This VSL Makes $1M/Month on Autopilot, Here's How...

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Jon Benson | Sales Copy Secrets
A single well-made video sales letter can easily make you a lot of money, which is why it’s importan...
Video Transcript:
hey it's John binon with sales copy secrets and we're back for another copy breakdown this time with one of the most profitable vsls live right now on today on the internet sugar Defender vssl making millions of dollars a month you may want to see how they're doing it so check this out I'm going to play the vsl hopefully this is going to play back on my lapel mic I'm not going to play the whole vsl we're only going to dissect the first 500 2,000 words and see what their lead is and see how they're pulling
in so many people and grabbing so much attention right off the bat it's going to start with a cool little countdown now this is we started doing this a long time ago it took Everyone by Sur for the cop a team cellular experts okay it took Everyone by surprise is the lead it took Everyone by surprise the very first thing he says which obviously is a shock and awe introduction a team of cellular experts at the University of dor univers of dorf in Germany took a closer look at the pancreas of 260 diabetics okay normally
this would be rather boring okay A Team duelberg Germany looked at 260 diabetics but it's not if you're a diabetic it's not if you're wanting to prove that you are an expert in this field now I don't know this guy I don't know that he's an expert I do know he's wearing a white lab coat that does not make somebody a doctor so I'm not giving medical advice here don't take this advice for diabetes I'm merely giving it as a copy advice they are building credibility and Authority from the very first second of this vssl
and they're also doing something else that's really important with the images that you're going to see they're unusual they're weird they're a little dark and that's grabbing people's attention a remember fear is a power powerful construct for a lead if you can lead with a little bit of fear a little bit of anxiety people are going to watch the vssl more this is starting off with something that sounds really helpful but look where they go with it really quickly high tech Bas contrast microscopes what they found was straight straight out of a scifi movie the
pancreas was smothered in a toxic blanket of zombie cells not okay this is obviously the hook zombie cells now zombie cells was something it's just kind of funny has a history I actually came up with zombie cells myself like 10 years AG go for something that never ran so I'm not saying anyway sold anything and then I know the copyright that wrote that and it was so funny we were talking on the phone and he said actually that's mine so zombie Sals not quite dead not quite dead but not fully Alive either I mean this
is like exactly straight out of a sci-fi movie okay toxic blanket covering the diabetic pancreas this is toxic toxic zombie cells it's about as dark as you can possibly get we're talking about the living dead here right not quite dead but not fully Alive either these toxic cells shut down insulin production and force people to rely on insulin shots okay now what is what are we doing here these toxic cells are what's doing all the work it's doing all the damage it's the cell's fault it's not your fault for eating the brownies it's the cell's
fault it's these zombie cells that are doing all of the the negative stuff to you they force you to rely on insulin now again not medical advice please do not take this as medical advice I merely showing you what they're doing with their copy so this zombie cell thing this zombie cell apocalypse if you will is forcing people against their will to have to rely on insulin shots and look at the imagery it's like it really is out of a horror movie right which proved that look at this one not being diabetes was not your
fault not your fault no matter how well you followed your doctor's advice not your fault toxic blanket around your pancreas you're only treating the effects the cause Okay so there's the leap that's what we're going to keep going a little bit further but notice that right off the bat within what 30 seconds of the vssl maybe a minute tops it's not your fault it's like one of the most Primal things that I teach inside the original 3x vsl was it's not your fault but now it's your responsibility that's a phrase that's been used now thousands
of times in video sales ERS they're using it right off the bat let's keep rolling in the next four minutes I'll show you how I'm going to stop it every freaking second because this is golden copy where in the next four minutes 4 minutes so he's setting a a frame for you to follow right off the bat it's only going to take four minutes for you to discover something how anyone at any age how anyone at any age can Target and eliminate the root cause of type two diabetes for Good by waking up at now
that's a strong promise needless to say so in just four minutes so it's not gonna take a lot of your time that was not an accident four minutes so the video sales letter is 45 minutes long four minutes what's going to happen at 4 minutes something's going to be revealed but you're going to keep watching because you've got an open loop an open loop is an NLP process that basically tells your brain hey hold on a second I'm going to keep watching until I find out what this is right an open loop basically starts an
