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Conscious Mind
Ready to transform your energy and attract what you desire? This powerful meditation will guide you ...
Video Transcript:
[Music] welcome to this transformative experience I'm Jordy and this is conscious mind a space where we expand our perception and connect with our Limitless potential today I invite you to let go of any doubt any expectation and allow this practice to work for you it doesn't matter if you've tried it before it doesn't matter if you think it will take time the mind and body can change in a matter of moments and in this session we will access a state where transformation naturally occurs science has shown that the brain does not distinguish between what it
imagines intensely and what it truly experiences when you can reach a deep state in which brain waves slow down your subconscious becomes fully receptive it is in that space where we can plant new possibilities and turn them into tangible reality so now choose a comfortable position you can be seated or lying down the important thing is that your spine is aligned and your hands rest in a relaxed manner allow yourself to release any tension let go of any worries this moment is for you it is a gift you give yourself let's begin breathe deeply slowly
and deeply inhale through your nose feel how fresh clean air FS your lungs and now exhale gently through your mouth letting go of any tension any restlessness again inhale deeply allowing your body to become oxygenated your energy renewed and as you exhale let go of whatever burden you might be carrying do it once more inhale hold your breath for a few moments and exhale very slowly sensing how your body relaxes more and more with every breath now focus on your body feel its weight on the surface beneath you notice the gentleness of your breathing allow
each inhale to fill you with calm and each exhale to dissolve any tension you may be harboring I'm going to guide you through a body scan so you can fully release any resistance or stiffness bring your attention to the top of your head simply observe if there is tension if you sense any pressure and with each exhale allow that area to relax completely [Music] feel your forehead let any crease or tension Melt Away relax your eyebrows allow your eyelids to rest gently your cheeks your jaw Let It Go permitting your mouth to open slightly if
[Music] needed feel your neck [Music] notice if there is any stiffness and with the next exhale allow the weight of your head to drop gently fully relaxing that area your shoulders we often carry the day's weight there imagine every deep breath loosens your shoulders a bit more each time softer lighter feel your arms your hands perhaps you sense a slight warmth or tingling it's the energy flowing freely now shift your attention to your chest sense how it expands with every inhale and how it relaxes with every exhale allowing any retained emotion to be gently released
feel your abdomen let it soften no tension no need to keep it rigid let your breathing flow naturally deeply and soothingly [Music] your hips your legs all the way down to your feet imagine any tension any fatigue sliding down and out through the SCE of your feet leaving your body fully [Music] relaxed feel your body as a whole in a state of deep relaxation yet at the same time total presence you are here now in this moment nothing else matters any thought that tries to arise simply observe it and let it pass like a cloud
crossing the sky right now you begin entering a deeper state of relaxation and as your body relaxes your mind starts to slow down as [Music] well your brain waves begin to shift your mind is moving from a state of alertness to a state of deep [Music] receptivity imagine you're floating on an ocean of calm the waves move slowly in harmony with each breath you feel lighter and lighter as if suspended in a Timeless space [Music] you are entering a state where everything is possible a place where your mind is malleable where you can reprogram your
reality stay here for a few moments simply feeling surrendering to the sensation of peace your body is fully relaxed your mind fully open in this state you are ready to take the next step at this moment I want you to imagine yourself beyond your body beyond the physical limits you've ident identified as me sense the energy within you that subtle vibration running through every cell that current of Life beating inside you now start expanding your awareness as if your Consciousness extends ended beyond your skin beyond the room you're in imagine your body becoming light as
if you were floating in a boundless space feel how your energy merges with the air around you with the space with everything everything you are more than your body you are more than your thoughts you are an infinite Consciousness a spark of the universe perceive the feeling of being connected to something much greater as if you were part of a vast ocean of energy there is no separation No Boundaries only an expanded Consciousness that encompasses everything feel the vibration of this space the immensity the Deep peace that emanates from this state here in this place
devoid of time devoid of form you can access any possibility you can become anything you wish allow yourself to remain in this expansion this sense of Oneness breathe deeply and just feel no effort no expectation just presence just pure Consciousness continue breathing deeply sensing how your body dissolves into this ocean of energy now I want you to focus on the idea of who you are that I you've identified with all your life the name you were given the story you've told about yourself the roles you've taken on observe how that identity is shaped by past
experiences by beliefs by memories but in this moment in this space of Stillness none of that matters you are not your name you are not your past you are not your thoughts [Music] your are only Consciousness a field of expanding energy imagine everything you've identified with beginning to dissolve like sun slipping through your [Music] fingers memories labels stories all Fade Away only the pure essence of your being remains free Unbound without limitations allow yourself to feel the lightness of this state the release of being nothing in particular in this fertile void everything is possible now
