9 Uncommon Signs That Confirm God's Blessings Are Coming

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Journey To God
Have you ever sensed that something wonderful was about to happen in your life in times past? Maybe ...
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have you ever sensed that something wonderful was about to happen in your life in Times past maybe you could feel God's hand at work bringing you closer to a new season of prosperity only to see nothing manifest if this has ever happened to you in the past it was the devil that stopped the manifestation of your blessings it could be that you were ignorant of the signs confirming God's blessings making you lose them even before they appeared God is bringing you this video today to reveal to you nine uncommon signs that confirm His blessings are
coming so please pay attention and ensure you watch to the end before we continue please subscribe to this Channel and turn on the notification Bell God's blessings are evidence of his grace and love for those who seek Him diligently the promise of these blessings is a reassurance that God always has your best interest at heart for this reason he is constantly working to ensure his goodness manifests in your life it can be very discouraging when you keep praying without seeing results which is why he sends signals of what he is doing behind the scenes and
if you can identify the signs that confirm God's blessings in your life it'll be easier to persevere so what exactly do these uncommon signs look like number one unveiling of challenging situations it is very rare to see someone whose life is devoid of difficulties even as a Christian you'll experience certain unpleasant situations from time to time as much as people believe that difficulties originate from the enemy they can also be a sign from God that confirms the unfolding of His blessings in your life these could be closed doors in your job business relationships and other
areas sometimes it manif ests as opposition from people you consider dear it could even be a negative shift in your heart as it was with your job this can be very frustrating imagine walking into your office one morning and receiving a sack letter from your employer what's the first thing that will come to your mind no matter your plea your employer refuses to take you back where do you go from here and to make it worse maybe that was your only source of income so many questions will begin to race in your mind you might
even blame God for letting such an ugly situation before you but he did so for a reason maybe he has something better in store for you and the only way to get your attention is to take that job away the same applies to your relationships and friendships you know the Bible says that man's heart is desperately wicked that is why someone can be on good terms with you today and tomorrow hate you for no reason however it becomes a different story when this happens repeatedly when this happens you need to separate from such a person
if you don't then God will do it himself when all these difficulties service you need to pause for a while and turn to God don't rush to conclude that he doesn't love you anymore instead of complaining see it as a training season to build your faith in him you know it is much easier to have faith in God when things are going well with you than in difficult times although these unpleasant situations bring pain they complement God's divine plan suppose you can scale through these trying times without losing faith in God it shows that you'll
be able to embrace the blessings he has for you remember Romans 818 says I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the Glory that will be revealed in US hold on to these words and trust God to manifest His blessings number two a demand for Sacrifice from God sacrifice is giving up something you value something that's important to you it could either be because you want to make someone else happy or you want to achieve something better for instance when you ask your child to give up watching his favorite TV show so
that he can study he might see it as a form form of punishment but in the end he'll appreciate you when he gets good grades on the test in the same way when God asks you to sacrifice something it might be hard but the reward will be great this is another sign that God's blessings are coming living a life of sacrifice is a must for every believer unfortunately a great number of Believers run away from it when God calls you to make a sacrifice he's not only tring to test you he's also preparing you for
a season of blessings Proverbs 11:25 says a generous person will prosper whoever refreshes others will be refreshed don't think he wants you to give up your possessions dreams or relationships because he wants you to be miserable of course God will never do that rather he's making room for something even better he's saying let me remove this obstacle from your path so that you can move forward into the fullness of my blessings but it isn't a plea it's a demand and the moment you refuse he won't Force you that is why sacrifice requires humility obedience and
the willingness to give look at Abraham for instance when God asked him to sacrifice his only child ISAC he obeyed without asking questions even the thought of childlessness didn't stop him him when God saw Abraham's level of obedience and submission he said to him I will bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies this pronouncement of infinite blessings was a result of Abraham's obedience this idea of sacrifice isn't limited to physical possessions
like wealth when God asks you to offer your body as a Living Sacrifice it doesn't mean harming yourself he doesn't even mean you should offer yourself as a burnt sacrifice he wants you to dedicate your whole self body mind and soul to him this means you won't give in to the desires of the flesh instead you'll submit your desires Ambitions and plans for service to God's kingdom has there been a time when God demanded a form of Sacrifice from you if you obeyed what was the outcome aside from all these what other signs confirm God's
