The 7 Levels of Spiritual Intelligence // SQ 018

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Aaron Abke
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Video Transcript:
foreign [Music] and welcome back to spiritual intelligence in this episode I want to take you deeper into the SQ chart to give you a broader understanding of the seven levels of spiritual intelligence both how we quantify them and to give you a better way to understand how Consciousness progresses as it becomes more and more spiritually intelligent so please join me for our 18th episode as we explore the seven levels of spiritual intelligence so in order to better understand the seven levels of SQ and the progression between each level let's first revisit the definitions that we've laid out for Spiritual intelligence itself now we've basically given you two definitions for Spiritual intelligence in this series one of them is basically just what SQ is in its most basic context the other definition is sort of what SQ does or the way it shows up in our Consciousness the way that it displays itself through us and so our working definition for this episode is the following spiritual intelligence is the comprehension of reality and this is of course reality in the spiritual sense of the word reality is defined both in Hinduism and Buddhism as that which is eternal unchanging and self-supporting so our ability to perceive reality metaphysically understanding the laws of the universe and how to live in harmony with those laws represents our level of spiritual intelligence and so that brings us to the second definition we've used more commonly in this series which is our capacity for self-awareness and integration this is also a good measurement of our level of SQ so with both of these definitions in mind let's look at the SQ chart this is the standard SQ chart we've been studying throughout this series as someone expands their Consciousness they will become more spiritually intelligent as they're able to comprehend reality to higher and higher degrees each one of our seven energy centers is basically just a new locus of spiritual intelligence as each Center opens our awareness to more layers of reality so I've named these seven levels on the right hand side to summarize what stage of comprehension happens at each level but what I want to do in this series is to go deeper into these definitions and quantify these seven levels in a more tangible way so that we can have an even better idea of how this progression unfolds on the Awakening journey and that is through the framework of realizations as raw describes in the law of one Consciousness progresses much like a color wheel where each Energy Center shows the true color of that level of Consciousness and as we progress higher in Consciousness we slide through the color scale towards the next true color for example as someone leaves the empowerment level of SQ in the solar plexus chakra and begins to expand towards the Awakening level of the heart chakra they will move from yellow to dark yellow to lime green to light green and then to true color green so we do not LeapFrog from one level directly to the next but we slide gradually from one level to the following because Consciousness is a spectrum [Music] so each and every one of us is somewhere on this chart right now and slowly progressing higher and we become more spiritually intelligent either the easy way or the hard way the hard way is through not paying attention to our life lessons and attracting challenging painful life circumstances that will force us to expand our self-awareness the easy way is when we do pay attention to the lessons our life is teaching us and we stay devoted to our spiritual practice but everyone is progressing higher on this chart whether they realize it or not so what is the best or easiest way to get an idea of where we currently are on this SQ chart well what we can say is that the true color of each SQ level can be Quantified in terms of the realization that happens on that level so the highest number that's indicated over every chakra represents the highest spiritual realization available at that level of SQ this is what most accurately shows us what our current comprehension of reality is now the important part to graspear is that a realization is not a concept or an idea meaning it's not something that you learn about from a spiritual book or teacher but it is your actual lived experience it is a state of being or a quality of Consciousness that you now live from for example you might hear me say something like there is no personal doer of actions and you make conceptually understand what that means but do you actually live from that place is the question meaning have you actually lost the ability to feel like a person in time and space who's choosing all of their own actions if you haven't then you're not at that level of SQ yet how you actually perceive yourself and to what degree you've realized your Oneness with reality is the truest measurement of your level of SQ so let's take another look now at the SQ chart through this lens so you can have a better idea of how this all works the first level of spiritual intelligence is the level of insanity correlating to the root chakra between 1 and 50. the highest possible realization available at this SQ level is I am a victim victim Consciousness is what defines the insanity level of SQ as one perceives reality itself as their enemy this is where all forms of violence against others takes place and all forms of mental insanity the further we drop below 50 points on the SQ chart the more negative and distorted our thoughts become thoughts like I am unlovable or I am worthless or they are worthless if someone's SQ drops below 25 points it's almost inevitable that they will commit suicide as living from this level of insanity is not sustainable for long this level of SQ is almost exclusively focused on Survival as even the smallest disturbances are felt as a matter of life and death one is almost completely blind to reality and lives in a world entirely of their own projections the next SQ level is ignorance correlating to the sacral chakra and ranging from 51 to 75. the highest available realization at this level is life is unfair at the sacral chakra level one is beginning to develop their personal sense of self and the will not only to survive but to thrive so as Consciousness becomes more empowered at this level reality is no longer seen as pure evil or one's enemy but is simply seen as being basically unfair the laws of karma have not yet been realized so people within this SQ level can live a seemingly normal life by human standards but will always be plagued with great unhappiness and suffering as victim Consciousness has still not been fully transcended yet the next SQ level is empowerment ranging from 76 to 100.
