The Science of Catalyst Integration | Spiritual Polarization EXPLAINED

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Aaron Abke
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spiritual gifts are not the path to graduation we have to balance our energy centers to the same Harmony that the Creator split the light the the radiant white light into those seven colors each one of us was split into those seven colors in a unique way once you raise catalytic energy all the way to the Indigo Ray Energy Center the third eye right here that is when the third eye op opens the gateway to intelligent infinity and this is the singularity State uh God Consciousness don't worry so much about activating all these gifts and stuff
because you're going to have tons of time to do that in future densities in this third density all your focus should be on [Music] I want to talk to you all today before we get into our Catalyst workshop on the nature of catalyst and kind of unpack this a little bit more so in the law of one raw describes this process that Catalyst balancing catalyst is the way to activate the energy centers and raise our polarity or raise the Nexus point of our Consciousness up the energy centers so the way that raw explains this is
that again a catalyst is any experience you have every experience life brings to you is a catalyst for growth if you use it appropriately and so when a catalyst hits you the red ray root chakra at the base of the spine has is the First Energy Center that filters that energy so RW says all energy is perfectly balanced and perfectly reflecting the Creator light and so every Catalyst contains that balanced energy and it moves up the spinal Network through first meeting through the root chakra and this filtration process begins and so every Energy Center is
like a filtration Center of energy filtering the energy the cosmic Prana that's coming in from the root which is the South Pole the negative pole the crown is the North Pole the positive pole of the energy body so the root is the South Pole that's attracting right negative means to pull in to absorb to take in to possess so all catalytic energy is taken in through the root of the South Pole and the red Ray has the first shot at filtering that energy now what does the red ray stand for as we know here in
FLA University it represents our survival our base survival animal nature survival and sexuality and so the root chakra is where the belief in lack really comes from because all lack is the fear of survival you only fear lack you only worry about lack because it triggers your animal brain your Primal brain to say I'm afraid I might ultimately perish if I don't have this lack need met if my needs don't get met I could die so lack is really the fear of death posing as the lack of this the lack of that lack of food
lack of nourishment lack of shelter lack of companionship whatever the lack is all lack is the fear of death and that comes from the root chakra the root chakra needs to have its basic needs met yeah so the ultimate imbalance of the root chakra is the lack if the Red Ray is not balanced to a certain degree the catalytic energy cannot make it past the bottom chakra and so every single experience you have will be processed in terms of a survival catalyst meaning everything will basically provoke you into fight or flight and we know many
people on our planet are living in this state people that become let's call it very um driven by ideology are triggered by everything that that they experience that is not in agreement with their own beliefs right anything that disagrees with their belief system they react extremely hostile to it angry screaming red in the face how Dare You virtue signaling if you don't even use the right words they're going to lose their minds yeah that's the insanity level of SQ the root chakra level they're so blocked in the root chakra that the energy can't get any
higher to be processed by the higher energy centers everything is just a survival Catalyst everything puts them into fight ORF flight so you can see if we don't balance the lower energy center the red ray we will stay stuck in this Perpetual state of fight or flight so once we balance and open the red ray by healing our lack beliefs at least to a certain extent where we can live from trust we can feel safe in our body we can feel safe in the universe we can feel a good need and a drive to be
alive a purpose for being alive that purpose can drive us in our life th those qualities represent a more balanced root chakra and then the energy goes higher into the orange Ray the sacral and then the Catalyst will start to be Pro processed in terms of personal desires personal emotions how do I feel about this what do I think this means to me and about me and that's the orange Ray and so let me share my screen with you to give you I made a little chart to spell this out so actually before we get
to that I'm going to read a quote from the law of one so when we're talking about integrating Catalyst we're talking about spiritual intelligence yes your spiritual intelligence is directly responsible for how efficiently you process Catalyst or we could say it another way your ability to process and integrate Catalyst your ability to be aware of and integrate your life catalysts is the direct measurement of your SQ your spiritual intelligence spiritual intelligence is awareness and integration of that awareness so this is a quote from session 43 Don says when the Creator's light is split or divided
into colors and energy centers for experience then in order to reunite with the Creator the energy centers must be balanced exactly the same as the split light was as it originated from the Creator is this correct raw says we shall simplify by concentrating upon what we consider to be the central idea towards which you are striving we have many times now spoken about the relative importance of balancing as opposed to the relative unimportance of maximal activation of each Energy Center so pause right there raw saying we are we have been stressing to you that it's