blessings are coming your way keep watching number three I shift from your comfort zone everyone loves and seeks Comfort but imagine leaving your comfort zone for a place you aren't sure of is that a risk you're willing to take well in this case you'll have to it might be against your wishes but but it is God's will of course no one enjoys it at first but the discomfort of leaving your comfort zone is also a sign that your blessings are on the way when you step out of your comfort zone you open yourself to new
experiences and opportunities you begin to see the world from a different perspective which makes it easier to recognize the potential that lies ahead and the interesting thing is that God is with you every step of the way he's not just calling you to leave your comfort zone and go to a land of nowhere he's also equipping you with all you need to take over your new territory this is God's way of preparing you for greater blessing and greater impact on the world now for some people their comfort zone is their relationships for others it could
be their current environment like it was for Abraham God moved him from his father's house where he lived all his life to a place he probably never dreamed of staying but guess what the blessings God showered on him far outweigh the former beloved your case might not be exactly like that of Abraham maybe God is trying to shift you from your dream job to becoming an advocate for the minority in your community but you keep resisting because you're above that level with a very good paying job like Peter maybe he wants you to leave your
job and go into full-time Ministry but you keep saying that's not my calling if your calling isn't from God then who is it from this brings us to the next sign number four Divine connections Divine connections are like the building blocks you must assemble to propel you into God's blessings over your life there are moments when you meet someone who later plays an important role in your progress when you begin to experience this it's another sign that God's blessings are coming most times people mistake these Divine connections for mere coincidences a destiny helper might even
appear as an ordinary friend but don't you think it's too good to be true God knows what you need and the time you need so he goes ahead and makes it available taking that as a coincidence is an error God has different plans for all his children he helps them achieve this by connecting everyone to their Destiny helper for you it could be a longtime friend Mentor employer or even stranger no matter who it is he brings your destiny helper into your life when you need him most and he comes prepared to carry out the
Divine assignment God instructed him to carry out as you notice these Divine connections you will realize that God aligns your life with his will he works to bring the right people and resources into your life to help you on your journey it's like he's creating a team of people each with their unique gifts and skills these people will help you reach your full potential the best part is that these Divine connections often lead to unexpected blessings they make way for things you never would have imagined or asked for they are like surprises from God to
remind you that he's always with you and working in your life have you ever encountered someone that felt Too Perfect to be a coincidence well that was a Divine connection number five open doors open doors are like a secret code from God they clearly show he's bringing New Opportunities and possibilities into your life Revelations 38 says I know your Deeds see I have placed an open door that no one can shut before you I know you have little strength yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name this scripture emphasizes the importance
of healing God's voice and keeping his Commandments this is one of the criteria for open doors these open doors come in different forms there could be new job offers or an opportunity to expand your business it could even be a chance to move to a new city with better lucrative opportunities when you notice these open doors remember that they're not random happenings they're part of of God's plan a plan specifically tailored to you and your unique gifts and passions God's blessings may also be evident through Supernatural provision in times of need witnessing a miraculous provision
of financial emotional or spiritual resources is a sign that God is at work in your life trust that he is a faithful provider who meets all your needs according to his riches and Glory when you begin to receive favors from people without Merit it is all so a sign that God's blessings are coming people may go out of their way to help you some may even bypass protocols for your sake then doors may open without effort and opportunities may arise unexpectedly these aren't because people love you or you're the best at your work recognize these
moments as God's favor will lead you toward His blessings as you begin to recognize these open doors you will find that they are leading you in New Direction it's like God inviting you to step into a new chapter of your life filled with blessings and opportunities you never thought possible and the beautiful thing about open doors is that they lead to even more open doors it's like God is laying out a path for you a path that's leading you straight into his will there are several instances in the Bible where he showed his faithfulness to
his people remember when he led the Israelites out of Egypt even when it seemed impossible possible when Pharaoh refused to let them go they thought it was the end for them but God refused to sit back and watch Pharaoh have his way even though their Journey took longer than expected God was with them every step he kept opening new doors whenever at a dead end all these events eventually LED them to the promised land of blessings beloved how often do you see open doors in your life do you embrace them or do you let them