I want you to imagine yourself in a vast infinite expanse with no walls no edges a Quantum void where everything that ever existed and everything that ever will exist is present in potential form visualize this field as a vast expanse of possibilities in front of you Sparks of light begin to appear each one representing a possible reality ity you can be anything experience anything manifest any life you choose here in this infinite field all possibilities exist simultaneously you just need to observe them feel them choose the one you want to bring into your reality breathe
deeply and behold this space feel the certainty that you are a creator of realities your are Consciousness in motion and at this moment you possess the power to transform your life keep breathing deeply sensing the immensity of the quantum field around you knowing that in this space of infinite possibilities you have the freedom to choose who you want to be now allow the image of your ideal self to emerge in your mind that version of you who lives fully with purpose in total connection obs Reserve yourself living exactly the way you [Music] want notice how
you walk how you move how you express yourself listen to the tone of your voice the confidence with which you speak the serenity with which you [Music] breathe feel the energy of this new version of you the confidence peace Clarity it isn't something distant not something you'll achieve someday it's something you already are now let that feeling expand within you feel deep inside that this change has already taken place feel the immense gratitude for being who you are give thanks for every cell of your body vibrating in this new frequency allow yourself to experience love
love for yourself for life for all the opportunities that open before you feel the absolute certainty that this is your new state no doubts no resistance only total certainty feel the fullness of being exactly where you need to be at the perfect time with the perfect [Music] energy now repeat with me each word infused with intention and truth I already am the person I want to [Music] be I am in complete harmony with abundance health and love I am reprogramming my subconscious with ease and speed everything I desire is already on its way to me
[Music] I trust the process of life and my ability to create my [Music] reality each day I wake up in a higher version of myself [Music] the universe supports me every step I take I am aligned with the frequency of my Highest Potential [Music] I already am the person I want to be I am in complete harmony with abundance health and love I am reprogramming my subconscious with ease and speed everything I desire is already on its way to me I trust the process of life and my ability to create my reality each day I
wake up in a higher version of myself the universe supports me every step I take I am aligned with the frequency of my Highest Potential my mind is powerful and in tune with the energy of [Music] [Music] creation I am surrounded by love abundance and well-being my life is transforming into a reflection of my elevated [Music] thoughts every positive thought I have creates a new reality for me [Music] I am open to receiving all the good life has to offer gratitude is the key that unlocks abundance in my life I love and accept myself deeply
as I [Music] [Music] am I am deserving of every good thing in the universe everything I need is already within me my energy attracts wonderful experiences and empowering people I am in the perfect place and the perfect moment for my [Music] Evolution I am capable of manifesting anything I desire effortlessly [Music] my life is a reflection of my most elevated thoughts and [Music] emotions I let go of the past and embrace a future filled with possibilities my heart and mind work in Perfect [Music] Harmony I am at peace with my present and excited for my
future [Music] my vibration elevates all those around [Music] me abundance flows to me in unexpected and wonderful ways I am healthy strong and filled with [Music] Vitality my body responds to the positive energy I radiate every breath fills me with peace and balance I am in tune with my intuition and follow its Guidance with confidence everything I desire already exists in the quantum field and now I draw it to me each day I move closer to my life's purpose my life is full of Limitless opportunities everything I touch turns to success and expansion I am
a magnet for abundance and prosperity [Music] wealth flows to me in all its forms I attract loving genuine and enriching relationships [Music] I am surrounded by people who value and support [Music] me my love life flourishes in perfect harmony [Music] inner peace is my natural state I choose thoughts that nourish my soul and elevate my energy [Music] I am deeply connected to my higher self my actions reflect the best version of myself I release fear and embrace confidence in everything I do everything I need to know comes to me at the perfect time I am
in perfect physical mental and emotional [Music] health happiness is my choice and I practice it every day [Music] I create the life of my dreams with every thought I have I am surrounded by opportunities to grow and expand [Music] each day is a new opportunity to reinvent [Music] myself I deserve success in every area of my life [Music] I am in harmony with the universe and everything flows in my favor everything I seek is also seeking me [Music] I am the source of my own happiness and fulfillment I allow myself to receive all the abundance
life has to offer I am in harmony with the energy of love and gratitude my life is filled with unexpected miracles [Music] I have the power to transform my reality at any moment I am free from past limitations and blockages each day I become more aware of my creative power I surround myself with people who lift my vibration [Music] the universe is always conspiring in my favor I let go of control and trust in life's natural [Music] flow I am fully aligned with my highest purpose my intuition always guides me to the right [Music] path
