let's start with the scary and slowly work our way towards the most terrifying ones on the list number 10 space junk as it turns out our planet is not the only thing we treat like a giant trash can since space is slowly becoming a giant landfill as well there are currently millions of pieces of man-made junk in Earth's orbit with over 30,000 of them being over 10 cm long or around 4 in now the reason why this is so scary is that the number of junk is only growing but this really shouldn't worry you since
I'm sure we'll eventually get around and clean it which usually only happens when it becomes a big enough problem that our government is forced to do something about it you see the growing amounts of space junk are becoming a major problem for space exploration and travel and NASA has already had a course correct 32 times since 1999 to avoid satellites and space debris now you're probably thinking this is an issue that you will never have to worry about since you never leave the house let alone plan on traveling to space but as it turns out
the space debris might just come to you there have been many reports of large pieces of metal spaceships and satellites landing on people's property and homes but I'm sure the majority of the pieces go unreported since they most likely land in the ocean where they blend in with the rest of the trash number nine Cosmic voids as we leave Earth's orbit and begin to look further out into the universe we quickly begin to discover all sorts of terrifying things but before we get to those I want to focus on nothing I literally mean nothing you
see there are are vast spaces in the universe that don't contain anything at all no planets no stars no moons no McDonald's no asteroids nothing these empty spaces are known as Cosmic voids and in some cases they can be hundreds of millions of Lighty years in diameter this would create a long and lonely space trip for anything that decides to journey across them unless of course you were blessed with being an introvert since we are completely immune to this weakness now I know these large numbers are very hard to grasp so let me just show
you what this all looks like here's an illustration of the Virgo super cluster which contains around 100,000 galaxies including our home the Milky Way now let's zoom out and take a look at the areas here these are cosmic voids this particular one here is called boot's void and is one of the largest voids in the known universe spanning around 330 million Lighty years wide for perspective the entire Milky Way galaxy which is home to to at least 100 billion planets is 100,000 light years wide number eight dead galaxies dead galaxies are galaxies that have run
out of cold hydrogen gas which is necessary to fuel stars and create new ones these dead galaxies will be the first to become completely dark and lifeless leaving behind a cold and lonely Cemetery but for now these galaxies appear red as they burn through their last remaining energy that they will ever have now let's get to the ter terrifying part all galaxies including our own will eventually run out of energy and it's hypothesized that the entire universe eventually will as well a stage that is referred to as the dark era and it's speculated to be
the final state of the universe leaving behind a cold and dark Universe where light and energy cease to exist number seven planets NASA estimates that there are at least a 100 billion planets in the Milky Way galaxy alone and over six ttian planets in the observable universe that's 21 zos by the way not that it even matters since none of us could even come close to comprehending that so instead people try to visualize this by saying that there are more planets in the known universe than grains of sand on earth and for those of you
that have never been to the beach take it from someone who has we still can't comprehend this number either now we don't have to look forward to find some truly terrifying planets since we have a few of them here in our own solar system but let's to take a look at the scariest one Jupiter this planet is an absolute Nightmare and is scary enough to just look at Jupiter's a Giant gas planet that is 1,300 times larger than Earth and is covered in violent storms as I'm sure you already know but really quickly here are
just a few of the ways Jupiter would absolutely mop the floor with you radiation exposure dead atmospheric pressure Dead 400 plus mph winds dead struck by lightning dead you overheat dead you freeze dead you decide to breathe dead but if Jupiter's not scary enough our galaxy has many other horrific planets to choose from like planets that constantly rain molten iron or molten glass planets that are entirely covered in ice planets that are entirely covered in lava planets that are entirely covered in water planets that are just completely dark planets with giant hurricanes the size of
Earth nope that's just Jupiter again I told you that place sucks number six aliens ever since we were young Hollywood has conditioned us to be scared of aliens so it's no surprise that this one would end up on the list movies like aliens signs Predator Cloverfield the thing and of course the goat killer clowns from outer space all made aliens incredibly violent and terrifying and when Hollywood finally attempted to create a friendly and relatable alien all they got right was his body type and it definitely worked scientists say that it's only a matter of time
until we find the existence of aliens but here's the thing right an alien or an extraterrestrial being is simply just something that is living that didn't originate on Earth so this could be something as small as bacteria but if we're lucky it could be a fish or mammal-like creature but of course this could be something infinitely more terrifying and that's what makes this one so scary we really don't know what's out there now thankfully we all know that first impressions are everything so I'm hopeful that aliens will just take a quick look at Earth's orbit
and decide not to visit since we're obviously very dirty number five Gamay bursts Gamay bursts are the most powerful explosions in the known universe releasing more energy in a second than the Sunwood in a billion years this can occur a few different ways either when a star goes Supernova when two neutron stars collide and form a black hole or when a black hole swallows a neutron star these massive bursts of energy are a million trillion times brighter than the Sun and could last anywhere from 10 milliseconds to several hours now here's what makes them so