more important to have a harmonious balance of all the energy centers rather than focusing in on just one or two energy centers you really want to activate and pump up meaning activating the heck out of a certain energy center isn't the way way to graduate the way to graduate is to tune like the strings of a guitar right tune your energy centers until they all strike Harmony together meaning if the Creator's hand is like the hand that plucks the harp the harp strings when it plucks that harp string it's a perfect key of notes that
all resonate together in harmony if your energy centers are not balanced the hand of that of the Creator plucks your chakras and they're all dissonant and out of Harmony and like a and you know you want to plug your ears it's a bad chord yeah so your energy centers are like the strings of a harp or a guitar that need to be tuned to the right Harmony and balance and RW says that's more important than just getting really good at plucking a couple strings if that makes sense R says the reason is as you have
correctly surmised and Dawn's surmise or guess was that we have to balance our energy centers to the same Harmony that the Creator split the light the the radiant white light into those seven colors each one of us was split into those seven colors in a unique way right your energy centers although you have the same energy centers as me right red orange yellow green blue indigo violet nevertheless your unique balance is different than my unique balance me meaning perhaps I have you know I'm a spiritual teacher right so I probably have a more active Blu-ray
and maybe blue and indigo Ray and if you've seen my uh Aura photo on Instagram then that's definitely the case right so maybe my balance needs to have a more refined blue ray and yours would have a more refined green ray or um yellow Ray or whatever the case may be we all have a unique Harmony and balance of those energy centers we are all a unique chord that the Creator is playing through us and that was Don's guess and Ross says the reason is exactly as you guessed thus Le The Entity is concerned if
it be upon the path of positive harvestability with the regularizing of the various energies of experience that's Catalyst thus the most fragile entity may be more balanced than one with extreme energy and activity in service to others due to the fast fastidiousness with which the will is forced focused upon the use of experience in knowing the self so raw says somebody who has less intensely activated Energy may nonetheless be more balanced than somebody who's just really focusing on let's say psychic gifts right I just want to be a psychic medium in this life and so
I'm just focusing on opening my pineal gland my third eye and I have a really strong Indigo Ray Energy Center and many of us probably know people like this who are powerful you know psychic um leaders and energy workers but they still carry some pretty big imbalances in those lower three chakras right that's totally possible to carry big imbalances while having strong prominent gifts and I've mentioned this before on these calls that when I grew up in Evangelical Christianity there were many famous evangelists and Prophets and healers that came to our church that these guys
would operate in Crazy super supernatural abilities you know words of knowledge where they could say somebody here between the age of 30 and 40 uh male who lives in um um Pasadena is struggling with colon cancer and the Lord says stand up you're healed and this guy in the back of the room stands up like that's me and he's like be healed in the name of Jesus and the guy falls on the floor and convulses and you know everyone's laying hands on him and then he goes to the doctor the next week and no kidding
cancer is gone that's a very Evangelical Christian way of Performing physical healing but like I saw that stuff with my own eyes all the time and then to my shock these same you know evangelists and famous ministers who had these super powerful gifts would get caught in adultery having an affair or stealing money from the church or sometimes even pedophilia and things of that nature so it's a sobering reminder isn't it that spiritual gifts are not the path to graduation Raman Mahari said this Narada said this maharaji especially said this don't focus on the cities
which are spiritual gifts in Sanskrit don't focus on spiritual gifts or cities because that's not the way to realize the self these things can be great distractions from realizing the self the Creator within you focus on love service to others forgiveness humility inner Stillness these these are the ways to graduate from this realm all famous sages have said this right so raw is just reiterating here what all sages have said somebody who has less intensity of energy who's maybe more fragile energetically May graduate before the person with a blasted open third eye who can read
people's minds I know that's crazy to think about because we associate powerful spiritual gifts with spiritual Ascension but not necessarily right sometimes yes many times very Advanced Spiritual Beings have incredibly powerful gifts that are balanced with their spiritual virtue their humility right their love their service but it's not always the case so that's what raw is saying here uh the last sentence says the densities beyond your own give the minimally balanced individual much time and SpaceTime with which to continue to refine these inner balances so what raw is saying there is that don't worry so
much about activating all these gifts and stuff because you're going to have tons of time to do that in future densities in this third density all your focus should be on balancing the energy centers striking harmony with those seven notes of the seven energy centers get to a balanced point before you worry about activating certain gifts that's what raw saying here so in this analogy of the split light I made this little graphic for you this is how raah describes the process of a Mind Body Spirit complex coming into the Earth plane in third density
