why he is trying to create a very effective healing potion he asks matsumi if she is not worried about him
and she replies that she is also very worried she has prepared a grand Feast to welcome asano home after he completes his mission she believes that even if he is hurt after the mission eating all this food will instantly heal him and nanow wants to disagree matsumi then wonders what the rest of the family members are doing n now tells her that Kango is creating a machine washable face for aano in case he comes back home unrecognizable Shin is taking out the computers of their haters so that they won't cause a commotion in case something
happens to asano shenzo is really worried about asano 2o which is why he cannot come out of the garbage can he and Fuda are just sitting still while having tea Fuda believes that there is no need to worry because aano can get things done when he has to he is the opposite of her and he is just wishing for the boy to need a horrible end hearing all this doesn't ease msum's heart even one bit and she is still anxious about her husband back at the location of the explosion asano is helping the injured driver
by taking him away from the Flames he gets a call from sui who asks if he is fine asano assures him that he is not injured and even managed to save the driver but KIRO Got Away sui replies that it is not a problem because they were expecting that he reveals that they were hiding the truth about kiro's identity from him he is not just an ordinary politician but a former spy who was a legend back in the day everyone thought that he died 6 years ago but he then started a second career as a
politician that is why they deliberately had loose security around him this time so that they could figure out what he was planning they have placed a GPS on KIRO and sui tells asano to return home because his mission is complete now on the other hand KIRO takes off the blindfold of the Deputy Prime Minister before taking a seat next to him this meeting is being live streamed all over the country throwing the media and general public in chaos that was Ciro's motive from the beginning the minister says that he is disappointed in curo who he
thought was a committed politician despite his odd activities he tells kirao that engaging in such terrorist activities won't change the political situation in his favor and then KIRO starts taking off his disguise as he takes off his funky glasses the minister starts trembling as he notices his pitch black eyes KIRO says that the minister must have been pretty sure that he got him killed which is why he did not realize his true identity earlier the minister finally recognizes KIRO as a spy he dealt with in the past KIRO then turns to the audience and tells
them that today he will address them not as a politician but as a man who lost his child he says that he took revenge on numerous politicians involved in his downfall behind the scenes however the Deputy Prime Minister was the biggest culprit so he wants to deliver Justice to him in front of the entire world kirao points his gun at him asking if he will tell the world the truth and end his political career or will he refuse to answer and die the minister scoffs saying that it is a stupid idea to ask politicians to
speak the truth and KIRO decides to end his life however the stream gets cut off abruptly as asano arrived there on time and shot down the recording device KIRO is pleased to see the young spy here but asano tells him to let the minister go KIRO refuses knowing that asano can't shoot him because then the minister will also be caught in the fire he Fires at aso's hand forcing him him to let go of the gun however asano uses this chance to close the distance between them and grabs KIRO from behind KIRO was ready for
this and he simply grabs aano and slams him to the ground he knows all about the weapons and fighting techniques used by the yakira family and takes the steel wires from aso's pocket and ties him with them asano wants to know how can KIRO know about it and he replies that it is because he is great at gathering information and using it to his Advantage ASO asks him why a spy like him turned into to a politician and deceived the public KIRO replies that he has no interest in politics and he did everything just for
the sake of Revenge asano is curious now and Ciro tells him that because of his excellent abilities he was very valued in the political world he often used to do the Dirty Work of politicians but when he went home he was just an idiot father who loved his daughter he put on the funky wig and glasses to entertain his daughter on her birthday and she just laughed at him trying to act like that she told him that if he wanted to surprise her he should have not said s the gift in advance KIRO didn't know
what she was talking about and the girl pointed at a box in the corner that suddenly exploded taking their entire house with it kirao lost his daughter because of the explosion and he could only cry for her he realized that his Masters had decided to dispose of him now that he had done everything for them in that moment he swore to get revenge on them and let them feel the same pain he had felt that is why he faked his own death and became a politician to get revenge curo claims that once he became a