scary the light produced can't be seen by the naked eye so if Earth were to be hit by one of these powerful Gamay bursts we would never see it coming and depending on how close the source of the Gamay burst is it would determine if life on Earth would survive at a distance of 6,000 Lighty years it would cause mass extinction due to the deadly amounts of radiation but if the Gamay burst occurred further away but still managed to get a direct hit on us it could still be catastrophic since it would heavily damage all
of our satellites and Technology shutting down down the Wi-Fi Now thankfully Earth is not really in danger of such an event since our Sun is far too small to produce this type of explosion instead our sun will just grow so large that it slowly swallows the entire planet number four colliding galaxies with billions of galaxies traveling through the universe some are bound to bump into one another as a matter of fact our galaxy will be one of them the Milky Way is scheduled to crash into our neighboring Galaxy the Andromeda galaxy but that Collision won't
be for another 4 to 5 billion Years hopefully long after humans have left Earth and populated other planets but let's talk about what makes colliding galaxies so scary as the two galaxies begin to get close to one another their gravitational pool will bring them together now surprisingly planets crashing into one another would be extremely rare since galaxies are mostly empty space but what would happen is planets would be rearranged and shuffled around knocking them away from their current solar systems and creating new ones so any planet with life on it might be stuck with a
new neighbor here are a few galaxies that are currently merging as we speak number three supernovas supernovas are the largest explosions that humans have ever seen they can outshine their entire galaxy for a few days or even months and can be seen across the universe a supernova can occur a couple of different ways the first one is when a massive star runs out of nuclear Fuel and collapses causing it to go supernova the second is when a white dwarf star gains enough mass by siphoning it from another nearby star causing it to collapse and explode
but let's talk about what makes Supernova so scary when a star goes Supernova it obliterates everything in its path and is powerful enough to destroy all life on any Planet within 30 to 50 light years for perspective our sun is only about 4.2 light hours away from our furthest planet Neptune even though supernovas are one of the most deadly events in the known universe easily obliterating every living thing in their way at least they make great screen savers number two black hole holes black holes are easily one of the most terrifying things in the known
universe it's mostly due to the fact that we don't fully understand how they work but here's what we do know there are two different types the first one is called a stellar Mass black hole and is roughly 3 to a thousand times the mass of our sun these are created when a large star goes Supernova and collapses in on itself creating a black hole the second type is a super massive black hole and could be Millions to billions of times the mass of our sun also we have no idea how these black holes are formed
and when I say we I mean I couldn't find an answer using Google got frustrated and just came to the conclusion that the answer simply doesn't exist but the most common theory I kept seeing is that a black hole must have swallowed another black hole making it grow much larger if there's anything I have learned while scripting this video it's that astronomers and astrophysicists never give a simple answer to anything so them resorting to the classic answer of you eat you grow is quite comical since I know firsthand that is not always the case but
with that out of the way let's talk about what makes black holes so terrifying well for starters one of these super massive black holes sits right at the center of our galaxy gobbling up pieces of the Milky Way as we speak another reason why there's so creepy is simply for the fact that they are completely invisible as I'm sure you know this is because black holes have a force of gravity so strong that nothing can escape it not even light so the only way we can see where they are in the universe is by seeing
see how they interact with their surroundings but the biggest reason why black holes are so high on the list is simply because we don't know what would happen if you were to enter one are they just wormholes or would you just get stretched out like a giant piece of spaghetti I'm not kidding that's the most agreed upon Theory they call it spaghettification or could it be a portal to an alternate Dimension we really don't know either way all of these are absolutely terrifying number one the size of the universe hands down the most terrifying thing
about the universe is its size just allow me to present my case does this image scare you what about now exactly let me show you a few more illustrations before I rest my case for Simplicity sake let's start at ground level this is you you're probably in your room your room is in your home your home is here on Earth Earth's home is in our solar system which has eight planets our solar system is part of the solar Interstellar neighborhood which is part of the Milky Way galaxy also home to at least 100 billion other
planets the Milky Way galaxy is part of the local Galactic Group which is home to three other galaxies the three galaxies are all inside of the Virgo supercluster which has hundreds of galaxies and Galaxy clusters the Virgo supercluster is part of the local superclusters the local superclusters sit right at the center of the entire observable universe which spans 93 billion light years wide but it doesn't end there this is just what we can see with the current technology we have and we have no idea how much larger the universe is or if there's even an
end to it but of course this doesn't stop us from speculating on its size or what could potentially be out there are there alien civilizations far more advanced than ours or alternate realities with infinite possibilities or maybe we're all just plugged into a computer a simulation after all would this not be the best time in our known history to simulate or maybe Earth is flat and just like Birds space is not real so none of this really matters I guess in the end it turns out that the scariest thing about the universe is not really
up in space but instead lives here inside of our imaginations [Music]