pass you by those open doors are a sign that God's blessings are coming you need to embrace them to partake of the blessings God has for you do you believe there are still more signs that confirm God's blessings are coming keep watching number six a burning desire to develop yourself when you feel a burning desire to develop yourself it's a sign that God is calling you to grow and stretch yourself to step into new areas of knowledge and wisdom this desire for self-development can manifest in many ways you may find yourself drawn to reading books
on spiritual growth or you suddenly have a passion for learning a new skill to help you in your work whatever it is it's a sign that God is preparing you for the blessings ahead this is like a signpost pointing you toward God's blessings it's a Divine invitation to grow in knowledge wisdom and spiritual maturity this way you'll be well equipped to handle the blessings coming your way perhaps you never knew that God could be interested in every area of your life including your mental growth and knowledge acquisition he is the author of all wisdom no
matter the dimension so do not resist that burning desire to learn something new think of it like preparing for a race you don't just wake up one day and decide to run a marathon you train for weeks or months building up your strength and ability to endure and until you know deep within you that you're ready you won't Kickstart the marathon in the same way when you have the desire to develop yourself it's a sign from God he's saying get ready I've got some blessings coming your way but first I need you to be ready
for them so when you begin to experience that strong desire to learn something new embrace it you'll never know if that will be the turning point of your life until you begin this leads us to the next sign number seven restoration of lost Glory restoring lost glories is another sign that God's blessings are coming it reminds us that God is able to redeem even the darkest moments of our past it's like God is saying what the enemy meant for evil I'm going going to turn into something beautiful I will restore to you everything that you
lost and more that is exactly what God meant when he says in Joel 225 I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten the great Locust and the young Locust the other locusts and the locust swarm my great Army that I sent among you beloved those aren't m words they are God's promises to you which he will fulfill this rest ation of lost glories could manifest in many different ways it could be the healing of a broken relationship or the recovery of lost finances it could even be restoring your health as it was
with Jam despite everything jab lost God restored everything and blessed him with more than he had before as you begin to see God restore these lost glories in your life it's a reminder of his love and grace nonetheless this isn't just about what God is restoring to you it's also about how he's shaping you in the process he's molding you into the person he created you to be he's also equipping you with the right mindset to handle the blessings he's bringing you when you experience the restoration of lost glories it's a sign that God is
moving you out of a season of Sorrow it's like walking into a new season of your life one that's filled with God's goodness faithfulness and Grace never doubt God beloved believe him he will turn your trials into triumphs and your losses into gains number eight an overwhelming feeling of Peace joy and comfort when you begin to experience unexplainable joy peace and comfort amid chaos know it's a sign that something great is coming your way it takes the grace of God for you to be facing challenging situations and remain joyful it's like eating spoiled food with
a smile on your face is this possible well this is another sign that God's blessings are coming think of it like the Cal before the storm in the natural world when a storm is approaching everywhere becomes quiet and before you know it everywhere suddenly becomes windy and noisy with the downpour that's because the calmness before the storm is the perfect setting for the wind and the rain to unleash their power in the same way when you feel this joy peace and comfort God is preparing you for the blessings that are about to come he's caling
your spirit reassuring you of his love and faithfulness he does this so that when the blessings come you'll receive them with the right mindset as you experience all this you begin to have a shift in perspective you discover you've learned to focus more on God than the chaos this builds your faith in him and makes you more resilient this is one of God's strategies to prepare you for the blessings ahead so when you feel this way don't think it's because you're strong without God's grace your life won't remain the same after those challenging Seasons so
Embrace this peace and comfort amid chaos and thank God for his work on your life number nine divine confirmations confirmation is when something happens to show you that what you think or believe is true similarly with God Divine confirmations are signals or messages from God confirming that you're on the right track in this case these signals confirm that God's blessings are coming your way these confirmations can manifest in many different ways the question is how does God confirm his word or promise to his children it could be through dreams Visions prophetic declarations or even through
answered prayers job 33 14:15 says for God does speak now one way now another though no one perceives it in a dream in a vision of the night when deep sleep falls on people as they Slumber in their beds several Bible characters had dreams and visions that confirm God's blessings in their lives you have the likes of Mary the Mother of Jesus Zariah and even Joseph another way God confirms his word or dealings with his children is by sending a prophet to you you're well aware that prophets are like God's mouthpiece right God often speaks