politician it was quite easy to use his achievements and real in his targets close and kill them KIRO points his gun at the minister saying that he is the last one left now ASO suddenly lunges towards him but kiro's three spy guards come there out of nowhere and stop him KIRO tells asano that he can't win against them by himself he adds that since asano is also someone who has lost his dear family he does not want to hurt him instead he proposes to tell him everything he knows about his family's death if he steps
back now asano is tempted but he tells Ciro that he wants to know about his family but not if it means someone else has to die just then sui arrives there and before anyone can even realize it he has cut a huge hole in the floor the three Lackey and sui fall through the hole and he asks asano to deal with KIRO and rescue the minister asano attacks Ciro who easily blocks his knife that has poison inside it he knows about it and stabs asano with the knife causing his muscles to go LAX and he
cannot fight back KIRO hits him away and asano lies on the floor bleeding he tries getting up again but KIRO tells him that it is of no use on the other hand the three spies ask sui if he really thinks that he can defeat them they show their special abilities red specializes in using fire blue in using High Press water that can cut through anything and yellow in electricity that can fry any computer and any brain they act like Power Rangers saying that together they are unbeatable suie is impressed by their confidence and he decides
to reveal his trick to them too he tells them how his trick allows him to move really fast and silently which is greatly helpful in battle the three spy Brothers combine their powers and send send a giant Elemental ball towards suie who uses a special Demon Slayer Type move to slash through it in one go he even defeats the Three Brothers in the same move and then decides to back up asano however he suddenly feels a presence behind him and swings his sword at it instinctively there is nothing there but sui is sure that someone
very powerful was there just a moment ago back on top asano gets up somehow and KIRO talks to him about how the pain of losing one's family never truly goes away he tells the boy that he cannot change anything about his life or his current situation asano admits that he is right but then he remembers one day when he went to pay respect to his parents' grave matsumi was praying by his side and that gave him a lot of strength with that in mind asano charges towards curo who is confident that he knows about all
the techniques or weapons he can use however just as asano reaches him he uses the silent stepping technique of sui and appears behind KIRO before he can even realize it KIRO wonderers how asano knows about it it turns out that he had already warned asano about the dangers of fighting a pro because they would always know everything about him however that feeling of having all the knowledge can be efficiently used against the pros because then they lose their ability to deal with the unexpected he had told asano that he doesn't even need a perfect or
refined technique to take a pro by surprise because anything that surprises the opponent will work asano reaches behind KIRO and grabs his arm cracking open the antidote to the poison hidden in his teeth kirao tries stabbing him with a knife again but he blocks the attack with a hard synthetic skin on his arms Ciro loses the knife and pulls out out his gun but asano is already too close to him to let him take a shot he pushes his hand back and then jams the gun with a slime KIRO pulls out his second gun but
asano chops it using the Steel Spider wire and then pins him to the ground Hiro realizes that his excellence in gathering information turned out to be his downfall he Praises asano saying that he will become a great spy one day until then he must keep moving forward out of respect for his actions and determinations KIRO decides to share all his information with him he grabs aso's hand and put something there but before he can tell him about his family he is shot in his neck asano is stunned because he didn't even hear a gun shot
and there should be no one behind him to take the shot with his last breath KIRO tells asano to keep moving forward and then loses his Consciousness forever sui comes there just then and realizes that another assassin must have silenced kirao he tells asano to be proud that he completed his mission against a much more experienced spy however he can only look at the paper slip that KIRO left him turns out that the paper had a map which pointed to the location where KIRO had buried his daughter asano goes to her grave to pay respects
to her as per kiro's Last Wish after that he puts his hand in a tiny hole in the tree and takes out a box that contains the information he is looking for later asano returns home where his family is eagerly waiting for him matsumi runs to hug him and everyone tells him that he did a great job while there seems to be something bothering him asano can smile when he is with them a couple days later Ren calls both asano and msami to her headquarters where they all sit down down as Ren congratulates asano on
completing his mission successfully and tells him that today they are going to celebrate by having hot pot everyone sits around the table while Ren puts an ungodly amount of rice in ao's Bowl before claiming that she will get everything ready for the hot pot asano asks suie what is she talking about and suie claims that every time she arranges for a hot pot she goes all out and captures and hunts all the animals with her own bare hands before bringing them here to eat she walks towards a huge cluster of dead monstrous animals bigger than
