Beetlejuice BeetleJuice Is... (REVIEW)

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Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Movie Review. Beetlejuice 2 is the sequel to Beetlejuice (1988) it stars Mic...
Video Transcript:
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is the long awaited sequel where we meet back up with the Deets family this time 35 years later where an Unexpected death in the family brings them all together to an all familiar house where an old forgotten demon is ready to terrorize them once again and that's all pretty much say gave spoilers you guys this will be a spoiler-free review let's talk about The Juice Spot on Beetlejuice impression you got to admit so when it comes to the beetle juu franchise if you're a fan of the channel you'll know I'm the number one
Beetlejuice fan on this planet and if you're new to the channel That is a complete lie I was someone that watched Beetlejuice when I was a kid and for some reason it just didn't click with me then and the minute I mentioned that here on the channel I was hit with a lot of push back a lot of people going Chris you need to give it another chance cuz what the heck man and so a few months ago I did exactly that and yeah I don't know why it didn't hit me the first time that
movie is really great but as a late bloomer to the franchise I'm not someone that necessarily has the huge nostalgic attachment to it so I wasn't really all that excited for a sequel and heck I've seen what happens sometimes with these Legacy sequels they rarely ever turn out to be good if anything they're just a sad reminder that these great people that you once admired in an old movie how now I've just gotten old so now having walked out of the second movie I'm here to say it was a good time but so close to
a great time jumping on to the positives here for a second of course Michael Kean has not lost his step the thing they did this time around was include a lot more of Michael Keane but it never becomes overbearing that is one of the things I was most afraid of when you go to watch that first Beetle Juice movie and you realize Michael Keon really doesn't show up till much later in the film and even then only has about 9 10 minutes of screen time in the sequel you knew they would include him more cuz
that's just what the audience expects but there was a part of me that thought he might be an annoyance he might not be as great when he's there all the time but I feel like they utilize him the right amount of time and Katon just slips right into that role so easily every other line is just comedic fun and even with the extended screen time he gets here you were still left wanting more of him Jenna Ortega's inclusion I was most curious about cuz I wanted to see if she would just end up playing Wednesday
again and thankfully she doesn't while she still has that Moody angsty teen feel that Rebels against her parent there were other aspects of her character that let her stand apart I was also a giant fan of all the visual effects in this movie while it's a huge mixture of practical stop motion clation CGI Tim burn is just having a hoot Nanny fun time that's what made me most realize why people really dig the world is just all the creative visuals that Tim Burton can pull out and visual gags along with that cuz you got to
admit one of the funnest parts of seeing a Beetlejuice movie is the afterlife looking at characters and knowing right away how a character died and heck speaking on the afterlife that is something that gets expanded in this movie that's what I was most curious is seen different aspects we didn't get a look at the first time around and one of those expansions comes with the inclusion of William defo he plays wolf Jackson who's this detective with an interesting death backstory but is ultimately investigating a crime happening in the afterlife and that's just something new and
unexpected who knew there was detectives and police Crim solving in the afterlife like you dead you're going to investigate another dead but William defo is probably one of the funnier characters in this movie and just seeing him kind of ham it up I quite enjoyed and on that the movie never takes itself too seriously I think that's one of the things that'll help you ease back into the Beetle Juice world is that there is a bit of camp and cheese to it you're not supposed to look at Beetlejuice and think about the plot holes the
loopholes or the things that don't exactly fit within reality cuz it's a whole Fantastical universe and they're constantly just trying to make you have fun and ultimately that is what I had with Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is just a lot of fun it was great getting back into that un reverse bonus part that this movie also has like a good Halloween aesthetic to it because the film is set around Halloween so there's times watching this where I'm like yeah I'm going to put this on while carving a pumpkin someday or while just making some Halloween treats cuz
it's just going to get you in that mood but with all that said though I do think there are some things in Beetlejuice 2 that are holding it back from being a great Sequel and just having to kind of be okay now although you see me clearly say I had a good time with it it did take me a while for me to fully get back on board into this universe I would say the first 20 30 minutes is a little rough you're getting reintroduced into this world and catching up to where all the characters