every cell of my body vibrates with health and well-being my life constantly improves in every [Music] [Music] area I allow myself to receive more than I ever imagined I am free of fears and doubts and I move forward bravely my energy is magnetic throwing in everything I desire life surprises me with unexpected beautiful [Music] gifts I am surrounded by Beauty and Harmony [Music] everywhere today I choose to vibrate in love gratitude and abundance I am at peace with my past and open to a bright future my heart and mind are aligned with the highest truth
every decision I make is Guided by the wisdom of the universe [Music] creativity flows through me at all times my thoughts create my reality so I choose to think big my potential is Limitless and I use it for my highest [Music] good I trust the Divine process of my life love is the essence of my being and I share it with the world I am surrounded by opportunities and blessings each day is a gift filled with new possibilities my subconscious mind is programmed for success and happiness positive energy surrounds me and flows Within Me I
attract wealth health and happiness with E I am free to create the life I desire the power of manifestation lies within [Music] me I am on the right path and everything is a Ling for me I allow myself to shine and be my best [Music] version everything I need is all already within me I am aligned with the frequency of [Music] happiness I am an unlimited being in a un verse of infinite possibilities each step I take brings me closer to my [Music] [Music] dreams I am open to receiving divine inspiration at every moment my
life is filled with meaning and purpose feel these words resonate in every cell of your body they're not just affirmations they are a truth you now live breathe and embody remain in this energy for a few more moments absorbing this new identity fully integrating it into your being and with each breath this new state strengthens within you expanding becoming part of who you truly [Music] are continue breathing deeply feeling how each word each sensation each emotion has been absorbed into you now I want you to observe yourself from the outside as though looking in a
mirror but it's not just any reflection it's the highest version of yourself that confident free person full of trust and wholeness look at how they move how they breathe observe their posture their [Music] energy notice the peace in their gaze the certainty in their presence this version of you already exists it's not far away it is here now within you breathe deeply and take the first step to integrating it into your [Music] present feel how this identity fuses with you how it gently settles into your being become aware of your body of how you hold
this new energy now Place one hand over your heart feel the heartbeat that connects you to life with each beat this identity anchors itself more deeply within you with each breath your body assimilates this new frequency affirm within yourself I already am this higher version of myself this identity lives in me and I express it in every action in every thought in every emotion now imagine that from the center of your heart a light begins to radiate a warm vibrant light feel how it expands how it spreads throughout your chest every cell of your body
is permeated by this frequency this light grows enveloping every part of you feel how it travels across your face your head your neck how it flows down your arms how it spreads across your back how it reaches your legs and feet your entire body glows with this energy you are light you are expansion you are this new version of yourself in its highest expression and this energy keeps growing keeps expanding beyond your body it envelops you like a radiant field of power and certainty this light projects into your surroundings into your life into your future
it surrounds you protects you guides [Music] you breathe breathe deeply and feel the fullness of this [Music] moment know that this energy is now part of you carry this feeling with you integrate it into each step each glance each word this is you this is your new state of being and it's here to stay breathe deeply feeling your body rest in a state of deep calm [Music] you have traveled through your mind you have reprogrammed your energy and now everything you have integrated in this meditation is already happening within [Music] you you need do nothing
more just trust trust that this change change has already taken place your subconscious has absorbed each word each image each emotion and from this moment on everything is reorganizing within each cell of your body has received this new frequency every part of you vibrates in tune with your new [Music] reality feel the Tranquility of knowing that you no longer have to struggle everything is underway henceforth your energy will naturally attract what aligns with your new [Music] identity when you wake you will feel renewed with deep Clarity with an absolute sense of peace and as you
walk as you you speak as you look at the world around you you'll notice something has changed something in you is different because it is because you now carry within you this light this certainty this new way of being but for now simply rest your body relaxes more and more with each breath every muscle loose every thought flowing gently there's nothing to do nothing to think just surrender to Deep restorative sleep feel your mind dissolving into calm feel your breathing growing slower and slower feel your body sinking further and further into rest as if you're
floating in an infinite sea of Serenity everything is well everything is in its place everything flows exactly as it should sleep and while you sleep this transformation continues happening in the deepest parts of you your mind your energy your life Everything is [Music] reconfiguring Everything Is Happening Now rest feel yourself sinking into to a deep renewing sleep feel How the Universe holds you sleep in [Music] peace sleep in [Music] gratitude sleep with the certainty that you already are who you want to be and when you awaken the world will mirror the transformation that now lives
within [Music] you good night [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] that [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] for e [Music] e for [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] e e [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music]
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