God's Chosen Ones: You Will Irritate Demons In People - 5 Ways They React | C.S Lewis Legends

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C.S. Lewis Legends
C.S. Lewis Inspired - Discover why your presence as a follower of Christ can stir up opposition and ...
Video Transcript:
there's a saying by CS Lewis that goes our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us have you ever felt it that strange tension when you walk into a room and suddenly the atmosphere shifts you're kind respectful and carry No Malice yet someone's glare pierces you unprovoked it's as if your very presence has disrupted something unseen the truth is you have let me tell you why the light you carry as a follower of Christ is
no ordinary glow it's spiritual Eternal and Powerful the light you carry as a child of God stirs up the darkness in others you don't have to say a word for it to happen your presence alone infused with the spirit of God God challenges and irritates the spiritual forces at work in people's lives the demons they carry see your light and can't stand it this isn't a physical fight it's a spiritual battle and as God's chosen ones your light will always irritate the darkness today we'll explore why this happens how to respond with wisdom and Grace
and why your light shining in Dark Places is proof that you're walking in God's purpose number one your presence alone irritates demons your presence carries the Light of Christ and that light is powerful it doesn't just brighten the room it exposes what's hiding in the dark as CS Lewis wrote To Love or to have loved that is enough ask nothing further there is no other Pearl to be found in the dark folds of Life your love for God and The Light Within you are pearls that disrup rupt the folds of spiritual Darkness this disruption isn't
personal it's spiritual the demons people carry are irritated by the presence of God in you they sense the authority of the Holy Spirit and react it's not the person glaring at you it's the darkness in them that hates the light in you as Jesus said light cannot be hidden and darkness cannot comprehend it John 15 this explains why even when you're kind and respectful some people are inexplicably hostile you've done nothing to deserve their coldness yet they find ways to criticize gossip or even slander your name they may not even realize why they feel this
way but their Spirits recognize what their minds do not your light challenges their Darkness think of it like a flashlight in a pitch black room when you turn it on on everything hidden in the shadows becomes visible for those comfortable in the dark this exposure feels threatening your presence reminds them of the truth they've buried the sins they've ignored and the god they've rejected this is why your light provokes such strong reactions you might feel tempted to dim your light to make others comfortable but don't your light isn't meant to please it's meant to shine
it's a testimony of God's grace and a tool he uses to draw others to himself the discomfort others feel isn't meant to drive them away but to bring them to a place of reflection and repentance this doesn't mean the battle will be easy you may face opposition from co-workers classmates or even family members some will misjudge you whisper behind your back or even try to tear you down but but remember this isn't about you it's about the Christ in you you're a vessel carrying his presence into places where Darkness once ruled so the next time
someone looks at you with disdain or treats you unfairly don't take it personally instead pray for them ask God to soften their hearts and use your light to reach them your presence alone carries the power to challenge darkness and that's exactly what God has called you to do number two your light challenges others to reflect it can be confusing when you're kind respectful and go out of your way to avoid conflict yet others treat you like a threat the truth is your light your faith confidence and peace forces people to see themselves in a new
way as CS Lewis wisely observed people will do anything no matter how absurd to avoid facing their own soul your light compels them to confront the parts of themselves they'd rather ignore when you walk into a room carrying the Light of Christ you carry more than just a presence you carry a standard that light reveals the hidden places in others Hearts it's not your words your actions or even your intentions it's the spirit of God in you the confidence and peace you carry can make others question why they lack the same it's as if your
very existence forces them to hold a mirror to their own lives and not everyone is ready for that kind of reflection this self-reflection can be painful for those who are living in darkness Your Light May remind them of Broken Dreams unrepented sins or insecurities they've tried to bury it's not that they hate you they hate what your light represents it reminds them of their spiritual condition and instead of seeking healing they project their frustration onto you think about it have you ever been in a workplace or School setting where someone seems to have a personal
Vendetta against you for no apparent reason they spread gossip slander your name or go out of their way to undermine you you wonder what did I do to deserve this but the answer is simple your light is convicting their Darkness it's not that they consciously understand what's happening most of the time they're unaware that their reaction is spiritual but the demons influencing them recognize the spirit of God in you and they cannot stand it it's a spiritual battle manifesting through human interactions some people will find your presence inspiring they'll be drawn to your peace intrigued
by your confidence and want to know the source of your life others however will find your presence intimidating they'll see your joy and resent it they'll see your unwavering faith and envy it they'll try to make you feel small to compensate for how your light makes them feel but here's the good news their reaction is not your responsibility your job is to let your light shine pray for those who are convicted by your presence that they might come to know the same God who transformed you and don't let their hostility dim your light number three
your presence challenges the Demonic realm when you carry the Light of Christ your very presence becomes a threat to the Demonic realm this isn't about you personally it's about the spirit of God within you the enemy recognizes what you carry and he doesn't take it lightly the demons influencing people can see the Light of Christ shine through you and they react with anger intimidation and sometimes open hostility this isn't just a human reaction it's spiritual warfare as the famous quote by CS Lewis reminds us there is no neutral ground in the universe every square inch
every Split Second is claimed by God and counter claimed by Satan think about it when Jesus walked the Earth demon recognized him immediately they cried out in fear knowing their power was no match for his authority in the same way the light in you stir stirs up the darkness in others it's not the person glaring at you it's the spirit influencing them their reaction is spiritual even if they don't realize it this is why some people seem to take issue with you for no apparent reason they may try to provoke you test you or push