are and it sometimes feels a little off where you're like H this is what I feared is just remating back up with characters I love 35 years later while they've also aged it's not all that thrilling there was a serious thought in my mind about 20 30 minutes in where I was like I think I'm going to be one of the people walking out not liking this movie but thankfully the plot picks up story lines start to unfold and there's a sense of urgency that happens in the movie that really kicks things off but then
even when things kick off and get interesting and real exciting Beetlejuice Beetlejuice sets up so many different plot threads and not all of them will get satisfying conclusions or attention like almost every character in here has something they're doing and I do applaud Beetlejuice Beetlejuice for doing that not just R treading the same story points from the first movie this film doesn't really feel like it's wanting to nost albate you throw in an Easter egg or a reference every other second which has recently become a thing that really seems to annoy people and thankfully this
second movie doesn't do that it takes its own story approach and does something different but I do think each character in this movie having a vital subplot and story thread that then all has to come to a clash at the end makes the movie feel a little anticlimactic when it ends like just getting on to a couple of them uh the bride with Beetle Juice that was an interesting aspect I wanted more of and it does open in to the origin of Beetlejuice which I thought was nice but this is a character that gets set
up like very early on into the movie and she's put on this mission to go hunt Beetlejuice down and the movie kind of builds up their eventual Meetup their Clash what's going to happen when she comes face to face with Beetlejuice and when that moment comes it is shortlived and feels kind of Breeze by a similar situation happens with Jenna Orga and a boy she meets up with in this movie which was the urgency part that really got me interested but because so much is going on that plot line gets resolved rather quickly in anticlimactic
an early subplot involving the father of Jen Ortega's character and when owner writer's husband that was also a subplot that I felt like if the movie was able to dedicate a little bit more time to or flesh a little bit more it could have honestly have been a real emotional hit for this movie but again the film kind of breezes by it cuz he has so many other storylines going on you guys let me know when you go to watch Beetlejuice Beetlejuice cuz I'm telling you the way this thing ends it just feels kind of
like I feel feels like more should have happened but really that's kind of about it I still think there's enough in here for you to have fun with it to just jump back into the world it is still a really good time I think as far as the legacy of Beetlejuice goes the first one will still remain an all-time classic and this will just pair nicely as a fun Side Story but nothing more so when it comes to Beetlejuice Beetle juu I'm going to give action three stars most of that comes into the Afterlife and
that's always where I have the most fun in the Beetlejuice world is seen all the different aspect specs the different mechanic and just the way Tim burn brought to life some of those visual effects I quite enjoyed coming in the movie I'm also going to give it three stars I don't think this one is as funny as the first film Michael Keaton still has a lot of great moments and there is this side character named Bob that oh my God had me laughing so hard but those laughs weren't as frequent like in the first movie
drama in the movie I'm going to give it three stars I think the story was suitable enough props on them for not leaning too much on story plot points from the first film they tried different things but they had a little too many stories and with that there wasn't always a happy conclusion to all those stories hard in the movie I'll give one star too I still think of Beetlejuice as that familyfriendly horror movie it's that movie you show to a kid to maybe Peak them into the horror world then you show them the hard
stuff later on and suspense the movie I'm going to give it two and a half Stars the most suspense I had was with the Geno Orga storyline every other storyline you can kind of predict where it was headed casual movie goers into the beetle juu world I'm going to give it a B+ ciles I'm going to give it a B minus and critically I'm going to give it a B minus Beetlejuice Beetlejuice although not being a perfect sequel I still think is a lot of fun and worth enjoying in theaters again that's just my opinion
on the movie guys I'm going to be really curious to hear from you what did you think about Beetlejuice Beetlejuice were you disappointed were you happy with the movie do you agree that it's good not great would love to know your thoughts don't forget to like subscribe follow me on Twitter at 3C films or on Tik Tok at 3C films but as always I'm Chris take care
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