at this level we begin to perceive the karmic laws of the universe and understand that we can play the game of Life in such a way that these laws work in our favor so the highest realization available at a 100 SQ score is I create my reality the person is empowered with self-responsibility now understanding that life is not cruel or unfair but simply a law or a principle that one must understand and with the understanding that our mind creates reality we can begin playing the game of Life successfully this is the realm of motivational speakers Law of Attraction teachers successful businessmen and entrepreneurs the next SQ level is Awakening correlating to the heart chakra and ranging from 101 to 125. at this level we begin to realize that it is not actually the person who is creating their own reality but that a higher power is acting through us the realization flips upside down we are not a person who is commanding reality to do what we want but reality is living through the person like a dreamer lives through their dream character at night we begin to perceive the universal energy in all things Awakening to reality as Divine loving and eternal so the highest realization of the Awakening level at 125 is I am being lived we still feel like a person living in a world at this level but we are now aware of the divine power that orchestrates all events and circumstances in our life and we begin to fall in love with that divine power and we can no longer see anything that happens as a mistake or an accident the next SQ level is illumination correlating to the throat chakra and ranging from 126 to 150. this is the SQ level we classically refer to as enlightenment this is the point where suffering comes to an end as all material desires disappear from the mind The Disappearance of personal desires happens naturally as we fall in love with reality more and more and begin to realize that I am that reality this realization is so fulfilling and satisfying to the soul that it gradually becomes impossible to want anything not because nothing is seen as interesting any longer but because every moment is so interesting so enriching and fulfilling that we can no longer conceive of wanting something outside of this present moment and so the highest realization available at the elimination level is I am perfect I want nothing our own being is seen as so perfect and beautiful that nothing outside of us can add or improve upon our current state of being from this SQ level we slide into the range of Mastery correlating to the third eye chakra and ranging from 151 to 175.
this is the SQ level of the great gurus and Sages not only do we not feel like a person who's creating reality any longer but we realize that there's no such thing as a person who chooses its own actions at all there is only reality itself and reality alone acts through every form and so the highest realization of Mastery at 175 is there is no doer of actions the comprehension of reality is so great that every action the body does is seen as reality's action all actions are gods or as Christ said of myself I can do nothing I can only do what I see the father doing and I do not speak of my own accord but it is the father that dwells within me doing his own work it is felt and experienced that a great and Universal Power is moving us and we are its Eternal audience member and from this level we arrive finally at the singularity level of SQ correlating to the crown chakra and ranging from 176 to 200 and Beyond this is the level of pure God Consciousness the level of the great avatars like Christ Krishna Buddha ma Avatar Babaji Ramana maharshi Nissan and name karoli Baba at this level of SQ there is only one realization remaining only God is and nothing else exists at all the realization at 200 and Beyond can only be described as the experience of no self there's no more person who is not doing actions or even witnessing the divine power no Duality remains in one's experience of reality one has become the all-pervading self it was from this SQ level that Jesus spoke the famous words I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to reality but by me so the question is what is your perception of reality like right now where do you sit on this spectrum we just went through for example you may notice that a lot of the times you're living from I create my reality and that's your default mode but when difficult things happen you can tend to slide back into that victim mentality and start blaming life and other people for your problems so this would be evidence that you're somewhere between 76 and 99.
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