idea but doesn't complete it so your brain wants to hear the completion now look at this part waking up a dormant part of your immune system and unlocking its power D part of your immune system it power to clean not only yourest but your heart okay now we're going into this is not only going to work for your diabetes but also your heart your kidneys your brain now why are they doing that what's the top three concerns for a lot of people over the age of 50 heart disease kidney failure if you're over 60 70
and brain you know your brain not working really well those are major things so if this thing can do all of that especially with Trea and diabetes and brain going to be something you're to watch reversing diabetes in days and slashing your risk of part attack and however complicated this may seem okay this is actually the only part of the copy that I would edit you never want to State something that you do not want someone to think so you never say now look this may sound hard because somebody might be thinking oh I thought
it sounded pretty simple so you don't want to implant hard into their mind right you just you state what you want to say rather than however complicated this may seem you simply say this is actually easy or this is going to it does you don't even tell them that it's complicated you say you just spell out exactly what it is this is only going to take a few days it's super easy to do anyone can do it you never mention this word right here they would probably increase their conversions if they took that line out
of the vsl because they're tweaking to that level that extent at this level it's 100% natural easy to use and cheaper than your da daily coffee okay now not everybody drinks coffee but still it's a perfectly good analogy 100% natural easy to use cheaper than coffee so you really got people hooked here okay what is it right and of course they're not going to tell you not even at the four minute mark it can be done from home it starts working almost immediately it's the only tested method that allows you to say goodbye to your
erratic blood sugar levels okay so say goodbye to your erratic blood sugar levels we're talking to the Avatar The Avatar is a diabetic they're sick and tired of seeing their glucose going up and down up and down up and down good we've been trying to crack the code on Diabetes treatments now notice we've been trying to crack the Cod he's wearing a lab coat you know I have no idea if this guy's a doctor probably not but he's standing in a place it looks like he's in a lab okay we've been trying to crack the
Cod this sounds really official right even though with all the graphics it sounds it sounds pretty official we notic something totally bizarre that everyone else seemed to overlook what is that that is contrarian that spells contrarian you really have to take my word for it I'm basically a doctor when it comes down to handwriting I can't read my own hening contrarian contrarian is saying look everyone else is saying this where I'm saying that you know when every one else did this I did this everyone else is overlooking this is totally weird and everyone else missed
it so that immediately sets them up as a reluctant hero very cool we noticed something totally bizarre that everyone else seemed to overlook a toxic blanket of zombie cells was now this is where we're stopping this again because didn't you just hear this why is he saying it again there is a copywriting principle called redundancy that also spells redundancy and probably the other word I don't know but listen redundancy you repeat yourself when you want something to get really embedded into somebody's mind and we're talking about zombie cells okay you want that embedded you want
no one forgetting that a toxic blanket is smothering the Pancras it's the same words I mean you sometimes can rearrange the words a little bit they didn't even bother with doing that they just said the same thing twice and guess what it's effective smothering the you should try it walking repeat your hook in the sneakiest way okay in the sneakiest way notice all the the clever use of language it did it in a very sneaky way a bizarre thing a weird unnoticed those are very important words now talk about repeating your hook real quick Todd
Brown my friend Todd Brown just uh he a couple of years ago he released something called the bullet series or bullet email campaign and it was all about how to do these bullet campaigns called that are targeted to a specific way of emailing out your list every single week or every single day really and he said bullet email at least 40 times in that vsl overall just over over and over and over again now normal email does this but with a bullet email a bullet email until that you could not forget it you could not
forget the hook that's what they're doing here it's a great technique you should totally use it now we're going to do some imagining work right what is this do a little inl imagine incur knocking into the next part of the brain trying to breathe with your nose pinch shut not going to happen right imagine trying to breathe with your nose pinched shut not going to happen right that's what these cells are doing to the pancreas okay pretty straightforward stuff here now we're going to pause it here because that's the end of the lead so they're