this is the creator slthe logos and the logos again for every soul splits the infinite light the intelligent Infinity of white light into seven colors and each of those seven colors that get split in a unique balance and that balance becomes your seven energy centers and so what Dawn asked raw in that session we just read is hey raw since the Creator splits the the white light into seven colors to create the Mind Body Spirit complex of each one of us do we each have to find that unique balance that reflects the original split light
and Ross says yes this is precisely correct so again the point I'm making here is that finding your unique balance is the purpose of third density and the purpose of balancing your energy centers and guess what good news you don't have to think about what your balance is your balance will find itself naturally as you just process Catalyst according to each and every energy center right just do the work just balance every experience that comes to you and your chakras will find their own unique balance because look does it take any work to be who
you are I don't have to try to be Aaron do I I can't stop being Aaron Aaron is just the unique expression my soul is experiencing in this life it takes me zero effort to be Aaron ABY to wake up and talk like I talk think like I think behave how I behave the the character we all call Aaron ABY is a unique balance of these seven energy centers on the screen and the way that my seven energy centers fire together creates this personality called Aon key and that's why ra calls it the disciplines of
the personality the way to find your unique Divine personality Your Divine Essence Your Divine expression of God that you are is know the self love the self and then become the Creator by doing these three things we step into that unique balance of the split light of the logos that allowed us to come into this Incarnation pretty epic stuff huh so let's let's talk more about that so we have this chart we've looked at before this is the SQ chart and again the ability we have for that catalytic energy to rise up the chakras shows
our level of SQ if we're not spiritually intelligent enough yet to be empowered in the way we process life experiences then the energy can't make it past that solar plexus that's where it's getting stuck so think of it like um those Carnival machines that you see at at festivals and carnivals where you grab the big hammer and you slam the sludgehammer on the the base and it shoots that Bell thing or that that item up the up the Shute towards the Bell and the goal is to slam it hard enough to hit that ball all
the way up to strike the bell and if you can strike the Bell you get a stuffed animal that's what a catalyst is like you guys every catalyst is like you're striking that platform and shooting the energy up your chakras and if you're not very spiritually intelligent yet it's like you're not strong enough to hit that platform and raise the ball high enough to hit the bell of course the ultimate Bell is the crown chakra where we open the gateway to intelligent Infinity but if we can even get the ball to go up to the
heart chakra we're doing pretty good we've got a pretty high SQ relatively speaking for third density so here's how we move the catalytic energy past each Energy Center as we were describing at the opening of this discussion lack and survival fears are the root chakra level if you're always in fear and stress over finances and personal relationships and physical health if you're not physically healthy you're stuck on this level right and this is why I love the Asen gospel of peace and the Asen teaching so much because they stress and emphasize the importance of physical
health as a spiritual Foundation you cannot Ascend spiritually if your body is sick and dying diseased overweight plagued with toxicity your your frequency is very very low if your physical body is very ill because your root chakra is not balanced so physical health balances the root chakra uh trust in God trust in life feeling safe in your body feeling safe in the universe these are the ways we balance the red ray and then the energy can move up to the orange Ray when the energy of of the Catalyst makes it to our orange Ray it
gets filtered according to our personal attachments personal desires what do I want from this do I have a need do I have a selfish desire to be fulfilled if I do that's a blockage and it's going to keep the energy from going higher than the orange Ray so by releasing attachments the second belief of ego by being desireless and open and accepting of everything everything that happens being able to accept the Catalyst in essence is how we move the energy past the orange Ray and then it rises into the yellow Ray this is the empowerment
level of SQ where you become uh you transcend victimhood and you step into empowerment which is hey this experience is not happening against me this is not trying to harm me this is not life being cruel to me this challenging experience is for me it's for my growth it's for my learning it's here to strengthen me I'm going to take this Catalyst by the horns I'm going to grab the steering wheel that's the empowerment level so transcending personal control needing to control other people needing to control every circumstance into your favor that's the victim energy
we have to transcend we stop trying to control life and we let life happen through us and we take an empowered stance towards life we look to improve ourselves become a better reflection of who we are in the world that's how we make it past the yellow Ray once we make it past the yellow Ray the catalytic energy can finally get into the all important Nexus point of the heart chakra and this is where we want at a minimum catalytic energy to be able to get to does that make sense if the catalytic energy of
