The Best Creamy Mushroom Pasta Recipe | Chef Jean-Pierre

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Chef Jean-Pierre
Hello There Friends, Creamy Mushroom Pasta is an easy recipe for anyone to make! Make sure to cook a...
Video Transcript:
well hello there friends an amazing pasta today I'm making a mushroom fettuccine I know some of you are not thinking I don't like mushroom I'm not gonna watch it you're gonna love my mushroom I promise you remember thumbs up you like the video subscribe to the channel and ring that Bell stay tuned friends we're doing it right now together [Applause] well okay friends where let me show you how to make it fourth that's a simple one you know I always said a child could do it Charlie could do this one I promise you I got
uh three kind of mushrooms I got four kind three four kind of machine you can get whatever kind of mushroom you can find thing and for all there we're not very lucky okay there's not many mushrooms that can find up north you can find the chanterelle you can find all kinds of information we can't find anything here I mean we're lucky here to get a portobello mushroom a baby portable which is a white mushrooms or shiitake or a crimini mushroom not very many of them tell you it's a terrible and follow then we can't get
good mushrooms but it is what it is I'm going to show you how to make it it doesn't matter what mushroom you have use any kind of mushroom you can find okay look when you get the the portobello mushroom um you know what let me put the butter in a pan first friends because as I'm talking then the butter can start melting and we're going to put the onion we're going to saute the onion also put a little butter in there and and don't be shy and have a little bit about it oh turn the
heat on jump yeah it works better if you turn the heat on I'm already starting so look all right when you get the portabella mushroom it's got gills in there like gives the fish you want to remove the stem first sometimes it's bigger you grab it you squeeze on it it's easier if you watch my portabella video then I did long time ago two years ago I did an amazing portobello mushroom video Jack is going to put a link right there for you it's really a fantastic if you're La portable mushroom it's beautiful and then
what you do you remove the Gill you see friends look remove the gear like you remove the Gill like you would if you did it on the fish got nothing to do with a fish it looks like the guilt of a fish that's all it really does doesn't it see there you go find so you take it right there you remove it so now you got to slice it right and what you do let me get rid of this right there and what you do friends you take you cut it let me get rid of
the the the gel there you cut it in half like this right this is very meaty it's very very meaty and um and then you cut it like this you see look up and down up and down so you have pieces that are that are nice you see and then if they're too big on that side they flip it this way there you go and there you go so he says a very meaty mushrooms a lot of people don't like mushrooms I know why they don't like mushrooms it's not that they don't like mushrooms they
don't like the texture of the mushroom they like the texture of the mushroom I don't blame you and and a lot of a lot of people I say it all the time is because people don't cook them correctly if you don't cook the mushroom correctly it's gonna be like full of water we're gonna get rid of the water I'm going to show you the right way to do it friends so talking about that I got to get my mushroom salt I know I forgot something it wouldn't be this channel if I didn't forget anything I
gotta forget something all the time we'll put a little onion dear friends I'm using Red Onion Red Onion doesn't need to cook that long and we don't need to caramelize them as such as if we do a white onion or a um a Spanish onion let me clean up my uh my cutting board you know I don't like having a dirty cutting board I don't like it at all I like it nice and clean all the time so it looks nicer and it feels and I started being a clean kitchen I don't know about you
the cremini mushroom or shiitake mushroom they got a woodsy woodsy stem so I'll remove it now you can try to cook it if you want one day just to see if you like it but I don't like it it's up to you and then I do the same thing with this I just cut it you know I find that it's easier to cut them the the skin side down cut them down like this you see and if they're too big you can go like this on the side for a pasta dish you don't want it
to be too big you know for this pasta it's a very simple dish ones I promise you you're gonna you're gonna love it so the first thing we're gonna do okay so we're going to get ourselves we're going to saute Indiana the onion a little bit we don't need to saute them that much well oh the mushroom this mushroom over there let me go let me go there while I'm talking I want to onion to get a little more color but they don't need to get that much color because they're going to continue cooking the
uh the the the white mushrooms or the baby portobello mushrooms if the stem is not too long you can leave it there I still like to cut it a little bit like this you see I cut it just a little bit like this right and then I do the same thing see I slice them and if they're too big you can also do it this way all right very simple right look at it for it like I said for a pasta dish you don't want them to be too big ones you don't take your knife
to scrape it if you're going to do that do it the other way around all right so now look here's what we're gonna do friends we're gonna put the the mushroom all of them you can put the um the the if the portabella mushrooms are too big you want to put them first let them get a little bit of a head start because they're much firmer they're gonna need to cook a little bit faster so the shiitake and the portobello mushroom you put them in advance let them get away to some of the uh some
of the water and what's going to help us do that is a mushroom salts you don't have to use a mushroom salt the regular salt is good I got this porcini mushroom soup this is amazing so we can put them out the portobello mushroom salt here and we'll put a little black pepper in there and all we're gonna do friends we're going to saute this we're going to give him a little head start because they take a little bit longer to cook and we want to get rid of the water so I'm also going to
do a little fettuccine so I got beautiful fresh fettuccine then I play cooked for about two minutes so for the video I just plunge them in there and put them in my sauce okay but look like I said a lot of you friends don't like fidget don't like mushroom because you don't you haven't got them correctly you you didn't get them prepare for correctly I'm also going to put some flavoring in there friends I got some garlic I'm gonna wait a little bit I don't want to put the garlic right now because uh if I