your buttons their words and actions may be harsh even cruel but understand this it's not about you it's about the spiritual battle taking place around you the enemy's goal is to silence your influence dim your light and distract you from your purpose your presence doesn't just irritate demons it disrupts their agenda when you walk into a space filled with Darkness you bring the presence of God and that changes the spiritual atmosphere demons that were once comfortable now feel exposed the enemy's hold on people's hearts and Minds is threatened and he will use every tactic he
can to fight back have you ever noticed how in these moments the opposition feels unusually intense maybe someone suddenly becomes irrationally angry or a peaceful moment turns chaotic without explanation this is spiritual warfare in action the enemy knows that your light has the power to influence others to inspire faith and to draw people closer to God he can't allow that so he attacks but here's the truth the enemy has already been defeated the Light of Christ in you is greater than any Darkness you will face as John 1:5 declares the light shines in the dark
darkness and the Darkness has not overcome it so don't be discouraged when you face opposition instead recognize it for what it is confirmation that you are walking in God's purpose number four some will admire your light others will resent it your light the presence of Christ in you will never go unnoticed some people will see it and be drawn to you inspired by your peace joy and confidence they'll admire your strength and want to know the source of your hope others however will feel threatened they'll see your light as a challenge to their own lives
and respond with Envy resentment or hostility this dual reaction isn't random it's deeply spiritual as CS Lewis wisely said no one can make you feel inferior without your consent people who resent your light often project their insecurities onto you they may accuse you of thinking you're better than them mock your faith or spread lies about you their reactions aren't really about you they're about the contrast between your life and their own think about how light and darkness work when light enters a dark room it doesn't blend in it stands out it reveals what's hidden and
that exposure can feel uncomfortable for those who've grown used to the Shadows your presence as a child of God carries this same effect it's not just your words or actions it's your spirit your demeanor and the confidence that comes from walking with Christ This is why some people will be inexplicably drawn to you they'll want to be near you ask you questions and seek your advice they're intrigued by the glow they see in your life and want to experience it for themselves these are the ones who admire your light and are open to be being
inspired or Changed by it but others will resent you for the very same reason your light reminds them of the things they've avoided the sins they haven't faced the dreams they've abandoned or the insecurities they've buried they may accuse you of thinking you're better than them simply because you live differently it's not that you've judged them or look down on them it's that your life is a silent testimony to a better way and that challenges them some will even want to get close to you for the wrong reasons they'll act friendly not because they admire
your light but because they hope to dim it they might try to undermine your confidence criticize your faith or lead you into compromise this is why discernment is so important not everyone who is drawn to you has good intentions the good news is that God equips you to handle both admiration and opposition pray for wisdom to discern who is genuinely seeking him and who might be a distraction or hindrance be kind to those who misunderstand you but don't let their negativity dim your light number five your light threatens the enemy's agenda when you carry the
Light of Christ you become a direct threat to the enemy's plans your presence disrupts the darkness and the enemy cannot stand it wherever you go whether it's your workplace school or even among strangers your light carries the power to influence others to inspire change and to lead people closer to God that's why you face so much opposition it's spiritual warfare as CS Lewis once said first they ignore you then they laugh at you then they fight you then you win this prog ression reflects the spiritual battle you face as someone who carries the Light of
Christ the enemy's goal is to keep people in darkness but your presence brings light hope and truth and that makes you a Target have you ever noticed how when you're simply minding your business and living for God people seem to come against you out of nowhere maybe it's gossip slander or unnecessary conflict sometimes it feels like there's a Target on on your back and you wonder why me it's not because you've done something wrong it's because you're walking in the light the demons that operate in people recognize your presence as a threat and they'll do
whatever they can to stop you the enemy knows the power of your light he knows that the moment you speak truth act in love or demonstrate Grace you weaken his grip on those he's trying to keep bound that's why he uses people circum ances and even your own doubts to try to extinguish your flame his goal is to discourage you distract you and make you feel isolated think about this when Jesus walked on Earth demons would cry out in fear at his presence They begged him not to cast them out or send them away the
same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead now lives in you and demons still recognize his authority in you they know the light you carry can bring freedom to the oppressed hope to the Hopeless and salvation to the lost this is why the opposition feels so intense it's not just people who are against you it's the spiritual forces working through them when someone glares at you with hatred mocks your faith or spreads lies about you it's not a physical battle it's a spiritual one as the Bible reminds us in Ephesians 6:12 we do not wrestle
against flesh and blood your light doesn't just irritate the darkness it threatens to overcome it the enemy will do everything in his power to extinguish your flame but he cannot win the Light of Christ in you is greater than any Darkness you will face so chosen ones keep shining boldly your light is a weapon in this spiritual battle as God's chosen ones your light is powerful it challenges exposes and disrupts the darkness around you the hostility and opposition you face aren't coincidences they're evidence that you're walking in God's purpose your presence carries the Light of
Christ and that light is a direct threat to the enemy's agenda but take heart this battle isn't yours alone God is with you and his light in you will never be overcome by darkness when people oppose or misunderstand you remember that it's not personal it's spiritual pray for them remain steadfast in your faith and continue to shine boldly let your life Point others to the Hope joy and truth that can only be found in Christ the enemy may try to dim your light but the victory has already been won stand firm knowing that you are
a a vessel of God's glory thank you for watching until the end if this message encouraged you share it with someone who needs to hear it today you never know how God might use it to bring light to someone else's Darkness may God bless you eternally and may your light continue to shine brightly for his glory
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