to his children through prophets to confirm his words for instance see how he used Prophet Elicia to confirm the end of famine in Samaria you might think the prophet prophec it but no he was only voicing out what God said let's take a look at what he said hear the word of the Lord this is what the Lord says a sea of the finest flower will be for a shekele and two Seas of barley for a shekele at the Gate of Samaria that was a prophetic sign God sent to his children to confirm that Samaria
was about to experience a great blessing unfortunately all those who doubted the prophet never lived to partake or enjoy the blessings dear brothers and sisters have you ever doubted God's word due to the vast number of false prophets have you trivialized and categorized all prophets as fake even when God sends one to you what was the outcome another form of divine confirmation is Angelic visits God promised to bless Abraham and his wife s with a child and they held on to this promise however several years passed and no child was forthcoming then one day they
unknowingly welcomed Angels into their home God used this opportunity to confirm that Sarah would conceive by the same time next year and it happened as God said God also confirmed His blessings in Mary's life through an Angelic visitation finally Divine confirmations also come through answered prayers this is the part everyone loves to hear answering your prayers is one of the ways God shows you that His blessings are on the way when God answers your prayers he says I've heard you and I'm bringing about what you've asked for however these answers might not come the way
you expect not withstanding they'll always turn out to be for your good beloved knowing the happenings around you is the key to recognizing the signs that confirm God's blessings God Speak speaks in different ways and if you're focused on One Direction you might miss out the fact that the signs you can see aren't what you expect doesn't mean it's not God speaking so what are you expected to do seek him through prayer when you're confused and need directions and clarification turn to him in prayer the Bible says you should call to him and he will
answer you he'll also show you Great and Mighty things you never envisaged you'll continue to walk in confusion if you don't call on him dear believer while you awake God's blessings learn to be patient and stand firm in faith just as the farmer SWS his seeds and patiently waits for them to grow and bear fruit you must learn to trust God while in your waiting period remember that God's ways differ from yours and he knows what's best for you if the blessings are yet to manifest then it's not time but you can be rest assured
that his promises will come to pass God's words never go out and return to him void they must accomplish the purpose for which he sent them forth so Delight in the Lord and watch him give you the desires of your heart hold on to his promises to you in his word and declare them daily in faith remember you serve a God who never fails as you do so your blessings are coming you just hold on a little long longer let us pray dear gracious Lord the creator of the universe I worship you you are the
giver and sustainer of my life I lack words to appreciate your goodness over my life thank you for your Mighty hand of protection that always exempts Me From Evil thank you for divine provision in my life and that of my loved ones thank you for this great opportunity to learn from you today I Lift Your Name high above every other name merciful god I plead your mercy over my life for every sin I've committed please let your mercy overshadow every judgment upon my life it is of your mercy that I am not consumed because your
compassion never fails thank you merciful god for forgiving me ever righteous Father in Heaven I am here today to hand over my life to you I acknowledge that every good good and perfect gift comes from you thank you for the many blessings you bestowed on me in times past I've never had any reason to lack and I see that as proof of your hand workk in my life thank you for the blessings that I see coming my way I am forever grateful thank you for all the open doors you've set before me despite my limitations
I enjoy your Divine provision whenever people look at me they see your blessings all around me I acknowledge that sometimes I get discouraged when my prayers go unanswered but I trust that you know what's best for me help me recognize the small blessings that may go unnoticed and give thanks for them all I pray for discernment and wisdom to recognize when you are at work in my life give me the spirit of faith and patience to know that you're a faithful God who never fails to fulfill his promises you've always provided for me in ways
I can't fathom and I know this time won't be an exception your word reminds me that you're God of abundance and desire to bless your children with good gifts I claim that promise over my life today and I know that you're faithful in fulfilling all that you've promised help me be a good Steward of the resources you've entrusted to me give me the wisdom to use them in ways that honor and glorify you Give Me A Generous Heart and instill in me the willingness to give when I'm in a position to above all Lord I
lift my hands in praise and thanksgiving for all you've done for me I know that you're God who Delights in blessing his children may your blessings flow abundantly in my life may I be a living testimony of your grace and mercy shining your light for all to see I walk in faith and obedience trusting in your un failing love thank you Lord for hearing and answering my prayers amen if this video impacted your life please like comment subscribe and share
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