herself as she thinks which meat should she use first soie walks up to her and tells her that he will chop it up to size for her so she allows him to do so he calmly walks up before taking his sword out and with single elegant slash of his sword he cuts every single animal to size perfectly ready for the hot pot the amazing smell of food covers the entire room as aano grabs a bow and start taking out some soup alongside meat and veg and hands it over to msami like a total gentleman msami
really likes it and thanks him from the bottom of her heart as she takes the bowl but before she could even take a bite he stuffs aso's mouth with a bunch of veggies choking him out as he lays on the ground while he tells him never to try and Portion out food for his sister again as that honor goes to him and him alone he quickly gets a bowl of food and tells msami that he only put her favorite stuff in but Ren shows this sister loving freak his place by pushing him his head into
the bowl telling him to piss off and stop acting like a jealous in-law this pisses he off and immediately a food fight breaks out as both of them start throwing food at each other while the others move out of way as quickly as possible toga seems to be really hungry and can't watch all this food going to waste so he tries to get a bowl full of food before it all spills over but gets a fish cake to his face which knocks him out in aso's arms while this is happening suie is being his cool
self as he simply Dodges all the veggies and grabs all the meat pieces flying all over the place and starts eating them he tells asano that dodging something that isn't aimed at them is extremely easy as he grabs some bowl and uses his special walking technique to fill both the bowls up with food which he hands over to matsumi she gives One Bowl to an impressed asano and keeps the other for herself while sui tells him to be careful with his walking technique as it takes a toll on their bones and can permanently damage them
before before he can even react a piece of hot meat slams in his face and he starts screaming while suie simply picks and chooses what he wants to eat and grabs it from the air after a while they all have finally eaten their fill as both oga and Rin sleep on the floor while sui quickly cleans everything up meanwhile asano is sitting behind a shelf looking at the small cube wondering whether he will actually find the truth behind the death of his family inside of this as kirao claimed suddenly he is surprised by msami who
sits down beside him and asks whether the cube contains information about his family and he claims that it does she asks why does he look so stressed and he replies that even though his body immediately sprang into action to try and save the Prime Minister against Ciro there was a split second where he was thinking that if he found the culprit who killed his family he would probably do the same and make it his life goal to eliminate that person this makes him equal to curo then by what right can he condemn him he is
scared that uncovering this secret might change him but without saying anything mutsumi kisses him on the cheek surprising him as he looks at her and asks what was that for she smiles and claims that she just wanted to comfort him a bit when she realizes that the cube ended up opening and a marble falls out of it asano grabs the marble and wonders what the hell is it when he comes out and claims that the marble is a special device which contains Optical information but when he looks at him asano realizes that he must have
seen muts kissing him as blood is pouring out of his eyes as he gets ready to evaporate asano but thankfully Ren grabs him from behind and tells asano to run away quickly later that day both him and msami return back to their house and asano starts feeling extremely tired and his body feels heavy suddenly he realizes that someone is literally sitting on his head and it turns out to be none other than the Assassin aaka she stands there in her maid outfit as asano asks what the hell is she doing here she she claims that
msami asked her to stay here and msami agrees claiming that from now on she will be staying here as a Livin maid and will be taking care of day-to-day tasks aaka immediately starts dancing around asano claiming that she knows everything that has happened till now and also claims that she knows about the optical drive that he got asano asks how the hell does she know that but she claims that she is a spy and knows everything before grabbing it out of his pocket asano tries to take it back but chin enters the room with her
sleepy eyes and grabs the marble from ayaka's hand as she studies it and claims that not only is it extremely old but it is also a bit damaged she tells him that it will take quite a lot of time to get the data out of it while msami calls aaka over to teach her how to make some good tea asano asks whether it is advisable for them to have a literal spy assassin in their house but aaka claims that it is perfect right now as aso's bounty has gone up by quite a lot because of
his last mission and he is becoming very well known in in the Underworld because of that there will be a lot more assassination attempts and he needs to be ready for that to make sure that he trains she will be trying to assassinate him on a daily basis while he tries to evade her attacks she throws a bunch of forks at him while asano thinks about what kind of life is he going to live from now on later that evening he is so tired by the training that he is unable to move as he lays