giving they in here with an analogy okay it is analog to this what does that mean well picture something that everyone can picture picture breathing with your nose closed especially when you're older that's really hard to do well that's exactly what's going on they're now you're not just telling them there's a problem you're showing it to them in a way that Their audience can relate to all right now I'm going to show you the rest of this in text form because I just want to underline a couple things check this out okay I've got the
text or the rest of the text for the vssl up here I know it's nowhere near as pretty and cool as the vssl but we're just going to break down a couple of the text elements here hopefully you can see what I'm doing okay life changing solution I would cut that I'm telling you what I would do what I love about the copy and what I don't like about the copy life changing is Tri life changing is overused don't say life changing replace it with anything else even this solution but notice what they do here
super good past multiple trials so this is starting to sound like a medical solution I'm not sure it is again I don't know what I think it's a supplement but I don't so I don't know if it's the clinical trials but it puts it in the mind that it's a clinical trials holds a 100% efficiency rate with more than 112 test subjects now 100% efficiency rate I have a problem with that because nothing works 100% of the time so they would see better conversions in my opinion if they took out life changing not really I
just don't like it as cop but definitely if they took this down to 92% or 93% sounds much more believable than 100% efficiency right that's that's really really high you're probably wondering why you didn't read about it well here's the thing for any medical breakthrough to hit the headlines it's got to get thumbs up from the big guys like pharmaceutical companies now this is skirting a line for sure with compliance by saying this unless this is a medical sub and I don't think it is nonetheless okay they're doing it so I'm pointing out what they're
doing uh and when a discovers like ours turn their cash flow into dribble it gets suppressed that's why they couldn't stay Silent not even not when every 17 seconds an American is diabetic and every 7 Seconds a diabetic around the world is dying wow okay so they worked a lot of stuff into this copy that the sentences are a little bit long but that's okay it's broken up as a vsl and this was transcribed now what we got here ution multiple trials high efficiency rate lot of test subjects it's a breakthrough and all that's good
and then what do they do they do a push pull they're doing pull push actually they're pulling you in by saying all this great stuff all this great stuff and then they're starting to push away all this evil stuff like these evil pharmaceutical companies and then people are croaking left and right every seven seconds not a good sign not a good thing to have okay let's move on to the last part of the copy okay this lead ends with a B basically a case study Daniel Lopez 53 was at death's St when he tried it
258 lbs already suffered a heart attack does that sound familiar look at this heart attack eyesight kidneys sounds familiar right I think that we missed one he's he's got he's got all the ailments that are that are dealing with this and this guy after seeing this after seeing this breakthrough research I don't like terms like breakthrough lifechanging it just sounds like cheesy to me but that's okay he freed himself in less than two months of his type two and 18 months later he's still a free man this is a interesting turn of phrase he freed
himself from diabetes diabetes and he's still a free man he they didn't say cure so that would throw this into complete compliance hell if you said hey he cured himself of diabetes that's a problem you'd never want to say that he freed himself they're pushing the limits for sure but it's a clever way of doing it then they do it again Tanya 62 and she's from Birmingham England What's this called specificity so you're adding a little bit more believability here no okay was told there was no cure she had an increased risk of heart attack
stroke blindness exactly the same things we're talking about earlier stroke being the brain right but now after seven weeks of treatment she has diabetes free this is pushing it this is pushing it because they mentioned the word cure up here just be careful with this if you're writing comply coffee and all her blood test normals or blood blood tests are normal so what are we doing here we built an entire lead around massive hook zombie cells it's destroying the pancreas it's coating it's a toxic layer coating the pancreas and unless you you fix these zombie
cells you'll never cure you'll never can't say cure you'll never be free from your diabetes then they go through the whole building up of of social proof credibility rather through the images of a doctor or a lab lab coats kind of things and then of course they get into actual either testimonials or case studies to end this lead so they in they actually in the lead without going into testimonials but rather just case studies notations of this work for this guy I work for this woman now that is the vssl breakdown for today come back
next week I'm going to do another one I'm John Benson go write some copies
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