put the garlic right now it's going to burn so we're going to wait right we're gonna get rid of the water first then we'll put the garlic uh I got some fresh taco if you don't have taco you put Sage I am also going to put an opacity because I love parsley you know I put parsley and everything it's an old-fashioned thing we love to put positive old chefs we like to put pasta and then I'm going to put a bit of spinach just a little chopped spinach in there and then I got some pecorino
romano and Parmigiano-Reggiano grated together you mix them together we're gonna put this at the end and then friends we're gonna put we're gonna put um some heavy whipping cream you got to put heavy cream in there just a little bit it's gonna be delicious I want you to see we're not done yet friends we still got a way to go and I want you to see what started to happen right here I don't know if you can see it yet it's probably not ready yet for you to see anything but you see we're gonna have
some commodization it's gonna happen in a minute so we're gonna wait a little bit cook them you'll watch they're gonna do is down to nothing nothing so this is a very easy meal for you to do but the secret friends is to get rid of the water water is the enemy of food so we're gonna wait for this to get a little more caramelization let me see I think we're good we can put the element look look look you look right there friends I don't know if Jack can can come right in there and and
show you you see we've got a little more caramelization in there going all right and now we're going to put the other mushroom I'll probably have too much of this I don't need all this just a little bit that's it and it's up to you how much you want to put in we're going to continue Soto in that put a little more salt and when we got rid of all the um the water in the mushroom and we're starting to get some nice caramelization I'll come back and I'll finish the dish because the rest of
it is going to take just seconds all right I'll be back in a couple of minutes okay friends you see look you see look but you know this boy the pen was full right look at it there's hardly anything left friends there's hardly anything left it's really amazing they probably are 60 70 80 water this what is water in there we're gonna put a tag on the tiger like I said you're after I go in your Sage Sage is wonderful in there too I've used it before a time uh uh Rosemary uh I like to
do Thyme and rosemary in there right we'll put a an opacity we're going to wait for the end right we're gonna put a little bit of the garlic a little bit of the garlic I don't want to burn the garlic just a little bit of the garlic remember we don't want to burn the garlic and whenever you see somebody putting on your own garlic at the same time change channel okay onion takes a few minutes onion takes a few minutes to come unless garlic takes a few seconds all right we're gonna put some um of
the spinach we're going to saute the spinach and then we're going to put a little moisture in there a little moisture so we don't burn the garlic they say we're looking good very simple right you notice nothing complicated here friends a child could do this definitely it smells amazing I love it this is such a simple recipe we're gonna put a touch of chicken broth you know I will do a vegetable broth okay very simple just a little bit liquid we don't want to do much very little to avoid the garlic and it's releasing a
beautiful flavor a little more black pepper in there or a little more salt and now friends now very simple we're not going to put the a little bit of cream okay just a little bit of cream how much you put in it's really up to you friends and the cream especially the fact that I'm using a 40 cream with chicken by itself you see you don't have to put a thickener you just gotta let it reduce and if you're using heavy whipping cream friends don't worry about curdling on you it doesn't curdle heavy cream doesn't
let's take the um the fettuccine we're gonna put them in the water okay oh I'm doing really just you know we're making a couple of orders right here probably have a little more extra sauce but what I mean like I said they're already pre-cooked I just did them for about three minutes before so I don't have to concentrate them when I make the sauce I'm gonna test now also since I have some pecoran Romano I have some salt in there too so I need to put my salt now I need to put my my cheese
now so I can let them add friends you see and then I'm done a child could do this this smells amazing friends I promise you you see simple dish simple dish Let's test it to see if we're good and if we could we just don't take our noodles with a bit of the pasta water and put it right in there it's look beautiful look at this oh yeah just a little more clean that's a little more clean yeah it's just beautiful look at these ones they're gorgeous what I gotta do now is put take my
pasta out of the water beautiful homemade fettuccine and I'm not worried about if there's a little water is going to go in there salty salty pasta water nothing wrong with that you see come back over here you let's say how you do it in a restaurant you get your pasta ready so at the last minute all you got to do is just plunge them in water and then you're done turn the heat off and mix this up and this my friends is such a beautiful easy faster dish to make gonna wait for a second mix
it up really well and right here friends a little more cheese now we're gonna put more cheese on the top and we're gonna surface beautiful look at this all right here we go beautiful plate oh that looks beautiful put it right in there because I messed up the blade but it's okay we're gonna fix it we're gonna clean it and we put the plate right here so Jack does not have to chase me down let's stop it for a second and voila my friends I got that fresh pasta did and I was telling you about
earlier look at I see it gives it a beautiful freshness a little more cheese right there beautiful right there friends that's it plate needs to be a little cleaned up we're going to do that let's turn this off oh it's off already and this my friends there's enough right there for for at least two or three people I hope you enjoyed it making it because I'm telling you it's delicious friends look at this this looks beautiful doesn't it it looks gorgeous for once I'm not going to take a huge bite so I'm going to burn
myself oh fine it's amazing I hope you make it remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel don't forget to ring that Bell thanks for watching we'll see you soon for another fantastic video fantastic you gotta try [Music] it's amazing it's a delicious absolutely delicious wow is delicious okay
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