down on the table while matsumi offers to make him some tea he thanks her but claims that he wants to take take a bath first he enters inside the bathroom for a refreshing shower when to his surprise aaka emerges from the bathroom scaring him and starts clicking his pictures claiming that it is important for a spy to be vigilant especially when they are vulnerable she keeps clicking pictures and then grabs a bottle and starts squirting an acidic solution that burns the walls asano keeps dodging them as he tries to move away when to their surprise
the house defense system activates and shocks The Living Daylights out of aaka in the bathtub this was not anticipated as she tells him not to come near otherwise he will get shocked as well asano tries to find a way to save her when he breaks the wall and finds the main power outlet without a second thought he jumps into the tub and grabs aaka while grabbing the power supply with his other arm aaka tells him to leave her but he continues trying and manages to short the power supply creating an explosion after which he stands
on top of aaka on the ground unfortunately for him heis finds him in this scandalous position position and grabs a prehistoric torture device because no man should even look at another woman if he is married to msami asano starts running away as he chases after him alongside aaka who has fallen for asano once again as they chase him naked through the house a couple of days pass by when asano starts going on his regular Mission once again one such day he forgets his phone but when msami tries to hand it over to him she notices
someone named koru calling him he immediately grabs it out of her hand claiming that it's no one before cutting the phone and moving outside msami doesn't know what to make of it when aaka appears behind her scaring the out of her as she cries claiming that these are the signs of cheating he goes away early comes back late switches off his location sometimes so that no one can track him gets calls from unknown people and also manages to evade her when she tried to follow him she claims that these are clear signs of cheating but
msami trusts him and tells her not to worry the next day msami takes Goliath out for a walk alongside asano and tells him that she is really happy to spend some quality time with him as he has been really busy recently asano Smiles at this before he starts asking questions about what breed is Goliath matsumi claims that he is not a normal dog as he has been around for hundreds of years in the yakira family and was even a guard dog to her great great grandmother she claims that he is a special mix between a
Mystic wolf and a dog which makes him able to change shape right then in front of his eyes Goliath changes shape and becomes more wolf looking as it increases in size she sits on top of him claiming that he is very strong and asks whether asano would like to sit as well Goliath would not have that though and flicks him away with his tail forcing msimi to hand him to leash only immediately Goliath takes to the wind as he starts running at an incredible speed dragging aano behind and even running through Water by the time
they are done asano is completely drenched on the ground in a Park suddenly a couple of kids come around Goliath to look at him and msami goes over when suddenly Goliath notices something is wrong and an explosion takes place thankfully msami saves the kids while Goliath covers her but they soon realize that asano tried to save them and took the brunt of the damage this pisses her off and she asks Goliath to figure out who did this Goliath immediately sniffs the Detonator and Maps out a route through the city to find out where it came
from it turns out that some weird third class joke imitation planned all this to try and kill matsumi as he sits in his mom's basement and looks at his computer surprised to find her still alive suddenly Goliath breaks through his door and enters inside before killing him in an instant later that evening asano gets a call which he immediately hides and claims that he needs to return back to the house mutus Mei doesn't ask much questions and tells Goliath to take them back but to their surprise this time Goliath allows him to sit on his
back as he takes them home back at home he gets immediately attacked by aaka who accuses him of cheating and hearing this even he comes over to torture him before they could do anything though two people enter the room claiming to be government spies who claim that there have been a misunderstanding and koru is the name of the old man he takes out the special dark sweet tea leaves which asano wanted to get as he claims that asano simply wanted to get ha's favorite tea leaves which are extremely hard to find for that he went
through countless missions to retrieve the ingredients but wanted to keep it a secret he can't believe that a guy who he antagonized so much would do something like this for him as he almost chokes himself out of Shame later that evening they all sit down and have some amazing tea as they discuss about the future plans for the yakira family if you liked this video make sure to subscribe for part 11
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