every life circumstance isn't making it past those lower three chakras we are not balanced enough to graduate so balancing the lower three energy centers is the single most important task of a third density Incarnation you have to balance these energy centers so that catalytic energy coming into your energy centers from the cosmos at every moment can make it past the lower three and into the green ray of the heart and it is here it can be processed in terms of universal love so actually let's look at this graphic here so when we're stuck in lack
and survival fears we're stuck in the red Ray and our energy is always in that red ray in our Aura when we move past that we go to the orange Ray and we have to process Catalyst through our personal attachments our biases our desires and needs then we make it to the yellow Ray where we have to transcend our need to control everything that happens control other people control life and surrender to life and let life happen and know that it's for us and take an empowered stance towards it finally once we're at that point
we have balanced the lower three sufficiently and we're going to still refine those balances for sure right the refining continues to go on through you know sixth density so it's not like we're re reaching maximal balance but we're reaching minimal balance to get the energy into the the heart right the least amount of balance required to get the energy into the heart chakra now we can process every Catalyst according to Universal love so this is where we reach heart-based Consciousness why well because now when an experience happens it flies right through the red orange and
yellow there's no more obstructions holding the catalytic energy back into the lower three every experience goes right into the heart and is immediately processed according to Universal love service to others compassion Etc and Ross says this is the Hallmark of a balanced entity is that no situation arises that can provoke you to these negative reactions of the lower three every circumstance you experience is processed in terms of compassion and understanding even if somebody tries to physically attack you you don't feel fear you don't feel anger and you don't feel sadness these energies have been balanced
you only feel Universal love and a desire to be of service now if you're living from the heart chakra it's very very very rare and unlikely that anyone's going to want to attack you physically right you're not going to earn that karma from people but it's possible you could be walking down the street and an insane person you know a drug addict who's in the middle of a heroin trip might see you and get triggered and try to attack you some rare circumstance if that's the case you know for sure that you're living from heart-based
Consciousness when you don't feel judgment towards them you don't feel anger res resentment towards them you just say oh my gosh this is a very hurting being a Divine brother who's hurting and and needs help how can I be of service to help this being and you're going to be loving and compassionate towards them from there we earn the right to bring the energy even higher to the wisdom density of the throat chakra where the catalyst is processed in terms of wisdom and insight so now you're seeing those deeper metaphysical connections and lessons this is
where we begin to see the synchronicities in our life and what the messages mean right we're connecting the dots at the throat chakra and seeing the universal intelligence operating behind everything that's the throat chakra how the throat chakra filters every catalytic energy that passes through it finally at the third eye the Indigo Ray we become a total master of that particular Catalyst such that we become a perfect mirror to anyone who's still struggling with that Catalyst we are only aware now of the metaphysical principles back of everything we are psychically tuned in to every circumstance
and we're probably hearing and feeling the thoughts and emotions of others we are totally connected to the quantum field through the third eye that represents final Mastery over the Catalyst and as RW says once you raise catalytic energy all the way to the Indigo Ray Energy Center the third eye right here that is when the third eye opens the gateway to intelligent infinity and the Gateway is the crown chakra once we make it once the energy makes it to the third eye it triggers the opening of the Gateway and this is the singularity State uh
God Consciousness when we are living under an open Gateway we are a 247 channel for divine intelligence we speak as that intelligence as Christ did as Buddha and Krishna did we enter that Avatar state where we have full psychic access access to all knowledge needed and required so this is an incredibly rare state of spiritual intelligence that is going to become more common on our planet as more evolved beings incarnate here but up to this point this is that state we only know of the rare avatars that Grace our planet so we don't need to
shoot for that thank God to graduate you imagine if you had to open the Gateway just to graduate God we'd be in third density for thousands of lifetimes some of us we only have to make it to this point to graduate everyone raises their hands and says A Hallelujah right just get into the heart and guess what to get into the heart you just need to balance these three that's it lack attachment and control can you just balance lack attachment and control such that those three energies do not sway you anymore they don't control your
behaviors and dictate your reactions you always react from the heart that's the graduation point and when I say always I mean 51% or greater yeah the barometer is 51% so we want to be 51% of the time living from the greenray [Music] [Music]
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